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June 12, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/01 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000201280001-9 STAT AR T I C L [a A_FP .!1.EED ON ;f'Ir.uE L 2 ,y. THE NATION 12 June 1982 L-.T'_ FOLLOW-UP ON THE LETELIER CASE /\% . Ct b a 0 Cni]L ?JOAa'.' DINGES AND SAUA_ LANDAU a Imost six years after the assassination of Chilean exile leader Orlando Letelier in Washington, 1}.C., information conti,rr:cs to surface in- _._:._dicating that the Central Intelligence Agency concealed fa, ! , about its relations v,?'h DINA, the C'hil?an secret police, that might have helped solve the murder quickly. In our earlier report [see "The Chilean Connection," The Nation, November 28, 1981], we showed that DINA's head, then-ail. Manuel Contreras, visited Washington secretly only days after he gave his agents or~lwrs to begin the assassination operation. C.-itreras made the trip to pur- chase weapons illegally from a company roil by former C.I.A. officers Edwin Wilson and Frank "J erpil, New information from a year-old Congressional hear- ing-unnoticed at.the tinge----reveals that Contreras had another riau ling, this one with the second--ranking officer of the C.I.A., L}puty Director Vernon Walters. Walters told a March 10, 1981, hearing of the Douse Foreign Affairs Sub- committee on Inter-Amz , i; en Affairs that he had two meetings with Contreras i;,. )AWashington: one, previously publicized, in August 1975, the second "a year" later. An aide to Walters says that "every meeting" with Contreras involved "agency-to-agency business" and none took place after Walters's retirement from the C.I.A. on July 2, 1976. We don't know the nature of the business, nor is there any evidence that Contreras told Walters of the Letelier assassination plot. But it is noteworthy that, according to F.B.I. vestigators, Walters never told them about the sec- ond misting with Contreras, even though its proximity to the assassination on September 21, 1976, made it particular- ly relevant to the investigation. Walters's name has arisen several times in connection with Contreras and the DINN-t. agents plotting the murder, according to the evidence compiled by the F.B.I. That evidence shows that Walters traveled to Asuncion, Paraguay, in June 1976 on agency >,usira:ss. A month later, two DINA agents assigned to kill Letelier arrived in Paraguay to obtain false passports, u.--tog Walters's name and alleging that Walters and the C.I.A. knew about the DINA mission to Washington. Walters liar denied he hacl anything to do with the DINA agents or the false passports. Contreras' tance to hither head of the Pa Guanes was the the two DINA agents were tra Int-'igence A.genm.;? ai,w sm;e'1 awns." (Interestingly, Contreras's deal with Wilson and Terpil was for 1,059 Colt Cobra revolvers, a small handgun widely used by plainclothes police.) Guanes also said the two agents "had the cooperatic3 of the C.I.A./ U.S.A.," which "suggested that they travel with documents with another nationality since, as Chileans, it would be dif- ficult to take such material out of the U.S.A." (Congress had prohibited arms sales to Chile earlier in 1976 because of human rights violations.) Guanes portrayed Walters, wh ,rr, lie had met in Paraguay, as helping arrange the DINA agents' trip. lie said he met U.S. Ambassador George Landau on August 6, 1976, at a Chinese Embassy reception: "[IIc) took us aside and said, `I received a call from General Walters stating that problem= had arisen with the passports given to.the Chileans and that the State Department had cancelled the visas. It is possible for the same two to enter [the United States] direct- ly using Chilean passports, for which they would make direct contact.' This information should be sent to my friend Colonel Contreras...." Because this account differs from Walters's denial' and Landau's testimony about the reception, F.B.I. agents at first discounted it. They also assumed that because Guanes was a friend of Contreras he might have concocted the C.I.A. story to embarrass the United States. But in light of Walters's admission of a second meeting with Contreras, Guanes's testimony takes on new weight. The Chilean government of Gen. Augusto IP'inoclret has stonewalled on the Letelier case, denying the U.S. request for Contreras 's extradition, terminating th twilit ry and judicial investigations it had begun, and cx; ir:g from the country the attorney for the Le liar family, former Justice Minister Jaime Castillo. Our new information indicates that the C.I.A., which had pledged to cooperate with F'.B.I. investigators, has joined in that stonewalling. The C.I.A. an'. x:" rieral Walters had full information about the incidents in Paraguay, including photographs of the two DINA agents, within days of their occurrence. The information was never turned over to the F.B.I. Its importance is indicated by the fact that when the photogr,,phss and cable traffic about the ins icaents were unearthed by Federal investigators more than a year later, thr'y led to the arrest of DINA tiger it 1~frchec-l I ovmley, who confessed to having been involved in the plot, arad to the in- dictments of Contreras and two other 1)INA o i f icials. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/01 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000201280001-9 :-:, y