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Approved For Release 2003/04/23 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100170014-4 CONGRESSIONAL BEG 3RD 6 June 1949 "Mr. THOMAS Of Utah.`?''I Yield, if by so doing I am not taken, oIX the floor.. Mr T3~]NQB. = Mr =President. I::ask unanimo = nsent; -that `the ;Senator from Utah maiietd,' without losing' the floor thereby, .fore consideration of.> a conference: reiiart ;In. which'.the-- Senate ;viewpoint-. Jiae rbeen. adopted by the House. T ~cox~fere ice report is. onr the a ?i the Dovo ctrairl ; t i ere_ oob eec.. y _ _ i the.'rlgh' to object;-do r correctly bo -sLase=.;nat .th e?B thate vlewpolntr.wag acceded to by=tba"Rouse? = Mr ;TYDINt: ,Then House' acceded LANanet a 0. S.iseoaa, FnsNCn R. HAW" a, L. C. AasNOa, Managers on the Part of the House. ooiection'to the consideration of the re- port? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the report. Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, r ask the Senator from Maryland to make a brief statement respecting the report. Mr. TYDINGS. Mr. President, the Senate will recall that at the instance of the Senator from ,North Dakota [Mr. LANGER], two small amendments of in- terpretation were placed in the bill. One was for the purpose of providing a wider check on immigration; the other confined the activities of the organiza- tion to external matters. - The House adopted both amendments, which the :.cue report was reaa. as rouows:,' R The committee of conference on the dis a agreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. B . Ho 2863) to provide for the administration of snor,, eater -:nu ana wee conference, have KS, and U. b. broadcasts were ordered agreed to recommend and do recommend to No pursuant to section 102, National Security inching, Virgin Islands, Alaska, private . Act of 1947. and for other nia nu. 1-1__ 1 r their respective Houses as follows: - That the House recede from its disagree- Bit meat to the amendments of the Senate 1008, to define the application of the Federal Trade: Commission Act and the Clayton Act to certain pricing practices, was passed, and to request that House return the bill. Pages 7391--7392 CIA: Setlatc, adoptcd_conference.report o. _to provides foe' ration Approved For Release 2003/04/23 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100170014-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/23 : CIA-RDP90-0086%%MU AI:4 eSseai :> atives by Mr Swaisson,,: one'oi of,the two Houses on. the-amendments 0 vide for the administration .0- the cent 7 Juste 1949. . ORD gate and adopted- by the ecnfereqs. f th k e e MAIM ' r The Cler read th tiWII o " 11 ` Ts Cherie obieetforrto ed colleague the gentleman.? vides that if any employee of the (entratif I 0 The SPEAEM l I eave n the rE 'the request of the ,gentleman from om Michigan [Mr. MICSSNERI was Intelligence Agency is, on an of the committee, reviewed the United States- he cannot be assigned to [a I t ti h . i - hr. , ne ee actice of s no ere duty outside the agency t staying deportations w ecti=m bill was introduced ,and it was decided intention of the agency to use these ens The Clerk renc t eort and st. t.unless- the Member who introduced. CFoi conference r repport and si ployees for duty within the ffaitedl Stag proceedings of House of June d,. a bill requested. a: hearing,, and- we so other than within the agency, : ? a:re 1949) otifled the-, Immigration Service, the simply : brought back here for;.t-#og -'Mr. SASSCER. Mi'; Speaker I e'ld r 2 roeee dings would continue. It was only and so, on, as the functions are carried on. xminutes to the gentleman from New York those cases where it was apparent that in. the continental. United States e Member intended to vigorously press The other amendment provides that M :iMr, MaaceNTONi0 r the. enactment : of. the private legis- addition to the approval of the b ttorney 4'Mr. MARCANTOMO..3dr~ 19peal?rr 'axoaa r. a ` J'! M rag tro inn ,f .a + DUO- '~'boc aE %k-OWOr4VA 3av~- aa'1- taPm gq"n 0X~asP vs -RDP90-0 tTRPMW4&h41P O L June 191+9 valved? mr- 1 X -W., The &nafe vt'ew- point was adopted by the House? : Tr_ TYDINGS. Tha to correct. Mr. CRY, rhave no 'Wectton. The P6:: OFkWM7.,'ba question" is on aareefn$td theeonfesence report: The report was a?seetto.. 1Lr. TY G&._' M President,.I a ssnantusovs: cs neat; bat. the matter debated Taft-Hartley repeal and ado ted conference re its on CIA and Far~~a?~1 ..,M:.. 