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April 21, 1983
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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/09: CIA-RDP90-00552R000505400080-1 r I AFIICLE APPE.FM WASHINGTON POST ON PAGE 21 APPTL 1983 President to App ai To Congress, Nation To Back Latin Policy By Patrick E. Tyler and Lou Cannon %..i ii ngt ,n t?=Staff wrArrs President Reagan has decided to make an unusual appearance before a i:,int. session of Congress next Wednesday night to seek support for his sagging Central American policy am: attempt the rescue of his endan- gered rnii;tarv aid package for El Salvador. Iiea~an was described b%- aides v'esterr'; ue.lieving that only a rati ,tali televised speech. in which he '.?i1! hE atnpealin, to the country a: Wel, i s Con:ress, can rescue his 1' i:-an}on aid request for the Sai- vnn.xan military after recent House ccrr:.,;UkxE ogres w cut at least.. 5O million from it. 'l'he aides said Reagan wanted to address : ioir,t session hecauSme -his post s?ec?:hes' on Central America did not receive the television coVer- ?_E he sol:silt, f,istor: is v rittet1. God forbid, that Ce,t:ra; America has gone com- and i~texicl is flooded with ref, ,e s, the not going to say that Ron;tid Reagan didn't do his clean ievei best to prevent it,- said one administration official vesterdav. ~ti bite House . national security rs adviser Wi!iiam P. Clark and chic! l;f staff James A. Baker III, who have been feuding over defense spending. agreed yesterday that it is "critical" for the president to speak nut to win congressional approval of' the :n;itarv aid for El Salvador, of- tic1 ii said. One official said it was "absurd" for Congress to "blithely approve S 45( million extra for Israeli aid and nut give S50 million needed in Our own hock yard." The House also has delayed for .more than a month Reagan's request to transfer the remaining. $60 million in ad- ditional military aid for El Salvador from other foreign aid accounts- In addition, Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee are consid- ering new restrictions on the administra- tion's financing of covert operations against the leftist government of Nicara- gua, which has been accused by Reagan of shipping arms to leftist guerrillas in El Salvador. Some critics have said the administ.ra- tion is violating an existing congressional prohibition against. CIA activities aimed at overthrowing the Nicaraguan government.. After questioning Secretary of State George P. Shultz for three hours in closed session last night, the House committee is expected to decide today whether to re- strict CIA activities further. Reagan'., address to Congress is to locus on the X110 million aid package. Senior administration officials are known to he frustrated with the conffessiunal debate on Central America, which has instead to- cused on the legality of U.S. covert oper- atil ms. The president and his top foreign policy advisers are concerned about increased Cuban and Soviet influence in the region, which they see as a direct threat to U.S. interests. "We will continue to push for the El Salvador aid package," White House spokesman Larry Speakes said yesterday. We think it's essential this country, which is pledged to democratic principles and re- forms, be provided with this aid to provide a shield so they can protect them- selves from people who obviously want to destroy their progress." Reagan acknowledged for the first time last week that the United States was in- volved in covert operations against Nica- ragua, but he insisted that their sole -pur- pose was to stop the flow of arms from Nicaragua 4o El Salvador. Several sources said this week that Democrats on the House Intelligence Com- mittee may want to stop funding the co- vert operations because of evidence that the CIA is stretching its definition of "arms interdiction" to include the support of anti-Sandinista groups trying to over- throw the current government and whose aggressive military activities in Nicaragua cannot he defined as arms interdiction.' In announcing the speech plans yester- day, Speakes cited what he said was "fool- proof evidence" that the Nicaragua regime ?as involved in gun running to Central American guerrillas. He referred to Brazil's grounding of four Libyan cargo planes loaded with a cache of' arms and military equipment parts disguised as medical sup- plies. The planes were bound for Nicaragua. Speakes did not say the arms shipment was bound for El Salvador, but stated it "very well could have been designed to aid those who would attempt to overthrow ... democratic governments" in the-region. Speakes added, "'T'his is foolproof evi- dence that outside forces are continuing to supply arms to the region in an attempt to upset the reforms that have been so eager- ly sought by the governments there." Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/09: CIA-RDP90-00552R000505400080-1