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? 0.735-1 " S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 11110 15-Commerce and Foreign Trade -vrrece or fh? ecty. of Commerce PART 0-EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBIUTIES AND CONDUCT Bee. 0.735-1 0.735-3 0.735-3 0.735-4 Subpart A-Gonorol Provisions Purpose. ? Relation to basic provisions. Applicability. Definitions. Subpart 11--Oonoral Policy 0.735-5 General principles. 0.735-8 Standards required in the Federal service. 0.735-7 Special requirements of the De- partment. 0.735-8 Limitations on private activities and interests. Subpart C-Statutory limitations Upon Employes Conduct ? 0.735-9 Employee responsibilities. Subpart 0-Regulatory Limitations Upon Employ*. Conduct 0.735-10 Administrative extension of statu- tory limitations. 0.735-10a Proscribed actions. 0.735-11 Gifts, entertainment, and favors. 0.735-12 Outside employment or other ac- tivity. 0.735-13 Financial interests. 735-14 Use of Goverrunent time or prop- ?. erty. 0.735-15 Misuse of employment or infor- mation. 0.735-18 Indebtedness. 0.735-17 Gambling, betting, and lotteries. 0.735-18 General conduct prejudicial to the Government. 0.735-19 Reporting undue influence to su- periors. Subpart E-Statotnonts of Employment and Financial Interests 0.735-20 General provisions. 0.735-21 Form and content of statements. 0.735-22 Employees required to submit statements. 0.735-22a Employee's complaint on filing requirement. 0.735-23 Employees not required to submit statements. 0.735-24 Time and place for submission of original statements. 0.735-25 Supplementary statements. 0.735-26 Interests of employees' relatives. 0.735-27 Information not known by em- ployees. 0.735-28 Information not required. Sec. 0.735-29 Confidentiality of employees' statements. 0.735-30 Relation of this part to other re- quirements. 0.735-31 Special Government employees. Subpart F-Supplomentory Rogulations 0.735-32 Departmental. 0.735-33 Operating units- 0.735-34 Effective date of supplementary regulations. Subpart G-AdminInstrotion 0.735-35 Responsibilities of employees. 0.735-36 Responsibilities of operating units. 0.735-37 Procedure. 0.735-38 Availability for counseling. 0.735-39 Authorizations. 0.735-40 Disciplinary and other remedial action. 0.735-41 Inquiries and exceptions.-? Appendix A-Statutes Governing C-onct:t of Federal Employees Appendix B-Position Categories, Grade 08-13 and Above. Requiring Statements of Employment and Financial Interests By Incumbents Appendix C-Position Categories Below 013- 13 Requiring Statements of Employment and Financial Interests By Incumbents Autiwarry: E.O. 11222 of May 8, 1965, 30 FR 6460, 3 CFR, 1965 SUPP.: 5 CFR 735.104. SOURCE: 32 FR. 15222, Nov. 2. 1967, unless otherwise noted. Subpart A-General Provisloal ? 0.735-1 Purpose. The purpose of this part is to set forth Department of Commerce policy and procedure relating to employee re- sponsibilities and conduct. ? 0.735-2 Relation to basic provisions. (a) This part implements the follow- ing: (1) The provisions of law cited in this part: (2) Executive Order 11222 of May 8, 1965 (3 CFR, 1965 Supp. p. 130): (3) Part 735 of the Civil Service reg- ulations (5 CFR 735.101-735.412, inclu- sive). (b) This part prescribe additional standards of ethical and other conduct and reporting requirements deemed appropriate in the light of the particu- lu functions and activities of this De- partment. *0.735-3 Applicability. This part applies to all persons in- cluded within the term "employee" as defined in 0.735-4, except as other- wise provided in this part. I 0.735-1 Definitions. For purposes of this part, except as otherwise, indicated in this part: (a) "Employee": (1) Shall include: (I) Every officer and employee of the Department of Commerce (regardless of location), including commissioned officers of the Environmental Science Services Administration; and (ii) Every other person who is re- tained, designated, appointed, or em- ployed by .a Federal officer or employ- ee, who is engaged in the performance of a function of the Department under authority of law or an Executive act, and who is subject to the supervision of a Federal officer or employee while engaged in the performance of the duties of his position not only as to what he does but also as to how he performs his duties, regardless of whether the relationship to the De- partment is created by assignment, detail, contract, agreement or other- wise. (2) Shall not include: (i) Members of the Executive Re- serve except when they are serving as employees of the Department under the circumstances described in para- graph (a)(1) of this section; (ii) Members of crews of vessels owned or chartered to the Govern- ment and operated by or for the Mari- time Administration under a General Agency Agreement: or (iii) Any other person who is deter- mined legally not to be an officer or employee of the United States. (b) "Special Government employee" shall mean an employee as defined in paragraph (a) of this section who is re- tained, designated, appointed, or em- ployed to perform with or without compensation, for not to exceed 130 days during any period of 365 consecu- tive days, temporary duties on either a full-time or intermittent basis. ? 0.73S-7 (c) "Personnel officer" means a per- sonnel official to whom the power of appointment is redelegated under Ad- ministrative Order 202-250. (d) "Operating unit" means, for pur- poses of this part, primary and con- stituent operating units designated u such in the Department Order Series of the Department of Commerce and. in addition, the Office of the Secre- tary. (e) "Head of an operating unit," for the purposes of this part, includes the Assistant Secretary for Administration with respect to the performance of functions under this part for the Office of the Secretary. Subpart 8-General Policy ? 0.735-5 General principles. Apart from statute, there are certain principles of fair dealing which have the force of law and which are applies- ble to all officers of the Government. A public office is a public trust. No public officer can lawfully engage in business activities which are incom- patible with the duties of his office. He cannot, in his private or official character, enter into engagements in which he has, or can have, a conflict- ing personal interest. He cannot allow his public duties to be neglected by reason of attention to his private af- fairs. Such conflicts of interest are not tolerated in the case of any private fi- duciary, and they are doubly pro- scribed for a public trustee. (40 Ops. Atty. Gen. 187, 190.) 0.735-6 Standards required in the Feder- al service. 5 CFR 735.101 states: "The mainte- nance of unusually high standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality, and conduct by Government employees and special Government employees is essential to assure the proper perform- ance of the Government business and the maintenance of confidence by citi- zens in their Government." ? 0.735-7 Special requirements of the De- partment. The close and sensitive relationship between the Department of Commerce and the Nation's business community 4 npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 ? 9 U./ 40-6 Imo i3?uommerce ana roreian nese bUDIIII? A?Uttira M. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 or nonberformance of the employee's official duty or by actions of the De- partment. (b) Exceptions. The following excep- tions are authorized to the limitation In paragraph (a) of this section: (1) Acceptance of a gilt, gratuity. favor, entertainment, loan, payment of expenses, fee, compensation, or other thing of monetary value incident to obvious family or personal relation- ships (such as those between the em- ployee and the parents, children, or spouse of the employee) when the cir- cumstances make it clear that it is those relationships rather than the business of the persons concerned which are the motivating factors. (2) Acceptance of food and refresh- ments of nominal value on infrequent occasions in the ordinary course of a luncheon or dinner meeting or other meeting or on an inspection tour where an employee may properly be in attendance. For the purpose of this section, "nominal value" means that the value of the food or refreshments shall not be unreasonably high under the circumstances. (3) Acceptance of loans from banks or other financial institutions on cus- tomary terms and on security not in- consistent with paragraph (a) of this section, to finance proper and usual activities of employees, such as home mortgage loans. (4) Acceptance of unsolicited adver- tising or promotional material, such as pens, pencils, note pads, calendars, and other items of nominal intrinsic value. (5) Acceptance of a gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, loan, payment of expenses, fee, compensation, or other thing of monetary value when such ac- ceptance is determined by the head of the operating unit concerned to be necessary and appropriate in view of the work of the Department and the duties and responsibilities of the em- ployee. A copy of each such determi- nation shall be sent to the counselor of the Department. (6) Special Government employees are covered by this section only while employed by the Department or in connection with such employment. (c) [Reserved] (d) Gifts to superiors. An employee shall not solicit a contribution from calls for special vigilance on the part of all officers and employees to avoid even any appearance of impropriety. The regulations set forth in this part have been adopted in order to promote the efficiency of the service in the light of the particular ethical and ad- ministrative problems arising out of the work of the Department. *0.735-8 Limitations on private activities and interests. It is the policy of the Department to place as few limitations as possible on private activities or interests consist- ent with the public trust and the ef- fective performance of the official business of the Department. There is no general statutory or regulatory lim- itation on the conduct of private activ- ities for compensation by officers or employees of the Department, when the private activity is not connected with any interest of the Government. When the private activity does not touch upon some interest, it may be conducted if it falls outside applicable statutory limitations and regulatory limitations. Subpart C?Statutory Limitations Upon Employee Conduct 0.735-9 Employee responsibilities. Each employee and special Govern- ment employee has a positive duty to acquaint himself with the ntun.erous statutes relating to the ethical and other conduct of employees and spe- cial employees of the Department and of the Government Appendix A of this part contains a listing of the more im- portant statutory provisions of general applicability. In case of doubt on any question of statutory application to fact situations that may arise, the em- ployee should consult the text of the statutes, which will be made available to him by his organization unit, and he should also avail himself of the legal counseling provided by this part. Subpart D?Regulatory Limitations Upon Employee Conduct ? 