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us.Dep_f_22.9.1.2u.iti,ed..aid Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Federal Bureau of Investigation Performance Management ,System (PMS) Performance Appraisal and Recognition Matters for Special Agents Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 PERFORMANCE .MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PMS) . FOREWORD The Performance Management System was designed to inte- grate the performance-related facets of personnel management. It encompasses not only performance appraisal, but also such perfor- _ , mance-based personnel decisions as promotions, administrative advancement, office of preference transfers, within-grade and quality step increases, and superior accomplishment awards. Nonsupervisory Special Agents (SAs) in grades GS 10 through GS 13 are subject to the PMS. It is similiar to, but not the same as, the Performance Management and Recognition System (PMRS) which covets management officials and supervisors in grades GS 13 through GS 15. (NOTE: The variance between the systems is based on governing statutes and regulations to which the FBI is subject.) Details relative to the implementation of the PMS for executives, in grades GS 16 and above, and support personnel will be disseminated separately. The attached policy is organized into two major parts. covering appraisal and recognition matters, and several related appendices. The performance appraisal provisions effectively supersede those in the Manual of Administrative Operations and Procedures (MAOP). Part I. Section 5. pages 39 - 57, immediately. The recognition provisions must be applied in tandem with informationi in the MAOP as cited. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD PART I PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROVISIONS PAGE A. PURPOSE 1 B. RESPONSIBILITIES 1 C. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROCESS 3 1. Issuance of Performance Plans 3 2. Progress Reviews 3 3. Performance Appraisal Reports (PARS). . 4 4. PARs for Probationary Agents 5 5. Issuance of PARS 5 6. Prior Review 6 7. Employee Review/Reconsideration Request 6 D. ACTIONS BASED ON LESS THAN FULLY SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE 7 1. Unacceptable - Warning PAR 7 2. Warning Resolution PAR 8 3. Approval of Recommendations 9 PART II PERFORMANCE-BASED PERSONNEL DECISIONS A. PROMOTIONS, ADMINISTRATIVE ADVANCEMENT. AND OFFICE OF PREFERENCE TRANSFERS 11 B. WITHIN-GRADE INCREASES (WIGIs) 11 1. Making an ALOC Determination 11 2. Delaying an ALOC Determination 12 3. Notification 13 4. Appraisal After Denial 13 C. QUALITY STEP INCREASES (QSIs) 13 D. SUPERIOR ACCOMPLISHMENT AWARDS 14 APPENDIX I DEFINITIONS APPENDIX II DEVELOPING PERFORMANCE PLANS ? A. CRITICAL ELEMENTS 1 B. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1 C. JOINT PARTICIPATION 2 APPENDIX III COMBINATIONS TABLE FOR DETERMINING SUMMARY RATINGS APPENDIX IV FORMS APPENDIX V ABBREVIATIONS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 PART I. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROVISIONS A. pURPOSE. The purpose of the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) in the FBI is to provide-a tool for executing basic management and supervisory responsibilities by: 1. Communicating and clarifying agency goals and objec- tives; 2. Identifying individual accountability for the accom- plishment of organizational goals and objectives; 3. Evaluating and improving individual and organizational accomplishments; and 4. Using the results of performance appraisal as a basis for adjusting basic salary and determining performance awards, train- ing, rewarding, reassigning, promoting, reducing in grade, retaining. and removing employees. B. RESPONSIBILITIES. The Personnel Officer is responsible for the overall administration of the FBI's PMS as it applies to-SAs. In this regard. the Personnel Officer shall ensure that the performance appraisal and recognition processes are properly administered and applied. At any time deemed appropriate, the Personnel Officer or his/her designee will conduct a substantive review and validation of any Performance Plan/Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) and institute any actions necessary to ensure compliance with applicable law, regu- lation, or pone,' as set forth herein. The specific responsibilities of other executives, management officials and supervisors follow: 1. Reads of offices (e.g., Special Agents in Charge or Assistant Directors) shall personally ensure that: a. Employees under their jurisdiction are adequately informed of their rights and responsibilities under the PAS in a timely manner; lb. Managers and supervisors under their jurisdiction who serve as rating and/or reviewing officials are given training and periodic reminders of their duties and responsibilities under the PAS, in addi- tion to receiving supplementary directives as necessary: c. Instructions governing the identification and estab- lishment of critical elements and performance stan- dards, within prescribed parameters, are developed for use within, and tailored to, their respective .organizations; - 1 - . . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 d. Periodic evaluations of the performance appraisal processes within their offices are conducted and that only employees whose performance exceeds normal expectations are rated at or above Fully Successful; e. Ratings of record issued to employees in their offices art approved: and f. Performance-based personnel action recommendations are reviewed and approved. 2. Reviewing officials are normally the supervisors of rating officials and as such will ensure that: a. The critical elements identified and performance standards established at the beginning of the appraisal period are in furtherance of the goals of the entity served; b. PARs completed by rating officials are reviewed and accepted or adjusted as warranted; and c. Rating officials provide advice or instruction as appropriate to subordinates. 3. Rating officials are normally the employees' immediate supervisors who train, assign, and review the employees' work. In appraising subordinates, rating officials are to: ? a. Prepare, with employees' input where feasible. Performance Plans for all subordinates; bi Collect and maintain specific examples of employees' accomplishments and deficiencies throughout the appraisal period; c. Afford guidance and assistance to all subordinates; d. Issue PARs to employees as prescribed; and e. If applicable, review the performance appraisal practices of subordinate supervisors and provide advice as appropriate. 4. Employees subject to the PAS are responsible for: a. Participating, as requested, in the development of their Performance Plans; b. Actively engaging in performance discussions during progress review sessions and at other appropriate times; and c. Maintaining current knowledge of their rights and responsibilities under the PAS. - 2 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 C. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROCESS. Most performance appraisal proce- dures are to be accomplished through direct contact with the employee. Inasmuch as certain assignments often preclude face to face contact because of geographic location or the sensitive nature. of the assign- ment, telephonic contact may be considered an appropriate substitute. When personal contacts are not possible for a reason other than under- cover assignment, performance appraisal documents are to be forwarded to the employee in an envelope marked *Personal and Confidential." for his/her review and subsequent signing and dating. 1. Issuance of Performance Plans - Each employee must be placed on notice of a Performance Plan at the beginning of each annual period. Any change in grade after the beginning of an appraisal period will result in the adjustment of the annual period to begin on the date of the issuance of the new Plan. Refer to Appendix II for details regarding the development of Plans when approved model Plans issued by FBIHQ are not used. Critical elements and performance standards may be initiated. adjusted and/or terminated at any time in accordance with instructions on the forms. Reviewing officials are to review and certify their approval of the Plans prior to the issuance of the Plans. (NOTE: When a Plan is prepared by the head of an office, there is no review- ing official.) Should substantive changes be deemed necessary prior to or after the issuance of a Plan, the reviewing official must approve same before they are presented to the employee and become effective. An original Plan, comprised of a Notice Page (FD-727) and Critical Element and Performance Standards Page(s) (FD-727a), is to be issued within 30 days of: (1) an employee's entry into or change of positions due to change in grade, transfer, or the like, and (2) the outset of a detail (temporary duty) expected to last longer than 90 days. When the same Plan is being continued from one annual appraisal period to the next, the notice of critical elements and per- formance standards must be renewed in accordance with the instructions on the reverse of the Notice Page. 2. Progress Reviews - Rating officials are responsible for imposing and maintaining appropriate controls which permit the assess- ment of employees' performance throughout the appraisal period. Approximately midway through the appraisal period. i.e.. October 1st, rating officials must conduct progress