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pproved For Rele ae 2003/03/ . r~r ? 4th J 4 ?-.} ~~ 17Juno 1)4? :yu:~~aaxs ,:,~;rrcrw~x3s ?~d.1;~s~: 3?c: alsbu:rtti4t:o,nte- tnhich Sri not in i cc.c,rwarce * t., pock.1 ru:uig 1. 1Y! L.iA LAelo pro ~r1 ?.h ~~ (r,:\Ir-?li'i .0 tta ca,# 3,ktbs: ?~ n w ;.i.'.` : u a G aritlri-Lir, : of t~.t4 ,,cC i I hit 1 is ?3o uic; t 1~ :aw ~ . 1 :ca 2-A& nuat be st;-;` rove4a. th t t4YQ c dim a t.C: a u 11~ JOiVV,t'a s a :.1~~,,~ra 4 r~~;:r~o 4 cs :;. rtst:ltt.1'? iv not l u AE3: iti: sScY2V`!1 n Lt.?~, ~d++ iii~rl:r.;~ ::;teY.~.s:1 i`t:nth :.i ,'Etl Ci rz , 1FtklJ thti i>l.1'v~ct;4ir~ ~,;;"%y Pi;5,provi9 auch A bUratax::rri t3Y (,j Z: :'srs .r6ctor'tt ~, ~ su l is rc.;uLra:i, neat It be In vr it1n &m; aik v*l bi tfh' ? rt e Wur, yr cs ,~ rswcr, Imn-. ?c v4I bo In t.'*,* An' of. a. ~.L-1 ..11 kT .~c..' a?"Z V~lw +w .. .,~t1" ..r ?F ~. ~.Y ~.~ i aj 3u.lai yr ".v. 4={j ?? V. *rs ardor to rcta+*nt clesariy L}:o attuutle'ni it Lis du-ne4 d5s1ra!~1a to ou't11,no t?:a w.:; :ar l in ur.lchi ;' r~ci,al E tar.,ia ero ric,do avai1Abla to CI Fcr expaiAitur o. '?t;{ to tt,r :uta.l VU J 19 2 , by t. o ms':.:b :ru Of t': t:Gt~vrP l l tc111;;anaa ;nu?borit7f t:.v'~ o t-* TIN?Aau nnt3 L: t:o'~3ytt .lo:? -onorea V,.s?o r ',L'rAto to i3 t3 t`.a:)' a1. Yx {}:?a.ii; .:$ AV8.11rtb1 W ti Ir OtoI' - or cent/,Ai ' it;j.? w;~;73`t'via of the Tro amr, wla rt; ^SAt wil" Z t v i Y'ocp t 'o1).or " oar r l -.or-Lila- 7 t3tj p i:i ~Etili3r&1, l.""10 t ms co1i;'t Ituta : i7Eii'l U zi.!"r ad : 3' .bol 'Jo. a..a a7trxs3~ar l y to lo + ur voktc'r afA?:1roazt:a to t .o .:ow,c"`? trollar ;er.*ral, In %4Ach it rr a t,.t* t z o rlow DCA 1?17~,l of t'%O lApa!'tnonta wa rc rs ant, rl In ouv f.`ti;ymolty fit Tv:;?*)4 of t. fs "!a4.,'ao:3Fe a11to'lu-6 . s,?~iaOPt ttttt .;orit 'y a~ith~~;' ~.s t:~+f :'l: Q rto:?i retb-jt'rt to yt) I , E7 #3 caoY4t`;~+Gkho4 b t ty rt- j1.1t,13 ...n..a111t,s,neo Anti orlty, to co; tro3, ' aw,4rv3.aa cxt:l.,s- . it .vt 'r t to Opproved For Release 2003/03/06 L.+' -RDP90-0061-OROOQ100110009-6 .. ?I-Ouldontial DSrcctfva oS ~ . w.ZA,7 w$a 1~^~ ;.. rr1 voIuoci by tho or,~sr ^ `on or t:"_o c7~.ll Co .~u otoded "3:Ss, tocsin ono x~arcuto;3ly;ix~ o~ Con,, -0, an the L;c~r~ * ~d in ;o -o1n nz.3 c o'~: t4 F.il1, loco tha St:. ~.w~~ch tanc~ u3 ri L ' . . +o ~?;~~~s ~:Lit~he;? ~ ?c~:{,;,i ~o 4:c,cr. It 01114 to `)Oar. thc.t bJ Can , not by ::ccu.~ivo u~~tu ri= or,ti?itly the i n and i x t x ro 103 i to conti111;3 to fu7iCts4 50 or~3y on l3rc ~ , tf 5 t c M r-ori tho ~: . S.C. tta saault o% a :aquos:.f'a~or3,~ nci racof ondatlonz r,t sul Contral' TntA7 9 bv, u,! Approved For Release 2003/03/06 : CIA-RD 990-00610E -OOT1Oa'09-6 wOPZ. IV,:7 ctical rattor it is unl .ko1y that cuch ~roao.~c:inc~a LMot ;~ .itutc.3, an 1 If t c y ~roro t A. , tho? tacos cited by :Ycato that cueh procooclLr,4;c rotild bo not "1(100 d: It, ix1 bo ap-a; ; nt f:-o-m th o abovo Lhau tro c3^0: ;:on alcscv In orioia enop is t h-) polo rosponsibiltt.:;* oz tro ;~ir;sotc ' Central Intolljt;n:7co. Con'-rons 17no coon fit t o atren -t :?;Z )onitl6n jr, thin rcrcpoct in ~cstio:~ 30..^,?~, : ub~cooticn ;:, by :a:Ydlr.7 tho Diresctor of ConLa1 I t . n oiZorlco ^ot 1 ^~: row;, onaiblo for pro taotin - intollironco aourctaa and.-z-,3 t:;oda ~ unauthorized diaolosura ". 5. T o qu3oti on of c"Ployaan t:;:o r'.ilit bas oc:31od t'-Ion Coniroauio:xnl CO ittaaaor ot;t r ni;?orrcio3 to eotif c: ICJnco to tha poirta di?nct:o.,od abovo. Any coffirdoritin 1 1 ' wtlon pocsnococi b f L'hn:~ to in ti:o c w.a C:ato~.o: rn iri'cr -, S;C :r, racor(,c. At tlio tincr or c*~~rlol r nt t2 . hoy ra.ra rvmuii od to a: oath not to rovoul }uc.I intor: