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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89TOO142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 s:rENOGR"HIC MM-TES Uarevieed and Unedited Not for quotation or Du ication UNCbA1HEU Committee Hearings r U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Radially .Dec1a~sified-/Released oii -D IM under provf$ion! of I=.O. 12356 ey B. Reger, Naiierial 6ecurUy Council. OFFICE OF THE CLERK Office of Official Reporters HSITS 14 COPY Na a OF Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 1 1 ^ ^ ?- E Uri" = Eb- S__1 W sw_ Li t 1 13 18 19 20 21 22 24 DINKEL GILE Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran (CiA cJ//EF~ Deposition o Monday, April 13, 1987 U.S. House of Representatives G/ A CHIC The deposition of ~~~~Mwas convened, pursuant to notice, at 2:40 p.m., Monday, April 13, 1987, in Room H-128, The United States Capitol. Present were: Thomas R. Smeeton, Minority Counsel, Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran, U.S. House of Representatives. Timothy Woodcock, Associate Counsel, Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, U.S. Senate.. Assistant General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency. Legislative Liaison, Central Intelligence Agency. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Whereupon, !.-; _'NJEF 10 13 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 was called as a witness, and after being duly sworn, testified as follows: MR. WOODCOCK: I am Tim Woodcock, Associate Counsel with the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition. This deposition is being taken pursuant to the -request of the Senat Select Committee. Present is a member of the House Select Committee covering the same subject matter and no doubt the House will be making use of the information that you will be imparting in the course of this deposition. This deposition, of course, is being taken pursuant to an official inquiry of the Senate as well as an official inquiry of the House. Let me start off -- thank you. The House representative is giving me a card noting he is'Thomas R. Smeeton. I believe the reporter has that information already. if we may, let me begin first by noting for the record that I provided you and the legal represen- tative from the CIA with a copy of the Senate rules and Senate resolution that creates our committee. I very much appreciate your willingness to come here on short notice for this deposition; and we understand that in so doing, you are accommodating us, and in a certain sense, we are accommodating Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 you in preventing you from having to return for a deposition EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF THE SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE later this month. stance of this to just generally outline your career with Q Let me ask you, sir, before we get into the sub- BY MR. WOODCOCK: the CIA. A I came on board Since then, I have served in various capacities in C/A A Yes. Q You are currently chief A I am currently chief as chief And could you describe for us information that Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 I ~B119E~8' you received in that period of time relating to a -- from your headquarters relating to an NSC -- that is, National Security Council -- endeavor? A At 0300 hours on the 22d November, I received a message from the? communicator, our communicator N noting that there was a flash message that a.m.; is required my immediate presence Q By 0300, you mean 3:00 A 0300, 3:00 a.m. What is a flash message? A It's the highest message. that correct Q What did you do after receiving that information? arriving about A I immediately went to 0400, 4:00 a.m. Read my message, noted there was a second message, directed by deputy also to come in and assist me. Q Who was your deputy at that time? A A Could you spell that? Q Then what happened? A Both of us stood by for the message directing me on special assignment. it arrived. It directed me to stand by to assist a Mr. Richard Copp who -- alias Richard Copp whose true name was Brigadier General Richard Secord. Q Was that part of the latter communication you b A tl~NYDACT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 13 16 18 20 22 received? A Yes. Q So that you knew shortly after you arrived that the individual, Mr. Copp, was in fact Richard Secord; is that correct? A That is correct. Q Was that a name you recognized at all? A No. - Q What happened at that point? A Well, the message told me to stand by and assist- Mr. Secord, Copp -- I'll call him Secord from now on -- who was on personal assignment for the National Security Council. I was to contact him at a given telephone number and assist him as required. Q Were you given any instructions with respect to holding this message close? - A I was-told not to discuss it with the ambassador. were receiving these messages? U V. h 1 L I. V i l. . v f y r Yes. It was perfectly-,:,clear it was coming out of the Chief of European division, Mr. Duane Clarridge. Q He has the nickname of Dewey; is that_.correct? A Dewey. Q After receiving the message with respect to Mr. Secord, what did you do? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Cult 6 I TL 15 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 A I called the telephone number, turned out to be a hotel. I asked for Mr. Copp's room, connected with it. A female with an American accent answered the phone, told me that Mr. Copp was not there, that he was at the office, and gave me the phone number of the office. Q Approximately what time is this? A This would have been at 0430 hours.' Q What did you then do? A I called the office. Q What happened? - A I asked for Mr. Copp. Back up. A female, or male -- I am not sure which, because at different times it was a male or a female. I asked for Mr. Copp. They called Mr. Copp to the phone. I identified myself, told him I was with and had been directed to contact him, and he was awaiting my call. He acknowledged that. I gave him my phone number where I could be reached. I asked what I could do at the time. He said the only thing he needed at that time was to verify the phone numbers of the prime minister and the foreign minister. He said a very senior official will call them. At that point he told me to stand by. Q Let me stop you right there, if I may, for just a moment. You testified that this -- Mr. Secord wanted to confirm I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 4 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 the numbers of these national officials; is that correct? A Let me back off. I made a mistake there. When I contacted Copp at 0430, he said everything was under control and he would know better by 0945 hours. He asked me to stand by, which I did. At 9:00 o'clock, I called Copp and then the only requirement was for him to give -- for me to assist him in finding out the phone numbers bf" he prime minister and the foreign minister. He said a very senior official will call them. =` I see. That was at 0900. At this point he didn't have those numbers; is that correct? A That is correct. He had some numbers, but apparently they weren't able to get through to them. When you called Mr. Second for the first time and a voice answered on the other end of the phone, did it identify itself as being any company or was it just a "hello"? ' A Just "hello." Q Did that condition obtain throughout your telephone conversations with him? A During the course of the conversations, it became clear there was a gentleman by the name of and later - 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 and late So I reached the conclusion it was an office or at least a room provided by to Copp to accommodate. his activities. Q Was that a name 12. 13 The files made it perfectly clear The files made it perfectly clear was an arms merchant and is the company he was working for at that time. 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 already known to you, It wasn't at the time,. but I checked our files. was clearly identifiable Did mean anything to you? Only from our files. o upon review of your files you concluded was an arms supplier; is that correct? A That is correct. Q Now following your conversation that you just described with Mr. Secord where he asked your assistance on the telephone numbers, what happened? 'A I stayed until 1:00 o'clock. At that time Copp called, Secord called. He advised that previously the foreign minister had approved an El Al charter flight before going to Brussels, but he had not signed the paper. