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i Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 COt.FYDENTIAL 8 July 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR: All NIOs FROM: H. F. Hutchinson, Jr. Vice Chairman, National Intelligence Council SUBJECT: Revision of 1981 Guidelines 1. Please provide your comments on the revised guidelines for interagency intelligence production. 2. This revision to the 1981 guidelines was directed by the DCI on 1 June, and I met with Intelligence Community representatives on 16 June to hear their suggestions. Please note the attached summary of their comments. 3. After several discussions with the DCI/DDCI on their preferences for a more streamlined, process, we drafted the revised guidelines. Please note that there is a two page Procedures, largely a statement of principles and broad guidelines for the Community. Attached to the Procedures is a Checklist with the more detailed steps the NIO would follow in implementing the Procedures. Also attached to the Checklist is a brief description of the four types of interagency products. 4. We plan to incorporate your comments before consulting the DCI/DDCI and then sending these out for Community comments. After that, we would schedule NFIB discussion. H. F. Hutchinson, Jr. Attachments: As Stated cc: SRP Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 The Director of Central Intelligence 30 July 1981 NFAC 4652-81 MEMORANDUM FOR: National Foreign Intelligence Board Principals FROM: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Interagency Intelligence Production The attached procedures for interagency production, which we discussed at NFIB on 21 July, are approved and are effective imnediately. When feasible, estimates in progress will be adjusted to conform. I ask your cooperation in making the new system work. Attachment: Procedures For Production Interagency me i ence 981 Assessments, dated July DERIVATIVE CL BY SIGNER- REVIEW ON JULY 87 Derived from multiple jaM:4~~ IIw4~r?y F 11 rnrjCtnPOTTAI Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 CO DENTIAL 27 July 1981 are the most s S l should be given the National IntelligncIntellmates%C and o a ity important product of the highest priority by all intelligence agencies. They will again become the formul n primary intelligence Community coI~teragencytIntetligence Me orandaowill - process at the national level. (continue to be produced as before, on occasions when.the See paramount)intelli gence task is the reaching of factual The principal purpose of these thanes better dexamination --Topesand ifoN SChandeCabinet-level are existing g estimates and consideration, while preserving their usefulness for other important consumers --To assist senior policymakers by producing interagency assessments which are less bulky -- and to do so quicker. --To improve the substantive. usefulness of such assessments to the policy process. --To enhance senior review othernNFthe IB Intelligencmoe engaging the DCI and the arriving at the judgments set out in these assessments. Categories of Estimates ecial National Intelli encf ,Essuchtestimwill ntesewillenormallyaarise current event or policy issue. The need for To be useful, they must be brief and from the policy formulation process. timely. Papers directed at relatively narrow"questionsAand oSNIEsn ar y short deadlines will normally be produced category includes "Contingency" estimates, broader m.,ehaty ouldNIesthe rictionly if the US did X?" There will also be require expeditious handling. in the political and economic fields, that Production of SNIEs will- be governed by the "fast track" procedures discussed below (page 2). NTIAL OCEDURES FOR PRODUCTION O PR MENTS INTE N L This Notice establishes em d o of National intelligence assessments, base tional Intelligence Council (NI C), and on recent critiques of existing procedures. Pol i c Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032 R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 National Intelligence Estimates will also fall in two Categories. "Category " N s w those devoted to less pressing policy concerns% Yu oslavia After Tito. tied to tre category will somewhat longer o prepare t an use t include extensive back-up analsis. Thednunber ofll be g Category eI governed more deliberate procedures (see page decrease in coming months as the number of SNIEs increases. The major periodic estimates, including the Soviet military a schedule awill be pprovedlbyted as Category II NIEs. They will be produced the DCI after consultation with NFIB (see page 4). Content of NIEs and SNIEs In preparing estimates, Principals, Chairmen, and drafters shall assure that drafts: --Are as directly relevant to ongoing policy concerns as possible, within tground Th yrules houldpbe writtendincawaren by intelligence officers. of the US role in the given situations, analyze the degree to which these situations may be susceptible to the the influence of oeUS or ioutcfriends, for US interests. significance of various --Contain as musfuture possible, deincluding w developments. velopmen whereere, appropriate possible alternative and other l military, a onomic economic --Integrate political* to the broader forces and especially with respect political purposes of military power- --Avoid secondary issues and unnecessary detail. --Contain, as has been the practice, any alternative or dissenting views. --Indicate the validity of the intelligence supporting the estimate. Fast-Track Procedures for SNIEs Initiation: Preparation of SNIEs may be proposed to the DC1 NIO is expected