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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09: CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 R Next 19 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09: CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09: CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 lup 5 CFR Ch. 1 (1-147 Edition) Inform the court of limitationa ments under I 831.1713 applies- the case; and 4otify the court of the effect of ure to provide guidance. Vhile OPM is awaiting guidance he court, the retiree will be paid is or her share of the annuity, rmer spouse's share may be tits- only in accordance with para- (d) and (e) of this section. ,) If no response (or an mad. response) is received from the ithin 60 days from the date of of the request for guidance, 1 annuity will be restored to the effective on the date of the zin ulty check due after the of the former spouse. isbursement will be made only he completion of any reconsid- and appeals procedures re- by I 831.109. ayment of all or part of the r spouse's share may be made 1 one of the following- 41e retiree; or i child or children of the retiree court-appointed representative benefit of such children); or he court (or other State, county hicipal agency which serves as a ing and disbursing agent for the , rhe request for guidance re- by this section will be sent by ---d mail, return receipt request- iressed to the clerk of the court. of the request for guidance will t by certified mail, return re- ,11 uested, to the retiree and to resentative of the estate of the spouse (if an address is avail- 13 Limitations. ployee retirement benefits are to apportionment by court nly while the former employee ber is living. Payment of ap- ed amounts will be made only former spouse and/or the chil- of the former employee or _r. Payment will not be made to the following: The heirs or legatees of the spouse; or Office of Personnel Management (2) The creditors of the former em- ployee or Member, or the former spouse; Or (3) Other assignees of the former employee or Member, or the former spouse. (b) The amount of payment under this subpart will not be less than one dollar and, in the absence of compel- ling circumstances, will be in whole dollars. (c) In honoring and complying with a court order, the Associate Director will not disrupt the scheduled method of accruing retirement benefits or the normal timing for making such pay- ment, despite. the existence of a spe- cial schedule of accrual or payment of amounts due the former spouse. (d) Payments from employee retire- ment benefits under this subpart will be discontinued whenever the retiree's annuity payments are suspended or terminated. If annuity payments to the retiree are restored, payment to the former spouse will also resume. (e) Since the former spouse is enti- tled to payments from employee re- tirement benefits only while the former employee or Member is living, the former spouse is personally liable for any payments from employee re- tirement benefits received after the death of the retiree. f 831.1714 Guidelines on interpreting court orders. As circumstances require, OPM will publish in the FEDERAL REGISTER a notice of the guidelines it uses in in- terpreting court orders. Upon publica- tion of the notice in the FEDERAL REG- ISTER of such guidelines, they will become an appendix to this subpart. 831.1715 Liability. OPM is not liable for any payment made from employee retirement bene- fits pursuant to a court order if such payment is made in accordance with the provisions of this subpart. 831.1716 Receipt of multiple court orders. In the event that OPM receives two or more qualifying court orders? (a) When there are two or more former spouses, the court orders will be honored in the order in which they Pt. 1131, Selspt. a, APP. A were issued to the maximum extent possible under II 831.614 and 831.1706. (b) Where there are two or more court orders relating to the same former spouse, the one issued last will be honored. 831.1717 Cost-of-living adjustments. In cases where the court order ap- portions a percentage of the employee retirement benefit. the Associate Di- rector will initially determine the amount of proper payment. That amount will be increased by future cost-of-living increases unless the court directs otherwise. 