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February 13, 1986
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/21: CIA-RDP90-00552R000201590002-4 1,17-ASHTNGTON POST 13 February 1986 administration would lend only"mor- al. suppovt or-eeeie-form of :military assistance' that fell short,, of Savimbi's critical needs: antitank and antiaircraft weapons to fight Soviet armor. At a private lunch with Savimbi STAT Senators Seeking Commitment on- An, B m f'ates' ler - . ?' Late last week, Senate Majority Leader Robert J. Dole (R-(an.) wrote a classified letter to Secre- tary of State George P. Shultz at secretly clarify one of those nuances of foreign policy that leaders are often loath to put in writ n The letter, a copy of which was made available to The Washington Post, demonstrates the intricate pulling and.- tugging between the Senate's conservative wing and the Reagan, administration over the most effective way to support the anticommunist "freedom fighters" President Reagan has identified in a growing list of Third World coun- tries.: The administration last. month notified the House and Senate in- tel6 ence oversight committees that it Pans to give covert assist- ance to Angolan guerrilla leader Jonas avim i- who last week com- pleted a tour of Washington and New York to seek U.S. support for his fight against the Marxist gov- ernmeni of Angola. The: nptifica fait was by secret presidential "finding" under the National Security Act. In late January, Shultz asked Sen- ate leaders to give the administra- tion an expression of support.stt the Central Intelligence Agency could proceed with the covert aid. Dote obliged by drafting a resolution urg- ing U.S. support for Savimbi. No such expression of support is required by law, but shrewd potit- ical instincts persuaded Reagan national security advisers of the need for what some, call " litical . cover before they involved United States in another CIA- backed paramilitary operation against a foreign cower. Despite the appearance of sup- port for Savimbi in the upper reaches of the administration, a number of Savimbi's strongest sup- porters in the Senate suspected that other members of the admin- istration would like to derail the covert operation, and last week they expressed their doubts to Dole. Their chief concern was that the Feb. 5, Dote and of sena- tors, most of them conservatives, . developed , a strategy to lock the .administration into a commitment to give: Savimbi~ what he says he needs. The following letter, classified 'cret" by Dole's staff because it implicitly refers to the pending co- vert operation. according to Repub- lican Senate sources, is, a a~mbit that is believed to have paid ~off for Savimbi. Republican sources said this week that the White House . and State Department are considering redrafting the president's secret "finding" for transmission to the Senate, but this time the presiden- tial document would specifically call for providing Savimbi with lethal weapons to combat Soviet-built tanks and to shoot down Soviet- built assault helicopters. T tter was signed by sena- to Dol ohn Heinz (R-Pa.), Steve Symms Idaho), William V. Roth Jr. (R-Del.), Mitch McConnell (R- Ky.), Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), Rob- ert W. Kasten Jr. (R-Wis.), Pete Wilson (R-Calif.), Jeremiah Denton (R-Ala.), James A. McClure (R- Idaho) and Phil Gramm (R-Texas). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/21: CIA-RDP90-00552R000201590002-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/21 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000201590002-4 e READING BET ;TIE UNES-` that the idministration's aeel?s to use pattn tilitary pressure to force the Marxist regime to negotiate the withdrawal of all Cuban troops and Soviet advisers from Angola in return for South Africa's withdrawal of forces from Namibia. This paragraph. states the senators' belief that supplying arms is t wry to help Saviigbt and suggests that the ;r&ginistration needs to get specityb en? this point. rlis , was Claesifi46. or U.S.' penators to openly discuss the proyieion pt lethal weapons to rebel 'fofcls in a sovereign nation might violate not only Angote's national sensibilities, but also those of neighboring Zaire and Zambia, through which CIA aid would have to pass;to reach Savimbi, Finally; the senators make a subtle, politically artful proposal. They say they are willing to provide what has been called the "political cover" the administration wants for the CIA operation, but only if the administration states in concrete terms (through some private channel). that the assistance will include antitank and antimissile weapons. They also raise the threat that the Senate would go ahead openly to provide Savimbi with antiarmor weapons if assurances are not forthcoming. goo 001.E United states senate February 6, 1986 The Honorable George P. Shultz Secretary of State Departmen.r of State Was.hingtoer, D.C. 20520 .........,,., Dear Mr. Secretary: With the imminence of a new Communist offensive in Angola, it is imperative that the United States begin immediately to provide concrete assistance to the Angolan democratic resistance forces, under the leadership of UNITA and Dr'., Jonas Savimbi. f--~ SucA4ssistancc is needed to achieve the goals we all see>f ixs,Am ola -- an end to the'massive Soviet and Cuban troop presence and a negotiated political settlement. We understand that the President wishes to provide such assistance, and it would be consistent with your own public statements of the need to provide "effective" aid to the democratic resistance. To meet the threat posed by the Communist offensive, such assistance must include defensive weaponry effective against the massive, modern weaponry provided to.the MPLA by If you believe it would be useful we are r d , p epare to introduce and seek speedy passage of a Senate resolution of support for UNITA. We would do so, though, only on tho firm assurance that it was part of, and not a substitute for, an overall strategy to provide vitally needed aid to the democratic resistance on a timely basis. Absent such an assurance, we are prepared to press for Congross:onal action to initiate a program of effective material assistance to UNITA. 506 COLE United Senate Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/21: CIA-RDP90-00552R000201590002-4