0.735-10 Administrative extension of statutory limitations. The provisions of the statutes identi- fied in this part which relate to the ethical and other conduct of Federal employees are adopted and will be en- forced as administrative regulations, violations of which may in appropriate cases be the basis for disciplinary action, including removal. The fact that a statute which may relate to em- ployee conduct is not identified in this part does not mean that it may not be the basis for disciplinary action against an employee. 10.735-10a Proscribed actions. An employee shall avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited by this subpart, which might result in, or create the appearance of: (a) Using public office for private gain; (b) Giving preferential treatment to any person; (c) Impeding Government efficiency or economy; (d) Losing complete independence or impartiality; (e) Making a Government decision outside official channels; or (f) Affecting adversely the confi- dence of the public in the integrity of the Government. 6 ? 0.735-11 Gifts, entertainment, and favors. (a) General limitations. Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (f ) of this section, an employee shall not so- licit or accept, directly or indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor, entertain- ment, loan, payment of expenses, fee, compensation, or any other thing of monetary value, for himself or an- other person, from a person who: (1) Has, or is seeking to obtain, con- tractual or other business or financial relations with the Department of Commerce; (2) Conducts operations or activities that are regulated by the Department of Commerce; or (3) Has interests that may be sub- stantially affected by the performance 7 ? 0.735-12 another employee for a gift to an offi- cial superior, make a donation as a gift to an official superior, or accept a gift from an employee receiving less pay than himself (5 U.S.C. 7351). However, this paragraph does not prohibit a vol- untary gift of nominal value or dona- tion in a nominal amount made on a special occasion such as marriage, ill- ness, or retirement. An employee who violates these requirements shall be removed from the service. (e) Gifts from a foreign government. An employee shall not accept a gift, present, decoration, or other thing from a foreign government unless ac- ceptance is (1) authorized by Congress as provided by the Constitution and in Public Law 89-673, 80 Stat. 952. and (2) authorized by the Department of Commerce as provided in Administra- tive Order 202-739. (f) Reimbursement for travel ex- penses and subsistence. Neither this section nor ? 0.735-12 precludes an em- ployee from receipt of bona fide reim- bursement, unless prohibited by law, for expenses of travel and such other necessary subsistence as is compatible with this part for which no Govern- ment payment or reimbursement is made. However, this paragraph does not allow an employee to be reim- bursed, or payment to be made on his behalf, for excessive personal living expenses, gifts, entertainment, or other personal benefits, nor does it allow an employee to be reimbursed by a person for travel on official business under agency orders when reimburse- ment is proscribed by Decision B- 128527 of the Comptroller General dated March 7, 1967. (Requirements applicable to Department of Com- merce employees are set forth in De- partment of Commerce Administrative Order 203-9.) ? 0.735-12 Outside employment or other activity. (a) Incompatible outside employ- ment or other outside activity. An em- ployee shall not engage in outside em- ployment or other outside activity not compatible (1) with the full and proper discharge of the duties and re- sponsibilities of his Government em- ployment, (2) with the policies or in- terests of the Department, or (3) with Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 ?0J35-12 the maintenance of the highest stand- ards of ethical and moral conduct. In- compatible activities include but are not limited to: (I) Acceptance of a fee, compensa- tion, gift, payment of expense, or any other thing of monetary value in cir- cumstances in which acceptance may result In, or create the appearance of, a conflict of interest; (ii) Outside employment which tends to impair the employee's mental or physical capacity to perform his Gov- ernment duties and responsibilities in an acceptable manner; (iii) Employment with any foreign government, corporation, partnership. Instrumentality, or individual unless authorized by the Department; (iv) Employment by, or service ren- dered under contract with, any of the persons listed in ? 0.735-11(a); (v) Receipt by an employee, other than a special Government employee, of any salary or anything of monetary value from a private source as compen- sation for his services to the Govern- ment. (18 U.S.C. 209). (b) Improper benefit from official ac- tivity. (1) No employee of the Depart- ment shall receive compensation (e.g., an honorarium) or anything of mone- tary value, other than that to which he is duly entitled from the Govern- ment, for the performance of any ac- tivity during his service as such em- ployee of the Department and within the scope of his official responsibil- ities. (2) As used in this paragraph, "within the scope of his official re- sponsibilities" means in the course of or in connection with his official re- sponsibilities. (See 29 Comp. Gen. 163; 30 id. 246; 32 id. 454; 35 id. 354; B- 131371, July 17, 1957.) (3) An activity shall ordinarily be considered to be in the course of or in connection with an employee's official responsibilities if it is performed as a result of an invitation or request which is addressed to the Department or a component thereof, or which is addressed to an employee at his office at the Department, or which there is reason to believe is extended partly be- cause of the official position of the employee concerned. (When in doubt, it may be asked whether it is likely This 15?Commerce and Foreign Trade that the invitation would have been received if the recipient were not asso- ciated with the Department.) Whether an employee is on leave while perform- ing an activity shall be considered ir- relevant in determining whether an activity is performed in the course of or in connection with the employee's official responsibilities. (4) Acceptance of a gift or bequest on behalf of the Department shall be made in accordance with Department Order 3 and Administrative Order 203- 9. (c) Teaching, lecturing, and writing. Employees are encouraged to. engage in teaching, lecturing, and writing that is not prohibited by law. Executive Order 11222, 5 CFR Part 735, or the regulations in this part and Adminis- trative Order 201-4, "Writing for Out- side Publication." subject to the fol- lowing conditions: (1) An employee shall not, either for or without compensation, engage in teaching, lecturing, or writing, includ- ing teaching, lecturing, or writing for the purpose of the special preparation of a person or class of persons for an examination of the Civil Service Com- mission or the Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, that depends on information obtained as a result of his Government employment, except when that information has been made available to the general public or will be made available on request, or when the Assistant Secretary for Adminis- tration or his designee gives written authorization for the use of nonpublic Information on the basis that the use Is in the public interest. (2) No employee shall receive com- pensation or anything of monetary value for any consultation, lecture, dis- cussion, writing, or appearance, the subject matter of which is devoted substantially to the responsibilities, programs, or operations of the Depart- ment of Commerce, or which draws substantially on official data or ideas which have not become part of the body of public information. As used in this subparagraph, "the body of public Information" shall mean information which has been disseminated widely among segments of the public which may be affected by or interested in the information concerned, or which is Subtitle A?Office of the Sedy. of Commerce known by such segments of the public to be freely available on request to a Government agency. (d) (Reserved] (e) Application of the limitations. This section does not preclude an em- ployee from: (1) (Reserved] (2) Participation in the activities of National or State political parties not proscribed by law. (3) Participation in the affairs of, or acceptance of an award for a mer1ts:74"i- ous public contribution or achieve- ment given by a charitable, religious, professional, social, fraternal, nonprof- it educational and recreational, public service, or civic organization. (32 FR 15222, Nov. 2, 1967, as amended at 33 FR 9765, July 6. 