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25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Directorate of t-onnuential Intelligence 25X1 Brazil: Agriculture at the Crossroads A Research Paper ?PROLthX.71.' NUMBER j75T7 41 I W M PAGE NUMBERS T3TAL NUMBER OF COPIES DISSEM DATE EXTRA OOP RECORD CENTER JOB NUMBER PRCJECT NUMBER Confidential ALA 88-10013 GI 88-10033 , March 1988 561-0 Copy 3 7 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 utrectorate 01 Confidential Intelligence -41t- 25X1 Brazil: Agriculture at the Crossroads A Research Paper This paper was prepared by Office of African and Latin American Analysis, and by Office of Global Issues. Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to the Chief, Brazil Branch, South America Division, ALA or the Deputy Chief, Strategic Resources Division, OGI Reverse Blank Confidential -ILA 88-10013 GI 88-10033 March 1988 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25)(1 25X1 9)(1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Summary Information available as of 18 February 1988 was used in this report. Brazil: Agriculture at the Crossroads During more than 20 years in power, Brazil's military rulers focused attention on rapidly expanding the production of export crops. Brazil now ranks only behind the United States in net export revenues earned from ag- riculture and competes directly with many US agricultural exports, such as soybeans, poultry, and processed products ranging from frozen orange juice to soybean meal and oil. These achievements came at the cost of stagnating and, in some cases, declining production of domestic food crops, however. This, in conjunction with a rapidly expanding population, caused per capita consumption of basic foodstuffs to sharply decline during the military government. The civilian government of President Jose Sarney came to office in 1985 pledging a set of reforms that would capitalize on the country's enormous agricultural potential. It outlined an ambitious two-track policy designed to expand lucrative exports and to push aggressively for growth in domestic food production. The political, financial, administrative, and technical obstacles to balancing these goals have been formidable, but the Sarney administration has begun to take a number of steps to address many of Brazil's longstanding agricultural problems. It has: ? Set investment targets to expand rural infrastructure, such as agricultur- al storage and irrigation facilities. ? Improved credit access for small farmers engaged in food staple production. ? Raised support levels for food crops. ? Provided broader access to farmland through land reform and by opening up new production areas in the frontier. ? Slightly reduced the government's role in the agricultural marketplace. ? Expanded research funds for both domestic and export crops, but with emphasis on food crops. These policies have had mixed results. The agricultural sector has recov- ered from a drought-induced setback in 1986, and in 1987 boasted record crops?a turnaround that helped Brazil achieve an expected $11 billion trade surplus for 1987. Nonetheless, major problems remain: ? Subsidies used to spur an agricultural rebound are contributing to the massive public-sector deficit, and have heightened inflationary pressures. ? Brazil's overall precarious economic situation puts in question the government's ability to continue heavy subsidies in the agriculture sector and inhibits private investment. ? High inflation has eroded real gains in credit access and research funding. 111 Confidential ALA 88-10013 GI 88-10033 March 1988 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential ? Land reform remains stalled by a scarcity of government funds and by the resistance of landed elites. ? General policy drift has prevented action on cutting back inefficient state enterprises involved in agricultural marketing commodities such as wheat and sugar. Despite Brazil's precarious economic situation, it has virtually unlimited potential to make even greater strides in expanding agricultural produc- tion: ? Vast undeveloped areas. Enormous untapped agricultural areas?espe- cially the promising Cerrados region of west-central Brazil?exist where only a small portion of the total arable land has been developed to date. The Cerrados is slightly larger than the state of California, with about 50 million hectares recognized by agricultural experts as being potentially productive. ? Underutilized agrotechnology. The Brazilians can also further expand agricultural production significantly through better use of existing agrotechnologies?hybrid plant varieties, for instance, and fertilizers? for improving crop yields. While some effort has been made to use technological advances more extensively, they have been used largely in the cultivation of export crops. Yields of food crops are quite low by world standards. Brazilian agricultural policy currently stands at a crossroads, with several alternatives open to it. We believe Sarney, given his approach thus far and the many constraints on taking new initiatives that he faces, is most likely to steer a course we term More Balanced Growth. This would be characterized by moderate export promotion, but, with increased attention to food crops through improved support policies for food producers, including greater access to land for small farmers, improved production loan and price supports for food crops, larger investments in rural infrastructure, and food research funding. Although we consider them less likely, we believe the government has two other options. One is Enhanced Export Promotion in which Brasilia turns away from recent policy initiatives and again emphasizes the production of export crops. In our judgment, the government could lean toward this option if the economy markedly deteriorates and Brasilia is obliged to maximize foreign exchange earnings. Finally, we can envision circumstances in which a seriously Confidential iv Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 tontidential Reverse Blank weakened Sarney government bows to growing popular political pressure to significantly Improve Food Production at the expense of export crops. We have examined these scenarios and projected the following consequences: ? Should Brasilia decide to continue the recent policy of moderate export promotion and increased attention to the production of food crops, the value of net exports by 1992 would increase more than 90 percent from 1986?the base year for our forecasts?and provide an additional US $4- 5 billion in revenues. The cost of food imports in 1992 would be about US $1.3 billion?still substantially less than under the Enhanced Export Promotion scenario?but considerably more than in 1986 because population growth would lead to an increased demand for food. ? Alternatively, should Brasilia again emphasize export at the expense of food crops, net export earnings by 1992 would increase dramatically? amounting to $7.5 billion more than in 1986. However, the cost of food imports?more than US $2 billion in 1992?would more than double that of the base year. ? Should the government increase food production at the expense of export crops, the cost of food imports would increase due to population growth, but by only US $300 million over that of the base year to about US $1.2 billion in 1992. The value of net exports, however, would still be greater than the base year?roughly a US $2.5 billion increase. Given Brazil's size, resources, agricultural potential, and already well- established role in international agricultural markets, we believe that whatever policies it pursues will have an impact on US-Brazilian relations. An expansion of exports of coffee, cocoa and sugar, for example, will mean lower prices for US consumers and a reduced US agricultural import bill. An increase in the production of orange juice, tobacco, soybeans, and poultry, however, will intensify already sharp competition with the United States for third country markets. The United States has already objected to the GATT about Brazil's export subsidies on soybean products, while Brazil has accused the US of subsidizing exports of poultry. These trade tensions almost certainly will intensify if, as we expect, Brazil continues to try to have the best of both worlds by pursuing aggressively its export policy while restricting access to its own domestic market. Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Contents Page Summary 111 Scope Note ix Introduction 1 Roots of the Export Boom 1 Keys to Success 2 Social Impact 4 Civilians Take Stock 6 New Priorities 6 Fostering Growth 7 Mixed Success 8 Agricultural Rebound Aids the Economy 8 Some Progress Toward Fundamental Change. . . 9 . . . But Major Problems Remain 10 Future Paths 13 More Balanced Growth 13 Enhanced Export Production 14 Improved Food Production 15 Implications for the United States 15 Appendixes A. Brazil: Production and Trade of Major Export and Food Commodities, 1975-86 17 B. Brazil: Agriculture's Resource Base 25 C. Brazil: Agriculture-Based Energy Program 27 D. Brazil: Forecasting Agricultural Trend-Methodology 29 Reverse Blank vii Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Scope Note This Research Paper focuses on the performance and prospects of the Sarney government in capitalizing on Brazil's enormous agricultural potential. The paper highlights options available to Brasilia for managing a growing dilemma?whether to expand production of agricultural exports or domestic food crops. In particular this paper evaluates the implications for the United States of Brazil's position as a leading agricultural supplier and its increasing importance as a competitor in other markets. This study is part of a continuing effort within the Directorate of Intelligence to scrutinize the Brazilian economy and its impact on the United States.1 ix Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Figure 1 Brazil: Area and Population, by Region and State *BOGOTA Colombia -o CARACAS - * 00? Rio - Vebe'zuela Rio _Negro X, Trinidad and Tobago GEORGETOWN ARAMARIBO Cayenne French) Guiana, (FR.)/ Guyana Boa C' Vista \? RORAIMA . 7.1 Amazon MasP ? _ Suriname AMAZONAS ACRE Rio 0 Branco Peru 1%Zorl: RONDONIA Bolivia LA PAZ North 42.0/4.9 AMAPA 1.Macapa Ii at PARA MATO GROSSO ? Region State ' (thousand (territory) Area km 2) 1986 Population (thousands) North Acre 153 302 Amapa* 140 176 Amazonas 1,564 1,406 Para 1,251 3,411 Rondonia 243 493 Roraima' 230 79 North- Alagoas 28 1,988 east Bahia 561 9,471 Ceara 151 5,294 Maranhao 329 4,003 Paraiba 56 2,773 Pernambuco 98 6,145 Piaui Rio Grande do Norte 251 53 2,140 1,900 Sergipe 22 1,142 Center- Distrito Federal 6 1,177 West Goias 642 3,865 Mato Grosso 881 1,141 Mato Grosso do Sul 351 1,369 South- Espirito Santo 46 2,024 east Minas Gerais 587 13,383 Rio de Janeiro 44 11,298 Sao Paulo . 248 25,023 South Parana 200 7,617 Rio Grande do Sul 282 7,777 Santa Catarina 96 3,629 Total 8,512 119,026 Source: Anuario Estatistico do Brasil. 1985 Brazilian . Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). A Cuiaba? ,eg, Belem Center-West 22.1/6.3 MATO GROSSO DO SUL Campo? Grande t'aguav 4UNCION AS BRASIL! 'LsotirA?.6*- Goiania?? PK' PARANA iba =,4g, North Atlantic Ocean Sao Luis MARANHAO ./... .', Fortaleza 0 \ csARA:ARKLGAIBAja, ? ? ?u? ---A / . 00-1,TORTE Natal (3Teresina RANDE - ' ...?J?Vessoa Joio PERNAMBUCO i Recife `t..- 6 cyMacei6 ; "1?,LYAGOAS 1--) 0-Arataju 1,5,,ERGIPE >4"?Salvador Northeast 18.2/29.3 PIAULX BAH IA Southeast 10.9/43.5 i? Grande Bela flortionteo MINAS sAo AIS PAULO t j-?"'C... 0 IN6R0 Rio de Janeiro g ?Sam Paulo ?ESP41ITO ,/ SATO dVit6ria Curitiba() SANTA CATARINA fi5 Floriendpolis South 6.8/16.0 0P? K RIO GRANDE Alegre i\ DO SUkr Uruguayi? BUENOS MONTEVIDEO AIRES Argetina Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative. South Atlantic Ocean Region boundary a 10.9 Percent of total area 43.5 Percent of total population -- State-level boundary e State-level capital a The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) compiles statistical data for regions as well as states. 0 500 Kilometers 0 500 Miles 711969 (546709) 3-88 Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Brazil: Agriculture at the Crossroads Introduction The Sarney government took office in 1985 counting on a robust performance in the agricultural sector to help bolster Brazil's long-run economic development. The government's ambitious development plans called for an expansion of agricultural production that would provide increased export revenues, produce more food for the domestic market, and decrease dependence on imported petroleum by increasing the output of fuel alcohol. Brazil's agricultural sector now stands at a crossroads, with difficult choices facing the country's civilian leaders. Brasilia's policy direction will have a strong effect on global agricultural markets as well as on the availability of foodstuffs for the rapidly ex- panding Brazilian population (see figure 2) This paper is our first comprehensive analysis of Brazil's agricultural sector since the late 1970s. Building on Embassy reports, industry studies, and contract research, it profiles Brazil's push to become a leading exporter of agricultural products and notes the social costs associated with that policy. It also examines the priorities set for agriculture since the country's return to civilian rule in 1985, and analyzes the successes and failures of the Sarney government's pursuit of its goals. In an effort to estimate possible future trends in Brazil's agriculture in the early 1990s, the paper posits three scenarios for agricultural production and trade and evaluates the implications of each for Brazil and for its bilateral relationship with the United States. Roots of the Export Boom During more than 20 years in power, Brazil's military rulers pursued a broad range of policies designed to expand the production of cash crops and boost export sales. Throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s, military governments provided highly subsidized pro- duction loans and price supports, especially to large farmers growing export crops. In addition to granting 1 Brazilian Agriculture in a Nutshell in 1987 ? Agriculture accounts for 35 percent of national employment and generates 30 to 40 percent of total annual exports since 1980. ? Brazil is one of the most diverse agricultural producers in the world, with products including traditional tropical commodities like Brazil nuts and black pepper from the Amazon Basin, sisal and carnauba wax from the dry northeast, and soybeans and wool from the more temperate south. ? Brazil maintains the world's fourth-largest cattle herd of over 130 million head and the world's largest bioenergy program, producing about 13 billion liters (50.4 million barrels of oil equivalent) of fuel alcohol from sugarcane in 1987. ? Brazil is the world's largest exporter of coffee, orange juice, and soybean meal, and ranks among the world's top three exporters of sugar, cocoa beans, soybeans, beef tobacco, and spices. ? Averaging almost US $9 billion in earnings annual- ly over the last six years, Brazil ranks behind only the United States in net export earnings from agriculture. ? Most of Brazil's agricultural exports are marketed in OECD countries but, increasingly, new markets are being sought in the Middle East and East Asia. ? Brazil is not a major wheat producer and is forced to import from Argentina, Canada, France, and the United States. Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Figure 2 Brazil: Population Growth, 1960-87 Million persons 150 50 25 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 1960 65 70 75 80 85 316146 2-88 preferential financing for equipment purchases, low export taxes, and tax credits, Brasilia also subsidized fuel and transportation costs for opening new produc- ing areas and sponsored research to enhance produc- tivity. As a consequence, Brazilian exporters were able to attract an increasing share of global markets by offering competitive prices; Brazil today ranks only behind the United States in net trade revenues earned in world agricultural markets, according to UN statis- tics. Keys to Success The significant growth in agricultural output between 1970 and 1985 was in large part a result of the expansion of area planted. Government statistics indi- cate that during this 15-year period Brazil's cropland increased 46 percent, to nearly 50 million hectares, with the area in export crops more than doubling to nearly 22 million hectares. Over one-quarter of the expansion took place in the Center-West Region, Confidential Government Policies Spurring Growth of Agricultural Exports To help stimulate agricultural exports, especially processed agricultural exports, Brazil's military gov- ernments used a variety of measures including prefer- ential export financing and tax concessions. For example, processed agricultural exports such as or- ange juice, soybean meal, and sisal cordage have been exempt from the federal value-added tax on process- ing (IPI tax). Brazil also has utilized differential export taxes to encourage soybean oil and soybean meal exports over raw bean exports. The US oilseed industry believes this practice increases profit mar- gins, thus constituting a subsidy that enables Brazil to export below world prices. According to a US Trade Representative (US TR) report, the price advantage has been instrumental in displacing US exports and in producing excess oil- seed crushing capacity in Brazil-25 million metric tons when production averaged only 14.7 million tons from 1980 to 1984. In addition, Brasilia's preferen- tial financing on soybean imports?to feed its excess crushing capacity?has added to US industry con- cerns. USDA reports that the US share of the world soybean meal market fell from 38 percent in 1977178 to 20 percent in 1984-85, and the US share of the world soybean oil market fell from 35 percent to 21 percent largely made up of the wooded savanna geographic zone known as the Cerrados (see figure 3 and inset); this in part reflects the emphasis placed on soybean production in response to increased global demand. In the state of Goias, for example, soybean production tripled to over 860,000 metric tons annually during the 1979-84 period and stands at over 1 million tons per year, according to Embassy reporting. In the more remote states of the Cerrados?Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Rondonia?virgin land was opened up to those producing mainly export crops, according to press reports. 2 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Figure 3 The Cerrados Region 60 k OPARAMARIBO Venezuela Colombia S linorna Guyana F, Cayenne Games (Fr. 45 North Atlantic Ocean ru Porto Velho aro" RI:Albania LA PAZ Bolivia South Pacific Ocean Chi e Brazil Pltraguay ASU Mato) Grosso Ldo Sul' ION Rio Grande Po Luis 47BRAtILIA s-f/ /Belo Horizon -3o SANTIAG 75 Argentina BUENOS AIRES urugua MONTEVIDEO 0- 75? South e Atlantic Ocean Rio de Janeiro State boundary 0 500 Kilometers 3? 0 500 Miles Boundary representation Is not necessarily authoritative. 711968 (A03533) 3-88 In southern Brazil, agricultural experts report, the military governments' policies encouraged many es- tablished commercial farmers and ranchers to aban- don production of food staples and livestock in favor of export crops and sugarcane for fuel alcohol: ? In the state of Sao Paulo, for example, the area planted with orange trees has nearly doubled since 1975 from under 400,000 hectares to over 700,000 hectares. ? During the same period, data from Brazil's Coffee Institute indicates, the nation's coffee tree inventory expanded by 21 percent, growing from some 2.8 billion trees to 3.4 billion trees. Expansion was greatest in the state of Minas Gerais, With the doubling to over 1 billion trees?reflecting the government's $1 billion coffee rehabilitation pro- gram following the devastating 1975 frost. ? Government subsidies also encouraged the growing of sugarcane for fuel-ethanol (alcohol) production at the expense of domestic food crops. Nearly 2 out of 3 The Cerrados: Brazil's Potential Agricultural Powerhouse The Cerrados Region is situated in central Brazil between latitude 6?S and 20?S in a semitropical environment. According to Brazilian land survey statistics, the region occupies roughly 180 million hectares?about one-fifth of the national territory. Although 50 million hectares?more than the total area of California?are potentially arable, less than 20 percent of the region's gently rolling to flat topography has been developed to date, in part be- cause of lack of infrastructure and heavy startup costs. Soils in the Cerrados are high in iron and acidity and low in nutrients, but when treated with lime and managed well can be highly productive. Weather is favorable: temperatures are mild and fairly uniform throughout the year, and rainfall averages between 1,000 and 2,000 millimeters with the greatest concen- tration occurring from November to April. The avail- ability of ground water and streams allows the development of irrigation for agriculture during the May-October dry season (appendix B). According to Brazilian agricultural experts, the Cer- rados has the resource potential for achieving yields on a par with developed country producers for soy- beans, rice, corn, wheat, and dry beans. Brazilian experts foresee the Cerrados as having considerable potential for wheat production in the future, thereby offering the opportunity for gradually shifting pro- duction out of the difficult wheat-producing areas in the south, especially Rio Grande do Sul. Moreover, the Region has the potential to support coffee produc- tion and tropical tree crops?such as mangos and papayas?as well as livestock. 4 million hectares of sugarcane?mostly in Sao Paulo state?now produce nearly 13 billion liters? includes small amount of manioc-produced etha- nol?(50.4 million barrels of oil equivalent) annually compared with under 1 billion liters in the mid- 1970s. Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential ? Brazil also has become a major exporter of poultry, nearly tripling commercial production over the last decade. Although not a large user of land directly, the poultry industry is a large consumer of corn and other domestic feedstuffs. Industry experts indicate that improvements in crop yields and the management of livestock have been more modest and less even, but nevertheless have helped those growing crops for export more than those concentrating on supplying the domestic marketplace. Advances in agrotechnology?hybrid plant varieties, yield-improving fertilizers, specialized pesticides and herbicides, for example?have been largely limited to export crops. As a result, during the 1981-85 period the yield of Brazil's food crops was less than one-half that of the worldwide average and about one-third that of average US yields, according to UN statistics. By contrast, the yield of Brazil's traditional export crops?coffee, cocoa, and sugarcane?exceeded the world average but with the exception of soybeans and tobacco was still only two-thirds as productive as the United States (figure 4). The increased output of soybeans, oranges, tobacco, and poultry has allowed Brazil to increase its agricul- tural exports at an average annual rate of 12 percent since 1970 and has made Brazil a major competitor of the United States for third-country markets. Compe- tition has been particularly intense in soybeans and soya products, orange juice, poultry, and tobacco, all of which Brazil now efficiently produces, processes, and markets.' In 1975 these four products accounted for only US $1.5 billion from shipments of 7.0 million tons, but by 1985 they represented US $4.0 billion from 14 million tons. Earnings from the export of soy products alone increased from a little over US $1 billion in 1975 (from 6.7 million tons) to US $2.5 billion in 1985 (from 13 million tons). Although earnings from agriculture as a whole in 1987 account- ed for only about one-third of total export earnings compared with over 50 percent a decade ago, the 'Production and processing of soybeans, oranges, and tobacco?all geared primarily for the export market?benefit from the technol- ogies and expertise of multinational agricultural firms. For exam- ple, tobacco producers receive technical support from international tobacco firms such as R. J. Reynolds, and Ligget and Meyers. Confidential Figure 4 Average Yields of Selected Crops: Brazil, Argentina, and US, 1980-85 11 1_4?1 Brazil - Argentina US Wheat Corn Rice Beans, dry Soybeans Tobacco NINO 11 in=1 MI= WWI 1=11 IMO 11 IMP LM ENS JIM MEI MI II 