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November 19, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/21: CIA-RDP9O-00552ROO0201750010-7
19 NOVEMBER 1982
CBI warned "It is particularly unseemly for the "and we haven't-violated any of our
FBI to appear ,to be taking sides by guidelines."
providing secret file information to In his letter, Edwards recalled bow
pc~ {~O oonee side of the Inuclear;freezel de- President Lyndon . B. Johnson, con-
of when the reliabil- fronted with. widespread public dis.
nuclear issue ity of the faceless, nameless inform- sent over the Vietnam War-in--the
ers providing the information" is 1960s. used the FBI to investigate
unknown, wrote Edwards, a Demo- communist influence in the antiwar
crat from California. .movement.
By Aaron Epstein
+ He urged Webster either to admit a
~.~. wosh;naror. Bureau "We know -now haw regrettable
mistake or to'explain the FBI's role ? the FBI's statements'. and actions
WASHINGTON - Rep. Don Ed- to the public or to the House Judicia- . "were ' with respect. to 'both'the civil
wards, a former FBI agent whose ry Committee's subcommittee on civ- rights and anti-war niovements,:'-Ed?
subcommittee oversees the agency, it and constitutional, rights, which. wards wrote. -Let us learn-from`tiis-
warned yesterday that the FBI was in Edwards heads. to and not repeat mistakes."
danger of being manipulated by the Webster said. earlier this week that In In' an interview, he added: ' ~- 1%
White House for political purposes. the FBI had furnished secret infor- ,I'm sure Marxists'and -Socialists
Edwards contended in a letter to mation on 'foreign influence in the =are in the-peace 'moveraent,` but-it's
FBI Director William H. Webster that nuclear-freeze movement to the Na- nonsense to say it's-manipulated.-,h's
the FBI already has aligned itself, tional Security Council and to the -:.bigger- than -that" .'.
improperly with the Reagan:admin- House Select Committee on -Intelli- Referring to 'the 'denunciation-of
istration's opposition to a freeze on gence.. In an Interview Wednesday, . nuclear war being drafted. by the
the production of nuclear weapons. Young ,said the information -.bad nation's Roman: Catholic-bfshops,'Ed?-
The congressman : noted that one been,.requested -by someone?working wards remarked: `"They're !Soviet
day after President Reagan told a for the counciland.had-been sent to agents) not at the downtown Hilton
news conference last week that Sovi- the White House.in early October. manipulating ,those 'bisbops;.1 I1 sell
et agents were manipulating the U.S. 'The"FBI director said earlier this
nuclear-freeze movement, a top FBI week that the Soviets have engaged you
official said publicly that the FBI had in what is called 'active measures'bY political targets in the administra-
furnished such information to the which they seek,to bring about a tion's criticism of the -freeze move
White House. psychological effect on various ment could be Democratic presides-
The official, Roger Young, assis- movements that are consistent with? tial candidates who'favorr a: freeze,
tant director of the FBI for rongres- 4theirl overall world objectives and . especially Sen. Edward -M:- Kennedy
h"q A? onal and ublic affairs said Rea an ,'strategies -and this Ithe nuclear (D., Mass.) and former Vice,.PTe$1-
p freeze movements is no ex e.,,;,..,
peace movement." reiiection upon the sincere, dedicat-
ed and informed citizens- who for
"We are not casting aspersions on other reasons are supporting this-or.,
the peace movement," Young . said, any other movement in the exercise ``
but we know the Soviets have tar- of their First Amendment rights."
geted it as the place to exert influ- An FBI official said all of the infor-
ence, not just in the United States, mation furnished to the administra.
but in other parts of the world." tion and Congress came from FBI
By making such a public state- counterintelligence, not from aar'
ment, Edwards contended, the FBI surveillance of domestic gro~is
had broken its own guidelines re-
quiring that investigations be kept
secret until criminal charges are
filed so that both the investigations
and the reputations of innocent peo.
pie are protected. ,' .
the Soviet attempts to influence the
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/21: CIA-RDP9O-00552ROO0201750010-7