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Document Release Date: 
June 28, 2010
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Publication Date: 
July 21, 1983
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020008-1 __ I APFP.4n PHILADELPHIA INQUIRE I 21 July 1983 Carter: CIA aided escape from Iran TOKYO - .Ci[] i -r_-~? ???w...uvaa aa?t !Cal l 7 WIaI] agents? some of .1 on Jan. 20, 1981, after. 444 days as them disguised as crew mem hostages. Eleven captives had been hers, helped Canadian diplomats freed earlier. smuggle six Americans out ?of Iran -Carter, discussing the CIA agents while Islamic militants held.63 ,oth- who entered Tehran to assist ?the ers hostage, former President Jimmy Canadians, said that one using a Carter..has disclosed. = -- West German passport was stopped Carter revealed details of the'oper- :1 by an Iranian immigration off ation at a news conference ?Lesday, but got through by recalling Nazi during a private visit he .is ` dictator Adolf Hitler. making 'to Japan. - .Carter said the. agent showed his The six Americans fled to the Ca-. passport, which carried the middle radian Embassy in Tehran when? initial "H.", to the Iranian official, militants.of Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho who told him, "Stop.* Something's meini's revolutionary Islamic regime wrong." seized the U.S. Embassy and the hos . The official then said, "I have-been tages Nov. 4, 1979. ' ~~ here 25 years and I have never seen a Aft r C e d f on Jan. 28, 1980, with forged Canadi. an passports and visas. The Americans left Tehran on a morning flight with Canadian diplo. manc personnel, and Taylor depart- ed on an evening flight. The Canadi- an Embassy in the Iranian capital then was closed, but Canada and Iran have not severed diplomatic rela- tions. The last 52 American ?bostages were released through Algerian- German passport with a middle ini. a na a in ormed the United States of the presence of the six Americans. Carter said, "I directed that intelligence agencies, primarity the CIA, begin to go into Tehran with disguises - sometimes as a motion picture crew, sometimes otherwise - to go privately into the Canadian Embassy and train the six ?Ameri- cans and the Canadians on how,they might best be extracted from Teh- ran." He described Ken Taylor, who was then the Canadian ambassador to Iran, as "justifiably an American hero." - Taylor. now the 'Canadian consul- general in New York, said the U.S. intelligence agents "made a vital contribution" to the escape of the six Americans, who flew out of Tehran tial, so I'll have to find out something more about you before you can pass," Carter told the news conference- , said the "very quick-thinking CIA agent went back and said, 'Well, I wonder if I could talk to you private- 1j'" and he then told the official, "I was born in the late 1930s, and my parents gave me the middle name of Hitler, and I've always gotten permis- sion to conceal this fact in my pass port" Carter said the official then told the agent, "Well, I understand. You go right ahead." Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020008-1