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January 22, 1946
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January 22, 1946 To The Secretary of State, The Secretary of War,, and The Secretary of the Navy. 1. It is my desire, and I hereby direct, that all Federal foreign intelligence activities be planned, developed and coordinated so as to assure the most effective accomplishment of the intelligence mission related to the national security. I hereby designated you, together with another person to be named by me as my personal representative, as the National Intelligence Authority to accomplish this purpose. 2. Within the limits of available appropriations, you shall each from time to time assign persons and facilities from your respective Departments, which persons shall collectively form a Central Intelligence Group and shall, under the direction of a Director of Central Intelligence, assist the National Intelligence Authority. The Director of Central Intelligence shall be designated by me, shall be responsible to the National Intelligence Authority, and shall sit as a nonvoting member thereof. 3. Subject to the existing law, and to the direction and control of the National Intelligence Authority t the Director of Central Intelligence shall: a. Accomplish the correlation and evaluation of intelligence relating to the national security., and the appropriate dissemination within the Government of the resulting strategic and national policy intelligence. In so doing, full use shall be made of the staff and facilities of the intelligence agencies of your Departments. b. Plan for the coordination of such of the activities of the intelligence agencies of your Departments as relate to the national security and recommend to the National Intelligence Authority the establishment of such over- all policies and objectives as will assure the most effective accomplishment of the national intelligence mission. co Perform, for the benefit of said intelligence agencies, such services of common concern as the National Intelligence Authority determines can be more efficiently accomplished centrally. d. Perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the President and the National Intelligence Authority may from time to time direct. 4. No police, law enforcement or internal security functions shall be exercised under this directive. 5. Such intelligence received by the intelligence agencies of your Departments as may be designated by the-National Intelligence Authority shall be freely available to the Director of Central Intel- ligence for coorelation, evaluation or dissemination. To the extent approved by the National Intelligence Authority, the operations of said intelligence agencies shall be open to inspection by the Director of Central Intelligence in connection with planning functions. 6. The existing intelligence agencies of your Departments shall continue to collect, evaluate, correlate and disseminate departmental intelligence. Th Director of Central Intelligence shall be advised by an 10. In the con uc Authority and the Director of Central Intelligence shall be responsible d d t of their activities the National Intelligence agen es o c security? as determined by the National Intelligence Authority. 8. Within the scope of existing law and Presidential directives, other departments and agencies of the executive branch of the Federal Government shall furnish such intelligence information relating to the national security as is in their possession, and as the Director of Central Intelligence may from time to time request pursuant to regulations of the National Intelligence Authority. 9. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the making of investigations inside the continental limits of the United States and its possessions, except as provided by law and Presidential directives. I. e Intelligence Advisory Board consisting of the heads (or their representatives) of the principal military and civilian intelligence i f the Government having functions related to national me s. for fully protecting intelligence sources an Sincerely yours, Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP90-0061 OR0001Q 030038-9 Section 5(a). There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary and appropriate to carry out the provisions and purposes of this Act. (b). Within the limits of such appropriations, the Director is authorized to employ persons and means and make expenditures, at the seat of Government and elsewhere, for personal services, rent, travel expenses, preparation and transportation of the remains of officers and employees who die abroad or in transit, while in dispatch. of their official duties, to their former homes inthis country or to a place not more distant for interment, and for ordinary expenses of such interment; rental of newsreporting services; purchase of or subscription to law books, books of reference, periodicals, newspapers, commercial and trade reports; purchase or rental and operation of photo- graphic, reproduction, cryptographic, duplicating and printing machines, equipment and devices, and radio-receiving and radio- ~^"" en9i$r.mo,nf on rY Am-K7-4 na . r>irn'hn as _ maintenance opera-ion , , ~I.- ~Y _,,,,,~ f? "' ?'.'-pr l l ` 'L _r7rnnerrv e n er- o ope e r orse pass h re o carrying vehicles and other vehiclesfland vessels of all kinds; printing and binding; purchase, maintenance and cleaning of fire- arms* (c) The Acts appropriating such suns may appropriate specified portions thereof which may be expended, (A) without regard to the provisions of law and regulations relating to the expenditure of Government funds or the employment Approved For Release 2006/10131: CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100030038-9 Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100030038-9 of persons in the Government service; (B) for objects of a confidential nature, such expenditures to be accounted for solely on the certificate of the Director and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the amount therein certified. SEPARABILITY OF PROVISIONS Section If any provision of this Act, or the applica- tion of such provision to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of this Act or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby. SHORT TITLE Section L. This Act may be cited as the "Central Intelligence Agency Act of 194f. Approved For Release=2006/10/31 : C-IA-RDP90-0061&R000.100O3Q438-9 Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP90-0061bR00010003{0038-9 A SILL FOR Tip. LSTA3LISIu.]l; i 07 A CEI-:TR!L IIT.TELLIcEPTCE hG TTC~' it enacted by the Senate and :souse of Representatives of tF e United States of America in Congress assembled, DEC'LARATTCN OF POLICY Section 1(a) , Experience in the two World Wars and the period between has shown that the acquisition and analysis of forein in- tellif ence solely by separate departments and agencies is inadecuate to in orm ? pro Orly the people of the United States and their repre- sentatives of the events, trends and plans in foreign countries, ti"r"Mich, if irno n, -al,-ht serve to avert armed conflict. The lesson thus learned is that foreign intelligence procurement must be coord- nated and its analysis centralized so that all sources and facilities may be utilized to their fullest potentialities. Accordingly, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the people of the United States that in order to assure the common defense and securit'r, the processing, analysis and dissemination of foreign intelligence shall be centralized and its procurement coordinated so as to keep-fulln- informed the proper officials of the Government, (b) Purpose of Act, It is the purpose of this Act tocarry nut Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100030038-9 Ap vedFor Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP907,-00610R000 0 0 Subject to policies established by the National Intelli intelligence agencies of the Government and may conduct intelligence e use of the facilities and services of the military and civilian "tee authority, the Ac-ency shall, to the greatest extent practicable, projects through, or in cooperation with, such agencies. All such -encies are hereby authorized to make such facilities and services in the conduct of its projects. (f) To the extent recommended by the national. Intelligence ' departments and