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Listens- In
sturday trial will .inCluuc ouuc~. "allow ?--------
ancipig and light refreshments. Hayes contends the boat' It
host 1s $3. Music will be by the worth only about x.500 and has
itt at Iawail SteefBoat-
}Manning a Fiesta to let Rewald out of prison to
search for assets.
Th* Puerto Rican Heritage Also today. Hayes was to seek a
o iety of Ilawail will sponsor a federal court order allowing'hiin
t-st fiesta" at 8 p.m. to sell Rewald's boat "Nancy" -
)sle Puerto Ricans
a been a
Jmbaros Diamantes. The f
g cs. The re
il of the builders awaiting re
l h
Pt be in the soc
t?hted Puerto Rican Association pair- comp* t*y . wahts the boat
i he
zing his assets as part of the sparsely end of the 26th floor. Hayes
kruptcy proceedings.
ut Judgte Robert Won Bae moved the company there last
fig declined to rule on the week to save rent money.
ion until Wolff files a formal Rewald concentrated his search
que'st in federal court to have on files relating to an Indonesian
me of toe assets released, a tea plantation in which his
rove Hayes opposes. company had allegedly invested.
`1 don't want one penny releas- But Hayes said he already investi?
d." Hayes said after the hearing. gated the reported plantation and
What are we going to do, rip off that nothing was found.
e creditors even more?" "There was no plantation."
Wolff said his associate, Mich- Hayes said.
eJWilson, had asked U.S. Judge HAYES SAID Rewald was quiet
tin Pence to release some and spent his day going through
M1oney for Rewald to defend him- files which secretaries brought at
*:If against two state theft his request. At about 3 p.m. he
arges, but Pence refused. was taken hack to Oahu Com-
hang said he wanted the re- munity Correctional Center,
iiest made formally through where he is being held in lieu of
Court documents. $10 million bail.
R ASKED AFTER the proceeding Hayes said that because Rewald
nw much money he thought was unable to help uncover any
else would allow released for assets, he will not he allowed to
fytvatd's defense. Wolff said, return to the company offices. He
aZero.' also said Wilson will be not be
back to help look for assets.
V'olff told Chang his office "I don't need Wilson ... Rewald
;ranted to withdraw as Rewald's or anyone else." Hayes said.
attorneys because Rewald is un Carlisle also said this morning
able to pay his attorneys. Wolff it was unlikely Rewald would be
said the case would be time-Con- taken from prison again.
$unting for whatever attorney Carlisle said it was unusual that
takes the case and if there is the furlough was granted, but
oing to he a change in attor- said it was akin to a murderer
nays, now would be a good time. being released to help authorities
,iudge Chang asked Wolff to find a body
Rewald's attorney could not be
as Attorneys Seek
His Case
to Drop
By Chorles Memminger contact the Public Defender's Of-
srn.-Hutle'n+~ tv~~re'r face so it can begin an investiga-
tion into Rewald's financial situa-
Ronald Rewald. for the second tion and clear the way for Chang
(jay this week, was taken from to rule on the indigency question.
prison this morning, this time to The Public Defender's Office has
attend a state court hearing on a not started such an investigation
tt4btion by his attorneys that they on its own. Chang said, because it
he allowed to, withdraw as his was worried it would be uneth-
t_oUnsel. ical.
Rewald was taken from prison When Wolff leaned over and
fbr seven hours yesterday to go asked Rewald if he would mind if
through the files of his bankrupt the Public Defender's Office
company. Bishop Baldwin Rewald began such an investigation, Re-
Dillingham and Wong, in search Wald shook his head in an agitat-
assets to pay off investors who ed manner and said, "It doesn't
ut; from $10 million to $12 mil- make any difference."
ct Y into the company but he was THROUGHOUT the proceeding.
c-t much help. Rewald, his arms chained to his
was sides. rocked his head bark and
lYt's said ptcy t Rewruald'sts ee search Thomas
laycs said
runless and Rewald will not he forth and appeared uninterested
e turned to the company offices. in the court activity.
"The condition of his coming Rewald's unusual release yester-
sown, and in order for him to day came after a deal was struck
Continue, coming down, was that between Rewald's attorney. Rob-
e had to produce something of ert Smith. Deputy City Prosecutor
ubstance." Hayes said. "He did- Peter Carlisle and Hayes.
Rewald was brought to the of-
fives at Grosvenor Center under
TODAY. ATTORNEYS Peter guard at about 8 a.m. and began
Wolff and Brook Hart sought to going through company records
tv ithdraw as counsel and also with the aid of his former office
ed that Rewald be declared manager Sue Wilson and his for-
w4skigent so a public defender mer secretary Mira Kanashigi.
ld he apppinted to represent Hayes said.
Wolff said Rewald has no The search did not occur in his
ey to use in his defense be- plush former office - the one
e of two federal court orders with the waterfall - but at a
d office at the
reached for comment yesterday,
but on Tuesday, Smith confirmed
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AM& in
HaviIy i
t,x8y Charles Memminger
51nr-f3!rih -RWIetitt Writer
The attorney and administrator
fortlfie Hawaii Physicians Protec?
ih'c'AssOciation. which invested
`10 in the bankrupt company
Bit, Baldwin. Rewald. Dilling-
halil'& Wong. has been removed
fron 'his position because of his
association with company head
ltm' td Rewald.
