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IVL - INILIMAL USL ONLY Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/03/14 : CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 Li MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: DCl/ICS 88-4205 14 January 1988 Director of Logistics Director, Planning and Policy Office Support for Congressionally Directed Study of Intelligence Personnel Systems Mmo to D/OL fr d/ICS, dtd 23 December 1987, Same Subject 1. In the referenced memorandum, the Director of the Intelligence Community Staff provided background on the personnel management study required by the Fiscal Year 1988 Intelligence Authorization Act and asked for your assistance. As you will recall, Congress directed the DCI to contract with the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) to perform the study. The Study Steering Group has continued to discuss the NAPA effort informally with an officer from your procurement divison and is now ready to proceed with the study. Accordingly, it is requested that you formally issue a Request for Proposal to NAPA to begin the contracting process. 2. Excerpts from the Congressional Record and the Authorization Act Conference Report are attached (Attachment A) for additional information. Also attached (Attachment B) is a draft paper setting forth Terms of Reference for the study, which may be used as the basis for a Statement of Work. Given the tight deadlines specified by the Congress, this paper is provided in draft to speed the process; a final version is now being coordinated and will be forwarded to you next week. We realize that time is critical, but hope that the necessary steps can be taken in time to have NAPA under contract by the beginning of February 1988. This will be necessary if we are to meet the Congress's interim report schedule. 3. In the Authorization Act, Congress stipulated that not more than $500,000 would be available for the study, taken from the funds available to the Intelligence Community Staff. P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 STAT STAT STAT ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 C.) SUBJECT: Support for Congressionally Directed Study of Intelligence Personnel Systems 4. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please call me at Attachments: A. Congressional Record and Conference Report Excerpts B. Draft Terms of Reference ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/03/14 : CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 Nino) SUBJECT: Support for Congressionally Directed Study of Intelligence Personnel Systems DISTRIBUTION: (DCl/ICS 88-4205) Copy 1 - Addressee 2 - D/ICS 3 - DD/ICS 4 - EO/ICS 5 - C/Admin/ICS 6 - C/B&F/ICS 7 - C/Security/lCS 8 - (OL/Procurement) STAT 9 - D/PPO 10 - PPO/Subject 11 - PPO Subject STAT 12 - PPO Chrono 13 - ICS Registry (SSG) DCl/ICS/PPO (13 January 1988) ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 CONGRLW lit Sas o' HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES I RrPori 1D0-432 INTELL/GENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 19813 Novudint 10, 1981?Ordered to be printed Mr. Sirs, from the committee of conference, submitted the following CONFERENCE REPORT 17c, act-ornpan H.R 2112; The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill tH.R 21121 to authorize appropriations for fiscal year for intelligence and in- telligence-related activities of the United States Government. for the Intelligence Community Staff, for the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System. and for other purposes, having met, after full and free conference, having agreed to recom- mend and do recommend to their respective Houses as follows That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate and agree to the same with an amendment as fol- lows- In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following That this Act may be cited as the -intelligence Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 19S' TITLE I?INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES AITHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 101. Funds are hereb.1 authorized to be approp-icted fr.r fiscal year IPIOI? for the conduct of the 0 '2 d intelligence- related actirities of the following elements of the United S;ate.F Got.- ernment: The Central Intelligence Agency. t2, The Department of Defense. 131 The Defense Intelligence Agenc% (.41 The National Securit.l Agenc-..t. - 10',"?_:--z?- '- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIAIRDP90-00530R001002330025-1 4-t aL,& 46siksaiii,a1r4ta Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 20 ecutive branch reports, but unnecesaary to exempt DU from either the Freedom of Information Act or the Privacy Act, since compli- ant* with those otatutee has tot been a problem for DU and be- cause bath statutes provide adequate protection for classified infor- mation. 