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March 24, 1986
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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00552R000605880003-3 REDDING RECORD-SEARCHLIGHT (CA 24 March 1986 KGB defector blames '60s activists for Soviet success as a hashish-smoking hippie, a mem- ber of the same generation he now claims is undermining American re- solve to confront communist aggres- sion. Schuman, aka Moscow-born Yuri Bezmenov, claims '60s peace activ- ists have come of age and have "infested" U.S. institutions with lib- eralism - and worse, naive notions of global brotherhood. "Instead of thinking they are stink- ing," he told a sparse crowd of high school students Saturday in Redding. "You are stuck with them. That crazy '60s generation is now in pow- er. They control the media, but not you." Balding and dressed in a conven- tional white shirt and tie, Schuman delivered a strident, fist-pounding 70- minute oratory. He took advantage of the platform provided him at the Holiday Inn by the north state chapter of Citizens for America, a pro-Reagan group, to expound his theory of a subverted U.S. press. Schuman blasted "traitors" like Jane Fonda, Walter Cronkite and Ted Koppel, and repeatedly plugged his 44-page tract, "Love Letter to Ameri- ca." At one point, he told the students, "I can give you the answer for $5, which incidentally is the price of my book." A few were sold, including an autographed copy purchased by Shas- ta County Sheriff Phil Eoff, who sat in the audience with his family. Schuman, a former KGB officer assigned to propaganda duties in India the calls it "disinformation"), spent much of his time purporting to demonstrate how the Soviets are secretly infiltrating American minds. He drew on a chalkboard a 20-year timetable for the conversion of the United States from a free society to one embracing communist ideals. A self-described super-patriot, Schuman, 46, makes a living giving speeches to far-right groups and works part time as a political analyst in Los Angeles, where he also runs a talent agency for Russian immi- By B'1L 'MILLEp grants. Tomas Schuman defected from the Schuman advised his listeners not Soviet Union 16 years ago disguised to trust the news media, particularly Times, Time magazine and major television networks, because "they are as guilty as the KGB agents in screwing up your minds." Schuman claims liberals in the entertainment industry are fooling us into believing that the world, includ- ing the Soviet Union, can be united in peace. "You listen to a bunch of schmucks in L.A. singing, 'We are the world, we are the people,' " he said, singing the lyrics. It's time to wake up and realize the Soviets are slowly subverting Ameri- cans, taking advantage of extraneous domestic issues that only serve to divert attention from the red menace, he said. "KGB doesn't infiltrate bodies into your State Department. They infil- trate ideas into your mind." Schuman b-lieves Russian citizens hate their government and are look- ing to the West for assistance in sparking the inevitable revolution. "There is no such thing as govern- ment in my country. There is no government. There are self-imposed dictators and they are on your pay- roll and the payroll of your family." How is that? Because, Schuman said, the United States continues to trade with the Soviets and thereby is "aiding Soviet murderers." In an interview, he was asked whether he is advocating a return to the red-baiting era of the 'S0s when U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy rocked the nation with his communist-be- hind-every-bush inquisitions. Without hesitation, Schuman re- plied, "McCarthy was a great man." For every life destroyed by McCar- thy's infamous blacklist, Schuman .maintained, thousands of lives are threatened by Soviet subversion. Asked how he views U.S.-backed subversive operations conducted by the CIA Schuman said he can con- done C i activities as a first line of defense for democracy and freedom. Therefore, he said, the CIA is promoting "true ideas," the KGB "false ones." Schuman softened his harsh attack on the news media later, stating he doesn't see a "conspiracy" at work. "I only tell them (the audience) to be more skeptical of what they're get- ting." He concluded his remarks to the students by urging them to "read your Constitution every day for breakfast." He added, "I love your system and I don't want to defect from here." Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00552R000605880003-3