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ON PAGE 1 May 1934
~'o1ocaust: What we c
Brooklyn District Attorney
HOLOCAUST Remem- ployed ex-Gestapo chief of a Latvian concentra- There is still more to
brance Week (April 29- Klaus Barbie (known as tion camp: an aide to be done. Only one man
May 5), when we mourn the "butcher of Lyon" Adolf Eichmann; the - Hans Lipschis. a con-
the destruction of 6 mil for the atrocities he Nazi minister of Croatia centration camp guard
lion Jews, is an appro- committed), shielded who signed the orders at Auschwitz - has ac-
priate time to reflect on, him from war crimes sending thousands of tually been deported.
the consequences of trials in France and Jews to death camps; since 1971 Extensive.
virulent anti-Semitism. helped hiim flee to the instigator of a mur- unnecessary delays are
Du ring World War U .safety in South America-
the refusal of the U.S. And Barbie wasn't the
and other Allied govern- iogly one helped abroad.
ments to respond to the ' In addition, the U.S.
plight " of European ',brought Nazi war crimi-
Jewry signaled to Hitler- nals to this ? country.
that he could carry out Gustav Hitger, who as
mass extermination Hitler's deputy foreign
policies with impunity.. minister, worked with
.Now, 30 years later. the mobile killing units
anti-Semitism flouri- -that murdered L5 mil-
shes worldwide., people, lion Jews in Eastern Eu-
assert that the Holo- rope, came here, thanks
caust is a fabrication, to the CIA, in 1945.
and public figures in the According to a former
U.S. suggest that Hitler Justice Dept lawyer,
was great. Today, more the State Dept. brought
cognizant of U.S. war- In a large number of key
time indifference to officials of the Nazi pup-
Jewish survival, we pet government in
must ensure that this White Russia, where
country -actively op- more than a quarter of a
poses anti-Semitism million Jews during
am-where in the world World War II were mur-
- so that no one can dered. Several of these
ever again believe that official collaborators
heinous acts against were reportedly person-
Jews can be carried out ally involved in the kill-
again. ing of thousands of
During World War II, Jews.
in which 176,000 Amer- The U.S. also em-
icans gave their lives to ployed many Nazi war
stop Hitler, the U.S. was criminals who came to
derous pogram against partly responsible; if a
the Jews in Bucharest in Nazi war criminal is a
1941 and members of U.S. citizen, the govern-
special units in Eastern -meat must first go to
Europe. who worked one court to remove the
under the Nazis in person's citizenship and
slaughtering Jews. then to another court to
Amazingly, for 30 get the person deported
years U.S. officials who In all, seven seperate
learned of the criminal iegal steps are required
backgrounds of these to deport a Nazi war
suspected Nazi war criminal who is a citi-
criminals did nothing. zan, Legislation should
Our country became a ; be enacted to speed up
haven for many of Hit-; the process by combin-
ler's henchmen. I ing ' deportation and
As a member of Con-1 denaturalization pro-
gress, I uncovered this' ceedings and by acceler-
in 1974 and called for ating cases that involve
vigorous and corrective deportation alone.
governmental action. The U.S. should also
After years of intense pressure other countries
pressure, the govern- to take action to bring to
ment finally agreed to justice Nazi war crimi-
make a systematic ef- nals living within their
fort to bring Nazi war borders. Over 1000 Nazi
criminals to justice. At war criminals allegedly
my insistence the Immi- live in Canada. Canada
gration Service set up a should be urged to take
special unit to conduct systematic action, as we
these proceedings and have against the Nazi
in 1979, this unit was murderers living here.
basically indifferent to America. According to_ tice Dept.'s Criminal
the fate of European. the General Accounting Division, upgraded in
Jewry. Jews could have Office, Congress' watch- status and given more
fled from Hitler in large dog agency, the State resources.
numbers but no country Dept., Defense Dept., Congress passed legis-
proposed to au-
CIA and the FBI know- lation I
d th
The U.S., by insisting ingly employed more thorize explicitly the
on tight immigration re- than 20 alleged Nazi war. deportation of Nazi war
strictions, allowed only criminals living in the criminals and to plug up
a tiny handful to enter U-S- loopholes in our immi-
this country, and Brit- In addition, hundreds, gration laws. -
ain would not allow- possibly thousands, of The unspoken mes-
them to leave Europe
and enter Palestine. To-
ward the end of the war,
the U.S. refused to bomb
the railroad lines to
After the war, the U.S.
publicly prosecuted war,
criminals at Nurem-
berg, but at the same
time, secretly collabo-
rated with and pro-
tected Nazi war crimi-
nals. U.S. officials em-
other Nazi war crimi- sage of the 30 years of
nals and their families U.S. inaction and silence
came on their own to the was that the U.S. con-
U.S.after the war and doned the horrors
found sanctuary here perpetrated on the 6 mil.
for 30 years. Suspected lion Jews. By finally
Nazi war criminals liv- agreeing to deport Nazi
ing in the U.S. included war criminals, the U.S
guards at Auschwitz, at last acknowledged
Dachau and Treblinka that the murder of Jews
and virtually every cannot go unanswered,
other concentration and that those responsi-
camp; the commandant ble for the destruction of
the 6 million cannot go
This investigation
should be conducted by
a special commission,
authorized by Congress,
independent of the exec-
utive branch and with
full subpoena powers. It
should seek to deter.
mine how and why war
criminals were pro-
tected abroad, got here,
and were permitted to
remain virtually undis-
turbed until 1974.
By taking these steps
,the U.S. can begin to
undo the shameful
deeds.- of the past. If
.Americans. don't stati-A
for 'ustice, who will?
particularly in South
America, harbor war
criminals. For example.
Walter Rauff, a former
SS colonel wanted for
the mass gassing of
97,000 East European
Jews, lives in Chile. Jo-
seph Mengele, Ausch-
witz' murderous "doc-
tor," reportedly lives in
Paraguay- The U.S. gov-
ernment should urge
these countries to de-
port these murderers so
that they can be tried
and punished for their
Finally, a thorough
examination of the se-
cret and disgraceful
role of the U.S. govern-
ment in aiding, protect-
ing and collaborating
with Nazi war criminals
after World War II is
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/22 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000302780001-2