77TLE VD?STUDY Of INTELDGIDICE PERSONNEL SYMMS SECTION 701 Section 701 of the conference report requires the Director of Cen- tral Intelligence to contract with the National Academy of Public Administration to perform an objective classified study of person- nel management and compensation systems affecting civilian per- sonnel of the United States intelligence community. Section 601 of the House bill would have created a Commission on Intelligence Personnel Systems to review personnel recruitment, retention, management and compensation protrrams of the U.S in- telligence community. The commission would have been made up of three members, one appointed by the President., another by the Speaker of the House, and a third by the Majority Leader of the Senate. The House felt the Commission was necessary to provide a comprehensive review of current programs; assess the need for changes, especially those required by the unique circumstances of intelligence activities, and to present recommendations to the Con- gress for necessary changes after considering the potential inequi- ties the proposed changes would create either among intelligence agencies or between the intelligence community and the Federal Civil Service. The Senate amendment had no comparable provision The conference agreement provides for the conduct of the study that would have been required by the House bill except that under the conference agreement, the study shall be conducted by the Na- tional Academy of Public Administration NAPA), an independent 'Federally-chartered institution with significant expertise in govern- ment management issues and an excellent reputation for objective. thorough study. The study will assess the ability of intelligence community activities to perform their current and future missions with existing or proposed personnel and compensation systems The conference agreement directs the Director of Central Intelli- gence to contract with NAPA to conduct the study of intelligence personnel systems but it is the expectation of the conferees that the Director will consult with the intelligence committees in his negotistionE to select a NAPA team to conduct the study and in the development of essential parameters of that study. The lan- guage of the conference agreement also provides that the Director -of Central Intelligence, the Director of the Intelligence Community Staff, and all elements of the intelligence community must provide necessary support, including personnel, to the NAPA panel as well RE access to all information relating to intelligence personnel and -management issues. The conferees further urge the Director of Central Intelligence to ensure that members and staff of the NAPA panel are given every measure of cooperation and that security in- vestigations and review necessary to provide clearances for them are given priority attention. ? ......:- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 ' ?-a- dL ftrIca,t*-,AA, Lg. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 to exempt DIA from either Privacy Act, since compli- i problem for DIA and be atection for claasified infor- Pitasoition.SYsrota quires the Director of Cen- ational Academy of Public classified study of person- :ems affecting civilian per- ?ornmunity. uave created a Commission iew personnel recruitment, in programs of the US. in would have been made up President, another by the .he Majority Leader of the was necessary to provide a rams; assess the need for ie unique circumstances of :ommendations to the Con- 4ring the potential inequi- either among intelligence ,mmunity and the Federal ,d no comparable provision ^ the conduct of the study ouse bill except that under al be conducted by the Na- n (NAPA), an independent -_fic.ant expertise in govern- nt reputation for objective, the ability of intelligence irrent and future missions compensation systems. Director of Central Intelli- t the study of intelligence :ion of the conferees that :ligence committees in his conduct the study and in -s of that study. The Ian- provides that the Director Lf Intelligence Community e community must provide o the NAPA panel as well intelligence personnel and _her urge the Director of .ers and staff of the NAPA ition and that security in- aride clearances for them 2) The NAPA study panel should be tasked with producing interim analytical reports before the required completion of the .final report by January 20, 1989. The conferees believe that such interim reports, which should be provided on May 1 and August 1, 1988, could be useful to the intelligence committees and to the intelli- genoe community. The conferees urge the Director to ensure that swell interim reports particularly address an analysis of existing or proposed changes to personnel management and compensation sys- tems aimed at recruiting or retaining individuals with skills criti- cal to the various missions of the agencies and entities of the intel- ligence community. Among the skills of critical importance to a number of ouch intelligence entities are mathematics, computer science, engineering, and foreign languages. The conferees are aware that some intelligence agencies may seek to institute changes in their personnel management and com- pensation programs during the period in which NAPA is conduct- ing the intelligence personnel study. The conferees do not wish to discourage personnel management and compensation improve- ments implemented within the framework of current programs However, the purpose of