6 831.1718 Settlements. The former spouse may request that an amount be withheld from the re- tirement benefits that is less than the amount stipulated in the court order. This lower amount will be deemed a complete fulfillment of the obligation of OPM for the period in which the re- quest is in effect. APPENDIX A TO SUBPART Q OF PART 831?GUIDELINES FOR INTERPRETING STATE COURT OftDERS DIVIDING CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT Thharrrs UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEACEPTT COMPENSATION GROUP Guidelines for Interpreting State Court Orders Dividing Civil Service Retirement Benefits Recent inquires and controversies result- ing from ambiguous court orders seeking to divide civil service retirement benefits have demonstrated a need for written guidelines explaining the interpretation which the Office of Personnel Management will place on terms and phrases frequently used in di- viding benefits. These guidelines are intend- ed not only for the use of the Office of Re- tirement Programs, but also for the legal community as a whole, with the hope that by informing attorneys, in advance, about the manner in which the Office of Person- nel Management will interpret terms writ- ten into court orders, the resulting orders will be more carefully drafted, using the proper language to accomplish the aims of the court. 639 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09: CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09 CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 Pt. 1131, Subpt. 0, App. A I. Cost-of-Living and Salary Adjustments A. Unless the court directly and unequivo- cally orders otherwise, decrees which divide annuities either on a percentage basis or by use of a formula will be interpreted as sub- ject to adjustment for cost-of-living and salary adjustments occurring after the issu- ance of the decree. B. On the other hand, decrees which award a former spouse a specific dollar amount from the annuity will be interpret- ed as excluding cost-of-living and salary ad- justments unless the court expressly orders their inclusion. C. Orders which contain both a formula or percentage instruction and a correspond- ing fixed dollar amount will be interpreted as including the fixed amount only as the court's estimate of the initial amount of Payment. The formula or percentage in- struction will control in cases where con- flicting instructions appear. D. A formula containing an instruction to calculate the former spouse's share effective at the time of divorce will not be interpret- ed to prevent cost-of-living or salary adjust- ments. To award a fixed dollar amount based on the rate of annuity which would have been paid if retirement occurred at the date of divorce, the decree must either state the dollar amount of the award or explain with sufficient clarity that salary adjust- ments, as well as service, after the date of the decree are to be disregarded in comput- ing the former spouse's share. II. Types of Annuity A. Gross annuity will be interpreted as the amount shown as gross annuity on civil service annuity master record printouts, i.e., the annuity payable after any applicable survivor deduction but before any other de- duction. B. To divide an annuity before any appli- cable survivor deduction the decree must contain language to the effect that the divi- sion is to be made on the life rate annuity, or the annuity unreduced for survivor bene- fit, or equivalent language. A division of "gross annuity" will not accomplish this purpose. C. Net annuity or disposable annuity will be interpreted to mean net annuity as de- fined in E 831.1703. D. Orders which fail to state the type of annuity which they are dividing will be in- terpreted as dividing gross annuity (defined above). III. Calculating Time A. The smallest unit of time which will be used in computing formula in a decree is a month. 1. This policy is based on the provision of section 8332 of title 5, United States Code, which allows credit for service for years or S CFR Ch. 1 (1-147 ittleit twelfth parts thereof. Requests to eiti smaller units of time will not be honored. 2. Smaller periods of time stated In tgrft, of decimal fractions of a year contained in decree will be limited in aPPlicattnn simple numerical operations perfo using the extra precise number. Time caieu lations by the Office of Personnel Isansso anent will be no more precise than years and twelfth parts. For example, the share of former spouse awarded a portion of the an nutty equal to IA of the fraction whose nu merit-or is 12.863 years and whose dermal) nator is the total service on which the ssinu ity is based would be computed by taking yt of the quotient obtained by dividing 12.663 by the total service measured in years and twelfth parts. B. The term "military service" will gener. ally be interpreted to include only periods of service within the definition of military service contained in section 8331(13) of title 5, United States Code. Le., active duty nub Lary service. Civilian service with military organizations will not be included as "mili- tary service." except where the exclusion of such civilian service would be manifestly contrary to the intent of the court order. C. When a decree contains a formula for dividing annuity which requires computa- tion of service and unused tick leave has been used in the annuity computation, the amount of credit attributable to the unused sick leave will be computed as service if the formula