19681 ? 0.735-13 Financial interests. (a) An employee shall not: (I) Have a direct or indirect financial interest that conflicts substantially, or appears to conflict substantially, with his Government duties and responsi- bilities; or (2) Engage in, directly or indirectly, a financial transaction as a result of, or primarily relying on, information obtained through his Government em- ployment. (b) No employee shall participate in any manner, on behalf of the United States, in the negotiation of contracts, the making of loans, and grants, the granting of subsidies, the fixing of rates, or the issuance of valuable per- mits or certificates, or in any investi- gation or prosecution, or in the trans- action of any other official business, which affects chiefly a person (1) by whom he has been employed or with whom he has had any economic inter- est within the preceding 2 years, or (2) with whom he has any economic inter- est or any pending negotiations con- cerning a prospective economic inter- est, except with express prior authori- zation as provided for in Subpart G of this part. (c) This section does not preclude an employee from having a financial in- terest or engaging in financial transac- tions to the same extent as a private citizen not employed by the Govern- ment so long as it is not prohibited by law, Executive order, Civil Service reg- ?0.735-15 ulations (5 CFR Part 735), or regula- tions in this part. (d) The financial (or economic) in- terests described below are too remote or too inconsequential to affect the in- tegrity of an employee's services in any matter involving them, and are thereby exempted from the prohibi- tions of 18 U.S.C. 208(a). and do not exclude such employee's participation in the transaction of any official busi- ness involving such financial or eco- nomic interests: Deposits in a bank, savings and loan asso- ciation, building association, credit union or similar financial institution; policies held with an insurance company; constructive in- terests in companies and other entities owned or held by a mutual fund or other di- versified investment company in which the employee has an interest. These exempted financial (or econom- ic) interests need not be reported by employees in their statements of em- ployment and financial interests re- ferred to in ? 0.735-21. (18 U.S.C. 298(b); 5 CFR 735.404a) (32 FR 15222, Nov. 2, 1967, as amended at 41 FR 34939, Aug. 18, 19761 ? 0.735-14 Use of Government time or property. (a) An employee shall not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of. Government time or property of any kind, including property leased to the Government, for other than officially approved activities. (b) Each employee shall protect and conserve Government property, in- cluding equipment, supplies, and other property entrusted or issued to him. ? 0.735-15 Misuse of employment or infor- mation. (a) Use of Government employment. An employee shall not use his Govern- ment employment for a purpose that is, or gives the appearance of being, motivEted by the desire for private gain for himself or another person, particularly one with whom he has family, business, or financial ties. (b) Use of inside information. For the purpose of furthering a private in- terest, an employee shall not, except as provided in ? 0.735-12(c), directly or Indirectly use, or allow the use of, in- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 ? 0.735-16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 Title 15?Commerce and Foreign Trade Subtftlis A?Office of formation which has been or has the appearance of having been obtained through or in connection with his Government employment and which has not been made available to the general public. ? (c) Coercion. An employee shall not use his Government employment to coerce, or give the appearance of co- ercing, a person to provide financial benefit to himself or another person, particularly one with whom he has family, business, or financial ties. (d) Disclosure of restricted informa- tion. No employee shall divulge re- stricted commercial or economic infor- mation, or restricted Information con- cerning the personnel or operations of any Government agency, or release any such information in advance of the time prescribed for its authorized release. (e) Discrimination. No employee, acting in his official capacity, shall, di- rectly or indirectly, authorize, permit. or participate in any act or course of conduct which, on the ground of race, color, creed, national origin, or sex, ex- cludes from participation, denies any benefit to, or otherwise subjects to dis- crimination any person under any pro- gram or activity administered or con- ducted by the Department or one of Its units, or such employee. (See De- partment Order 195.) ? 0.735-16 Indebtedness. (a) An employee shall pay each just financial obligation in a proper and timely manner, especially one imposed by law such as Federal, State. or local taxes. For purposes of this section, "a just financial obligation" means one acknowledged by the employee or re- duced to judgment by a court, and "In a proper and timely manner" means in a manner which, in the view of the De- partment, does not, under the circum- stances, reflect adversely on the Gov- ernment as his employer. (b) In the event of dispute between an employee and an alleged creditor. this section does not require the De- partment to determine the validity or amount of the disputed debt. ? 0.735-17 Gambling, betting, and lotter- ies. An employee shall not participate while on Government-owned or leased property or while on duty for the Gov- ernment. in any gambling activity in- cluding the operation of a gambling device, in conducting a lottery or pool. in a game for money or property or in selling or purchasing a numbers slip or ticket. However, this section does not preclude activities (a) necessitated by an employee's law enforcement duties. or (h) under section 3 of Executive Order 10927 (relating to solicitations conducted by organizations composed of civilian employees or members of the armed forces among their own members for organizational support or for benefit or welfare funds for their own members) and similar agency-ap- proved activities. ? 0.735-18 General conduct prejudicial to the Government. (a) General policy. Officers and em- ployees of the Federal Government are servants of the people. Because of this, their conduct must, in many in- stances, be subject to more restrictions and to higher standards than may be the case in certain private employ- ments. They are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which will re- flect favorably upon their employer. Although the Government is not par- ticularly interested in the private lives of its employees, it does expect them to be honest, reliable, trustworthy, and of good character and reputation. They are expected to be loyal to the Government, and to the department or agency in which they are employed. (b) Specific policy. An employee shall not engage in criminal, infamous, dishonest, immoral, or notoriously dis- graceful conduct, or other conduct prejudicial to the Government. (c) Regulations applicable to public buildings and grounds. Each employee is responsible for knowing and comply- ing with regulations of the General Services Administration and of the De- partment of Commerce applicable to public buildings and grounds. the Sedy. of Commerce ? 0.735-22 10.735-19 Reporting undue influence to superiors. Each employee shall report to his superior any instance in which an- other person inside or outside the Fed- eral Government uses or attempts to use undue influence to induce, by reason of his official Government posi- tion, former Government employment, family relationship, political position, or otherwise, the employee to do or omit to do any official act in deroga- tion of his official duty. - Subpart E?Statements of Employment and Financial Interests 0.735-20 General provisions. (a) In order to carry out the purpose of this part, certain employees of the Department, specified in or pursuant to this part, will be required to submit statements of outside employment and financial interests for review designed to disclose conflicts of interest, appar- ent conflicts of interest on the part of employees, and other matters within the purview of this part. (b) When a conflict or apparent con- flict of interest on the part of an em- ployee or other question of compliance with the provisions of this part arises and is not resolved at a lower level within the Department, e.g., by appro- priate remedial action, the informa- tion concerning the matter shall be re- ported to the Secretary through the counselor for the Department desig- nated in ? 0.735-38. (c) In the event of a conflict or ap- parent conflict of interest on the part of an employee or other question of compliance with the provisions of this part, the employee concerned shall be provided an opportunity to explain the matter. After consideration of the conflict or apparent conflict of inter- est or other question of compliance, and the employee's explanation there- of, appropriate action shall be taken. *0.735-21 Form and content of state- ments. (a) Statements of employment and financial interests shall be submitted as far as practicable on one of the fol- lowing forms, as appropriate: (1) Form CD-220, "Confidential Statement of Employment and Finan- cial Interests (For Use by Government Employees Other Than Special Gov- ernment Employees)"; or (2) Form CD-219, "Confidential Statement of Employment and Finan- cial Interests (For Use by Special Gov- ernment Employees)." (b) Each of the foregoing forms shall contain, as a minimum, the infor- mation required by the formats pre- scribed by the Civil Service Commis- sion in the Federal Personnel Manual. Questions on a statement of employ- ment and financial interests that go beyond, or are in greater detail than, - those included on the Commission's formats may be included on a state- ment only with the approval of the As- sistant Secretary for Administration and the Commission. (c) [Reserved] (d) The employee will not be re- quired to reveal precise amounts of fi- nancial interest when such informa- tion is not necessary for a proper de- termination as to whether there Is any apparent conflict of interest. ? 