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December 12, 1981
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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000100940005-4 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE THE WASHINGTON POST 12 December 1981 to- rd er Age *. pecte al Li By Charles It Babcock W&shtnr.on Fast Stan Wrfret At least a week ago,: U.S. immi- gration and Customs ageats received identities-of 12 alleged, terrorists, who make up the suspected Libyan "hit squads" that have caused such a furor in Washington recently. - Immigration and Naturalization Service headquarters in- Washington sent a seven-page memo-to its 'major: border-crossing and airport offices last Sunday containing the. names, ages, aliases and sketches of five members of one team believed led by an international terrorist known as Carlos. It said "targets of this team are the president and other high government officials." The memo, which was "labeled "sensitive, for official use onfy," was described in Thursday's Sair Diego. Union. Syndicated columnist Jack Anderson released the sketches the same day. There was some confusion about the sensitivity of -the : information because it was found posted on the lunchroom bulletin board at the lm- migration and Naturalization Service border-crossing station at San Ysidro, Calif., Tuesday afternoon.: But sources said that the informs= tion was sent to the field because it was, and is, the best information the- intelligence community has about the identity of members of. the 'al- leged assassination squads. One source ' cautioned, however, that-the identities and -sketches are based mostly on the recollection of a key informer whose-credibility has notbeen determined. The Union article quoted the INS memo as say- ing that information "from a reliable source indicates that a ..". hit team headed ... by Carlos may- attempt illegal entry into the United States via- Mexico during early December, 1981." Carlos, 32, whose full name is Car- los Ilich Ramirez Sanchez; was re- ported to be traveling under an as- sumed name, "is skilled at changing appearance and identity' and should be considered "extremely danger- ous," the memo said. - . . ;r-The-:'Venezuelan-born Carlos is believed to have planned the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes and coaches, the 1975 kid- naping of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries oil' ministers in .Vienna and a 1976 hijacking of a French jetliner to Uganda. that ended-with the Israeli commando raid at Entebbe. According to the Union article, the memo said that the other mem- bers-of Carlos'. team included three Syrians and-three Libyans.&second team was' said to include two Iran ians,a Palestinian, a- Lebanese and an East German. Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi has denied reports. that he ordered: an assassination team into the Unit- ed States to go- after President Rea- gan and other top U.S. officials. But American' intelligence officials have - said they have, been forced to take the- information seriously . Thursday's disclosures on: 'the names and sketches of the susPected mation yet about 'the alleged plot. But American officials acknowledge that they are puzzled over how any .one could obtain the kind of detailed .;formation the INS received from the intelligence community.. - Secretary of State'Alexander bL Haig Jr. said yesterday that the as- sassination-team intelligence. came from ' a "host of sophisticated intel- ligence-collection- capabilities." Oth- ers have said- much. of it 'came from the one informer. The Los Angeles Times reported today that Israeli intelligence was: the major source of some of the most dramatic published' reports - about' the suspected. plot'The paper said, Israel's intent in passing on informa tion to the news media-:-about the; affair, including assertions: that,Caz,' los heads one of the teams and that.- the suspected terrorists were in Mex-< ico or Canada, was not immediately, clear. - But ,it quoted - sources as saying . that Israel may be trying, to build: American public support for a strike against Qaddafi. An Israeli Embassy spokesman: had no comment on the report-of,, Israeli involvement; the Times said.. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00552ROO0100940005-4