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December 22, 2016
Document Release Date:
July 23, 2010
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Publication Date:
December 1, 1973
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000303250002-8
M - 25;q320
S - 407,186
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N'ashingtnn Bureau, Th" Ora9"ntan
\VA.SIIINGTON --- So-called flying
saucers are very real, but unrelenting
federal secrecy has ohscured this fact
for more than 25 years, according to
one of the foremost authorities on un-
identified living objects (UFO's).
To those few in the know, says Maj.
Donald E. Keyhoe, U.S. Marine Corps
(Ret.), about the only major questions
unanswered on UFOs are (1) whether
crews ai?e anything like humans physi-
cally and in their thinking processes:
(2) where in space they are from, and
(3) what is the space aliens' motive in
keeping earth under surveillance.
Kcyhoc, \Vest Point graduate and,
World War 11 aide to now retired Gen.
Charles A. Lindbergh, and since 1957
dsrr:ctor of the National Investigations
Committee of A e r i a l Phenomena
(NiCAP), has helped analyze more
than 11,000 UFO reports.
The massive evidence thus assem-
bled has convinced even the most
skeptical of military general officers
among NICAP's membership that
UFOs are real. Why then, asks Keyhoe
in "Aliens from Space," is a cover-up
still maintained by the Air Force, and
more rccently by the Contra Intelli-
The hest he can answer is that "high
officials," fearing a public reaction
Ilia' could lead to panic and perhaps
chaos, "are convincrd it is best to de-
lay admitting, that UFOs are real,"
Keyhoe r-minds readers of this coun-
try's Espionage Law, which prohibits
private citizens from revealing any in-
formation affectin defense of the Unit-
ed States. Penalties can range from
five years imprisonment to a;10,000
f i tie.
A Joint Chiefs of Staff secrecy direc-
tive, JANAP-146, covers armed forces
airmen and airliner pilots and crews,
Entitled "Communications Instructions
for Reporting Vital lntelli??ence Sight-
logs from Aircraft," it directs immedi-
ate transmission of all data to the
Arrnspacc Command and the nearest
military command.
"Under the provisions of JANAP-
146," Keyhoe explains, "hundreds of pi-
lots reporting UFOs have been strictly
muzzled and are still officially si-
lenccd." As a graduate of the Pensaco-
la, FIn, Naval Aviation Training Sta-
tion, and a retired commissioned offi-
cer in the armed forces, Keyhoe pre-
sumohly feels he's covered as both a
private citi:Tn and as a former flyin,
officer. So there are limits to what he
can say,
Rut Keyhoe feels frep to report some
astonishing thins about UFOs, official
"policy" toward therm, and to draw
conclusions and make recommenda
tions. For example:
Air Force policy for some tin(- has
been to fire at UFOs when sighted and
to pursue them when possible (some
pilots doing so have disappeared).
There also have been reports of UFO
firings at earth objects. Several fatal
'4Airiiner crashes have been attributed
tt UFOs, and in other cases passengers
hake been injured on commercial
flights whose pilots look violent ova-
sive action on sighting LiFOs. An offi-
cial repot by it retired Army member
of the Join: Chiefs said "the phenome-
non reported is something real, not vi-
sionary or fictitious," and UFO sight-
ings have increased since America's
space program went into high gear-.
Keyhce's hook prose-i's an elaborate
plan called "Operation Lure " by
which flying, saucers with crews could
be induced to land long; cnou^h for ob-
servatinn via television, listening de-
vices (for linguists who might decipher
their language), motion pictures, etc.
Coincident ally, a wceh before Kev-
hoe's eon:: was published, the Gallup
LSo11 report rd that 51 per cent of Atacri-
ans it polled believed in UFO:.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000303250002-8