instructs the use of "creditable service" (or other phrase using "credit" or Its equivalent), but will exclude the time at- tributable to unused sick leave if the formu- la is based on "years of service" or "total service." Credit for unused sick leave always accrues on the date of separation for imme- diate retirement; it is never apportioned over the time when earned. IV. Distinguishing Between Divisions of Annuity and Contributions A. Orders which are unclear about wheth- er they are dividing an annuity or contribu- tion will be interpreted as dividing an annu- ity. B. Orders using "annuities," "pensions," "retirement benefits," or similar terms will be interpreted as dividing an annuity and whatever other employee benefits became payable, such as refunds. Orders which divide "contributions," "deductions," "de- posits." "retirement accounts," "retirement fund," or similar terms will be limited to di- vision of the amount which the employee has paid into the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund. 640 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09 CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09 : CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 Office of Personnel Management V. Orders Directing the Annuitant To Make Payment A. Orders which specifically direct the re- tiree to pay a portion of retirement benefits to a former spouse will be honored unless the retiree objects to direct payment by the Office of Personal Management, but will not be honored even If the retiree raises only a general objection to payment by the Office of Personnel Management. B. Orders which direct or imply that the Office of Personnel Management is to make payment of a portion of retirement benefits, or are neutral about the source of payment. will be honored unless the retiree can dem- onstrate that the order Is invalid. APPENDIX B TO SUBPART Q OF PART 831?GUIDELINES FOR INTERPRETING STATE COURT ORDERS AWARDING SUR- VIVOR ANNUITY BENEFITS TO FORMER SPOUSES UNI1 LI) STATES OF AMERICA OF7'ICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION GROUP Guidelines for Interpreting State Court Orders Awarding Survivor Annuity Bene- fits to Former Spouses Recent inquiries and controversies result- ing from ambiguous court orders seeking to divide civil service retirement benefits have demonstrated a need for written guidelines explaining the interpretation which the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Will place on terms and phrases frequently used in awarding survivor benefits. These guidelines are intended not only for the use of the Office of Retirement Programs, but also for the legal community as a whole, With the hope that by informing attorneys, in advance, about the manner in which OPM will interpret terms written into court orders, the resulting orders will be more carefully drafted, using the proper language to accomplish the aims of the court. I. Insurable Interest Annuities Two types of potential survivor annuities may be provided by retiring employees to cover former spouses. Section 8339(j) of title 5. United States Code, provides for reduced annuities to provide "former spouse annu- ities." Section 8339(k) of title 5, United States Code, provides for "insurable interest annuities." These are distinct benefits, each With its own advantages. A. OPM will enforce State court orders to Provide section 8339(1) annuities. These an- nuities are less expensive and have fewer re- strictions than insurable interest annuities but the former spouse's interest will auto- ? 831.1801 matically terminate upon remarriage before age 55. To provide a section 8339(1) annuity. the order must use terms such as "former spouse annuity," ''section 8339(j) annuity." or "survivor annuity." B. OPM will not enforce State court orders to provide "Insurable interest annu- ities" under section 8339(k). These annuities may only be elected at the time of retire- ment by a retiring employee who is not re- tiring under the disability provision of the law and who is in good health. The election may also be eliminated to provide a survivor annuity for a spouse acquired after retire- ment. The parties might seek to provide this type of annuity interest if the non-employee spouse expects to remarry before age 55, if the employee expects to remarry a younger second spouse before retirement, or if an- other former spouse has already been awarded a section 8339(j) annuity. However, the State court will have to provide its own remedy if the employee is not eligible for or does not make the election. OPM will not enforce the order. Language including the words "insurable interest" or referring to section 8339(k) will be interpreted as provid- ing for this type of survivor benefit. C. In orders which contain internal con- tradictions about the type of annuity, such as "insurable interest annuity under section 8339(j)," the section reference will