0.735-22 Employees required to submit statements. Except as provided in ? 0.735-23, a statement of employment and finan- cial interests shall be submitted by the following employees other than spe- cial Government employees: (a) Employees paid at a level of the Executive Schedule in subchapter II of chapter 53 of Title 5, United States Code. (b) Employees classified at GS-13 or above under section 5332 of Title 5, United States Code, or at a compara- ble pay level under another authority, who are in positions the basic duties and responsibilities of which are deter- mined by the head of the operating unit concerned to require the incum- bent to make a Government decision or to take a Government action in regard to: (1) Contracting or procurement; (2) Administering or monitoring grants or subsidies; (3) Regulating or auditing private or other non-Federal enterprise; or (4) Other activities where the deci- sion or action has an economic impact in Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 ? 0.735-22a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23 CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 OT me Sociy. of Commerce on the interests of any non-Federal enterprise. Each employee who occupies a posi- tion in one of the above-listed catego- ries and who is not excluded from the reporting requirement shall be noti- fied that he is subject to the reporting requirement. (c) The following employees classi- fied at GS-13 or above under section 5332 of Title 5. United States Code, or at a comparable pay level under an- other authority, not otherwise subject to paragraph (b) of this section: (1) Employees in grade GS-16 or above, or in comparable or higher po- sitions. (2) Employees in Schedule C posi- tions. (3) Employees in hearing examiner or hearing officer positions. (4) Persons employed as experts, consultants, or advisers. (5) Employees in positions or catego- ries of positions, regardless of their of- ficial title, identified in Appendix B of this part. (d) Employees classified below CIS- 13 under section 5332 of Title 5, United States Code, or at a compara- ble pay level under another authority, who are in positions or categories of *.lositions, regardless of their official title, identified in Appendix C to this Part. (e) Appendices B and C. (1) Appendix B to this part shall be maintained and changes made therein In accordance with the criteria in 5 CFR 735.403(c) and in accordance with the procedure in this paragraph. Ap- pendix C to this part shall be main- tained and changes made therein in accordance with the criteria in 5 CFR 735.403(d) and in accordance with the procedure in this paragraph. (2) Heads of operating units and heads of offices in the Office of the Secretary shall, in conformity with the above-cited criteria, recommend changes in Appendix B and Appendix C to the Assistant Secretary for Ad- ministration for approval. Changes in Appendix C shall be submitted, with specific justification, to the Civil Serv- ice Commission for further prior ap- proval. (3) Incumbents of positions added to Appendix B or to Appendix C ,shall become subject to the reporting re- quirements of this part upon receipt of notification that their position is subject to such requirements. Appen- dix B and Appendix C shall be repub- lished annually to reflect changes in the lists. ? 0.735-22a Employee's complaint on filing requirement. An employee shall have an opportu- nity for review through the Depart- ment of Commerce grievance proce- dure, as provided by Administrative Order 202-770, of a complaint by him that his position has been improperly included under the regulations of the Department as one requiring the sub- mission of a statement of employment and financial interests. ? 0.735-23 Employees not required to submit statements (a). Employees in positions that meet the criteria in paragraph (b), (c), or (d) of *0.735-22 may be excluded from the reporting requirement when the head of the operating unit concerned deter- mines that: (1) The duties of a position are such that the likelihood of the incumbent's involvement in a conflicts-of-interest situation is remote; or (2) The duties of a position are at such a level of responsibility that the submission of a statement of employ- ment and financial interests is not nec- essary because of the degree of super- vision and review over the incumbent or the inconsequential effect on the integrity of the Government. (b) A statement of employment and financial interests is not required by this part from the Secretary of Com- merce, from the head of an independ- ent agency for which the Department of Commerce performs administrative services, or from a full-time member of a committee, board, or commission ap- pointed by the President. These em- ployees are subject to separate report- ing requirements under section 401 of Executive Order 11222. ? 0.735-24 Time and place for submission of original statements. (a) An employee required to submit a statement of employment and finan- cial interests under this part shall submit that statement not later than: (1) Ninety days after the effective date of this part if the employee is em- ployed by the Department on or before the effective date of this part; or (2) Thirty days after the employee's entrance on duty date, but in no case earlier than 90 days after the effective date of this part. (b) Statements shall be submitted to a personnel officer specified by the head of the operating unit or to such other person as the head of the oper- ating unit, with the approval of the Secretary, may specify. Secretarial of- ficers and heads of operating units shall submit their statements to the Secretary or to such person as the Sec- retary may designate. 0.735-25 Supplementary statements. Changes in, or additions to, the in- formation contained in an employee's statement of employment and finan- cial interests shall be reported in a supplementary statement as of June 30 each year, except when the Civil Service Commission authorizes a dif- ferent date on a showing by the De- partment of necessity therefor. (The Commission has authorized filing of the supplementary statement for 1967 as of Sept. 30, 1967.) If no changes or additions occur, a negative report is re- quired. Notwithstanding the filing of the annual report required by this sec- tion, each employee shall at all times avoid acquiring a financial interest that could result, or taking an action that would result, in a violation pf the conflicts-of-interest provisions bf sec- tion 208 of Title 18. United States Code, or Subpart D of this part. 110.735-26 Interests of employees' rela- tives. The interest of a spouse, minor child, or other member of an employ- ee's inunediate household is consid- ered to be an interest of the employee. For the purpose of this section, "member of an employee's inunediate household" means these blood rela- tions who are members of the employ- ee's household. ? 0.735-29 ? 0.735-27 Information not known by em- ployees. If any information required to be in- cluded on a statement of employment and financial interests or supplemen- tary statement, Including holdings placed in trust, is not known to the employee but is known to another person, the employee shall request that other person to submit informa- tion in his behalf. *0.735-28 Information not required. This part does not require an em- ployee to submit on a statement of employment and financial interests or supplementary statement any infor- mation relating to the employee's con- nection with, or interest in, a profes- sional society or a charitable, religious, social, fraternal, recreational, public service, civic, or political organization or a similar organization not conduct- ed as a business enterprise. For the purpose of this section, educational and other institutions doing research and development or related work in- volving grants of money from or con- tracts with the Government are deemed "business enterprises" and are required to be included in an employ- ee's statement of employment and fi- nancial interests. ? 0.735-29 Confidentiality of employees' statements. (a) No employee may have access to a statement of employment and finan- cial interests, or a supplementary statement, unless his official duties make access necessary. Each employee who has access to such a statement is responsible for maintaining it In confi- dence and shall not allow access to, or allow information to be disclosed from, a statement .except to an em- ployee of the Department of Com- merce or the Civil Service Commission to carry out the purpose of this part or to other persons as the Civil Service Commission or the Assistant Secretary for Administration may determine for good cause shown. (The foregoing limitations do not apply to release of Information by an employee with re- spect to a statement he has submitted under this section.) 12 12 minel A nnmved For Release 2013/01/23 CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 ? 0.735-30 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 iitlo 15?Common* and Foreign Trade Subtitle A?Offic? of the Sedy. of Commerce ? 0.735-36 (b) The employees designated in paragraph (b) of ? 