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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 DRAFT CHAPTER SIX CREATING A MORE DIVERSE WORKFORCE The intelligence agencies have been in the enviable position of having much larger rates of staff growth than the government-wide rate of two percent. For the four agencies whose equal employment profiles and policies NAPA analyzed, the percent of civilian staff increases from fiscal years 1982 to 1987 were: CIA, 24 percent; NSA, 37 percent; DIA, 42 percent; and FBI, 18 percent. This chapter reviews the intelligence agencies' efforts to recruit and promote women and members of minority groups, and the extent to which the agencies took advantage Of their growth environments to make their workforces more diverse ones. Recognizing that organizations must do more than simply bring new people into their workforces, the panel also examined retention and promotion rates and agency efforts to help their staffs deal with people from all racial and ethnic groups in the workplace. I. Marked Variations in Workforce Profiles Table 1 summarizes the changes of the intelligence agencies' employment profiles between 1982 and 1987, and compares them to government-wide data for approximately the same period. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 7 'AFT Intelligence Table 1 Agency and Government-Wide Comparisons Equal Employment Data Fiscal Years 1982 - 1987 FBI CIA NSA DIA GOVT-WIDE Staffing Increase 18% 24% 37% ' 42% 2% Change in 43.7% to 35.8% to 32.0% 34.8% to 38.2% to female wkfc 44.9% 40.8% 42.0% 38% 40.2% proportion +0.2%/yr +1%/yr +2%/yr +0.6%/yr +0.5/yr Change in 24.3% to 11.6% 8.3% to 14.6% to 23.8% to minority wkfc 24.8% (no 9.6% 19.4% 25.5% proportion +0.1%/yr change) +0.2%/yr +1%/yr +0.4%/yr Change in 9.7% to 22% to 24% to 6.2% to 23.5% to proportion 16.6% 30% 28% 14.7% 26.8% of female professionals +1.4%/yr +1.6%/yr +0.8%/yr +1.7%/yr +0.8%/yr Change in 8.5% to 7% (no 7.0% to 2.7% 12.7% to proportion 11.2% change) 7.6% 6.8% 15.0% of minority professionals +0.5%/yr +0.1%/yr +0.8%/yr +0.6%/yr NAPA Women Women Women Women N/A Constructed lltn of 11 4th of 11 4th of 11 8th of 9 Index Minority Minority Minority Minority Ranking* 10th of 11 11th of 11 11th of 11 9th of 9 1982 Supergrd 99.2% men 97.7% men 97.1% men 96.4% men 93.8% men distribution 96.3% wht 98.3% white 95.4% white 100.0% wht 93.6% white 1986/7 Suprgrd 98.6% men 95.7% men 94.6% men 98.0% men 91.7% men distribution 94.4% wht 97.0% white 96.1% white 98.1% wht 93.2% white Government-wide data covers fiscal years 1982 - 1986; Intelligence agency data is for fiscal years 1982 - 1987. Government-wide supergrade data is for fiscal year 1986; Intelligence agency data is for fiscal year 1987. Indexes were constructed based on size of agency professional or professional administrative staff. Thus, when two agencies appear to be "tied," they are actually ranked on different scales, because they are on different indexes. 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 up. LiKAI' I Given their rates of agency growth, NAPA expected that there would be growth in the proportion of women and members of minority groups in each agency's worktorce. In fact, the proportion of women rose in all agencies, with the proportion of professional women growing more than the government-wide proportion. DIA's proportion of professional women increased the most. DIA had, however, the smallest proportion of women in professional positions in 1982, and the largest rate of overall staff growth. The CIA and NSA are both above the government-wide proportion and have a much larger proportion of women in their professional workforce than do DIA and the FBI. Growth in the proportion of members of minority groups as part of the total workforce was similar to that of the growth of women at the FBI and DIA. NSA's proportion increased (actually at a greater rate than the FBI's), and CIA's proportion remained exactly the same. The FBI's total proportion (24.8 percent) is closest to the government-wide proportion of 25.5 percent. No intelligence agency is equal to the government-wide proportion (15.0 percent) of members of minority groups among the professional staff; FBI is the closest, with 11.2 percent. However, DIA had a nigher annual rate of growth (again, starting from a much lower base). The CIA had no growth and NSA very little. 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 AFT After examining each agency's staff distribution, NAPA compared each to a set of other government agencies. In all cases, the intelligence agencies were at or near the bottom of the ranking in terms of members of minority groups in professional or professional/administrative positions. The FBI and DIA also ranked poorly in terms of the proportion of women in the professional ranks, but CIA and NSA compared favorably. Government-wide, few women or members of minority groups are in supergrade jobs -- 91.7 percent are filled by men and 93.2 percent whites. No intelligence agency, however, did even this well. Recruitment Efforts All of the agencies have special emphasis recruiting programs, though the levels of focus seem to differ somewhat. The CIA emphasizes its college student programs, some of which are designed to attract minority students, eitner directly or through college administrators and placement directors. The NSA Black Affairs and Hispanic special emphasis program managers are focus of a great deal of that agency's outreach. The FBI has a centralized recruiting program, in terms of advertising and promotional efforts, with much direct recruiting done through staff in its field office. DIA focuses employment advertising and site recruitment toward minority educational institutions. the - 4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 