control. (51 FR 31938, Sept. 8, 1986] Subpart R?Agency Requests to OPM for Recovery of a Debt from thi Civil Service Retirement and Dis- ability Fund Atrnioarry: 5 U.S.C. 8347. Sol:Tact: 51 FR 45443, Dec. 19, 1988, unless otherwise noted. ErrEctra Dsrs NOTE: Subpart R (consist- ing of I 831.1801 through 831.1808) was re- vised at 51 FR 45443, Dec. 19, 1988, effective January 20, 1987. For the convenience of the user, the text remaining in effect until January 20, 1987, follows the text of this subpart. ?831.1801 Purpose. This subpart prescribes the proce- dures to be followed by a Federal agency when it requests the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to re- cover a debt owed to the United States by administrative offset against money due and payable to the debtor from the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (the Fund). This sub- part also prescribes the procedures 641 1)p:classified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09: CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co Approved for Release 2013/01/09 CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 ? rl ?1141.911 1841.911 Payment only to former spouses and separated spouses. (a) Payments under this subpart may only be made to a former spouse, a separated spouse, or the representa- tive of a former or separated spouse. (b) No payment under this subpart may be made after the death of the former spouse or separated spouse. (c) Upon the death of a former spouse or separated spouse receiving a portion of employee retirement bene- fits under this subpart, the former spouse's or separated spouse's share will revert to the retiree unless it is needed to comply with another quali- fying court order awarding benefits to a living former spouse or separated spouse. 841.912 Limitations. (a) In honoring and complying with a court order, the Associate Director will not disrupt the scheduled method of accruing retirement benefits or the normal timing for making such pay- ment, despite the existence in the order of a special schedule of accrual or payment of amounts due the former spouse or separated spouse. (b) Payments from employee retire- ment benefits under this subpart will be discontinued whenever the retiree's annuity payments are suspended or terminated. If annuity payments to the retiree are restored, payment to the former spouse or separated spouse will also resume. (c) Because the former spouse or separated spouse is entitled to pay- ments from employee retirement bene- fits only while the former employee or Member is living, the former spouse or separated spouse is personally liable for any payments from employee re- tirement benefits received after the death of the retiree. 9 841.913 Guidelines on interpreting court orders. As circumstances require, OPM will publish in the FEDERAL REGISTER a notice of the guidelines it uses in in- terpreting court orders. 9 841.914 Liability. OPM is not liable for any payment made from employee retirement bene- fits pursuant to a court order if such 5 CFR Ch. 1(1-147 payment is made in accordahee the provisions of this subpart, -Ali 0841.915 Receipt of multiple mot segerk, Except as provided in I 8411 .09 the event that OPM received ty "11 more qualifying court orders-- o (a) When there are two or former spouses, or a former ? and a separated spouse, the orders will be honored in the onset ill- which they were issued to the teaz, mum extent possible under ' 8445(b) of title 5, United States code. and ? 841.905. (b) When there are two or court orders relating to the .6430 former spouse or separated spouse, ttie one issued lest will be honored. 841.916 Cost-of-living adjustments. In cases when the court order appor. tions a percentage of the employee re, tirement benefit, the Associate Dir. tor will initially determine the amount of proper payment. That amount sin be increased by future cost-of-livins Increases payable to the retiree unless the court order directs otherwise. APPENDIX A TO SUBPART 1 OF PAZ/ 841?GUIDELMES POR INTERPRErnic STATE COURT ORDERS DIVIDING ER PLOYEE RETIREMENT BENEFITS These guidelines explain the interpret& tion which the Office of Personnel Manage. ment (OPM) will place on terms an phrases freauently used in dividing benefits. These guidelines are intended not only for the use of OPM, but also for the legal corn? munity as a whole, with the hope that by Informing attorneys, in advance, about the manner in which OPM will interpret terms written into court orders, the resulting orders will be more carefully drafted, using the proper language to accomplish the aims of the court. I. Cost-of-Living and Salary Adjustments A. Unless the court directly and unequivo- cally orders otherwise, decrees which divide annuities either on a percentage basis or by use of a formula will be interpreted as sub- ject to adjustment for cost-of-living and salary adjustments occurring after the imu? ance of the