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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25: CIA-RDP90-00552R000404630040-2
n U.S. Technology oos s
Soviet Strength, Report Says
By Dan Morgan On Saturday, President Reagan Earlier this year, a special panel of
W&sh;nrwn Post stau writer announced that allies, including Ja- the National Academy of Sciences
The Soviet Union. in what appears to be a pan, had agreed to improve the mon- concluded that there has been a
carefully planned program approved by the itoring of high-technology trade with "substantial transfer of U.S. technol-
Kremlin's top leadership, has used large the Soviets, while lifting trade sanc- ogy-much of it directly relevant to
amounts of stolen and legally acquired U.S. tions on oil and natural gas equip- military systems-to the Soviet
technology to achieve "giant strides in mil- ment with no direct military appli- Union from diverse sources."
itarv strength," according to a Senate report cation. But it maintained that very little
released yesterday. Although there is broad agree- technology had been transferred
The report by the Senate permanent sub- ment that the Soviets are engaged in through universities and scientific
committee on investigations was based on a a massive effort to acquire western exchanges.
declassified Central Intelligence agency technology by any means, the extent Scientists had expressed fears that
study and on testimony - that' disclosed, undue concern about loss of technol--
among other things, how Soviet agents set -up of the damage to national security is ogy to the Soviets could result in
a U.S. company that transferred $10 million a subject of debate. overclassification of government doc-
worth of sensitive microprocessor manufac- A declassified CIA study released
luring equipment to the Soviet Union. in April said the Soviets have been uments and an end to exchanges
"The U.S. research and development es- able to obtain aircraft catapult tech- kthatnowa some cases add to U.S.
tablishment is viewed by the Soviets as a nology, precision ball bearings While the report dealt only with
mother lode .... In fact, they tap into it so needed for missile accuracy, and gy- the Soviet Union, law enforcement
frequently that one must wonder if they re- roscopes. officials note that 'U.S. firms have
gard U.S. R and D as their own national as - The study said western microelec- also been victimized by domestic
set." Jack Verona of the Defense Intelligence tromcs know-how "has permitted the competitors and other nations, such
Agency told the subcommittee in a May Soviets to systematically build a as Japan.
hearing. modern microelectronics industry Thefts of electronic technology
Soviet efforts to obtain the technology which will be the critical basis for and commodities totaling $100 mil-
came at a time when Yuri V. Andropov, the enhancing the sophistication of fu- lion were reported in California's
new Soviet leader, headed the KGB, the So= ture Soviet military systems for dec- Silicon Valley alone over the last five
viet security police and intelligence agency. ades." years, according to Douglas K. Sou-
The Senate report culminates an investi- Soviet Ryad computers, for exam- thard. deputy district attorney of
gation of more than two years that was led ple, are patterned after IBM 360 Santa Clara County, Calif
by Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), now the sub. and 370 mainframe computers pur- During five days of hearings in
committee's ranking minority member. chased in the West. May, witnesses detailed several So-
It charges the Commerce Department Nevertheless, some industry rep- viet intelligence operations. against
with slipshod enforcement of trade controls resentatives have questioned wheth- U.S. "high-tech" industries.
and calls on the U.S. intelligence community er the Soviets, given their difficulties The boldest known espionage ef-
and law enforcement agencies to be more in mastering complex manufacturing fort involved West German"Werner
aggressive in stemming the flow of microelec: techniques, can use effectively infor- J. Bruchhausen, who set up a group
tronic, laser, radar and precision mation they have been receiving. of companies in West Germany and
manufacturing technology to the So- Former CIA deputy director southern California with the help of
viets. Bobby R. Inman acknowledged in ' a U.S. accomplice known as Tony
In detailing a pattern of at- his testimony to-the subcommittee Metz, a naturalized American born
tempted theft, bribery and other that the agency is in the early stages in the Soviet Union.
abuses by the Soviets, it appears to of examining the problem.. Between 1970 and 1980, Bruch-
buttress the Reagan administration's As a result, the U.S. government hausen's companies bought comput-
origoing campaign for tough restric- er-aided design equipment, photo-li-
has only piecemeal evidence of what
tions on trade involving products the Soviet military has obtained thographic devices for making inte-
and processes with a potential mil- from this country, the now-retired grated circuits and other items
itary application. Navy admiral said. needed to make quality microproces-
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25: CIA-RDP90-00552R000404630040-2