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 i r --, %d ~1 The was busy foreign ministry is refusing to issue flight clearances until Now, the morning of the 22 November, the foreign minister after the foreign minister signed the paper. Secord advised that the plane's departure from Israel's window was 20 minutes ointed out negotiations with the foreign MMIMMMMMMMMM~ ministry would be best handled by the charge who could approac the prime minister and guarantee confidentiality. at the highest level, the foreign minister -- Q Did you have any information with respect to the Secord face-to-face; is that correct? A That is correct. the 1:00 p.m. phone call you just described, you had not met Q At this point, and I am speaking with respect to operation's sensitivity. A None was given. I assume it was because of the What did Secord say when you suggested that? He said he would recommend the same to-Washington. I made the same recommendation in a cable to my head- quarters but was=%advised not to involve the charge. Q Was any explanation given at that point? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 nature of the NSC mission at this poi A No, but in discussin I asked Secord on what basis I could justify the urgency of the flight; and he said I was authorized to use the phrase "humanitarian mission." Q Did he say where he got that phrase? A He did not. Q Was there any other discussion at this 1:00"p.m. phone call? A With Secord, no. Q Then what happened? A After having reported to Washington and gotten my answer back not to involve the charge. i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 II ,l~Uk' a~Lir L ~ 11 A him on the foregoing. He said that Washington had agreed to bring in the charge. It turned out that Copp had some kind of secure communication with Washington, and-it was perfectly clear he was communicating in advance of my traffic. I called Copp, and I updated Let me stop you right there, if I may. How was it that you knew that he had a secure communications system? 8 A He told me. 12 be wa Q A talking s anothe Was -- I am=not sure where along the way, but he would to an American voice in the background. There r American back there with equipment, and that 13 th ey -- th ere were messages going back and forth. d 14 Q , So that in your phone conversations with Secor ? 15 y ou would say something to him, and he would relay it lki 16 A ng I couldn't hear him relay it. I heard him ta e what ll 17 t o someone m in the background; and later, he would te 18 W ashington said. ? i 19 Q ng He was relaying to you what Washington was say 20 A Yes. 21 ?Q All right. Sorry to interrupt there. 22 A Copp said the plane missed its window but was 23 standing by in Israel. 25 Q Then what happened? A Nothing happened then until 4:00 o'clock in the n CA 107'. 00'' - E I R', Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 5:25 -- hours, same day. and had reached the go/no-go point around 1725 -- that is afternoon. Copp called again, said the plane was airborne, and would recommend the opposition of the clearance, denial to-the foreign minister. political counsellor of the American Embassy the day before visited the foreign ministry and was -told there had been a request for an American urgent flight to -- and that he stated he knew nothing his channels. that would justify the mission, because he had nothing in Q That is to say gave this response; is that Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 A ~~~~into the activity. Q What happened then? A At this point I received a telephone call on the He-said he :would wall the White House and request authority to bring who was activity. able to convey to me his approval to brin into the Dewey Clarridge. It was a very bad connection, but he was international circuit from the chief of the European division, At that point, i uxu him to stand by at the embassy, which he did. I briefed him on the activity to date and showed him all traffic to date. Then what happened? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 l' called me; and I told him o Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 13 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 A At 5:00 o'clock, called to get the foreign minister out of the cabinet meeting. We stood by for the next hour waiting for the foreign minister to come out of the cabinet meeting. called the foreign ministry several times, was standing by at the foreign ministry waiting for the foreign minister to respond. I informed Copp what we were doing. By this time, at 1800 hours -- 6:00 o'clock -- Copp said that the plane had had to'abort and return to israel. I asked Copp what to do next. He said he would stand by for instructions. Also, it became clear that the foreign minister was not going to come out of the cabinet meeting to respond to our request That is ou had no doubt about that at that point? A didn't communicate it, but the foreign minister's actions clearly indicated he was not going to appear. He didn't. Q Just not responsive; is that right? ? A Yes. Q So then what happened? A By 7:00 p.m., the foreign ministry still had made no decision. Copp at one point, in the telephone conversation noted that the National Security. Council was considering how 25 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CCII_A--RDPP889T00142R000500670007-5 TUIV 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 to recycle the mission. At the very same time advised that the White House requested the phone numbers of the foreign minister and the prime minister. Q What happened at that point? A I should make one thing clear. On request, I asked Washington -- my headquarters -- to find out if the Secretary of State, Secretary of State Shultz, was aware of the mission and if he approved involve- ment. Messages came back during this period saying the Secretary of State and Ambassador Oakley were the only two State officials who were aware of the mission, that they concurred, and that all traffic should be kept in my channels. Q Let me stop you right there. You made that inquiry and communication came back to the effect that Shultz and Oakley were aware of what was happening; is that correct? A That is correct. Q Now -- A They were aware of the mission. Q All right... Were aware of the mission. Now who was it that responded to you? ? A It was coming from the office of Dewey Clarridge. Q All right. A Throughout this time, and I don't recall which cables it was that it occurred, Poindexter's name was frequently mentioned as the person who was in Washington a .1w- AIRL[L I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 .10 W a~U 16 responsible for heading up the activity. Q Did you have an understanding as to who had apprise Shultz and Oakley of this mission? A No. If I recall correctly, the cables said, "Poindexter advises that..." So to the extent your belief would be that Poindexter advised them, it would be based on that cable; is that correct? 10 A Q Yes. All right. What happened at that point? A About 8:53 p.m. Copp advised that McFarlane was 12 trying to phone the foreign minister. 13 Q That is Robert McFarlane? 14 A That is correct. McFarlane at that time was in 16 Europe, had traveled from Brussels, where there had been a NATO meeting, to Rome. 17 Q And did you learn whether McFarlane ever made that 18 contact? 19 A Let me make a point just before we get to that. 20 At 10:00 p.m., calle He noted that the foreign ministry meeting had just concluded, but 22 no decision had been reached. said the next 23 step is for to send a formal diplomatic note to the foreign ministry. The note should include characteristics of aircraft, routes to and from and cargo. -90L.A%.&19 rb"01, R-VT.-T. I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Upon receipt, said, the foreign ministry would consider the request. promised to have the note by I informed Copp. He said he would allow time for my report to reach Washington. Then he would contact them to discuss the options. At 11:00 p.m., we received a message directin to contact and to note that McFarlane had just o u 1 he would be in his -office. rs on 23 November ihands. said 100 h talked with the foreign minister, who agreed to aircraft clearance. Q- Now receiving this information, what did you do? A Since it was 11:00 p.m. in the evening, knowing officialhood, and I decided it would be advisable to wait until the next morning to relay that message to the foreign ministry. Q I gather that means they are not night owls? Correct. So I gather you did then wait; is that correct? We did that. Q Okay. Would you pick up again? A At opening of business on 23 November, and I were still in the embassy. -contacted the the ministry of foreign affairs, who was the only foreign 40A 190- 1 r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 13 15 16 17 18 20 22 23 25 ministry official available at that time -- a senior official -- and conveyed the above McFarlane message; that is, that he -- McFarlane had talked with the foreign minister who had agreed to'aircraft clearance. 