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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 VOLUME 2: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CIVILIAN PERSONNEL CHAPTER 1 : ADMINISTRATION OF TRAVEL OF EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PART A: APPLICATION, AUTHORITY, IMPLEMENTATION Application ...................................................... C1000 Authority .......... ... ........................... ..... C1001 Implementation ... ............................................... C1002 Employee Information ............................................ C1003 Policy ........................................................... C1050 Privileges While on Official Travel ................................. C1051 Funding for Pay, Leave, Travel, and Transportation Costs ............ C1052 Identification Cards ............................................... C1053 Passports, Visas, Immunications, and Clearances ..................... C1054 Use of Government Quarters ....................................... C1055 Standards of Conduct ............................................. C1056 Time Limits for Beginning Travel and Transportation ................. C 1057 Exercise of Prudence in Travel ..................................... C1058 General ........................................................... C1100 When Advance of Funds Is Allowable .............................. Cl 101 Limitations on Amounts of Advances ............................... C1102 Requesting an Advance of Funds ................................... C1103 Obtaining Payment of Advance of Funds ............................ C 1104 Repayment of Advances .....................................:..... C 1105 PART D: GIFTS, GRATUITIES AND OTHER BENEFITS RECEIVED FROM COMMERCIAL SOURCES INCIDENT TO PERFORMANCE OF OFFICIAL TRAVEL Requirements for Promotional Items To Be Relinquished to the Government C1200 Administrative Instructions ........................................ C1201 Ch.267 1/1/88 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 PART A: APPLICATION, AUTHORITY, IMPLEMENTATION ADMINISTRATION OF TRAVEL OF EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1. _ INCLUSION.-The provisions in this Volune apply to: 1. Department of Defense -personal services contract employees (see 27 Comp. Gen. 695), and Department of Defense civilian officials and employees and their dependents, including non-United States citizens employed by the Department of Defense by direct hire in overseas areas, ex- cept as subject to restrictions and limita- tions imposed by overseas commands con- cerned or by agreements with the local government involved; and civilian marine personnel of Military Sealift Command to the extent provided in Civilian Marine Per- sonnel Instruction 4650 (Navy); 2. civilian officials and employees of other Federal Government departments and agencies who perform official assignments for and at the expense of the Department of Defense; 3. persons, other than those in items I and 2, who perform official temporary assignments under Department of Defense invitational travel orders involving Govern- ment business (including non-United States citizen indirect hires); 4. National Guard technicians employed pur- suant to 32 U.S. Code 709; 5. persons employed intermittently as con- sultants or experts and paid on a when- actually-employed basis or persons serving without compensation or at one dollar a year for official travel away from home or regular place of business and while at place of employment or service for the Government; 6. new appointees to the senior executive serv- ice and certain Presidential appointees. 2. RESTRICTION. The provisions in this Volume do not apply to officials and employees of nonappropriated fund activities traveling on non- appropriated fund business, to representatives and employees of contractors under contracts with the Department of Defense, except as provided in par. C6000, item 10, or to employees of the Department of Defense appointed under Section 625(d) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended. Authority for the regulations in this Volume is provided by various laws pertaining to per diem, travel and transportation allowances for civilian employees, including 5 U.S. Code 2105, 2106, 5561, 5564, 5701-5708, 5721-5730, 5730, 5742, and the Defense Production Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 819, as amended; 50 U.S. Code, App. 2160). Authority also is provided by Executive Orders, General Services Administration Commuted Rate Schedule, and Department of Defense directives. In addition, pro- visions are incorporated that are based on the Federal Travel Regulations published by the General Services Administration, the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas) issued by Department of State, and appropriate decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States. Under Department of Defense Directive No. 5154.20, the provisions in this Volume, and subse- quent amendments thereto, are effective-on the basis of promulgation by the Per Diem Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee, without fur- ther entitlement implementation by the separate departments. The separate departments may issue related administrative procedures provided they do not contravene or unnecessarily duplicate the pro- visions in this Volume. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and A pproved For Release 2012/10/26 m CIA-RDP90-00530R000cn1130003-4 CIM LVL a.nurxu rr,3uuuel . C1003 EMPLOYEE INFORMATION NAVMC 2623; DLAH 5000.2) giving information relating to temporary duty and permanent change- Department of Defense pamphlets Temporary Duty of-station travel are available to employees as Travel (AFP 40-7; CPP 64; NAVSO P-2433; guidance information. They may be obtained from DLAH 5000.1) and Permanent Change-of-Station supply sources as provided in applicable regulations Travel (AFP 40-18; CPP 63; NAVSO P-2432; of the separate departments. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 PART B: CONDITIONS 1. TRAVEL JUSTIFICATION. Travel and transportation at Government expense will be directed only when officially justified and by those means which meet mission requirements consistent with good management practices. .2. EQUITABLE EXPENSE ALLOWANCE. Employees will not be directed to perform official travel at their own expense or at rates of allowances and amounts of reimbursement inconsistent with the provisions contained in this Volume. 3. LIMITATION OF FUNDS. Limitation of available travel funds will not be a basis for deny- ing reimbursement for official travel or reducing allowances. 4. REASONABLE ADVANCE NOTICE OF REASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER. The reassign- ment or transfer of any employee, for permanent duty, from one official station or DOD component to another which is outside the employee's com- muting area will take effect only after the employee has been given advance notice for a reasonable period. Emergency circumstances will be taken into account in determining whether the period of ad- vance notice is reasonable. DOD components will give as much advance notice as possible to enable the employee to begin the arrangements necessary when relocating family and residence. However, see par. C4108 governing payment of travel and transportation expenses and applicable allowances when short distances are involved. A reasonable period of advance notice should not be less than 30 days except when (a) the employee and both the los- ing and gaining agencies agree on a lesser period; (b) other statutory authority and implementing regulations stipulate a lesser period (see Office of Personnel Management regulations for specified timeframes); or (c) emergency circumstances prevail. 5. TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION. When it is determined that a relocation will be authorized at government expense, a written travel authorization will be issued to the new appointee or employee prior to reporting to the first or new official sta- tion. The DOD component should advise the employee, or individual selected for appointment, not to incur relocation expenses in anticipation of a relocation until he or she has received written notification. The travel authorization will indicate the specific allowances which are authorized as provided in these regulations and provide instruc- tions on the Federal procedures for procurement of travel and transportation services. See par. C4051 for procedural requirements applicable to new appointees. 6. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS FOR REIM- BURSEMENT PURPOSES. Because of successive changes to the provisions of these regulations gov- erning relocation allowances and the extended period of time that employees retain eligibility for certain allowances (see par. C1057), the reimburse- ment maximums or limitations applicable to certain allowances will not be the same for all employees even though claims may be filed within the same timeframe. The provisions of these regulations in effect on the employee's or new appointee's effec- tive date of transfer or appointment (see Appendix D) shall be used for payment or reimbursement pur- poses. A summary of the allowance levels in effect on specific dates is provided in Appendix G for reference purposes. C1051 PRIVILEGES WHILE ON OFFICIAL TRAVEL Travelers under official travel orders will be ac- corded the privileges of use of Government quar- ters, food services, exchanges, and recreational facilities owned, operated, or under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. The conditions and limitations relating to the availability and use of these facilities will be in accordance with the ap- plicable regulations of the separate departments. FUNDING FOR PAY, LEAVE, TRAVEL, AND TRANSPOR- TATION COSTS 1. GENERAL. An employee's pay and leave status during periods of official travel, to the ex- tent not covered in this Volume, will be subject to Ch. 267 1 /1 /88 1-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 C1052 DOD Civilian Personnel the hours of duty, pay, and leave regulations of the separate departments. 2. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO OTHER THAN OVERSEAS SCHOOL- TEACHERS a. New Appointees to Overseas Activities. New appointees are in a pay status effective on the- date official travel begins from the point of hire or place of actual residence. Salary expense en route to the overseas post of duty at the rate stated in the appointing instrument is borne by the receiving command or activity. b. Permanent Change of Station (1) Movement Between Different Departments and Agencies (a) General. Except as provided in subpars. (b) and (c), necessary costs incident to movements between different departments and agencies will be borne by the department or agency to which the employee is transferred. (b) Reduction in Force or Transfer of Func- tion. Except in connection with transfers to, from, or between foreign countries, and excluding nontemporary storage when assigned to an isolated permanent duty station within the continental United States; necessary costs incident to transfers between different Department of Defense activities, regardless of their location, for employees identified for separation or demotion, caused by reduction in force or transfer of function, will be borne by the losing activity. The losing Department of Defense activity will endeavor to have the gaining activity pay the necessary costs incident to transfers to a department or agency outside the Department of Defense. If a gaining agency outside the Department of Defense will not assume the expense, the cost will be borne by the losing activity. (c) Movement Under the DOD Priority Place- ment Program (PPP) for Returning Overseas Career Employees. Necessary costs incident to a movement under the DOD Priority Placement Pro- gram (PPP) for Returning Overseas Employees, in cases where the move is to a different department or agency, will be funded in accordance with sub- par. d(3) provided employment is without a break in service after separation. This applies whether the employee is serving with or without agreement. (2) Movement Within Same Department (a) General. Necessary costs incident to movements within the same department will be borne by-the gaining activity, except as indicated in subpars. (b), (c), and (d). (b) Reduction in Force or Transfer of Func- tion. Necessary costs incident to a reduction in force or transfer of function will be borne by the losing activity. (c) From an Overseas Activity to an Activity in Continental United States. When an employee is transferred from an overseas activity to an activity in continental United States, the losing overseas ac- tivity will bear the necessary costs incident to the movement, except the costs for temporary quarters subsistence expense, miscellaneous expense allowance, and, where appropriate, real estate transactions reimbursements, in the following cases: 1 for all employees who have completed the prescribed tour of duty under their current agreement, 2. for all employees who have been released from the period of service requirement specified in their agreement for reasons beyond their control which are acceptable to the Department of Defense component in which assigned, 3. for Army employees moved under the Civilian Career Management Program referral system who have completed an ini- tial overseas tour of duty and at least half of an additional tour in excess of 12 months or two-thirds of an additional tour of 12 months, 4. for employees with or without transporta- tion agreements moved under the DOD Priority Placement Program (PPP) for Returning Overseas Career Employees. In all other cases, the necessary costs incident to the movement will be borne by the receiving activity. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 CIOS PART B: CONDITIONS 2. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO OTHER THAN OVERSEAS SCHOOLTEACHERS a. New Appointees to Overseas Activities. New appointees a in a pay status effective on the date official t el begins from the point of hire or place of actu residence. Salary expense en route to the over s post of duty at the rate stated in the app inting instrument is borne by the receiving command or activity. b. Permanent Change of Stati rf (1) Movement Between 9' erent Departments and Agencies (a) General. Excep and (c), necessary q between different d borne by the de employee is tr provided in subpars. (b) 'sts incident to movements artments and agencies will be ent or agency to which the * (b) Red ction in Force or Transfer of Function. Except in onnection with transfers to, from, or between reign countries, and excluding nontempo- rary st ge when assigned to an isolated permanent duty tation within the continental United States, nec costs incident to transfers between differ- er)C Department of Defense activities, regardless of )eir location, for employees identified for separation f ' or demotion, caused by reduction in force or trans er of function, will be borne by the losing activity. The losing Department of Defense activity will endeavor to have the gaining activity pay the necessary costs incident to transfers to a department or agency outside the Department of Defense. If a gaining agency outside the Department of Defense will not assume the expense, the cost will be borne by the closing activity. Movement Under the DOD Automated Cen- tral' d Referral System (CRS) for Returning OverReferral System (CRS) for Returning ver - seaseer Employees. Necessary costs incident to a moveme t under the DOD Automated Centralized Referral S; ployees, in stem (CRS) for Returning Overseas Em- ases where the move is to a different department o with subpar. d agency, will be funded in accordance provided employment is without a er separation. This applies whether break in service