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Approved For Release 204klQ6.:CIA-RDP90-00610R0001002 17 "-'o: 1914S V `.?~J+ Iki ' rY r4y ~..r-.Lt J. i+ vt SzUb nets 1r oo.w,~, ,s for Centraa. Into a ? r t,=Ce i_g r.L.y. &.U IGJc- "Cel' : zry of z,gx ha.* dir i+4 rA that , v,e c tee ap xwir.Lnd by Mr,- by rirccttt'o dctocl 2 .:, tnt r 19L5 `4t eonz-'. for ttp1it rtxo in-Ewterz ti.5 rc vrmcd ?der thn eh r ^sri e:' tj:-, sc?rA,:,, ofAit.-cr, with. taro'iti. ! of s ~cjscntaitivo ; of U'r; ,sffi=.:O z..Gr the riL g It in believed, lawever, th--t ~, these matters are not of rufficix:' The principal arguments in. f vor o ft1~ol tii to eIke con,31CLe ttt state Depz rtmcnt proporc- ., with such Modifications as May be obtained by negotiation, are as follows: that course will Permit the prompt egtrbliah a>it Intelligence Authority , i h c issue directives to t3-e istir., a ciee end thus perriit intelll,r,cne work t.h carrierd on while the organ nistatloIL 120 latiopa1 Intelli',c -ce tiuthe items bring cro::ted on th hobosii.s of experience. Approved For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RD ~~00100100200010-4 Approved-For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100200010-4 U. Since legislation will be required within r year if an independent age y is to be established, as contc plated by the Wcr Dcppartment Flan, it is cc'vicable to have some fore of national authority established, a.s promptly as poeoiblo in order to ` .n no r uch experience au possible before submitting l'gfelat1on. Z. The State Der rtnc=:tt t .: opoaa1 probably allow a n tionc,l authority to get un c-rw% with less publicity reel controversy in the pa?ers than would be involved in the 0"tabli.shmcxt of an independent P-garurr. 1 ccepte ce of the Ztatc Depsrtnent ?rlan would avoid a co.-v',roverrsv between the Mate Department on the ono had and the War a:,d l:a Departments on the other hn--q , which would require reforenc to the Preside zt for COMM. nt. if . /fi=r. Mcuorrct or come other State D rtaent official is to be given the job of chief execntire officer of the National lnteigeno /uthority, it n - be preferable to pcraiit him to function, at leant at the out-act, under the type of or, rii-zation which he fav;ro, rather than one irmoeod on him by t^s War and lTav;r Depa tents. This *411 allow the clear fi::i:.g of responsibility in the event of the + tzcceac or failure of the orgpnizaticn during the -preliminary phases. Approved For Release 2003/06/09"7CIA-R[P9L1 0{}6 orkooo100200010-4 Approved.-For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-O(1610R000100200010-4 d+. if it is decide) to ,wept the St&te 1)6p GMe ,t PropoRQ? n principle, there certain concescioo.:3 which ehorad be These concessions are ac gollOtct:: The c1ateme t or functions of the U tional lntoll i.g + e -} rity ayhrtuld be rondel to -provide that yntheatws v ad e ;~lu?itir:.. on a r .tranll level 6110, direct pxoC12 a ct o,7 {'.ellige zco by foreign eopicras.go sud co ntteD e piono are recot heed. as f'E notions of the latiora1 lntelli snce Authority, t:abSeot to the right of the Authority to direct that &,T of such operations show.=-. bt t1.e:centra llsed If that aourace appears More ,s* rcpri&te at any time; Thin ib & nt will previde the National lntel,ligenae Authority ulth cuUtentiasll, the sans riscig.-., as that cont+ date by the War I+eprxtmsnt plan. If the mission is aleer17 defined, it is believed that the erg ni ze.tiou will evolve events lly into the type best fittest to the acco pllabment of the mtseion? A provic-ion sho lct be inserted in the t+cvort ck plan to the effect that the 37+ tive eeerctca%,r th all convi,el-er the a lviasz%hiltty of legislation establishing an 4ndepe ndent central Intelligence A-Coney uniar the diree ,ion of the Authority, with. an inciependet budget, and shall ate recos endations, thereon to the 4uthorit7. This will prev nt the 'tax and Navy De rwnents from being forecloe c3 on the matter of organisation and will it the organi mtion Approved For Release 2003/06/06 CIA-RDP90-0061 O}ROQQ00200010-4 ~. ire Approved For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-0061OR000100200010-4 RID ft.