review sessions with their sub- ordinates unless a PAR has been or will be issued within 30 days. - 3 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 If an employee's appraisal period is altered by a change in grade, the rating official must initiate a review session approximately midway through the newly established rating period. At a minimum, employees are to be advised of their level of performance vis a vis their Plans during the review session. Such advice is not, and shall not be construed as. an official rating. A Progress Review Sheet and, if necessary. Progress Review Continuation Sheet(s) (FD-729 and 729a. respectively) are to be used to record the results of each progress review session. Review sheets are to be retained by the rating official in the employee's personnel folder, with other performance documentation, for use in preparing the employee's rating, and are not to be destroyed for at least 120 days after the issuance of the PAR. 3. performance Appraisal Reports (PARs) - Each PAR is com- prised of a Cover Page (FD-728) and Evaluation Page(s) (FD-728a) and. if applicable, Narrative Page(s) (FD-728b). All PARs are ?official" and must be afforded the same consideration in their execution. An employee must have served at least 90 calendar days on notice of his/her elements and standards before a PAR may be issued. Refer to item 4, below, for details regarding PARs for SM during their first year on duty. PARs are required in the following instances: a. End of Annual Period - Immediately after March 31st for any employee who has not received a PAR since January 1st and who has been in grade and on notice of elements and standards for at least 90 days. The rating official must consider any prior PAR issued during the appraisal period when preparing this rating. When an employee has not received and is not eligible for a rating by March 31st, the annual *period must be extended until the minimum appraisal *requirements are met with the next annual period beginning the first working day after the PAR is issued. ? b. position*Chanae - Whenever an employee is scheduled to leave his/her official position, due to inter-/ intra-office transfer, promotion, and/or demotion. after meeting the 90 day appraisal requirements since his/her last rating. C. Chance in Rating Official - Approximately two weeks prior to the departure of a rating official who is scheduled to leave his/her position on or after October 1st. Such PARs are not needed for any employee who has not met the minimum appraisal requirements since his/her last rating. - 4 dMIP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 ?.11 ? El Lumrai- neguesL - beir-exp ianatory. e. Current Appraisal - Whenever an office desires to update performance appraisal information for any employee. A current PAR is necessary when a within- grade increase (WIGI) decision is not supported by the rating of record. It is also required in some instances after the issuance of a Warning Resolution. (See Section D.2.a.) f. Details - At the expiration of a detail when an employee has been on notice of elements and standards for at least 90 days. g. Unacceptable - Warning - Whenever an employee's per? - formance deteriorates below the Minimally Acceptable level in any critical element. (See Section D.1.. regarding issuance of an Unacceptable - Warning PAR.) h. Warning Resolution - At the conclusion of an oppor- tunity period to resolve an employee's warning status. (See Section D.2.) 4. PARs for Probationary Agents - In accorliance with the provisions of the Probationary Agent Program (PAP), as set forth in the MAOP. Part II. Section 8-1.2.3(4). the first annual period for new SAs ends upon their completion of the first year un duty and subse- quent annual periods are on the same schedule as other SAs. The PAP requires complete narrative summaries, including specific examples of the SA's accomplishments and deficiencies, for each critical element rated in the PAR issued at the end of the SA's first annual period regardless of .the level achieved. With .the PAP's emphasis on supervisory continuity, it should rarely be necessary to issue a PAR to a new SA before the completion of his/her first year on duty. Any PAR issued to a new SA prior to the end of the first year. for example due to a change in rating official, must include narrative summaries as described above. 5. Issuance of PARS - When an appraisal is due, the rating official must review his/her documentation of the employee's perfor- mance to determine the level achieved on each critical element in which the employee has had the opportunity to perform by comparison with the employee's Performance Plan. The appraisal of a disabled veteran may not be lowered because the veteran has been absent from work to seek medical treatment. A narrative summary of the employee's performance, including specific accomplishments and deficiencies. must be provided for elements rated at a level other than Fully Successful or Superior. The narrative for any element rated below S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Fully Successful must include the assistance to be afforded the employee in improving. Such assistance may include, but is not limited to, formal or informal training, counseling, change in work assignments, and closer supervision. (See Section D. regarding performance below the Fully Successful level.) The summary rating is determined through the arithmetic process of adding the numeric values for the performance levels achieved on all elements and dividing that total by the number of elements rated. The placement of the resultant numeric value in ranges establishes the summary level achieved. The performance levels, equivalent numerical values and ranges, together with the computation of summary ratings with these values for combinations of up to seven critical elements, are included in Appendix III. 6. Prior Review - The PAR must be submitted to the reviewing official for approval before it is presented to the employee. The reviewing official has the authority to accept or modify any PAR in keeping with the proper application of these provisions. Modifica- tions to a PAR must be justified in writing and such comments attached to the PAR. (NOTE: When a PAR is prepared by the head of an office, there is no reviewing official.) 7. Employee Review/Reconsideration Request - Each employee must be afforded the opportunity to review his/her PAR and the Plan upon which it is based, and to discuss any aspect of it with the rating official. An employee who is not satisfied with his/her PAR is encouraged to pursue the matter through the office chain of com- mand. Failing satisfaction, an employee has the right to request reconsideration of his/her PAR by the Personnel Officer. (NOTE: Employees whose:PARs are issued or reviewed by the Personnel officer must direct their reconsideration requests to the Assistant Director, Administrative Services Division.) A reconsideration request must be made in writing within fifteen calendar days of the date the PAR iE presented to the employee. The written communication from the employee is to include all performance-related information which, in the opinion of the employee, supports an adjustment to the PAR. Under the reconsidera- tion process, the contested PAR may be sustained, modified by increas- ing or decreasing the level assigned to any critical element, or changed in any fashion to ensure its compliance with PAS policy. A written communication to the employee advising of the decision on the PAR will be provided. In the event a PAR is adjusted through the reconsideration process, a copy of the adjusted PAR will be provided to the issuing office for the employee's review and for retention in lieu of the copy of the PAR as originally issued. To the extent appropriate, any personnel action(s) taken based on the original PAR will be modified to reflect the adjustment made. -6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 An employee must be allowed a reasonable amount of time and access to performance-related documents to prepare a reconsideration request. Copies of classified documents. e.g.. PAR. Progress Review Sheet, or the like. may be released to an employee for submission with a reconsideration request; however, employees are to be cautioned concerning the release of such material to any other individual. Rating officials are not to destroy performance documentation until at least 120 days have lapsed, to permit approval of the PARs and the exercise of the right to request reconsideration. D. ACTIONS BASED ON LESS THAN FULLY SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE. Assistance must be provided to employees in improving performance rated at a level below Fully Successful. In this regard, at any time an employee's performance in one or more critical elements is rated below Fully Successful, the rating official is to provide assistance through formal or informal training, counseling, closer supervision, or other appropriate means, such as a change in work assignments. In some instances, performance may be found to be of such significance-, e.g., demonstrating a reasonable potential for jeopar- dizing physical safety, that treatment through the performance appraisal process would not be appropriate. Other situations may combine poor performance and actions subject to policy governing disciplinary matters, as set forth in the MAO?. Part I. Section 13. Except in cases meeting requirements for action under both the PAS and disciplinary policy, it is generally unnecessary and inappropriate to recommend a disciplinary action such as probation when issuing an Unacceptable - Warning PAR. Unacceptable performance is a basis to reduce in grade or remove an employee. Such remedial action may be taken only after an employee has been provided with notice of the unacceptable perfor- mance. in the form of an Unacceptable - Warning PAR, and given a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate acceptable performance. When an employee's performance is determined to be at an Unacceptable level on any critical element, the rating official must prepare an Unac- ceptable - Warning PAR in accordance with the following procedures. At the conclusion of the opportunity period. a Warning Resolution PAR must be issued to complete the initial warning process. 