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July 21, 1980
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/16: CIA-RDP90-00552R000505420120-4 LONDON DAILY TELEGRAPH 21 July 1980 Director, Air t,eorge 'tsu~n. ?A radical researche ONE of the unresolved . now move in behind Mr Fred Landis has debates among Mr Ronald Reaga?a, there is likely to be pr' ess conferences Rea;an'S foreign policy a battle for the mind of the. making further c L advisers is. over how the potential President. 'undercover C I A C e n t r a l Intelligence No single can~d?id?ate is tipped. Mr Landis was ats - Aghpenc will be reshaped,! as yet, as the n?cxt C t A OrYando? Letelier, ? - ?if? w ine thv ,r*^.,o.,,po, Director if Reagan wir.~. But -.:Chilean Socialist - %.1CttIV I[J. - It is universally 'accepted that. the present CIA Director, 'Admiral Stansfield Turner,, would have to go. He is bitterly criticised by intelli rtence professionals for I.' operaticn:c officer whose ex- excessivelr subservient to, to Indochina to re-pon-erhility. the political- line of the for Western Hemisphere present Administration, and, activities. = this feeling was not assuaged;----- ---- - of Carter's televised campaign Agee group There is ' also widespread helps hlfit l ey sympathy in the Reagan camp for the view that the CIA has been so leached of experienced operatives as a result of successive waves of sackings that there is a need to bring back many recently retired men as consultants who could super- vise the refurbishing of its resources for intelligence collection, counter-intelligence and covert action. - There are al_o complaints from several quarters that the C I A's defects as an ar,:zlyti- cal ageat?y land predate the Carte- Ad-m'nla:rat-'on, erd th'--t its failure ci record of issues alas Soviet defence spen' :ng or s.-escon?y capabilities is so egregious that it shot.ld he -.'deprived of its present. role as co-erdirtator of the Ameri- can inte'rligence_ community. Competing service Some of '4fr Reagan's advisers: are etror,-:y conv`nced of the"' tterd for competitive intelli:-. gence estimate.. Some re' commend elevating the Defence Intelligence Agency (Dl A) into an aaaessnlerts! - ager,cy with equal authority to the Cl A. People with a' background sn the Pen?tagen,, und--rsandably. tend to~ argue most enahueiast?cally, for this prescription. Any carving-up -of the C I A's. present range of responsibili- ties appears little short of. heresy to moot former CIA.. men, however,"and as those: who--rallied to their fcrnter, posltlcr-s in the n^Id are : ` ~Vashirngtan in 19~ .General D viol 0. Grz-ham, time he .\',,,: actin the D T A or (if a man from offshoot of an influentiia]Left- - .;r. ftdIc Institute for Policy Studies. 1Yest Furore tr tecurity experts After Lete!-ier's 'death' 1,;.z - . are braced for a sCrious re. associates were' embararssed ' ? vuv?l of Pa'estinian terrorism by the publication of docu- -ever the nevi few months. as ments proving that he had ' the result of decisions report- edl ' reached at a meetin of y g been secretly receiving a monthly subsidy from the the P L 0's operations der.?rt- me Ma t in Beir in l t- y. ri u y ear Cubans, and had worked in . close contact with identified Key le'ders who attended this members of Castro's intelli- .:m^eting were Abu Jihad, the ' - gence service, the D Cl and -P L O s military chieand f the K G n ' . - . . ~ Anmi 7nheir his s ecial ass st- p In the violent run-up - to the This raised ? su!picions that ant; who is - respons -ble for .Jamaican elections, the Prime Letelier may have figured an the tr,lning of terrorist at-. `Minister. Mr Michael Manley. a classical "false flag" opera- tack souads. The meeting was has+ been able to count on . tiod. designed to lure un- chaired by Yasser Arafat. energetic propaganda support suspecting American l;be^als According to Western intelli. 0 from a. group of American and New Leftirtscompro- ? gence sources. the P I. radicals who .'are '- closelh n11` 'n- rel'3cor?s with- Soviet ohiefs agreed to step up re- , ':associated with the CIA's , bloc intelligence. cruitmnt on non Arabs Ion "ideological - defector,' Mr `?~ high-risk missions agaio-t tsr- Philip Agee. Press conference` . gets in Europe and I'-ael. The theme of the campaign'is WJJih the support. oF? a lAtle- There appear to have hen identical to the one developed kn^wn group ca'?ed tin Citi- two motives for this decision. ``by. Mr Agee himself when he re-ls Research and Tnve tir-a- First, at a time when the P L 0- toured Jamaica before the tion Cemp ittee (C R I C), Mr is malting notable headway in last national elections: the Landis recently` a its campaign for international CIA is engaged in an anrhi Press cani'ererfe in 11'ac-s rig- recogniticrt, it makes sense to tious "destabilisation',' pro- ? ton e' which he 'e.z ?m2d;that delegate co'n'troversial terror gramme designed to bring the Letelier? da0uments - had....' operations to auxiliaries who down the Manley Govern- been part of *a d,--_?r?%crn:ation can be publicly disowned. - merit, and anyone who dares exn^clse mounted by the CIA - 'to criticise the far-reaching act the Ch..'lea-n secret service. Suicide missions subversion 'in the MT Lanes-'was lent -vocal sup- LSecnnd. there have been reports Cuban - country (such as the out- - part by elhar leading mem- spoken opposition Press) *bars of, C R I C, i,nc!uoing ??",llr must be a tool of the CIA.,` Don?a:d Freed, %slra,sit The theme ha-s been taken up organ?ieation ca'-1ed friends ?', by Agee associates like Ellen .%, of she J?a?nthe--s" in 1969:as a Ray, a co-editor of the CovF.nT -' whito -support- group, fo'"the ACTION INFORMATION BULLETIN,' Black Panther&.,-'..'`~: a publication exclusively rledi; T::eir:,effort;/_to deny: the'ddcu- agents and.operation-s around -.letel`ecs- invo'.vemeot_'wah . of desertions from P L 0. camps in. Lebanon and Syria, by Palesdi?nian recruits To maintain discipline, P UO commanders are said to havw,i imposed strict punishment,,: -ranging front solitary con?fine- - men?t to shooting in the leas, or even execution, on recruits: who refuse to 'embark - -on-- suicide missions. ? - Early -this month two days 4fter ? wired ,general Inc': - Lt'. i,`.."'; "3"e?0, zne-.onlel of me .. Mr Louis Wolf, an-other en- - - The evidence. .consists' oft ? P I. O's special issault ?All, oue, acers- found ? in Letelier's' code-named "Farce : is' editor of the BULLETIN reamed p , Mr Richard Kinsman and 14, briefcase, 'which were's;sbwu other members of the - to a journalist by hi tN{dow. American Embassy in Kings-The . orooaganda war= acts. ton as alleged C I A 'officers, ?..shrille~ 'in Jamaica-. as .politi- Mr Kir.?sman's house was ate -cal vi lenee contiUuesto in- , Q join because of the need ?racked with automatic gunfire crease:- The Cuban's are for money, drug addictioi or' and a fire bomb.- clearly, bent on' ~p.rotettinsG i- psychological 'problems_, _ Germany and France to seek to enlist young men and women who may be induced Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/16: CIA-RDP90-00552R000505420120-4