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A - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003--3 LlG e;( Reference Manual to eer Opportunities in en ral Intelli ?-??? Published by the Office of Personnel Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670603-3 REFERENCE MANUAL CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY published by: OFFICE OF PERSONNEL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL vii GENESIS OF THE CIA 1 INDEX OF CAREER OPPORTUNITIES 3 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER MAILING ADDRESSES 9 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE COMMAND RESPONSIBILITIES 10 I. THE CAREER TRAINING PROGRAM 11 II. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 15 III. DIRECTORATE OF ADMINISTRATION 21 IV. DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE 45 V. DIRECTORATE OF OPERATIONS 53 VI. DIRECTORATE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 59 COOPERATIVE AND GRADUATE FELLOW PROGRAMS 79 VII. A SUMMARY OF BENEFITS FOR NEW EMPLOYEES 81 HIRING INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS FOR EMPLOYMENT 86 VIII. APPLICATION AND PROCESSING INFORMATION 87 GLOSSARY 91 III Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Introduction This manual has been prepared as an aid to persons interested in career opportunities in the Central Intelligence Agency. It provides information describing the organizational structure of the Agency, the work environment and career opportunities in the directorates and components of the Agency as well as an index to assist interested persons in identifying employment opportunities that are consistent with their academic discipline. A map is included which locates our decentralized Recruitment Activity Centers and the area of responsibility of each; the mailing address of each Center is included. Applicants should mail their resumes to the Center in which they reside. The Central Intelligence Agency responds to every resume that is received from applicants. It is our hope that this aid will prove useful in familiarizing placement directors and job seekers with the Central Intelligence Agency and our multidisciplinary personnel requirements. ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 How To Use This Manual Study the Table of Contents, then get an overview of the Agency by studying the structure of the Director of Central Intelligence Command Responsibilities. When you have this organizational structure in mind you will understand the relationship of the four directorates, their interdependency and their separate functions, as well as the diversity of the Agency in the allocation of manpower resources in the pursuit of excellence in accomplishing our mission. Turn to the section "The Genesis of the Central Intelligence Agency." This section acquaints you with how and why the Central Intelligence Agency was created, the legal and statutory provisions for its existence and the specific mission with which it is tasked. The accomplishment of our mission is delegated by the Director of Central Intelligence to the four directorates, each of which is responsible for a different function. Read the comments prepared by each directorate and component and ascertain where you feel your talent, ability and training would be best invested in a career with the Central Intelligence Agency. Turn to the Index of Disciplines, find your major field of study and note the directorates where your discipline is mentioned. With this you can study the information on the offices where people with your academic discipline are employed. If you decide you want to be considered for employment by the Central Intelligence Agency turn to the map that delineates the areas of responsibility of each of our Recruitment Activity Centers along with the mailing addresses. Mail your resume to the appropriate office where you reside. You will receive a response. VII Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 THE GENESIS OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY The United States has carried on foreign intelligence activities since the days of George Washington, but only since World War II have they been coordinated on a government-wide basis. Even before Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was concerned about American intelligence deficiencies. He asked New York lawyer William J. Donovan to draft a plan for an intelligence service. The Office of Strategic Services was established in June 1942 with a mandate to collect and analyze strategic information required by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and to conduct special operations not assigned to other agencies. During the War it supplied policymakers with essential facts and intelligence estimates and often played an important role in directly aiding military campaigns. But the OSS never received complete jurisdiction over all foreign intelligence activities. Since the early 1930s the FBI had been responsible for intelligence work in Latin America, and the military services protected their areas of responsibility. In October 1945, the OSS was disbanded and its functions absorbed by the State and War Departments. But the need for a postwar centralized intelligence system was clearly recognized. Eleven months earlier, Donovan, by then a