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Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 PART I SECTION 18. -CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT - SOCIAL SECURITY 18-1 INTRODUCTION Employees who enter the FBI are automatically placed under the Civil Service Retirement System. All employees, however, must have a Social Security number. The information set forth below is based upon the Civil Service Retirement Act, as amended, and is applicable to separations from service on or after 1/8/71. 18-2 APPLICATION FOR RETIREMENT 18-2.1 Forms Utilized 18-2.1.1 Regular Retirement The form used in making application for retirement, SF-2801, is available in each office. An employee's request for retirement should be submitted in writing and forwarded to FBIHO, together with the original of the application and the FD-193, exit interview form. If the employee had prior military service and separation documents are available, it is to the employee's advantage to submit a copy of these documents. If the employee was carried on military furlough from the Bureau, military separation papers are not necessary. No cover letter or routing slip is necessary unless there are unusual circumstances which cannot be explained in the "comments" section of form FD-193. In all cases the{Office of Personnel Management (OPM)}reauires that the reason for retirement, such as to spend more time with family, other employment, etc., be get forth. 18-2.1.2 Disability Retirement If the retirement request is for disability retirement, form SF-2801A should also be submitted. Item 5 of this form should set forth a brief description of duties, however, a copy of the official position description is not to be submitted. In addition, form SF-2801B should also be submitted unless the employee is requesting retirement as a result of a fitness-for-duty physical examination. In such cases a copy of the report of examination will be forwarded to(OPM.1 [ 18-2.2 Date of Effective Separation (1) Separation from the FBI for 'retirement is effective the date an employee ceases active duty (the last day physically at work) unless accrued sick leave is being granted. If so, separation is at the expiration of such leave. A lump-sum payment is made for any accumulated leave in the year of separation, i.e., unused leave carried over from previous leave year(s), unused current accrued annual leave, and any unused creditable restored annual leave. This latter type of leave following restoration must be used within certain prescribed time limits or, if unused, is again forfeited. 199 4/16/79 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 PART I SECTION 18. CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT? SOCIAL SECURITY (2) Disability applications for retirement require formal[OPM] approval. Therefore, when employees retire near the end of the leave year and have excess current accrued annual leave, this leave will be forfeited unless a basis is present to restore such leave. Thus, sufficient notice should be given to enable processing of the retirement application by FBIHO and[OPM] prior to the end of the leave year. Regular optional retirement by Special Agent and support personnel requires meeting eligibility standards only (i.e., Agent ? 20 years of investigative service and age 50, support personnel ? age 55 with 30 years of service, etc.) and no formal[OPM]approval is necessary. Accordingly, the effective date is set by the retiring employee. (3) The effective date of separation from the Bureau on the retirement application should be definite. It should be kept in mind that only full months of creditable civilian or military service are counted in figuring length of service for annuity computation purposes but that each day of service affects another computation factor, the employee's high?three average salary. rinuse,' sick leave is added to the employee's service but cannot be used to compute the high?three average salary or used toward the length of service necessary to retire or to qualify for a survivor annuity. Days of sick leave are converted to months and years of service on a 