to anticipate the the senior o ~cer, although hough need for such estimates through his participation irmann immediately process. If the DCI approves a proposal, a notify NFIB Principals by telephone each DPrincipalanamge ansinglesqualified of the estimate and requesting that to and in be the able coordination to speak for their. officer fully shoudrepresent Representatives Principal. should have access CONE ca+ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 CONFIDENTIAL jeans of leference (TORS)/Concept Payers: The Estimate Chairman will immediately prepare draft TORS and a concept paper, check them out tati ves with the requester and the DCI, and coordinate with the them show dptakenno more by telephone and LDX. For Category A SNIEs. than 24 hours, for Category B, no more than 3 days. Drafting Responsibilities: TheChar an will in theidentify course drafters establishing TORs negotiate with the Pi and contributors who are both qualified and available. It will be the responsibility of the Principals to free assigned drafters andegortributors from conflicting duties until the draft is completed. A should regularly require no more than 2 days, for Category B, 5 days. rma : The SNIE will regularly run no more than 5 pages for Category A and 10 for Category B. Where essential, annexes may be appended. Coordination: When the Chairman has a satisfactory draft, he will distribute it to the representatives coordination, PrincipalsX. Representatives should For Category A SNIEs, the Chairman will, when time permits, convene a will representatives meeting to coordinate the paer, but in shouextreme ld notsbe more coordinate by telephone. In any case than 2 days. For Categcomplete representatives sentamore tives will dnormally meet, and coordination should be NFIB Consideration: SNIEs will normally be reviewed by the DCI at this stage. Concurrence of the Principals in Category A SNIEs will then ,be obtained by telephone or through a special NFIB meeting within the next 24 hours. Category BSNscheduled~yoriat bespeciconsidalemeetired nogmore than meeting if conveniently 3 days should be required. Category I NIE Procedures Initiation: NIEs in Category I will normally be proposed by the NIC and sc e u e well in advance, although any NFIB Principal or senior policy con officer may request one. The ldhenuadditionbto orsdeletiidered and approved by the DCI. Shou schedule be proposed. Principals will be given an opportunity toe commenthai prior r to a decision by the DCI. Before work begins on a paper, the is responsible for designatin an aa nsiand ngleoqualifiedhofficer u Principals. Each Principal in tug fully empowered to represent him in preparation of the estimate. Terms of Reference/Concept Paper: The Estimate Chairman will prepare draft '"M and a concept paper. a will assure that before they are sent out to the agency representatives, tese policy officers concerned and Once these papers go out to thereise~fore representatives, , rethe latter presentatives will eomeetoethed to review them with their Princip rior the coordination meetings. The usual time to be given for such review, p the meetings of the representatives, will be one week. In cases where...- -3- CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 i Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 } CONFIDENTIAL circumstances warrant significant changes in the initial purpose, scope, concept, or Tthe of a eof therDCIhandhthe NFIBiPrincipalsthat these changes have Drafting Responsibilities: The Chairman will, in the course of preparing and coordinating TORs, negotiate with the representatives to identify drafting officers and arrange for contributions from individual agencies. It will be the responsibility of each Principal to ensure that on schedule. Drafts delivered contributions ;ss~nCpr~leted within one month. should regularly Format: Each draft Category I NIE will normally consist of the basic estimate and a shorter Key Judgments section. Both will be coordinated by the Agency representatives. When published, the first volume of the NIE will contain only the Key Judgments. Volume I should be no more than 10 printed pages in length. The basic estimate will be published as back-up There analysis in ngcormcomplexity Volume the.estimat will. will necessitatebvariationsoccasions where the length on this concept. Coordination: When the Chairman has a satisfactory draft, he will distribute it to the representatives. The latter will be given 2 weeks to consult with their respective Principals on the content of a draft before the representatives meet for coordination with the paper's Chairman. ,The representatives will meet on consecutive working days for as long as necessary to complete coordination. Discussion at these meetings will center on ironing out questions of fact, examining the principal assessments of the given paper, and identifying main areas of agreement or disagreement/ dissent. If major revisions are necessary, there can be a clean-up meeting to review the final text; issues will not will be examineds. Any major issues not at NFIB by the DCI and the Principals. NFIB Consideration: Volume I as coordinated by the representatives (that s, Key u gments, together with any dissents or unresolved issuu0s) will go to the DCI for approval and distribution to the Principals, will be given at least 7 working days to review the final draft. ItNwill discussion scheduled for the next regular meeting of NFIB thereafter. At will center on the estimate's major questions, with any necessary editorial or minor fixes to be done subsequently