Major General, had submitted to President Roosevelt a proposal calling for the separation of OSS from the Joint Chiefs of Staff with the new organization having direct Presidential supervision. Donovan proposed an "organization which will procure intelligence both by overt and covert methods and will at the same time provide intelligence guidance, determine national intelligence objectives, and correlate the intelligence material collected by all government agencies." Under his plan, a powerful centralized agency would have coordinated all the intelligence services. He also proposed that this agency have authority to conduct "subversive operations abroad," but "no police or law enforcement functions, either at home or abroad." Donovan's plan drew heavy fire. The military services generally opposed a complete merger. The State Department thought it should supervise all peacetime operations affecting foreign relations. The FBI supported a system whereby military intelligence worldwide would be handled by the armed services and all civilian activities under its own jurisdiction. In response to this policy debate, President Harry S. Truman established the Central Intelligence Group in January 1946, directing it to coordinate existing departmental intelligence, supplementing but not supplanting their services. This was all to be done under the direction of the National Intelligence Authority composed of a Presidential representative, and the Secretaries of State, War and Navy. Rear Admiral Sidney W. Souers, USNR, who was the Deputy Chief of Naval Intelligence, was appointed the first Director of Central Intelligence. Twenty months later, the NIA and its operating component, the CIG, were disestablished. Under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947 (which became effective on 18 September 1947) the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency were established. 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Most of the statute's specific assignments given the CIA, as well as the prohibitions on police and internal security functions, closely follow both the original 1944 Donovan plan and the Presidential directive creating the CIG. The 1947 Act charged the CIA with coordinating the nation's intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence which affects national security. In addition, the Agency was to perform such other duties and functions related to intelligence as the NSC might direct. The Act also made the DCI responsible for protecting intelligence sources and methods. It was further stated that both the Director and the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence were to be appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the Senate. An amendment of 4 April 1953 authorized such appointments to be made either from individuals in civilian life or from commissioned officers of the armed services, either in active or retired status, provided that "at no time shall the two positions . . . be occupied simultaneously by commissioned officers." v_ILL-1-949;thst-CaM1-Int el I ig ence-A-gency-Act-w as-passed-s upplenti 11-947?A-ctr-eongreted additional provisions permitting the Agency to use ?-c-affi-dtrittaffiRarrand administrative procedures and exempting CIA from many ofi ct-helisual-limitations-onqh-CeWeriditure7Ffederalnt -fus-:-IITTOTided that CIA funds could-lirincluded-in-the-bu-dietTorOth-eT-dep-artmeritaind then transferred to the Agency without regard to the restrictions placed on the initial appropriation. This Act is the statutory authority for the secrecy of the Agency's budget. In order to further protect intelligence sources and methods from disclosure, the 1949 Act exempted the CIA from having to disclose its "organization, functions, names, officials, titles, salaries, or numbers of personnel employed." Under these acts of Congress, the Director serves as the principal adviser to the President and the National Security Council on all matters of foreign infelligence related to the national security. CIA's responsibilities are carried out subject to various directives and controls by the President and the NSC. Today the CIA reports regularly to the Senate and House Select Committees on Intelligence and the Senate and House Appropriations Committees. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 INDEX OF CAREER OPPORTUNITIES (Identify your major discipline, note the directorate or directorates that hire people with your major. Read the information in the section or sections designated to acquaint you with the career in the Central Intelligence Agency compatible with your career interests. If your major is not specifically listed do not let this deter you from inquiring). CTP: Career Training Program DCI: Office of the Director of Central Intelligence DA: Directorate of Administration DI: Directorate of Intelligence DO: DS&T: Directorate of Operations Directorate of Science and Technology DEGREE CRITERIA ".' DIRECTORATE CT DCI DA, DI DO 'DS&T ACCOUNTING . ACOUSTICS . I I' ? ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE ? I ? . AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING ? ? ? AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ? ? ? AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ? . 0 AGRONOMY . . ? ANTHROPOLOGY ? ? ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING . ? ARCHITECTURE ? ? ARCHITECTURE, NAVAL ? . AREA STUDIES . ? ? ART, COMMERCIAL . ART, FINE ? I ? ART, GRAPHIC ? I . ? ART, ILLUSTRATION ? I ? AUDIO-VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS ? I ? ? BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE ? ? BIOCHEMISTRY ? ? ? BIOLOGY ? ? I . BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING . ? I ? BIOTECHNOLOGY ? ? BOOK DESIGN . ? BOOKBINDING . ? BROADCAST ENGINEERING ? ? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION . ? ? ?? ? BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ? ? CARTOGRAPHY ? I . 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 DEGREE CRITERIA CT DCI DA DI DO DS&T CERTIFIED INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITOR ? .111 1 CERTIFIED INTERNAL AUDITOR ? ? I CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ? ? CHEMISTRY ? ? ? CHEMISTRY, NUCLEAR ? ? CIVIL ENGINEERING ? ? I CLIMATOLOGY ? ? I COMMERCE ? .1 ? I COMMERCIAL ART ? I ? COMMUNICATIONS ? ? ? COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING ? ? ? COMPUTER ENGINEERING ? ? ? COMPUTER GRAPHICS ? ? COMPUTER OPERATIONS ? ? COMPUTER SCIENCE ? ? ? ? ? ? DATA PROCESSING ? ? ? I ? ? DEMOGRAPHY ? 0 ? DESIGN, EXPERIMENTAL ? ? DIPLOMATIC HISTORY ? ? DRAFTING ? ? ? EARTH SCIENCE ? ? ECOLOGY ? ? ECONOMETRICS ? ? ECONOMICS ? ? ? ? ? ECONOMICS, AGRICULTURAL ? ? EDUCATION ? ? ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ? ? ? ? ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING ? ? ? ? ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY ? ? ? ? ELECTRONICS ? ? ? ELECTRONICS/TV ? ? ? ENGINEERING (not specified) ? ? ? ? ? ENGINEERING, AERONAUTICAL ? ? ? ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE ? ? ? ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL ? ? ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL ? ENGINEERING, BROADCAST ? ? ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL ? ? ENGINEERING, CIVIL ? ? I ENGINEERING, COMMUNICATIONS ? ? . . ENGINEERING, COMPUTER ? ? ? ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL ? ? ? ? ENGINEERING, ELECTRONIC ? ? ? ENGINEERING, FIRE PREVENTION ? ? ENGINEERING, INDUSTRIAL ? ? ? ? 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 DEGREE CRITERIA CT DCI DA DI DO DS&T ENGINEERING, LOGISTICS ? r ? ENGINEERING, MARINE ? ? ? ENGINEERING, MATH/COMMUNICATIONS ? ? ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL ? ? ? ? ENGINEERING, MINERAL ? 1? ? ENGINEERING, NUCLEAR ? _ ? ? ENGINEERING, PETROLEUM ? ? ENGINEERING, PHYSICS ? ? ? ENGINEERING, SCIENCE ? ? ? ? ENGINEERING, SYSTEMS . ? ? ENGINEERING, TECHNICIAN I? ENGLISH ? ? ? ? ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ? I ? I ? FINANCE ? ? ? FINE ART ? ? FIRE PREVENTION, ENGINEERING ? ? FOREIGN AFFAIRS ? ? ? ? FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEGREE ? ? ? ? FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION ? ? FOREIGN STUDIES ? ? ? ? FORESTRY ? ? ? GENETICS ? ? GEODETIC SCIENCE ? ? ? ? GEOGRAPHY ? ? GEOPHYSICS ? ? GEOLOGY ? ? I GRAPHIC ART ? ? . GRAPHIC DESIGN ? ? ? GRAPHICS, COMPUTER ? ? HEALTH, PHYSICS ? . , HEALTH, RADIOLOGY ? ? HISTORY ? ? ? ? ? HUMAN RESOURCES MGMT ? ? HYDROLOGY ? ? INFORMATION SCIENCE/MGMT. ? ? ? ? ? ? INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ? ? ? ? ? INTERNATIONAL TRADE ? ? ILLUSTRATION ? ? INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING ? ? ? ? INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ? ? JOURNALISM ? ? ? ? JD (Doctor of Law/Jurisprudence) ? ?? ? LAW . . . . LEATHER CRAFT ? I ? LIBERAL ARTS ? ? ? I ? ? LIBRARY SCIENCE ? ? ? I k, ? LINGUISTICS, SCIENTIFIC ? I ? ? I ? 5 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 DEGREE CRITERIA CT DCI DA, DI DO DS&T I 1 LLB (Bachelor of Law) . I ? ? LOGIC PROGRAMMING ? ? LOGISTICS ENGINEERING . LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT/ENGINEERING ? ? MACHINISTS . MANAGEMENT SCIENCE ? ? MARINE, ENGINEERING ? I? MATERIALS SCIENCE ? ? ? MATH/COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING ? ? MATHEMATICS ? ? ? ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ? ? ? ? MEDICAL DEGREE ? ? ? MEDICAL SCULPTOR ? METEOROLOGY ? I MILITARY SCIENCE ? I? MINERAL ENGINEERING ? ? NAVAL ARCHITECTURE ? ? NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY ? ? NUCLEAR ENGINEERING ? ? ? OCEANOGRAPHY ? ? ? OPERATIONS RESEARCH ? ? I I? ? PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ? ? PETROLEUM ENGINEERING ? ? PHOTOGRAMMETRY ? ? PHOTOGRAPHIC SCIENCE ? ? PHOTOGRAPHY ? ? ? PHYSICAL SCIENCES (not specified) ? ? ? ? ? PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT PROGRAM ? ? I PHYSICS ? ? ? I ? PHYSICS ENGINEERING ? ? PHYSIOLOGY, HUMAN ? I .? . I PILOT TRAINING/EXPERIENCE ? 0 ? ' I POLITICAL SCIENCE ? ? ? ? I ? PRINTING PRODUCTION/ MANAGEMENT/SYSTEMS ? ? 1 PSYCHIATRY ?I ? I? PSYCHOLOGY (not specified) ?I I ? I I? PSYCHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENTAL/ CLINICAL ? ? PSYCHOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL ? ? I ' PSYCHOLOGY, INDUSTRIAL ? ? ? I PSYCHOLOGY, ORGANIZATIONAL ? ? ? I PSYCHOLOGY, RESEARCH ? ? ? I i PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ? ? ? RADIOLOGY ? ? I REMOTE SENSING ? ? I ? SCIENCE (not specified) ? ? ? I I ? 