DRAFT One base against which to compare IC agency recruitment results is the composition of college graduating groups. Just over 50 percent of 1984/85 college graduates with bachelor's degrees were women, and 12 percent were members of minority groups. Most of tne agencies' recruitment levels of women have risen steadily, but the proportion of new hires who are members of minority groups varies somewhat more. In fiscal year 1987, the proportion of professional recruits who were members of minority groups was: FBI, 15 percent; NSA, 8.9 percent; DIA, 8.0 percent; CIA, 7.5 percent. These proportions were not constant through the five year period studied. CIA, for example, has increased its proportion from three percent in 1985. Conclusions and Recommendations: Recruitment It is difficult to determine what factors account for the varying levels of increase. Among those which would affect changing proportions are: occupational groups recruited and the proportion of women and members of minority groups in them; agency level of effort; and agency location(s). For example, in the panel's judgment, NSA's level of effort appears to the greatest -- staff are involved throughout the agency; staff and managers have received a lot of training in equal 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Lacgr-tr employment issues; and the agency has analyzed its needs and the job market and done some very targeted recruiting. Yet, the proportion of professional staff who are members of minority groups has risen from only 7 to 7.6 percent. However, the proportion of the overall minority workforce grew by .8 percent, secpnd only to DIA's 4.8 percent growth. DIA's level of effort, as they described it, was less than any other agency's, yet the proportion of staff growth was greatest. Even taking into account that DIA started with the lowest levels of professional staff, the agency's growth is still marked. This leads to consideration of geography DIA's sites are in an urban area, with a large minority population, and they are on major public transportation routes. NSA is near urban areas, but is not on major public transportation routes. On the other hand, the CIA and NSA are in similar types of locales, and the CIA's levels of minority representation in its workforce did not grow at all. Public and private organizations have cited transportation ease and child care availability as important factors when recruiting women and members of minority groups, especially for support positions. Working Within the Heterogeneous Workplace Most organizations concentrate on hiring increasing proportions of women and members of minority groups, but focus less on whether - 6 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 AFT the existing workforce is prepared to work in a more heterogeneous workplace. This is not a comfortable topic to address, in that it requires managers and staff to become more aware of and perhaps discuss their perceptions and feelings, things not easily done. Without somewhat deliberate consciousness raising, workforces that have been predominantly white and male may not be as likely to absorb women and members of minority groups into the mainstream. How does this translate into organizational policy? It means, among other things, that organizations need to assure that they don't encourage informal communication networks which work around official employee performance systems, and that they must work to assure that women and members of minority groups have the same opportunities to perform the difficult work that leads to recognition and promotions. It was beyond the scope of NAPA's work to take the pulse of each intelligence agency's organizational culture. However, there are some indicators of "organizational absorption" that can be examined. These include retention and promotion figures, as well as special emphasis programs designed to promote a more heterogeneous workplace. A. Promoting and Retaining Staff All of the agencies promote women in greater proportion to their representation in the agency workforce. However, these are - 7 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 LNAFT aggregate figures, and thus include support staff, whose career ladders more often include the option of yearly promotions. To determine whether staff in like positions were being promoted in similar timeframes would require more discrete data. NAPA did not request this. Members of minority groups were generally promoted in a proportion closer to their representation in the workforce, with some agencies above and some below the representation level. Again, tnis data is for all staff, and doesn't permit analysis about promotions through professional ranks. The intelligence agencies do not appear to do a great deal of analysis of retention figures for minority and female staff. The FBI has done some, and as a result deliberately made some adjustments in its training programs to reduce attrition. These have had a definite, positive impact on retention. Only CIA and NSA provided aggregate attrition data. While there were not any startling indications, some trends do appear worth monitoring. For example, in NSA, women make up more of those who left in 1987 (43.8 percent) than 1982 (35.0 percent). Members of minority groups had also become a larger proportion of those leaving (rising from 8 to 13 percent). In the CIA, Asian staff seem to leave at a higher rate tnan otners. 