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Metric tons per hectare 316147 2-88 value of current agricultural exports is roughly double that of pre-1975 annual sector earnings (table 1). Social Impact The emphasis by the former military government on exports caused domestic food production to stagnate and in some years actually to decline. At the same time, Brazil's population was rapidly expanding-55 million were added during the 1965-85 period, creat- ing sharp declines in the per capita availability of 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Table 1 Brazil: Value of Selected Agricultural Exports Billion US $ Livestock Sector: Productivity Declining, Per Capita Consumption Lower 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Coffee 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.0 Soybeans a 3.2 2.1 2.6 2.6 2.5 1.6 2.4 Cocoa 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 Sugar 1.1 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 Orange juice 0.7 0.6 0.6 1.4 0.8 0.6 0.8 Meat (beef and poultry) 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 Tobacco 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Others b 1.0 0.4 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.7 1.0 Total Agricultural exports 9.6 7.4 8.9 10.5 9.3 7.3 8.0 Merchandise exports 23.3 20.2 21.9 27.0 25.6 22.4 26.2 Merchandise imports 22.1 19.4 15.4 13.9 13.2 14.0 15.1 Merchandise trade balance 1.2 -0.8 6.5 13.1 12.4 8.4 11.1 Note: These data are based on Embassy reporting and CIA estimates. a Including soya products. b Includes a wide range of products from Brazil nuts, cashews, and black pepper to sisal twine, animal hides, and castor oil. basic foodstuffs. According to official Brazilian statis- tics, shortages of manioc and dry beans, for exam- ple-the main staples of the poor-typify the prob- lem. Manioc production, concentrated in the impoverished Northeast, totaled 25 million tons in 1965 but only 23 million tons in 1985, reflecting generally declining yields and smaller acreage devoted to the crop. Dry bean production during the period remained relatively static at about 2.3 million tons as declining yields more than offset expanded acreage. With food in shorter supply, prices rose and the poor reduced their consumption not only of basic staples but also of beef-consumption of which had already been declining (table 2). World Bank, FAO, and USDA reports show the average nutritional level of 5 Despite Brazil's cattle herd of more than 130 million head, its meat production for 1987 was only about 2.2 million metric tons, the same level as at the beginning of the decade. Productivity is very low. The ratio between the number of animals slaughtered and the total size of the herd currently does not exceed 12 percent, half of Argentina's level. This deterioration of the cattle sector reflects failure to improve pas- tures and herds because of poor returns in the marketplace. Poor nutrition has led to low calving rates and downward trending productivity. The cattle herd's rate of growth was 23.1 million head for the period 1970-75, 16.4 million head for 1975-80, but only 9.6 million head during 1980-85. Brazil's dairy herd averages only 800 liters of milk per cow per year compared to 5,600 liters in the United States. Sup- plies of milk for the domestic market, which in- creased 40 percent between 1975 and 1980, declined to only 7.5-percent growth between 1980 and 1985, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. The problem confronting the Sarney government is how to establish a pricing policy that both spurs cattle and dairy production and places it within the purchasing power of Brazilian consumers. A solution advocated by the Beef Cattle National Council is increasing productivity through the expanded use of feed lots in Brazil to fatten cattle and by reducing the slaughter age from 4.5 years to 3.5 years. Develop- ment of this strategy, however, hinges on the plentiful supply of cheap grains as the primary feed source. Brazilians, especially those in low-income groups, has been falling since the early 1960s.2 Statistics compiled by the World Bank indicate that during this period In this study we assume that food crops supply about 60 percent of the total intake of calories per day per person as in the early 1960s. Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 ?VMARAILAVAA%-l64.1 Table 2 Brazil: Average Per Capita Availability of Traditional Food Staples Kilograms per person 1961-63 1981-85 Percent Change Beans, dry 22.0 16.6 ?24.5 Corn, meal 21.7 20.8 ?4.1 Manioc, fresh 134.9 88.7 ?34.2 Rice, milled 44.4 42.0 ?5.4 Wheat, flour 25.2 37.1 47.2 many people in the Northeast Region suffered from malnutrition. In our judgment, the nutrition problem may have been even worse for those urban poor who were cut off from the support of the rural extended family. In an effort partially to offset the decline in the production of domestic staples, Brasilia began to increase its imports of wheat in the 1970s, while encouraging plantings, although wheat is difficult to grow in southern Brazil.' Wheat consumption grew by over 115 percent between 1975 and 1985 to an estimated 8.4 million tons. According to Brazilian trade statistics, over the last decade Brazil has spent about $700 million annually to import wheat. The military government also subsidized consumer prices for both domestically grown and imported wheat products?at a cost of over $1 billion annually? contributing to the perennial public-sector deficit, according to Embassy reporting. Even with these actions, per capita bread consumption in Brazil in 1985 was only 22.6 kilograms, compared with over 50 kilograms in the United States. With the exception of wheat imports, military governments opted not to utilize revenues generated from agricultural exports for food imports to ensure an adequate diet for all 'Heavy rains and high humidities at harvest are a perennial problem for wheat in southern Brazil, the traditional growing area, leading to disease problems, crop losses, and low yields. These conditions have spurred government programs fostering a shift of wheat production to the Cerrados where the climatic conditions are generally better. Confidential Brazilians.' Foreign exchange surpluses were instead used largely to help pay for Brazil's mushrooming oil import bill, to help buy capital goods for industrial development, and to help finance such prestige pro- jects as the world's largest hydroelectric facility at Itaipu, nuclear power facilities, and a military arms industry. Only in food crisis situations, such as in times of severe drought or rioting over lack of food? which occurred in Rio de Janeiro in the early 1980s? did the military government rush to import basic foodstuffs. Civilians Take Stock New Priorities The Sarney government came into office aware of the problems and inequities associated with export agri- culture, and pledged long-term agricultural reforms to bring unused, potentially arable land into food pro- duction. In a series of conferences held in late 1984, the agricultural business community emphatically underscored Brazil's emerging food crisis?the na- tion's food output had dropped 13 percent during the 1977-84 period while export crop output increased 19 percent. The businessmen warned that, if pre-1984 trends persisted, malnutrition would worsen and Bra- zil would have no choice but to become a permanent large importer of grain. According to Embassy re- ports, Sarney's program included the development of frontier lands, notably the Cerrados, as well as land reform. The latter program, aimed at redressing a highly skewed land distribution pattern-10.4 percent of the farms made up 80 percent of farmland in 1980?called for the transfer of approximately 50 million hectares of underutilized government or ex- propriated private land to 1.4 million landless families over a four-year period (table 3). Farmers were to receive increased government financial support for Wheat and wheat products (bread, noodles, flour, and bakery products) are mainly urban middle- and upper-class consumption goods. Accordingly, increased wheat production and imports only marginally improve the diet of lower income urban dwellers, rural workers, peasants, and the landless. 