a the employee is se g with or without an agree- merit. (2) Movement Movement Wi Same Department (a) General. Necess costs incident to move- ments within the same depa ment will be borne by the gaining activity, except a indicated in subpars. (b), (c), and (d). (b) Reduction in Force or transfer of Func- tion. Necessary costs incident to a duction in force or transfer of function will be born by the losing activity. (c) From an Overseas Activity From an Overseas Activity to ai\Activity in Continental United States. When an e ployee is Ch. 145 11/1/77 1.11 1. RAVEL JUSTIFICATION. Travel and trans- portati at Government expense will be directed only when officially justified and by those means which meet mission requirements consistent with good managem t practices. - - 2. EQUITABL EXPENSE ALLOWANCE. Em- ployees will not be cted to perform official travel at their own expense o at rates of allowances and amounts of reimburseme t inconsistent with the provisions contained in this V fume. 3. LIMITATION OF FUNDS. `Limitation of avail- able travel funds will not be a b'ais for denying reimbursement for official travel or reducing allow- C1051 PRIVILEGES WHILE ON OFFI TRAVEL the privileges of use of Government quarters, of Defense. The conditions and limitations lating to tl-ie availability and use of these facilitie will be in accordance - with the applicable regulations of the separate departments. C1052 FUNDING FOR PAY, LEAVE, TRAVEL, AND TRANSPORTATION COSTS services, exchanges, and recreational facilities ed, operated, or under the jurisdiction of the Dep rtment 1. GENERAL. An employee's pay and leave status during periods of official travel, to the extent not covered in this Voluurie, will be subject to the hours of duty, pay, and leave regulations of the separate departments. ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501130003-4 a.IU3h nnel transferred from an overseas activity to an activity in continental United States, the losing overseas activity will bear the necessary costs incident to the move- ment, except the costs for temporary quarters subsist- ence expense, miscellaneous expense allowance, and, where appropriate, real estate transactions reimburse- ments, in the following cases: 1. for all- employees who have-completed the prescribed tour of duty under their current agreement, 2. for all employees who have been released from the period of service requirement specified in their agreement for reasons beyond their control which are acceptable to the Department of Defense component in which assigned, 3. for Army employees moved under the Civilian Career Management Program refer- ral system who have completed an initial overseas tour of duty and at least half of an additional tour in excess of 12 months or two-thirds of an additional tour of 12 months, 4. for employees with or without transporta- tion agreements moved under the DOD Automated Centralized Referral System (CRS) for Returning Overseas Career Em- ployees. In all other cases, the necessary costs incident to the movement will be borne by the receiving activity. Costs for temporary quarters subsistence expense, miscellaneous expense allowance, and, in those cases where there is eligibility, real estate transactions reimbursements will be borne by the receiving activ- ity. (d) From -a Navy or Marine Corps Overseas Activity to a Navy or Marine Corps Activity in Hawaii. The provisions of subpars. (b) and (c) will be applied in funding travel and transportation when an employee is transferred from a Navy or Marine Corps overseas activity to a Navy or Marine Corps activity in Hawaii. c. Renewal Agreement Travel (1) Return to the Same Overseas Post of Duty. When an employee has completed a required period of service at an overseas activity and has executed a renewal agreement for an additional tour of duty at the same overseas activity, all costs of travel and transportation will be borne by the activity to which the employee is assigned. (2) Return to a Different Overseas Post of Duty. When an employee has completed a required period of service at an overseas activity and has executed a renewal agreement for an additional tour of duty at a different overseas activity, in the same or another department, the losing overseas activity will bear the necessary costs en route to place of actual residence or alternate point until return travel begins. The gaining overseas activity in the same or another department will bear the necessary costs en route from place of actual residence or alternate point to the new overseas post of duty. The gaining overseas activity also will bear the costs of transportation of any dependents who did not accompany the em- ployee on the renewal agreement travel, and the costs of transportation of household goods, direct from the old to the new overseas duty station (44 Comp. Gen. 767). (3) Obtaining Position in the United States While on Leave. An employee who is returned to the United States under a renewal agreement and who arranges a movement to a duty post in the United States while on leave is entitled to expenses of travel and transportation to his new duty station rather than to the place of residence indicated in the agreement. If the movement is to an activity within the same department, the losing overseas activity will bear the necessary costs to the new duty station. If additional expenses have been expended by the Government because of travel to place of residence such expenses will be recovered from the employee. If the movement is to an activity in a different department, necessary costs from the old to the new duty station will be borne by the department to which the employee is transferred. If the receiving department does not authorize a permanent change- of-station movement, the releasing activity will amend the travel order to provide for return for separation to place of actual residence. The expenses for travel and transportation will be funded as provided in subpar. d. d. Separation from Overseas Employment (1) Separation After Travel Begins. Unless sepa- rated prior to the date travel begins, employees entitled to transportation under an agreement, who Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Administration of Travel rather than to the place of residence indicated in the agreement. If the movement is to an activity within the same department, the losing overseas ac- tivity will bear the necessary: costs to the new duty station. If additional expenses have been expended by the Government because of travel to place of residence such expenses will be recovered from the employee. If the movement is to an activity in a dif- ferent department, necessary costs from the old to the new duty station will be borne by the depart- ment to which the employee is transferred. If the receiving department does not authorize a perma- nent change-of-station movement, the releasing ac- tivity will amend the travel order to provide for return for separation to place of actual residence. The expenses for travel and transportation will be funded as provided in subpar. d. d. Separation From Overseas Employment (1) Separation After Travel Begins. Unless separated prior to the date travel begins, employees entitled to transportation under an agreement, who are returned to their places of actual residence for the purpose of separation, are in a pay status at the rate applicable to the overseas position while in an official travel status from the releasing overseas post of duty to, place of actual residence or allowable destination. Necessary costs en route will be borne by the releasing activity. (2) Separation Before Travel Begins. When an employee with entitlement for travel and transportation to place of actual residence resigns overseas prior to beginning travel from the overseas duty station, entitlement is not forfeited thereby and expenses for such movement to place of actual residence will be borne by the overseas releasing ac- tivity. Also this