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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 N IC-04086/85 National Intelligence Council The Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D.C. 2050 *C ehron6 SP - 99/85 14 August 1985 Copy 3 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, National Intelligence Council FROM: Lawrence K. Gershwin National Intelligence Officer for Strategic Programs SUBJECT: Travel Request I have been invited to attend a conference on Soviet Strategic Deception at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California on September 26-28, 1985. All expenses will be paid for by the conference. This memo is to request authorization to attend. Attachment APPROVED: 11) A-4 Lawrence K. Gershwin Chair:4 n, National elligence Council Date ADMINISTRATIVE--INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 AMTNTCTOATTur Turrnual m.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-Rb.P89T01156R000100080019-5 SP - 99/85 SUBJECT: Travel Request Distribution: Cy 1 - Chm/NIC 2 - VChm/NIC _ 3 - AO/NIC 4 - NIO/SP NIO/SP:mat (14Aug85) ADMINISTRATIVE?INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 - c.pz, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 --,st Au, "M ii I c Dirrctor of Central Intelligence E)w%;utive evistry Dear Pat, V4.1sIlinpori P (: 20505 85- 2814/4 3 August 1985 I find your program for a workshop on deception, scheduled for September, extremely interesting. I certainly look forward to the book of which you attached a prospectus and outline. You certainly have some good people undertaking to contribute to it. I am afraid I have to decline participation in the conference. I have a long standing conflicting commitment abroad during that period and just will not be able to make it. I look forward to hearing about it and I am pleased to see that you have listed as invited participants two people who would be able to contribute everything I could to the conference and perhaps more, Larry Gershwin and Fritz Ermarth. We have just completed a major study of deception, the most extensive done in the Intelligence Community and the first in a good many years, and it was done under Larry Gershwin's direction. I am sorry I can't participate in the conference. With best regards. Yours, W1(:?c"17 lliam J. Casey Dr. Patrick J. Parker Professor of National Security Affairs Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943-5100 Orig - Addressee 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - D/P 1 - 1 - ER File Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 tua DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY. CALIFORNIA 93943 Mr. Larry Gerswin National Intelligence Officer for Strategic Forces National Intelligence Council Washingtor:ki- D.C. 20505 Mr swifil IN REPLY REFER TOI NC4/56Pr 24 July 1985 Since 1979, I have headed an extensive research effort into the theoretical and historical military dimensions of deception and perceptions management at the Naval Postgraduate School. An early product of that effort was a well received book edited by Donald Daniel and Katherine Herb-ig, Strategic Military Deception, published in 1982. Since that time the research area has focused more explicitly on problems of Soviet strategic deception and perceptions management both in times of peace and war, thus encompassing aspects of military as well as non-military deception. The thrust of this research has been to go beyond the theoretical exploration of deception to involve the policy- relevant questions of Soviet deception efforts in all areas of East-West interaction. The products of this effort will be published later this Fall in a book entitled Soviet Strategic Deception, edited by myself and Professor Brian Dailey. A conference or workshop will be held at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California on September 26-28, 1985. This conference will provide an opportunity for the contributors to this book to present their research and findings, and to promote discussion of the implications of these findings with other important and knowledgeable individuals inside and outside of government. The conference is being jointly sponsored by the Naval Postgraduate School and the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace. We would like to extend a cordial invitation to you to attend this important conference. We feel your participation will be important to our success in this effort, and will enhance the relevance and quality of the final product. Hotel accommodations at the Monterey Sheraton, meals, and air travel will be provided. We would appreciate it if you could please notify me or the conference coordinator by 20 August regarding your ability to attend. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 The conference coordinator (and NPS point of contact) is: Prof. Kerry M. Kartchner (Code 56Kn) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 Office: (448) 646-2521 Home: (408) 646-8539 I have enclosed a copy of the conference schedule for your review. Please note that some sessions of this conference will be-classified SECRET. An initial list of participants is also provided. We look forward to your reply. Warm regards, Cz, ATRICK J. PARKER Professor of National Security Affairs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY. CA 939435100 BOOK PROSPECTUS SOVIET STRATEGIC DECEPTION IN REPLY REPTR TO: Since 1979, the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) at Monterey, California, has been conducting a multi-disciplinary research effort in the area of deception and perceptions management under the direction of Professor Patrick Parker. An early product of that effort was a well received book edited by Donald Daniel and Katherine Herbig, Strategic Military Deception, published in 1982. Initial work focused on methodology and the historical use of deception in military campaigns. ?This historical and theoretical analysis promoted improved understanding of the roles of deception and self-deception in international relations, negotiations, crisis management, and war. The lessons learned from these early efforts in deception, perceptions management, and self-deception, have led to insightful new analyses of national security issues. These analyses are being organized into a new book entitled Soviet Strategic Deception, to be edited by Professors Brian Dailey and Patrick Parker. While other works on deception have included Soviet approaches, this book will be unique in that it examines all aspects of Soviet strategic deception in one volume. In other words, while this effort will be comprehensive, it will also be focused enough to allow rigorous analysis of such critical issues as: the historical and contemporary organizational and doctrinal structure