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Table 3 Brazil: Size Distribution of Farms by Number and Area, 1980 a Size (hectares) ct a re s) Number (percentage) Area (percentage) Total 100.0 100.0 Less than 10 50.4 2.5 10-100 101-1,000 1,001-10,000 39.2 9.5 0.9 Greater than 10,000 NEGL 17.7 34.8 28.7 16.4 , Source: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, Anuario Estatistico, 1985. Note: Land ownership concentration is greater in the North, Northeast, and Center-West and smallest in the South. This reflects both the great variety of socioeconomic conditions and the different types of agricultural activities found in the different regions of Brazil?ranging from small family farms of descendants of European immigrants in southern Brazil, to the cooperatives of Japanese Brazilians in Sao Paulo and Parana to the giant ranges of Mato Grosso and the traditional sugar estates in northeastern Brazil. growing basic foodstuffs, especially beans, manioc, and corn. Sarney in part justified the policy by the need to reduce the growing number of land-related conflicts; the press, for example, reported some 950 separate incidents and 180 deaths in 1984. Fostering Growth In other agricultural policy initiatives, Sarney called for the promotion of greater free enterprise in some respects, but pushed expansion of supports for food production. More specifically, Brasilia earmarked three major government organizations for possible reorganization or elimination?the Brazilian Coffee Institute, the Institute of Sugar and Alcohol, and the Wheat Board, according to Embassy reporting. In addition, it announced a Plan of Goals in July 1986 that called for expansion of grain and oilseed produc- tion from the 49-million-ton average for the 1980-84 period to 72 million tons by the 1989/90 crop year. The plan also called for increased rural credit, higher minimum price support programs, and an expansion of agricultural storage facilities; it also pledged to 7 reverse the disproportionate allocation of government financial and technical resources to export crops. The government envisioned an expenditure of $140 billion cruzados (approximately US $3.5 billion in current dollars) in new investments through 1989. Embassy reports indicate that significant funds were made available to expand production and marketing infrastructure?rural road construction, electrifica- tion power and communication services, transporta- tion and storage facilities, and irrigation and drainage systems?with the Cerrados Region and the impover- ished, drought-ridden Northeast the primary benefi- ciaries. To help finance these and other projects, Brasilia aggressively sought foreign assistance. The Japanese, in particular, have increased investment in rural Brazil, providing technical and financial assistance to develop the frontier, according to Embassy reporting. In 1985, for example, the Japanese Government committed US $150 million for the second phase of a project in the Cerrados to expand cultivation on 150,000 hectares, comprising 400 to 500 farms that concentrated on soybeans, corn, wheat, sorghum, and rice production.' The Japanese are also reportedly interested in financing a railroad to serve the produc- ing areas of the Cerrados. In addition, since mid- 1984, the World Bank has approved US $1.9 billion in loans for agricultural and rural development, especial- ly in the Northeast Region, which would focus on irrigation development, research and extension, credit and land tenure and resettlement, marketing reform, and livestock disease control. Also during this period the World Bank has approved new loans worth US $1.7 billion, aimed at improving physical infrastruc- tures such as roads, highways, bridges, railroads, and electric power generation and transmission?projects that support the growth of the agricultural sector. This project, and the pilot project covering 50,000 hectares that began in 1980, are part of the Japanese-Brazilian Agricultural Development Program involving government and private organiza- tions to develop large-scale agriculture in Brazil in an effort to increase food production. Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 onna enu a Mixed Success Implementation of these ambitious programs has been mixed. A severe drought during the first year of the Sarney administration significantly undercut Brasi- lia's efforts to increase food production. A combina- tion of real wage hikes, a price freeze, and expanded social services for the poor spurred consumer food demand just as drought in southern Brazil reduced the output of soybeans by 27 percent to 13 million tons and caused significant losses to cattle herds as pastures deteriorated. According to Embassy report- ing, in 1986 the Sarney government responded to widespread food shortages by importing a record US $2 billion worth of foodstuffs, but internal demand nonetheless outran supplies.6 Moreover, lower volumes of exportable commodities?coffee production was halved to under 17 million 60 kilogram bags (1 million tons)?coupled with generally weak world prices, re- duced Brazil's agricultural export earnings about 22 percent to $7.3 billion (table 1) Agricultural Rebound Aids the Economy In addition to increasing imports, the Sarney govern- ment responded to the crisis with a number of stopgap measures designed to quickly boost food production. In addition to increasing farm credit and setting higher crop support prices, it set price controls on production inputs at the time of planting in order to encourage farmers to use fertilizer and pesticides to improve yields. Price controls and new financial regu- lations induced large landowners to shift funds from money market instruments into farm production in- vestments. These factors paid off in a sharp expansion of acreage under food cultivation; corn and rice acreage alone went up 20 percent?approximately 1.9 million hectares in 1987 compared with 1986 levels. Embassy reporting suggests that 1987 harvests reflect the impact of government policies as well as excellent growing conditions. According to the Ministry of 'In addition to US $900 million in corn, rice, and wheat imports, Brasilia's Interministerial Food Supply Council (CINAB) also authorized liberal imports of milk, beef, pork, and horticultural products. Confidential Agriculture, Brazil enjoyed a record grain and oilseed crop?estimated at 64 million tons, 20 percent above the drought-reduced 1986 crop?and a record coffee crop of 38 million bags (2.3 million tons). Corn production was up 31 percent to a record 27 million tons, shifting Brazil from a net importer to a potential exporter. The US Department of Agriculture esti- mates that Brazil's 1987 soybean production totaled 17.3 million tons, up 23 percent from 1986. The volume of beef and soya exports also was up sharply in 1987, reflecting both stronger international demand and slackening domestic demand. Orange production in the state of Sao Paulo?accounting for 80 percent of national output?reportedly rebounded to 240 mil- lion 40.8 kilogram boxes, up 15 percent from 1986, while frozen concentrated orange juice exports for 1987 are estimated at 785,000 tons.' Finally, excellent growing conditions in 1987 were reflected in a record wheat crop, in the traditional southern producing states, as well as in the Cerrados state of Mato Grosso do Sul where 540,000 tons were harvested this year? compared with only 113,000 tons in 1982. All told, the 1987 wheat harvest is a record 6 million tons, up 7 percent from the good 1986 crop and more than double the average annual production during the previous decade. The narrowing gap between domes- tic wheat production and demand in 1988 apparently will be met by imports of about 2.2 million tons costing between US $200 and US $250 million? compared with average annual imports of 4.4 million tons costing US $850 million annually during the period 1980-85. Brazil's recent agricultural bonanza also has had several ancillary benefits that have helped the trou- bled domestic economy, according to Embassy and press sources. The large summer harvest in 1987, for example, required employment of an estimated 2 million seasonal farmworkers, while the agricultural processing industries employed many of the workers laid off from industrial jobs. The marketing of the record crop from farm to retail outlets and export terminals also added thousands of new jobs for ' Tons in 65 degree Brix (percent by weight of sugar). 