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r:. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 ) fr-7 Intelligence Community Information Request Training and Career Development Specific Requests: 1. Execute the provisions of the Government Employees Training Act (Chap 41, Title 5, ESC). Ensure civilian training/development programs comply with legislative and regulatory requirements and intent. Plan, develop, organize, evaluate and promote a continuous, comprehensive training program to meet the job-related development needs of professional, technical, administrative, clerical, and crafts civilian employees from all activities serviced. Provide for supervisor and manager training and executive development. Prepare civilian training budget submissions and monitor expenditures. Perform actions required to maintain the accuracy of the education and training data base in the Civilian Personnel Data System. Our highly technical mission requires employees to stay abreast of the "state-of-the-art" in areas such as electronic warfare, radar systems, electronics, computer science, automated data processing, intelligence systems, quantitative and operations analysis, satellite systems, communications systems, technology forecasting, engineering, micrographics, secretarial and administrative skills, etcetera. 2. The ESC Civilian Career Program has been designed to develop the ESC civilian manager, executive, and technical expert of the future. It provides a guide path for potential senior civilians as they come into the work force and progress to and through the journeyman, supervisory, and managerial levels. Suggested developmental assignments, training, and education at these various levels are included as part of the program. future should have a broad base The ESC civilian of the of knowledge and experience in ESC missions gained through various types and levels of assignments in ESC units. Assignment of civilian employees at all levels in the command has a two-fold benefit. Productive, meaningful work can be accomplished by civilian Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 employees who provide a dimension of continuity thereby directly contributing to short-term mission objectives. Also, assignment of civilian employees in &c the operational environment develops a strong base of expertise at meet future command objectives of having multitalented, ready resources. Accordingly, a career broadening philosophy has been included in the program. Positions in various functional areas and ESC units will be identified as career broadening and career enhancing to provide program participants a knowledge/experience base in ESC missions. Mobility will be a feature to provide flexibility in managing the program. 3. Each career program participant has a Career Enhancement Plan. This plan outlines specific training/development requirements. Each segment of the work force is covered by a program targeted to the specific group. Some of these programs are: Project Mainstream; Upward Mobility; Career Intern and Air Force Career Programs. --_, 4. a. The current training plan only projects requirements one fiscal year ahead. It is an automated document stored in the CQ file of PDS-C. Training requirements are u.s.44 to organization missions as identified by operating officials. A Force Development Program is being implemented which will establish a ling range training plan linked to future organization missions. b. Staffing plan identifies restructured positions for which formal development/training programs will be established. c. Position Management program established the need for restructured positions to develop trainees to ultimately replace r?1-4cas Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 Saik.UULE A TRAINING BY LOCATION DURING FY 198) Number of Eitrollthents (DayH) Avera9e Days Time Spelit Training Per In Traininu (1) Nivloyee (2) HQ ESC (Oryanlust ion) Costs (3) ,ubtotal, tralnloy conducted inside the oryanization (4) 355 1375 3.87 $35,000 Obtotal, training conducted 522 4265 8.17 $63,000 Houtstde the organization UrAL, THAINING 877 5640 6.43 $98,000 1) .blve in days or years; 230 days equate t.t) one year. Fut pari-time tiaminth ,ii)(11,11. I hi I ii jnIiI Iii ?classroom Instruction arid convert to Jays using the standard eight-hour 6.1JrKILly. .!) Divine oiganization worKyeacs during Lhe tiscal year by the tOtill time spent. in itoihlm. J) Uullars in thousands; use budget figures. 4) Attendance only in formal courses; do ibot include on-the-job training. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 CI\ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 S(.3111XJ1.1:: TRAINING bY TYPE MIRING FY 1987 HO ESC (Orgaitizat ion) (Days) Number ut Time Spent EnrollmelitsIn Ttatnitig. Averacje Days Training Per (1) Einployee _ (2) Co:As Jbtutal, Mdhayemeta. WWI supervisory training btutal, executive development training 216 1150 23 175 5.32 7.60 $ 9,000 $ 6,000 itAtotal, mandated Skills training (4) ibtotal, training nut in other subtotals 289 349 2745 1570 9.49 4.49 $38.000 $45.,000 hAL, ALL. TYPLI; 877 5640 6.43 H,000 .) Wye in days or years; 2.10 days equate to one year; for part-lime training doul)le the Liik! spent in classroom instruction and convert to days using the standard eight-hour workday. !) bivide organiustion workyears during the fiscal year by the total time spent in training. i) bollars in thousands; use oudget figures. i) indicate by separate noting if mandated skills traininj includes manageinent and supervisory or executive development training. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 SCHLIAJLE C RESOUHLIS MUM) TO MAINING AND CAREER DEVEUJNALWr DURING FY 1987 Jtat t uSSlyibed Lu traininy and career develupment activities lbtal Staff Yeats Slatt Per 1UU Year s 1.411pkw?,i 3 .23 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 HQ ESC ( J ii ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 TRAINING - POINTS TO BE DISCUSSED 1. The training program is managed by a division in the Civilian Personnel Office with guidance from HQ USAF and the USAF Civilian Personnel Management Center. The Air Training Command provides the majority of specialized/ technical training. Training is also obtained from other Government, Non-Government and Intkagency sources such as NSA, DIA, DSMC, AMETA, private industry, colleges, universities, OPM and GSA. Air Force Career programs also provide specific, centrally-funded courses for their registrants. Training providers are contacted by telephone or in writing and all efforts are coordinated by the Civilian Training Office. 