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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 OCDN M84- OJ(0 2 2 FEB 1984 25X1 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: OC/OL Study Committee Chief, Domestic Networks Division, OC SUBJECT: OC/OL Support Mechanism REFERENCE: Memo, dated 2 February 1984; Same Subject Attached are the Domestic Networks Division (DND) Facility Groups' comments in response to the referenced questionnaire. The DND focal point for any additional questions or follow-up i S F__ Attachment: As stated UNCLASSIFIED WHEN DETACHED FROM ATTACHMENT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 HEADQUAR'T'ERS FACILITY GROUP Attachment to FFG-M84 A. (a) Support is often untimely, though this may be attributed to understaffing within the division rather than to decentralization. (b) Strength is the closer working relationship with component logistics personnel. Small/minor requirements can be accomplished quickly on an informal basis. (c) Weakness is the lack of communication between OC logistics components. Determining availability of equipment, materials, supplies, etc., is an arduous process. Duplication and shortfall of major items frequent. 25X1 25X1 C. Procurement usually slow. Streamline the procurement process by reducing the number of actions/contact points each action requires. Broaden the authority of component logistics personnel for local purchase, etc. D. Internal component (Group) requisition prepared for Division logistics action. Division in turn processes form 88 with stops at office level before reaching OL. E. No! Additional slots and staffing requirements have been submitted. F. Modernization is essential to speed the procurement, contracting, etc., processes performed by OL. One method would be use of computer bases, at component level, of those available in OL. G. OLI support in transportation, and some lesser extent storage. inventory is inadequate. OL made a conscious decision some years back to reduce inventory of expendable material as cost cutting measure. Requests for such material are processed, in most cases, via local purchase through small purchase branch. Many times common items are not available through local wholesalers causing delay. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 H. ? No comment. J. No. Believe better to remain decentralized with component logistics staff. Streamline and improve efficiency to provide quicker response times. See F Y. Yes. It would allow better and closer contact between customer/contracting officer and speed up the growing contractor process. L. Uncertain, but suspect the link is often weak. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 Chief, Headquarters Facilities Group, DND/OC SUBJECT: OC/OL Support Mechanism REFERENCE: Memo dated 2 February 84 (Same Subject) 1. The following information is offered as input to your study committee on the subject of logistic support to the Office of Communications. Our response is keyed to the specific questions asked in the referenced memorandum. Question A _. The decentralized logistic organization does support the hIFG mission, but to a limited degree. We feel the people assigned to DNi) are responsive but the logistic system itself is cumbersome and outmoded. For the most part, much of the _DNI) logistical process is still a manual system. In today's computer age, it is difficult to understand why more of the process cannot be automated. Question 3 - The Logistic Services Division provides support to HFG for space requirements. We have found their support to be timely and efficient. Nothing but the highest marks for LSD. Stock Management Division is also providing us with excellent support, especially in the area of the Xerox paper that is consumed by the Message Processing function within HFG. The Supply Division does an adequate job, considering the number of requests they must handle. However, we do feel that their procedures are not modern or efficient, and should be improved. Procurement Division presents a problem for FIFG. We realize the difficulty in staffing, 25X1 LDAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 ,w,,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 SUBJECT: OC/OL Support Mechanism training, etc. for such a demanding service. However, the constant rotation of personnel, long delays in processing procurement actions and especially the lack of feedback from the procurement officers makes the division appear inefficient. A decentralized procurement services system would appear to be more responsive to our needs. Question C - As stated in earlier questions, we do not feel the process is satisfactory and that streamlining the process coupled with a more automated process (including a better feedback mechanism) is required to better meet the HFG needs. Question D - We use the assigned DND logistic staff to process our paperwork for logistical services. Their internal process can better be explained by the OL careerists assigned to those positions. Question E - I believe the staffing is inadequate for today's needs. Increased secretarial support and a more efficient automated process will increase their efficiency. Question F - Yes, I have explained the key improvements in earlier questions. Question G - Generally support is satisfactory. Emergencies are handled of iciently and other services are reasonable. Question H - The Logistic Services Division supports our office space requirements. They provide excellent support. Question 1 - Headquarters Engineering Division and Stock Management Division are most responsive. Procurement Division is least responsive. Question J - Logistics should decentralize its support structure and charge each 01- unit assigned to an OC component with accountability for their efficiency and effectiveness. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 SUBJECT: OC/OL Support Mechanism Question K - Yes, HFG feels that a decentralized OL Contract Team is a valid requirement. We feel that the present centralized system is not as responsive as a decentralized team. between operating elements. The one exception is where Procurement Division is involved. In this case it is often difficult to keep up with the large turnover of personnel and Question L - Yes, generally channels are well established 2. HFG offers the above comment in a constructive mode and does not wish to be critical of OL ina negative way. We realize the many problems that the DDA faces (i.e. staffing, budget reductions, etc.) but HFG feels that improvements are essential if the respective shifting of requirements/responsibilities. tomorrow's needs are to be satisfied. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 Chief, Metropolitan Facilities Group, DND/OC REFERENCE: Your Memorandum of Same Subject dated 13 February 1984 SUBJECT: OC/OL Logistical Survey 1. The following comments are keyed to the questions posed in reference: a. The decentralized logistics organization supports most of our requirements in a timely manner. It works particularly well for procurement of equipment and supplies. The logistics officers assigned to OC have become familiar with the special technical requirements (e.g. COMSEC) and are able to assist OC equipment programmers in the selection of hardware to meet all the technical, cost, and schedule considerations. The decentralized logistics support staff is also highly successful in arranging transportation of equipment to virtually any site. The OC logistics support mechanism does not, however, provide much assistance in procurement of services (as distinct from material) or in arranging for building services. These functions still require a considerable amount of contact with the Central Office of Logistics personnel. b. We continue to deal directly with Procurement Division, Real Estate and Construction Division, and Logistics Services Division for space, building renovations and contractual services. No int..;raction with OL is required for procurement of material. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: OC/OL Logistical Survey c. The existing OC logistics support mechanism is working satisfactorily but could possibly be improved. The methods used for maintaining stock records could be automated to enhance the ability of the logistics staffs to identify what material is available from special allocations, lot storage, etc. Of major benefit would be the assignment of a full-time contracting team to OC to handle contracts for services, R&D, etc. Such teams are assigned to other Offices such as OTS, OD$E, etc., and are able to provide more timely support to their customers than is available from OL/PD. d. For material, an internal requisition (form 3211) is prepared and sent to the DND logistics officer, who prepares the Form 88 and forwards it to OL/SD. All follow-up action is handled by DND logs. For contractual services, a form 2420 is prepared ans sent to OL/PD. For building services, a form 2620 is prepared and sent to OL/LSD. All shipping actions are handled by DND logs. e. They are staffed adequately to perform a pure supply function only. They are not able to maintain detailed records of materials ordered, depletion rates, etc. f. Increased automation would be helpful in maintaining "MR" accounts, stock records, pricing information, and shipping data. Since several OC components are ordering identical items for their own requirements, a better method of tracking orders with deliveries is needed (possibly separate "allocations" for each organizational element) to preclude one component from drawing from stock equipment placed there by another component. g. DND uses a large amount of wire and cable and much of it is in stock On the other hand, some high volume long-lead items such as racks, patch panels, and isolators are not in stock and must be ordered from the manufacturers, resulting in delay. For supporting communication requirements in the Metropolitan area and Headquarters Building, can not always provide timely tr aisportation service; consequently, certain items must be stored temporarily in Headquarters Building to support current installations. A larger staging area at Headquarters would greatly facilitate the ability of DND to support local requirements on a timely basis. - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5 h. Space requirements are generally handled directly between DND and OL/LSD with occasional involvement of OC/EXA. i. All of OL functional areas attempt to be responsive to our needs but are occasionally hampered by resources. At times, contracts take excessively long to establish, vehicles from the motor pool are difficult to schedule, backlogs at P$PD are not uncommon. Further decentralization would appear to be the most attractive solution. As indicated previously, a contracting team assigned to OC would be a positive step; a building services officer might also be justified in view of the large number of work orders initiated by OC for communications center construction and modernization. j. If OC were centralized in one location, a centralized OC logistics element would be highly desirable. However, as long as certain elements of OC remain at Headquarters, it would probably be necessary to staff two logistics elements--one at and one at Headquarters. 25X1 SUBJECT: OC/OL Logistical Survey k. Yes. More timely support and attention to specialized contracting requirements would be available with a dedicated team. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-00077R000100040010-5