8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential truck-drivers, warehousemen, and stevedores. Plenti- ful food supplies also helped temper price hikes for staples, despite high inflation.' The across-the-board agricultural production boom is also reflected in an upturn in 1987 agricultural exports. Even though world prices for key exports such as coffee, cocoa, and sugar continue to be depressed, the Embassy reports that Brazil has gleaned US $8 billion in foreign exchange earnings from agriculture in 1987, 10 percent above the 1986 level and about one-third of total export earnings. In addition, improved domestic supplies and low wheat import prices will save more than $1 billion in foreign exchange. Moreover, the agricultural boom has trans- lated into an 8-percent jump in the sector's contribu- tion to Brazil's 1987 GDP. This has off4t the sharp decline in the industrial sector and has allowed the economy to achieve a modest 2-percent growth level for the year (figure 5). Some Progress Toward Fundamental Change... Preliminary reporting?including information from the World Bank and Brazilian agricultural experts? indicates that some longer term institutional changes are beginning to take hold, increasing the chances that Brazil will remain a major agricultural exporter in the years ahead. Government investments in re- search, in particular, are beginning to bear fruit. Brasilia's Agricultural Research Enterprise (EMBRAPA), for example, recently announced that, after a seven-year study and test period, the Cerrados Research Center has developed the first high yielding hybrid corn in the world tolerant of the region's acid soils. The new hybrid reportedly has yields compara- ble to those in the United States and more than triple Brazil's current average national corn yields. In addi- tion, public and private investments made in response to high international prices for coffee, citrus, and cocoa in the late 1970s are also beginning to pay off. According to Embassy and USDA reporting, by the early 1990s Brazil could produce: ? Forty to 45 million bags of coffee, up 5 to 18 percent from this year's record production. According to the Wholesale Price Index of the Getulio Vargas Foundation, agricultural prices rose 147 percent for the period January to July 1987 compared with a 222-percent price rise for industrial prices during the same period. 9 Figure 5 Brazil: Changes in Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Output, 1980-87 GDP Agricultural output Percentage 7 _ 6 3 17 _ 1 o ? ! 1 ?3 _ ?6 I i_ ?9 1980 81 82 83 84 85 86 87a a Estimated. 316148 2-88 ? Approximately 350 million boxes of oranges, 19 percent above this year's record. ? 550,000 tons of cocoa beans, one-third higher than the 1984/85 record harvest. In contrast to past practice, Brasilia's new emphasis on the parallel expansion of major seasonally planted crops could permit an expansion of grain and oilseed production to 72 million tons by the 1989/90 crop year. The harvest of 64 million tons in 1987 already puts the plan ahead of schedule, although early indications for the 1988 crops point to an expansion mainly of soybean acreage at the expense of food crops such as corn and rice. Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Brasilia also is making some progress in reducing agricultural budget expenditures by reducing subsi- dies. For example, the Embassy reported that in mid- June 1987 Brasilia reduced the wheat subsidy, which had cost the government over $1 billion annually. All imported and domestically produced wheat is now sold to flour mills at US $155 per ton, up from about US $25 a ton charged under the subsidy. Brasilia has also authorized incremental increases in wheat flour and bread prices to consumers. For example, in December 1987 the price of wheat flour increased 25 percent and the price of a 50-gram loaf of French bread went up 15 percent. At the same time, accord- ing to USDA, Brasilia lowered the price paid to farmers for the 1987 wheat crop. The guaranteed purchase price by the Bank of Brazil, which buys the entire crop, in December 1987 was US $182 per ton, well below the price of US $204 per ton and US $224 per ton in effect in 1986 and 1985, respectively. The government also has begun to back away from the traditional use of subsidized production credit, relying more on price support to stimulate production. According to statements made by the Agriculture Minister, Sarney favors incentives that benefit honest producers instead of subsidized financing, which he suspects is often diverted to other uses, such as land speculation and financial instruments. For harvests beginning in early 1988, the Ministry of Agriculture has increased minimum support prices for basic food crops by 218 percent in nominal terms compared with 1987 and for cash export crops by 205 percent.' By combining these increases with a modified production credit program, the Agriculture Minister hopes to encourage farmers to produce 70 million tons of grain and oilseeds in 1988. Finally, Sarney abolished the Brazilian Coffee Insti- tute early this year. This institute had long held a monopoly on coffee exports and imposed support policies that rankled private traders. Moreover, past audits found serious administrative irregularities and overstaffing. 'These new support prices announced in August 1987 will be indexed to National Treasury bonds, which normally follow the inflation rate. Confidential ... But Major Problems Remain The policies that have stimulated the production bonanza have not been without cost, however. Ac- cording to Embassy and press reports, the dip in farm prices in 1987 below guaranteed levels forced Brasilia to buy and store 24 percent of the 1987 rice harvest, 20 percent of the corn output, and a significant share of the near record coffee crop. This support was expected to total about 1.2 percent of the 1987 GDP?an estimated US $3.2 billion?according to a statement made by President Sarney. Agricultural spending is also a major contributor to the public- sector deficit, which is now nearing 7 percent of GDP and fueling triple-digit inflation The government's poor financial position and a series of changes in the leadership of the Ministry of Land Reform also have left agrarian reform in disarray. The Embassy reported that in 1985 the cost of the reform effort was envisaged at US $8 billion, but since then the lack of operational funds has stymied achievement of interim goals for redistributing land and settling families. Moreover, in rural areas, the frequency of clashes between landlords and squatters has increased, according to the press, and landowners are resorting to strong-arm methods with little fear of retribution from Brasilia or state capitals. The Rural Democratic Union, a rightwing organization founded to fight agrarian reform, has grown in size and influence. As a result, land reform provisions in Brazil's new Constitution are likely to reflect the traditional interests of the landed elite. The Brazilian Wheat Board, an agency of the Bank of Brazil, continues its monopoly, annually setting quo- tas for the nation's wheat mills.'" Likewise, the Sugar and Alcohol Institute still sets crop and mill produc- tion goals and controls all exports. The Institute is under attack by Copersucar, the country's largest sugar cooperative, for its price policies that eliminate 1? In 1967, there were nearly 570 wheat mills in Brazil; today there are only 180. As mills closed, they sold their registrations to remaining ones, thus leaving some regions of Brazil without a single operating mill. Many of those still operating are not functioning at full capacity and many are operating inefficiently, according to grain milling specialists. 