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 1 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 DEGREE CR ITER IA CT DCI DA DI DO DS&T SCIENCE ENGINEERING ? I? I ? SOCIAL SCIENCES ? I I ,. ? SOCIOLOGY ? ? ? SOC IOLOG Y,UR BAN ? SPACE SCIENCE ? ? ? STATISTICS ? ? ? SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ? ? ? ? TELEVISION COMMUNICATIONS ? ? ? TOOL & DIE MAKER ? TRANSPORTATION ? TYPOGRAPHY . URBAN SOCIOLOGY ? I ? US FOREIGN POLICY ? I ? ? 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Central Intelligence Agency Recruitment Activity Centers ? Washi gton wurnbia Oregon Idaho 9 Missou, Montana Wyoming Nor Dakota 1?''?r?? ____ ---1 1 Sout akota 1-- 1 8 i ./??........ .7- ? ___._______, i Nebraska ? Chicagt. Ohio ! c.,? *Denver i ? Indiana \ \ Nevada ?___. Illinois sz Virg ienLt^f" ( \ Utah _ Cincinnati O Colorado I / California\? \ e I Kansas hi? ..../Virginia \ ??.. ? i Missouri Kentucky * t. North Carolina Los Angeles 1 I 1 Arkansas Tennessee ..L...?..----1----... Arizona .:, ......--- 7- - . Oklahoma i C.South Carolina -T c . e Mexico L., P4 Itlanta-\. ! *Dallas I------ 11 Alabama Georgia ? ??..__I ( Texas ILouisiana I C A N A D A Minn ota Iowa Lake. Superior 6 Mi igao Lake-1 Huron, L ke Wiscons Mi(chigan ) i i_ ov,e Lake Ontario New York 'Pennsylvania a ? MEXICO - Vlississippi\ LS, 9 Hawaii ? 100 Miles. Alaska yu?on CANADA 300 Miles 0 600 Miles / I i) '1 0 500 Kilornvelers MEXICO Florida 6 ? Vt. 41 Maine Boston re ss.* New York New Jersey Del. CUBA 5 THE RAHANIAS 06- 706346 11-85 Declassified in Part - Sanitized- Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00-5-36R00676-16700-03-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER MAILING ADDRESSES AREA 1 AREA 5 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 12406 ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA 23209-8406 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND NORTHERN WEST VIRGINIA ARE SERVED BY OUR PITTSBURG OFFICE RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 1255 PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 15230 AREA 2 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 2303 S. HACKENSACK, NEW JERSEY 02606 AREA 3 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 1920 GENERAL MAIL FACILITY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02205 AREA 4 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 3009 CINCINNATI, OHIO 45201 9 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 4688 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30302 AREA 6 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 1412 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60690 AREA 7 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 50611 DALLAS, TEXAS 75250 AREA 8 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 38428 DENVER, COLORADO 80238 AREA 9 RECRUITMENT ACTIVITY CENTER P.O. BOX 3127 SOUTH EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA 91733 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Director of Central Intelligence Command Responsibilities National Intelligence 1-- Council General Counsel Inspector General Office of Legislative Liaison DCI DDCI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Public Affairs Office Comptroller DIRECTOR INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF DEPUTY DIRECTOR for OPERATIONS DEPUTY DIRECTOR for SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEPUTY DIRECTOR for INTELLIGENCE Office of Research & Development Office of Soviet Analysis Office of Scientific and Weapons Research H HForeign 14-- H Office of Development & Engineering Office of European Analysis Office of Global Issues Broadcast Information Service Office of Near Eastern & South Asian Analysis Office of Imagery Analysis Office of Current Production and Analytic Support Office of SIGINT Operations Office of East Asian Analysis Office of Technical Service Office of African & Latin American Analysis Office of Central Reference HNational Photographic Interpretation Center DEPUTY DIRECTOR for ADMINISTRATION Office of Medical Services Office of Security 'Office of Training- & Education Office of Finance Office of Logistics Office of Information Services Office of Information Technology Office of Communications Office of Personnel . ...... _ .... E-E-di Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 SECTION I THE CAREER TRAINING PROGRAM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 ILLEGIB THE CAREER TRAINING PROGRAM Thc,S_areer-T-raining-Progfam\is the Agency's professional entry level program designed'''to-recruit;train7and-develop the fli ture leaders of th-C-A-17-3nd the Intelligence Community. It is highly selective. It offers career opportunities in all four Directorates (i.e. Collection, Analysis, Science & Technology and Admin- istration). It provides broad exposure to a wide range of Agency programs through lectures as well as intensive skills training. It enables the Career Trainee to gain valuable work experience in a truly challenging environment with professionals who are the best in a variety of fields. The Career Training Program seeks applicants from a wide variety of academic fields of study and life experiences. Candidates with majors in all academic disciplines?Agriculture through Zoology?are welcome. All qualified applicants have: ? First and foremost, the drive to achieve. They