applies when an employee under the same conditions expects to continue in Govern- ment service in a different department or agency located in the geographical locality in which place of actual residence is located provided the employee is not employed or authorized a permanent change- of-station movement by the new activity prior to departure from the releasing overseas duty station (44 Comp. Gen. 767). (3) Employment in Another Department or Agency Without a Break in Service After Separa- tion. When an employee under an agreement is returned to his place of actual residence or an allowable alternate destination in the United States for separation and after arrival at destination is employed by another department or agency without a break in service, the losing overseas activity will- bear the allowable travel and transportation costs related to separation travel not in excess of that to place of -actual residence. For the conditions and limitations regarding payment by the acquiring department or agency when additional travel and transportation to the new duty station is necessary and circumstances under which relocation allowances may be authorized and paid, see par. C4205 (46 Comp. Gen. 628; 47 Comp. Gen. 763; B-163113, 27 June 1968; B-163364, 27 June 1968). 3. OVERSEAS SCHOOLTEACHERS. Cost obligation conditions in subpar. 2 apply for schoolteachers in the Department of Defense overseas dependents school system who are subject to 20 U.S. Code 901-907. However, unless specifically so provided in the regulations of the separate department concerned, they are not in a pay status while traveling: 1. from place of actual residence to overseas duty station as a new appointee, 2. incident to transfer from one duty station to another outside a school year, 3. incident to a renewal agreement, 4. incident to separation. * C1053 IDENTIFICATION CARDS DODINST 1000:1, Issuance of Identity Cards Re- quired by the Geneva Convention (DD Form 489 for civilians) and DODINST 1000.13, Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Dependents and other Eligible Individuals (MI&L) provide for the issuance of identification cards when employees are authorized temporary du- ty travel or permanent duty assignment overseas. The conditions and procedures for issuance and use will be in accordance with the applicable regulations of the separate departments. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 C1054 DOD Civilian Personnel C1054 PASSPORTS, VISAS, IMMUNIZATIONS, AND CLEARANCES The applicable regulations of the separate depart- ments govern the requirements and procedures regarding passports, visas, immunizations, advance clearances, special conditions, and restrictions relating to official travel to foreign countries. Authorization for a "No Fee" Passport (DD Form 1056) is prescribed to accompany an application for a new or renewal passport or visa. With few excep- tions, such as Canada and Mexico, a passport for each traveler is required for travel into a foreign country or into a territory under control of a foreign country. The Ryukyu Islands, not under the trusteeship of the United States, require a passport for travel. Passports are valid for specified periods from date of issuance and require renewal or reis- suance beyond such date. Time limitations also apply to visas and immunizations. The necessary passport, visa when required, and record of prescribed immunization "shots" must be in posses- sion of the traveler when traveling. C1055 USE OF GOVERNMENT QUARTERS 1. GENERAL. Although an employee may not be required to utilize Government quarters, when adequate Government quarters are available but not used, the payment of the quarters portion of the per diem or actual expense allowances of any employee on temporary duty away from his designated post of duty may not be made except under the following conditions: 1 when the order-issuing authority, either prior or subsequent to the travel involved, issues a statement to the effect that the utilization of Government quarters at the temporary duty station or delay point would adversely affect the performance of the assigned mission (this exception is not applicable to personnel attending training courses at an installation of the Uniformed Services); 2. when, prior to the travel involved, the order-issuing authority, as a result of direct communication with the commanding of- ficer (or designated representative) respon- sible for Government quarters at the tem- porary duty or delay point concerned, issues a statement to the effect that ade- quate Government quarters at the tem- porary duty station or delay point will not be available; 3. when the commanding officer (or designated representative) responsible for Government quarters at the temporary duty or delay point furnishes a statement to the effect that utilization of Government quarters was impracticable; 4. when it is determined by the DOD compo- nent concerned that an employee's duties will require official travel in excess of 50% of the total number of the employee's basic administrative work weeks during the cur- rent fiscal year (see subpar. 5); or 5. when, prior to 1 October 1977, the employee entered into a commitment for quarters which cannot be canceled without a financial penalty to the employee. 2. EFFECT OF ABSENCE OF STATEMENT. In the absence of a statement issued under the pro- visions of subpar. I or unless the nonavailability of adequate Government quarters can be ascer- tained by reference to a publication issued by the Uniformed Service concerned, it shall be assumed that adequate Government quarters were available on any day for which the employee fails to submit an appropriate statement (see subpars. 3 and 4) in- dicating that such quarters were not available or not utilized on that date. A statement, issued under the provisions of subpar. 1, that the utilization of Government quarters would adversely affect the performance of the employee's assigned mission or that their utilization was impracticable or not in the best interests of the Government shall have the ef- fect of a statement of nonavailability. En- dorsements on orders are acceptable in lieu of separate statements in those Uniformed Services which endorse orders. 3. COMMANDING OFFICER'S STATE- MENT. If the length of temporary duty or delay is for a period of 24 hours or more and the point of temporary duty or delay is a recognized Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Administration of Travel C1057 post, camp, station, base, or depot owned or operated by the United States, a statement by the commanding officer (or his.designated represen- tative), who is responsible for existing Government quarters at the point of temporary duty or delay, is required for the entire period of temporary duty or delay involved, as to the nonavailability of ade- quate Government quarters. Such a statement, is not required under the conditions outlined in subpar. 1 or in any case where the nonavailability of ade- quate Government quarters can be ascertained by reference to a publication issued by the Uniformed Service concerned. 4. EMPLOYEE'S STATEMENT. A statement of the employee as to the utilization, as distin- guished from availability, of Government quarters shall support payment of per diem allowances under the following circumstances: charges in connection with occupancy of such quarters. 5. TRAVEL FOR MORE THAN 50 PERCENT OF EMPLOYEE'S REGULAR WORK TIME. Ex- cept as indicated in Appendix A, footnote 13, the requirement to use available Government quarters is not applicable to an employee who is identified by the Department of Defense component con- cerned as being employed under conditions in which normal duties require official travel in excess of 50 percent of the total number of the employee's basic administrative work weeks during the current fiscal year. The term "normal duties," as used in this paragraph, will not include attendance at training courses, conferences, meetings, seminars, and similar functions. The identification required by this subparagraph may be by statement in the related travel order, or an amendment thereto, or by such other means as is desired by the Service concerned. 