Vttisselli D.C. Kim, who resigned
as~t;al r consultant to Rewald's
eks n.; alntnst two ears ago.
ce> oleo that he no' longer is
aitt`F+ hey to the physicians' associ-
aifoKaaiitl said his removal is just
p of the fallout from his rela.
Iitin5-: ,rifh Retkaid.
T'h'e Physicians' association
ho-aiident "uii
lin Kong in the d+rr.lrank's (;ins.
1.ennr tenter suites in 1980
KIM SAID HE be-,an doing
Borne legal work for Rewald. but
'vas surprised when Rewaid in
eluded his name in nmpan- !it-
erature listing hint a> a consult.
Kim said he uas too hu'.y
I r\ In" to gel his own husirn'cses
.going in the Far East to do much
work for Rewaid, and finally. in
late 1981, he resigned as one of
itewald's attorneys. However. he
continued to maintain his office
there. he said.
Kim had a close relationship
with Rewald. In fact, he prepared
Rewald's will and.bought Re?
wald's Kumukahi Place house in
Hawaii Kai, the house Rewald
bought from former Cambodian
Prime Minister Lon Not.
In retrospect. however, Kim
concedes that he actually did not
know Rewald as well as he had
thought. lie had accepted Re.
wald's claim that he had graduat?
ed from Marquette University
.aw S:
hool and played profes-
sional football. "Everyone wanted
lo I)eheke in Ron," Kim said.
Orie of Kim's legal projects was
the transfer of 75 shares of Ko-
rean od stocks from retired Gen.
Hunter Harris to Rewald's compa.
At one point, an investor offer-
ed to buy the stocks for $5,000 a
,hare. but Rewald hung on to
client. Kiln said.
WHEN REWALD went to the
coulpanv offices Wednesday on a
special furlough from prison to
look for company assets, one of
the persons he called was Kim.
Kim said Rewald asked him to
see it there still was a buyer for
the stocks Kim said he could not
PORTRAIT OF THE QUEEN--lydio Maioho, left. curotor' of the Royal Ma soleu *
Her tyyrupn of Queen Ltnuotcatant to trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs yesterday.
Ma oho said the photo was given to her by the late Helen Kane of Nanakuli, it was restored by
Ipo and Kunani Nihipali. -Star Bulletin Photo by Ken Sakamoto.
Saturday, September 10, 1983. Honolulu Star-Bulletin A-3
Rewald's Associates Testify
Before Federal Grand Jury
y Charles Memminger
Siftr-Bidleriu Writer
bankruptcy trustee Thomas Hayes
this week but that was postponed.
Chang said.
Wilson also was given a subpoe-
na to produce office records by
detectives in the police depart-
inent's white-collar crime unit,
but ('han>g said Wilson had no
records to turn over
Rewald is being held in lieu of
810 million bail on two state
charges of theft of investors'
money. The FBI is one of several
federal agencies investigating Re-
wald to see if he had violated
any federal taus.
t-rupt company Bishop. Baldwin.
Rew id. Dillingham & Wong met
for bout seven hours yesterday
Sunli L.S.Suriny Wong testi-
fied Yesterday as he had done
during the earlier grand jury ses-
sion. long would make no corn.
ment as he left the courthouse
shortly before 4:30 p.m.
Also testifying was Sue Wilson.
Rewald's former office manager
Wilso 's attorney, Howard Chang,
would not say how- long Wilson
appea ed before the grand jury.
While at the federal court-
house, however, Wilson was serve
eel with a subpoena to testify be-
fore the Oahu Grand Jury. Chang
said he did not know who would
be the target of the state grand
jury in light of Rewald's previous
WILSON, HAS been described
as Rewald's. "right-hand man" and
accompanied him to the company
office Wednesday when Rewalct
was Ill nut of"prison for a short
hole In help look for company
Little has been heard of Wilson
since the company shut down.
But Chang said Wilson has not
been in hiding and has complied
with every subpoena and sung
coons she has been served with,
Wilson was scheduled to he
interviewed by attorneys for
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494RO01100690055-1
to Oust
By Charles Memminger
Siar.Bullerin Writer
The mother of the beneficiary
of the multimillion-dollar Halvor.
sen Trust filed suit in federal
court yesterday, seeking to have
attorney Robert Jinks replaced as
the trust's administrator and
charging that he mismanaged the
trust's funds.
Jinks denied the allegation and
said the suit is rooted in an ad.
verse relationship he has with
Elizabeth L. Halvorsen since he
represented her husband in
acrimonious divorce proceedings
in 1978.
Leland Don Halvorsen, a sports.
man and retired oil man, was
murdered in 1978 and the case is.
still unsolved. At the time of his
death. Halvorsen was separated
from Elizabeth and divorce pro-
ceedings were under way, Jinks
The trust, set up three years
before the murder, listed Halvor-
sen's son, Kit Lee, as the benefici-
Elizabeth Halvorsen, who lives
next-door to Ronald R. Rewald's
Kuliouou house, had invested
$805,394 of her own money in Re.
wald's bankrupt company, Bishop.
Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham &
JINKS SAID he was not sur-
prised that Halvorsen wants him
replaced as trustee because of the
poor relationship he had with
her. Before Leland Halvorsen's
death, Jinks said he was seeking
a restraining order to keep her
from coming into contact with
Halvorsen because of.the couple's
stormy relationship.