110- _ North Atlantic Pact and bills on anti lynching, Virgin Islands, Alaska, private claims and immigration, public works, and U. S. broadcasts were ordered reported to Senate. Bills regarding Swiss war claims, drug labeling, and the District of Columbia approved by House committees. Conferees reach agreement on mining claims bill. House passed.38 bills. Approved For Release 2003/04/23 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100170014-4 roo8, to define the application of he Federal Tr if- Commission Act and the Clayton Act to certain pr , i;: practices, was passed, and to request that Ho4 ise rer:, -r} the bill. Pages 734. a- fir CIA: Senate adopted_conferer}~e.re rt.on.l~.1Z,, t t to prime for administration ol"'` Waal~clig a~.:e ... uv PO puwr'006igtOO:JO 2 Pied Qq F=, 'Wsiao or ro Pe4edoid atie ago, Io 3.isd ou gy s eireuS U03 4s 49i.719tuo;do usli~id10 ri! qa3 8uianp q uagm 9I 11aasyq pus 8asna u ZO; am3asdaa ae,b eq, o3 Paaa .d seliy V u8 q tI pi asaS Paiiun 0113 zTs~e -ai?has ti a q, Io eUIisia I(e so uau 11.L 4 tisga tans I 3uaalad 2a gs 519t Io tins egg tUiyy'sIlOdseutr1 Io 3oti 6.tnsaa a euzo~ 'Aa}eladoadds asf&i9q4o bit PO oanp Aus ez ro Qta Io ono 6gd Io 6aslaaaa$ a P~tao" n 9 si Sanseaay aq~ qI. 4ggy '?aIa ?Pa~pua ';} a8 . ~IJaI~ aq~ uo :smolto, su 'I[iq all; Pena d3oa cio ou 5uiaq a.Ialtg, suI3b"y 3Jago'j 1o ( 08 . 'N 'H) I av1 Pan17-Mal aril Jo; $ + ttie l:t1a aot.V Hs, , sa winst, ? aiitirme MARCA2r1,1I IC asked awd '+ " the tiiaaac art f years ago. when our . scope or substance of t e l One peo-5 c given permission to revise and extend his? distinguished colleague the gentleman vides that if any employee of the Centraa remarks.) from Michigan [Mr Mir-ER) was ' I . ntelligence Agency is on leav i th ene 7 Mr.. SA; ER. Mr. Speaker, I yield chairman of the committee, reviewed the United States; he cannot be assigned tc minutes to the gentleman from Penn- ti f i t prac ce o ay s ng deportations where dttidh uy ouse te agency. It is not the Sylvania [Mr. WALTSRI a bill was jntrodpced, and It was decided ' intention-of the agency to use these em- '.- Mr,. WALTER.- Mr Speaker, I ask that unless the Member who introduced ployees for duty within the United States unanimous consent- to proceed out of or ,.- the bill requested a? hearing, and we so other than within the agency They are der : '~ 3 notified the I i t mm gra ion service the , The SPEAKER. ''s there objection to simply brought back here for tx suing- #,he~ requestuof the gentleman from Dean proceedings would dontinue. it was only and so o7n,aSthe functions are carried on e req e . ' In those cases where it was apparent that In the continental United y States. the?Member Intended to vigorousl i s The other. amendment provides that in ,There was no objection?, ;* ;~, ~ ., F eg s ld t de t ti on on wou be awyed. .. General?on;the admission of aany of these oclioquy whieh.took place in the otlaey por a " a body several days ago s: Senator, in -However', that Is not the. practice In the- aliens wise?may be brought in because boas-: ' veal days ago a, as to ':;other. body .;_ There it Is necessary only '?.. of their hpotential security value the k to introduce a bill in order to stay de ' alien muskalso be approved by the Corn- reason , why the Attorney -' General g ,portation. Incidentally, there have been w: mission er of Immigration " recommendation pertaining to suspen- e? b f num er o cases where the House has The bilIwas carefully considered is the sion of. deportation was not being acted refused to intercede, and even after bills on in the=House. Thew-reply was that `t have beeir Introduced and unfavorably, _committee; ; un lmingiy Ithe Hot i3. and the House was not `going along with the acted upon by our committee, a Senator eatand spells out- out In o the functions of policy of the? Senate., The fact of has introduced a bill, and the deports the Central the C unctns of matter is that, under existing law where entral Intelligence Agency, and at- matter tion of some alien who, In the Judgment the Attorney General suspends the of the House Judiciary to build up a career service. deportation of an alien under section aiy Committee ought - Mr. Speaker, I move the previous goes to be deported, has been stayed. 19 (c) of the L Immigration ~Act- of tayed. Lion Mr. McCORMACS- Mr. Speaker will .