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Document Release Date: 
July 16, 2010
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Publication Date: 
August 12, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/16: CIA-RDP90-00552R000404360007-9 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE #4-/0 CHICAGO TRIBUNE 12 AUGUST 1982 ;.The Manly l: a oe `m ste Maybe the Los'Angeles county.supervisors..~vM'7;..bein used to support -.' vate investivattee low prove ; jastified :m reopening the case ?of Marilyn ' ' Tim t she not die o an o ose of nffls Monroe's. death 20 years ago in order to. anvesti; ,,,i t was murdered by the CIA in er to iprotect gate sinister, rumors of murder.,. But one, can't ,.:.cert ain secrets. what's more, the f5eary- goes, the. ,help suspecting that they have been seduced by secrets were told her by the late Robert F: the temptation to be participants in a front-page... . Kennedy, who was later murdered himself and mystery story. , involved a plot' on the. life of Fidel Castro..(If. Agatha Christie and Conan. Doyle thought `-up' ,prominent names, attract .attention, Whip. . skimp their own plots; 'other mystery writers find -it And its _ only, a step farther. to .tie in with: the' easier to borrow'-?enough from real life to get' shopworn . theory that Castro had a-hand . in the .,public attention and then attach their own intri- ? assassination of John F. -guing versions of what really happened. If -Shake- ' We shall await the results of this new:investiga-, speane. could -persuade the world-.that Julius`:- lion, but not with bated"breath; After'all;;sorne. ? `Caesar's last words were "Et tu, Brute," ',wby l shoddy evidence - in a pornography.. can, disap., shouldn't other ' writers hope to win fame and ' geared from the files of the U.S. Supreme.. Court :riches by embellishing. the prevailing accounts of I ' recently and -nobody suggested sinister motives. ? 'the death of people like Abraham Lincoln, John F. There is far less reason to look for sinister Kennedy, and now Marilyn Monroe? motives in the disappearance of Marilyn Monroe's' The disc arance of Miss Monroe's red diary diary from a local office. The obvious motives rom the coroners office shortly after her death .is should be adequate. . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/16: CIA-RDP90-00552R000404360007-9