1. Unacceptable - Warning PAR - Narrative summaries of per- formance must be provided for each critical element regardless of the level achieved. Narratives for each element rated Unacceptable must include specific instances of performance below the Minimally Ac- ceptable level. The rating official must append a separate statement on plain white bond paper, as part of the PAR, regarding the assis- tance to be offered the employee to improve. Such assistance must, without exception, include affording the employee the opportunity to review his/her Performance Plan, thereby reconveying the requirements of the Minimally Acceptable level, for each element, which must be achieved/maintained in/throughout the opportunity period. - 7 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 a. Length of Opportunitv Period - The opportunity period is uniformly set at 90 calendar days. Only in un- usual circumstances, such as absence on extended sick leave, could the period ever exceed 90 -days. Advice regarding any such extension must be forwarded to the Performance. Recognition and Awards Unit (PRAU) as soon as possible. b. Interruption of Period - As a rule, once an employee is given a Warning PAR, he/she should not be trans- ferred prior to the completion of the opportunity period. Circumstances may necessitate the transfer of an employee to protect an investigative operation or even the employee; however, generally, transfers ?are supervisory options which should be exercised before issuing a Warning PAR. To transfer an employee during his/her opportunity period nullifies that employee's chance to demon- strate positive performance with respect to the critical element(s) in question. If a transfer is ,required, the warning must be considered unresolved and no recommendation for reduction in grade or removal may be made. 2. Warning Resolution PAR - At the completion of the oppor- tunity period, a Warning Resolution PAR must be prepared. The Resolu- tion PAR is to address the employee's performance leading to the warn- ing as well as during the opportunity period. Narrative summaries of performance must be provided for each critical element, regardless of the level achieved. The narratives for all elements for which the employee was warned., and any element rated Unacceptable, must include specific examples of performance demonstrated and the level achieved during the opportunity period. The narrative for any element rated at the Minimally Acceptable level must include a description of the assistance to be afforded. (See Section C. S. of this Part, regarding means to assist.) When the Resolution PAR satisfies the end of the annual period requirement, the rating official must consider all ratings issued at the same grade level during that annual period. a. Positive Resolution - If the employee consistently demonstrates performance at least at the Minimally Acceptable level during the opportunity period, no less than the Minimally Acceptable level may be assigned. If all elements are rated Minimally Acceptable, the warning is considered to be resolved at a positive level and no recommendation for remedial action may be made. - 8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 When a warning is resolved at a positive level, a separate statement on plain white bond paper, ini- tialed by the employee, must be appended to the PAR indicating that the employee has been advised that further failure during the remainder of the annual appraisal period, in the critical element(s) for which the opportunity period was provided, will be cause for the immediate issuance of a PAR at the Unacceptable level. (If the Warning Resolution con- cludes the annual period, these conditions will apply to the first 90 days of the next annual period.) In the event of such further failure, a PAR at the Unacceptable level must be issued and forwarded with an appropriate recommendation in compliance with the provisions of 2.b., below. b. Unacceptable Resolution - If the employee continues to perform below the Minimally Acceptable level dur- ing the opportunity period, a recommendation in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4302(b)(6) to reduce in grade or remove is to be set forth in a cover commu- nication forwarding the PAR to the PRAU. FBIHQ. The recommendation must be based on the unacceptable per- formance addressed by the Resolution PAR and should reflect consideration of the employee's record - a factor not addressed by the PAR but appropriate for inclusion in a recommendation for personnel action. 3. Approval of Recommendations - When FBIHQ approves a reduce in grade or remove the employee based on a PAR at the Unacceptable level, the employee is entitled to: a. 30 days' advance written notice of the proposed action. This notice will be provided to the employee by the Assistant Director of the Administrative Services Division, and will identify specific instances of less than Minimally Acceptable perfor- mance as well as actions taken to assist the employee to improve, advise the employee of his/her right to representation by an attorney or other counsel, and provide the employee with 10 days to respond to the proposed action orally and in writing: and b. A written decision. The decision will be provided by the Executive Assistant Director - Administration, or another appropriate official, and must specify the instances of less than Minimally Acceptable perfor- mance by the employee on which the reduction in grade or removal is based. 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 The decision to retain, reduce in grade, or remove the employee must be made within 30 days after the date of expiration of the notice period. Further- more, in the case of a reduction in grade or removal, the decision must be based on those instances of unacceptable performance by the employee which occurred during the one year period ending on the date of the advance written notice of the proposed action. (NOTE: Failure to issue Unacceptable - Warning and Warning Resolution PARs in a timely manner may well preclude the consideration of some of the employee's unacceptable performance in supporting reduction in grade or removal decisions.) At the expiration of the notice period, the super- visor must certify the employee's failure to improve or prepare a current PAR at least at the Minimally Acceptable level. The head of the office must advise the Administrative Summary Unit at FBIHQ by written communication (teletype from field offices and Legal Attaches: memorandum from FBIHQ offices) of the office's final decision regarding the employee. If. because of an improvement in performance by the employee during the notice period, the employee is not reduced in grade or removed, and the employee's performance continues to be acceptable for one year from the date of the advance written notice, the Warning Resolution PAR and any entry or other nota- tion with reference to same must be removed from any office or FBIHQ record relating to the employee. ??? 10 ." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 PART II. PERFORMANCE-BASED PERSONNEL DECISIONS The PMS establishes the eligibility criteria for all performance-based personnel decisions, including promotions, within- grade and quality step increases, and superior accomplishment awards. The FBI. consistent with the principles of good management, affords recognition only for performance that is clearly beyond minimum established requirements. A. PROMOTIONS, ADMINISTRATIVE ADVANCEMENT, AND OFFICE OF PREFERENCE TRANSFERS. The promotion of any SA must be based on consideration of the individual's overall record and demonstrated accomplishments. The time which must be served at any grade level depends on a variety of factors: current policy governing all requirements other than perfor- mance appraisal may be found in the MAO?. Part I. Section 7, as sup- plemented by official communications. The provisions herein supersede those in the MAOP with regard to performance appraisal requirements. To be-eligible for promotional consideration. an SA's most recent PAR must have a summary rating of at least FS with no individ- ual critical element rated less than FS. Generally, this requirement must also be met before an SA will be considered for equivalent benefits such as administrative advancement or transfer to an office of preference. Time periods during which the employee's performance is documented as being below the FS level will not be credited toward the minimum time required for eligibility for promotion. B. WITHIN-GRADE INCREASES (WIGIs). A WIGI is a one-step increase within a salary range. To be eligible, an employee must have com- pleted the required waiting period and be performing at an acceptable level of competence (ALOC), i. e., have a summary rating of FS or higher. Refer to the MAO?. Part I. Section 7-15.1 - 2 for a discus- sion of waiting periods and the effect of leave without pay. The ALOC determination must be supported by the employee's rating of record: if the last rating does-not support the decision, a new rating must be issued. See Part I for a detailed discussion of the rating process. The WIGI decision is based solely on the appraisal of an employee's performance; pending disciplinary actions and/or administrative inquiries have no impact on such decisions unless they are also performance-based. 