260?day work?year basis and approximately 22 days of sick leave equals one month of service. (4) If dates of previous creditable service are not known or if the employee desires -other counseling, requests should be made of FBIHO prior to submitting retirement application since the effective date will not be changed afterward unless fully justified. (5) [OPM]must approve all disability retirements prior to the employee's separation from the rolls of the Bureau. Therefore, if approval is not received prior to the effective date set by the employee, he/she is placed on leave without pay until approval is received. The effective date becomes the date that approval is received from[OPM.] The lump?sum annual leave payment is then made following receipt of this approval from[OPM.1 The only deduction made from the lump?sum payment is for Federal income tax, and for state income tax, where applicable. (6) Annuity payments commence the next calendar day following the date of separation or the day after the employee's pay status terminates. 18-3 TYPES OF RETIREMENT The basic requirement for any type of retirement is completion of at least five years of Federal civilian service, unless the employee retires [ for disability[(May go on the rolls of Department of Labor).] The employee must have had at least one year of employment under the retirement system within the two?year period preceding employee's separation. 18-3.1 Mandatory Retirement Certain Federal law enforcement officers (including Special Agents of the FBI) and firefighters are mandatorily separated at age 55 if they have at least 20 years of service in such career capacities. This may be waived by the head of the agency up to a maximum of age 60 if determined to be in the national interest. 200 -416/79 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 PART I SECTION 18. CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT - SOCIAL SECURITY 18-3.2 Optional Retdrement An employee must have at- least 5 years civilian service and may retire upon separation from service at the age and with at least the amount of service shown below: Earliest Age Years of Service 62 5 60 20 55 through 59 30 -50 20 50 20 Any 25 Special Conditions None None None Annuity reduced if under age 55; must be involuntarily separated through no fault of his own. Certain investigative employees* Annuity reduced if under age 55; must be involun- tarily separated through no fault of his own. *This special optional retirement provision applies to FBI Agents. It permits retirement after an Agent has attained age 50 and performed 20 years of investigative service. A special liberalized formula is used for computing the amount of the annuity and there is no reduction due to age. Active military service counts toward the 20-year minimum service requirement under the liberalized Special Agent retirement formula if the employee was a Special Agent before leaving for military service and returned to duty as an Agent with mandatory restoration rights. Premium pay for irregular, unscheduled overtime authorized under Title 5, USC, Section 5545 (c)(2) is included as part of the basic pay in determining the amount of withholdings and contributions to the Civil Service Retire- ment and Disability Fund and in the computation of annuities for law enforcement officers and for determining the amount of regular life insur- ance. This provision became effective the first pay period in January, 1975. 18-3.3 Disability An employee who becomes totally disabled for useful and efficient service in the grade or class of position held may retire for disability after 5 years civilian service at any age. They need not be disabled for all kinds of work. Disability need not be incurred in duty, but if it is so incurred an employee has a choice between annuity under the Retirement Act or benefits under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act. 18-3.4 Deferred Retirement (1) An employee separated or transferred to a position not under Retirement Act provisions is, after completing at least 5 years 201 2/28/78 .1A0P Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 PART I SECTION 18. CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT - SOCIAL SECURITY of service, entitled to an annuity upon reaching age 62 regardless of ? the date or 'reason for separation or transfer. The employee must, however, have not withdrawn the money to his/her credit in the retirement fund. For example, an employee resigns at age 40 after 10 years of service leaving money to his/her credit in the fund. At age 62 he/she is entitled to a monthly annuity which continues until his/her death. (2) Law prohibits payment of an annuity or a survivor's annuity to an employee who has committed an offense against the national security of the United States or who refuses to testify before a duly constituted judicial or congressional proceeding in a matter relating to national security. 18-4 ANNUITIES Annuities are computed on full months of service plus credit for unused sick leave. Particular attention should be provided item "F," "Types of Annuity," on the application form (SF-2801) and comments regarding survivor annuities on the information sheet attached to the application. Enrollment in a health benefit plan continues after retire- ment for the annuitant and spouse and any eligible children. However, if a "single" life annuity is elected and the annuitant dies before the spouse, the spouse's coverage ends when the children cease to have an annuity. If there are no children, the spouse would then have to convert to an individual enrollment plan if he/she desired health benefit coverage, and would pay .the usual premium. 18-4.1 Amount of Annuity The maximum annuity that may be received is 80% of the highest basic salary earned during any three consecutive years. Special Agents would attain maximum benefits of 80% upon completion of 35 years service and support employees, after completing approximately 42 years service. An additional annuity attributable to sick leave credit is allowable over the 80% limitation. 18-4.1.1 Retirement Deductions Retirement deductions during any service exceeding 35 years or approximately 42 years, respectively, are applied toward any desposit due for prior service for which no retirement deductions or deposits were made. Any balance not so required is considered a voluntary contribu- tion for purchase of an additional annuity. This voluntary contribution is refundable if so elected before an annuity is granted. 18-4.1.2 Computation of Annuities Annuities are computed as follows: (1) General formula (applicable to support employees) - (a) First 5- years of service 11/2% of high-three average salary (or if greater, 1% of high-three average salary plus $25) times 5 (years of service) 202 2/23/7S MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 PART I SECTION 18. CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT - SOCIAL SECURITY (b) Next 3 years of service - 1 3/4% of high-three average salary (or if greater, 1% of high-three average salary plus $25) times number of years of service between 5 and 10 (c) Service in excess of 10 years - 2% of high-three average salary (or if greater, 1% of high-three average salary plus $25) times years of service in excess of 10 Examples: GS-5, $11,047 Age 55, 32 years and 10 days of service, plus 4 Months and 25 days of sick leave credit, for total of 32 years and 5 months. High-ihree average salary is $10,108.45. $10,108.45 x 1.5% x 5 = 758.15 $10,108.45 x 1.75% x 5 = 884.50 $10,108.45 x 2% x 22-5 = 4,532.04 32-5 $6,174.69 annually, or 515.00 monthly GS-9, $16,693 Age 60, 27 years; 10 months, and 16 days of service, plus 10 months and 21 days of sick leave credit, for total of 28 years, 9 months. High-three average salary is $15,262.82.. $15,262.82 x 1.5% x 5 = 1,144.70 $15,262.82 x 1.75% x 5 = 1,335.50 $15,262.82 x 2% x 18-9 = 5,723.63 28-9 $8,203.83 annually, or 684.00 monthly (2) Investigative Formula (applicable to Special Agent personnel) 215% of high-three average salary times 20 years of service, plus 2% of high-three average salary times service in excess of 20 years, with at least age 50 and 20 years' investigative service Example: GS-13, $28,359, high-three average salary, $25,909.95 Total service consists