0.735-24 to receive statements are authorized to review and retain the statements and are re- sponsible for maintaining the state- ments in confidence, as provided in this section. I 0.735-30 Relation of this part to other requirements. (a) The requirement that employees submit statements of employment and financial interests and supplementary statements under this part is in addi- tion to, and not in substitution for, or In derogation of, any similar require- ment imposed by law, order, or regula- tion. (b) The submission of a statement or supplementary statement by an em- ployee does not permit him or any other person to participate in a matter in which his or the other person's par- ticipation is prohibited by law, order, or regulation, including this part. 0.735-31 Special Government employees. (a) Special Government employees shall be required to report: (1) All other employment; and (2) Financial interests specified on Fnrm CD-219. (b) A waiver may be granted to the requirements of this section in the case of a special Government employ- ee who is not a consultant or expert (as defined in. Chapter 304 of the Fed- eral Personnel Manual) when a deter- mination is made that the duties of the position held by that special Gov- ernment employee are of such a nature and at such a level of responsi- bility that the submission of the state- ment by the incumbent is not neces- sary to protect the integrity of the Government. Any such waiver shall be approved by the head of the operating unit concerned or his designee. A copy of the waiver shall be filed with the deputy counselor for the organization unit concerned. (c) The original statement of em- ployment and financial interests re- quired to be submitted by a special Government employee shall be sub- mitted not later than his entry on duty. Each special employee shall keep his statement current through- out his employment with the Depart- ment by the submission of supplemen- tary statements. Subpart F?Supplementary Regulations ? 0.735-32 Departmental. The Assistant Secretary for Admin- istration may prescribe supplementary Instructions consistent with this part. *0.735-33 Operating units. ? Each operating unit is hereby au- thorized and directed to prescribe, after approval by the Assistant Secre- tary for Administration, such addition- al regulations not inconsistent with this part as may be necessary to effec- tuate the general purpose of this part in the light of its individual operating requirements, including but not limit- ed U. pertinent statutory provisions such as: (a) 35 U.S.C. 4, 122 (Patent Office); (b) 46 U.S.C. 1111(b) (Maritime Ad- ministration); (c) Certain provisions of the Defense Production Act of 1950, e.g., 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b)(2) (avoidance of conflicts of interest), 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b)(6) (financial statements), and 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(1) (prohibition of use of con- fidential information for purposes of speculation) (Business and Defense Services Administration and any other primary operating unit affected); and (d) Certain provisions of Public Law 89-136, the Public Works and Econom- ic Development Act of 1965, e.g.. sec- tion 711 (restriction on employing cer- tain EDA employees by applicants for financial assistance), and section 710(b)( (embezzlement). false book en- tries, sharing in loans, etc., and giving out unauthorized information for speculation). ? 0.735-34 Effective date of supplementary regulations. Supplementary regulations Pre- scribed pursuant to ? 0.735-33, shall become effective upon approval by the issuing officer unless a different date is required by law or a later date is specified therein. Subpart G?Administration 0.735-35 Responsibilities of employees. It is the responsibility of each em- ployee: (a) To assure, at the outset of his employment, that each of his interests and activities is consistent with the re- quirements established by or pursuant to this part; (b) To submit a statement of em- ployment and financial interests at such times and in such form as may be specified in or pursuant to this part: (c) To certify, upon entering on duty in the Department, that he has read this part and applicable regulations supplementary thereto; (d) To obtain prior written authori- zation of any interest or activity about the propriety of which any doubt exists in the employee's mind, as pro- vided in ? 0.735-39; (e) To confine each of his interests and activities at all times within the requirements established by or pursu- ant to this part, including any authori- zations granted pursuant to this part; and (f) To obtain a further written au- thorization whenever circumstances change, or the nature or extent of the interest or activity changes, in such a manner as to involve the possibility of a violation or appearance of a viola- tion of a limitation or requirement prescribed in or pursuant to this part. ? 0.735-36 Responsibilities of operating units. The head of each operating unit, or his designee, shall: (a) Furnish or make available to each employee a copy of this part (or a comprehensive summary thereof) within 90 days after approval of this part by the Civil Service Commission, and, upon their issuance, a copy of any regulations supplementary thereto (or a comprehensive summary thereof): (b) Furnish or make available to each new employee at the time of his entrance on duty a copy of this part as it may be amended and any supple- mentary regulations (or a comprehen- sive summary thereof): (c) Bring this part (or as it may be amended and any supplementary regu- lations thereto) to the attention of each employee annually, and at such other times as circumstances may war- rant as may be determined by the As- sistant Secretary for Administration; (d) Have available for review by em- ployees, as appropriate, copies of laws. Executive orders, this part, supple- mentary regulations, and pertinent Civil Service Commission regulations and instructions relating to ethical and other conduct of Government em- ployees; _ (e) Advise each employee who Is a special Government employee of his status for purposes of 18 U.S.C. 203 and 205: (f) Require each employee specified in g 0.735-22 to submit a statement of employment and financial interests, as provided by or pursuant to this part; (g) Develop an appropriate forms with the approval of the counselor of the Department, on which the em- ployee may certify that he has read this part and applicable regulations supplementary thereto, in accordance with ? 0.735-35(c), and on which he may, if he so desires, indicate that he has a private activity or interest about which he requests advice and guidance as provided by ? 0.735-38. (h) Require each employee upon en- tering on duty and at such other times as may be specified, to execute the cer- tification required by ? 0.735-35(c); (i) Report to the program Secretari- al Officer concerned and to the Assist- ant Secretary for Administration promptly any instance in which an employee, after notice, fails to submit the certification required under ? 0.735-35(c) or a statement of employ- ment or financial interests required under this part within 14 calendar days following the prescribed time limit for doing so; and (I) Take action to impress upon, each employee required to submit a state- ment of employment and financial in- terest:, upon his supervisor, and upon employees with whom the employee works, their responsibility as follows: (1) The employee's supervisor is re- sponsible (I) for excluding from the range of duties of the employee any contracts or other transactions be- tween the Government and his outside employer, clients, or entities in which 14 npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 ? 0.735-37 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 I inis 10.-.A.OMMOTC? one roreIgn Trade Subtitle A?Office of the Sedy. of Commerce he has an interest within the purview of this part, and (ii) for overseeing the employee's activities in order to insure that the public interest is protected from improper conduct on his part and that he will not, through igno- rance or inadvertence, embarrass the Government or himself. (2) The employee's supervisor and employees with whom he works are re- sponsible for avoiding the use of the employee's services in any situation in which a violation of law, regulation, or ethical standards is likely to occur or to appear to occur. (3) The supervisor of an employee is 'responsible for initiating prompt and proper disciplinary or remedial action when a violation, intentional or inno- cent, is detected. (4) Employees shall avoid divulging to a special Government employee privileged Government information which is not necessary to the perform- ance of his governmental responsibili- ty or information which directly in- volves the financial interests of his non-Government employer. (5) An employee shall make every effort in his private work to avoid any personal contact with respect to nego- tiations with the Department for con- tracts, grants, or loans, if the subject matter is related to the subject matter of his Government employment. When this is not possible, he may par- ticipate if not otherwise prohibited by law (e.g., 18 U.S.C. 203 and 205) in the negotiations for his private employer only with the prior approval of the head of the operating unit concerned. ? 0.735-37 Procedure. The review of statements of employ- ment and financial interests shall in- clude the following basic measures, among others: (a) Statements shall be submitted to the designated officer, who will review each employee's statement of employ- ment and financial interests to ascer- tain whether they are consistent with the requirements established by or pursuant to this part. (See ?0.735- 24(b).) (b) Where the statement raises any question of compliance with the re- quirements of this part, it shall be sub- mitted to a deputy counselor for the organization unit concerned. The deputy counselor may, in his discre- tion, utilize the advice and services of others (including departmental facili- ties) to obtain further information needed to resolve the questions. (c) The designated officer shall maintain the statements of employ- ment and financial interests in a file apart from the official personnel files and shall take every measure practica- ble to insure their confidentiality. Statements of employment and finan- cial interests shall be preserved for 5 years following the separation of an employee from the Department or fol- lowing termination of any other rela- tionship under which the individual rendered service to the Department, except as may be otherwise authorized by the Assistant Secretary for Admin- istration or as required by law. ? 