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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00552R000505410103-4 ARTICLE -UPEARED Ord P;':GE, NEW YORK TIMES 5 DECEMBER 1981 Text- off:Statemeiit i.- tion and laws The Provisions of these sibilifyi y for cur late rn spxwosA.e+e.Yas72m.. ; ? . gtaeeptotessioa- executive - orders make this abun- ais. _ . , ?` ' WASHINGTON, De . 4 - Following dantly clear. I want to stress that the primary job is the feet of a statement by President A Need to Gather Information : of the C.I.A. is to conduct inteL'i ice Reagan on his intelligence orders " MestAmericans realize that inteili? activities overseas and to deal. wit issued today by the White House: certain foreign persons who coma into Today I am issuing two executive or- g n to is a which and necessary Proses. this country. The F.B.I. takes primary den, one to govern the activities of our high-caliber men and rz?soonsibility for security activities intelligence.agencies and one to re- women dedicate their lives. We re- within the United. States, ' di-eq-o intell h the Intelligence n Oversight .sgett them for their honorable and against hostile foreigners and those f 'often perilous servicetoner nation and Board, which woriato lessee that our ;the use of freedom. For all our tech- Americans who seek to do daz?nag,to intelligence,; activities are ? . lawfuL ournational security:. These orders are designed to rological advances, the gathering of geed provide . These orders do not alter this basic. I America's intelligence community information and its analysis depend fi- division of labor; they reaffirm, it. with cleans, more positive guidance rally on human judgment; and good They also encourage the fullest ' i w udent ~ "'~ on the experience, ble cooperation among the C.I.A.;-the e and to remove the aura of suspicion l and mistrust that can hobble cur na? integrity, and professionalism of those F.B.I. and.other agencies who serve us in the intelligence com? geacies of the inteili- floes inteltigmceettorts.. . " ,. genes community as they seek to.d l This acti(-- is consistent with my with- fur~daniental challenges to-our' romise in the cam Let us never forget that good iniellf_ c.'nallenges that , P campaign to revitalize national security-- America's intelligence system.; The genre-saves American lives and pro _ spzct neither national boundaries-rmr American people are well aware that tests our-freedom. The loyalty and citizenship.- selflessness of our intelligence ixna_ the security of their country -;--arnd, In :s As. these w order's are an age of terrorism, their personal ? munity during hard times are resit issued, I again want-to express my,-*. safety as well terrorism, tied to the strength 06 to its commitment to the princl- trengtb pies on which our country is based. I spect and admiration for the men sad and efficiency ofourintellige ce-gath- have faith in our intelligence women OfourIntelligence murdpe- ; ering organizations. h ave s and expect They run the risks; they bear bear the ten- sional These orders have been carefully each and every one sions; they serve in silence. They can, of them to live up to the-ideals and drafted, in consultation with the Intel- standards set by these.executive or not, fully be thanked in public, `burr 7.1 ligence committees of both houses of dem. viwant tal hem-to )mw that their ole the Congress, to maintain the, legal These orders' charge our intelligence vital and that the American peceople, protection of all American citizens. . and their -President, are profoundly They also t' o n +.ntelitgence profee? ageades to be vigorous. e innovative - grateful for what sionals clear guidelines within wtdch and responsible lathe collection of ac- tixydo . -' to do their difficult and essential job. 'curate and timely information - in. Contrary - to. ? a distorteid Image that formation essential for the conduct of emerged during the last decade, thrns.: our foreign policy andcrucial to ow - is no inherent conflict between the in. . national safety-The country needs this telligenoecommunity and the rights of service and Is willing to allocate the our citizens. Indeed, the purpose of the resources necessary to do - the job intelligw4e 19' the rim. It is not enough, of course, simpiy to- -ion of our people: collect Information. Thoughtful is Is not to satyr mistakes mete analp. never made and that vigilance against sis i? vital to sound dects ". intelligence abuse is unnecessary. But an a The goal of our intelligence analysts r'. P" can be nothing short of the truth, even. .proach that empbasius suspicion and when that truth is unpleasant or-mi.. mistrustof ourowaiatellfgenceetforts can undermine?this nation's ability to popular. I have asked for honest, ob- confront the- increasing challenge-of j 'wh and I shall expect espionage and- terroris m. This is nothing less` -When there is disagree. particularly true in a world in which meat, as there often is, on the difficult our adversaries pay no heed to the co*` questions of our time, I expect- those cerns for individual, rights and free;.. honest differences of view to be fully doors that are so important toAmeri- cans and their Government. As we - Tbreats From `Ho-stlla' Bemires move into the DWs. we need to free ourselves from the negative attitudes "These orders stipulate that special of the past and look- to meeting the -attention be, given .to detecting and needs of the country. - countering the espionage and ? other To those who view this change of dl= threats that are directed by hostile in- rection with suspicion, `Iet me assure telligence services against us at home you that while I occupy this office; no and abroad...These hostile services re. intelligence agency of the United . specs none of the liberties and right of ? States, or any other agency for that privacy that theseorders protect. Cer- matter, will be given the authority to tainl3rthe same can be said of interna? violate the rights and libertiesguaran tional terrorists, who present another teed to all Americans by our Constitu. important area of concern and respon- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00552R000505410103-4