2. Itana-gers-and-ruTrvi-s-ors-tel-ermine_speific-training needed by thei-r- emfloyees_duriodic-performant-e-discussions. Employees also identify - perceived needs to their supervisors. Similar needs are grouped. The Civilian Training Office determines which courses will be offered based upon total requirements. No changes are envisaged. 3. Organizations submit in priority order and reevaluate their priorities quarterly to ensure the most critical needs are met. In a severe resource shortage situation a training committee consisting Of key officials from affected organizations would be convened to decide on priorities. 4. The mission of this command is to support U.S. and allied commanders' efforts to deny hostile military commanders effective control of their forces while at the same time protecting friendly forces in a hostile command, control, communications environment. This includes both active and passive offensive and defensive electronic warfare. Technical obsolescence is a constant threat to our mission in this complex, rapidly changing environment. Training enables employees to stay abreast of the -state-of-the-art" in mission related areas. Training/development are integrated into the total force program. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 5. Our=tithly-teoHYdrai-mi-smn-r-equires emp+oye-es to-st"Wynibr_east-ol-the _ Cs-tate-of-t e-ar-t---in-areas-such-as-elec-tron+c--war-far-e-,-ra ar te-l-e-cics,,_computer_science , automated-data p_rocessiT'il-iriTTITi aterri-re-sys-tems-, cc ommun-i-Mlin-s-sys-tems-T-t-ec-hnology-for-e-c-as-t-i-mg-,--engineer ing-,--m-i c r ogr Crerilcistratave-skills-,-etc-eter-a-.--Manageria-11-Super-v_isor-y-/ Executive training/development are also provided. 6. Cost effective, results oriented training/development programs will continue to support the ESC mission. Training/development programs will adapt to changes in the mission. 7. Changes in technology especially those related to computers. 8. HQ USAF allocate* training resources to each MAJCOM as appropriated by the Congress. The Civilian Training Office negotiatet trade-offs with individual organizations. Conflicts are elevated up the chain-of-command. The Civilian Training Office determines the best source based upon a cost/benefit analysis and discussion with the requesting organizations . 9. Managers and supervisors nominate employees for training in priority order. New employees are required to attend Orientation and Drug and Alcohol training. New supervisors are required to attend Basic Supervision, Civilian Personnel Policies, Practices and Procedures or Military Personnel Management as appropriate. Some types of equipment require certification training. Employees assigned to the contracting function have mandatory training requirements. Air Training Command courses are quota allocated. Self-development courses at employees' own expense are self-enrollment. No changes are foreseen. Cl Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 10. NSA V ATC may grant waivers for equipment certification training. HQ 40.? USAF/LC may grant waivers for mandatory courses. The Civilian Training Office grants Certificates of Equivalency for supervisory training. 11. Managers and supervisors nominate employees for training in priority order. The Civilian Training Office coordinates training requall. Each Civilian Training Office makes annual budget requests to HQ USAF based upon requirements identified by organizations. go Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 CAREER DEVELOPMENT - POINTS TO BE DISCUSSED 1. The ESC Civilian Career Program has been designed to develop the ESC civilian manager, executive, and technical expert of the future. It provides a guide path for potential senior civilians as they come into the work force and progress to and through the journeyman, supervisory, and managerial levels. Suggested developmental assignments, training, and education at these various levels are included as part of the program. Positions in various functional areas and ESC units are identified as career broadening and career enhancing to provide program participants a knowledge/experience base in ESC missions. Mobility is a feature to provide flexibility in managing the program. Each career program participant has a Career Enhancement Plan. This plan outlines specific training/development requirements. Each segment of the work force is covered by a program targeted to the specific group. Some of these programs are: Project Mainstream; Upward Mobility; Career Intern and Air Force Career Programs. The Career Development Division has overall responsibility for the program. The ESC Career Development Council provides overall policy guidance. The Affirmative Employment Division conducts career counseling, registers Air Force career program participants and establishes/coordinates developmental assignments. Tb-e-Rosi4d1DnEen-a-gemen7t=Divi-sion worIcs-with-managemmtl-ru-7-re7s-cr-ucuce-, posd-vions=t-o---d-eve-1-epmen,t-a-1-1-eve-Ls=i-,,_ 2. The program is divided into three tracks which are Science and Engineering, Intelligence and General Management. The basic differences between the three tracks are in the required professional education and the subsequent training and job experience emphasis. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8 3. The total program will provide a guide path for employees as they come into the work force and progress to and through the journeyman, supervisory, and managerial levels. 1/?will?prov_ide?tor?tgFaTg_17615:71-YETTTlacement omman Program will prepare highly qualified, broad based, well?motivated career employees to meet present and future manpower needs in the fields of engineering, intelligence, program analysis, logistics, operations research, and computer technology. The ESC Career Development Council will resolve conflicts between employee and organizational needs. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/08: CIA-RDP90-00530R000500930002-8