the study is to provide a baseline for a comprehensive review by the intelligence committees of all person- nel needs of the intelligence agencies presented in a coherent and coordinated fashion. The conferees believe that significant, non- urgent changes in personnel management or compensation pro- grams should be reviewed very carefully before they are imple- mented. The conferees consider the authorized programs for fiscal year 199F to include only those personnel management and compensa- tion programs in effect at the time the budget was submitted and justified. Significant changes to those programs would be of special Congressional interest and would require submission to the intelli- gence committees for consideration under established reprogram- ming or transfer procedures. By "significant," the conferees mean departures from current personnel management or compensation structures. While the conferees do not intend to discourage needed change, they emphasize that any contemplated significant program change should be submitted well in advance of the date anticipated for implementation. Unless submitted as part of the annual fiscal year 1989 budget request, such proposals should be submitted at least 30 days prior to proposed implementation. TITLE V111--GENEEAL PROVISIONS sEc-nON 601 Section 801 of the conference report provides that the authoriza- tion of appropriations by the conference report shall not be deemed to constitute authority for the conduct of any intelligence activity which is not otherwise authorized by the Constitution or laws of the United States Section 801 of the conference report is identical to Section 701 of the House bill and of the Senate amendment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 -- r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 11 992,k coNoassloNk ET CORD ? HMS! bit Ifh * D' tait."1.-N WI/ 111100..1, IrM rit? Matleh DpP.116? tg tat er-vtre? Dir..*der. rtAarv) he' to 11r.r 5? JA 1 laps zervat...?ns P Vrrrn:t?T" free. 161:puritern anr Pw ltd?oNda.t.* to,nt hey( bed Th r-oe ma:At rtdirrry r Vrinorr WA: a bery, evsetenoc A pre-ibrui IDr. 0'1? 0,61Urtti freagfrs eviC ran,. hat ContIOUted to the veer er vrir^ Ittinuttt VIC spruce ce, Wort'. Co-otnit's tAwn. ttAttr. ? tfw tirper peak ir Pie Stet. ? Tv, ca rye- Pre:qt., CAr c?ve heal' tr) iearry-i; itre anr Dome' tor, pqrritw-c firetents supol) tInnturc wete., mars; the weer to %steak. Ormkrig Iftertia?Oe &ad Ism it sot 6/fr 6 loortrleasterr, probiert, scr problen, 1hr toy one State min Were on its cwt., 'Mow ce the sources of time rag. sla, r en, V." in,* eastern -Mr ? Our -count?) vrigasidle 4:141troie that State Ra-,W so IC Irmo more obttlic than mine' k tali% with romper* trequericii lbe Saimaaf ore eater In Western States Aced dam s ?boast> ? seniors' problem wterti dernands 2 11663416' 111C64/bart 1144 tot estabietes *Neal berrphave nalkorwr response.V aoe (Br. PJ svi remjt ar anrraa' erne:storm tratcikictt. or of ta)to- mats)) 'IC miler-Jr) tor* o' SLOILl thr.006e anC rouon!, 3 rniiwort. to r/ nrgs mode ? JErnatry 11. 11994. tw artnuat siatewibe atfera?e rate 01 erns/ArtsC itto' titn:ocie frorr coa-fired slearn gerte-atrc plants canno! exceed 2 pc.irC pe rrilion ELJ.s di hew. input 13) Sanitary 1. 1P99, the annua' s2atew4e ave:age rale o'airrussions tor sukr thoride cannot exceed 1_2 pounds pe?rniy Buis e boa: adinton, 1E'.9. wa:. Ire urvt rrus* rhae Kncl arression reltchon sta!viands hoge-. oxiOe based on the plant's type oz. bowite-a Virribe setinc st'ree't cerissbn Standards. my propose' gives r.,Etel. The lie-Kbility to le.-^tueVE those wjctert a the rrrJst cost-ef- *active maftne to het p preven: shaT, pnoe to- creases consurnes ariC Wiles The bit al;ows States to cfkaose tne emissions red.x- ton contra! tecr?-x," used to meet the Candards S2.1e.s ca: revise trier pia-ts a the tut,re r or-Se Sc tiiiKe advanta?-... o! the towe, Cost More effiaecr, -Mee- tocks lechnolooles being devatopec The legrstakor Ms: perrrets. emission trades between ublitles lets: a State and co a fe- clone' basis w long as 're reducnor goals are met This Aknrs Stales to ?concentrate fftea-ng. effort where tries oan maximOe the ber&)tselk orit-arrizirtg the cost SA, bit also eirbm,-raged States toirt-rpo- rale erteir cortsevabctr into they conto-: pro- grams by PC116/S41-1Gc anatlernabve emissions CoRing that cradts =senator, ellotts SAeetrig these itr.risear pose a &al- king* lc ittiTrties and -rickistri to develop :dean cott: teemolopy carile retrofitted to ex- iStrig pla'ns arc conk:lent Iis a Challenge we can meet by itiorkiv .The b& sehaset approach Of realist: deaiiines..corribtrsed sett maximum meettn; the standa-=. a-e designed tcpive utfi7Oes and irsItstry trrie to develop ctrofTwsi% new. lachrologes so they can be used ?oat- me-alt) Si conwrne that the earty cornpliarce dates ViCJOe r?tierpsd ray, contrd bit* sv:An.? tti? tel. DM CM.' WO 4 ......1'40:19,01 .4?1 VIES' tz.:???,wit ,:-Jsatse'i 'Chit irip?ol! ? 111.