"This was not a normal di-
vorce." Jinks said.
Before the divorce was com-
pleted, Leland Halvorsen was shot
to death. Although a 47-year-old
man eventually was arrested and
charged in the case, charges
eventually were dropped.
Mrs. Halvorsen s attorney,
Susan Tius, would not comment
on what led to the suit being
In her complaint, Mrs. Halvor-
sen charges Jinks with "various
acts of mismanagement, self-deal-
ing and breach of fiduciary
duty," including making "impru-
dent and unreasonable invest-
ments into Bishop, Baldwin, Re-
wald, Dillingham & Wong." She
said Jinks mismanaged the trust
assets by co-leasing the Grosvenor
Center office space occupied by
Rewald's company. and that he
failed to file tax returns.
Trust A drninisfrato
able. As a result, he said, the
trustee has to find tax-sheltered
investments for the trust money.
Jinks denied that he has failed
to file tax returns for the trust.
"All of the taxes have been pre.
paid and there are carry--overs
for subsequent years," Jinks said.
erroneously in a previous story
that there was a x4.086 state tax
lien against the trust. Actually,
the lien was against Elizabeth
Halvorsen personally for 1981 in-
come. The confusion stems from
the complex trust arrangement in
which Kit Halvorsen is the bene-
ficiary but Elizabeth Halvorsen is
his guardian.
"She is not involved in any way
in the trust," Jinks said.
Even though. Jinks said, when
he found out that Elizabeth Hal-
vorsen had lost her own moneeyy
in Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald. Dill.
ingham & Wong's collapse, he in-
creased the amount of payments
to Kit Halvorsen and personally
gave Elizabeth Halvorsen money
to live on.
Jinks also defended his use of
the trust to co-lease office space
at the Grosvenor Center as a
sound investment.
sen trust surfaced after Thomas
Hayes was appointed trustee of
Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dilling-
ham & Wong when it was forced
into bankruptcy a month ago.
After looking at the company
records, Hayes discovered that
most of the company's $10 to $12
million in assets were gone. Most
apparently were spent on Re-
wald's exotic lifestyle.
Two large trust funds, ' e
McCormick trust and the Mitclloll
trust, were found to have be,bn
drained of their assets. Beckixie
Elizabeth Halvorsen also was list.
ed an investor and the Halvorsen
trust was listed in connection
with the office lease, there was
some confusion as to whether
any Halvorsen trust assets were
invested in Rewald's company.
There also was concern because
Jinks was a consultant to Rewald
as well as the Halvorsen trustee.
Jinks, however, while acknowl?
eging that he had used Rewald's
company as a conduit to move
some trust funds into tax shel.
ters, has steadfastly denied that
any trust funds were put into in-
vestment accounts.
Hayes has said he has not
uncovered any evidence that ahy
trust money was invested.
In Hawaii...
Friday, September 2, 1983 Honolulu Star?Bulle+in A-3
Rewald Pr~-Trial Puoirci-ty
Alarms Public
-s Defender
By Ellen Dyer RUBIN SAID people have asked
Maui Correspondent his opinion about the kind of sen-
tence Rewald ht recei e. He
KAANAPALi, Maul - Honolulu s
aid these ndiv dtuals do not even
Public Defender Barry Rubin said know what Rewald has been
yesterday he is "seriously con- charged with.
cerned" about pre-trial publicity "I think there has been a com-
surrounding the case of Honolulu r~lete saturation" in terms of pub-
businessman Ronald R. Rewald. licity surrounding the case, Rubin
Rewald headed the company of said. He said the "very complex
Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dilling- issue of pre-trial publicity" will
ham & Wong, which was forced have to be dealt with, by lawyers
into bankruptcy three weeks ago, for the prosecution and defense.
with most of the estimated $10 Rubin said that he did not
million to $12 million dollars in. know whether his office would
vested in the firm unaccounted be handling Rewald's defense. He
for. said Rewald has not applle- to
"I am seriously concerned assestanclec defender's office for
about what I see," Rubin said. He But he noted that Honolulu
also said that he could not attorney Brook Hart has indicat-
"understand the $10 million" bail
ed, in a motion to withdraw as
JINKS DENIED all the allega- ? set for Rewald, who has been in. Rewald's attorney, that Rewald is
tions. and said he was not sur- dieted by the Oahu Grand Jury indigent and that a public de.
prised it was filed. on two counts of theft. fender should be appointed..
"Anytime there has been this Rubin's comments came during Rubin was among six panelists
kind of publicity', I guess any- a meeting of the Hawaii State who gave their views on.the topic
thing can happen." he said. "It Law Enforcement Officials As- "Law Enforcement and. the
goes back to Don's death. We sociation. The meeting continues Media."
'Mfrs. Halvorsen and Jinks- did through today at the Maui Marri?
not have a Rood relationship be- olt EARLIER yesterday. Thomas
Halvorsen Guardian Sues
Cardoza. the regional commissioh-
r of the Internal Revenue Serv-
ice, said law enforcement and the
media "have similar goals -
integrity and honesty in our soci-
ety and government. While :tie
system is not perfect, it is add
can be a workable. tool" for.-4a
"better enforcement effort ands
satisfaction of the public's right
to know." ..