1. Makina an ALOC Determination - Approximately two weeks prior to each employee's scheduled completion of a WIGI waiting period, a certification form will be generated by the Pay and Position Management Unit (PPMU) at FBIHQ and sent to the employee's office. (See appendix IV for a sample certification form.) The form is to be completed by the employee's rating official, approved by his/her reviewing official, and returned to the PPMU within three days of receipt. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 a. Current con- ?rms of Declassified and Approved_For_Re_lets.ev2,0,273/a0,3 :cCulArr-ReDnPt901-)0e0r5f3oOrRin0a00n5c0e10i8n000t3 his/her Performance Plan and compare the current level of performance to that recorded in his/her last PAR and any Progress Review Sheets issued after that PAR. - If the employee's current performance is at an ALOC. the recommendation to grant the WIGI must be marked on the form. If this decision is not supported by the rating of record, a new PAR must be issued and submitted with the certification form. If the employee's current performance is not at an ALOC, denial of the WIGI must be recommended on the certification form. Again, if the last PAR does not support this decision, a new PAR must be prepared and submitted with the certification form. If the PAR being used to support a recommendation to deny a WIGI is six months or more old, a new PAR must be issued to ensure the currency and adequacy of the documenta- tion used to support such a recommendation. See items 3 and 4, below, for details regarding the impact of WIGI denials. b. First Year Aaents - Under the PAP, a new SA's first rating period concludes at the end of his/her first year on duty, normally at the same time he/she becomes eligible for a WIGI. The WIGI certification form for such an employee is forwarded for completion prior to the issuance of his/her PAR: however, actual completion and submission of the PAR is not required prior, to the return of the form. The decision marked on the form as to the summary rating must be sup- ported by the PAR. Any discrepancy between the WIGI recommendation and the level of the PAR may have a major impact on the validity of the pay action. No official action to deny a WIGI will be taken pend- ing receipt and validation of the SA's PAR. Every effort should be made to expedite the processing of new SAs' PARs to avoid unnecessary delays in effect- ing the pay actions. 2. Delavina an ALOC Determination - If for any reason, such as absence on extended sick leave or for training purposes, the employee has not been on notice of his/her Performance Plan for at least 90 days or has not had the opportunity to demonstrate acceptable performance under such Plan, then that employee's ALOC determination must be delayed until a PAR may be issued. - 12 - For Release 2013/03/13 CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 The determination must also be delayed if the employee has been reduced in grade because of unacceptable performance on. or within 90 days of. completion of his/her waiting period. In either. of these instances, the employee must be advised that the WIGI determina- tion will be postponed until the completion of 90 days: on notice of his/her Performance Plan. If the employee has not been placed on such notice, it must be accomplished as soon as possible. As soon as practicable following the completion of the 90 day period. a PAR must be issued and forwarded to the PRAU. The WIGI determination supported by the PAR must be forwarded to the PPMU. The pay action, either to grant or deny, will be made retroactive to the original eligibility date. A WIGI may not be delayed for any reason other than absence of notice/opportunity to perform or demotion for unacceptable performance. 3. Notification - An employee is notified of a positive decision through the issuance of a Notification of Personnel Action Form (SF-50). An employee is informed of a negative determination by a written communication from the Personnel Officer advising of the denial of the WIGI, the reason for the negative determination, the steps necessary to improve his/her performance, and the right to request reconsideration of the determination. Reconsideration requests are processed in accordance with the provisions in the MAO?. Part I, Secton 7-15.6. 4. Appraisal After Denial - If an employee's performance improves after a denial, a new PAR may be prepared to support a positive ALOC determination and a formal recommendation to grant the WIGI. Such a determination should be made whenever an employee has demonstrated sustained performance at the FS level overall. Rating and reviewing officials are strongly urged to allow four, eight, and twelve months for the demonstration of sustained performance by employees whose original waiting periods were one, two, and three years. respectively. In no case may a recommendation be submitted less than 90 days after the original eligibility date or. in the case of a delayed dedision, the date of the PAR. No action will be taken by the PPMU to grant a WIGI absent a formal recommendation, supported by a current PAR, affirming that the performance documented in that PAR has been demonstrated for a sus- tained period of time. After a WIGI has been denied, a new ALOC determination must be made, with a recommendation to grant or deny, no later than 52 weeks after the original eligibility date. C. QUALITY STEP INCREASES (OSIs). The policy concerning QSIs as set forth in the MAO?, Part I, Section 5-14, continues in effect except that the criteria for the approval of.QSIs require that the summary rating of the PAR satisfying the end of the annual period requirement be Exceptional, with no critical element rated below FS. - 13 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 D. -6e?cra-ss7e-d ;r7c1A-p7:Tr-o;e-d-F-(3-r'ffele-fo-13/037i3 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 imptove wovernment erriciency, economy and effectiveness by motivating employees to increase their productivity and creativity by rewarding them for their efforts which, benefit the Government. Awards may be based on contributions such as. suggestions, inventions. :or special acts or service in the public interest connected with or related to official employment. Superior Accomplishment Awards are basically the same as the Special Achievement Awards as described in the MAO?, Part I. Section 5-15 and those criteria continue. (Awards for suggestions and inventions will continue to be processed under the Suggestion Pro- gram as set forth in the MAW, Part I. Section 5-19.) Superior Accom- plishment Awards may be granted for performance in connection with a particular case, i.e., RICO. Kidnaping. etc., or special projects in which an employee may have been involved. i.e., implementation of new office procedures, computerization of specific programs. etc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 APPENDIX I ? DEFINITIONS ?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 . DEFINITIONS Appraisal - The act or process of reviewing and evaluating the performance of an employee against the described performance standard(s). Appraisal Period - The period of time established for which an employee's performance will be reviewed. Except for a new Special Agent whose annual period ends upon his/her completion of the first year on duty, the annual period for nonsupervisory Special Agents generally begins on April let and ends the following year on March 31st. Appraisal System - A performance appraisal system which provides for the identification of critical elements, establishment of performance standards, communication of elements and standards to employees, establishment of methods and procedures to appraise performance against established standards, and appropriate use of appraisal infor- mation in making personnel decisions. Critical Element - A component of a position consisting of one or more duties and responsibilities which contributes toward accomplishing organizational goals and objectives and which is of such importance that unacceptable performance on the element would result in unacceptable performance in the position. Minimum Appraisal Period - 90 calendar days, the minimum amount of time that employees must be on notice of their critical elements and performance standards before they can be appraised. Performance -.An employee's accomplishment of assigned work as specified in the critical elements of the employee's Performance Plan. Performance Plan - The aggregation of all of an employee's written critical elements and performance standards. Performance Standard - A statement of the expectations or requirements established by management for a critical element at a particular rating level. A performance standard may include, but is not limited to. factors such as quality, quantity, timeliness, and manner of performance. Progress Review - A review of the employee's progress toward achieving the performance standards. A progress review is not in itself an official rating. Rating of Record - The summary rating required at the end of the annual period or at such other times as specified for special circum- stances. Summary Rating - The written record of the appraisal of each critical element and the assignment of .a summary rating level. This record is to be issued in the form of a Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) with specific forms as required by the PAS. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 APPENDIX II - DEVELOPING PERFORMANCE PLANS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 DEVELOPING PERFORMANCE PLANS Employees and rating officials are, whenever feasible, to jointly participate in developing Plans, i.e.. identifying critical elements and establishing performance standards: however, rating officials are responsible for the contents and propriety of the Plans. All rating officials are to consider and, to the extent applicable, include in the Plans for employees who serve as management officials, or supervisors, the responsibility and measurement criteria for (1) equal employment opportunity and affirmative action matters and (2) establishment or maintenance of controls to prevent or eliminate the waste, fraud and abuse or mismanagement of government resources. A. CRITICAL ELEMENTS. Critical elements are to be determined through consideration of the organizational goals of the entity served and the requirements set forth in employees' official position descriptions. Each element must be of such importance that the rating official would, in the face of unacceptable performance, recommend the reduc- tion in grade or removal of the employee. B. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. Performance standards, expressed in terms of quality, quantity, timeliness or other appropriate measurement criteria, must be consistent with the information in employees' offi- cial position descriptions as well as with the appropriate definition of the performance level as set forth below. For each critical element, performance standards are to be written for the Minimally Acceptable. Fully Successful, and Superior levels. The absence of a written standard for the highest and lowest performance levels shall not preclude the assignment of ratings at those levels. 1. Unacceptable - Repeated failure to substantially meet the Minimally Acceptable level described on the employee's Performance Plan in that the employee continually required closer supervision than specified in his/her official position description, and/or did not produce a sufficient amount of work at acceptable accuracy and/or quality levels, and/or exceeded time limits identified by supervisor. 2. Minimally Acceptable - Throughout the appraisal period, the employee achieved the minimum level set forth on his/her Performance Plan in that, under the level of supervision set forth in the employee's official position description, he/she completed a sat- isfactory amount of assigned projects at acceptable accuracy and/or quality levels, within time limits identified by supervisor. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 iod. Declassjfied and i:k.lizinvc1:Fuo-rulie-eie-ajsgu2r13"703a/1n3 :1CelvA-eRlDP 09f0-p00e5r3fOoRrOmOa95nTZ3iChis/her position in that, under less than the normal degree of supervision received as set forth in the employee's official position description. the employee exceeded the production, accuracy and/or quality require- ments which were set for the Minimally Acceptable level, and completed assignments in advance of established deadlines. The employee's per- formance served as a model for other employees engaged in the same or similar operations. 4. Suverior - Throughout the appraisal period, the employee's performance exceeded the journeyman level for his/her position in that, under substantially less than the normal degree of supervision received as set forth in his/her official position description, the employee's performance reflected a high degree of achievement with respect to the quality, quantity, and timeliness measurements applied in evaluating work performed. In addition, the employee's performance showed significant contributions to the overall effectiveness of the organizational entity to which assigned, as evidenced by increased cost effectiveness, more efficiency, reduction in paperwork, reduced staffing levels, or the like. 5. Exceptional - Throughout the appraisal period, the employee's performance exceeded the Superior level described on his/ her Performance Plan, going beyond the scope of assigned duties and responsibilities in terms of valuable innovations and improvements introduced. The employee continually demonstrated extraordinary pro- ficiency typical of expert status within the scope of assigned duties and responsibilities. C. JOINT PARTICIPATION. Rating officials are to encourage employees' input in the development of Plans through any of the following, or other appropriate, means: 1. Employee and rating official may discuss and develop Performance Plans together; 2. Employee may provide the rating official with a draft Performance Plan: 3. Employee may comment on a draft Performance Plan pre- pared by the rating official; or 4. A Performance Plan may be prepared by a group of employees occupying similar positions. 2 n,,Inecifiari and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 APPENDIX III ? COMBINATIONS TABLE FOR DETERMINING SUMMARY RATINGS ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 :,CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 COMBINATIONS TABLE FOR DETERMINING SUMMARY RATINGS Element Summary Performance Level Value Range Unacceptable 0 N/A Minimally Acceptable 1.4 1.4 - 1.99 Fully Successful 2.4 2.0 - 2.99 Superior 3.4 3.0 - 3.99 Exceptional 4.4 4.0 - 4.4 NOTE: A rating of Unacceptable on any critical element results in a summary rating of Unacceptable, regardless of the performance levels achieved on other critical elements. . TWO CRITICAL ELEMENTS Individual Element Rating Combinations MA-MA Summary Rating MA MA - FS MA MA - S FS MA - E FS FS - FS FS PS- S FS PS- E S- S S- E E- E B. THREE CRITICAL ELEMENTS Individual Element Summary Rating Combinations Rating MA - MA - MA MA MA -MA - FS MA MA - MA - S FS MA - MA - E FS MA - FS - FS FS NA - FS - S FS NA - FS - E FS NA - S - S FS MA- S- E MA- E- E FS - FS - FS FS FS - FS - S FS - 1 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 B. THREE CRITICAL ELEMENTS (CONTINUED) FS - FS - E FS - S - S S PS- S- E PS- E- E S- S- S S- S- E 5- E- E E- E- E C. FOUR CRITICAL ELEMENTS Individual Element Rating Combinations MA - MA - MA - MA Summary Rating MA MA - MA - MA - FS MA MA - MA - MA - S MA MA - MA - MA - E FS MA - MA - FS - FS MA MA - MA - FS - S FS MA - MA - FS - E FS MA - MA - S- S FS MA - MA - S- E FS MA - MA - E- E FS MA - FS - FS - FS FS MA - FS - FS - FS MA - FS - FS - .E FS MA - FS - S- S FS MA - rs - 5- -E FS MA - FS - E- E MA- 5- S- S FS MA- S - S - E MA- 5- E- E S' MA- E- E- E FS - FS - FS - FS FS FS - FS - FS - S FS FS - FS - FS - E FS FS - FS - s- S FS FS - FS - S- E FS - FS - E- E PS- S- S- S PS- S- S - E PS- S- E- E PS- E- E- E 5- s- s- S S- E- E- E E- E- E- E -2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Pei En to En N En '41 04 En In '13 tei tO Pel En En IA Iii En U) U) Pei Pei PV N Pi En 'V En Pei Pei En En tel Pei En Pe3 En In En In ph En En P3 In Pe, In Pa PO En En En En P4 tel 113 113 En te3 N tel En En t4 In En rei En In En Cli CT' In Ph, In En te3 Pea En En 111 tn En In Peti En In ph In re3 In '13 Psi En PT, In En "13 In En Pei 04 En Cli 'V "41 In P4 "e1 In Pel ph In En Cli Pi En En Cli tO En En En tn In Pe3 In Ph Cli En Peel te3 PT, Pei En to En Pei tei Phi tn PO In in In In PO tre cn CT' t4 En CT' Pv In En En Pe3 In Psi En 123 In PT' U) 0 Pi In Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 gbr.m.ENTS ( CONTINUED) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 TS- E - S- S - S- S - S - S - S- S - S - E - S- E - E- E- E S- S- S S- S- E S- E- E E- E- E E- E- E E- E- E E. SIX CRITICAL ELEMENTS Individual Element Rating Combinations NA - NA - NA - MA - MA - NA MA - MA - MA - NA - MA - FS MA - MA - MA - NA - MA - S MA - MA - MA - NA - MA - E 111A -:MA - NA - MA - FS - FS NA - MA - MA - MA - FS - S MA - MA - MA - MA - FS - E MA NA - MA - MA - S - S NA - NA - MA - NA - S- E NA - NA - NA - NA - E- E NA - MA - MA - FS - FS - FS NA - MA - MA - FS - FS - S NA - MA - NA - FS - FS - E NA - MA - MA - FS - 5- S MA - MA - NA - FS - S- E MA - NA - MA - FS - E - E MA - MA - MA S - S - S MA - MA - MA S- S- E MA - MA - MA S - E - E MA ?