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' ? ? ? - ApproNied'For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100050007-5 'Ur 103a'. &ma. Maxims ori. _ The following are . excerpts tM1,11', toeltrqta the .Hon Committee on Expenditures In, thy Pt Unification i_egisaztioni at which Vice Art,ital, 11,2,0.1:)y Tritnesst DM': (Rep. W. J. arjelt Corn, D.1, 3.0.) the Central. Intelligence Agency -- I xavy t??e p-corz, felt that if Admiral Kiimnel haei hproper ton, the attack on Pr3-itr1 ,flarbo3 would not have oct,A.I.:.4c-;( we would have been able to meet, it bet,tert rvorit do-you not think that this Central Inteit---Kenc.0 figst,r ; it warrant the passage cf this OL:, 1? ? RADFORD: of....,(, I think it ill cosi i Itnpo-rt, _ it is in eidtstence nue. It is alread( ru,totioning... Yes,, tv.-;-L It fitivt Xct need sonetirfilg- more trlan trtat. RADFORD: t,}-inic that it is,. I donit t?i tt. would cti,t Fri 3 bti.,:pl*, the powers e '. ,.... _ ? , You &mitt think that its report5:_t ITS ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' " ? '''' ' :':..,..? .::;".:,,, ' -., - :'' .' " . :'. .,.........--..... . . - 1.-4321d MIPAr-get 847 action?' ' - - '- - - -?-. . -? -' _ - I hardly think SO. S t rAnk it ...;.:. v. biTe the Agency. I think its naiad:2.1z of repcmts I. a:-.; _tt by the Director. I ira sure it 110/314 be. ' . ,,,.. Approved For Release 2002/10/31- :C1A-RDP90-00610R000100050007-5 MIPM.WINtiPF-Z;V-74441-11.41,900LItA:ok"",,t that'hiairingi, ra1Zahiri off f4 4 'backTto the office. Just before that he had apparent 4,314, ..3 of the, ecamitteas staff members about7appearing again before the (Ice Inittablin' .sesaion; for I beard her,saY, :"If the clreen:1 4wantLyati. to appear, we will let you know in. sufficient tizne? the, way back to the office, Zacharias remarked. to:Aortae trot . be= darat the hearings. Be added, hoverer, that his dto not kr that he should appear at, tcraorrowts hearings; _that be had ;:343t en 'the proposed CIO Enabling Act, and thus did not know ita ons and that posrdhly it contained acme of-the things be wan ; Wen went en to.say that he want,t;d?tee the ,otieJ tee add two functions to the CIA proviaLOns ok.the WU (.1. 406 POI of America program, and, (2) supervisory, authority over diattdc ter-intelligence.. Regarding the first, be said that ?,,,TM. thrown up-your hands when he had mentioned it to you. itolo.,ver, twAs added -that SOON= must take responsibility_ for the propec.untzle toi; .that-ithi-State Department would rever",make -a4uCcesa of &and ijla an -intelligence agency ? which p sedl the, necessary 1.:-Itelit eno. -coneerning a given country ? was-the logical. one to di-el; pro 41f,tx, -toward:that country. He remarked :Pail he dOnbted tpliat Cel eirez gulf or Admiral Frill enkoetter seanc:theldoture aa vhc$Iel.) -.; Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP00-00610R000100050007-5 ORGANIZATION .PROPOSED BY S-2044(REV) AND S-888 DEPARTMENT OF COMMON DEFENSE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF 14C. LGENCT COO PATS PMEC,Lv *Ito. OTR GO.LANMEkT iht) ,160. OGENCIS ? PRESIDENT COUNCIL OF COMMON DEFENSE SECRETARY OF COMMON DEFENSE UNDER SECRETARY SECRETARY SECRETARY SECRETARY SECRETARY SECRETARY CHAIRMAN OF OF OF OF OF NATIONAL STATE COMMON ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE SECURITY DEFENSE RESOURCES I BOARD I DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR RESEARCH AGENCY EDUCATION AND TRAINING AGENCY PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY AGENCY INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CHAIRMAN NATIONAL SECURITY RESOURCES BOARD Wembersh.p os Dratted by Pres.den!) EXECUTIVE SECRETARY AND STAFF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY AND STAFF SECRETARY FOR ARMY I / SECRETARY FOR NAVY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS SECRETARY FOR AIR FORCE COMDIG GEN. AIR FORCES AIR FORCE 00100050007-5