Cardona said it is "essenttalo
government functions" that e
public be kept informed to en-
able people "to comply with nec.?
requirements, protect their lives
and property, and influence po-
litical decisions. It is the media
that provides the best conduit of
this information to the public,
and it is the media who can hest
expose government misinforma-
tion or conduct detrimentat_rjo
the public good."
He said this "creates a nati el
tension between the media $rstd enforcement" but he Old
that "is proper because it tPJifls
to keep both sides alert, res
live and honest in'their roles
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from page one
-nade by one of the sporting goods compa-
.iy employees. Rewald said he was charged
:)ecause he was an owner.
Because the,proceedings were "far away
rotii, my tome; (pis ? I 'recall--, approx1m tely
160 miles): it was economically' unfeasible
or me to fight the prosecution." he said. It
made more sense. to plead guilty to a
:nisdemeangr.. which f did." Rewald also
said he paid the money back.
? Schooling - He said he was born in
Milwaukee, Wis., in 1942 and grew up
*.here, "attending" South High School.
Rewald made no reference to his claim,
stow rejected by the university itself, that
he was graduated from Marquette Univer-
;ity and its law school, but his Kansas City
Chiefs training camp roster listed his col.
:ege as Marquette. indicating Rewald was
claiming that association almost 20 years
? His family - He said he married his
present wife, Nancy Imp Rewald, when he
was 18, and that they have three daugh-
ters and two sons, aged 12 to 19.
? The Central Intelligence Agency -
"The information out thus far on Rewald's
or (the company's) connection to the CIA,
if any. has not come from me regardless of
what the (bankruptcy) trustee or media
purport. My only position thus far has been
one of no comment to anyone in this re-
Rewald's affidavit was filed in support of
his motion seeking release of some of his
assets to pay for his defense in a criminal
theft case and in civil proceedings against
him and his company. He is being held in
Oahu Community Correctional Center on
S 10 million bail on two theft counts.
He also sought to block a motion for a
summary judgment that would declare his
company bankrupt Jlfitttout irisl.
estimated. that..O 'i
million, to $12 million into Bisisop. Baldfvly
since its formation in 1977, and that most
of the money is gone.
Rewald attempted suicide by slashing his
forearms on July 29 after Channel 2 televi-
sion broadcast a report, of state regulators'
questions about his firm, He was arrested
on his release from Queen's Medical Center
and has since been indicted on two state
counts of theft.
His only previous public statement was
an interview with television reporter Larry
Price while Rewald was still in the hospi-
Rewald's affidavit was part of a larger
package of documents sealed Friday by the
U.S. district court clerk on belief that itall
came under a sealing order issued Thurs-
day by C.S. District Judge Martin Pence
because of possible reference to the CIA
and classifiable national security matters.
The filings were made by attorney
Smith. who said earlier that he was going
to request that a portion be sealed in any
event, but that part of it contained no
classifiable materials.
The Advertiser was able to review a
copy of the non-classified portion 'of the
filing. It included only one reference to the
d0 fio 'statement about that agency.
also tained several local newspaper
clippings efe to the alleged CIA con-
nection. ',x3
T1.e sealed do tifhents have been refer-
red to the U.S. attorney'; office and the
CIA for examination in detatj.
When the clerk's office closed Friday.
the U.S. attorney's office had not made
'v~'ic any conclusions about which por-
-' the filing, if any, should remain
tc iinrlnrctnnrl that (`TA nor-nn-
Ronald Rewald
motion for summary judgment in the bank-
ruptcy case.
Smith gave notice in the filing of his
intent to rely on classified information in
Rewald's case - a move that would lay
the basis for seeking dismissal of charges
against Rewald if the federal government
refuses to release such documents. The
federal government hasn't filed criminal
charges against Rewald.
Smith said his client has been railroaded
by the media and hamstrung by the courts.
"If' it appears to the court from the evi-
dence adduced thus far publicly that Mr.
Rewald has run amok with investors':
money, then it is equally true that the
media has run amok with publicity ir; %hiss.
case anf tpus_ fat hash swept the - lega
e d, tried., and . fot>ii `, in the; pubut'
press and has been deprived `by the court'
system of any means "of defending himself.
all without a trial by jury, which is his
constitutionali,right, _ uu America,. this is not
Rewald. Smith said, must be allowed ac
cess to his personal assets to pay for his
criminal and civil defense.
The company assets, Rewald said, -in-
? Wendell Phillips' oil. drilling invest-
ments, potentially worth $1 million. (Hayes-
says these may be worthless or may bring
5750,000. depending on whether oil is
struck somewhere off the coast of Korea.)
? An interest with Honolulu attorney
Russell Kim in a 'Far East trading compa-
ny due $175,000 in commissions, half of
which would come to Bishop, Baldwin.
Kim is a formal legal consultant to the
firm who maintained his law offices in Re-
wald's suite at Grosvenor Center. Kim
could not be reached for comment yester-
day. An allegedly delinquent $75,000 loan
from the company to a John Von Crom in
American Samoa. (Von Crom, reached by
telephone yesterday, said he received a
personal loan of $9,000 from Rewald in
1979 and - later - a $30,000 loan from
Bishop, Baldwin to finance a condominium
nabie to pay`bil[ck' the k"sana, Von Crom
std, he arranged ~o deed the condomimi-
um and its pi'toperty to the corporation in
never comp'et'ed the deed transfer and t
Bishop. Baldwin was unable to sell the
? Promissory notes totaling more than-
$130,000. most of them apparently from
Kim. (Hayes said. these and the Von Crdm
loan may not be collectible.)