-- as amend d i e ; it s incumbentt on each body to review that action thus taken, the gentleman yield? The ?previous questfon owns `a dered. Mr, WALTER. I yield The SPEAKER The question is on and unless each body affirmatively ap Mr, McCORMACB Of course, when agreeing to the conference report. proves of such suspension of de t por a- Lion, then the deportation is proceeded yU aiwruuuce uuese puns, is taxes quire with. At the last, session of the Con- along time to have reports received from wrth. Alir pi+sessi the appropriate agencies. That is cor uue ? rrt, is it not? gentleman from Maine [Mr. FmLOws] Mr. WALTM_ Yes. intr d d l o uce egislation which hd th ae Mr. McCORMACK. I do know that It -Purpose of giving each body . the au- has created a rather compromising sit- -thority to review the action taken by uation for Members of the House who the Attorney General, but did not make have introduced a bill' to know that that it Incumbent on the House as well as the of itself does not stay the deportation Senate to act affirmatively. The House until an opportunity has been had to of Representatives at this session passed receive reports sought and hearings held. practicallj the same bill. In an informal Mr. WALTER. I do not. think the conference attended by the ran:;ing Is In is correct that, because, it members of both sides of the Committee- gentleman on the Judiciary, it was agreed that a bill Is ll bill and a request is made either body would have the authority to of the Judiciary Committee, then the object to the Attorney General's ruling committee notifies Immigration and' -)ut that neither body would be obliged Naturalization fiervice, and all proceed- ::o act affirmatively. The Senate is ings are stayed until. action has been adamant in its position, but my bill, taken on the bill. I. R. 3875, similar to the Fellows bill Mr. McCORMACK: I am glad to hear jf last year, is now pending In the Senate that, because that clarifies an honest -ommittee on the Judiciary. Recently misapprehension thai- existed in my suggested a compromise amendment mind and must have existed in the minds :o this bill and I sincerely hope that of other Members. We all have com- he other body will bring about its early munications on this subject at some time passage, thus helping to. break the log- or another, perhaps two or three times a am. We want to retain the power to year, and, frankly, I have written to object to the Attorney General's rulings, friends of mine stating that while I would nut the House does not want to be obli- be glad to introduce a private bill and sated to act affirmatively on nearly 2,000 ases per session. Certainly it seems to ne that Members of Congress, both of he House and Senate, should know what he real situation Is. , Mr. VORYS. Mr. Speaker, will the entleman yield? Mr. WALTER. I yield Mr. VORYS. This may not be on the ame subject, but I wanted to know whether these is a practice now to stay eportations in cases where bills are atroduced: I understand there was a ractice for many years but that prac- i~ a Itt der ftif[ew th iniini submit it to the committee, and I have asked them to give me the evidence In affidavit form to present to the subcom- mittee, that they had better get some- body on the other side to introduce a bill to get a stay of deportation. It has been rather embarrassing. From now on I will utilize the information the gentle- man has given me, and relieve that em- barrassment to which I have been sub- jected. The SPEAKER. Zrhe time of the gen- tleman from Pennsylvania has again expired. The question was taken; and on a division (demanded by Mr. MAacAi -rosin ) there were-ayes 74, noes 0. The conference report was-agr- ed to- A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. - HIGHLIGHTS Senate passed State, Justice, Commerce appropriations. House passed International Children's Fund bill, 57 private bills, and cl2aMd Federal Property and Administrative Services Act. Senate groups acted on general consolidated appropriations measure, and on B-36 inquiry resolution reported to the House; hearings...opened.Qrt new armed. Central Intelligence Agency: House adopted confer'-1 ence report on H. R. 2663, to provide for administration [ of. Central Intelligesnce,Agency , ;. aai=iFx , - Approved For Release 2003/04/23 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100170014-4 07 7risea 7 aauil7 aq V Vi4171L~,J+71 ~'!' C~L~ K ' '.J(~~? 01 OTT; [ 47uaa7sga ri7uaa7X7g 7xis 78a4i atl7 a Ell up-~asan 6 June 19- 9 ri7noa 7 IS-9, aO V ftd-F.r -~ F CIA-RDP90-0061ORO001T6i~Ti014-4 q79 T41 do pasaM 0 soil ri7nos q o eouag7 104 , uraol 9 tto CB al[uaz 7 duolg Oas 10 ri71ou 8~r d w + ' ri7noa aqua IIil 47ttael,rie ri 08 aeIIgt -tru tll Y d .'a: ;' ri74 a ril jp 1111T7 tnnoe a xis UVIA O sao nos II 7 I r aII OT71.w tratil, a aaeutoa a7n0a 01 47noe or U,47 jo qrq am 07 7a to IIo7 ~ Io aal;uao 0 31 ri r+?" "t?