-flaw lb. at ccrts.,.mttet wb.A: at. VIP ptentiz?rte 'slat FYN 0.P.AIL:.11, 1411.0 wat.oft k Mit:tow 0' ti+ lirInfrian lEttokrat Ce * *milt pf,-**1116: Ornisatont would tat unl..iverod W101 'aclubblebDo ever redJtt Vie tot CI ic he brInc, new 610Chtv14.i-s o Iroe.? att tati,t) at pAtsJok. en, ti rsu rof La6;-.41- erten'. o' 1 r*'g IL reft)Plis his etostiri otos' ZOLErvE p.r treVirC tk- ver.voi retrotniabte tectinolop?ai tha' otr be used by Pit larger airrine, o' elocti% burns I Wiwi' Vire are servers' otnr public options we Would esploie, inclering provrYng the rtoentwes to Vie Utit!ty industry to develop Cornrnerciati) rtable okser, roe' technology. 71.4) ba arrorenme-Itally notxtd poltJ1D-payw trincipte. imposing no new. texas or ralaPerrs A stionch oppose efforts Sr tat ^ otter) CUSLTrief'S ir Code* IC sibiodze borne Ratepayers In states Ike 1,1ew to& Nev. Ktrripshre, 'Minnesota alicrsgan. anzi Wisoortsr are already paymp type' veii1y. bf's because ce Ir States ' troparns to txxIt'' taac; tarn Trier Vitt stol.e. not have to iurrr ever hrie totatbsJorze cleanup costs ir, other States TIIRTHER "MESSAGE YR OM TEl SEN ATE ik further toessage from the Senate by Mr. Etellen. one of its clerks, an- nounced that the Senate had mssed with out am endmen t a 'concurrent reso- lution of the liouse -of the lobos-trig B. Can. E. 215. Concurrent stoltruon peorining for an ad_Lourrunent of 1.1) Roust from November le to November IC, 19E1. CON FI-KENCE REPORT ON E. 211 2 r. STOIZT:S EUbmitted the loD ing .00nle_renee _report and statement on the foal tail 2112) to authorize ap- propriations or fiscal year 19SS for in- telligence and Intelligence-related ac- tivities of the 'United States Govern- naent. for the Intelligence Carcrciini, StalL lot lhe Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Dist,hTlity System. end for Vale r purposes: ?CopesteatictFtspomnEL.Rat-r.14*-C:? Ilia committee la! exnalerenm trp the ttil-- arreeing votes inf the two BouseE or the arr.Pretrrtris: the Senate to flu bill (Elk 2112) Sc authorize appropriations for Lam.] year ISS.5 for .intA)irence and intellicebm- -related activities of The Thaite5 Ecate *ON - trranert. Ittr Abe kntelligrom Ct.-curd:5 Stan. Int thr Central Intelligeixt Rtn.irenyesil artaDbiflr System. and for 41Lher ran-Poses 2utvinp me:. after lur eme tree nonference. *slim ar-eed to Team, mend and do recommend to their reinove as follows. Thal the Rouse recede Irom hs disarret-- went lo the amendment oT the Senate anC sr-et to The same wtth ar, follows. bet; ot the matter ipropow-d tc. Dtt trt- ? 11operrag., .1".'% nr-it! th, gion?t.41-,,..r.' It,. 14:1,.v nit /rm. Iht. A-. mot * elle at 111, *,' pen', Au:nof.traitor At. Pa-t l'es? 11,10 ' 'J 7J7 1- 7?,?7ILL7c,rNr1 A r-7/1'1711.' Ar'ridozrztinto torarte.dt...rizA lit IC: / watt on Aritb-, as It, n-...vd be appropriated Jo' ham: eta'? I./o' 1/./ Gentetin 0' the te1.471pe-nre ant It tellper.c? rrluleti artsr:ure a' the ce, the Velure State) 0-r7-r-rrenn-it 11. Th? t?t Ita.:11pmtv A p'rlri ^ Thr LAI,CrYTPirt, o'Le-ef-ro, 13 Avnri !CM/ 1.6.:ionc7Ser-vr.4 Acreii77, ? Tel( Orpo?-tit.en: Vie Arm !hi Tr partni": 0' the ark one tfra Dcperur.rz? ce," the As? time OE; nal zfrpartfarn: vrstatc_ 171 Mr ZACPCrtincal a! the Perasur) IL Tar Department uerg; 49/77), rearm: Barreers a' in nea :Yon! too itiO, The Drac EstIcenzerseal ? hot c.i.Assdraz) ISMTInfil 01 rThr.a.IZA 770V. -SIT /02 Jo at./ ? 7'hu /Lc! cuelsai p.sej /Dr intelltorwer tone refrUtgrnce ?relc tee art. eitiu of the Vretet fIctel Crot-e-rtne-ra fur& yea 22,2 alz.err,C.L:M leVai blaipt..! CLL.:AO:4 PrO',4Zi& ;"). n.c! tic fc-r-sr jar-,Ltiocz (budOr t OLPI Ltrollf:J. ccrr4-ratrianal tn-dpr: p-o:e ? Cura it scrtern 7't.71.1: a' thr co?-rrt! rczD?rtion or the bardpr: _Fara] rep- 1P.) Mouse rcerici.--rr7.:.F.e.seeli.:1:?*; V of VI! 074, ? 7Ld re d:". err. cm= Cr7r-r'ren. &term:Tied erne dr:lc-re Mat Vii approprictt ienc: o' err fcr nation& &ire-kw .ftsTa? rear 29,5t o ?246.01,LOOC.00.: Act cuth.DrL.,..e.! J.r.a tec?see sper. /ha: iir:_r-- inluctior. naz: draic-alAcr and the as: hoz Vt at Vc lrre: trizepr: ci,r_r..c7:i i. c voile tic to tic cpcp-tc:rd. t2i Serticr 5'ci,11 Ole ronmrron: irsn- Intion -rnar.r-ree $7.0t4t.tfiC CDC arr.ount "my= caaf.abiht-; tor aar---47--4:71-07-- pendla; to! errtair, ritha-1: rtz?i: tam Je_msic alroinnc -c S.2rSi.00L.te0C.Ofert irciartrate4 arciict.:f .1c- appr-apnctw:- 7-1:11 - tits( Iroa2= 0.`.Innzi, baste upnr. cutho7'apcnioun: 711' cincrirn rwMcr-rzer: to t.r c?rr-t priztez' w4e-7 scr:10r lc:. ana c-t-thn,- 12cce prrsorar: ce-iimpz as 0.'1;epternbr- 19S1.:fir Vie cosiz'uir. ;A' Mr inm.ZZtotro eat a' 1.1w lufit es, riot, sectscrs.. are ti-wv.- Tpe rt Mr co1Itlret erztr1. -Cocierrrn or Arrerru-n!- o! the clr.ssirueSsL ct' sitatthar-r-tu preperee ta gar corm:I:tervI vorarezer It arcomPasti 2112 retie Oar itz-nd-ee?. CariP-esz exCcPt that if at of Car ternazirni v.' Vr Arr Mr re 12.c: fic berz er eciec legistaltDi It= m?-n-la, it the ercil cibitatri far apprmonazaDt. 11? G r.ref budget as, fhortrx icr, national cicfmre fLne- lsons o! the trawriance junctior. 4L501.for1ssare pea.- 1981 ix ter amoral creat- es facir muitkiwa.sat talchor u enacted sueL sincatnts ase tow an those i7ae=i'sed In the ram": flee ?Corittni:enn Lever stf stcr.k cPsed Sthedide Authm-szahona Prt-Pritire sot-,thEtast11:ric the- as 502,c1(11 af the tictioncl Srovilt1 o' 1947, jam& fir ,1A1 cicGlactice luted sr. Per: a! Mx+. Schedule rnittInctrocs,ior- izrd Api:maptio!torn.?" pun be obItoctee and CrPrmdre 0714 to the silerl tovshect. Iv's& rer teprreerriao5C or. 