of Soviet strategic deception and active measures; semantic misperceptions or complexities in aspects of the Russian language and Marxist- Leninist lexicon; examples of past and present Soviet diplomatic and political active measures, disinformation, and perceptions management, as well as military deception or maskirovka; case studies of Soviet and Soviet-sponsored deception in regional areas; and problems of formulating national security planning when Soviet deception is a factor. The subject's importance is self-evident. The roles that deception, perceptions management, and self-deception play in furthering the political and military objectives of the Soviet Union should always be kept in mind by policy makers and analysts responsible for U.S. national security. in an era of intercontinental missiles and nuclear weapons, it is essential that the Western world comprehend the decisive importance of deception and surprise in military strategy and planning; especially with respect to totalitarian regimes such as the Soviet Union where secrecy and internal discipline provide a greater opportunity to systematically employ deception than in the West. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 At the same time, it is crucial to realize that deception is not used only in war. The studies in this book show that the Soviet Union uses deception and perceptions management regularly In its day-to-day foreign policy and military planning. The pervasiveness of Soviet deception efforts will be central to the analyses contained in this book. The success of, Soviet perceptions management efforts relies, to a large extent, on exploiting tendencies to self-deception-- for example, telling Western audiences what they want to hear and allowing it to be assimilated into the mindset of decision makers, analysts, and the public. Consequeutly, anotliel essential dimension of this particular volume will be an Axploration of the inadvertent and sometimes deliberate role played by self-deception in support of Soviet deception objectives. This book brings together a comprehensive overview of the sinews of Soviet strategic deception to better inform the public, the academic world, and government policy makers and analysts of the reality and consequences of this problem. We believe that it will become a standard reference book in the field. The contributors are eminent and knowledgeable scholars and professionals in national security affairs and Soviet studies. All contributors listed in the attached outline are under contract to write chapters by mid-September 1985. Expected submission of copy-edited papers will be in November 1985. In addition to the chapters, each contributor will write a short, 700 to 850 word, editorial-quality summary. These summaries will be used for newspaper and wire-service publicity prior to the book's publication. nariaccifipn in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Book Outline SOVIET STRATEGIC DECEPTION (Revised 24 July 1985) Foreword by Andrew Marshall ? Introduction Deception and Perceptions Management in Soviet Strategy Brian Dailey H. Soviet Organizational Structure for Deception and Active Measures ? Soviet Deception: The Organizational Tradition John Dziak ? The KGB, GRU, and IID and ID of the CPSU: Architects of Soviet Deception and Disinformation Richard Heuer ? Soviet Active Measures and Disinformation Arnold Beichman III. Language, Ideology, and Diplomacy ? Language as a Means of Self-deception and Misperception Robert Bathurst ? The Soviet Worldview: Ideology, Theory and Practice Robert Conquest ? The Strategic Use of Deception in the Political -Military Dialogue Uri Ralanan ? The Role of Deception in Imperial Russian and Soviet Diplomacy Kerry Kartchner Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 IV. The Soviet Military and Deception ? The Theory, Planning, and Practice of Soviet Military Deception Notra Trulock ? "Reflexive Control" in Soviet Military Planning Unattributable Author ? The Use of Outer Space in Soviet Military Deception Angelo Codevilla ? CBW: The Covert Dimension Joseph Douglass V. Arms Control and Verification ? The Use of Deception in Arms Control William Graham ? Deception and Perception Management in Arms Control: A Case Study of ABM Treaty Brian Dailey ? Deception in the Mutual Balance Force Reductions Negotiations Richard Staar ? Verification and Maskirovka William Harris VI. Regional Deception ? Cuba and Nicaragua Roberta Wohlstetter and David Blair * The Middle East Avigdor Haselkorn ? Soviet Perceptions Management Efforts in the Federal Republic of Germany Regarding Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Modernization and Arms-Control David Yost Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 VII. Economic Deception and Technology Transfer Deception in Tech Transfer (via the Eastern Bloc) Richard Perle ? Economic Deception Steven Rosefielde Deception and Strategic Planning ? Strategic Warning and Surprise Attack William Van Cleave Electronic Deception Richard Montgomery ? Deception and the Formulation of National Estimates Tom Rona ? The Problems of Deception in Strategic Targeting and War Planning Leon Sloss IX. Concluding Chapter * Patrick Parker and Seymour Weiss * Denotes those individuals who have accepted the invitation to participate. npriacsified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Wednesday September 25 Arrival of Conference Participants Thursday September 26 9:00-9:15 AM INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME 9:15-11:45 PANEL I-PLENARY SESSION: SOVIET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR DECEPTION AND ACTIVE MEASURES (John Dziak, Richard Heuer, Arnold Beichman) Lunch: 11:45-1:00 PM 1:15-4:00 PM PANEL IIA: LANGUAGE, IDEOLOGY, AND DIPLOMACY (Robert Bathurst, Robert Conquest, Kerry Kartchner) 1:15-4:00 PM PANEL IV (SECRET): THE SOVIET MILITARY AND DECEPTION (Notra Trulock, Angelo Codevilla, Joseph Douglass) 7:00-11:00 PM DINNER AT MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM Friday September 27 9:00-11:45 PM PANEL IIIA: REGIONAL DECEPTION (Avigdor Haselkorn, David Yost, Roberta Wohlstetter, David Blair) 9:00-11:45 PM PANEL IIB (SECRET): ARMS CONTROL AND VERIFICATION (William Graham, Brian Dailey, William Harris, Richard Staar) Lunch: 11:45-12:45 1:15-4:00 AM PANEL IIIB: ECONOMIC DECEPTION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER (Steven Rosefielde) 1:15-4:00 AM PANEL V (SECRET): DECEPTION AND STRATEGIC PLANNING (William Van Cleave, Tom Rona, Leon Sloss) Saturday September 28 9:30-12:00: PLENARY SESSION AND CONCLUDING REMARKS (Discussion Led by Patrick Parker and Seymour Weiss) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 R Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP89T01156R000100080019-5 STAT