of: Years Months Days Sick Leave 0 2 7 U. S. Army 5 0 29 FBI Clerk 1 9 4 FBI Agent 21 0 20 Total 28 1 0 203 2/28/i8 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90700530R000701780019-4 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 C?) PART I SECTION 18. CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT - SOCIAL SECURITY S25,909.95 x 21/2% x 20 = 12,955.00 $25,909.95 x 2% x 8-1 = 4,188.61 $17,143.61 annually, or 1,429.00 monthly single life annuity (3) Disability Formula Minimum disability annuity is lesser of 40% of high-three average salary or annuity computed under general formula after adding years elapsing between separation and attain- ment of age 60. Annuity larger than minimum is payable if earned by retiring employee. Examples: Age 30, 10 years'service, and high-three average salary is $14,571.67 (a) $14,571.67 x 1.5% x 5 = 1,092.90 $14,571.67 x 1.75% x 5 = 1,275.00 Earned annuity* $2,367.90 (*Paid if higher than (b) or (c) below) (b) 40% of $14,571.-67 = $5,828.67 (c) $14,571.67 x 1.5% x 5 . 1,092.90 $14,571.67 x 1.75% x 5 = 1,275.00 $14,571.67 x 2% x 30* = 8,742.90 (*Service projected at age 60) $11,110.80 Since (b) above is less than (c) above, annual annuity received is $5,828.67. Age 58, 19 years'service, and high-three average salary is $21,932.19 (d) $21,932.19 x 1.5% x 5 = 1,644.90 $21,932.19 x 1.75% x 5 = 1,919.05 $21,932.19 x 2% x 9 = 3,947.76 Earned annuity* $7,511.71 (*Paid if higher than (e) or (f) below) (e) 40% of $21,932.19 = $8,772.88 (f) $21,932.19 x 1.5% x.5 = 1,644.90 $21,932.19 x 1.75% x 5 = 1,919.05 $21,932.19 x 2% x 11* = 4,825.04 (*Service projected to age 60) $8,388.99 Since (f) above is less than (e) above, annual annuity received is $8,388.99. 18-4.1.3 Annuity Amount The approximate amount of the basic annuity may be determined 204 2/28/78. MAOP IThorlaccifiPti 2nd Aooroved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 PART I SECTION 18. CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT - SOCIAL SECURITY by reference to the following charts. These are applicable to cases governed by the general retirement formula. CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT SYSTEM MONTHLY ANNUITY RATES (For Employees Separated On and After October 20, 1969) KEY TO ANNUITY RATES IN TABLE A -- Monthly annuity to retired employee if survivor benefit is not elected. B Monthly annuity to retired employee with maximum benefit to surviving spouse. Generally, the annuity to surviving spouse is approximately 55% of rate A. It may be greater than 55% in certain cases where a guaranteed minimum survivor annuity is payable. NOTE 1. Service for which retirement deductions were withheld and lacer refunded cannot be counted unless the refund is redeposited. 2. Rates shown are subject to reduction if. retirement (except on account of total disability) is before age 55. Reduction for this reason is 1/6 of 1% for each full month the retiring employee is under age 55. (b) service includes any civilian time after August 1, 1920, for which no retirement deductions were withheld or deposited. Monthly reduction in retired employee's annuity for this reason is 1/12 of 10% of the amount due as deposit, except in certain cases of guaranteed minimum disability annuity. 3. If retirement is on account of total disability, the races shown are subject to in- crease if the employee qualifies for the guaranteed minimum disability annuity. 4. "Years of Service" columns include credit for unused sick leave. Annuity based on actual service is limited to 80% of high-3 average salary. This limit is reached with 41 years and 11 months of service (slightly less if high-3 average salary is less than $5,000). However, annuity in excess of the 80% which is produced by credit for unused sick leave is payable. 2-05 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R00070'17-8-0019-4 READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING TABLE AVERAGE ANNUAL SALARY (3 HIGHEST CONSECUTIVE YEARS) 'tats of SciviLe (Includes Linos.,:d Sick Leave) ? .. ? ..4;5 ? 