agencies sha3.1 be made freely available to the functions of the Agency and (2) the intelligence possessed by su be open to inspection by the Director in connection with the plannin -'ions of the departments and other agencies of the Government shall r,_uthority and approved by the President, (1) the intelligence opera- .Director for correlation, evaluation, or dissemination. Approved For Release 2006/10/31 CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100.030038 7- Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100030038-9 .the (f, -' the OxUat ee maids "b~' -&04d the 8a- ail IntelU ene Antiasri appro .d ?br tho, r~eeid+e~t s`' _` ir~t 11 f ~encc~r cs e i tip s of;, t 'Y spar-tararits MS 0 in COMOOtItm with the and other agez ciew,af ; t GOTWnuaii-f ?ell the of for re1at3 mv-, swaiastim# e + s~at+Qmr~i suet a~. (1) Praoc zre necessary.;- aervicas, pp ies and equipment witbout ...' ixGe .',". .j. .1e!"-j.:.1'. ??ti~fl.cw :b ',n '~.'~ d *P'V?-Y1.4 l ~ regard to the provtsierS of Section 3709, BaTisead Statutes upon ew tification by the Director that such action is necesa. ry in n th* 4 - interest of the cos defe*iss and security or upon a. -wing that rd- Agency Agent - may t Section 3(a)a is the performance of its fbnctitmtt the S?r t' r?>-d to it .?_ .s $ s ?'4 ~vextistng is not ` reasaasably practicable, and partial and advance pa is $f1c~Z'1 ="`~ -{.fit? rr lG 1 i fl#j~+ ~+' S4rraj: irt -:rrwp" nay be made under contracts for such p%apose.p (2) pay living and quarters allowances or ia lieu thereof a salary differential to eapiayaes with headg mars located abroad., .~ ?._.;:. ,~,... - 1-.'?' ?y-;.eT='+':9+.'r+' ki.+ zR':S' ?Iti.`.ta~i4c?r~ =x Y~7 t ?',h,_43q? der such (3) gratuitous services and dispose or, free or otter- c"~" .,.- ~..~i'-~ :~ ~ ~~;~.2:.:~ :~at`?''~ ~`,r 3#''~' .*. ";stir "F.^w~t".~ ~ - r :._., siE# forth >3n -PAr*9MP " i t o " g h t of au may designate the rMCtr 1 IJ:Li' .n;. ~ ^?ti . 5 of Section 3(a~ mbovs - *i ~L(f ~h s .~ ~, #. _ 7'?^s =tw o(mil Ay~e~~r CSS a,,.,,.., sy ;,,, ~..k w?y v Y :.> a ~I.~vil0 e4 p op t* s to~be A..&-ti da') bisieby' stye and" Wises ss F be Ift""ssrY &P;"* 0 v s f_ ka y or this Act& *` 1'+h9 ' lfor Zed fx.~t ~R+1~4ri thw 48 4 S~uh p~~R'Dj~ ing expenses outside the United States without regard-to the Standardised employ pg a -ant ff .:1 turgs , at t pi's of s i gsftlfhiS'4 for s Sis5g` ?'FYI s roy,qrnment Travel Regulations and the Approved For-Release 2006/10/31 .':: CIA-R?DP9.p 7001 t00`k0063 ff38- ~4 Ir. .4 Per it Approved For ReIease-2006/10 CIA-RDP9b-D0O1'00000 1926, as amended (5 u. s. c ?827.-833) 3 ' Pre tiof Subsiatesnce pes s Act of es who die abroad of'officers :and emplo3na and traaaporation of the remains- their to their former tch' of official dutiesg or in transit, e in dispx far interment, sad for r - f ,... ~~. aca, more cii start hones .in this country or to a" no services; of such interment rental of. news po ing ordinary reterence, periodicale, pmcchase- of or subscription '`to law books books of ist and trade reports; pirchaae or rental and. operation ,pia ling and "1 "1 cpror3uatioa, of `phogP~ ~. t o+-sending and devices, and sdio-receiving` n,ces parstion, repair and hire of r ppezst, and., devises PUrchaae, s1 nteaa o vehicles and other wehidles aoto,pro,.U.d or horse.drags PasseU nd. "Ds sls of all kinder printing and bindingg;purchase,maintenance a a i uniforms, special clothing, and other perfonal' cl of fire wmeJP guard t or such other accomodations as my be egp1 t3 the cost of a compartment ..W fore '.-when authorise a *A -4 his design" authorised by the Director or secret documents or hsnd baggage "ontal ,errsnn el are r~lquired to trwumort ins ,ossified or eluable equipeey ti,gig such s e'may appropriate specified partiona (e) The Acts apm-oP of l thereof which be =pended, (A) without regard to the visions aw SOY ti ftn7de- or nditw9 of Goverlaaent to the eccpe .the regulations rely ng and aervicejI (B) for objects of a e ployment' of persona in the ooven~tent ~.. on tZze confidenti$7 nature, such eapenditarsa to be accounted for solely y - Certif irate of the Director end every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient vrnicher for the =07t therein certifieed . k Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP90-00610R000100030038-9 Be, i.t~ enacted'-=by=:"t ii Senat?