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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707060028-3 ARTICLE APPEARED, O"q PAGE A - 3 NEW YOKK TIJES 1 February 1965 Weinberger,'inError, Says SovietDotvnedOwn Missile: WASHINGTON, Jan. I'- Defense ,ecietary Caspar W. Weinberger told a ,enate committee today that the Soviet )nion recently "shot down one of their Trant missiles that was on its way at east into Finland." But Defense De- :aatment officials said latex that he as mistaken. -- . -4,. Mr. _ Weinberger was, appaMty eferring to an incident Dec.' 28 in. which a Soviet missile, which Moscow aid was being used for target practice rver the Barents sea, veered off course rver Norway and crashed in Finland. Kosow subsequently apologized to Fin- and and Norway for the episode.:.. . The Defense Secretary twice made he assertion that the missile had been shot down during testimony before the >enate Foreign'Relations Committee, which was hearing testimony on Press= lent Reagan's plan to develop a:de- te.nse against incoming missiles..2dr. Weinberger said the incident was -a remonstration of what he said was the Soviet union's ability to defend itself against incoming cruise missiles_: Spokesman's Statement."._ But his spokesman, ' Michael,'-"L. Burch, said of the missil e: '.'The Secre- t it was th t to i l did a mean mp y no Lary shot down by a Soviet airplane over Finnish airspace. "What the Secretary is trying to say is that the Soviets are working on a cruise missile defense system. It is within the technology. They can do.it, and we can do it." . Administration officials . familiar with intelligence information about the Soviet union said toda v that they wei e unaware of any data that would su - aest the Soviet union scrambled fighter planes to intercept the errant ~Mr. Weinberger's remarks came one -day after a British newspaper, citing unnamed "authoritative" sources, re- ported?that the Soviet missile was a cruise missile that had been mis-pro- grammed to fly toward West Germany, and that it had been shot down by twc Soviet MIG interceptor planes. The newspaper, the Daily Express of Lon} don, said the Russsians had used `the "hot line" -to inform United States offi cials of the mishap, but the incideni was kept quiet to avoid jeopardizing By BILL KELLER Special to The New YOIt Timee The Daily Express report- .-The denied by officials in West Germany, Finland, Britain and the United States...A spokesman-for the West German Defense Ministry, Lieut. Colonel. Norbert Huebner, was quoted as saying that. the missile "was not capable of covering such a distance." A Finnish Army spokesman, Lieut. Col. Antti Mustonen, told The Associated Press that the newspaper report had "no basis whatsoever." - -- . -' ?. - . Mr. Burch said this evening that The "'Later in the afternoon, responding to'. questioning about the . proposed anti '? missile defense system from Senator*" .Larry,.Pressler,.Republican of South." Dakota, Mr. Weinberger said: "The;-4 Soviets have already demonstrated one". method by shooting down their cruise- missile that somehow got away from,! them and was starting to work its way,. across Norway and. Finland." .' e'' . Pressed,by reporters, Mr. Burch de-4 clined to characterize Mr. W einber-`. ing only, "I have issued a subsequent;. `to confirm the false report in the Brit- - Two Administration officials, speak- ish newspaper."- ' -Mg on the condition that they mot be- '! - ~ ' shot . We know it was not He added: identified, said today that the Defense:; down. It apparently crashed. It either', Secretary's remarks were a mistake. flew into the grand or it ran out of ; .. didn't mean to say that, fuel." h w senior Pentagon official. "That was not. Mr. Burch had no explanation for she, ` "said aC, sectretary's remarks except that her, the fate of that missile." Another Ad--`i was trying to press home the point that, }ministration official f ear wet inn both nations have at least a rudimemf' 4 down. . not have snot ad eve con-'.' tary ability to stop cruise missiles:. ? trortvanvwa esno : They were t town-_ may vex Tall Section :Reported Found tro it al ' g. They Finnish searchers reported today b own it up." - --- that they had recovered the tail section,' of the fallen Soviet missile in a frozen?.- lake. -Pentagon officials said they had- been informed by the Finnish Govern-~ ment that, as the Soviet Union had said- the missile was an older generation,' drone and was not armed with a war: ~ head. - ,.-_.: ...... 11 . .-: q.4 Secretary Weinberger made his cum meets about the missile in response td'; a queltion from Senator Claibornet.' Pell, Democrat of Rhode Island. ? ' Senator Pell, questioning the be, -tense Secretary on the Administra, . lion's- plan -for a defensive system.- against: nuclear missiles, _ asked.' whether such a system would not be: -vulnerable to attacks from low-flying"' cruise missiles. ?- 4 Mr: Weinberger replied that "there- are other defenses against cruise mss..-, siles which we are working on and which the Soviets are working on." He added: "Tae Soviets demon-,? strated their defense against cruise`" -missiles a couple of days ago when they" shot down one of their errant missiles,,. ,that was on its way at least into Fin-'* land." STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707060028-3