'sem' 'me- 1141 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330n7s_1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 v NvcrrnIrrit, jp, 7 GONG R AI ItI (OR!) - /JOUST f ( Tto Is: her be 0' Ilisths,-Iworm.hj e, o'-i(we It 'law-. tin,. It.' resat be *Asti, ? re its ? It Le i (tent or A re-Ln?rne. flatus iy. thr Amu!, sad Ntnsa, be-rrese f ?titwe one Ic th, Prersta.en: The Presictrnf Oita; perm& 10' Clajr07,18rer, p? iht Acjiethat go? tt' "venal, Itortiretio of tow krheak friths* Mr Lsresdire branch letsfle II to the iisrase & C011.0m11 Viol It titalootit tit Ire at !IOW Q' lb Oa. -P4ra4o ita Fier, personnel n' Defer-st Apeneses Mlle TO Oar:rift?". ,(A se in.t.te:-tter. re ? o' Art turn 40: or tra.b!i: taw ii.4.13 (JO( Slot 10t5I. the be,-relsin 0' brims) sht.iste envie alirscutivis pen:amt. meat-turns 14 the le, Irma, Isitellipeacy *Pew, tr- the tetrenif AtarreinC ettrimdt 12) 20' /711,01C4 C.' parogreph (ii. the term 'Itonheadou a nen person aed ? ? sax" ra ben of 11-44. Armed /meet and Civilian ern. players assigned ts de/cad to permanent ants lit the Demur A.peraties au/ Depart !WM/ of Defense field ACLI Ph 1t4 ther than inembrm and employees ear trite ci MetaiJed to duty In inattoortnens headquarters sictiri- hoi or incriapernen: headoacrters support art-leases eltsUlenerer.: CILL-PiG LIA11,717ILL1.775 Sec. Ka The DIri-a.o. 0' Central 7r:tali-, pen Cr unc t al/toner en:plowmen! foe -i/ lc r, personnel In crew a' the nuir.-5ers author - /Zed frr fiscal per- IS! t ander stions sae 202 of thu Act :Men he deterw.ines that such action u netres=rs to the performance ? imPortarti tritaliior functions creep! Vast fl4c1 r ribe- tru.-4 not, for Cnv elf7ram1 of the Intelhgence Cerr,:nunits =reed 2 per err !um or eir-ilior, personnel autharized under trit. sections for suet. elk- ment The Direct?. o' Central Intelligence IserowiPal not?ifi the Permanent Select Committee on Int.--4enice of the fiOUS,5 of ilecresentaticei slid the .56.ect Committer on Intelligence 0.' the Senate ve.enerer heezr. ??? the authority sranted b, this section /LrA7VJC77014' ON SC21.04,77/ 101- IfT,JTA_FY OF PAI4JIELJT4.17 OPEN-e'701C lib lOCALAGL4 Sea 104 /ands arcilable to the antral DegarOnens he- fense or sexy other aprnes or ensitiof thr Z'rrued State; ts intelliperice c-?- se.iri b oVaipaled and =pencied starin; _fusoc..l yea- 1241 to prpridr fund.s. wg.-teral or other as.r.stancr to the Nicarc- guar. dernor-r_ oft: resala-racc to support rth- to or parornilitcry operations zr Moore - gruc eerily as aulhanzre cre.of c. csvigetrnent rapipnt tr, is ttltitordr? and r kl!itstrine relater at liestirt Vi ',terrine lova reo? 111? Pt) or'tee? v? enit,Irree .0' Iew tInitee MIL tee 0, rs.en,tw. 0' IA, A rpee PcertA anz to de!o lief It afo Dierbe, Onromin)4 kite' trim, another element 0' the limited Stales thrirennsent 'hal; be Mete:tie on ? trivribursoble &o.0 et riCP: CAC: an 1114/4. Ofhor. smisioyee or rnernbe, nos be eletaiteg 0i. o non reintbv rs4 IA, beau Jo' 0 period of lest that art? PPG fro the Ix-fr.-menet of tempo nort fun?ii fry.: rreu:red b Vrithretto? of C'er.:ra. Intel liger.ct Isern...s..fui Aar cuttroven 17.07 LAW) 14NATI4 1 CLMTAAL 1A7Z.L.LI0LN.71 ?OLA) Sec 203 During Tiara: Tecr 71/Se acts - hes and personae! of the Intelligent, Com taunt!, sic!, 4haa be ritbreel to the pro-ti 11100.8 0! the National inc-orito Act of 1007 (SC ELS C ICI et sea I and the Central Irate b-Prrse( &ernes Act Of 1041 eS0 t'S.0 103? et arc / the acme incriner c. OthVittel and perisonnel of the Central Intelligent.< Agency TITL.E III-CEN77LAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY RETIREMENT AND DISABIL- ITY SYSTEM .4 ')..'Z4 77 DA 01 4.PPKOPh.L477c.v.-3 Src 302 79-err 14 auDioneed to be CpprC, pnatee. for the Central intelligence Aornep Ret:rencra and f and Jur I-1sec.2 leer .ISSE- the sum of 113(.700.000. TITLE 11*--E.ETIEEldE NT A ND DEATH IN SERVICE BENEFITS arnsiterN7 orrere= Sec 402. ea' Part C of title II of the cc. trat Intelligence Agency F.C:7,-rrrai:f Act of 19re f3r CETI-CM Employeet is amended 14 adding at the end the Jolloirinp TOIT CEETAJA Irjr-hal tyoUsds 'Sec 225 to, Any fad:rid:sal ache was c jpeel:IluirzaPftliont,n;Cilt:sreTrPariterictI:air: 5772 as ?If-1.4T ,forr-ser spouse is durqualified -under subset- tp- entitled to the oe arailoble cp,rc- ono:ions and m?eep mrtent raeh t ft:, benr.f..:4-- -il) ierr.orried thr pe-ftespcn: eau::to so percent or the tx-nefiu or the per. tic-sporlt or ??!2, jf not married to the participant suck eredi1o.b2e scrrice, ecru& to Via! _farmer spouse's pro raid shore Of 50 Pei- 'peel:fled the claariesed Schedule o' Ai cer.f of such ti-torizations referred to tr. sertior. 102. yr "It; A former :polar shaV not be entitled yr reliant tc seetion S0.2 of the National Se- to benefits under ait aecton v- im-Tit) Act of 1447, ger arirreston! to Section 'III the former spouse remarries before aPe 141112fill the Act aackins contents-frig ar- 55. or yro?pricricrru for the fiscal pee- ISEl f.F.L '12 the farmer spouse Ulm". than St sears 10(--./201.yerrwar-f to ant praxis-loin of te 0):X.