1. for all periods of travel en route; 2. for any period of temporary duty or delay of less than 24-hours duration; 3. for the entire period of temporary duty or delay under conditions or at places not in- cluded in subpar. 3; 4. for any period for which payment of allowances also is supported by a statement contemplated by subpar. 1; 5. for any period of temporary duty or delay at a place where the nonavailability of ade- quate Government quarters can be ascer- tained by reference to a publication issued by the Uniformed Service concerned; 6. when an employee of grade GS-16 or above (including an individual described under 5 U.S.C. 5703) states that the use of existing Government quarters was not considered to be in the best interests of the Govern- ment. The statements contemplated in this subparagraph will be shown on the travel voucher or attachment thereto, as appropriate, and will show the dates Government quarters were or were not used even though the employee was required to pay service Acceptance of gratuities, favors, payments in cash or in kind, contributions, or awards will be subject to the restrictions and conditions in regulations of the separate departments relating to standards of conduct and conflict of interests in connection with travel, transportation, and temporary duty assignments. C1057 TIME LIMITS FOR BEGINNING TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION All travel, including that for the dependents and transportation, including that for household goods allowed under these regulations, will be accom- plished as soon as possible. The maximum time for beginning allowable travel and transportation will not exceed 2 years from the effective date of the employee's transfer or appointment, except that: 1 the 2-year period is exclusive of the time spent on furlough for an employee who begins active military service before the expiration of such period and who is furloughed for the duration of the as- signment to the permanent duty station Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501130003-4 C1058 DOD CivDian Personnel for which transportation and travel ex- penses are allowed; 2. the 2-year period does not include any time during which travel and transportation is not feasible due to shipping restrictions for an employee who is transferred or ap- pointed to or from a permanent duty sta- tion outside the continental United States; and 3. the 2-year period will be extended for an additional period of time not to exceed 1 year when the 2-year time limitation for completion of residence transactions is ex- tended under par. C14000-2. (The provi- sions of this item are effective for employees whose effective date of transfer, i.e., date the employee reports for duty at the new official station is on or after 1 Oc- tober 1982. In addition, the provisions for extension of the time limitation will also be applicable to employees whose time limita- tion will not have expired prior to 23 August 1982, provided that when such an extension is approved by a DOD compo- nent, relocation entitlements and allow- ances will be determined by using the prescribed entitlements and allowances in effect on the employee's effective date of transfer and not entitlements and allow- ances in effect at the time the extension of the time limitation is approved.) C1058 EXERCISE OF PRUDENCE IN TRAVEL 1. GENERAL. A traveler on official business (permanent duty travel or temporary duty travel) will exercise the same care in incurring expenses and accomplishing a mission that a prudent person would exercise if traveling on personal business. Ex- cess costs, circuitous routes, delays or-luxury ac- commodations unnecessary or unjustified in the performance of a mission are not considered accept- able as exercising prudence. Employees will be responsible for excess costs and any additional ex- penses incurred for personal preference or convenience. 2. BEGINNING AND COMPLETING TRAVEL a. General. The assignment conditions in a travel order establish the time of beginning and completion of a travel status. Normally, an employee on official travel will not be required to travel during unreasonable hours at night. For pur- poses of travel at night, only staterooms aboard ships and sleeping cars on trains are considered to provide the required sleeping accommodations. Reclining seats on planes, trains, or buses do not constitute sleeping accommodations. An employee will not be expected to use a carrier, the schedule of which requires boarding or leaving between 2400 hours and 0600 hours, if there are more reasonable, earlier or later departure or arrival schedules that will meet mission requirements. Early departure to secure hotel accommodations in order to retire at a reasonable hour to be ready to perform official business the next morning may be considered the exercise of care of a prudent person and will be con- sidered as part of required travel time (33 Comp. Gen. 221; MS Comp. Gen. B-205058, 8 June 1982). b. Travel During Normal Hours of Rest. If it becomes necessary to schedule travel to com- -nence at, near, or after the conclusion of the regularly scheduled hours of duty of an employee and the conditions and circumstances in the case so warrant, the order-authorizing or authenticating official may authorize or approve a rest stop en route. Where scheduling continuous travel between the permanent duty station and the temporary duty station or in connection with permanent duty travel would necessitate travel during normal hours of rest on modes of transportation which do not provide adequate sleeping accommodations (regardless of the time of embarking/debarking), a rest stop en route may be authorized or approved. Transporta- tion schedules and/or other conditions permitting, such rest stops should not exceed a reasonable period of rest plus delay necessary thereafter in securing the earliest onward transportation towards authorized destination. Such rest stops should be scheduled to the maximum extent practicable, at a point en route where free stopovers are premitted by the carriers. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501130003-4 c. Temporary Duty Travel During Regular * 3. Hours of Duty. Whenever possible, travel will be scheduled so that employees may travel during their regular hours of duty and not on their own time. However, no more than 13/s days of per diem may be paid in connection with such travel (56 Comp. Gen. 847). It is not unreasonable for an employee to: 1 depart from his permanent duty station the afternoon prior to the day he is required at his temporary duty station, to prevent travel during off-duty hours; or 2. depart from a temporary duty station the morning following completion of a tem- porary duty assignment to prevent travel during off-duty hours when he is not re- quired to be at his permanent duty station the first thing in the morning. When an employee delays return travel from a Fri- day to Monday (e.g., following completion of tem- porary duty on Friday) in order to travel during regular duty hours on Monday, payment of per diem will be limited to that which would have been payable if he had begun his return travel following the completion of work on Friday and continued to the destination without delay. In connection with a temporary duty assignment which will require commencement of duty on a Monday (e.g., to at- tend a conference at 8:00 a.m. on a Monday morn- ing), if the employee departs the permanent duty station on a Friday in order to travel during regular duty hours, payment of per diem will be limited to that payable on the basis of a constructive schedule (e.g., as though departure had been on a Sunday). a. General. When travel is direct between duty points