8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 ZAFT B. Preparing the Workplace to Deal with Differences The agencies described special emphasis training programs, usually discussing them in terms of benefit to members of a special emphasis group and to the organization as a whole. For example, the CIA has three courses in special awareness training for women only, and a fourth for agency male middle managers. The FBI is developing a new set of programs designed to sensitize managers and supervisors to equal employment issues and provide a greater awareness to all staff. All DIA training courses for managers and supervisors include EEO principles and responsibilities, and EEO courses are included in career ladder training. NSA held in October 1987 a one-day, off-site seminar for senior executives on "Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action: The Role of the Executive." The NSA Director and the entire senior staff directorate attended. Designed to provide upper management with sound knowledge of equal employment opportunity and to reaffirm that this is an innerent part of each senior manager's responsibilities, the seminar was deemed a "tremendous success." Since October 1987, 180 senior staff have attended, and the goal is for all managers and supervisors to eventually do so. 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 DRAFT Conclusions and Recommendations: Working Within the Heterogeneous Workplace A more diverse workforce is not created solely by bringing more women and members of minority groups into an organization. Workforce acculturation is especially important in organizations whose staffs were predominantly white, male and stable for a long period. This is not to presume that existing staff would not welcome their new associates, but to recognize that dealing with differences in the workforce is often a learning process in any institution. The intelligence agencies have made different levels of effort in providing acculturation training. All now appear to be very aware of the importance of this, and this awareness is reflected in ongoing efforts. In the panel's judgment, NSA's programs seem to involve the most outreach to all staff and the most visible amount of top management participation commitment. Other agency heads have expressed strong commitment, but NSA leaders have made their commitment more apparent. The panel cannot assess the movement of women and members of minority groups through middle management toward senior level positions. The agencies now gather data to examine entry level statistics and promotions, but are not as geared to examining, for example, the proportion of minority and female staff who enter who - 10 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 make it to the top of career ladders or to senior management. This is reflected in the relative lack of analysis of retention data (except within the FBI), as compared to the attention paid to hiring information. IV. What the Future Holds Any discussion of intelligence agencies' special emphasis employment efforts has to be in the context of the occupations they recruit for and the expected demographics of the future workforce. Most professional positions in the intelligence agencies are for those with at least one college degree, and the agencies seek to recruit at or near the top of graduating classes or professions. In the next decade, there will be fewer new entrants to the workforce, and a larger proportion of them may not have the level of skills needed in the intelligence agencies. More of the young people who will comprise the workforce will be from "at risk" families (those in poverty, where English is not the first language, and in which there is only one parent in the household). A disproportionate number of these at risk children (and later, entrants to the workforce) will be members of minority groups, that segment of the U.S. population which will comprise 29 percent of new entrants to the workforce between now and the year 2000. (See detailed discussion in Chapter Two.) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 1.4 %. Why will more of these young people perhaps not have the skills needed for intelligence agency work? College attendance rates have historically been higher among whites than for blacks and Hispanics, a function in part of the larger proportion of white high school students who graduate than blacks and Hispanics (83 percent of whites, 75 percent of blacks and 60 percent of Hispanics in 1984). While the proportions who graduate from high school have risen (up seven percent for blacks since 1978 and four percent for Hispanics), recent evidence does not suggest increases in college-going participation rates for minority group high school graduates. In addition,'smaller numbers and proportions of new Ph.D.s are members of minority groups. Within this smaller number, women from minority groups often now comprise a larger proportion than men. This discussion is not meant to imply that young adults who are members of minority groups are intrinsically less qualified for intelligence agency work. It is important to recognize that not only will a large proportion of new entrants to the U.S. workforce be members of minority groups, but that since many will be from "at risk" families they -- as well as the white children from "at risk" families will be less prepared for many of the hi-tech jobs of tne future, and the intelligence agencies have a larger proportion of these positions than do many other federal agencies. To ignore these trends would be to avoid coping with them. To avoid coping with them would be to reduce the likelihood that intelligence agencies can continue to make their workforces more - 12 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 diverse. As the public and private sectors continue efforts to increase members of minority groups in their workforces, the federal government -- which practiced equal opportunity earlier and was thus able to attract a larger proportion of talented members of minority groups -- will face much stiffer competition for these individuals. Given their specialized skill needs, the intelligence