0.735-38 Availability for counseling. (a) The General Counsel of the De- partment shall: (1) Serve as the counselor for the Department of Commerce with respect to matters covered by the basic provi- sions cited in ? 0.735-2(a) and other- wise by or pursuant to this part; (2) Serve as the Department of Com- merce designee to the Civil Service Commission on matters covered by this part; and (3) Coordinate the counseling ser- vices provided under this part and assure that counseling and interpreta- tions on questions of conflicts of inter- est and other matters covered by this part are available to deputy counselors designated under paragraph (b) of this section. (b) The counselor shall designate employees who shall serve as deputy counselors for employees of the De- partment of Commerce with respect to matters covered by or pursuant to this part and shall give authoritative advice and guidance to each employee who seeks advice and guidance on questions of conflict of interests and other matters covered by or pursuant to this part. (c) Each operating unit shall notify its employees of the availability of counseling services and of how and where these services are available. This notification shall be given within 16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 90 days after approval of this part by the Civil Service Commission and peri- odically thereafter. In the case of a new employee appointed after the foregoing notification, notification shall be made at the time of his en- trance on duty. (d) In each operating unit a deputy counselor shall advise and counsel each employee concerning any adjust- ments necessary in his financial inter- ests or activities, or in any contemplat- ed interests or activities, in order to meet the requirements established by or pursuant to this part. ?0.735-39 Authorizations. All requests for authorizations re- quired under this part shall be ad- dressed to the head of the operating unit concerned. In the Office of the Secretary such requests shall be ad- dressed to the Secretary or such person as he may designate. When granted, authorizations will be in writ- ing, and a copy of each authorization will be filed in the employees' official personnel file. (a) In case of doubt, or upon the re- quest of the employee concerned, cases or questions will be forwarded to the counselor or a deputy counselor. (See ? 0.735-38.) (b) Where an activity requested to be authorized can be conducted as of- ficial business, it shall not be author- ized as a private activity, but shall be conducted as official business. (c) Where authorizations involve speaking, writing, or teaching, use of the official title of the employee for identification purposes may be author- ized, provided the employee makes it clear that his statements and actions are not of an official nature. (d) If an authorization has been granted for a specific activity or inter- est. and the activity or interest is sub- sequently deemed to constitute a viola- tion of the limitations or requirements prescribed in or pursuant to this part, the employee concerned shall be noti- fied in writing of the cancellation of the authorization and shall modify or stop the activity or interest involved, as requested. ? 0.735-41 ? 0.735-40 Disciplinary and other remedial action. (a) Violation of a requirement estab- lished in or pursuant to this part shall be cause for appropriate disciplinary action, which may be in addition to any penalty prescribed by law. (b) When, after consideration of the explanation of the employee provided by ? 0.735-20(c), the reviewing officer, in cooperation with the responsible su- pervisory official, decides that remedi- al action is required, he will take or cause to be taken immediate action to end the conflict or appearance of con- flict of interest. Remedial action may Include, but is not limited to: (1) Changes in assigned duties; (2) Divestment by the employee of his conflicting interest; (3) Disciplinary action (including re- moval from the service); or (4) Disqualification for a particular assignment. Remedial action, whether disciplinary or otherwise, shall be effected in ac- cordance with applicable laws, Execu- tive orders, and regulations. (c) No disciplinary or remedial action may be taken under this section against an employee of another Feder- al department or agency on detail to the Department of Commerce other than through and with the concur- rence of the detailed employee's em- ploying agency. ? 0.735-41 Inquiries and exceptions. (a) Inquiries relating to legal aspects of the limitations set forth in or cited "in or pursuant to this part should be submitted to the appropriate deputy counselor. Inquiries relating to other aspects of this part or regulations sup- plementary thereto should be referred to the appropriate personnel office. (b) Within the limits of administra- tive discretion permitted to the De- partment. exceptions to the require- ments of this part may be granted from time to time in unusual cases by the head of the operating unit, when- ever the facts indicate that such an exception would promote the efficien- cy of the service. Each request for such an exception should be submitted in writing to the head of the operating unit concerned, and shall contain a II? App. A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 _ %AT arta rorelipt Trade Subtitle A?Office of the Secty. of Commerce full statement of the Justification for the request. Reports concerning such requests, If approved, shall be forward- ed to the program Secretarial Officer concerned and to the Assistant Secre- tary for Administration by the head of the operating unit concerned. APPENDIX A?STATUTES GOVERNING CONDUCT or FEDERAL Earnortzs There are numerous statutes pertaining to the ethical and other conduct of Federal employees, far too many to attempt to list them all. Consequently, only the more im- portant ones of general applicability are re- ferred to in this Appendix. A. BRIBERY AND GRANT .01 Title 18, U.S.C., section 201, prohibits anyone from bribing or attempting to bribe a public official by corruptly giving, offer- ing, or promising him or any person selected by him, anything of value with intent (a) to influence any official act by him, (b) to in- fluence him to commit or allow any fraud on the United States, or (c) to induce him to do or omit to do any act in violation of his lawful duty. As used in section 201, "Public officials" is broadly defined to include offi- cers, employees, and other persons carrying on activities for or on behalf of the Govern- ment. .02 Section 201 also prohibits a public of- ficial's solicitation or acceptance of, or agreement to take, a bribe. In addition, it forbids offers or payments to, and solicita- tions or receipt by, a public official of any- thing of value "for or because of" any offi- cial act performed or to be performed by him. .03 Section 201 further prohibits the of- fering to or the acceptance by a witness of anything of value involving intent to influ- ence his testimony at a trial. Congressional hearing, or agency proceeding. A similar provision applies to witnesses "for or be- cause of" testimony given or to be given. The provisions sununarized in this section do not preclude lawful witness fees, travel and subsistence expenses, or reasonable compensation for expert testimony. B. COMPENSATION TO omegas AND EMPLOYEES IN MATTERS AFFECTING THE GOVERNMENT .01 Title 18. U.S.C.. section 203, prohibits an officer or employee from receiving com- pensation for services rendered for others before a Federal department or agency in matters in which the Government is a party or is interested. .02 Section 203 applies to a special Gov- ernment employee as follows: a. If the special Government employee has served in the Department of Commerce more than 80 days during the preceding period of 385 days, section 203 applies to him only in relation to a particular matter Involving a specific party or parties (1) in which he has at any time participated per- sonaUy and substantially in his govertunen- tal capacity, or (2) which is pending in the Department of Commerce; or b. If the special Government employee has served in the Department no more than 60 days during the preceding period of 385 days, section 203 applies to him only in rela- tion to a particular matter involving a spe- cific party or parties in which he has at any time participated personally and substan- tially in his governmental capacity. .03 Section 203 does not apply to a re- tired officer of the uniformed services while not on active duty and not otherwise an of- ficer or employee of the United States. C. ACTIVITIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYERS IN CLAIMS AGAINST AND OTHER MATTERS AITECT- ING THE GOVERNMENT .01 Title 18, U.S.C.. section 205, Prohibits an officer or employee, otherwise than in the performance of his official duties, from: a. Acting as agent or attorney for pros- ecuting any claim against the United States, or receiving any gratuity, or any share of or interest in any such claim in consideration of assistance in the prosecution of such claims; or b. Acting as agent or attorney for anyone before any Government agency, court, or of- ficer in connection with any matter in which the United States is a party or has a direct and substantial interest. .02 Section 205 applies to a special Gov- ernment employee as follows: a. If the special Government employee has served in the Department more than 80 days during the preceding Period of 385 days, section 205 applies to him only in rela- tion to a particular matter involving a spe- cific party or parties (1) in which he has at any time participated personally and sub- stantially in his governmental capacity, or (2) which is pending in the Department of Commerce; or b. If the special Government employee has served in the Department no more than 60 days during the preceding period of 385 days, section 205 applies to him only in rela- floret.? a particular matter involving a spe- cific party or parties in which he has at any time participated personally and substan- tially in his governmental rapacity. .03 Section 205 does not preclude: ? a. An employee, if not inconsistent with faithful performance of his duties, from acting without compensation as agent or at- torney for any person who is the subject of disciplinary, loyalty, or other personnel ad- ministration proceedings, in connection with those proceedings; or b, An employee from giving testimony under oath or from making statements re- mitred to be made under penalty for perjury er contempt. 