which are separated by several time zones and at least one duty point is outside CONUS, a rest period not in excess of 24 hours may be authorized or approved when air travel between the duty points is by less-than-first-class accommodations and the scheduled flight time (including stopovers of less than 8 hours) exceeds 14 hours by a direct or usually traveled route. b. Location of Rest Stop. The rest stop may be authorized at any intermediate point, including points within CONUS, provided the point is mid- way in the journey or near to midway as require- ments for use of U.S. flag air carriers and carrier scheduling permit. c. Travel by Indirect Route. A rest stop shall not be authorized when an employee, for personal convenience, elects to travel by an indirect route resulting in excess travel time. d. Per Diem. The per diem rate for the rest stop shall be the rate applicable for the rest stop location. e. Rest Period Before Reporting For Duty. When carrier schedules or the requirements for use of U.S. flag air carriers preclude an intermediate rest stop, or a rest stop is not authorized, it is recom- mended that the employee be scheduled to arrive at the temporary duty point with sufficient time to allow a reasonable rest period before reporting to duty. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Administration of Travel C1112 PART C: ADVANCE OF FUNDS FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES Advance of funds for travel expenses may be made when it is essential to permit completion of authorized temporary or permanent duty travel, ex- cept as precluded in par. C1101-2. Advances of funds will not be regarded as a routine adjunct to- the performance of official travel. When the employee or appointee requests funds to accomplish authorized travel, advances may be made as pro- vided in this Part. Security for such advances will be confined to the methods of recovery provided in par. C1105-5. C1101 WHEN ADVANCE OF FUNDS IS ALLOWABLE 1. TEMPORARY DUTY TRAVEL. Travel ex- pense advances are allowable when per diem allowance, or mileage allowance for use of privately owned conveyance, or both, is authorized in con- nection with temporary duty assignments within or outside the continental United States. States, and the expense is reimbursable under the commuted rate system, or movement is authorized for a mobile home between and within the continen- tal United States and Alaska in lieu of shipment of household goods. An expense advance may be allowed for the expense of temporary storage of household goods reimbursable under the commuted rate system if property is to be placed in temporary storage. 4. ACTUAL EXPENSE ALLOWANCE AU- THORIZED. Travel expense advances are allowable when authority is given for actual expense allowance in lieu of per diem allowance, for reim- bursement of registration fees, for cash purchases of transportation tickets, and for hire of special conveyance including rental automobiles, or specified allowable miscellaneous expenses. 5. TEMPORARY QUARTERS SUB- SISTENCE EXPENSES. Advances of subsistence expenses are allowed in connection with the authorized occupancy of temporary quarters. 2. PERMANENT CHANGE-OF-STATION TRAVEL. Travel expense advances are allowable when per diem allowance or mileage allowance for use of privately owned conveyance is authorized in connection with permanent change-of-station move- ment between Department of Defense activities within or outside the continental United States, or in connection with travel of appointee to manpower shortage positions to first duty stations within the continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii. An expense advance is not permitted in connection with overseas renewal agreement travel, return travel for separation, or advance return of dependents from overseas. An expense advance may be allowed a new appointee to a first overseas duty station when ex- tenuating circumstances or financial hardship are indicated because there will be a relatively long travel status period for per diem earning purposes or privately owned conveyance mileage allowance distance. 3. - SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AUTHORIZED. Travel expense advances are allowable when shipment is authorized for household goods within the continental United 6. FOREIGN TRANSFER ALLOWANCE (SE). An advance of subsistence expenses is allowed in-connection with the authorized occupancy of temporary quarters. 7. ATTENDANTS FOR MILITARY DE- PENDENTS. An advance of funds may be made for the travel and transportation allowances prescribed in par. C6151. C1102 LIMITATIONS ON AMOUNTS OF ADVANCES 1. GENERAL. An advance of funds for travel and transportation expenses will not exceed the total estimated amount to be reimbursed to the traveler, in accordance with the authority contained in a travel order, except that an advance of funds for per diem, mileage allowances, subsistence expenses or for procurement of transportation by group or charter arrangements shall not exceed 80 percent of the minimum estimated expenses that the employee is expected to incur prior to reimbursement. As a general rule, especially when the traveler is a Government contractor-issued charge card holder, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 C1102 DOD Civilian Personnel advances shall be held to a minimum and allowed only when the circumstances indicate that an ad- vance is warranted and only in conjunction with a travel authorization. These provisions apply to ad- vances issued for trip-by-trip authorizations as well as to permanent advances issued in conjunction with open travel authorizations. The need for a perma- nent advance and the amount of the advance shall be reviewed and justified when the corresponding open travel authorization is reviewed and justified. An advance of funds will not be made for less than $50, unless authorization is for reimbursement of a registration fee in excess of $10 or when finan- cial hardship would be imposed on a traveler in an individual case if required to pay for allowable travel expenses from personal funds. a. Temporary Duty. An advance of funds based on the per diem allowance will be limited to a period of 30 days under an individual travel order unless: 1. - the employee is assigned to temporary duty for a period in excess of 30 days at a place where there are no facilities available for processing travel -vouchers, or 2. the employee is performing extended tem- porary duty aboard a Navy ship. b. Permanent Change of Station (1) Travel Between Old and New Duty Sta- tions. An advance of funds, for the employee and/or dependents, based on the applicable per diem allowance, will be limited to the amount payable for the allowable travel time. (2) Round Trip Travel to Seek Permanent Residence. An advance of funds for the employee and/or spouse, based on the per diem allowance, will be limited to the amount payable for the ac- tual number of days authorized in the travel orders. 3. MILEAGE AMOUNT a. Temporary Duty. An advance of funds based on the mileage allowance will be limited to $300 under an individual travel order. b. Permanent Change of Station (1) Travel Between Old and New Duty Sta- tions. An advance of funds, based on the mileage allowance of the employee and/or dependents, will be limited to the official distance between the old and new duty stations. (2) Round Trip Travel to Seek Permanent Residence. An advance of funds, based on the mileage allowance of the employee and/or spouse, will be limited to the official distance from the old duty station to the new duty station and return to the old duty station. 4. COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION AMOUNT. When an employee elects to perform travel by commercial transportation at personal ex- pense, an advance of funds may be made based on the estimated cost of the required transportation, not to exceed $100 for each trip authorized under travel orders. When transportation requests are not available or their use is impractical, an advance of funds may be made based on the cost of required transportation. 