agencies will find competition even tougher than at the present. The basic message here is "if you think it was tough before, just wait." Given this, it becomes even more important to analyze the immediate past and current intelligence agency special emphasis recruiting efforts. Lessons learned need to be expeditiously applied. Chapter Six Conclusions: Creating a More Diverse Workforce In a period of large staff increases, the intelligence agencies have made gains in hiring women and members of minority groups, although NSA has not done as well as the FBI and DIA in hiring members of minority groups to the professional staff, and CIA's proportion of staff who are members of minority groups has not changed at all. However, CIA's entry level hiring of professionals shows recent increases. While this is not an area in which the agencies can be judged only on numbers, aggregate data do offer useful comparisons. - 13 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 RAFT The panel believes that top management of the intelligence agencies did not focus on equal employment issues in hiring to the extent that domestic agencies were doing so during this period of rapid growth. The intelligence agencies did not take advantage of their massive growtn to bring in and move up members of minority groups. The agencies were more successful in recruiting women. Having said this, it is important to recognize that many of the occupations for which the agencies hire are not those that have traditionally attracted large numbers of women and members of minority groups. Thus, to compare an IC agency with the Veterans Administration, with its large complement of nurses a traditional profession for women -- is not a fair comparison. The panel also recognizes that the IC agencies had done relatively little recruiting immediately prior to 1981, given the lack of staff growth, and in some cases staff decreases. To go from slow/no-growth to large growth is a massive administrative undertaking, and the agencies may have done as well as any organization could in similar circumstances. The differing levels of success in recruiting members of minority groups does raise questions as to whether some agencies developed effective special emphasis hiring programs more quickly than others. The agencies now describe recruiting programs that indicate strong top management interest and active levels of effort. They - 14 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 have carefully defined targets for special emphasis recruiting and have developed advertising and on-site efforts in a range of academic and professional organizations. The panel cautions that, given current compensation inequities ana projected workforce contractions, it will be difficult for the IC agencies to recruit staff in exact proportions to the racial and gender distribution of college graduating classes. Thus, strong special emphasis recruitment programs may not be reflected as quickly in recruiting results as they might in growth periods. However, the projected employment market makes it all the more important that the IC agencies continue these efforts. The panel believes analysis of retention, promotion and training participation data are important, and recognize that the intelligence agencies are becoming more aware of this. If the agencies are to retain the staff they have worked so hard to attract, they need to make concerted efforts in these areas. Recommendations: Creating a More Diverse Workforce Most of what the NAPA panel believes needs to be done is a question of an enhanced degree of effort rather than a new activity. The panel firmly believes that intelligence agency equal employment efforts need to be integrated into overall workforce - 15 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 ma,? liKA1- I management -- incorporated into recruiting, training, career development and succession planning. While special emphasis activities are important, managers must understand that they have a day-to-day responsibility to make their agencies' workforces more diverse, at all levels. Some of the NAPA recommendations are best stated in terms of current congressional initiatives. Congressman Stokes has introduced legislation that would require the Director of Central Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense to submit to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate the Select Committee on Intelligence a report analyzing each equal employment opportunity group's representation in the CIA and the NSA. The proposal also requires that agencies prepare a plan to address underrepresentation of any such equal employment group by September 30, 1991. The panel supports this initiative. Further, the panel recommends that: - this initiative be extended to DIA and the FBI; - the proposed Senior Coordinating Group receive and monitor these reports; and - these agencies share with each other their successful techniques in achieving these goals. To help the intelligence agencies reach the goals embodied in these proposals, the Congress needs to recognize employment market - 16 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3 DRAFT realities, and work with the IC community to create a work environment that will permit the intelligence agencies to recruit the most diverse workforce possible. Some of these issues relate to compensation and benefits, and are discussed in that segment of NAPA's work. In the last analysis, the panel believes top management in each of the intelligence agencies must make a sustained commitment t recruit members of minority groups and to assure that women and members of minority groups advance to top positions. 393/ October 27, 1988 - 17 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/21: CIA-RDP90-00530R000100100002-3