0 = was not aware of the telephone conversation, and he opined that a diplomatic note would still be required from the embassy. then prepared the diplomatic note and went to the.foreign ministry at 1130 hours on 23 November. presented the note to and Then what happened? During this period, while 1was at the foreign ministry, I was primarily serving as a liaison role at that point between Copp and Copp called to advise of a new plan tentatively. jnvolving three'-flights by two planes to arrive in between 23 and 27 November. Copp said he was having trouble arranging for the planes for,-- for o Iran link. He said that the president M a gentleman by the name of~ 5~ - 0 =is national airline? A Yes. -- was stalling for some reason. He asked me to inter- vene if I could. I said that I would try and get back to him. Also, during that conversation, Copp asked me if I was 04 V Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP89TOO142R000500670007-5 15 16 18 20 22 23 4.d~D9 acv knew what was going on, if I had been briefed. I said that no, the charge and I were in the dark; but we could make some guesses. He suggested that we meet immediately, and I suggested a parking lot at a nearby hotel. Copp and I immediately separately went there. I picked him up at the front door of the hotel; and he and I sat in my car and talked around 11:30 for 10 minutes. Q Could you relate the substance of that conversation, please? A Yes. Copp said his mission was clearly one whereby missiles are being provided for hostages. I asked what kind of missiles. He identified Hawk missiles. He noted that the Iranians with whom they were dealing didn't trust him, that he was operating under a very tight timeframe, and that he appreciated anything that we could do to assist. Q Let me go back and see if I can parse that statemen out a bit. With respect to the Copp/Secord observation that this was a deal involving Hawk missiles, did he tell you how he knew that? A He did not. Q And the same question with respect to hostages? A He did not. Q Did he identify the hostages as being those in Lebanon? OK :6tfE~4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 A He did not. Now the information with respect to the Iranians, 4. .5 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 you said that Secord said that the Iranians didn't trust him. Now who is it the Iranians didn't trust according to Secord? Was it him personally? A He did not expand on that. The impression was he did not trust the Americans with whom he was dealing. Q The Iranians did-not trust the Americans? A Did not, yes. Q And there was no distinction drawn between Secord and some other Americans, NSC members, whatever? A No. No. Q Was there more to the conversation then? A Only that I expressed certain views of my own on the -- on my behalf about how we could better assist him. I pointed out to him this was the first time we had a chance to have a secure conversation, so I couldn't have expressed my concerns earlier. I felt tha , on whom he was obviously relying, was a man whose reputation was such that I did not think that the present government would respond to him; and that based on what I knew about him, based on our records, he would not have been one we would have selected to deal with or through. I also pointed out to him that in dealing with foreign Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 21 3 8 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ministries, and getting aircraft clearances, there is far more effective and secure if you do it through the established channels rather than trying to come at them in different ways. Secord seemed open-minded about this and indicated that if they got involved in such a thing again, he would contact us much more in advance and see if we could do a better job of helping him than we had. That was the end of the conversation. Could you recount how it was up to that point you were determined that ?was involved? A Yes. As I noted, his name was cited in different stages during the course of our conversations. Q By Secord? A By Secord. Q Did he -- A Calling him 'M Q Did he tell you what it was tha was doing for him? A He did not. Did he refer tWas being present with him or how did you gather -- did you determine anything -- A -It was perfectly clea was present with him in the office;-and in response to direct questions, Secord said had driven him to the meeting with me. Q Thank you. Following this meeting with Secord, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 what did you do? A I returned directly to the embassy. Q And upon arriving at the embassy, what happened? A I stood by -- I briefed the charge on what Copp had told me. He briefed me on his visit to the foreign ministry, where he had left a note. Both of us then stood by at the embassy, awaiting the response from the foreign ministry. By 4:30 p.m., we had received no response. Finally, at 6:00 p.m., we received a call fro tol a decision had been reached by the foreign ministry; but before conveying the decision, the foreign ministry would require a second note. It had to contain two statements: A. The operation had been undertaken for humanitarian reasons; and B. The operation is to free American hostages. said if the note were delivered forthwith, decision would follow immediately. The implication was the decision would be positive. What did you do? A None of the three of us, after consultation with Copp -- myself, and Copp -- had any difficulty with the first point; but we all got hung up on, obviously, the second point, putting it in writing in a diplomatic note. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 OW and hadn't taken -- taken Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 A Copp said he had communicated the situation to Washington;* and he at the same time advised that McFarlane had been trying for the past two hours to reach the prime minister but was not successful. By 7:30 p.m., Copp advised Washington had responded and that we could anticipate a negative response through my channels to request. At this time M sent a cable recommending an- alternate wording concerning the Part B, concerning American hostages, because he believed ~~~~at. this point would accept virtually anything on this point, and we received an answer to cable that said -- simply said the charge should deliver a note to But obviously the patience was running out in Washington we recommended. saying that we regret your government was unabl~ to fulfil the U.S. government request for this humanitarian and the brevity of the response; but he regretted that foreign minister, who was greatly troubled by the tone A That was done. The charge delivered it to the mission. Q That was done, I take it? d not been able to respond an Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 t jam Orn T& the proper actions to guarantee that appropriate protocol and sovereignity were met. Q let me ask you to take an overview, if you would, of your discussions with Secord and ask you if at any point Secord advised you as to why it was tha had been chosen as a landing point or a clearance point? A The subject never came up. Q Following your conversation with Mr. Secord in your car, as you have already described, did you take any formal action with respect to that information? A I did two things. I immediately wrote a round- up report on what had happened that morning, because given the timeframe, it would have been the opening of business Washington time, 22 November. I sent a cable describing the developments on the morning of the 22d; and in that cable, I referred to the conversation with Secord -- the meeting with Second. I secondly then sent a cable devoted exclusively to the Secord conversation reporting it in detail. Q Let me back you up. You have, therefore, two points at which you are recounting the Secord conversation; is that correct? A I only noted the first cable that the meeting took place; and in the second cable, I recounted the substance. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31-CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 12. 