5. ACTUAL EXPENSE ALLOWANCE AMOUNT. An advance of funds based on an ac- tual expense allowance will be limited to the prod- uct of the maximum daily allowance authorized in the travel order and the number of days in the period stated therein. *6. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AMOUNT. An ad- vance of funds for the cost of transportation of household goods is limited to the cost of shipping the estimated weight of the employee's goods within the maximum weight for which an employee is eligi- ble, at the applicable rate and distance shown in the commuted rate schedule. Expense advance for the cost of temporary storage is limited to the applicable commuted rate for the weight of goods and period of storage, not in excess of 90 days and not in ex- cess of the maximum weight for which an employee is eligible. A request for an advance of funds by an employee will be accompanied by a written state- ment designating the points of origin and destina- tion, the estimated weight of household goods to be shipped, and any anticipated temporary storage not to exceed 90 days. The estimate of weight re- quired in support of an advance of funds may Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 C1103 ~auumaawuvu va anal.. consist of a statement of the estimated weight signed by the carrier selected to handle the shipments. 9. TRANSPORTATION-OF MOBILE HOME AMOUNT 7. TEMPORARY QUARTERS SUBSIST- ENCE EXPENSE AMOUNT. Advance of funds may be made in 30-day increments in connection with subsistence expenses covered in par. C13007-1. The initial advance of funds for temporary quarters subsistence expenses shall not exceed the maximum amount allowable under par. C13007-1c(2) for the first 30-day period (or other authorized period if less than 30 days). Thereafter, funds may be ad- vanced for subsequent 30-day periods as authorized by the DOD component. The DOD components concerned should advise employees that when an advance of funds is needed for the second and subsequently authorized 30-day periods, the request for advance should be submitted in sufficient time to allow for processing, approval, and issuance of the advance of funds. 8. FOREIGN TRANSFER ALLOWANCE (SE). An advance of funds for the allowable sub- sistence expenses of the employee and the employee's dependents will be limited to the max- imum applicable amount determined under par. C 13007-2. *a. Within Continental United States. When the point of origin and the offical duty station to which movement is authorized are both located within the continental United States, an expense ad- vance for the cost of transportation of a mobile home moved by a commercial transporter is limited to an amount computed at the applicable rates for transportation for the official distance and 90 days temporary storage prescribed in the commuted rate schedules for the maximum weight of household goods for which an employee is eligible. If a mobile home is moved by a means other than a commer- cial transporter between such points, the expense advance is limited to an amount computed at $0.11 per mile for the official highway distance or the ap- plicable commuted rates in the schedules, whichever is less. b. Between Continental United States and Alaska. For travel between the continental United States and Alaska involving movement through Canada, the advance amount will be computed at the constructive cost for transportation and tem- porary storage of household goods under a Govern- ment bill of lading, subject to the entitlement con- ditions and limitations prescribed in subpar. a. 10. GROUP OR CHARTER ARRANGE- MENTS. When payment for transportation under group or charter arrangements cannot be made to a carrier with The U.S. Government Transporta- tion Request (Standard Form 1169), an advance will be based on the estimated cost of the transporta- tion to be furnished. 11. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES. When travel to be performed is for extended periods of time in isolated or remote localities and unusual travel ex- penes such as exchange fees, cash purchase of transportation tickets, services of guides, inter- preters, packers, or the hire of special conveyances may reasonably be anticipated, advance of funds may be based upon the total number of days of travel status authorized in order, plus the estimated amount required for additional travel expense. C1103 REQUESTING AN ADVANCE OF FUNDS 1. GENERAL. Subject to the conditions in sub- par. 2, an employee, upon his request, will be granted an advance of funds. The amount of ad- vance granted will be computed by the appropriate disbursing/finance and accounting office. Such ad- vance will not be paid more than 10 days prior to the commencement of travel unless specifically authorized as necessary by the authority directing the travel because of early departure incident to leave or exigencies of the Service. 2. CONDITIONS AFFECTING AN AD- VANCE OF FUNDS a. General. An advance of funds will be sub- ject to the conditions stated in subpars. b, c, and d. b. Number of Advances To Be Authorized. Normally, only one advance of funds for the same purpose will be authorized under the same travel order. An exception to this rule may be made for Ch. 260 6/1/87 1-31 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 C1104 DOD Civilian Personnel employees on temporary duty in excess of 30 days aboard Navy ships or employees on other tem- porary duty assignments in excess of 30 days. The total of the amounts advanced during the temporary duty assignment may not exceed the total amount authorized to be advanced in the employee's orders. c. Prior Advance Outstanding. An expense advance will not be granted if the employee involved has failed for reasons unacceptable to an approving official to submit a claim voucher on a previous travel order under which an expense advance was paid, or has not made arrangements for settlement of an outstanding over-advance. An acceptable reason for waiving this requirement is when an employee has not had reasonable time to prepare and submit vouchers because of short intervals be- tween successive travel assignments. d. Household Goods Shipments. Advances in connection with shipment or temporary storage of household goods or movement of a mobile home will be withheld if such expense is not expected to be incurred by the employee concerned within 30 days from the authorizing date. When an employee does not expect to incur the expense within a 30-day period, the expense advance may be granted later. C1104 OBTAINING PAYMENT OF ADVANCE OF FUNDS 1. SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS. Except for employees in the Department of the Navy, the applicant will prepare and submit to the appropriate paying officer an original and 3 copies of the Travel Voucher (DD Form 1351) accompanied by 3 copies of the employee's travel order. For employees in the Department of the Navy, the applicant will prepare and submit to the disbursing officer an original and 4 copies of the DD Form 1351 accom- panied by the original and 2 copies of the em- ployee's travel order. However, an applicant is not required to submit a prepared DD Form 1351 when a VARIOUS PAYEE voucher is used by a Navy disbursing officer to effect payments of travel advances. In this case, a detailed payee listing showing the same basic information required on an individual DD Form 1351 will be prepared by the disbursing officer to support the payments made on a VARIOUS PAYEES voucher. 