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Document Release Date: 
March 28, 2003
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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1955
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PDF icon CIA-RDP90-00610R000100160017-2.pdf408.98 KB
-1955 ,` COIVG12, 5IONAL RECORD HOUSE 4+661 through pleasantly. kota: Family housing. $1,428,000. Community facilities. and family t,ousang, St te n Vi i t rate aaa, a , a6a.,t-. -. ,axa- - n sure we can -1 will try to restrain my- "a .~ ~,_ _a._~___ r __,_ .a +t $509.000? munity facilities, storage facility, and opera- the'; bill introduced today : to end this and maintenance facilities and utilities, $1,- "(Corps of Engireera) 000 Strike Which is causing so much discom 933 . . fort in this city will be given considera- "Frankford Arsenal, Pennsylvania; UtiU "Army Map Service, Maryland: fro,-ra- tio l i t f ilit d $62 000 na an enance ma n ac . y, ties. 8855.000. Lion? Is latitioeon any before prospect getting. "Lordstown Ordnance Depot, Ohio, "Fort Belvoir, Virginia: Troop Housing, that legislation the of th House? 7500000 0 community facilities, resear~-'h and develop- Mr. McCORMACIL The gentleman ational and maintenance facilities, 8875,. Ord ment facilities, operational and maintenance `Pueblo Ordnance Depot Colorado: Oper- -_--_m- __-_ --_-----_-- -_~_--_-, -,-_-, inentarian than L 000. 608,000. ' Mr. HOF,F'MAN of Michigan. My, "Red River Arsenal, Texas: Operational Granite City Engineer Depot Iilirl.lle: i ng. "Redstone Arsenal' Alabama: Research away hous words taken. down. The statement is And develonment facilities and re-?nit- "Marion Engineer Depot. Ohio: .3toragp- n0G accural.e. - facilities, $2,835.000. A T~ !' - facilities and utilities. $1,143.000. The SPEAK'E'R! The gentleman from "Rock Island Arsenal. Illinois: Operational "(Transportation corps) a.aa, r ar pupa., that when the House adjourns today. it .+yu ___Y "Rossiord Ordnance Depot, Ohio: utilities, 11.055.000. -.__.. - .. v ............. ... ...v.n..-vr. ra a....rib aw.... ua.a.u, u,..n,-,.~ ITTI'ERIM AUTHORITY _ TO THE "Sierra Ordnance Depot, California: Opera ical facility, and operational and raaiate- standing "Wingate Ordnance Depot, New Mexico: munity the adjournment of the House (acuities, storage facft, acct op- until Monday next,-the Clerk be author- lOperational and maintenance facilities, erational and maintenances facillt.ies, 11,- izecl to receive messages Irom the Senate "(quartermaster-Corps) Fort Story, Virginia., tllttiea, $41,00 weaker be authorized to y, nd +hnt th e a found true enrolled. Operational - and maintenance facilities, . 'T'K cnRre>z-W= T. +x.... nhiacfinn +., 5174 non- . "William Beaumont Army itospita. T \as:. AR'Y, NAVAL, AND AIR FORCE uy housing, 899.000. - - - trict of Columbia: Hospital facilities end re- INSTALLATIONS "New Cumberland General Depot, Penn- search and development facilities, ?,557?t100. Mr. VIIVSON submitted the following syavanaa. ramlay nousang, eaoe,uw. . - r aria purses racxucies "Sharpe General Depot, California: Utlli- "(First Army area) conference report and statement on the +ie and. fam,l , x, .,e,. , *337 non s r. 1083.) 000. - ties, and family-housing, $6.698,000- Coxr.h. ,.vaanxxa..v,cz ,++- of RWroat r (H (H. .r Rap>n-t,. o No... the .i,e_ "Deseret Chemical Depot, Utah: Mainte- `'Fort Jay, New York: Waterfront facill n .~- amendment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 000. "Fort Niagara, New York:: toragc facilities, -- That the House recede from its disagree- tton, 83,000. - "Fort Knox, Kentucky: Troop boouzabng, meat to the amendment of the Senate and "Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado: Oper- training and administrative facilities, com -agree to the same with an amendment as attenal and maintenance facilities and utili" munity. facilities. medical ^-acilitiss, not-ra. -zrrr.E r tional and maintenance facilities, $303,000. munity facilities, training and medical fa- IS=. 101. The Secretary of the Army Is 'Tbrt Huachuca, Arizona: Airfield pave- cilities, and operational- and maintenance tuthorized to establish or develop military ments, community facilities, storage facill- facilities, $923,000. installations and facilities by the acquisition, ties, operational and maintenance facilities, "(Third Army area) construction. conversion, rehabilitation, or 'utilities, troop housing, and family housing, - installation of permanent or temporary pub- $5,913,000. Fort Benning, Georgia: Troop housing.. . lie-works in respect to the following projects, ? "Lexington Signal Depot. Kentucky: Main-' community facilities, training and lutuxinia- which include site preparation, appurte- tenance facility, and family housing, $538,- trative facilities, medical -facilities, at,"N age nances, and related utilities and equipment: 000. facilities, operational and :natnten:+nce fa- "Continental United States "Fort Monmouth, New Jersey: Community cilities, and family housing, $10,391.00),, '-rechnical Services Facilities facilities, $615,000. "Fort Bragg, North CarolLla: Troop i -us- "Sacramento Signal Depot, California: ing, community facilities, training and ad- "(Ordnance Corps) Troop . housing, maintenance facility, and ministrative facilities, medical facilitiee, dr- "Aberdeen Proving Ground. Maryland: family housing. $715,000. field pavements, operational ant": lnsil,te-~ Troop housing, community facilities, utilities, "Tobyhanna Signal Depot, Pennsylvania: nance facilities, and famiir housuxg, 815,- and family housing, $1,736.000..- Troop housing, $649,000. 659,000. . Approved for Release 2003/04/23 : CIA-ROP90-0061 OR000100160017-2