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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 e~~~~iG~ 2 6 MAR 1884 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Logistics Director of Communications SUBJECT: An Analysis of OC/OL Support & Inter- relationships EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At your direction, a review of the Logistics support to the Office of Communications, its organization, effectiveness, and responsiveness to existing and future OC requirements was con- ducted during the months of February and March 1983. The re- view concentrated on the Headquarters Logistics activities plus Logistics Support Network needs to be restructured to respon- sively support growing OC requirements and is also in need of modernization. orts resulted in the conclusion that the OC Headquarters Our ef- The strategy of conducting the review was three phased. Phase I consisted of circulating a questionnaire to OC managers soliciting their candid observations and experiences with the Logistics Support Network. Phase II consisted of personal in- terviews with all OL career managers assigned to the Office of Communications and with some thirty-five other OC and OL man- agers who daily depend upon support from the Logistics network or who are responsible for requesting or providing this sup- port. Phase III concludes the review with an analysis of the data developed during Phases I and II and the development of t~~~~~T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 conclusions and recommendations contained in this report. Specific conclusions and associated recommendations for your consideration are as follows: -- The Office of Communications Logistics organiza- tion has not substantially changed from that established decades ago. It consists of independent "pockets" of lo- gistics resources often competing with each other for common resources. It functions under no single command and con- trol structure, is overcontrolled by project officers, and carries the burden of responsibility and accountability without delegated authorities. -- The multiple use of "allocation" control of Com- munications' inventories intensifies competition between OC Divisions for common items, hampers timely responsive- ness and substantially inhibits office-wide distribution of OC resources. -- Recent management initiatives to dedicate con- tracting officers assigned to the OL Procurement Division to Office of Communications requirements has experienced limited success because frequent rotation of procurement personnel adversely impacts upon responsive contracting support to the Office of Communications. These rotations create confusion across-the-board and delays in terms of months in completing contract actions. -- Delays in renewals of service-type contracts causes inefficient utilization of communications resources. -- Frequent rotation of Office of Communications con- tracting officers aa~ technical representatives (COTR) in- tensifies contract delays. -- There does not appear to be any OC priority establishing methodology or any for the support elements to follow. The squeaky wheel method is used more often than not. -- In terms of responsiveness, the TECH REQ System is functioning extremely well. The increased burden placed upon this unit by supporting CRAFT will require additional Logistics personnel to a assigned Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 ~t~.~~i 25X1 25X1 to this unit to sustain this level of responsiveness. In fact, the TECH REQ System functions so well it may tend to encourage field personnel to rely on the System rather than analyze, identify, and repair problems locally. -- The TECH REQ System is not, however, without problems. Inconsistent and improper processing of System requirements from field installations causes increased cable correspondence to correct deficiencies in submitting these requirements. The System resides in the Technical Support Section of Foreign Networks Division, but responds to office-wide requirements. Improved training and indoc- trination of system operations appear necessary. -- The Material Support Section (MSS), also located in the Foreign Networks Division, is the "backbone" of Logistics support to OC. MSS was initially established decades ago as a Logistics organization tasked with responding to requirements in the foreign arena. How- ever, because of DND and other expansions within OC, its mission has evolved to servicing many requests which cross the entire Office of Communications. Accordingly, from its location organizationally it has difficulty coping with office-level priorities. -- The Logistics Resource Manager, also the senior Logistics careerist assigned to OC, cannot effectively service the entire Office from the position assignment in the Field Engineering Branch of the Foreign Networks Division. Like MSS, this manager has difficulties servicing the entire Office from his position organizationally. -- The Office of Communications services received from the Office of Logistics is functioning well. Continuing purges, of obsolete communications equipment and spares inven- tories being held in these depots should be undertaken. This would provide additional relief to critical space problems being experienced ~y ~:e ~ ~- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 -- With the advent of RECAP and the rapidly expand- ing OC mission, consideration should be given to construc- tion of an environmentally controlled warehouse annex at -- All Logistics careerists assigned to the Office of Communications appear dedicated to providing responsive support to OC requirements and to enhancing efficiencies of these services. The DND logistics organi- zation should automate antiquated record keeping pro- cesses to remain in concert with other support initiatives. -- Logistics elements within OC should partici- pate more completely in the requirements planning process. They are too often included late in this planning process at a stage when delayed material lead times conflict with site surveys and installation schedules. To date, the success rate of these elements at filling short fused requirements has been