under the direction Chairman, wNIC ill and the paper's Chairman, as directed at NFIB by the DCI. The afterVolume ~IIlto Volume I. also be responsible for f within onecoordinated Volume II will be published Category II (periodic) NIE Procedures The procedures outlined above for Category I NIEs in general apply also to Category II. These papers are likely to be longer (sometimes more than two volumes) and more complex than those in Category I, and arrangements for -4- CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 CONFIDENTIAL their production may involve an elaborate structure of working groups and subgroups, DCI Committees, etc. They will also take more time to prepare. Nonetheless, every effort will be made to move them along expeditiously, con roduction and to keep cosh Ild notcbeisesigniand underethese procedures. periodic NIE Interagency Intelligence Memoranda (IIM) The IIM will be prepared in accordance with SNIE or NIE procedures as appropriate to the issue addressed, except that it will be coordinated in the Community at the NFIB representatives level and issued by the Chairman, NIC. Representatives may, of course, seek the approval of their Principals. An IIM may be referred to NFIB and issued by the DCI if he so decides, or if requested by a NFIB Principal. General These procedures should provide a maximum of one week for the production of Category A SNIE's, three weeks for Category B SNIE's, and three to four months for the production of Volume I of Category I and most Category II NIE's. Principals will, of course, retain their right of dissent in all cases and categories of estimates, including IIM's. After NFIB discussion of an SNIE or NIE, the estimate Chairman will convene.the representatives for a review of and follow-up to the NFIB proceedings. This meeting should also focus on identifying gaps in collection or analysis for future emphasis. The Chairman will be responsible for initiating further action through appropriate channels to fill such gaps. These procedures may be abridged by C/NIC when an estimate is needed more quickly than they will permit. The only essential conditions are that each agency have an opportunity to dissent, and that the DCI approve the final product. -5- CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032 R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 24 June 1987 Staammary of NFIB Agency Views on procedures comments prepared for your 16 June meeting and for the NFIB session on "objectivity and integrity" demonstrate a broad consensus within the Community on seven principal areas: 1. The number of estimates should be reduced duc~~t~ more rigorous standards for both topics and quality --The Director of INR urges that NFIB review production plans with the aim of producing fewer, more relevant and better products. He observes that "there appears to be considerable question as to whether the products serve any useful purpose." --The DDI also contends that "We are clearly doing too many estimates, and too many of our estimates look more like research papers than estimates." He recommends that estimates address only critical intelligence questions on important policy issues and that they be "analytic and estimative in nature." --DIA proposes that the number of estimates in the NIC hoProduc c requests Pland be reduced "to a reasonable n mber," allowing for a better balance between volume and resources. DIA would exclude drafts which are "largely background papers containing current/historical information but little if any estimative judgments geared-to policy- maker needs." --Air Force and Navy agree that estimates siDuld meet the test of that their "substantive thrust" "utility to the policy arena" and should be estimative, not "factual." --The Director of NSA points out that "the quality of TORS is not uniformly high.. Yet that is where the issues representatives houdbrimed, not aftewithr has provided a draft and community to do but take petty swipes at details." IT. Estimates should be shorter, more concise and more easily grasped by busy'readers. Navy and Air Force all agree that "some estimates are too lengthy" and unwieldy. Army, DIA particularly stresses a need to shorten the e. Key Judgments and suggested T at"Executive Summaries might be prepared for "those without time to III. More careful attention should bi given Draftseshould hold n purpose and of concept of estimates before drafting g facts and events to a minimum. The main thrust should be analytic and estimative. --The Director of INR suggests that estimate chairmen should consult Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 NFIB representatives before TORs are drafted. Chairmen should convene pre-TOR meetings to discuss concepts and definitions of papers. --DIA, Air Force and Navy agree that most estimates devote excessive space and attention to reciting facts and recent history, at the expense of thoughtful and carefully crafted projections of future trends, events, and alternatives. IV. The NIOs, acting as estimate chairmen, should perform the role of manager, coordinator and "honest broker" in pulling together the views of NFIB agencies. They should not advocate spy particular analytic line, nor should they coordinate or chair estimates they have drafted. V. More time should be allowed for review and coordination. --DIA recommends "Slow down the interagency process to allow more time for review by experts." --IM suggests that "NIOs should be held to established coordination procedures." --Navy proposes that "specific production timelines" be eliminated. VI. Changes in