? Office furnishings worth $2 million.
(Hayes says $150,000.)
? Bank accounts with $280,000 on depos-
it. (Hayes confit s.)
? ' A $500,000 interest in Motor Cars Ha-
waii. (Only $241,000, says Hayes.)
? Some $40,000 in sporting goods stores.
-(Hayes confirms,)
Rewald said his personal assets have a
net value, "at best," of $3 million, includ-
ing a $1.8 million equity in his home. He
said he bought the home with money made
from sales of his Wisconsin home (a $23.-
000 profit) and his former Kumukahi Street
home. Those transactions, he said, pro-
duced the $50,000 down payment on his
present home, plus the $200,000 due and
paid a year later, -
He said Kiel still owes Rewald's wife,
Nancy. $137,000 on a promissory note.
Rewald did pot dispute the bankruptcy
trustee's claim that his mortgage- payments
had been made with Bishop. Baldwin
funds. But evert if that were true, Rewald
said, the total '-was no more than $340,000,
indicating that he had a right to 42 percent
of the value of the equity in the home.
(Hayes has said the home is an sit. of
.the company 4nd the equity maybe worth -
hs d?
shop, Baldwin (will be) in 'a' position. id
assert a claim for damage against those
responsible for the present chaos." The
claims .would include the value of work.or
projects halted, when his firm ?hut"d'
Rewald said. "On July 29, before I learn-
ed of the Barbara Tanabe television broad-
cast (raising questions about the firm),. I
had completed, a deal with Cliff Melim' of
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
for a 10. .percent interest in a $29 million
project 'involving Mokuleia 'Homesteads, a
large residential project on Oahu."
Not so. Meltln said Friday night. Melim
said Rewald-'s ggested he had the political get;;tie Mokuleia project through
the, -government bureaucracy, and would
do so for it 10perccnt interest. "I said we'd
think about itK" 'Melim said, but it was a
long way fronl''an. agreement.
The -same day. Rcwald said, he had re-
ceived a report "from one of our consult-
ants who had just returned from Spain to
outline. .a project in which Bishop, Baldwin
e ?,;1A1}ld. had a $22 million contrpll-
lingInterest in a residential developme
in Soto Grande, Spain."
Hayes, said the company to his kno4-
edge has no interest in any real estate
developments in Hawaii. Spain or ant-
where e'Ise.
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today / Mond
Sept. 19, 1983Y'
Had no intent
Rewald insists
By Walter Wright
.tdrertiaer Staff Writer
Ronald Rewald suggested yes-
terday that'had he intended to
defraud investors in his firm he
would not have accepted invest-
ments from family and employ-
ees, and he would have fled
with $680,000 in cash instead of
attempting suicide on July 29.
But the bankruptcy trustee in
the case countered last night
that Rewald's operation was "a
fraud, an absolute scam, and it
is an absolute disservice to the
public and those who may hope
to get their money back for Re-
wald or. his attorney to repre-
sent what was going on as le-
Rewald - who contacted The
Advertiser last night through
his attorney, Robert A. Smith
-- says there is no need for the
$10 million bail in his theft case
because he has no money stash-
ed away so he cannot flee.
Smith said some of Rewald's
points are ' included in docu-
ments filed Friday in federal
Those points are in the "confi-
dential" portions of the court
filing, Smith said, but they
themselves do not involve
classifiable information. The
court has sealed for government
review any filings relating to
any connection between Rewald
and the CIA or to other classi-
fiable matters.
Rewald`$ company appears to
have been used at least as a
mail and telephone "drop" for
five CIA "cover" entities.
Hayes confirmed yesterday,
that many of Rewald's relatives
and employees were among
those who lost funds as inves-
tors. However, he said, that fact
does not prove Rewald inno;
Smith also raised a new argue
ment about Rewald's intentions;
"'If he intended to bilk thcf
company of money for his own
personal gratification, there was
$280,000 in Hawaii National,
Bank and $400,000 in a payroll
account on July 29 which he
could have taken" and flea in-
stead of attempting' suicide. ,
It is Hayes's position that Re4
wald spent much of the compa.
ny's money on himself over 4
long period of time, and he
finally was about to be caught:
"If things were going so well oil
July 29, why did he attempt sui,
tide?" Hayes asked.
Rewald also said that Hayes
told him during Rewald's visit
to the company offices two
weeks ago that he believed he
could account for "every
penny" of the money that came
through the firm, and that he
said it had all been spent.
"That," Smith contends, "does
away with the notion that there
are vast amounts of money
stashed away. And that in turn
does away with the argument
for a high bail" on grounds Re-
wald is so rich he could meet a
lower bail and flee. Smith said.
Rewald's argument holdi
water, Hayes said, only if yoo
assume that Rewald got only
money that first hit the compa-
ny books.