- MA - MA - E- E- E NA - MA - FS - FS - FS - FS MA - MA - FS - FS - FS - S MA - MA - FS - FS - FS - E NA - MA - FS - FS - S- ,S MA - MA - FS - FS - 5- E MA - MA - FS - FS - E - E MA - MA - FS - S- S- S MA - MA - FS - 5- 5- E MA - MA - FS - S - E - E MA - MA - FS - E - E - E MA-MA- S- S- S- S MA-MA- S- S- S- E MA-MA- S- S- E- E Summary Rating MA MA MA MA MA MA FS FS FS FS MA FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS Fs FS FS FS FS FS FS FS -4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 E. SIX CRITICAL ELEMENTS (CONTINUED) MA-MA- S- E- E- E S MA - MA - E- E E- E S MA - FS - FS - FS - FS - FS FS MA - FS - FS - FS - FS - S FS MA - FS - FS - FS - FS - E FS MA - FS - FS - FS - S- S FS MA - FS - FS - FS - 5- E FS MA - FS - FS - FS - E- E FS - MA - FS - FS S 5- S FS MA - FS - FS - S- S- E FS MA - FS - FS - S- E- E S MA - FS - FS - E- E- E S MA-IPS- S- S- S- S FS MA-FS- S- S- S- E S MA - FS - S- S E- E S MA - FS - S- E E- E S MA-FS- E- E- E- E S 1 Kik- S- S- S- S- S S I MA- S- S- S S- E S 1 1 ? MA- S- S S- E- E S MA- S- S E- E- E S MA- S- E- E- E- E S MA- E- E- E- E- E ? S FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - FS FS FS - FS - FS - FS FS S FS FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - E FS FS - FS - FS FS - 5- S FS FS - FS - FS -f FS 5- E FS FS - FS - FS - FS E- E S FS - FS - FS - S 5- S FS FS - FS - FS - S- S- E S FS - FS - FS - 5- E- E S FS - FS - FS - E E- E S FS-FS- S- S- S- S S FS-FS- S- S- S- E S FS - FS - S S- E- E S FS - FS - S E- E- E S FS - FS - E E- E- E S FS- S- S- S- S- S S FS- S- S S- S- E S FS- S- S- S E- E S FS- S- S- E- E- E S FS- S- E- E E- E S FS- E- E- E- E- E E S- S- S- S- S- S S S- S- S- S- S- E S S- 5- S- S- E- E S S- S- S- E- E- E S S- S- E- E E- E E S- E- E- E- E- E E E- E- E- E- E- E E - 5 . ? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 IP ? D:j7ssTlieTta717787p-p-roved.go7Weiease 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Individual Element Rating Combinations KA - MA - MA - MA KA - MA - KA - KA KA - KA - MA - KA KA - KA - NA - KA NA - MA - MA - KA KA - KA - KA - KA KA - KA - MA - MA NA - KA - MA - KA MA - MA - MA - MA MA - KA - KA - KA KA - KA - MA - KA MA - MA - MA - KA MA - KA - MA - MA MA - KA - MA - KA MA - MA - MA - MA ? MA -MA - MA - MA 'MA - KA - MA - MA KA - MA - MA - MA MA - MA - MA - MA MA - KA - MA - MA MA - MA - MA - FS MA - KA - MA - FS MA - KA - KA - FS MA - MA - MA - FS MA - MA - KA - FS MA - MA - MA - FS MA - MA - MA - FS MA - KA - MA - .FS MA - KA - MA -.? FS MA - MA - MA - FS MA - MA - MA - S MA - MA - MA - S MA MA - MA - S MA - MA - MA - S MA - MA - MA - E MA - MA - FS - FS MA - MA - FS - FS MA - MA - FS - FS MA - MA - FS - FS MA - MA - FS - FS MA - MA - FS - FS MA - MA - FS - FS MA - KA - FS - FS KA - KA - FS -PS MA - MA - FS - FS MA-MA MA-MA MA-MA MA-MA MA - FS KA - FS KA - FS KA - S KA - S KA - E FS - FS FS - FS FS - FS FS - S FS - S FS - E 5- S S- S 5- E E- E FS - FS FS - FS FS - FS FS - S FS - S FS - E S- S 5- S S- E E- E S- S S- S S- E F- E F- E FS - FS FS - FS FS - FS FS - S FS - S FS - E 5- S 5- S S- E F- E Summary Rating KA MA FS MA MA MA FS MA MA KA MA FS FS FS MA KA FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS MA FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS KA - KA - FS - S S- S FS -6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 F. SEVEN CRITICAL ELEMENTS (CONTINUED) MA - MA - FS - S- S S E FS MA - MA - FS - 5- S- E- E FS MA - MA - FS - S- E- E- E MA - MA - FS - E- E- E- E MA-MA- S- S- S- S- S FS MA-MA- S- S- S- S- E FS MA-MA- S- S- S- E- E MA-MA- S- S- E- E- E MA-MA- S- E- E- E- E MA-MA- E- E- E- E- E MA - FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - FS FS MA - FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - S FS MA - FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - E FS MA - FS - FS - FS - FS - S.- S FS . MA - FS - FS - FS - FS - S - E FS MA - FS - FS - FS - FS - F- E FS MA - FS - FS - FS - S- S- S FS MA - FS - FS - FS - 5- 5- E FS MA - FS - FS - FS - 5- F- E FS MA - FS - FS - FS - F- F- E MA - FS - FS - S- 5- 5- S FS MA - FS - FS - S- 5- 5- E FS MA - FS - FS - 5- 5- F- E MA - FS - FS - S- E- E E MA - FS - FS - E- F- F- E MA-FS- S- S- S- S- S FS MA-FS- S- S- S- S- E MA - FS - S.- 5- S- E E MA - FS - S- S- E- MA 7 FS- S- E- E- E- E MA-FS- E- E- E- E- E MA- S- S- S- S- S- S MA- S- S- S- S- S- E MA-S-S-S-S-E E MA-S-S-S-E-E MA- S- S- E- E- E- E MA- S- E- E- E- E- E MA- E- E- E- E- E- E FS - ?FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - FS FS FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - S FS FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - E FS FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - 5- S FS FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - S- E FS FS - FS - FS - FS - FS - E- E FS FS - FS - FS - FS - ? - 5- S FS FS - FS - FS - FS - S- 5- E FS FS - FS - FS - FS - S- E FS - FS - FS - FS - F- F- E FS - FS - FS - S- S- S S FS FS - FS - FS - S- S- S- E?S 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 F. SEVEN CRITICAL ELEMENTS tenpirmanwn% Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 FS - FS - FS - S- S.- E - F FS - FS - FS - S - E- E-- FS - FS - FS - E- ?- FS - FS - S-- s- S.- S- ? PS FS - FS - S - 5- S_ S - S FS - FS - S - S S- E-- FS - FS - S - S- E- E-- FS - FS - S - E- E- E-- FS - FS - E-- E- E- E-- PS FS - S - S - S.- S- S - PS-.S - S - S - 5- S - FS - S - S - S - S E-- FS - S - S - S.- S E- E-- FS - S - S - E- E-. E-- FS - S - E - E- E- E-- FS - E - E - E- E- E-- 5- s- s_ S.- S S.- S - S - S - S - S - s- s-- s- s- s-- S.- S E-- s- s_ s-- S.- S E- E-- s- - s- S - E- F- F-- S - 5- E-- F- F- F-- S- E- E-- E E - E - E - E- E- E-- F- E- F- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 APPENDIX IV ? FORMS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0-age 1 of Federal Bureau of inveedgation Performance Management System. Special Agent Performance Plan - Notice Page iSEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) 1. Payroll Name of Employee 2. Social Security Number . Position Tide, Grade and Number 4. Office of Assignment This Performance Plan is consistent with the position description of the employee and is in hirtheranCe of the mission and goals of the FBI. -; a 5. Signature of Rating Official - 6. Date Signature of Reviewing Official Date I have been advised of my critical element(s) and performance standards for the forthcoming appraisal period and am aware that performance below the Fully Suc- cessful level may preclude me from consideration for a within-grade increase (WIG!), promotion. and/or office of preference transfer. In addition, I am aware that Unacceptable performance on any element may be the basis for my reassignment, reduction in grade, or removal. 7. Signature of Employee Date Plan Modification The attached modification to this Plan is consistent with the position description of the employee and is in furtherance of the mission and goals of the Fel. 9. Signature of Rating Official Signature of Reviewing Official Date Date have been advised of this modification to my Plan and sin aware that the consequences of my performance as specified above continue to apply 10. Signature of Empioyee Date PRAU USE ONLY Logged: CE TYPff Code Reviewed Accepted/ Rejected ?1 Review not completed due to: Plan SuperSoded Grade change Reassignment Ceased duty THREE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 A Performance Plan is comprised of a Notice Page and Critical Element and Performance Standards Page(s), FD427a This Notice Page is used to document the communication of one or more critical elements (CEs) and their perfonnance standards (PSs) to an employee. APlan is to be issued within 30 days after an employee (1) assumes new responsibilities requiring the communication of new CE(s) and/or PS(s), or (2) is promoted or demoted. Failure to provide or renew notice of the Plan in accordance with this schedule invalidates the appraisal process. With the exception of signatures and dates, the information on this form must be typewritten. While items 1-7 are self-explanatory, it is noted that the rating and reviewing officials must sign and date before presenting this form to the employee for signing and dating. If the employee refuses to sign, the rating official must document the refusal and the date of same in the space for item 7. A copy of the Plan must be retained by the rating official. The original Plan, in its entirety, must be submitted to FBIHO, Attention: Performance, Recognition and Awards Unit (PRAU). When the same Plan is continued from one appraisal period to the next, the rating and reviewing officials and the employee are to review the Plan (inctuding each CE and PSs Page) within 30 days after the beginning of the new period. . The annual renewal of notice of the Plan must be documented by the rating and reviewing officials and the employee by initialing and dating this form near items 5,6. and 7, respectively The employee is also to initial and date each CE and PSs Page. No submission to the PRAU is necessary Items 8-10 of the retained office copy are to be completed when the Plan as originally issued is modified through the addition, deletion, or adjustment of CE(s)/PS(s). Once completed, a new copy is to be made for retention by the rating official and the original copy with current signatures and dates thereon is to be submitted with appropriate CE and PSs Page(s) to the PRAU. Plans may not be modified more than one time. If additional modifications become necessary, the Plan must be reissued in its entirety Employees are to be afforded access to their Performance Plans. Upon request, employees are to be pro- vided copies of their Plans, unless the classification of the information therein prohibits release. A rating officials copy of a Plan is to be included in a field employee personnel file when the Plan is terminated or when the employee is transferred to another office. ?2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Federal Bureau of leyeadastion rage or Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 _ mama rwrrorrnanee Standards Page . (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) t Payrol Name ol Employee 3. Cdital Element 40 1 Social Security Number 4. . (a) 5. Assignmilm; (b) Adustment: (o) Addiedn; (d) lamination Performance Standards Minimally Acceptable Fully Successful 6. Initials of Etnpioyee Date THREE ? 