a coordinated text either before or after NFIB consideration should be held to a minimum and should be reviewed and approved by NFIB representatives. --INR proposes that if the DCI makes changes in a final draft, the paper should be remanded to the representatives for review and comment. VII. NFIB Principals should be involved earlier and more deeply in the process. --DIA counsels "Get the Principals involved early, especially on those estimates that promise to be controversial." --The DDI expressed the view that NFIB should approve TORs "to ensure that only important topics are selected for NFIB consideration, and that the critical issues are being addressed in the estimative process." --The Dirctor of INR calls for interagency consultations prior to the drafting of TORS. --The Dirctor of NSA complains that 'TORs are pulled out of the air. They arrive too late for me to review then." Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 DENTIAL DRAFT 7 July 1987 PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTION OF INTERAGENCY INTELLIGENCE MENTS This Notice establishes revised guidelines for production of national intelligence estimates and assessments. Purpose These procedures are intended to strengthen the Intelligence Community's capacity to support the DCI in producing national intelligence responsive to the needs of senior consumers. The system must be able to respond quickly to foreign trends and developments that create new requirements for intelligence assessments. National Intelligence Estimates, Special National Intelligence Estimates, and Interagency Intelligence Memoranda and Assessments will be formulated primarily with a view to assisting senior policymakers at the NSC and Cabinet level. These products will be predominantly analytical and usually will address a limited number of policy relevant key questions; accordingly, they will avoid unnecessary detail and their scope streamlined. Categories of Interagency Assessments National Intelligence Estimates and Special National Intelligence Estimates will remain the Intelligence Community's principal contribution to the formulation of foreign and security policies at the national level. The production plan for NIEs will reflect the prevailing mid-range policy agenda (2 to 5 years). Although any NFIB Principal or senior policy officer may request a NIE, the production plan normally will be prepared annually by the NIC and be approved by the DCI in consultation with NFIB. SNIEs will be reserved for assessments of specific events, narrow questions, or policy issues that require short deadlines. Because of the urgency and ad hoc nature of SNIEs, they normally will be produced on a "fast-track" schedule. They should be accorded the highest priority by NFIB members. Procedures Before work begins on an interagency intelligence product, the Chairman, NIC will designate an NIO to be responsible for the paper and will notify the NFIB Principals. Each Principal will designate an officer to represent him in preparation of the estimate. CONFLD&NITAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 CONFIDENTIAL The NIO, in consultation with NFIB representatives and policy officers, will prepare draft Terms of Reference and a Concept Paper. The Concept Paper, Terms of Reference, and Key Questions of the estimate will be approved by the DCI. After the TORs have been approved, the NIO, in consultation with the representatives, will designate drafters and contributors. The NFIB Principals should relieve these officers of regular duties until their special assignments to the estimate have been fulfilled. Schedules for drafts, coordination, and presentation to NFIB will be established by the NIO, in consultation with the representatives. It is not feasible to prescribe more than general schedules for products that vary so much in scope, detail, and length. The TORs and Concept Papers for scheduled NIEs will be reviewed and should be approved by NFIB Principals and their representatives within three weeks. For SNIEs, this review should be completed within a week, unless the DCI mandates an accelerated schedule of hours or days. With the change to shorter, more.concise estimates, however, the drafting and coordination process will require substantially less time than in the recent past. The DCI usually will review draft texts of estimates before they are submitted to NFIB representatives for coordination to confirm that the paper and its key judgments meet the criteria established by the Concept Paper and Terms of Reference. The NFIB representatives should have sufficient delegated authority to agree to changes'in the text at the coordination meeting that are, except in the most unusual circumstances, binding on their Principals. Changes submitted after coordination usually will be reviewed by the representatives before sending the text to the NFIB principals. For scheduled NIEs, NFIB agencies should have 10 working days to review final drafts prior to the NFIB meeting. For SNIEs, agencies should have five working days to review final drafts, except for the most time-sensitive estimates. Dissenting views and alternative judgments or interpretations will be expressed in the body of the estimate. Footnotes will be used only for references to other national intelligence products or for explanatory information. At the discretion of the NIO more complex and detailed NIEs may include a brief Executive Summary in addition to the Key Judgments section. Interagency Intelligence Memoranda and Assessments These papers will be produced in accordance with NIE and