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Document Release Date: 
July 23, 2010
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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1984
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT (CA) 25 June 1984 IUCI i*bf asks CIA" bri!iles on Lennon By ANDREA ADELSON Laa>aa~ryP Mso.R FAA UG Zinc professor asked. the previously secret memo revealed the agen monitored the late rock star's anti-Vietnam war activities in 1972: According : to Jon Weiner, the 'heavily censored memo, among documents he obtained under the .Freedom of Information Act, shows the agency asked the FBI to gather information on whether the British `superstar would participate in anti- :Vietnam war protests at the 1972 tRepublican National Convention. The documents were turned over in mid-May to Wiener, who made them public Friday and filed the request the next day. "The government has consistently claimed that Lennon's activities were somehow relevant to national secur- ity considerations," Wiener, 39, said. "We maintain that nothing Lennon adid, planned to do or talked about doing, in any way threatened the national security of the United States. "At most, it threatened the,reelec- Lion of President Nixon," he said. "But there's no legal _reason, for the CIA to &e' involved in protecting Nixon from threats to his reelec- tion.... I don't see why the CIA should have anything to do with political protests in this country." A political researcher, Weiner is the author of "Come Together. John Lennon in His Time," a Random House book that should be released today. He said the publishing house has agreed to a second edition with inserts about . the newly released documents. -?' National security, justified main- taining the confidentiality of material that was blacked out, Dube wrote. "The affidavit is 'a. much more satisfactory explanation of why" onl censored documents were release Weiner said. But because it's unclear =whether the CIA is . withholding ..further information,.--the history professor said he filed a request udder the Freedom of Information Act-for all CIA documents related to Lennon. Lennon's song "Give Peace a :'Chance" gave the anti-war move- . ment its anthem. He "is an important figure to a whole generation and his :battle with the Nixon administration is sort of a forgotton chapter," Weiner said. The professor obtained copies of five documents from FBI files,,in- cluding one that originated with the CIA. The FBI referred the documents to the CIA for review before releasing them. Weiner is awaiting word this week on a court ordered explanation from the FBI on why they too censored Lennon documents. The FBI sub- mitted, its reasons for withholding two-thirds of a 281-page file in a brief to a,federal court last week. Mis attorneys hope to schedule a conference with the federal judge and Justice Department attorneys this week, Weiner said. CIA spokeswoman Patti Volz de- clined specific comment on the 4ocuments, but noted that in the mid- 1970s the Senate Select Commit- tee on Intelligence Activities reported that the CIA had been "involved in some domestic activities at the behest of the President." "It was inappropriate, and from that came several rules and regu- lations curtailing the agency's ac- `. tivities," she said Friday. An accompanying affidavit to the documents, -.signed by CIA Infor- mation Review Officer Louis J. -Dube, acknowledged that the agency obtained information appearing in the documents, all ofwhich have been censored. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000303620002-7