decree. B. On the other hand, decrees which award a former spouse or a separate spouse a specific dollar amount from the an- nuity will be interpreted as excluding cos:- 674 C?nrii i 0 (rnv Approved for Release 2013/01/09 CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09 CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 a. )r re se irt in xi- on le, sre me he or- re- ?ec- ant aiill jg ``'" Tem EM- rya- and !fit.t. for corn- bY ; the erms _King saint aims las ;Weer livid' or in and ? Wu' which _rated le an- cost. Offk. of Naomi! Managoinont of-living and salary adjustments unless the court expressly orders their inclusion. C. Orders which contain both a formula or percentage instruction and a correspond- ing fixed dollar amount will be interpreted as including the fixed amount only as the court's estimate of the initial amount of payment. The formula or percentage in- struction will control in cases where con- flicting instructions appear. D. A formula containing an instruction to calculate the former spouse's or separated spouse's share effective at the time of di- vorce or separation will not be interpreted to prevent cost-of-living or salary adjust- ments. To award a fixed dollar amount based on the rate of annuity which would have been paid if retirement occurred at the date of divorce, the decree must either state the dollar amount of the award or explain with sufficient clarity that salary adjust- ments, as well as service, after the date of the decree are to be disregarded in comput- ing the former spouse's or separated spouse's share. 11. rilves of Annuity A. Gross annuity will be interpreted as the amount of the annuity payable after any applicable survivor reduction but before any other deduction. B. To divide an annuity before any appli- cable survivor deduction the decree must contain language to the effect that the divi- sion is to be made on the self-only annuity, the life rate annuity, or the annuity unre- duced for survivor benefit, or equivalent language. A division of "gross annuity" will not accomplish this purpose. C. Net annuity or disposable annuity will be interpreted to mean net annuity as de- fined in ? 841.902. D. Orders which fail to state the type of annuity which they are dividing will be in- terpreted as dividing gross annuity (defined above). Calculating Time A. The smallest unit of time which will be used in computing a formula in a decree is a month. 1. This policy is based on the provision of section 8411(aX1) of title 5, United States Code, which allows credit for service for Years or tweLfth parts thereof. Requests to calculate smaller units of time will not be honored. 2. Smaller periods of time stated in terms Of decimal fractions of a year contained in a decree will be limited in application to simple numerical operations performed using the extra precise number. Time calcu- lations by the Office of Personnel Manage- ment will be no more precise than years and twelfth parts. For example, the share of a former spouse awarded a portion of the an- Pt. 841, Subpt. I, App. B nutty equal to 1/2 of the fraction whose nu- merator is 12.863 years and whose denomi- nator is the total service on which the annu- ity is based would be computed by taking 1/2 of the quotient obtained by dividing 12.863 by the total service measure in years and twelfth parts. B. The term "military service" will gener- ally be interpreted to include only periods of service within the definition of military service contained in section 8401(31) of title 5. United States Code. i.e.. active duty mili- tary service. Civilian service with military organizations will not be included as "mili- tary service," except where the exclusion of such civilian service would be manifestly contrary to the intent of the court order. C. When a decree contains a formula for dividing annuity which requires computa- tion of service and unused sick leave has been used in the annuity computation (i.e., benefits under Part 845 of this chapter), the amount of credit attributable to the unused sick leave will be computed as service If the formula instructs the use of "creditable service" (or other phrase using "credit" or its equivalent), but will exclude the time at- tributable to unused sick leave if the formu- la is based on "years of service" or "total service." Credit for unused sick leave always accrues on the date of separation for imme- diate retirement; it is never apportioned over the time when earned. IV. Distinguishing Between Divisions of Annuity and Refund of Contributions A. Orders which are unclear about wheth- er they are dividing an annuity or a refund of contributions will be interpreted as divid- ing an annuity. B. Orders using "annuities," "pensions," "retirement benefits," or similar terms will be interpreted as dividing an annuity and whatever other employee benefits become payable, such as refunds. Orders which divide "contributions," "deductions," "de- posits," "retirement accounts," "retirement fund." or similar terms will be limited to di- vision of the amount which the employee has paid into the Civil Service Retirement Fund. APPENDIX B TO SUBPART I OF PART 841?GUIDELINES FOR INTERPRETING STATE COURT ORDERS AWARDING SUR- VIVOR ANNUNITY BENEFITS TO FORMER SPOUSES These guidelines explain the interpreta- tion which the Office of Personnel Manage- ment (OPM) will place on terms and phrases frequently used in awarding survi- vor benefits. These guidelines are Intended not only for the use of OPM. but also for 675 in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 2013/01/09 CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09: CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 It. 841, Subpt. I, APP. I the legal community as a whole, with the hope that by informing attorneys. In ad- vance, about the manner in which OPM will Interpret terms written into court orders. the resulting orders will be more carefully drafted, using the proper language to ac- complish the aims of the court. I. may ruble Interest Annuities Two types of potential survivor annuities may be provided by retiring employees to cover former spouses. Sections 8417 and 8445 of title 5, United States Code, provides for "former spouse annuities." Sections 8420 and 8444 of title 5, United States Code, pro- vide for "insurable interest annuities." These are distinct benefits, each with its own advantages. A. OPM will enforce State court orders to provide section 8417 reductions or section 8445 annuities. These annuities are less ex- pensive and have fewer restrictions than in- surable interest annuities but the former spouse's interest will automatically termi- nate upon remarriage before age 55. To pro- vide a section 8417 reduction or section 8445 annuity, the order must use terms such as "former spouse annuity," "section 8417 re- duction." "section 8445 annuity," or "survi- vor annuity." B. OPM will not enforce State court orders to provide "insurable interest annu- ities" under section 8420 or 8444. These an- nuities may only be elected at the time of retirement by a retiring employee who is not retiring under the disability provision of the law and who is in good health. The elec- tion may also be eliminated to provide a sur- vivor annuity for a spouse acquired after re- tirement. The parties might seek to provide this type of annuity interest if the non-em- ployee spouse expects to remarry before age 55, if the employee expects to remarry a younger second spouse before retirement, or If another former spouse has already been awarded a section 8445 annuity. However. the State court will have to provide its own remedy if the employee is not eligible for or does not make the election. OPM will not enforce the order. Language including the words "insurable interest" or referring to section 8420 or 8444 will be interpreted as providing for this type of survivor benefit. C. In orders which contain internal con- tradictions about the type of annuity, such as "insurable interest annuity under section 8445," the section reference will control. 3 CFR Ch. I FART 842-FEDERAL EMPLOYEES lips TIREMENT SYSTEM-1ASIC Asko. ITT Sec. 842.101 642.102 842.103 842.104 842.105 Subset/ A--Coverage Purpose. Definitions. General. Exceptions and options. Regulatory exclusions. Subparts I through E-ateservaid) Subpart F-SurvIver Sections 842.601 Purpose. 842.602 Def 842.603 Election at time of retirement of a reduced annuity to provide a current spouse annuity. 842.604 Election at time of retirement of a reduced annuity to provide a former spouse annuity. 842.605 Election of insurable interest rate. 842.806 Election of sell-only annuity by married employees and Members. 842.607 Waiver of spousal consent require- ment. 842.608 Changes of election before final adjudication. 842.609 Finality of elections. 842.610 Changes of election after final ad- judication. 842.611 Post-retirement election of reduced annuity to provide a former spouse an- nuity. 842.612 Post-retirement election of reduced annuity to provide a current spouse an- nuity. 842.613 Division of a survivor annuity. 842.614 Computation of partial annuity re- duction. 842.615 Payments of required deposits. Subpart 6-A1te/native Forms of Annuities 842.701 Purpose. 842.702 Definitions. 892.703 Eligibility. 842.704 Election requirements. 842.705 Alternative forms of annuities available. 842.706 Computation of alternative form of annuity. Subpart H-Law Enforcement Officers, firefighters, and Air Traffic Controllers 842.801 842.802 842.803 842.804 842.805 842.806 676 Applicability and purpose. Definitions Conditions for coverage. Evidence. Withholdings and contributions. Mandatory separation. FlorlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/09: CIA-RDP89T00234R000100150002-9 ? l 110 o tiri vI dIv wb Pu Tit Re sio of ye: col 16 las tic Pr "A en is er te: in' re irr go