6i' ? ? a EP; 4,,, 4,9 Vs ig aaaa $22,000 a Ei a Yeats of Se: vik?e sick 5 A 11 $27 26 $31 30 $38 37 $49 43 $50 49 $56 55 $63 61 $69 67 $75 73 $81 79 $88 85 $94 91 $100 98 $106 104 $113 110 $119 116 $125 122 $131 12.8 $138 134 $144 140 $150 146 $156 152 A B 5 6 A B 33 32 39 38 46 45 54 53 62 60 69 68 77 75 85 83 93 90 100 98 108 105 116 113 123 120 131 128 139 135 146 143 154 150 162 158 170 165 177 173 185 180 193 188 A B 6 7 A B 39 38 46 45 55 54 64 63 73 71 83 80 92 89 101 98 110 107 119 116 128 125 137 134 147 143 156 152 165 161 174 170 183 179 193 188 202 197 211 206 210 215 229 223 A B 7 8 A B 45 43 53 52 64 62 74 73 85 83 96 93 106 104 117 114 128 124 138 135 149 145 159 155 170 166 181 176 191 186 202 197 213 207 223 218 234 228 249 238 255 249 266 259 A B __. 8 9 A B 50 49 60 59 73 71 85 82 97 94 109 106 121 118 133 130 145 141 157 153 169 165 181 177 193 189 205 200 218 212 230 224 242 236 254 247 266 259 278 271 2.90 2.83 302 294 A B 9 10 . A B 56 55 68 66 81 79 95 92 108 106 122 119 135 132 149 145 163 158 176 172 190 185 203 198 117 211 230 224 244 238 257 251 271 2.64 284 222 298 290 311 303 325 315 339 322 A h 1 0 1 1 1 ? . A B 63 61 76 74 91 89 106 .104 122 119 137 133 152 148 167 163 183 178 198 193 213 208 218 222 243 237 259 252 274 267 189 282 304 296 319 310 335 324 350 337 365 351 380 365 A B 12 A B 20 68 84 82 101 99 118 115 135 132 152 148 169 165 18.6 181 203 197 219 214 236 230 253 247 270 263 287 + 280 304 296 321 311 338 326 35.4 341 371 357 388 372 405 387 422 402 A B 12 1.3 A B 76 74 93 90 111 108 130 127 148 145 167 163 185 181 204 199 223 217 241 235 260 253 278 271 ? 297 289 315 306 334 323 352 340 371 356 389 373 408 ' 390 426 406 445 423 464 440 A 11 13 1 4 A B 83 81 101 98 121 118 141 138 162 158 182 177 102 197 222 217 213 236 263 256 283 276 303 295 323 314 344 332 364 350 384 368 404 386 424 404 445 423 465 441 485 459 505 477 A B 14 15 A 6 90 87 109 107 131 128 153 149 175 171 197 192 219 213 241 235 263 256 284 277 306 298 328 318 350 338 372 357 394 377 416 397 438 416 459 436 481 456 503 475 525 495 547 515 A B 15 16 A B 96 94 118 115 141 138 165 161 188 184 212 207 235 230 259 252 283 275 306 298 330 319 353 340 377 362 1 400 383 424 404 447 425 .471 446 494 467 518 489 541 510 565 531 589 552 A B 16 17A . B 103 100 126 123 151 147 176 172 202 197 227 221 252 246 277 270 303 295 328 317 333 340 378 363 403 386 429 408 454 431 479 454 504 476 529 499 555 522 580 5.94 605 567 630 590 A B 17 18 A B 110 107 134 131 161 157 188 183 215 210 242 236 269 2.62 296 288 323 313 349 337 376 361 403 385 430 410 457 434 484 458 511 482 538 506 564 530 591 555 618 579 645 603 672 627 A B _ 18 19 A B 116 113 143 139 171 167 200 195 228 223 257 . 25.0 285 278 314 305 343 331 371 356 400 382 428 408 457 434 485 459 514 485 542 511 571 536 599 562 628 588 656 613 685 639 719 665 A B _ 19 20 A B 123 120 151 147 181 177 211 . 206 242 236 272 265 302 294 332 322 363 349 393 376 423 403 453 430 483 458 514 485 5.44 512 574 539 604 566 634 593 665 621 695 648 725 675 755 702 A B 20 21 A B 130 126 159 155 191 186 223 218 255 249 287 280 319 309 351 338 3-83 367 414 395 446 424 478 453 510 482 542 510 574 5'19 606 568 638 596 669 625 701 654 733 682 765 711 797 740 A B 21 22 ? A B _ 136 133 168 16.4 201 196 235 229 268 262 302 299 315 324 369 355 403 385 436 415 470 445 503 475 537 506 570 536 604 566 637 596 671 626 704 656 738 687 771 717 805 747 839 777 A B .2 2 ,23. A B 143 139 176 172 211 206 246 240 282 275 317 308 352 339 387 371 423 403 958 434 493' 466 528 498 563 530 599 561 614 593 669 625 704 656 739 688 775 720 810 751 845 783 880 815 A 13 23 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780019-4 \-1 PART I SECTION 18. CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT - SOCIAL SECURITY ?-? L,, I ? I N I N z. - ..:-.. . I N e-, ,-., ! N I N re) I r...1 N re") re-) r r r , i ' t re.) ,-4- I i.e.1 1 ,10 I Cr) i 1 . re) re) 1 ro) 1 en 1 erl I iI i ! '1. II 1 . ; .,..) rvv1 > ra.1 1 0 < o 1 < o < o < o .< = < = < = < o < o < = < o < o < = < o < cc 1 < o < = < o I < az 000?qt N 4:4 as co 44, z 3 as 00 g, 117 5. a, . rs set 3 8 gors f.....11'3%. 0 .6. -. a _ `,..: 0 ...7., .., ...1 12 ER e.1 .... ,.0.:,, .1:-.; N N 2 ,,-, Ns 'AID .-,, N P N