SNIE procedures, except that they will not be formally approved by NFIB. They will be issued by the Chairman, NIC rather than by the DCI. Any IIM or IIA, however, may be referred to NFIB and issued by the DCI if he so decides, or if requested by a NFIB Principal. Attachment: Summary Production Checklist CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 CONF J.BENT I AL Draft 7 July 1987 SUMMARY PRODUCTION CHECKLIST 1. TOPIC DEVELOPMENT -- NIO develops with community -- NIO through C/NIC proposes and provides rationale for start, stop, major change to DCI/DDCI and requests approval of recommended action. Rationale for start includes tentative concept paper and terms of reference. DCI approves, disapproves, directs changes -- NIO through C/NIC informs NFIB Principals of DCI approval to proceed and requests representatives II. PRE-COORDINATION TOR -- NIO develops with drafter and community* -- NIO through C/NIC seeks SRP comments* -- NIO through C/NIC transmits draft TOR to NFIB Principals and schedules representatives meeting III. COORDINATED TOR -- NIO coordinates with community representatives -- NIO through C/NIC forwards for information to DCI/DDCI coordinated TOR/CP and indicates how SRP comments and community views were accommodated -- NIO through C/NIC releases TOR to NFIB Principals along with drafting schedule IV. PRE-COORDINATION DRAFT NIO develops with drafter and community -- NIO through C/NIC seeks SRP comments** CO NTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 CONFIDENTIAL NIO through C/NIC forwards pre-coordination draft to DCI/DDCI for information and comments; indicates how SRP views and TOR accommodated** NIO through C/NIC transmits draft to NFIB Principals and schedules reps meeting V. POST-COORDINATION DRAFT NIO coordinates with community reps NIO through C/NIC indicates impact of coordination on draft (and accommodation of SRP comments) NIO releases draft to DCI and NFIB Principals for review NIO accommodates routine changes with community prior to NFIB VI. NFIB NFIB reviews draft, discusses any major issues, and DCI approves or remands estimate Telephone coordination reserved in lieu of meeting for lesser, non-controversial papers, and after meetings for changes directed by NFIB __ *May be included in I. Topic Development if time permits. **Prefer to inform DCI at this point of how SRP comments were accommodated but may be delayed to post-coordination draft. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080042-6 DRAFT 7 July 1987 INTERAGENCY INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTS National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) This in-depth assessment addresses significant intelligence questions that bear upon major policy issues. The principal criterion for undertaking a NIE is that it describes and evaluates trends or developments that will have significant effects on US interests or security and will normally appear on the NSC agenda. Production plans for NIEs will reflect the mid-range policy agenda in the next two to five years. Judgments and projections in NIEs of course will be based on the most comprehensive intelligence data and research findings available, but summaries of factual information or historical developments will be held to the minimum necessary to illuminate the substance of the estimate. The main weight of the text will be devoted to analyses that will serve policymakers' needs by anticipating developments that are likely to require consideration at the NSC level. These analyses will focus on identifying those factors that will shape the mid-term course of events, evaluating alternative lines of development and scenarios, identifying potential discontinuities, and projecting the implications of various outcomes and ranges of probabilities. Special National Intelligence Estimate (SNIEs) This format will be reserved for rapid assessments of short-term implications for US interests or security of a specific development or event. They normally will be undertaken either in response to specific requests by policy official or at the initiative of the DCI or another NFIB Principal to meet new requirements for community judgments. In contrast to NIEs, which will be scheduled well in advance, SNIEs are time-sensitive and the majority will require fast-track procedures. Inters enc Intelligence Memorandum and Interagency Intelligence Assessment TTIMs and s These papers are produced in accordance with NIE and SNIE procedures, except that they will not be formally approved by NFIB. They will be issued by the Chairman, NIC rather than by the DCI. IIMs generally will resemble NIEs in that they provide the community's assessment of a body of data or a series of events and project alternative outcomes and their implications for US interests. IIMs normally will address problems or situations that will not engage the attention of NSC members or at least are not yet ripe for NSC consideration. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032 R000100080042-6 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6 CONFIDENTIAL IIAs may be regarded as the counterpart of SNIEs in that they treat more specific and limited topics than IIMs. IIAs will also be used for more speculative evaluations of problems or situations in which a broad data base is not available. These papers will focus on short-term policy implications of various lines of development, prospects for sudden breakpoints or discontinuities, and implications of policy choices, actions, or inaction. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080042-6