remotely successful, however, by the application of labor intensive brute force techniques. -- There appears to be some OC officers, including senior experienced technicians, spending a considerable amount of their time performing logistics functions. This was predominantly noted in DND. -- The Office of Communications modernization pro- gram has not adequately integrated its logistics require- ments for providing current and follow-on support to CRAFT, MERCURY, as well as RECAP. -- Administrative logistics services of a common concern would be more proficient, effective, and respon- sive to OC requirements if they were provided centrally. -- There appears to be a lack of understanding on the part of some OC managers of what the OC logistics net- work is, its limitations, and its capabilities. Conse- quently, OL support professionals are not briefed or trained in OC missions and functions. In the moderniza- tion process there is a need to train OC and OL officers in the Office of Communications on their respective dis- ciplines. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 -- There appears to be a traditional "mistrust" be- tween OL and OC managers. Proper cross training would, we believe, correct this perception. It is suggested that Logistics disciplines be included in all OC training pro- grams. -- Recent management initiatives on the rotation of OC officers to OL has begun to dismantle the traditional "invisible barrier" between the two offices. With the new Headquarters Building initiative and expanding OC engineer- ing requirements world wide, consideration should be given to expanding this exchange of officers to the engineering discipline. -- tion of authority to the Director, for construction and A&E design contracting would reduce the administrative burdens associated with the paper flow between Headquarters CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS: It appears that for the most part the logistics support throughout the Office of Communications is too decentralized. While the assignment of logistics elements to various compo- nents appears to address the close support necessary, it is believed that many of those elements are simply overcontrolled and therefore overwhelmed. The methodologies used by some OC logistics organizations are for the most part antiquated, labor intensive, paper dependent, and need modernization. Excessive control seems to prevail in some instances. Duplication of ef- forts appear in other elements impacting programming, budget- ing, and stocking levels which sometimes seriously hinder the Office's capability to respond in a timely manner. Based on these factors and others mentioned above, it is recommended that a centralized Logistics group be established and staffed to respond to the established priorities of the Office of Communications. Because of the present evolutionary events (CAPITALIZATION) within the Office and the type of support the Office of Communications is providing, it appears that a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 ~~~~~ ~ 4 i streamlined group structured to respond in a rapid OC mission oriented manner is required. Therefore, it is recommended that the existing Material Support Section (MSS) form the nucleus of such a group (FND would then have to be provided a logs support element similar to that of DND). Additionally, it is recom- mended that a procurement team dedicated solely to the Office of Communications and its requirements be added to this group to make it a fully independent total office-oriented service capability. It is further recommended, to enhance coordination and improve efficiency in both the Office of Communications and the Office of Logistics, that the Chief and Deputy of this group be a career OC officer and a career OL officer respec- tively. This would facilitate familiarity within both organi- zations to get things done in a rapid, timely, correct manner at the group management level. The logistics requirements of OC would thus be centrally managed from within this group. The Chief and Deputy would be responsible for participating in the analysis of all new OC requirements, plus examining those of the OC operating divisions, and the OC support divisions. Ad- ditionally, the group would be responsible for participating in routine planning, programming, and budgeting for on-going sup- port required by all OC divisions. This managerial structure would enhance coordination between elements of both the Office of Logistics and Office of Communications and ensure proper coordination on all aspects of Logistics support requirements. It is our opinion that the Chief and Deputy of this group must first, have the latitude to perform these unilateral functions with minimal bureaucratic involvement; and secondly, must be free to respond to requirements which have been established and prioritized by the Director of Communications. Therefore, we believe the group must report to a neutral element, one of whose functions would be to establish the priorities of the Office. Consequently, it is recommended that this group be located in, and function under, the direct control of the Management and Liaison Staff (MLS) whose charter most aligns with the envisioned multifaceted functions of this group. Consideration of placing this group in other locations such as AMD was discussed with many other division chiefs and representatives. However, after further analysis this was rejected believing the priorities of the Office would not be adequately addressed and very well might bury the group in unnecessary bureaucracy. A step which we believe would certainly limit the groups freedom of action -- which we believe is paramount to its success. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23: CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23 :CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5 ,;~ uF'~ ~. t~ Finally, we would like to recommend that a second working group be established to develop implementation plans for those recommendations contained in this report you desire to have pursued. n 7" :AT ?'~ ~ 1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/23 :CIA-RDP90-000778000100040001-5