3 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 and Peiformance Standar-eh; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 This Page is used to record a single critical element (CE) and its performance standards (PSs) and must be attached to a Notice Page (FD-727). Together these Pages comprise a Performance Plan. With the exception of initials and dates, the information on this form must be typewritten. Items 1-2 Self-explanatory. Item 3 Assign an identifying number. CEs are to be numbered consecutively. A CE may be added or deleted during the appraisal period as necessary (see item 4 below). If a CE is deleted, that number Is not to be reassigned to any element subsequently added. Upon submission of an entirely new Plan, at the outset of an appraisal period, CEs should be numbered consecutively beginning with #1. Define the CE. tt must (1) be consistent with the employees position description, but not a complete restatement of the duties/responsibilities contained therein, and (2) specifically state those duties, responsibilities, tasks or functions of the job that are essential to its successful accomplishment, using action verbs such as develop, plan, direct, supervise, control, review, give guidance, appraise, etc. Item 4 Item 4(a) must be marked when an entirely new Plan is communicated to an employee. Item 4(b) Must be marked when an existing CE and/or its PSs are adjusted to expand or clarify previ- ously expressed information but there is no substantive change in the performance level require- ments. Reuse the original CE number. Item 4(c) must be mariced when a CE is added to an existing Plan. Item 4(d) must be marked when an existing CE is deleted. Execution of a new CE and PSs Page is not necessary in this instance. A copy of the Page for the CE being deleted must accompany the Notice Page sent to the Performance, Recognition and Awards Unit. Item 5 Record the PSs for the Minimally Acceptable, Fully Successful and Superior levels for this CE. In developing PSs, the rating official, with input from the employee, must (1) consider the emp:oyee's role in accomplishing the goals and objectives of the organizational entity, (2) use available resources (e.g., employee's position description, office M80 statement, etc.) to establish specific :evels of achievement for the CE. (3) state PSs as succinctly, specifically and concretely as possible to enable the accurate measurement of the employees actual performance in comparison to the PS, and (4) state the PSs in terms reflecting quality, quantity, timeliness, amount of review or revision required, com- pliance with applicable regulations and procedures, and other measurements of performance as appropriate. Item 6 Self-explanatory. Employees are to be afforded access to their Performance Plans. Upon request, employees are to be pro- vided copies of their Plans, unless classification of the information therein prohibits release. A rating official's copy of a Plan is to be included in a field employees personnel file when the Plan is terminated or when the embloyee is transferred to another office. ?4 ???? nna-Inecifiari n c-i Annroved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 * Fu-729 (3-30-87) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Pedal* Bureau of Investigation Performance Management System. Special Agent Performance Appraisal Report - Cover Page !SEE INSTRUCT/ONS ON REVERSE) i Payroll Name of EmPlulYee 2. Social Security Number - 3. Position Tide. Grade and Number 4. Office of Assignment 5. General Nature of Assignment 6 Summary Rating 7. Signature of Rating Official Date I have reviewed and apprn..ved this appraisal. ( ) See my commenbs attached. Signature of Reviewing Official Date am aware that my summary rating. if (nitre/ the FuNy Successful levet may preclude me from consideration for a within-grade increase (WIGI), promotion, and/or office of preference transfer. In addition, tarn aware that a summary rating of Unacceptable may be the basis for my reassignment, reduction in grade, or re- moval. My signature only indicates that I have reviewed this appraisal, not that Ian necessarily in agreement with the information herein or that I am relinquishing my tight to request reconsideration of it 9 Sambre of Employee Data 10. A I 0 N 0 D F Basis/Reason br Issuance 0 End of Annual Peraid 0 PosIdon Change 0 Change in Rating Official 0 Current Appraisal 0 Perpjeat.dbyFBlsiO 0 Conclusion of Detail 0 Unacceptable Date PRAU USE ONLY Wined Reviewed Date Entailed Dale %Wined Date Printout Das Dew -Warning 0 Miming Resolution Case THREE ? 5 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Plarfritinianebak A runwailabist Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 VW *I V r-10107 Rating official is to prepare the necessary Evaluation and Narrative Pages prior to completing this form. With the exception of signatures and dates, the information on this form is to be typewritten. This Page is the first of any Performance Appraisal Report (PAR). All subsequent Pages are to be numbered consecutively. Preprinted form FD-728 will be furnished at the end of the annual period by the Performance, Recognition and. Awards Unit (PRAU). The biographical data on this form should be verified, with any discrepancies being corrected in ink. Items 1-4 Seff-explanatory. Item 5 Record the type of cases/matters handled by the employee during the appraisal period. Do not simply insert the position title. Item 6 Complete item(s) 4 on the Evaluation Page(s) prior to determining the summary rating. The summary ? rating is determined by reference to the Combinations Table in policy material. (Note: When any CE Is rated Unacceptable, the summary rating must be Unacceptable.) Item 7 Rating official is to sign and date the PAR before submitting it to a higher level official for review. Item 8 Reviewing official is to sign and date the PAR before it is presented to the employee. He/she must assure the validity and fairness of the appraisal and attach comments, on plain white bond paper, to jus- tify any modifications made. Item 9 Self-explanatory. If the employee refuses to sign the PAR, the rating official must document the refusal and the date of same in the space allowed for this item. Item 10 Record the reason(s) the PAR is being issued and enter the date of the action causing the issuance. (Example: A PAR required due to the departure of a rating official would be marked as "change in rat- ing official . and the last working day of the supervisor would be used for the date.) The date of the action causing the PAR does not need to match the signature dates. No date is neces- sary for PARs issued at the end of the annual period unless the period is extended past March 31st for reasons set forth in policy material. In most cases, if an employee received a PAR after January 1st, no separate PAR for the end of the annual period will be necessary. For this reason, 'end of annual period" is to be marked as well as the initial reason for the PAR, e.g.. 'position change", and the date of that action. Refer to policy material for additional guidance on the preparation of PARs for employees rated below Fully Suc- cessful. Employees are to be afforded access to their PARs. Upon request, employees are to be provided copies of their PARS, unless the classification of the information therein prohibits release. ?6 neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 FD-728a (34047) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Federal Bureau of Investigation Pertormence Management System - Special Agent Performance Appraisal Report- Evaluation Page ISEi INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) 1. Payroll Nome of Emboli, 2. Social Security Number 3. Critical Element 0 as noted on the Plan. 3a. The andlor brief summary at eiernent: 4. Rating level: O Exceptional O Superior O Fully Successful ID Minimally Acceptable ? 0 Unacceptable ? ? *See attached Narrative Page. 3. Critical Element ? as noted on the Plan. 3a. Title and/or brief summary of element 4. Rating levet O Exceptional ? O Superior O Fully Successful Cl Minimally Acceptable ? 0 Unacceptable 'See attached Narrative Page. 3. Critical Element #. as noted on the Plan. 3a. The and/or brief summery of element: 4. Rating level: O Exceptional ? O Superior O Fully Successful ID Minimally Acceptable ? 0 Unacceptable ? .'See attached Narrative Page. 3. Critical Element ? as noted on the Plan. 3.. The andkir brief summary at element 4. Rating levet . O Exceptional ? O Superior O Fully Successful O timimally Acceptable o Unacceptable ? 