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April 22, 1986
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Approved For Release 2010/07/26 :CIA-RDP90-005528000302490025-8 WASHINGTON TIt~tES 22 April 1986 Administration fighting bill to block covert Savimbi aid By Thomas D. Brandt Two key aspects of Reagan admin- istration policy toward the Marxist government of Angola -trade and covert aid -today go before House committees where there are am- biguous signals. The administration is opposing the Hamilton bill to block covert aid to the anti-communist resistance fighters of Angola, while supporting continued Export-Import Bank deal- ings with the Angolan government. H aft Rev. e H 'ton- Indiana Repub- lican an~ chairm lli- gence ommittee is to be voted on e oretgn airs subcommit- tee on rica today It is teniativel scheduled to come u before the full committee on a es av "We're on a fast track;' a staff of- ficial said yesterday about the un- usually short time between commit- tees. Opponents of the measure concede that it is likely to pass the Democratic-controlled subcommit- tee and full committee. The Reagan administration is re- ported to be provttiing $15 million in covert aid to Angolan rebels led by Jonas Savimbi. Mr. Savimbi was in Washington in February for meet- ingswith President Reagan, who en- dorsed his movement, and congres- sional leaders. Mr Hamilton opposes the covert aid program, which he said is inter- vening onone side of a civil war. His committee sent the bill to the For- eignAffairs Committee by a straight party-line vote of 10-to-6 in March. Last year, the House voted 236-185 to repeal the 1976 Clark Amendment, which had prohibited covert aid to Angolan forces. Mr. Hamilton has said passage of his bill would be difficult, but that it raised "an important procedural question -should the Congress of the United States participate in ma- jor foreign policy decisions?" The Hamilton measure, called "Baby Clark" by one source, re- quires aid to Angola to be open and approved by both houses of Con- gress. Supporters of the Hamilton bill hope that casting the issue affir- matively will shift some of last year's votes. The trade measure is in the House Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee, where conservatives are at odds with the State Depart- ment over trade policy. Rep. Bill McCollum, Florida Re- publican, succeeded in adding an amendment in subcommittee to the Export-Import Bank reauthor- ization bill that bars any bank activ- ity with Angola until :dir. Reagan cer- tifies that all Cuban troops have left the country. The State Department opposed Mr. McCollum's move and wrote to the full committee chairman, Rep. Fernand St Germain, asking him to kill the amendment in full commit- tee today when the reauthorization measure is considered. Cuba is reported to have about 45,000 troops and advisers in An- gola. Their duties include guarding oil fields, which are operated jointly by the government and the Chevron Corporation. Angola, besides facing blr. Savimbi's rebel forces of 20,000 to 25,000, also is engaged in border fighting with South African forces. "I am told the administration in the last few months has changed its position on Angola and now favors support for Jonas Savimbi's ... forces, ~butJ on the other hand I see an official State Department posi- tion letter opposing a legislative ef- fort to put Congress on record op- posing the Cuban troop presence in Angola;' ~Ir McCollum said in a let- ter to Secretary of State George Shultz nn April 16. State Department official James Dyer said in the letter to ~Ir. St Ger- main that, while the department op- poses dlr. ~icCollum's amendment, no major Export-Import Bank projects have been approved for A~- gola since 1984. Approved For Release 2010/07/26 :CIA-RDP90-005528000302490025-8