& (page 9) Q. Paragraph 12 of the McCorna.ciz_proposaj, 'dealing with Advisory Groups, should be modified to provide that there shall be only one Such groin, which cha11 have generally the Composition and functions of the Uational Intelligesxco Board as outlined. in the dt'? ar epsrtmeat plan. This modification is thought necessary to insure h t the chiefs of the intelligence agencies of the several departments will actively support tho Authority. Ait-a This amendment is added. .t the suggestion of General Brownell, who considers it vitally necessary. Appro\ dFor;Rel.ease 2003106/06.: CIA-RDP90-0061.OROO0100200010-4 Approv~d-for Release 2003/06/0?ir ( IA-RDP90-0061 OR000100200010-4 :..:4: G 41t~ , A to be rL:;tujio.i 4nd develoi:eci ill rile liJi,1 of Expe, ie:rice.4 ,szua-- in that F~ deeisi_:1 i:, r'ri e to proceed on the of the c orz act propost;l, it Is F;eiieved to t t. c ezsicns. siaoul'. be svut;s,t ha vi.' M.att.-;r.:, Lu, t}it.t the War i eparti ttt cr: r fiord to cccept the :tt:,to fe;;Fi.ri..'J::nt po it r.t the o-,,t:zf t in ta. re::_ect:. 6. The 13tate t et,art -r.t Fro >>sc.l, even ;?:itj coace.;iiona from the t ri: yupartteat On a A L,-e irlcip:L-j difference:; re`~-- rt-d Lo in j ?ara Cr LPil 3 V : oVe, wi1J. :,U-I nc1._ be the ecluivilent of the ar L;epexti.c at pica, p articuicri.,y is v4.,, mctte.r of irlccepen-- deices fro. the cxiati:;b Gcvera2ra;;nittJ. dept--taicnta a:no in the ra..tter of proctnoncnt znc. co=ntrol of 1;er::c lel, In deteri..i:iuc wnet er to accept the ;.:cCarlaack pitta, ri .: c-;Uceosioast or to i.n.Us t u....?n cucept ace of the ? r -D::1,artient the a t-itu::de. . ,~c.c rt~r i. iF of ti:c.. Navy ?kacul. te co.lsicered. The dav3 Lep&.rt..:eat/i# --.x.f.. the opinion that the 1%,L r r.nid ,.;Lvy :,apart:,2ents thou. ti insist U.::-r'a the tar Depart teat plan : rid that trio mat ts r s Approved For Release 2003/06/1 CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100200010-4 ApprovediFor Release 2003/Q60::DP90-0061 QF2000100200010-4 c a shoves and that if 1 r. ttcCormsck ref ses to male such concession, the Secretary of 'War and the secretary of the IT-N7 join in submitting the Lar Department plan directly to:-"the President for hic approval. after notifying the State Department that such action is to be taken. This recon enda.tion to made in the interest of ref.ching an agreement. although the Committee believes the liar bepartmen.t plan is preferable to the plan, proposed by the State Department. even with the concessions sp{cified. That the Secretary of War Join with the Secretary of the Iaey in submitting the War Department plan directly to the-President for his approval, after notifyin ; the State Department that such action is to be taken. Approved For Release 2003/06/06 CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100200010-4 Approved For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100200010-4 MEMORANDTJ RECONVENING THE WAR DEPARTMENT INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE The McCormack revisions to his plan did not suit the Secretaries of War and Navy. The former thereupom reconvened the earlier committee in the hope, as the memorandum points out, of "perhaps arriving at a compro- mise decision." The next.succeeding paper, which is a draft of the committeets report, indicates that compromise was not looked upon with favor. Actually the committee felt, in spite of the guarded language, that the McCormack plan was a complete mistake, and they hoped that the Secretaries of 'War and Navy would discard it completely. Approved For. Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-0061OR000100200010-4