'See attached Narrative Page. ?7- 5. initials of Employee Date Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Evaluation Page Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 With the exception of the employeel; initials and date, the information on this form is to be typewritten. Items 1-2 Self-explanatory. Item 3 Record the critical element (CE) by its identifying number from the PerformanCe Plan and provide, in Item 3a., Its title and/or a brief summary of the element Item 4 Review and compare the documentation collected during the appraisal period for the CE with its per- formance standards to determine the rating level achieved and check the appropriate box. If the employees performance is at the Exceptional, Minimally Acceptable, or Unacceptable level, a Narrative Page (FD-728b) must be completed. When the Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) is issued as an Unacceptable-Warning or as a Warning Resolution, a Narrative Page must be provided for each CE regardless of the level achieved. Although not necessary when an employee performance meets the Fully Successful or Superior level, except as required above, the rating official may choose to provide a Narrative Page and so indicate by entering an asterisk when maridng the rating level achieved. Item 5 Self-explanatory Employees are to be afforded access to their PARs. Upon request, employees are to be provided copies of their PARs, unless the classification of the information therein prohibits release. - 8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 ( Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Federal Durum of invosagedon Performance Management System - Special Agent Parforrnancts Appraisal Report - Narrative Page MEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) . Critical Elantant * (Irciude specMc examples of positive/newly* performance.) 4. initials of Ernpioyea Oats Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 instructions for Preparing the Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Narrative Page This Page is required for any critical element (CE) rated at the Exceptional, Minimally Acceptable, or Unaccept- able level. It is also required for each CE, regardless of the level achieved, when the Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) is issued as an Unacceptable-Warning or as a Warning Resolution. With the exception of the employees initials and date, the information on this form is to be typewritten. Items 1-2 Setf-explanatory. Item 3 Record the (CE) by its identifying number from the Performance Plan. The rating official must sum- marize in narrative fashion the employees demonstrated performance concerning the CE, including specific examples of positive/negative performance noted during the appraisal period, supportive of the assigned level. Although this Page is not necessary when a CE is rated at the Fully Successful or Superior level, except as required above, the rating official may choose to summarize the employees performance in the man- ner described above. Narratives for CE s rated below Fully Successful must include a description of the assistance to be afforded the employee to improve. Refer to policy material for additional guidance on the prep- aration of PARs for employees rated below Fully Successful. Item 4 Self-explanatory. Employees are to be afforded access to their PARs. Upon request, employees are to be provided copies of their PARs, unless the classification of the information therein prohibits release. ? 10 ? npriassified and Aoorov'ed For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 1-1.). 'ZS (3-30-57) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 hge of Federal Bureau of Investigation Palonnence Management System - Special Agent Prognoss RIPVIOW Sheet (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE] 1. Payrol Name of Ernpioyee 2. Social Security Number _ 3. Payroll Nam of Rating Official 4. Oats of Progress Review Session S. Comments: Signature of Employee 7. Signature of Rating Official ? 11 ? 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 During the progress review, the rating official must, at a minimum, advise each employee of his/her performance ;eve' based on comparison of demonstrated performance with the employees assigned critical element(s) and per- formance standards. According to Federal regulations. such advice is not, and shall not be construed as, an official rating. Preprinted form FD-729 will be furnished approximately midway through the annual period by the Performance, Recognition and Awards Unit (PRAU). (Note: If an employees appraisal period was altered by a change in grade, the rating official must initiate a review session approximately midway through the newly established rating period.) This form may be handwritten in ink. Items !-4 Self-explanatory. Item 5 Summarize the employees performance for each critical element, including representative specific examples of positive/negative performance, and assign the appropriate rating level. Record any guidance afforded the employee concerning means to improve his/her performance. Use Progress Review Continuation Sheets (FD-729a) as necessary. Items 6-7 Self-explanatory Review sheets are to be retained by the rating official in the employee's personnel folder for use in preparing the employee Performance Appraisal Report. Employees are to be afforded access to the forms used to document their progress review, i.e., FD-729 and FD-729a, if any. Upon request, employees are to be provided copies of these forms, unless the classification of the information therein prohibits release. ? 12 ? nprlassifiRd and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Page Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Pertorrria-ri;e?Mansgernent?i;tens Spedei Agent Progress Review Continuation Sheet 'SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE] I Payroll Name ot Erni:63'19e 2. ? Social Security Number 3. Comments Continued: ? 13 ? 4. Initials ot Empty** Date Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 r ? wirers es rip ?8 UW Preariifitik thildMtar r?orw?imar - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 This foxm may be hanchvritten in ink. Items 1-2 Self-explanatory. tern 3 Refer to instructions for Item 5 on the, Progress Review Sheet (FD-729). Item 4 Seff-explanatory. Employees are to be afforded access to the forms used to document their progress review, Le., FD-729 and FD-729a, if any. Upon request, employees are to be provided copies of these forms, unless the classification of the information therein prohibits release. ? ? 14 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION To: Date: From: Director. FBI Return to: FBIHQ. Room 6159. TL *234 Subject: Grade/Step: Salary: WITHIN -GRADE INCREASE (WIGI) CERTIFICATION IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS FORM WITHIN 3 DAYS OF RECEIPT TO THE PAY AND POSITION MANAGEMENT UNIT. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION. WHERE FINAL CERTIFICATION WILL BE EFFECTED. Captioned employee is eligible for WIGI on He/she has used hours of leave without pay (LWOP). Addi- tional use of LWOP may necessitate a change in the eligibility date. Under Federal regulations, an employee must be perform- ing at or above the Fully Successful (FS) level, as evidenced by his/her most recent Performance Appraisal Report (PAR), for the WIGI to be granted. The employee's rating and reviewing officials* are to complete this form by: making pen and ink adjustments to update any of the personal data shown: checking the appropriate state- ments on, the reverse: and signing and dating in the spaces provide4. If the lel/el of the employee's performance%reguires a recommendation to deny the WIG', specific comments detailing how the employee must improve his/her performance in order to be eligible for a WIGI must be provided on a separate sheet of paper. *The rating official is the person currently responsible for appraising the employee's performance. The reviewing official is the person currently responsible for reviewing and approving any appraisal issued to the employee. . (CONTINUED - OVER) - 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and .Approved For Release 2013/03/13 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 PAR: Date: Administrative Warning as of: for: Check the appropriate boxes: t ] GRANT WIGI since employee's current performance is at or above the Fully Successful level as indicated by: [ ] previously submitted PAR (information preprinted or as corrected, above); or I attached current PAR. DENY WIGI* since employee's current performance is below Fully Successful as indicated by: II pending administrative warning or previously sub- mitted PAR (information preprinted or as corrected, above), which was issued within the last six months; or ] attached current PAR (REQUIRED if last PAR is more than six months old). *ADDITIONAL PAGE with specific comments detailing how the employee must improve his/her performance in order to be eligible for a WIG! is ATTACHED. DELAY WIGI** since there is no PAR that can be used for a determination because employee: ] was demoted on based on Unacceptable performance; or [ ] entered on duty as of and has no PAR on record. **Employee will be issued a PAR on Signature of Rating Official Date Signature of Reviewing Official Date -16 - neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 APPENDIX V ? ABBREVIATIONS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0 -ABBREVIATIONS ALOC - Acceptable Level of Competence CE - Critical Element FS - Fully Successful GS - General Schedule LWOP - Leave Without Pay NA - Minimally Acceptable NAOP - Manual of Administrative Operations and Procedures NSPB - Merit Systems Protection Board PAP - Probationary Agent Program PAR - Performance Appraisal Report PAS - Performance Appraisal System PNRS - Performance Management and Recognition System PM - Performance Management System PP - Performance Plan PPMU - Pay and Position Management Unit FRAU - Performance. Recognition and Awards Unit PS - Performance Standard QSI - Quality Step Increase SA - Special Agent WIGI - Within-grade Increase Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501080003-0