- -ker prcrerne ris0-. funds. matt- -icetl, The entitlement of former spices( or assristim to benches under this section- -LA I shall continence on the late. Cif- "111 _the day the participant *Pot whose Jertricf tienchts are based bezanes entitled to benefits ander.this title; ? Die fire del of Iht tz which the divorce .or annulment involved bw.onses Anal-- Or sue-. farmer tpOlLif.S 50th birthdci- and "(S. than tenni nal/ oic the ecrlie. *Y1' the last dct. or the month before the former spouse dues OT err= *ries before .55 won of (19C: Or "(ts, the date the -benefits of the sbartic-i- pc t termincac ? liote-l-thstaadisis poraprapl. 411. tr. the dase Want fanner :pctau. of disabilift annins.ant- '1.41the bract ts of the spouse LhCII trinssenoe on the Mak the partietpan would . TITLE II-INTELLTGENCE COXel'UNITI? STAFF ALLY7ROL:17.1770ik Of JIPM0Pf..i.L.770,67. Am 201. There is ostturrieed to be grim- 4Priated far the iate-isgenee -Coomunies Staff _Ice friCal pear 2411 Nu Sash of 523.61CW. 1.1740P-17-frlOk or rassorerta En, 14-72/tNGTF .arc.. 202 re.., Ttu inteLaPeti Communiti -Starr a; an.Viorszed tali-time personnel sou of September 34. .1W Such persoraiet of Ira latelaproice Costarsority Staff mot be permanent sonplopees of the intelligence -Community Staff personne' detaik-d from ssMeretements tartar to:Steed States Govern- anent ? ft' /A:ring Fuca: Tee?' Mt. personae of 2r.r intoVicienct Comm cnitt StL'.'shaL be se- ac a.! proMele arProPriate ft-Preset avtor. 1.1.enw-e. es n ' Iii, _ npr.lascifien in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved .for''Release-2013/03/14 : CIA-RD II 16:.i. terra." ilo? bra Vitt wide, tea, flu, loth,- than fitistei/U) annuity, 0, Vw Maw les? et ?bit, ft sr:nosh bergs. is'uOterve- ant ?.(1. $sw a hum : 0' br lief' giv *Polar sikeiI; In cadmic:WC an Its, sgaj c,? /tenet, ker Wiser. the participant Isionte Otherwise so wasiti") 'I)I benefits ander thu sactio* araz be tamale Du same a on annuity imp, se, Isom t:Ita eft /sr Pu'Inisd of servo,. 2:/11:111/ Cr? 1112$ low fri0a`rsbei yrrieruruy. Late '(4 /j Benefits ander thy oectscer 1101 be parable *niers appropriate irry.?et, crept:cation at provided to the Dirac t4r, corr. plea vitt ant sttppartint, documental:son Which the Director may be retrulatien ar ausrc within 14 months after the effective dote orlhu section nit Director may acure Vie 304,1074IA aPOliection reoratiremen! ander Liu subparagralsh aa ant ease az sohych the Direetor determine: that the etrrometunces So snare's:Int "IBI Upon approve/ of an app!ica turn 414 yr-prided tinder rateparafraOh (Al. the a0- propriate bersefits shall be payable to the former spouse wilt frepect to altperw,az before sad approve/ durinp seiack former spouse was en take to such bene?rit: ander thu section but in no event ahej ben Ott be porobir arrater this section wit/ n - spec/ to ant- period Wort the effectirr of this section 'Yd., nu Threcter skal- 'LI; a: soon as but no! tele' ieur. ft dour trier Vu' elective dote? of Vz se:- uss-ur sue). regu/ofiont as mai be seri to eorrr out Lou sectior- and -t2, to the mazarnurn =ter./ pro...-tical..c and az soon GI pon?-bl.c. inforr, each maw.: talu was c me- spouse or c pc nt or c forme. perficipor! on.NoTerr.5er 15, 1922. O.' ant ri.,.7r.t.! which sucl sial met hoot ander section -ecr Nontnc 2r. L/11.3 section. /e..C.11 be con- strued to imjecr, reduce. or otfu?-?-trisr the annutsr or the mitit/cnier.f 14 or..- tit or cportu:por.: or former pc rtirip:.r.f ur.der this titic (b.' Section 14'c' of the Cer.tre...: pence Aprenci- Ac.: /545 u arrunded bi - sertinc "225,- after -223, 22; TV O SEE -.70./ ACNE/77F Sec 402 tat Sectior. 232(1.) of the Cencra: Interagente Agerses I-ctuemen: Act o' for Ernplove 1St U.S C 401b, sioLe as amended- (II tre insertinc "III- before "If a .pan.t"; r2; In striking ar =at frirlours 'az ttorir-- Ir. section 204," and tnsertine to lieu Le.ere-or tri- a farmer spoutr owel r?4' for C it-- error tierruirr wide- sectior. 222I1,}. s-L.:--h widow or widower shall in entitled. to tr.( sm-tent of are ilate- appropric.tior.s. to ay. am- *mitt equal to $5 perotrat or the anntrui, computed in accordance with paragrept: (2/ at fa, or this subsection and section 2211a). sand airysta.....qi sure:eine former spouse shaL be .entilled, to the .ter.! of -spoilable oppropriationt, .to an annt-ti comentedin. acoontance *rib: section 22I't ? and paragraph 0: of Chu subsection tu thr participant died alter be-ine entitled CR wader this Act nic wins:its of s=t, widow, WIC:41PC% in Ammer spouse si-...ezz conr.nience on the date fo/lowine dealt War parliciper.t and shall terminate *Pon deat: On temorriapr prior to nUalazna we nret o' the vision widower. or Jormer spouse we- jec: to the payment II= restoration prone.- ons et'sections 2211g' and 22210131e'; c,, er by add :7'4. at the end the jollericinc ses: pc ingrate/is WI The annuity ps treble- sender paraererh P90-00530R001002330025-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA;RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 ? H 9930 CONGHISSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE ? .r11011 :71,0'. 