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q When did the first cable go out? A It would have been close to 12:30. Q On 23 November? A On 23 November. And then the second cable? By 1:00 o'clock. By 1:00 o'clock. Same day? Yes. Who would those have been directed to? A All traffic was handled on one channel. That was the eyes only channel., the -chief of the European division. Q Let me ask you just a little more generally, you have served in Washington -- how do these cables express themselves when they come in on the Washington side? Is there a screen they appear on? Do they churn out on a teletype? A No. This is a privacy channel. It is designed CIA to permit the exclusive communication between theechiet and the chief of division. As I recall it, a copy -- one copy goes. to the chief of European division; two copies go to the Office of - the DDO; and there is no further distribution. It is completely outside of the normal records keeping procedure. But how do these messages appear? Are they in solid, hard copy? As the expression goes? I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 r_j I QW77)k W FX.;! IM a ,a, . 'K: 27 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 22 24 A Yes. They would be hard copies delivered to the office of the chief of European division or the DDO in envelopes. Does the DDO or the chief, say in this case of the European division, have an officer who stands by and reads these things as they come in? A His secretary would open the envelope, see that it' slugged for the chief of European division, and deliver it, to him exclusively. If he wants to share it, he decided. Q These two messages that you sent, I gather, were sent to the chief of the European division and then office of DDO; is that correct? A All of this communication went to the chief of European division with info copies to the DDO. Whether the DDO ever sees it or not, I don't know. That would depend on a screening procedure by his staff assistant. Q You wouldn't necessarily know that unless the DDO responded to y ou and referred to it? A That's correct. Q Having sent any response to them? off these two cables, did you receive A I can recall no specific response that was required in these two. No, I can't. Q You received -- did you have subsequent communica- tions with Duane Clarridge's office? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 i * _!_fl 28 .4 8 9 10 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A Yes. All this traffic was to and from. Anything I received from Washington that was giving me my instructions would be from Clarridge. Q There was no response commenting on those particular cables in particular -- those particular cables? A I recall none dealing_,with my conversation with Secord. I recall none dealing with what was contained in my round-up report. Q Now I gather that you also informed the charge, that -- of your conversation with Mr. Secord? A I did that. He and my deputy. Q Did he also send any communications to your knowledge out to the State Department in Washington? A I have no knowledge whatsoever that he sent any communications through his channels to the State Department. I would doubt it very much, or he would have told me that he had. When the operation finished, what he did do is draft a cable from himself, if I recall directly -- it was to Poindexter. It was telegram. He expressed his concerns about the way the entire operation had been handled. I think that I concurred fully with everything that he said, and it went to Washington. I know nothing from him other than that that went through our channels. rtr~aa~ 11' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 4 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 Q That is through your communications A That is correct. Q In your communications with Duane Clarridge, did you reach any understanding at any point as to whether Clarridge was handling this alone or whether he was handling it with someone else? A We didn't discuss it. Q You were aware that it was an NSC mission. Were you told at any point who in the NSC was handling it? The only name mentioned was Poindexter and, of course, Secord on my end. And McFarlane, of course, was in Europe. Q Have you ever discussed this matter with Duane Clarridge? A No, I have not. I haven't seen him since the occa- sion occurred. I am not going to have this marked for the record, but let me describe it for the record. This is a cable dated December 4, 1986. It is addressed to "Immediate Director." Subject is Msupport to NSC Mission, 22-27 November 85." The cable comprises four pages with a total of six paragraphs. you recognize that? I show you that cable now and ask you if `Q IV C-0 TIFFR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 ;.~ 30 13 15 19 20 22 A Yes. I drafted it. Q What is it precisely? A It is my response to .a query from the CIA's inspector general for commentary on 1aMactivity in connection with the NSC mission described. Q Have you had an opportunity to review that cable? A Yes, I have. Q Is that cable an accurate description of your involvement in the NSC mission? A Yes, it is, with certain minor discrepancies. Q If you can pick-out any of those minor discrepan- cies, would you do so and note them for the record? A Yes. The primary one is I identifie as being an employee ofM He is not an employee of M He is an officer of_. Both are arms firms. That would be the major discrepancy. Following this, did you ever have any other dealings with Secord? A No, I have not. Q The two cables that you referred to that you issued on 11/23 at 12:30 and 1:00 p.m., to your knowledge do they exist in any form? A The first cable containing the general round-up, wind-up, round-up, does exist. I cannot find the second cable. nPrn'tV C!16 Pff b tiff n Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 Q Do you know why that is? A I have no idea. There are other cables missing. We don't have a completely comprehensive file of all traffic; but that's because of the nature of the channel used. It is outside and is designed to be outside the records keeping system. Q And I gather that a record is not kept at your is that correct? A No. As I noted in that incoming round-up for the inspector general, in December 1985, I destroyed all copies 4:41P_ of all traffic incluaing m Does your information on' indicate whether it has any connection to Adnan Khashoggi? A No. Q One way or the other? A No. We have very limited information on Q I also gather that Secord did not at any point identify to you any of the individual persons on the Iranian side of this transaction; is that correct? A He.did not. ,Q Did he at all describe to you how it was he became involved in this? A He did not. Q Did he tell you anything about how long he had been involved in it? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 II 1~~' 32 10 12 13 15 18 20 22 23 25 A He did not. I didn't even know he was not a member of the National Security Council staff. Q Did you assume that he was at that point? A All I knew he was on special assignment to the National Security Council. I assumed he was working for the staff. I didn't know he wasn't. Q Did he tell you that he wasn't? A No, he didn't. Q I gather he made no remarks about he had been called .in on short notice or anything like that? A Nothing. Did he provide you with any information on who might be his contacts in Israel? A He did not. MR. WOODCOCK: I guess that is all I have. Tom, do you have any questions? MR. SMEETON: Maybe just a couple. I haven't seen the material you have there. If I am redundant, interrupt me. EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF THE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE BY MR. SMEETON: Q With respect to these cables that you sent back to headquarters regarding the shipment, as I recall you indicated that Mr. Secord told you that weapons were involved. A When I talked with Secord, he told me explicitly that it was Hawk missiles. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 That information was then reflected in one of those two cables that were sent back to headquarters in Washington? A Yes. Was there any suggestion of a cover story indicating that you should tell it was oil drilling equipment rather than weapons at any time? A No. I was given no authorization to tel what the equipment was. I was only told that it 10 was -- just say it was for a humanitarian mission. Q Do you have any insights as to why oil drilling 12 equipment might be mentioned as a possible cover story? 13 A Q No. I only heard of it from the media subsequently. After the fact? 15 A Right. 16 Q You never heard about it in the context of any 17 of these discussions regarding the operation? 18 A That is correct. 19 Q With respect tom or any other arms man- 20 facturer did the name Tom Clines ever come to 21 your' attention? 22 23 24 A No. MR. SMEETON: I think that's all I want to say. MR. WOODCOCK: I have just one more question. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 ~121%&Enj 34 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 .9 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF THE SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE Q other than Duane Clarridge, was anybody else in his office involved in this, to your knowledge? A I'-have no knowledge of that. I gather then that yeti received no cables back from anybody else with anything other than Clarridge's name on it; would that be right? A That would be correct. If anyone else sent it in that channel, they would have to indicate to me that it was someone acting in.his capacity; and I did not see that. Q So all channels -coming from the Washington side were coming under Clarridge's signature; is that--correct? A Yes. Under the slug that indicates it's him talking. Procedure would require if someone else was, it would be -- they would put the slug and said, "From Acting Chief Eur." Q Now did your deputy chief become involve in this to any great degree? Only marginally. I,had him, if I recall, only writ one cable. He may not even have read all the traffic; but I did discuss some of the traffic with him. Q Did he ever have any conversations with Secord? A He did not. I handled all communications by telephone, plus the one meeting. Would that also apply t Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 II jf:. 35 VU J1 + 12. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 A That would be true. Q So to your knowledge, you woulzl have been the only U.S. government person dealing directly with Secord on this matter? A That is correct. MR. WOODCOCK: Well, I think that concludes my questionins MR. SMEETON: Just a followup regarding your mentioning of the apprising of State Department, specifically Mr. Shultz and Mr. Oakley. EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF THE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE BY MR. SMEETON: Q As I recall, at equest, you were asked if you would determine who within the State Department was so apprised; and you learned it was Mr. Shultz and Mr. Oakley and nobody else in the Department of State? A That is correct. Q And did you get the impression that Mr. Shultz and Mr. Oakley would okay such a transaction or just that they were apprised? A I think that my impression was the cable was drafted in such a way as to indicate that they approved of ? ~Iactions, that they knew of the mission that was happening. MR. SMEETON: Okay. I have a point to clarify, if I may. T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 EXAMINATION ON BEHALF OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY BY Q if you would, since this has been discussed on the record, you indicated that there was one discrepancy which you corrected. Would you just take a quick look at this and tell me if you found any other discrepancies that you could correct for the record right now. A The only other phrase is should also read used fat And you are satisfied that is accural ,t. looking again at your cable?. A Yes, I am. That's all'. [Whereupon, at 3:30 p.m., the deposition was concluded.] discrepancy I know, also the the -second _placeti?-in here::: T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 ;on/dzg 'i 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 J. yr IJL Vlt, . U ULJr1LU' 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 Partially Declass m under pro by B. Reger, EXECUTIVE SESSION DEPOSITION O Wednesday, May 27, 1987 House of Representatives, Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Washington, D.C. The committees met, pursuant to call, at 9:00 a.m., in Room B-352, Rayburn House Office Building, Neil Eggleston (Deputy Chief Counsel of House Select Committee) presiding. Present: -W. Neil Eggleston, Deputy Chief Counsel; Tim Traylor, Investigator, House Select Committee; Robert W. Genzman, Associate Minority Counsel, House Select Committee; Terry Smiljanich, Associate Counsel, Senate Select Com- mittee; Timothy Woodcock, Associate Counsel, Senate Select Committee; and George Taft, Counsel, Department of State. /ieleased on ion3 of E.O. 12356 ticnal Warily Counsif . U WL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 V 1 2 U 1 Whereupon, 4 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 was called as a witness by the Select Committees and, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified as EXAMINATION BY...000NSEL FOR THE HOUSE SELECT BY MR. EGGLESTON:. Q for the record, my name is Neil Eggleston, Deputy Chief Counsel for the House Select Com- mittee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran. Also present are two representatives of the Senate Select Committee. Both committees were established pursuant to resolutions and have various enacting rules. The State Department was provided with copies of both the resolutions and rules. If you want copies for any reason, we can certainly provide them to you. The mandate of both the House and Senate Committees which are now conducting joint hearings, is to investigate the circumstances surrounding primarily the Iran affair, but also the United States Government's involvement with the contras. This is being conducted pursuant to those rules. Let me just ask you at the outset to tell us a little bit about your background in a very brief fashion. If you could just tell me a little bit about your schooling = M W 'Al' w s a ~= ~~ I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 A He was the ambassador, yes. During some of these Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 days we'll talk about, .'he was out of the country, and I was in charge. You are the Deputy Chief of Mission? A That is correct. Pardon me, I have not done too much work in the the functions of the mission. Therefore, he is prepared in like the ambassador, has general responsibility for all of Chief of Mission doesn't have a line responsibility. He, the American Embassy, it is a little different. The Deputy A That is right. The way the embassy is structured, Q You are the ranking person in his absence? A The ambassador is called Chief of Mission of Mission? State Departmer'. Others have done a lot. Is there a Chief the ambassador's absence to take over. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 5 4 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 y A Q 'V i ~ 1 J .19 'U' it Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Let me ask you then -- now that I have established some background, let me ask you, as I indicated a moment ago off the record, the principal area I wanted to ask you questions about is the time period primarily, say, November 20 through the end of your own involvement in this particular operation. Could you just, without questions or promptings from me, relay the best you can recall what:yur involvement was when you arrived into the operation of the various functions that you performed. A Yes. There was, I suppose, one event prior to my actual involveement that's worthy of note. On the 21 of November, the political consular, who was the Acting Deputy Chief of Mission since I was in charge at the time, was called over to the Forei n---Ministry and was told that there was an American who claimed to be a retired General concurrence for transfer of seekin arms to Iran, and the was confused by WM this and wanted to know what our policy was since we had on many occasions told them our policy was to discourage such shipments. The Acting DCM confirmed to the government that Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 our policy was to discourage shipment of arms to Iran. reported that in a telegram, which I believe you have access Q That occurred on November 21? A Yes. And I think we sent the report out the 22. Gi,g CHIEF Now, on about noon on the 22, th came to me, and he said that'he was involved in a very difficult situation, it wasn't exactly how he described it, and he needed my help and guidance, and he said that he received instructions, I;.believe, the night before or early in the morning to come i open up his communications and act upon whatever communica- tions were received. The first telegram that he received instructed him not to inform the ambassador. He came in, he was told to get in touch with some- one acting under a pseudonym at a local hotel or at a telephone number which he assumed was a hotel, and to help.,,, him... The pseudonym was R. Copp. He called him and -- this is as related to me, and probably not in the precision that it was related, because it's been a year and a half -- but essentially he was asked to assist with in gaining authorization for the arrival of aircraft bearing arms for Iran, which would be transshipped i to Iran. M was not cooperating because they really niri Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 7 A 0 didn't know what was going on, they were confused. At least that was the sense of c'f; C, N, f 5 b- 10 12 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 said tha the Foreign Minister, Prime Minister or someone who worked in those offices to be helpful in this process. didn't know how to go about it and didn't feel he would be successful