2. PAYMENT. Payment of an advance of funds will be made by the accounting and finance officer or disbursing officer. Necessary records of advance paid to employees will be maintained by the accounting and finance officer or fiscal (Navy) of- ficer in accordance with applicable accounting or disbursing regulations of the separate departments. C1105 REPAYMENT OF ADVANCES 1. GENERAL. An employee who has received an advance of funds is required to submit a travel claim voucher as promptly as possible, not in ex- cess of 15 calendar days after completion of travel and transportation, so that settlement of the ad- vance account can be made. The accounting and finance officer or fiscal (Navy) officer, accounting for funds against which the advance was charged, is responsible for settlement or collection action in accordance with the applicable accounting or disbursing regulations of the separate departments. 2. PARTIAL PAYMENTS. Normally, the full amount of the advance will be deducted when the first travel claim voucher is submitted for settle- ment. When a traveler is in a continuing travel status and partial reimbursement vouchers are sub- mitted on a periodic basis, such vouchers may be paid in full for earned entitleme=nt without deduc- tion of the advance amount to the extent that the aggregate of partial payments de) not exceed entitle- ment under a travel order including the advance amount. Settlement of the advaincewill be made on the final travel claim voucher.. 3. DELAYED USE OF ADVANCE OF FUNDS. In any instance when an advance of funds has been made and cancellation or indefinite postponement of travel occursi, the official direc- ting the travel will report that tlact immediately to the accounting and finance or f?"iiscI(Navy) officer so that prompt collection action can be initiated by that official. 4. OUTSTANDING ADDVANCES. An employee will be informed that :aiy over-advance amount indicated in a travel claim settlement voucher must be liquidated irdiately. If an employee does not make voluntrarsettlement of in- debtedness, collection action .~viIi b!: taken to liq- uidate the outstanding advance frma money due the employee. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501130003-4 Administration of Travel 5. RECOVERY OF ADVANCES. Outstanding travel or transportation expense advances which have not been fully recovered by deductions from reimbursement vouchers or voluntary refunds by the traveler will be recovered promptly by the finance and accounting officer, disbursing officer, fiscal officer, or comptroller, as applicable. Recovery will be by written request to the traveler for refund of the amount due. In the case of de- ceased employees, any travel expense advance in ex- cess of earned entitlement is subject to collection. In the event the amount due is not refunded within a reasonable period, collection will be effected by setoff of salary due, retirement credit, or otherwise, from the person to whom advanced, or the traveler's estate, by deduction from any amount due from the United States, or by such other legal method of recovery as may be necessary. Salary or other amounts due shall be resorted to ahead of the retirement credit. In view of these protections, a traveler will not be required to furnish bonds in order to obtain travel advances. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501130003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 AdminiSt(afOD Of travel * PART D: GIFTS, GRATUITIES AND OTHER BENEFITS RECEIVED FROM COMMERCIAL SOURCES INCIDENT TO PERFORM- ANCE OF OFFICIAL TRAVEL C1200 REQUIREMENTS FOR PROMO- TIONAL ITEMS TO BE RELIN- QUISHED TO THE GOVERNMENT 1: GENERAL. An employee is obligated to ac- count for any gift, gratuity, or benefit received from private sources when performing official travel. This includes promotional materials given to the employee by airlines, rental car companies, and motels; for example, bonus flights, reduced-fare coupons, cash, merchandise, gifts, and credits toward free or reduced costs of future services or goods. When an employee receives promotional material, the employee is accepting it on behalf of the Government and must relinquish it in accord- ance with regulations of the Service concerned. (Comp. Gen. B-199656, 15 July 1981; 63 Comp. Gen. 229 (1984)). *2. PROMOTIONAL ITEMS OF NOMINAL INTRINSIC VALUE AND BENEFITS RE- CEIVED THAT THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT USE. An employee may keep items of nominaTin- trinsic value (for example, pens, pencils, or calen- dars). An employee who participates in a promo- tional program which will accrue personal benefits such as free seat upgrades, membership in clubs, and check-cashing privileges, does not have to turn in such benefits since they have no value to the Government (Comp. Gen. B-199656, 15 July 1981; 63 Comp. Gen. 229 (1984)). An employee may not exchange mileage credits for accommodation up- grades where such use requires redemption of mileage credits or could result in a loss of credit toward discount or free tickets that could be used by the Government. 3. TRAVEL BONUSES CARRYING EXPIRA- TION DATES AND NONTRANSFERABLE COUPONS. Employees will turn in travel bonuses carrying expiration dates, and nontransferable travel coupons, in accordance with Service regula- tions, even if they cannot be used by the Govern- ment for future official travel. (6-3-Comp. Gen. 229 (1984)). 4. ITEMS RECEIVED THROUGH MIXED OFFICIAL AND PERSONAL TRAVEL. Promo- tional items received by the employee as a result of a mixture of travel paid for by the Government and from personal funds, are the property of the Government. If the employee uses a bonus ticket for personal use, the employee must reimburse the value of the bonus ticket to the Government. (63 Comp. Gen. 229 (1984) and 63 id. 223 (1984)). 5. VOLUNTARY RELINQUISHING OF SEAT. An employee may keep payments received from a carrier for voluntarily vacating a seat on an overbooked flight and taking a later flight. However, no additional per diem may be paid as a result of the delay in the employee's return. If the employee incurs additional travel expenses as a result of voluntarily giving up the seat, beyond those which would normally have been incurred, such ad- ditional expenses are not the responsibility of the Government. If in contrast to the above, an employee is involuntarily denied boarding on an overbooked flight, compensation for the denied seat is due to the Government. Therefore, if the airline pays the employee directly for such denied board- ing, the employee must relinquish that payment to the Government. (59 Comp. Gen. 203 (1980)). Each of the Services will issue such regulations or instructions deemed necessary for the judicious ad- ministration of the provisions contained in this Part. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 ._ . Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4 /// U N C L A S S I F I E D /// ZCZCOPS792BEPA42-7 LOG LN 028 0392352 JRNL TAPE 014 R.TTUZYUW RUEAHOE9426 0392211-UUUU--RUDHAAA. Z+v UUTJUU 1.3 ZKZK RR QAZ OHA QAF OAR Q.HL QHI DE F ?51"25Z FER 1;B F1 "D'' USTAPA ALEX VA//DAPC-CPS-T// TC }; Ir, a1~;Q cI ACCT ',)A-PHOSVD T-1 11 '.;NCT,FS SUBJECT: ADVISORY FOR ALL CIVILIAN PERSONNEL OFFICES - PCS/TDY TNAVFL FOR CLERICAL PERSONNEL 1. CPOS ARE REMINDED THAT PARAGRAPH C4450 OF VOLUME 2 OF THE JTR SPECIFICALLY STATES THAT TDY, REPEAT TDY TRAVEL WILL NOT PE AUTFOxIZED FOtt "CLERICAL PERSONNEL USUALLY AVAILABLE AT PLACES OF TEMPORARY DUTY ASSIGNMENT, UNLESS CLEARLY JUSTIFIED FOR THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF A MISSION. 2. THE JTR CONTAINS NO SUCH SPECIFIC' LANGUAGE CONCERNING PCS TRAVEL FOR CLERICAL PERSONNEL. IT IS NORMAL PRACTICE IN DOD AND DA THAT PC5 MOVES FOR CLERICAL PERSONNEL WILL BE AVOIDED UNLESS THE MOVEMENT IS DETERMINED TO BE IN THE INTEREST OF THE GOVERNMENT AND THAT SIMILARLY QUALIFIED PFRSONEL AIE NOT AVAILABLE AT A GIVEN LOCATION. TFE TRAVEL REQUESTING OFFICIAL SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO DOCUMENT THE P1GE 02 RUPAHOF9425 UNCLAS ABSENCE OF OUALIFIED CLERICAL PERSONNEL AND SHOW THAT ACCOMPLISHMENT OE THE MISSION WILL BF AFFECTED WHEN A CLERICAL PERSON IS PROVIDED A PCs MOVE. JT _542 ? C L A S SL.-L._' _I E D 11 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130003-4