112(41,f Mot the rempulaftvn 0' the atilt/try to' VI' PC Pr irl" 1M dr, syt?, ?c Io, ?f least the smaller of IA' 40 awes-1.W of P., porfinvonfs ?rrrog, Inuit *afar) 0, al IAA !Myr, Ot,lti to"( smart surh aertivt after inrreasine LIe, metinporif" Iserrive 0! the trg? kill Performed by the dif pre-nee between the partinpaiins apt af the of tea V sine ape sulk -fp Notir.staridinp paragraPh (hr pa *tit-spa La I hael ? An-Mel Ire aie Ph ahfr ii for an annuiti. lender aretioii 12,7tel. (hr en oft wielvw ot vidover under thu are tion Mar be ruby ect to the lignite hen Otter halt wrtof/ifisi, and the annitty of former spouse under this section &hall be eubrect to the limitation of archon 1221b1411131.". (0/11/ &eaten 1211o/111 Of Vie Central In Agent-) Retirement Act of 1961 foe Certain imployees ts amended by Inserting '2321bi."after -222, n3.. 12/ Section 304 of the Central Intellioence Apency Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain Imp/gyres IJ amended? IA, tit eubsection Ibi by inserttnp Nine 131" after "subsection Icit2)",- and 115i it rub section IC)? e, b) rederignetino paragraphs ft/ and 141 os paragraphs 14) and 151, respectively, and (ii) insertinc after IV a new pc ragraph as follows' ,Section 232(b).''. f.1) Section 11101 of the Central Tnteri- gerice Aoency Act of 1949 (SC V.SC 103nfai) 41 amended by insertsw '2121bl," before "134tch 234ft147. fo(11Escept as provided in paragraph (2), the amendments made by Phis section shall Lake effect on November 15, 1982, the effec- tive date of the Centro/ leterigence Agency Spouses' Retirement Equity Act of 19E2. (2) The amendments via& by subsection Ib1121 than take effect or January 1, 1987, the effective date of Die federal Employees' Retirement System Act of lUt 1d/ Nothing,in this section or any amend- 'Men: astute by this section ohs:. be construed to require Oa forfeiture by ans isZtridua/ of benefits received before the date of the enact- ment of frizz Act tel Nothing in this section or an amend- ment via& by this section shar be construed to require c resiiizticrt it the level of benefits received by an individual lane noes feCrit- 1111,C benefits under ae?ction 132 of Vie Central Intelligence Atsenep Fiehremeat Ad of 1964 jar Certain Employees before the date of en- men.! of this Act TTTLE V?ENRANCED COUNTERINTEL- LIGENCE AND SECURITY CAPABILI- TIES 0.1700T O DNISSION Or ClareaN ALIT.P0 arc. 501. The Attorney General shall report annual/1, to the Rouse Permanent Select Committer on intelligence oast the Senate Select Committee CM haterbpsflael repenting the circumstances of any admission to the Veiled States over the obsections or the Fed- Arra/ Bureau of Investigation, of any Soviet -stational employed by or assumed to a par. Mgn iniarion or internations: OrPartiention ea the United States_ Pal sale Mee mix Ammon esretoratteer PLAN Sze. 502 fal The Director of the Feder& Birnmu of investigation and the Director af Die Office 01 Personnel Management shall Conduct c study to fucertcin the effect on re- cruitment retention and operatives of em- ployee; af the New York Pule Division of the federal Bureau 01 investigation caused ? by the usual living =pease: associated with such emplayment. Ito NO kit, thee. 50 der after the enact- ment of this. Act, the Dim-tor D.+ the Federal litureca of levatigation and the Director Of Vie (Whey of Personnel afinavirient Ih?li Outonif LI thr Vor,reest a rrporf setting forth th? results Of Vie stay &veiled In subset lion fa, ?fte ? plc.'. Jo' remedying Peubleme lidentifie0 by Vie stisdp Inoludinp ar &rpm prui t, &deltic:nal iiorneensofibii Or Othf? IN6,01,11 atirlsylrip the eosts amigo ismer' f In the New Tor* rule Division TITL? FENS! INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL IMP15OVINEN7'5 Olr ("TWA WilrOrlf 411.011rNCS Sec 501 fel C`offeeessiam R'rev Sten PLPAPTillier forsorm --Chapter 13 of title JO, United States Coda Is amended by in ? Asertinp cif the end thereof the following, sew RV (ion. '1 MK telfsein allsmosee Mersaa egINPLO, re. "enf The SOC"Pri4PY Of Oakum may pay an allowance under this aectiot to any ci mita ft employee 0 f Vie Defense hitellioenor Arent) Who? "III is assigned to a Defenee Attache Office outside the Veiled States: and "ft/ is required by regulation to wear a prescribed uniform in performance Of Offi- cial duties "aii Notwithstanding Maio* 59011411 Of title S. the amount of any such allowance shall be the greater of the following? 11/ The amount provided for employees of the Department of State assigned to poyi. Kerns outside the United States ovie eequired by 'Mao lion to wear ? prescribed uniform in performance qf affictea etaities "(2)5360 per year. "to An allowance paid under this section shall be treated in the scare manner as provided in subsection fcl Of section 5901 of title 5 for an atiotrancepaid under that sec- tion.". fbl CI-elves!. AsirtNeartre.?The table of sec? tions ot she beginning 01 such Chapter ii amended by adding al the end thereof the following sea item: "PIK thifors. sztoiresice &Anon employees". ....1121YMTION Of fJ4TC14.:. TracJIG7.1770.V ? LITHCAJTV POI =LIN DOD DefLUIGLNCIE ILM:PLOYM _Ste. 602. Dens= Iserets.raesecs AoterY.?Sectiot 1604(o11) of title 10, United Sates Code, 41 amended bi striking out lturing fiscal years 1946 and 1987' and inserting in lien thereof "during fiscal years 1981 and 1115". Ib/.1darrsit I Dersernecers.