Rewald yesterday also "cor,
eon V
a he e
affidavit: He ass
his personal net worth is $4 mil.
lion, not $3 million, and that
Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dill-
ingham and Wong is due $175,-
000 in commissions from a trad:
ing company in the Far East,
not half that amount as report-
ed. Rewald's and the firm's
assets have been frozen by the
Rewald also augmented the
record on his education. lie said
he received a degree from a
junior college in Wisconsin, and
then, in the mid-1960s, took at
least three night courses from
Marquette University.
Rewald reportedly had claim-
ed earlier that he was graduat-
ed from Marquette.
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Saturday, September 17, 1983 Honolulu Star-Bulletin A-3 ;,
Rewald Trustee Asks Change
in Sealing of CIA Records
By Charles Memminger
Star-Bulletin Writer
The trustee of the bankrupt In-
vestment company Bishop. Bald-
win, Rewald, Dillingham & Wong
plans to ask a federal judge to
modify his broad order sealing
records in the bankruptcy case
related to the CIA.
The order, issued by U.S. Judge
Martin Pence Thursday, created
some 'confusion among court
clerks and attorneys as to what
exactly, was to be sealed and
what was not.
Attorneys also were worried
about the broad wording of the
order that seemed to limit them
from even talking about the CIA
to anyone, whether It related to
the case or not.
The order said, in part, that
..all parties and their attorneys
and their agents ... are hereby
prohibited from communicating
to any person ... information
relating to matters pertaining to
the CIA."
That prompted one of Ronald
R. Rewald's attorney's. Peter
Wolff, to wonder whether the
order violated the First Amend-
issued because Rewald's civil
attorney planned to submit court
documents that might contain
classified information. The U.S.
Attorney's Office filed a motion
to have all documents mentioning
the CIA sealed.
Court clerks, both in the U.S.
District Court and U.S. Bankrupt-
cy Court, reacted to the order by
saying that all documents filed in
Rewald's cases would be sealed
because they did not have time
to figure out which documents
might be sensitive and which
were not.
By yesterday. the confusion
about the order had subsided
somewhat, but there still was not
general agreement about how the
court records would be handled.
A District Court clerk's office
official said that only documents
filed by Smith or the U.S. Attor-
ney's Office would be sealed. But
it still was not clear if the court
docket sheet, which lists all docu-
ments filed in a case, would be
Bankruptcy court clerks, how-
ever, showed their docket sheet
on the case to reporters, saying
that it was public.
To complicate matters. Smith
filed a stack of memorandums
and documents yesterday, some
of which apparently have nothing
to do with the CIA but were seal-
Smith filed a motion stating
that he planned to use classified
information in Rewald's defense
and also asking that some of Re-
wald's frozen assets be released
to pay his attorneys.
release any of those documents.
Another motion sealed with
apparently no connection to the -
CIA is a request by Smith to have
Hayes pay insurance premiums
on lte%%ald's life insurance policy.
Attorney Don Gelber, repre?
scenting trustee Thomas . Hayes.
said he thought the motions were
not sealed and he had showed
them to at least one news report-
Smith also filed 94 exhibits and
a confidential affidavit by Rewald
that also were sealed.
As far as Smith's request to re-
lease assets to pay attorneys' fees,
Gelber said he definitely is
against it.
He said the assets represent
property acquired with money
"taken from investors under false
pretenses" and to allow the funds
too he used in ltcwald's defense
is lulu rolls..
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B-2 Thursday. September 15. 1983 The Honolulu Advertiser
Rewald lawyers request
funds be freed for fees
Ronald Rewald's attorneys yester-
day asked the' bankruptcy court to re-
lease money to pay for Rewald's de-
fense against state charges he stole
inves:crs' money. The request was set
for hearing Sept. 21.
The _t:orneys. Brook Hart and Peter
wolf`. tried last week to withdraw as
Rewaid's counsel on grounds Rewald
canpal, them.
Bu. State Circuit Court Judge Rob-
ert \Vxn Bae Chang told Wolff first to
make a formal bid for funds previous-
ly froze i by the federal court.
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Trustee Preparing
Rewpj Claim L isf
By Chormmi ger investors who have yet to s ?p
Star-Bullertn Writer forward, but said he will abe
some point. unless an investor
asks specifically that he not do
e so.
s As of yesterday, about 150
if claims for more than $6 million
n had been submitted by investors
More than half of the some 400
people who invested in the bank-
rupt company Bishop, Baldwin,
Rewald, Dillingham & Wong have
not filed claims in U.S. Bankrupt-
cy Court
But bankruptcy trustee Thomas
Haves said he will be submitting.
claims for all of the investors at
;1ni1 by husitrcssi's that did work
lot- ttnmald lewald's coin uuty
Hayes estimates that from $10
million to $12 million was invest-
ed in the defunct company.
C lainis submitted, however, in-
clude the promised high interest
rates the investors were told they
would receive. With that interest,
the money owed investors could
be as much as $17 million.
Hayes said that as of this week,
he has uncovered assets worth
BANKRUPTCY proceedings
were scheduled to begin again
today in federal court. but a
hearing before U.S. Judge Martin
Pence was continued until Tues-
day, llaycs said
Ilaves said that. so far, most of
the claims submitted are legiti-
mate, although there are a few
that appear to be "phonies,"
Haves said.
Hayes said one man has claim-
ed the company owes him about
$250,000. Mayes said the money
was actually just a "stroke pf the
twtu" transfer of funds from Re-
wald's "phony" account to the
Hayes said he did not know
exactly when he will he submit-
ting claims for the majority of
by the wishes of those who ddtrt
want to make a claim.