- and House of. 9 2`x, en' F i o the.. United, States of'-taarica in Congress-, assembles ? ' at f olloil ems are - aporopri ated, out of any money it the - not .otherwise: approtriated, fork the- support of Salaries and exnenaes For- all- expenses necessar-v to for the .'i.acal year 'ending Tune 309, 1947t to tty s~ Tod7 -tc, .earry 'out-Sts- neti. on3l trsd aotI ? zi~ea 2udix~g salaries, Oft-A director at ,1 , t p r= two s stant: directors ett 49075 por ann each; ment of caseary -services, supplIea, anti: ' equi anent w??:hou to Section 3709, Revised Statutes; not to? exdeed for-deposit- Inw. :he: general fund Of the 'yeas y for' xrx1 at l aa:>require& by. section 2. of the Act of-'June 28, -1944 CPi Law- 364);--payment of` living and ,quarters 'al.lovan6e9 1,n ems 1 o, with official headquarters located abroad in accordance .. w' th regulations promulgated under the = Ao-t- of 23 Februugr7 1931 (21, 12) and the--Act of~ 26 Junk 1930 (46-gtat.. 818);. travel.: ext er a including expenses outside' the - United' Status withont r(. gar I t Sta dardizs&Gover=ent Travel "`Rsg atfonsaand the 4 "i)b si of qnr, - Expense -A.ct'of.1-1926,, as amended (5uSC 821?$33) 'anti s "` ,p-ins provision -for- the fiscal year 1947 -`td the contrary, reLrnbu,,ge r of .expenses =fear crating, drayage, and transportation I!, I?.co inn s goods :and :personal.-effects of civilian afficea's`anc a Icrv ,?r shen~ttranaferred from one official ststien-- to-another for t-? = _ , ..~ Approved For Release 2006710/31: CIA-RDP90-00610R000100030038-9 duty when specifically authorized by the Director or his desi:Z L?:F1 in accordance with' the provisions- of the Act of._ I0 :October 1940, 54 :Statue I1Q5 * reimbursement' of'? actual a aepoxrses, .,ot trans and, -subsistence of civilian officers and emploees,`" end their dependents when transfarred-from ?one -.. official. station -try anothe' m` avereeee caste to their _oi*is travelling f'r6 his designee or when for permanent duty when specifically authorized' iy_'the, Direr a - xr . nthe United States and return under regula fans eatablishec . the Director; preparation and. traneportati'on xt f i s re sit s officers and employees who die abroact or in transit,' while printing machines, equipment, and devices and radio-recei7ing aitd pur~chase.of or'subscripti?rn to cvaaamareial?--and .trade repor.,,,s periodicals and books of reference;' the rendering of such gratuitous services and the disposition, f'7ree or- ot] rwise,.,. 0 ` ordinary expenses of such, interment; rental" ?ft" news -crepii ing services, country or to a place not more distant For inter_ment,. and for t"ne dispatch of their official, duties, to their former.-homeea n~ and operation of photographic, reproduction, duplic'&ting'~uA Approved For Release 2006110131: CIA-R?P90-006108000100030038-9 equipment; the cost of a compartment or such other accomodation firearms, guard uniforms, special clothing, and ether persona.;. Revised Statutes (31 USC 543); purchase and. free distribution c,:.' radio sending . equipment and devices; purchase, maintenance: operation,. repair, aa. d hire of tor-propelled- or -horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles.and vessels of all kinds; Priritina and binding;. exchange of funds without regard to section 3651, ed Fx3r W elae 2006/101 1 CIA-RDP.90-000.1.ORC0 as snag' b& authorized by- t. r ~ _ r shert uthor3zed personnel. 30038-9 Dire ctor;~,or )- is -.desi rye are required to trensport., a 3a re t con taAMjng etohbi =pry Valuable equipment i ay-. be' autl'Wrized by the Bur" au of t1 he "en& to other `departments. or aesrxieg advaiee ;paazit e;~'~'c~~.an~e o priat ora` is made : T "pro-videdp.* That , _ Qi: * mod: -egulations relati to t~ .e Xi tv r ~~ . o o In the er rs x t, u a ;sir the employment of persons of such mad' ah"seta vi` a confidential natures such expeliditure far ` olely , ova, the c ertifi'rc ate Of tn.s Dim eetOr of r.2 e3 and,'every such. cert1fic .te sIz mr, l be auf jot. at v Sucher for the, amount tberet.. Pert' fled. Trovi r1atiors -May be wjw TVPPI w