in any event. said he had told Headquarters that-he would need the help of the Charge to get these things done; if they wanted=`it done, they should engage the Charge. I said to him at that point that -- well, we both agreed it was an astounding operation. But, beyond that, I said that I would be prepared to cooperate, but first he needed authorization to tell me what he had told me, and, second, I needed to know that the Secretary of State knew about and approved the operation. Late that afternoon, I think about 5:00 o'clock or so, he received -- all of this was in CIA channels -- he received a telegram which was purportedly from John Poindexte which asked that I be shown the communication and be asked to pull out all the stops to get approval for the transit, and he said the Secretary knew and approved of the operation and Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 asked that State Department communications channels not be used because only the Secretary and Assistant Secretary Oakley were aware of the operation, given its obvious sensitivity. Based on that, I got in touch with and said I needed to talk to the Foreign Minister. He told me the Foreign Minister was in a Cabinet meeting and was in- accessible unless I could tell him that my request was coming from the highest levels of the United States Government. I said I could, based on the.assumption this was, in fact, from John Poindexter, who was National Security Adviser to the President at the time. He then explained to me why they had been negative to this point. He went back over the contact that they had received from a so-called retired American General and why they had summoned our political consul, Acting DCM, to ask him about our policy; and based on our reiteration of our policy that we were trying to stop shipment of arms to Iran, they had decided not to cooperate. This is just by means of explanation. Q Is this now your first contact? A This is my first contact with the evening of the 22. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Okay. A I did not talk to the Foreign Minister that evening My interest in getting the cooperation o was passed on to him,ibut I did not actually talk so at. night, I received a call fro Late that evening, it was about 11:00 o'clock or He had received a telegram indicating that Robert McFarlane, who was then in Rome I was told, I am not sure, but he was in Europe in any event, had talked to the Foreign Minister on the telephone and that the Foreign Minister had agreed to facilitate the transshipment. I was asked to get in touch with the Foreign-` Minister's staff and confirm that. I was unable to do so at that time.- At 7:00 o'clock the next morning, the 23, I was called again by Whoever was sending him the telegrams back here was anxious that we get that confirmation as soon as possible because they wanted to go ahead with the operation. They asked I move as quickly as possible to get Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 ,P rj p'ji* 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 TUF__5EL~~~ 15 16 18 20 22 23 24 Anyway, he received the note, complained to me about the way we had handled it, the whole operation, and noted at the time the note didn't look like it met their needs. That afternoon we went back and forth several times between the Foreign Ministry and myself, between IN 25 and Washington, about how we might embellish upon ~P4 rr,O-%" rrrnr+n' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 the confirmation. ;on r, Finally, mid-morning I was able to talk to the Foreign Ministry, who said he was aware of a conversation but not aware of any commitment to facilitate the shipment without a diplomatic note requesting it and P,~plaining the reasons for it. I subsequently talked to th Foreign Minister who said the same thing, he said the note needed to contain where the aircraft were coming from, where they'were going, the reasons for the operation and the cargo. I communicated all-of this, or did, back to Washington. We were authorized to deliver a note, which, as I recall, and I am sure you have the text of it, it was rather skimpy, it did not give details about cargo or reasons. I can't remember, but it was by it didn't meet request. I took that over and delivered it to the Foreign Ministry, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 -The meanwhile were meeting rather regularly, the Foreign Minister meeting with the Prime Minister to decide whether or not they would cooperate. late afternoon, I had a good sense of what kind of note would meet needs, it had to have some information about cargo, but it didn't have to be specific. It had to make some reference to humanitarian purposes, and it had to have the origin and ultimate destina- tion of the cargo. At this point, the second effort to put this opera- tion together was running up against a deadline, as I under- stand it. That is, planes were in the area and on route M and had-a turn-around time that was getting fairly Sometime in the afternoon of Saturday, they turned around-, and I guess whoever was running the operation back here decided they would do it some other way, because I received instructions to deliver a rather short and curt note that essentially said "thanks for not helping this humanitarian 25 11 operation." UNfliftS!FIED MnD- -O'rP PT 4:; A = }.1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 4-3 for that evening, Saturday evening, about 7:00 o'clock, 7:30. I had a meeting with the Foreign Minister scheduled meanwhile had been hard requested. prepared. -agree if we provided the information that they at work, and they were at this point, as I understand it, him. I showed him the note, and they were very upset because it was in a sense impolite. Also, we had turned them inside out for about 24 must say. Anyway, we met, there were about five of us in the room. He had two staff members with hours, and now' we-..were- simply saying "thanks , but no thanks.!.,, we don't=-we are not--proceeding-;down-this track. This has been previously marked ERC-1. Maybe, so the record over the telegram that you sent or that was sent on the 21.'= That's essentially it. I am sure there are gaps. Maybe you can ask questions. Q I will. There-are actually not that--many tgaps . Let me start by asking you if you could just go r t--t T CT- ' ~ t Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 - That is the reason I asked you the question earlier. We were not under the best conditions to mee 11- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 20 is clear, we should have it marked -=what are your full initials? A 4 1? (The following document was marked a xhibit No. 1 for Identification.) COMMITTEE INSERT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 ,,Y 1 BY MR. EGGLESTON: 2 Q Let me show you 1 and ask you, as best you can 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 25 recall, if you can elaborate on this, the early conversation of the 21 about the contact between the Acting Deputy'Chief of mission with regard to this contact by the retired General. A Yes. As I said earlier who was Political Consular, was called over Ly the Deputy Political Director and told that an official from dealing -- well, an arms dealer I guess ^~ who, as I understand, by the way, is related to one of the officials in the Foreign Ministry, and that's why that contact was made. He was a brother-in-law. That's why the contact was made in that fashion -- had said that he was working in cooperation with a retired American General or a person who claimed to be a retired American General and that they wanted to arrange for the shipment of some arms to Iran. knowing of our general policy The Foreign Minist.ry in this regard, was confused and they had asked to come over and reiterate our policy essentially, which he did. We reported back the following day. I take it, as of this time, the Acting DeputyAChief did not know the name of the supposed retired American General? A No. Q Was indication whether the retired General 31 I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 15 TT,,; +oA c+a f'PS Government operation? 10 12. 