are oriented towards action and results. ? Force of personality and a gift for dealing effectively with people. ? Bachelor's degree (at least) with a consistently high level of academic performance. ? Exceptional skill in both written and oral communications. ? Impeccable standards of personal and professional ethics. ? U.S. citizenship. Maximum age 35 upon entry on duty. Tlfe-eareer-Trailring-Program curriculum involves approximately one year of formal training and internship for each of its participants, depending on their ultimate Directorate assignment. Career Trainees entering the Operations Directorate can expect additional training as appropriate in foreign languages and area familiarization to prepare them for overseas assignments. Selection for the Career Trainee Program involves an extensive and interactive assessment of each candidate, including multiple interviews and testing. The assessment process is designed to insure the best possible match between the capabilities and needs of the applicant and the requirements of the Agency. This process takes time, but for those who succeed it has historically produced careers that provide a high level of personal satisfaction and fulfillment. Candidates are encouraged to apply four to six months prior to their availability. Classes begin four times each year, i.e. January, April, July and September. Send a resume and a letter describing your qualifications to the Recruitment Activity Center in your area or: Director, Career Trainee Program P.O. Box 1925 Washington, D.C. 20013 All applications and inquires must be in writing. 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 SECTION II OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 DCI Area The DCI Area consists of the Offices of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI), Executive Director, their immediate staffs, and several independent offices. The DCI is the primary foreign intelligence adviser to the President and the National Security Council, the principal intelligence officer of the Government, and the head of the Central Intelligence Agency. The DDCI is the DCI's principal deputy; by law he acts for and exercises the powers of the DCI during his absence or disability. The Executive Director is responsible for acting on behalf of the DCI and the DDCI in the overall management of CIA. Although these offices are ordinarily staffed by experienced personnel from within the Agency, some staff are recruited externally by independent offices in the DCI Area and the History Staff in the Executive Secretariat. Separate descriptions of opportunities in each of these offices follow. History Staff Office of the Director The CIA History Staff, in the Office of the Director of Central Intelligence, has three principal objectives: to help preserve the Agency's historical records and institutional memory, to provide a specialized reference service, and to research and write the history of CIA. The Chief Historian is responsible to the Director of Central Intelligence for developing and implementing the Agency's History Program. The History Staff writes classified histories of CIA, its activities, development and role in government. It is also CIA's principal point of contact for other U.S. Government historical offices, especially those that need access to CIA records. As a result of the CIA Information Act of 1984 the History Staff has an important role in the Agency's new Historical Review Program, which reviews older records for declassification and transfer to the National Archives. The History Staff is responsible for liaison with the historical profession on this program, and for advising on the selection of historically important records for declassification review. The History Staff has a strength of four staff historians in addition to its Chief, Deputy Chief and support personnel. Although these historians work principally on extended historical studies, their duties also include a wide range of related work in response to the needs of the Agency. History Staff Office of the Director GENERIC LISTING OF CAREER OPPORTUNITIES STAFF HISTORIANS: A Ph.D. degree (preferably in recent U.S. diplomatic or military history) is required. Staff Historians work in the Washington, D.C. area, writing classified histories of CIA. First-class historical research and writing skills are required, while editing, archival or official history experience are desirable. Grade range: GS-12 to GS-13. 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701670003-3 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL The General Counsel is responsible for counseling the Director of Central Intelligence on all legal matters relating to his leading role within the Intelligence Community and his duties as head of the CIA. The General Counsel also is responsible for advising CIA employees on legal issues concerning the conduct of Agency activities. When the responsibilities of the General Counsel and his role in CIA activities greatly expanded in the 1970's, so did the size of the Office of General Counsel. Partially as a result of this large expansion and the relative rapidity with which it took place, the attorneys in the Office are relatively young. The-majority-of-the current-staff-have-joined--t-he-Office-eitherie-firms, or positions with the