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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/06: CIA-RDP90-00552R000202230093-2 ARTICLE APPEAR D PHILADE PHIA INQUIRER 3 MARCH 1932 By George Gedda dor, the continuing passage of goer Assa:inted?ress riitae in and- nttt nf 7Uiraravna fnr Haig replied; ' I don't know of any WASHINGTON -Secretary'of State advanced training .in ,sabotage e official in the. executive branch who and. is considering At anoth that the military operations' of the ; ence, of high-IeVel'.guerrilla head- er point, he said the administration's Salvadoran guerrilla movement were quarters elements,-in Nicaragua,". policy would be guided by "what is being directed from' outside the Goldwatersaid most prudent and what is most likely country by non-Salvadoran- forces he Casey was quote d in this week's tosucceed: refused to identify. " issue of U.S. News & World Report as Haig was testifying on the admims- Haig told the House Foreign Affairs saying that the insurgency in El Sal- tration's request for $8.67 billion in Committee that he could not provide vador was being directed from Nica- foreign military and security related more details because thls'could jeop- ragua with the help of Cuba, Viet- aid. ardize U.S. intelligence "sources. nam, the Palestine Liberation Organ= On another issue, Haig sought to Haig's statement emphasized the; ization (PLO) and the Soviet Union. dodge questions about whether the Reagan administratid i'& contention' Guillermo Ungo, a leader. of the.. administration plans to sell mobile that the turmoil in Ef-Salvador does' Salvadoran leftist groups seeking id, Hawk anti-aircraft missiles and ad. not, result exclusively from focal . overthrow the ruling junta, has de vaned jet fighters to Jordan., Al. 'discontent: Some critics of adminis- nied that the civil war is being di though the idea has triggered fierce tration' policy'have challenged that rected from outside El Salvador'by opposition from Israel,: Defense Sec!: retary Caspar W. Weinberger recent non "The who,,, contention. people '`The operations, of the guerrilla are directing the war are in El Salva ly d, scussed the possibility with Jor forces inside -El Salvador are con- .. dor," Ungo, president of the Demo-?" dan s King Hussein, and the king said trolled from external command and cratic Revolutionary Front,. said in in a television interview Sunday that he intended to k h ' as t e United States - an interview Monday with the Asso- control," Haig said in'response to a y to sell him theequipment. , ciated Press. question from Rep Lee Hamilton (D . . Ind.). He added that: congressional In his testimony 'yesterday, .Haig.' Haig, 'avoiding.. a confrontation .intelligence committees recently had ;again warned that it was a "terrible with Israel's congressional support " to draw parallels between ers, replied with the administration's been-briefed privately on the sub-; distortion acct El Salvador and the Vietnam War. He? stock answer that no request had Sena Barry Goldwater (R:, Ariz:) said the Caribbean Basin is far more, been- received from Jordan and thus critical to American security inter. no decisions have been made.'He chairman of the Senate I Feb. gence gists because a sizable portion of U.S._ added: "It is not prudent to get out Diracector. CCommittee, William said that on; eb. 2s, CIS oil and.trade passes through: that fro '. nt:with definitive statements that had given.the panel Casey and;others region are neither timely nor called for :,, a. brifi that, "left no doubt th ttheree.is.-act ve The area is plagued by extremely He .urged Israel. to.exercise, "re involvement by Sandinista INicara- urgent dangers" resulting from a straint and. moderation" in assessing guanl; government officials' in sup= combination of economic problems how to respond to signs that the PLO: and the "willingness ?of the Soviet was increasintr port? ,of, the, Salvadoran guerrilla a its military. prepared movement.',' Union and Cuba to manipulate irage- Hess in Lebanon. He said the PLO has This i dies in the hopes of spreading Mar- been: acquiring arias rockets: and.. support:-: includesarrange xism-Leninism"hesaid. ments for the use of Nicaraguan ter- tanks but suggested that ,Israel has ritory for the inovementof arms and Rep: Stephen Solari (D. N.Y.), a been. increasing its own military mun}lions, to .guerrillas. inEl,S.,alva- critic of administration policies in El readiness as well 7 i Salvador, suggested that it would be '-Although the PLO bis an logical to assume the United States "unsettling :'.thing" to:bu buildup ldu ,::Haig eventually would send combat troops' said,. he, Hoped .that the cease-fire to El Salvador to ensure the mainte- reached' in July along the Lebanese nance of .a friendly government border would be observed by .boor.. sides. a :i t.,sc= STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/06: CIA-RDP90-00552R000202230093-2