04 Sections 203 and 205 do not preclude: a. An employee from acting as agent or at- torney for his parents, spouse, child, or any person for whom, or for any estate for which, he is serving as guardian, executor, administrator, trustee, or other personal fi- duciary, except in those matters in which he hits participated personally and substantial- ly as a Government employee or which are the subject of his official responsibility, pro- vided the head of the operating unit con- cerned approves; or b. A special Government employee from acting as agent or attorney for another person in the performance of work under a grant by. or a contract with, or for the bene- fit of. the United States, provided the head of the operating unit concerned, with the approval of the appropriate program Secre- lariat Officer, shall certify in writing that the national interest so requires, and such certification shall be published in the Fro- LitaL REGISTER. .05 Section 205 does not apply to a re- tired officer of the uniformed services while not on active duty and not otherwise an of- ficer or employee of the United States. D. DISQUALIFICATION OF FORMER OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES IN MATTERS CONNECTED WITH FORMER DUTIES OR Oman. RESPONSIBIL- ITIES: DISQUALIFICATION OF PARTNERS .01 Title 18 U.S.C., section 207: a. Provides that a former Government of- ficer or employee, including a former special Government employee, shall be permanent- ly barred from acting as agent or attorney for anyone other than the United States in any matter in which the United States is a party or is interested and in which he par- ticipated personally and substantially in a governmental capacity: b. Bars a former Government officer or employee, including a special Government employee, of an agency, for a period of 1 Year after his employment with it has ceased, from appearing personally as agent or attorney for another person before any court or agency in connection with a matter in which the Government has an interest and which was under his official responsibil- ity at the employing agency (e.g.. Depart- ment of Commerce) at any time within 1 Year prior to the end of such responsibility; and C. Prohibits a partner of a person em- ployed by the Government. including a spe- cial Government employee, from acting as agent or attorney for anyone other than the United States in matters in which the em- ployee participates or has participated per- sonally and substantially for the Govern. App. A meat or which are the subject of his official responsibility. .02 Subparagraphs .01a. and .01b. of this section do not prevent a former officer or employee or special Government employee who has outstanding scientific or technical qualifications from acting RS attorney OE agent or appearing personally before the Department of Commerce in connection With a particular matter in a scientific or technological field if the Assistant Secre- tary of Commerce for Science and Technol- ogy shall make a certification in writing, published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, that the national interest would be served by such action or appearance by the former officer or employee. E. ACTS AFFECTING A PERSONAL FINANCIAL INTEREST ? .01 Title 18, U.S.C., section 208 prohibits an officer or employee. Including a special Government employee, from participating personally and substantially in a govern- mental capacity in any matter in which, to his knowledge, he, his spouse, minor child, partner, organization In which he is serving as officer, director, trustee, partner, or em- ployee, or any person or organization with whom he is negotiating or has any arrange- ment concerning prospective employment, has a financial interest. .02 Section 208 does not apply: a. If the officer or employee first advise(' the head of the operating unit concerned of the nature and circumstances of the matter involved, makes full disclosure of the finan- cial interest, and receives in advance a writ- ten determination made by such official, with the approval of the appropriate pro- gram Secretarial Officer, that the interest is not so substantial as to be deemed likely to affect the integrity of the services which the Government may expect from the offi- cer or employee; or b. If, by general rule or regulation pub- lished in the FEDERAL REcissza, the finan- cial interest has been exempted from the re- quirernents of section 208 as being too remote or too inconsequential to affect the integrity of Government officers' or em- ployees' services. F. SALARY OF GOVERNMENT orirtcuts AND EMPLOYEES .01 Title 18, U.S.C., section 200, prohibits: a. An officer or employee from receiving any salary, or any contribution to or supple- mentation of salary, as compensation for his services as an officer or employee of the United States from any source other than the Government of the United States, except as may be contributed out of the treasury of a State, county, or municipality: and IR ,,,ri Annmved For Release 2013/01/23 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 App. A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/2_:_C...I.A_-_RDP..9.0..-.00.5,3m0eR30.000y5.00112c 06 0m0m1 5erc-7. _ _ App. A b. Any person or organization from paying, contributing to. or supplementing the salary of an officer or employee under circumstances which would make its receipt a violation of subparagraph .01a. of this sec- tion. .02 Section 209: a. Does not prevent a Government em- ployee from continuing to participate in a bona fide pension or other welfare plan maintained by a former employer b. Exempts special Government employ- ees and employees serving the Government without compensation, and grants a corre- sponding exemption to any outside person paying compensation to such individuals; and c. Does not prohibit the payment or ac- ceptance of sums under the terms of the Government Employees Training Act. G. CODE OF ETHICS FOR GOVERNMENT SERVICE "Code of Ethics for Government Service," House Concurrent Resolution 175, 85th Congress, 2d Session, 72 Stat. B12 of July 11, 1958, which reads as follows: "Any Person in Government Service Should: "Put loyalty to the highest moral princi- ples and to country above loyalty to per- sons, party, or Government department. "UPHOLD the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the United States and all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion. "GIVE a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving to the performance of his duties his earnest effort and best thought. "SEEK to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of getting tasks accom- plished. "NEVER discriminate unfairly by the dis- pensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not: and never accept for himself or his family, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of his governmental duties. "MAKE no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Government employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty- ' "ENGAGE in no business with the Gov- ernment, either directly or indirectly, which is inconsistent with the conscientious per- formance of his governmental duties. "NEVER use any information coming to him confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means for making private profit. "EXPOSE corruption wherever discov- ered. "UPHOLD these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust." R. PROHIBITIONS .01 The prohibition against lobbying fl with appropriated funds (18 U.S.C. 1913) reads as follows: "No part of the money appropriated by any enactment of Congress shall, in the ab- sence of express authorization by Congress. be used directly or indirectly to pay for any personal service, advertisement, telegram, telephone, letter, printed or written matter, or other device, intended or designed to in- fluence in any manner a Member of Con- gress, to favor or oppose, by vote or other- wise, any legislation or appropriation by Congress, whether before or after the Intro- duction of any bill or resolution proposing such legislation or appropriation, but this shall not prevent officers or employees of the United States or of Its departments or agencies from communicating to Members of Congress on the request of any Member or to Congress, through the proper official channels, requests for legislation or appro- priations which they deem necessary for the efficient conduct of the public business. "Whoever, being an officer or employee of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, violates or attempts to vio- late this section, shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both; and after notice and hearing by the superior officer vested with