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Publication Date: 
January 16, 1981
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020032-4 A %. 1CL A Fi::1R D THE WASHINGTON POST ON PAGZ r'7 16 January 1981 .-. a . :. . _:. _.. . Roivland Eu 's-and Robert Novak` 'z ' ' ' .i osta. e ..Ii- Costs Behind "Deputy Secretary of tate Warren Christopher's round-the-clock ef- fort for the American hostages is this ver- bal order from President Carter, arousing. mixed emotions among Ronald Reagan's men: free the hostages "at all costs" be- fore the Jan. 20 inauguration. ',The=admonition '..'at 'all costs" helps explain the steep: U.S: raise in the hoe- `tags bidding,'_ Although State Depart-' ment-officials denied'the published fig- ure of $8_ billion, the *actual Carter offer now stands close to W at, a rounded-off $73 billion:'' All?'this has ~cbilt=ed~'U.S.` bankers and means mole. out low ahead for the leaky U.S Triisury:.'-:While-. Reagan abjures bargaining': with "barbarians" and con- demns paying ransom, his foreign policy advisers would be delighted to have the hostage headache- cured . before he is sworn in. For Jimmy Carter, there are no doubtsr ifthiv last. bid--fails, he rightly fears the hostage taint will dominate his- tory's view of his presidency. ,:.. , 1 .1 "1 Carter's order.~to win. hostage freedom. ''i "at all Costs" has.concerned major banks' holding from Iranian -assets that, would; betaken ovei lry the'US. government for return to Iran.'That means claims against I Iran for outstanding 'debts in the end may have -to be paid by unsuspecting American taxpayers. That could 'delay payment to- the- bankers far into the fu- ture. . i Nevertheless; the banks cannot inter-. yens."We cannot--even think about tam-. pering with, such n' life-or-death issue;' one. major Manhattan -bank 'executive 'told-- %W-Off we did, 'the': politicians in '"Washington would'string us up without a `peep from.anyoni." What has-worried- Carter administra =:tiort officialsfar-more than the banks: is ther- Reagan - reaction: -Strenuous efforts have been made to tie Reagan to any hos= negotiated but.not.finally con- summated by Carter before Jan. 20. A top-secret White House cable to U.S., eniisearies in Algeria went as far as possi. 2bleto'satisfy Iranian doubts about the io coming administration., If -the hostages :are freed before Jan. 20, it said, Secretary. .of'State-designate Alexander Haig would look:"favorably" :on -the- United-States i carrynot ha,.barg~sin Pledged by Car. ter. Asecond cable; used the word'"prob= ably." Publicly; Reagan and Haig are buying nothing of the kind. Insiders declare that any deal smacking of high-cost ransom I will be subjected to intense *scrutiny be- fore Reagan agrees. The-reality is more 'complicated. If Carter. issues an executive order unfreez. ing the Iranian- assets, Reagan's options" will be circumscribed. Besides,.the onus, on paying-tribute for the hostages would' be Carter's, not Reagan's. - .. - ' There is, moreover, an additional rea-: ,son for Reagan and Haig privately to wel? come even an "at all costs" Carter deal of -cash for hostages: ending the hostage- crisis would cost the Soviet Union its hoe- tage trump.card and free the U.S. hand in the Persian Gulf. Once the hostages .are freed, the United States once again becomes a competitor with Moscow for 'future influence with one of the richest and most strategically important coun tries bordering the Soviet Union. Soviet intrigue against the United States in Iran has increasingly concerned, the lame duck president. One month ago, Carter began to worry that the J(rernlir was fomenting radical Iranian factions to block any consensus for releasing the hoe- ,tages....:..?' . _-. ;. . He asked for a thorough Central Intel ligence Agency stu of Moscow's true o icy. 13u when it arrived in. the OvalLT lice - i was a useless "maybe ma be no" assessment of the Kre n Z tentrons at to arter not -. - c Reagan advisers need no UIA report.:' ,.,They are certain the Soviets want to per., petuate the hostage crisis in their own in- tereet.- No- matter how hesitant the -new f president is in promoting a new U.S.-Ira- inran era, release of the hostages. immedi ately ends Soviet effectiveness in poison- ing relations between Washington and! Iran. That -could .prove ' invaluable for. Reagan in the coming battles- over the' oersian Gulf and its oil. =.- For: the old- president,` what matters. .most is history's blessing t-He wants it1 written that Jimmy Carter at. the. 11th, hour ended one of the most disgraceful: -: episodes in American history, whatever; the cost to American taxpayers.- ~ STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020032-4