HAYES IS continuing 61$
search for company assets, espla?
cially in foreign hank accounts.
and with sometimes amusing i&e-
sults. Haves uncovered a Swiss
hank account in Rewald's name
that container) only $8.50.
One of the most intriguing dis-
coveries was Rewald's plan in
1982 to buy an entire hank in
Chile that appeared to have been
nothing more than a scam in
which Rewald would have been
the victim
He said the people behind the
bank scam apparently were set-
ting up Rewald, but that for rea-
sons unknown Rewald did not
come up with the $200,000 they
Hayes said had Rewald come
up with the money, he would
have found himself having to
then produce $3 million to clear
the title to the bank or lose the
Meanwhile, Rewald's criminal
attorneys, Brook Hart and Peter
Wolff, have filed a motion in
federal court seeking to have
some of his frozen assets released
to pad fur attorneys fees in his
slate criminal rase.
The action was taken upon the
order of state Circuit Judge Rob.
ert Won Bae Chang in connection
with Wolff and Hart's motion to
withdraw as his counsel.
IN HIS affidavit filed with yes-
terday's motion. Wolff said he an-
ticipates "a need to litigate in the
U.S. District Court over the re-
lease of certain materials which
have heretofore been sealed by
the court. It is anticipated that
the fees for defending this case
would he quite substantial."
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Court. asked
to sell assets of
letters Rewald's firm
Laws, UH pay
4D enWI 9/.s/:1
Investment climate
The failure of financial institutions is sweeping
across the nation. Investment firms such as Bish-
op. Baldwin. Rewald. Dillingham and Wong and
Manoa Finance are leaving our investment com-
munity financially crippled as well as skeptical.
In order for persons such as Ron Rewald to
get into the -business of soliciting money for in-
vestmer)t. he need only apply and pay a $50
registration fee to the state Dept. of Commerce
and Consumer Affairs and obtain an excise li-
cense and off be goes into business. '
Should he orothers like him decide that those
monies are to,be used for other than investing.
the wrath of the law will surely intervene, how-
ever the penalty for such acts are classified
under the law as class C type felonies. The maxi-
mum 'penalty for a class C felony is-.five years.
Clearly a crime that should carry a $10 million
ball should be treated a bit more severely.
Perhaps we.-,,sshould urge our legislators to
enact laws that would provide more protection
for the, investment community as well as the
publie,.,at large.,"'I,suggest a few laws that could
help 0 `V.. ' t..
C E >> y" C a) V C W E co
c o?o oy o u ~~?~ G u u
F i, y : C: C cC
C~. O
M c7 cC c, 'C
W v 'r-,
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Today is Thursday.
Sept. 8, 1983
Music Television, cable TV's an-
swer to radio, is breaking new
ground in pop music world
Page D-6
;.. 1, .
Education writer Laurel Loo
'takes in-depth look at legacy of
Bernice Pauahl Bishop: fihe
Kamehameha Schools
Page 0-1
;Chris Evert Lloyd advances to
her 13th consecutive women's
semifinal with victory at U.S.
Page C-1
The Index
4 sections, 48 pages
Ann Landers D5
Asia-Pacific roundup
Bridge D
Canadian news roundup
Classified ads
Comics ' D
rossword zzle
n an on vacatlon
dItorials A14
Entertainment 136-8
Erma Sombeck . 06
lobo e port
onolu u Calendar
q ,.
oney.. -----$s
Ms. xit on vacat
Names a aces
ational news roundup
Obituaries 1
Bather A
ord game
ning himself o
the reservoir y
not big enoug
duck to get ou
- no ripples,
,the water, no
no severed d
Big Critter
? The Litt
a 2i -foot '
(or cayman)
in the same
ary and sent
man - a
in- of the
can grow
what do th
? There
ment is gi
Gator Aid
$1 rd0.5
a te
As 6,
'left prison
ght'. hours to
-T~,? ,'look r assets of his
mbatued firm of Bishop, Bald-
. .. _. . ?i+----._,:1 Dillingha,n and
he.,failed to find anything
rtfruste'e handling the compa-
(ala'- `cy proceeding.
eat' former Grosvenor Center offices
by two guards. He _ was wearing
s%' eatshirt, leg chains and hand-
cuff s. The handcuffs were re-
mpveCi whenhe entered the of-
fice s so he ,, c uld ;Iexamine the
Assisting in-'.the, search apt Re-
wald's request were~,Sue"?Wil--
`'kewald's "right-hand man, `- and.
rsonal secretary Myra Kane-
shige. -
were searched by a prison ma-
tron before being allowed to
join,Rewald in the office.
Rewald was described as
being "very businesslike."