- committees were delivered to the Clerk for printing and reference to the proper calendar, as follows: Mr. DURHAM: Committee of conrerence. R. R. 2888. A bill to provide for the admin- istration of the central Intelligence Agency, established pursuant to section 102, National Security Act of 1847, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 725). Ordered to be printed. Mr. MADDEN: Committee on Rules. H le 1 __ - Bills Reported: Reports were made as follows: Conference report on H. R. 2663, to provide for the administratio,i of the ;Central Iatell}geucc Agar, (H. sentati !' es I ttlte~l p t'tG the President, for his approval, a bill of the fourteen pnvate bills, H. R. 5012-5025; and one resolu- tion, H. Res: 239, were introduced. P.... 7439,745a-7459 LANeiML G. Seeecas, FxsNCZ R. HAVZNNYa, L. C. 6aaxns Cane. a. MaTON." Managers on the Part of the House. Bills Introduced: Fifteen public bills, H. R. 499-5oi1; Approved For Release 2003/04/23 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100170014-4 Mr. SAS for-other puurposes:;,, pursuant= to(: section. 102, National Security Act of 847; and for other purpo~ having .met, after,, tpIl and free contaaence,' have agreed to recommend and do, recommend to ; their,respectlve Housess, at follow,: T)mt the'House recede from its disagree inert to.?theamendments of the Senate.num- Manauers on- the Part oft7iei-House ". to section 102, National and for other purposes dered to be printed. iyt~~tt~e~~e on Rules,. Hotly The managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of 1 the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. It. 2663) to provide for the administration of the Central Intelll= gence Agency, established pursuant to eec- tion 102, National Security Act of 1947, and for other purposes, submit the following statement In explanation of the effect of the action agreed upon by the conferees and recommended in the accompanying confer- ence report: Amendment No. 1: The House bill provided that oicers and employees of the Central 1Prags~ 7439, 7458-7459 Intelligence Agency who are in the continen- tal United States on Ieave should be available 1 for work or duties in the agency or elsewhere: ~ as follows: The Senate amendment provided that officers, to provide for the or employees of the Agency who are in the continental United States on leave should be f vlG.A Ilt~f available for work or duties only in the Agency or for training or for reorientation '1,1 for work. The conference agreement adopts the provisions of the Senate amendment. Amendments Nos. 2 and 3: The House bill provided that whenever the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Attorney General should determine that the entry of a particular alien Into the United States for permanent residence Is in the interest of national security or essential to the further- ance of the national intelligence mission, such alien and his immediate family could be given entry into the United States for-per- manent residence without regard to their Inadmissibility under the Immigration or any other laws and regulations and without re- gard to their failure to comply with such laws and regulations pertaining to admissi. bility. The House bill limited the number of aliens admissible under-ouch authority to not more than' 100 In any one fiscal year. The effect of Senate amendments Nos. 2- and 3 was to add the Commissioner of Immigra- tion to the officials who would determine s, H. R. 4997-5011; 5; and one resolu- tt& a t he s approval, a bill of the owing title: Approved For Release-2Q JQ'O_lA-RDP9 CONGPWSS ONr L ? CC ': ) 6 June 1949 HOUSE Approved For Release 2003/04/23 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100170014-4 CONGRESSIONAL F 'CO 9 March I94a ,' {R11 merlin ~~ .. . ..~ .....,,~, Bs are open unless otl~eru, de.u grated ) en om - e on eppropriaVans ex deft ' e~tive i r ation Fon I. R. 265 first ~F t ,fit ztF s, ro a m., morn 39, Capitol. lutexecutive, on nominations, and Ser Build r Under o ? owl bn~~3?' 9T a1~ ln.Zay systems, am t feast, S. 377, regardin u 11 " ~ .~ 8 2 c 4 Indianapolis, 5, Marine Band atteenda Crat Alin Committee on ace at GAR Ban in R in g and Currency control extensiona k sub , , c Committee on F', nances, 30r Senate Offi omiittee on rent . IL Building, reciprocal-trade agreement, , estcutivq on H. r ua mrnittee. on Labor and'sna in., 3r2 Senate =Office uilon of i d ft' Provisions of + ""` u'rn'ttt on eras Act, r? a. mJ'"' r dent's cut-back of veterans h26 C it atht Fair Labor Sta and- '1OOm I'-26 Capitol; subcommittee on Presi- Building. als' Committee on P ost Office and Ciai! Servi ce o x , e stal ecutive si Fstu$d rvil p ci ke S rates, . S'S pa, appointment of Posy- cq rf' 4,q Q y increase for heads Approved For Release 2003/04/23 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100170014-4