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 A My impression is yes, but I don't recall precisely. Q Is this -1 a telegram that you sent back to the State Department here in Washington? Is this your cable essentially? A Yes. It was actually written by i saw it before it went out and approved it. Q Let me just take a look at it and make sure_-thee is nothing in it I wanted to ask you about. You may or may not -know, based upon-whether you read the Tower Commission or all sorts of things, there came a time when General Secord receives a letter signed by Colonel North with a signature indication of Mr. McFarlane indicating that Mr. Secord's services are needed with regard to a particular operation. Did you ever see that letter during the course of this time period? A No, I didn't. Q So he never showed it to you or to your knowledge did not show it to A To my knowledge, he did not. He certainly didn't show-it to me, because I have never met General Se cord. ' :_M/c . Q From your . conversations with= do you know whether he ever showed it to him? A I do not know. I don't think he did. Q This cable suggests that the Acting Deputy Chief of Rr I N W- Ism Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 he doesn't know me. Q You have never discussed these events with them? A No. Q Admiral.Poindexter or similarly Mr. McFarlane? A No. Q Have you discussed the'events of this week in November, '85 with anyone else at the State Department? It is kind of an open-ended question. A Yes. The answer is yes, I have. I have discussed it with, not in this detail, but with the Assistant Secretary of State f Was that a contemporaneous conversation? No, it was not. Q Do you recall when it was? A Last summer. Nearly a year later. Q But before all these events became public in November, 1986? A No, on the contrary. I do not believe I ever dis- cussed it -- I am trying to think back. I assumed I had dis- cussed this with U but I probably had not. I did not open the subject up to any conversation with anybody in the State Department. it was not public knowledge then, I simply didn't I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 f 1 0 ;1 f 17 18 20 23 Department. do it. Q You were following instructions to only discuss it with Oakley or -- A Exactly. The only other person I did discuss it with was When he returned, I told him what had. occurred, and besides saying, "Thank God, I wasn't here," he really didn't have anything to add. I feel fairly confident he didn't discuss it with anybody at the State MR. EGGLESTON: I don't have any other questions. BY MR. SMILJANICH: r -1A citte F Q Did ever put a name behind who at Headquarters was giving instructions? A Ever is a long time. He did afterwards. I am trying to remember whether he did at the time. He explained the type of channel he was receiving the instructions on, which was a privacy channel, and it came from the operations side, but I i'' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 13 15 16 18 19 20 23 24 25 don't know that he mentioned Clarridge's name. Q What about after the fact? A After the fact, yes. Q Anyone else? A No. I mean, I know that Clarridge, Deputy Director of operations, theoretically might have been involved, although I also gather he may have been out of town at the time. There are independent communication channels that are available to you that run directly to the Secretary of State, is that correct, as Charge? A I could use State-Department channels and have a highly restricted distribution on this end, but none that I would feel confident using under the circumstances at the time. So there is, in fact, no way in which you could have directly communicated only with the Secretary of State and no one else? A Not at the time. I have a telephone now. But at that time, we didn't have. BY MR. WOODCOCK: IQ jI am Tim Woodcock with the Senate Com- mittee. I am going to have to jump around a little bit, as I was following these notes. The information that you first received from I take i received it first -- I AV% 15 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 CIA-RDP89T00142R0 00500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 lounge, so it is second-hand information. A That is my understanding. I was not in the VIP early on, as well as the person waiting in the VIP lounge? Q So that from your understanding was involved A I believe that was A That is correct. Q That referred to a manager of the firm n his pre-hearing remarks, General Secord said that he personally had some reservations about the use of because he sai M S was "not smooth". Do you know enough about o know why he would be considered not smooth? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 8 9- 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 23 I have an impression tha is heavy-handed, but that is an impression, not based on my knowledge. To my knowledge, I haven't met the man. When you say heavy-handed, what do you mean by that? Too direct, rather blunt, given to bluster. Q Do you have knowledge at all of A I have met He is also a partner i, is that-correct? t is correct. I think he an own equal shares, perhaps. I am not sure. But he is partners with him. Do you know of any involvement -- I am speaking broadly here -- of Thomas Clines in I returned from the- meeting with him, which was sometime during the day of the 23rd. Q Did the name Secord mean anything to you? 4, No, it didn't. Q When Ambassado returned, you testified you briefed him on the matter. Is it also true participated in that briefing? A I am certain he did at ont point. Whether -- I I do not. Do you know Thomas Clines? No. - ~. Do- - recall at what point you learned that Copp fact, Richard Secord? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 I have very high regard for On November 23, Did he advise you that he had relayed to Headquarters the information that General Secord had told him about the nature of the airplane mission? A Yes. Did he advise you of that on November 23 or long after the fact? d although I did not see all of those, I did see some of them. He told me what was in them. Normally can't recall whether I briefed the ambassador independently first or we did it altogether. I am not sure. The normal, of course, event would have been that I would have given him to go through it all. But I can't recall that's the way it happened. It's a question of trust involved here. a very brief summary of what happened and asked honest person, as a person of integrity, and I think that's probably reciprocated. I wouldn't want you to read into what I have said anything that suggests I have cut him out or he' is trying to cut me out of any conversation with the ambassador That was not the case. Q Thanks. C !,4 ;L H Did advise you that he was in regular Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 12. 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 I saw them, and he provided a running account of what was going on to Headquarters. Q Your understanding -- A Within that running account was the conversation with Secord and the indication the aircraft would be carrying Hawk missiles, yes. You are referring to a running account, and I gather that is the account has given you. Is that correct? A No, I mean that he--was giving Langley. Q I want to divide-this into two parts. There are actual communications going to Langley from is that correct? A Yes. When you refer to a running account, that is what you are referring to? A Exactly. Q With respect to the communication which C,? ct/'E7 made to Langley recounting the substance of the Secord conversation,-did he simply tell you about it, or did you actually see it? A I don't know. Q You don't recall? A No. Q I gather some of the messages he sent out you Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 12. 13 15 16 18 20 21 22 24 25 actually saw, and others he told you about, is that correct? A That is correct. Q But I gather -- ? ' t T 'saw t}~at an recd Z% Q That specific one? A That is correct. Q Your memory is clear, I gather, on the point he did tell you contemporaneously with sending the message he had communicated with Headquarters on the substance of the Secord conversation. That's what I recall. Q I gather -- you have already testified to this, just to make it clear -- that conversation recounted the nature of the cargo being Hawk missiles to the destination point being Iran and the purpose being for the release of the hostages, is that correct? A That is correct. Q Do you recall whether Ambassador com- municated any dismay to CIA after the fact about the manner in which this-whole operation had been handled? ,A My impression is that he did not. He intended to, he said he was going to. My impression is that he did not. Q Now, was that at your suggestion, or was that his A Well, he was appalled by it, let's put it that way, 9JtN_ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 37 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 so I can't recall whether it was my suggestion or his idea, but it could have been either. Q You were in accord with it, is that correct? A Yes. Q Would that have gone -- if that communication had been sent out, would that have gene to the Director of Central Intelligence, Mr. Clarridge, or some other person? A It would have gone to the Director of Central Intelligence, because Ambassado and the Director were personal friends, as you-probably know. Can I go off the record for a second? - MR. EGGLESTON: Sure. (Discussion off the record.) BY MR. WOODCOCK: Q Have you heard now, subsequently, through all these events, whether Thomas Clines was even present in during these operations? A I have read thathe was. But I don't know by my own knowledge. I have not talked to anybody in that says he was there. I never asked whether he was there, who was one of those two partners I have met. Q Have you ever sought to confirm through your con- tacts in whether it was, in fact, General Secord who went to the VIP lounge? A No, I have not. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 1 is LYLU AA 38 i fonfirmed to you that this attempted bribe, or whatever the attempted influence was, was sought to be effected in the name of Robert McFarlane? A No,?I have heard nothing along those lines. I am only vaguely aware of this concern about a possible bribe, and certainly not in terms of utilizing Robert McFarlane's name. Q Did this incident which occurre have any lasting effect on relations between the United States and A That's a difficult assessment to make. It's possible that it created some suspicion within the government about how we deal with other governments. It also might have had a concern this particular government h complicated the relationship somewhat, but I can't be sure. And I might add, if I can, for the record, that that really accounts for why I did not seek further informa- tion about who was really at the VIP lounge. As far as I was concerned the event was over with, and we were better off going ahead trying to build the relationship rather than spend too much time worrying about what had happened. Q I may have asked this question already, but let me Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 , 9 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 39 t r y t' r ask again. Following this incident, did you come across, through your sources i any association of either General Secord or Thomas Clines wit in subsequent dealings? A No, I was not aware of General Secord or Tom Clines, Thomas Clines, being in after that, until I read about it in the press a few months ago. Q Now, the same question only with respect to association or involvement with bM efore the events of November 22, 23 and 24, 1985- A I am not sure what the question is. Q The question being, did you come across information i your contacts i of association of General Secord or Thomas Clines with at any period before November 22, 23, or 24? A No. At least none that I can recall, because I wouldn't have recognized those names at the time, in any event. Q I am speaking -- this is after the fact, even up to the present. Have you, through you contacts, received confirmation of the involvement of these people with M A I haven't. Q Let me ask you the same tandem of questions with respect to Albert Hakim. Is that a name you are familiar Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 with through your contacts in A No. MR. WOODCOCK: I think that is all I have. Thank you, sir. BY MR. GENZMAN: Q Regarding the curt note delivered t was that at the instructions of Admiral Poindexter? A It was my assumption it was at the instructions of Admiral Poindexter. It came through the CIA channel, and it was purportedly under his instructions, yes. Q And was the wording of that note also from Admiral Poindexter according to your information? Yes, it was. Was there any Department of State approval or Secretary of State approval A. No, there was not. Q -- of the note? A Not that I knew of. Once again, going back to the basic operating thesis, that is I was operating on the basis of my understanding given to me through CIA communications that the Secretary knew and approved; therefore, that was just an extension of that. I might, if I can, sort of expand here. You asked or Mr. Eggleston asked if I had ever discussed this with the Secretary of State or with Assistant Secretary Oakley after i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 I I l V X KJA& 41 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 that event. First of all, I don't really have many occasions to meet with either one of them, and I have only been back to the United States once since then, and that was last summer, or twice last summer, I am sorry, briefly. To that'point, this had not become public knowledge, so I didn't discuss it with anybody else. My assumption still at that time was that they knew and approved. I had no reason to believe otherwise, and, therefore, I didn't seek an opportunity to raise it. MR. GENZMAN: I have nothing further. Thank you. MR. SMILJANICH: One last question. BY MR. SMILJANICH: Q Physically, when you received the wording of the diplomatic note via VIP channels, did you take that or re-do A It is done on a standard diplomatic note format. It was done by a secreta Q Did you retain a copy of that? A Yes, I have a copy. Q Back, in' Yes. I believe you have it. Do you not have the context of it? Q I don't know we have anything other than the CIA cable itself. MR. EGGLESTON: I don't know I have seen it in the formal fashion. I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 14 _ ~ 42 1 K~ D ?t..~.r .9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 25 BY MR. SMILJANICH: Was a copy of that ever sent to anyMffice here at the Department of State? A No. MR. EGGLESTON: I don't have anythirg further. MR. WOODCOCK: Let me ask a coupin questions. BY MR. WOODCOCK: When you received this terse note, would it be fair to say you were concerned about the quality and tone of the note? A Yes. We appealed actually. How was that done?" As I recall, it was done in communications. It is possible, however, and I don't know, it is possible that -- because sometimes communications came via Secord. He had his little'radio. So some of_the,appeal might have gone through those channels, or might have talked to Secord and said; "Look, we can probably get this done if you do it this way" and -- but I don't really,Rrecall. We did appeal, I appealed personally the tone of the note and substance of the note. I thought we were throwing away an opportunity to get it done if they really wanted it done. Q You testified that you were instructed not to communicate through State Department channelse at the outset, is that correct? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 10 13 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 A That is correct. Q So your personal appeal was directed, to the best of your recollection, either through CIA channels or through Secord's communication device, is that correct? A That is correct. Q Who would that have been directed to, CIA Headquart- A Yes, CIA Headquarters. Whoever was -- actually, it was to the NSC as far as we were concerned. The in- structions that came out were this is a NSC operation, or the NSC asks -that you or instructs that you do the following, as I recall the opening telegram. So all of this was we were working for Admiral Poindexter as far as we were concerned. Q So under those circumstances, I gather, it would have been inappropriate for you-to have appealed to the Secretary of State, is : theft= Correct? A Yes My__assumption at-that point would haste been the Secretary of State, although aware of the-.operation, was not aware of the details'-at this point. Time was running out.- It wouldn't have been a reasonable-thing to try to do. Q Now, let me just ask a couple more questions. You testified you never met,Secord, is that correct?--- A That is correct. Q So, therefore, your knowledge of this communications Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 04 42 t 4 4 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 )tson/drg 21 end 22 25 device he had is coming fro A That is right. Z-r Q I gather, then, you were relying upon his representa- tion this was a Secord communications device; is that correct? A That is correct. The only reason that -- I mean, " ? _ VIP we becPme aware, and I became aware almost inad- vertently Secord had his own communications device because he was able to get things out of Washington we subsequently got through CIA channels. He would be on the telephone saying such and such is happening. Q I take it there were points in this operation where Secord was, as they say in the CIA, waiting in advance is that correct? A I think that was the case most of the time. in retrospect. MR. WOODCOCK:. I think that is all I have. Thank you, sir. MR. EGGLESTON: Thank you. (Whereupon, at 10:32 a.m., the committees were adjourned subject to the call of the chair.) 1A C'H145 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 d Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5 Iq Next 29 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP89T00142R000500670007-5