Hayes added: "His world has
crashed down on him and, he
was obviously down, but he.was
See Rewald's an Page A-5
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494R001100690055-1
isle., Firm to Join
in A d m in is.ter~n
H~lvOrsen Trust
By Chcfllbs~erm rnger -moved as trustee. It Is not known
if the Ault will be dro
Star- Bulletin Whiter `
attorney declined comment on
Attorney] Robert -Jinks has the agreement.
agreed to allow Hawalian?,;Trust In her suit, she charged the
Co. Ltd. to become eo?trustec...of 'Jinks mismanaged the trust.
the rnultimilllon.. dollar Halvorsen links denied it and said he was
Trust. not surprised the suit was filed
Jinks was named in a` ,federal because his relationship with Mrs.
court suit last week that threat Halvorsen has not been the best
coed to have him removed as 'since he represented her husband
trustee, In the couple's divorce proceed-
In an interview before the Ings
agr4entent?was'reac.lied yester
day. Jiaktt,ways had MEANWHILE, an attorney for
.wanted a trust company to assist creditors of Bishop, Baldwin, Re-
in the management of ?.tl%q trust, Wald, Dillingham & Wong yester-
but thatno-,-local; company. was day asked that a federal court
intetrestet'vj+ieen! it was ,set up judge finalize the company's
several yearn ago. bankruptcy and appoint a perma-
.; The trust was set up by oilman nent trustee.
and Big Island sportsmann,Leland Robert Smolenski, representing
Don Halvorsen before;,>he was the same group, of creditors that
murdered in 1978. The;~ttust bene? forced Rewalds company into
ficiary is llalvorsen's son, kit Lee. bankruptcy, filed the motion to
Halvorsen was separated from his clear the way for eventual liqui-
wife. Elizabeth, and divorce pro- dation of the company's assets
ceedings.. had begun at thlt. time without going to trial.
,.,his death.,a ^ Rewald's attorney, Robert
The trust',:,became, a 016011 t:. t. Smith, opposes the order and has
bald Ire ,R1~iva'?~d's investment tin Pence approved the sale of ;:I ishop, Baldwin, Re- the bankrupt company s shares of
wald, Dillingham & Wong. After Aspengfen Travel back to the
Ihe. company was forced into majority owners of the travel
?cfor, Including tl}e assetp .bf 'lever Hayes, said Rewald had agreed to
`al large trust funds. Investigators buy, , 51 percent interest in the
were worried that the Halvorsen company for $60,000 and had paid
Trust was among those that had $15,000 into the travel company
been "drained." so far. A lot of the company's
t. a + h. R! business came from travel, ar?
t kk , ,:~ .Dt. k rT:.Js J1 ,W lrs~f hm, ai n alned lned:> wIAtl~Iement ~ l01` . wA~d co Iglt?_..
----- ments, Wagner said.
+~; -. - -?
.there was' ? money .,ves~ecl,..,In
the company at the tI*ietaof its ' WAGNER ALSO sought permis-
Vollapse. Unlike most trusts, sion to have Hayes sell Rewald's
:assets in the Hal,vorsen,,trust. are 37-foot cabin cruiser, named
taxable and-have to be invested "Nancy" after Rewald's wife. The
An tax shelters to protect, the boat is only. worth about $1,500 to
.fund, he said. Most trust Qompa- $2,000, Wagner said, pad probably
riles did not want to get involved could not be sold for that ,be-
in that type of a trust, he said. cause of the poor state of repair
Elizabeth Halvorsen, who lives it is in.
next door to Rewald's Kalanlan? Attorney Smith opposed the
aole Highway house, invested sale, saying the boat is an asset
$805,394 of her own money in Re- that should be protected until a
`wild's company. She is one of judge rules on the company s
many creditors waiting to see bankruptcy. Rewald told Smith
how much of their investments, the boat is worth $40,000.
elf any. N%ill be returned during Pence put off any decision on
the bankruptcy proceedings. the sale of the boat until attor-
She filed suit against Jinks last neys see if the boat can be
week as legal guardian of Kit moved to a Coast Guard lot and
Lee, seeking to have Sinks re- stored.
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-16*2 Honolulu Stor-Bulletin Monday, Septembor.l2,.,.toaa
HAT a ghat sports weelren4
nM rL~ -
win over Colorado, Std' a thanks to an*awesome
defensive I '.displaythat 'should have the rest of t-
letic Conference- . ',r
espectallyquarter- t,
backs extremely 'if
nervous'-,. . Thegr,1
there was .&
wealth" ,.,
to.` serve` 't
(ru of'a ,
the final two minute., of
g me Ye
?da>i They made-.up for it, sort of, with a..titV
repeat following - the Second eame.) . r'
t had to switch
Over a~ld tcbJlmhy
't GSniors 'whip Ival* Lendl in the U '" ?Opeq''
:r. Te
, ? urner s w -I'm cable chanti~J see thq
be'dolls madt`by Mrs. Hatseyo Funampto and her
students of c t Funamoto doll studio of Hon6-
lulu Ado`ther nwer" T-shpt has surfaced
t wall, Dills g am Wong...And All I Got Was
My T-shirt." .
s holding a; news conference today to announce
plans' for aseries of Aloha Friday Pau Hana
Concerts." The City & County. which is interest-
ed' in the revitalization of ditb~i-n Honolulu, is
,+.aj . ....r .,,.,
Stevenson, a member of the onoluth,.Svmpho -
, ) .-.. 6..,... .....,., v,, t1Uta! t~;au Nlrllises-
a j'condo to stay in while -there-for selling
te, the' most Symphony season subscriptions.. Anoth
elunt Sct
.c. voeer,ymphony reeptionis Stephanie
Stone, , was selected as the hulls ,,d*ncer to per,
~at^?Allensaid he thinkof*an
^no one had, written : a song about 'yet; so
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