the power of removing him, shall be removed from office or employment." .02 The prohibitions against disloyalty and striking (5 U.S.C. 7311, 18 U.S.C. 1918). An individual may not accept or hold a posi- tion in the Government of the United States If he: a. Advocates the overthrow of our consti- tutional form of government; b. Is a member of an organization that he knows advocates the overthrow of our con- stitutional form of government; c. Participates in a strike, or asserts the right to strike, against the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia; or d. Is a member of an organization of em- ployees of the Goverrunent of the United States or of individuals employed by the government of the District of Columbia that he knows asserts the right to strike against the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia. .03 The prohibition against employment of a member of a Communist organization (50 U.S.C. 784). .04 The prohibitions against (a) the dis- closure of classified information (18 U.S.C. 798, 50 U.S.C. 788): and (b) the disclosure of confidential information (18 U.S.C. 1905). Each employee who has access to classified information, e.g., confidential, secret, or top secret, or to a restricted area is responsible for knowing and for complying strictly with the security regulations of the Department of Commerce. (See Administrative Order 207-2.) .05 The prohibition against employment in the competitive civil service of any person who habitually uses intoxicating beverages to excess (5 U.S.C. 7352). .08 The prohibition against the misuse of a Government vehicle (31 U.S.C. 638a(c)). No employee may willfully use or authorize the use of a Government-owned or Govern- ment-leased passenger motor vehicle or air- craft for other than official purposes. .07 The prohibition against the use of the franking privilege to avoid payment of postage on private mail (18 U.S.C. 1719). .08 The prohibition against the use of deceit in an examination or personnel action in connection with Government em- ployment (18 U.S.C. 1917). .09 The prohibition against fraud or false statements in a Government matter (18 U.S.C. 1001). An employee in connection with an official matter shall not knowingly and willfully conceal or cover up a material fact or falsify official papers or documents. .10 The prohibition against mutilating or destroying a public record (18 U.S.C. 2071). No employee may conceal, remove, mutilate, or destroy Government documents or rec- ords except for the disposition of records in accordance with law or regulation. .11 The prohibition against counterfeit- ing and forging transportation requests (18 U.S.C. 508). Falsely making, altering or forg- ing. In whole or in part, any form of trans- portation request is prohibited. .12 The prohibitions against: a. Embezzlement of Government money ? or property (18 U.S.C. 641). No employee may convert any Government money or Government property to his own use or the use of another person. b. Failure to account for public money (18 U.S.C. 643). Any employee, who, having re- ceived public money which he is not author- ized to retain, falls to render his accounts for same as provided by law, is guilty of em- bezzlement. c. Embezzlement of the money or proper- ty of another person in the possession of the employee by reason of his employment (18 U.S.C. 654). An employee is prohibited from embezzling or wrongfully converting for his own use the money or Property of another which comes under his control as the result of his employment. .13 The prohibition against unauthorized removal or use of documents relating to claims from or by the Government (18 , U.S.C. 285). No employee, without authori- ty, may remove from the place where It was kept by authority of the United States any document., record, file, or paper intended to be used to procure the payment of money from or by the United States or the allowance or payment of any claim against the United States, regardless of whether the document or paper has already been used or the claim has already been allowed or paid; and no employee may use or attempt to use any such document, record, file, or paper to procure the payment of any money from or by the United States or the allowance or payment of any claim against the United States. .14 The prohibition against proscribed political activities, including the following, among others: a. Using official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or influenc- ing the result of an election, except as au- thorized by law (5 U.S.C. 7324); b. Taking an active part in political man- agement or in political campaigns, except as authorized by law (5 U.S.C. 7324); c. Offering or promising to pay anything of value in consideration of the use of, or Promise to use, any influence to procure any appointive office or place under the United States for any person (18 U.S.C. 210); d. Soliciting or receiving, either as a politi- cal contribution or for personal emolument, anything of value in consideration of a promise of support or use of influence In ob- taining for any person any appointive office or place under the United States (18 U.S.C. 211); e. Using official authority to Interfere with a Federal election (18 U.S.C. 898); f. Promising any employment compensa- tion, or other benefit made possible by Act of Congress in consideration of political ac- tivity or support (18 U.S.C. 600); g. Action by a Federal officer or employee to solicit or receive, or to be in any manner concerned with soliciting or receiving. any contribution for any political purpose what- ever from any other Federal officer or em- ployee or from any person receiving com- pensation for services from money derived from the Treasury of the United States (18 U.S.C. 802); h. Soliciting or receiving (by any Person) anything of value for any political purpose whatever on any Government premises (18 U.S.C. 603); I. Soliciting or receiving contributions for political purposes from anyone on Federal relief or work relief (18 U.S.C. 004): J. Payment of a contribution for political purposes by any Federal officer or employee to another Federal officer or employee (18 U.S.C. 607); and k. Payment of a political contribution in excess of statutory limitations and purchase of goods, commodities, advertising, or arti- cles the proceeds of which inure to the benefit of certain political candidates or or- ganizations (18 U.S.C. 608). .15 The prohibition against an employee acting as the agent of a foreign principal 20 21 mnri Annrnved For Release 2013/01/23 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7 App. B Title 15?Commerce and Foreign Trade registered under the Foreign Agents Regis- tration Act (18 U.S.C. 219). APPENDIX B?Posirrow CATEGORIES. GRADE OS-13. AND Move, REQUIRING STATEMENTS OF EMPLOYMENT AND FINANCIAL INTERESTS BY INCUMBENTS (1) Auditors. (2) Attorneys other than attorneys en- gaged in patent examining or trademark ex- amining operations. ? (3) Heads of divisions or comparable orga- nization units. 08-15 or above. OD Heads of field offices or installations, 05-15 or above. (5) Employees in positions involving as- signed duties and responsibilities which re- quire the incumbent to make fact-finding determinations or to exercise judgment in recommending a decision or an action in regard to: a. Evaluation, appraisal, or selection of contractors or sub-contractors, prospective contractors or prospective subcontractors, proposals of such contractors or subcontrac- tors, the activities performed by such con- tractors or subcontractors, or determination of the extent of compliance of such contrac- tors or subcontractors with contract provi- sions. b. Negotiation, modification, or approval of contracts or subcontracts. c. Evaluation, appraisal, or selection of prospective project sites, or locations of work or activities, including real property proposed for acquisition by purchase or oth- erwise. d. Inspection and quality assurance of ma- terial, products, or components for accept- ability. e. Review or approval for access permits. f. Technical planning or design which in- volves the preparation of specifications or technical requirements. g. Negotiation of agreements for coopera- tion or implementing arrangements with foreign countries, international organiza- tions, or non-Federal enterprises. Ii. Analysis, evaluation, or review of li- cense applications. L Analysis, evaluation, or review of licens- ees' compliance with Department of Com- merce regulations and requirements. J. Utilization or disposal of excess or sur- plus property. k. Procurement of materials, services, sup- plies, or equipment. I. Authorization or monitoring of grants or subsidies to educational institutions or Other non-Federal enterprises. m. Audit of financial transactions. n. Promulgation of safety standards, pro- cedures, and hazards evaluation systems. o. Other activities where the decision or action has a substantial economic impact on the interests of ? non-Federal enterprise. APPENDIX C?Position Csrecoates BeLow 08-13 REQUIRING STATEMENTS OF Eis- PLOYMENT AND FINANCIAL INTERESTS BY IN- CUMBENTS (1) Employees in the Maritime Adminis- tration who are in the following categories of positions: (a) Shipbuilding inspector. 05-9 to 12. (b) Marine surveyor. GS-11 and 12. (c) Ship repair and maintenance specialist, marine survey specialist, and ship repair cost estimator, GS-10 to 12. (d) Supervisory ship inventory surveyor, GS-12. (e) Chief. Freight and Passenger Traffic Section. (f) Chief, Foreign Transfer Branch. (g) Assistant Chief, Insurance Claims Branch. (h) Supervisory procurement, supply, ship sales, and disposal personnel, OS-11 and 12. (1) Head, Department of Public Works, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. (j) Professional engineers, naval archi- tects, and engineer and naval architect tech- nicians. 08-12. 03 FR 9785, July 1, 19681 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260015-7