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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 16, 2010
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Publication Date: 
August 12, 1982
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PDF icon CIA-RDP90-00552R000404360006-0.pdf50.36 KB
- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/16: CIA-RDP90-00552R000404360006-0 ART i C APPEARED THE BALTIMORE' SUN O PAGE 12 AUGUST 1982 L.A. may probe Monroe's death A Los Angeles prosecutor is. studying the , last 24 hours -in the ' life of . actress- W11- Marilyn Monroe to decide whether a wale investigation of her death should be " _ Cxy launched. of The inquiry comes amid a flurry speculation that a missing diary said to have been kept by Miss Monroe may, have indicated she was murdered. Miss Monroe died at 36 Hof?~vhat'the coroner's office said at the time ;'was; a self-induced overdose of barbiturates. The ? controlling authority fin''Los An- geles county, the five-member' Board of Supervisors, voted unanimously yesterday to "ask the office of District Attorney 3obn Van de Kamp to investigate the case. "We are trying to piece together the last 24 hours of Miss Monroe's life," Mr. Van de Kamp said. "We are pot at this point conducting a full-fledged investiga- tion." have all He said his office expected to the necessary documents and news arti- cles relating to ter death in about 10 days. y. A former coroner's aide; Lionel Gran- dison, has been quoted in news reports as saying he was pressured into signing Miss .Monroe's death certificate. He was also quoted as saying -a diary giving details of a friendship she was said to have had with Robert Kennedy when he was U.S. attorney general had disappeared soon after she died. ' . , Rewards of up to $100,000 were-offered last week for the so-called "red diary." .A Los Angeles urivate detective. Mih -j-,j- said he had evidence the diary included entries revealing Mr. Kenner tp iss Monroe of a tral inteL~3- ence A en lot to a Cuban leader el stro: Mr. S ri lio said he believed a dissi- ent action mur a Monroe I -~ore she cold rev 1 thee Dr. Thomas Nogaohi, the former Los Angeles coroner who performed the post mortem on Miss Monroe, said she overdose Of drugs- suicide by taking Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/16: CIA-RDP90-00552R000404360006-0 Sanitized