--Section ?159010(1) of such title u amended by strik- tng ota "during fiscal year 1987" and insert- ing in lin, thereof "during Timid years 1988 And 1989". 01-QUILICIarrn TO ALSCIAIST ORGAMZUrrOliAl AND PLISSONAL DATA: Dar EXINFTTON Sac. 503. la/ Chapter 13 of title 10, Vetted ?States Code, is amended by inserting the fol- lowing new section. ? `f 16C. issexpeier Irma deadociag aeronaut:um! and perms& au 'Notwithstanding the provisions of any Other tax, and except as provided herein and as required by section 552 or 'section 552a o f title 5, United States Code, the De- fense Intelligence Agency shall not be re - tufted to disclose the oryaniration or any function of the Defense Intelligence Agency or Die names official titles,occupational series, yrades salaries or numbers of persern? se/ employed by such Agency. This section shall not apply to information provided the Congress" TITLE VII?S77JDY OF INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL SYSTEMS Sac. Y01. (a) The Director of Central Intel- :teener shall undertake to contract with the National Academy of Public Administration thereuuifter referred to as the Academyl for an obsertive study which shall be classified and which shall consist of.Comprehensive .Nuormber ja 1917 rr vier arid son pa rs lily via/yet, Of a pr sonnet trionarmenf and OVvripmeolicn, ay) temp If/ at ti p al rit is si of mon vie et apreiries and entities Of ihr inierierrnee tom stun ity ibf Ii.coneurmic 'hay st?-fore romertio% lot, the Academy Mai delermitv fjj adecrinary or icristisp pi-motto/ systems Wit obuisy Of telellionisse earnests or entities be perform Viet* Mission& Osid Make such revorrirnevidatiOni Joeiegislatiee- ratfulattve Or O(1rr Ohs neser as the Adam) determines adrisable ICI The Stands described in milmection ist Aar be completed Ot Aria/ form at aster 040 Arena?) 1.4, 1111 sow each stud) and iin9 interim Mean Of mitt sissy. wan be transmitted spool receipt by the Director et Central intiCipimet to the Pry-M.00ml Select Otnnwittlar On letsepograce Of Cie dhaver of fteprasentatives IPA Me Select 'Committee -On intertipenix ad the traisc MI Of the ainCient anailabie to Vie hateri yenta Community Staff for Ascii/ year Ifit ender Section fn. Sot snore than 1510.000 Mall be available for Vie study described in subeectient fat. tel The Director of Centro/ Niter:home. the Director of the IsiteDigence Comment:I Staff, and the beads of the dementia of the Intelligence community shall provide such rapport and appropriate sereas sieceszari, information 11 VIZ A cadency may nrovirr to complete the study described is subsea:bet dal. TITLE VIII--GENERILL PROVISIONS ai..77-8JCIION Of CONDUCT Or 1777.11.1Gri 4C171777LS Sec 101. The outhori2c..hol, of Appropria- tions by this Act shall not be deemed to con? stitute outhority Jo- the .conduct of axe In ? telligenre activity which is not ?the-rinse authorized by The COtatifuliOn. jcios :of the United Stales. ? mimes.= pi .8204..0TIct at10:7771 IhArisrOIZSG: - Lsri ed 402_ Appropriation: -autacrrizby _this Act for scdara pay iinsrement *And -other benefits for Federal einoloices Mal be Inereased by such addition/120r JrafrpLcsrev- -LC amounts as may .be ascessory dor dr, -creases in such benefits authorized Ay tato TITLE IV?At OUNT ALTO EMEASSY 5/7T L.T.SIZSIN27?7 Or SOFTrr Liz c-ra ?roc I:Selo/is Li _ CAPAILELITI - - .- ..Ste. 901. Ia.; Sturm Asa _______ Secretary Of Defense shall eerier and caress Viz present and potential caPabilities -o,' the .Gooernment of Vie Soviet limps ,.to inter- eept-Vnited Steles commusicatioas Aso plomatia,sailitcry. and Inter/spen,--e matters from facilities o r Mous! Alto in llat District .of Cb/uosbic. rxe s=nicry &kat sub-mit to Congress a report on such rain: and assessment mot later then 90 stays ohe-r Vie date of the enat2 ment af this Act 1b1 Dr rictuanszeaw cii Corestr 1077( Narsoeu Sreusere?The report required by subsection riu shar include tdetermine-hoe the Secretary of Defense as to whether or sot VW Present and vmpoose 00C:110Irtto5 Ctr futilities on Mount Alto be the Otreernelent Of the Soviet Union la consistent soith stationalaecuritvoLthe vsiteeSloles. IC)Cissistrrc.srromOF Rzeoscr.?Ilie report required by naistior, Igo Aar be submitted in beth ciasri,hod and isliclasstfied form. axe Vie deterininationt require by subeechot fbi Mal be submitted in an waciassiked form (di Lrierrsnoie or DtLeent170.i.?The 6&-re- jam of Defense may not &level" the 01,4 tc. make the determination niarsizfed by sal e - bon Mi. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14 : CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/14: CIA-RDP90-00530R001002330025-1 November JO, 19P: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? HOUSE Arid the be wits ojs. to the sense 13'tiI Poo/ in DA ni o(oot T. ? airs C bdi LLB . Rosie ZAJYR*DUlti. Dos Dos tit. Rowan ? Rot Ora.= I Saps-N. Jr .. )dirri3rbPMLHVUI, $1 rut eho 2 liewysa. Coatis' WILSON. Z IDIFICLLT, REMIT 3. B Dics Covers. bos Len scorers, Sob lt a-wro. Des LCD . Dor Sworro (Pcx matters within the turiadiction of the Commlitee on kneed Serrioes scoieer clause 1