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential competition between growers and mills and thus reduce efficiency. In addition, Copersucar has charged that mismanagement by the institute cost Brazil over $70 million a year between 1979 and 1986. Despite considerable speculation in mid-1987 that Brasilia was preparing to back away from the heavily subsidized sugarcane-based fuel alcohol program, the government?following recommendations of the Na- tional Energy Commission's Task Force for the Eval- uation of the National Program?recently announced that it will expand production of alcohol from the current annual output of 13 billion liters (50.4 million barrels of oil equivalent) to 20 billion liters by 1992 as well as maintain the 35-percent price advantage that pure alcohol has over gasoline. To achieve this in- crease, the government will need to invest an estimat- ed US $1.2 billion, according to press sources. While increased yields will be sought, the new production target is likely to result in an additional 1-1.5 million hectares planted to sugarcane for alcohol. This will mean that less land will be available for food produc- tion, especially in Sao Paulo, the leading fuel alcohol? producing state (see appendix C). Also moving slowly are Brasilia's plans for certain infrastructure projects, particularly new storage facil- ities." Inadequacies were especially evident with this year's record grain harvest. As a result, Brasilia announced in June that it would lend US $110 million from the National Development Fund to farmers to construct silos in producing areas. In addition, Bra- zil's ports system is reaching its saturation point and action is required to avoid export bottlenecks in the near future . Modernization projects are on the drawing boards for the port of Santos in the state of Sao Paulo, the primary export terminal for coffee and orange juice, and the National Development Bank announced in June that it would spend US $6 million on expanding the port of Paranagua in the " Brazil's state storage firm Cibrazem estimates current national grain storage capacity at 60 million tons. The shortage of 3 to 4 million tons of storage, especially in the Center-West, forced growers in 1987 to sell below floor prices or face crop losses. Brazil: Railroad Projects Proposed North-South Railroad 1,600 km linking Brasilia! Anapolis to city of Acailandia in Maranhao where it will intersect with the Carajas Railroad to Sao Luis on the coast. Status on hold as of 15 June 1987 as part of the new Economic Stabilization Program (in mid-November, President Sarney indicated that he would go forward with the project). Cerrados Railroad linking Center-West states of Mato Grosso and Goias with western Minas Gerais to port of Tubarao in Espirito Santo, 1,820 km. First part will link existing Vitoria-Minas Railroad to Cerrados. Status on hold as of 15 June 1987. Soybean Railroad line to be built between port of Paranagua and city of Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul, length 1,263 km. Parts already completed. Status on hold as of 15 June 1987. southern state of Parana, the main soybean outlet. On other projects?such as improving farm transporta- tion to markets?the government record is mediocre. In mid-1987, Sarney was forced to shelve his much publicized agricultural railroad projects because of the burgeoning financial deficit. Yet in November, Sarney announced he will push ahead with his pet North-South Railroad project, estimated to cost US $2.4 billion (figure 6). Of more immediate importance, much needed irrigation programs for the Northeast are behind schedule and over cost, and have been scaled back, according to Embassy reporting. Studies by Sao Paulo's Economic and Social Planning Insti- tute found that the ambitious National Irrigation Program created in 1986 is underfunded and unlikely to meet its goals. The program was supposed to increase irrigated land by 2 million hectares, which could produce an additional 8 million tons of grain. 11 Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Figure 6 Proposed Brazilian Railroad Projectsa 'Belem Santarem Pnaiba Luis ( I Amazonas Carajas Fortaleza cailandia /Teresina\ C e r a / Rio Maranhao , Grande , ,...-,?, I., "" e?-?do Norte , , ---,3 ? Para el. - / -\-- L. e-' Piaui , --,...."), ../campina , \,-? ; . r Salgueiro 'Grande,' ? r?1 Pernambuco k ' ,?4?.. ,-"/"'.1 ) (Mune . le .r, l rolina -_, o? ,..fSe..., yAracaju Gurupi? las (, 13 5 ut -E, , t, . c,) s., l, Federal,U,L. Distrito _ MIA 1. .11nAltina M.-to G rosso oad B Anapoli Goiania Cruz das Almas Natal Salvador Joao Pessoa Recife Maceio South Atlantic *Porto Ocean eguro Bolivia ?rumba ra inas Gerais Miran a Mato Grosso do Sul Ponta Pori Sao Paulo Formosa Encarnaci' ..(resiste'neit rgentin Uritguey Confidential Concordia Passo Fundo Santa Catarina Grande Sul Sa Maria Paranagua Santos Florian?polis Rio de Janeiro Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative. 12 r0 jrubario Vitoria Proposed railroad project ? Existing railroad --- State-level boundary o State-level capital The alignments shown for the proposed railroads are from the best available sources. The actual alignments may vary from that shown. 300 Kilometers 300 Miles 7119871800508)3-88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Plans to improve the quality and quantity of the Brazilian diet also are a long way from being achieved. Despite last year's production bonanza, rampant inflation and the declining purchasing power of the average Brazilian continue to have an impact on his diet. For example, according to agricultural experts, the minimum monthly wage in Brazil, which 10 years ago bought 47 kilograms of beef, today barely buys 22 kilograms. Brazil's Beef Export Asso- ciation now estimates per capita consumption at 11 kilograms, the lowest level since 1970 and in sharp contrast to the 60 to 80 kilograms consumed per capita in the United States and Argentina. Current milk production, if distributed to all the population, would provide only one glass of milk for each inhabit- ant of the country for the year, according to agricul- tural experts. Future Paths Looking ahead, we believe Sarney and his successors will have difficulty charting a consistent course for agriculture into the next decade. Sarney has little latitude for major policy initiatives, given his lack of clout with Congress, his consistent inability to out- manuever other politicians, and his lameduck status. Moreover, the government is under growing pressure to cut spending in the face of a massive deficit. Furthermore, we do not envision an improvement in Brazil's economic situation during the next year or two?when a successor to Sarney will be chosen. As such, the next president will almost certainly face the same economic constraints and political difficulties. Finally, Brazil's options will also be limited by world market demand and the trading practices adopted by other major agricultural producers. In these circumstances, we expect Sarney to continue to pursue a policy designed to achieve More Balanced Growth between export and food crops?by opting for moderate export promotion, but with some increased attention to food crops. For purposes of analysis, we set out below a scenario to illuminate the likely implications of this most likely policy, as well as scenarios illustrating two other, in our view less likely, policy options. One is Enhanced Export Promotion, in 13 which Brasilia turns away from recent efforts to boost food production and again emphasizes the production of export crops. This could occur if the economy deteriorates further and emergency conditions oblige Brasilia to maximize foreign exchange earnings at the expense of food crops. Finally, in a scenario we term Improved Food Production, we envision circum- stances in which the ever weakening Sarney govern- ment bows to political pressure from the center-left to increase food production at the expense of export crops." To implement any of these approaches, the government would use a combination of price incen- tives, credit policies, and government investment fo- cused on the type of products being emphasized. More Balanced Growth Our projections of agricultural production under this most likely policy option indicate that output of most food and export crops would increase steadily through 1992. Export crops?especially soybeans?would con- tinue to lead this growth (table 4). We estimate that soybean production would increase by 47 percent over the 1981-85 levels, exceeding 22 million tons in 1992 (table D-1, appendix D). Brazil would earn about US $9.6 billion in net exports from the sales of major export crops?especially soybeans, oranges, and cof- fee (figure 7). In this scenario wheat production would decline sig- nificantly?down 30 percent in 1992 from the 1981- 85 average level?due to decline in both area harvest- ed and yields reflecting a drop in the producer subsidy (table D-1, appendix D). As a result, approximately US $1.3 billion would be needed to cover imports in 1992, but food consumption per capita would still decline about 10 percent from the average 1981-85 level because of rapid population growth. This would mean that consumption in 1992 would be about 20 percent below the adjusted national daily calorie requirement, according to World Bank studies. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 12 Analysis is based on Brazil's seven major export crops (cocoa, coffee, cotton, oranges, soybeans, sugarcane, and tobacco) and five leading food crops (dry beans, corn, manioc, rice, and wheat). (See appendix D for a detailed explanation of the methodology used to develop the scenarios.) Confidential 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Table 4 Brazil: Comparison of Area and Production for Major Agricultural Crops, Base Year 1986 and Scenarios 1992 Millions Figure 7 Brazil: Comparative Value of Food Imports and Cash Crop Exports, Base Year 1986 and Scenarios 1992 Food Crops Export Crops Area Production Area Production (hectares) (metric tons) (hectares) (metric tons) Base year, 29.2 1986 64.4 20.3 25.9 More balanced 29.3 growth, 1992 65.5 22.9 39.9 Enhanced 26.4 export promotion, 1992 59.5 25.8 45.7 Improved food 32.8 production, 83.4 19.5 34.3 1992 Note: Estimates for individual crops appear on tables D1-3. Enhanced Export Production Should Brasilia again emphasize export crops, net export earnings by 1992 would increase dramatical- ly?earning US $9 billion more than in 1986, the base year for our forecasts (table 4 and figure 7). However, the cost of food imports?more than US $2 billion? would more than double that of the base year?if Brasilia opts to provide its population with compensat- ing food imports. For this scenario, we found that output of export crops would increase significantly over current levels, and, according to World Bank agricultural price forecasts, Brazil would have the potential to earn about US $13 billion (current dol- lars) in 1992 or roughly US $8 billion more than for 1986 (see tables 4 and 7)." For this scenario, soybean production, spurred by strong global demand and firm prices, would increase at nearly 11 percent per year, reaching nearly 25 million tons in 1992 and allowing exports to increase from $1.6 billion in 1986 to US $4.6 billion in 1992. The production of other products that compete with US agricultural exports?orange juice and tobacco, for instance?would increase rapid- ly as well, averaging about 18 and 20 percent per year, respectively (table D-4). 'These estimates are based only on the 12 major crops in our model. Minor exports such as meat, nuts, sisal, animal hides, and castor oil are not included. In the aggregate these exports earned an additional US $1.3 billion in 1986 for Brazil Confidential Food imports Net exports Cash crop exports Base Year 1986 More Balanced Growth Scenario Enhanced Export Promotion Improved Food Production ''? 6 Billion US$ 12 15 316149 2-88 The major economic cost to Brazil of enhancing its export potential would be a 125-percent rise in the cost of food imports. World Bank price forecasts suggest Brasilia would have to spend an additional US $350 million per year through the early 1990s just to maintain daily caloric consumption per person at about 90 percent of the average 1981-85 level. We estimate that, under this scenario, Brazil would have to import 3.2 million tons of corn, 6.2 million tons of 14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 wheat, and nearly 1.4 million tons of rice in 1992? this compares with 6.1 million tons of actual imports of these three grains in 1986 (table D-4, appendix D). Improved Food Production Alternatively, should the Sarney government opt to respond to political pressure for food production at the expense of export crops, the cost of food imports would increase US $300 million over that of the base year to about US $1.2 billion in 1992. The value of net exports, however, would still be 50 percent greater than the base year?roughly a US $2.5 billion in- crease. To increase per capita food production substantially through 1992, Brasilia would need to encourage through financial incentives the expansion of the area devoted to food crops and improve yields. Projections of food production based on these assumptions indi- cate that output would sharply increase through 1992. This would allow Brasilia both to raise per capita food availability and to cut food imports. In particular, wheat import requirements could be cut 18 percent. On a per capita basis, food staples would supply about 1,625 calories per day in 1992?approximately 20 percent above current levels. Moreover, there would be a marked improvement in the diet of lower-class Brazilians (table 5). The adoption of this policy, however, would result in considerable reductions of net agricultural export earnings?a 21-percent cut, to about US $7.5 bil- lion?from net export earnings under the Balanced Growth scenario. Reduced earnings from three major commodities?soybean products, tobacco, and frozen concentrated orange juice?would account for over 90 percent of the total reduction in export proceeds by 1992 (table D-4). Implications for the United States Given Brazil's size, resources, agricultural potential, and already well-established role in international agri- cultural markets, whatever policies it pursues will have an impact on US-Brazilian relations. An expan- sion of traditional exports of coffee, cocoa, and sugar, for example, would mean lower prices for US consum- ers and a reduced US agricultural import bill. Brazil 15 Table 5 Brazil: Average Per Capita Availability of Traditional Food Staples a Kilograms per person Commodity 1981-85 1992 Percent Change Dry beans 16.6 22.9 38.0 Corn, meal 20.8 27.5 32.2 Manioc, fresh 88.7 86.7 ?2.3 Rice, milled 42.0 43.4 3.3 Wheat, flour 37.1 43.9 18.3 a Actual in 1981-85 and assuming improved food production sce- nario in 1992. is the largest supplier of US agricultural imports, averaging about US $2 billion annually over the last five years. Coffee, cocoa, and sugar alone account for 85 percent of total imports from Brazil (figure 8). An expanded Brazilian presence in markets in which the United States and Brazil compete, however, would aggravate trade frictions. Brasilia's aggressive mar- keting of soybeans and products in the Far East and poultry meat in the Middle East has already raised trade tensions. The United States has complained to the GATT about Brazil's use of export subsidies on soybean products; Brazil, in turn, has accused the United States of subsidizing exports of poultry to the Middle East via USDA's Export Enhancement Pro- gram. Because of a changing supply picture in the United States, exportable surpluses of Brazilian- and US-produced orange juice and tobacco appear headed for intense competition for market shares. If Brasilia keeps its exchange rate competitive, competition with the United States is likely to become even fiercer. A significant increase in food production, as described in the third scenario, would be likely to result in a sharp contraction in US grain exports to Brazil. US exports to Brazil have traditionally been dominated by wheat and corn with an aggregate value of US $500 million annually for the period 1982-86, with wheat being the largest year-to-year export earner. Brazil's drive toward self-sufficiency in wheat, howev- er, combined with larger imports from Argentina Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 l-ummenuati Figure 8 United States: Average Annual Agricultural Trade With Brazil, 1975-87 11-1 US agricultural imports from Brazil exports to Brazil 1 US agricultural 1975-78 1979-82 1983-86 1987a 1,000 Million 1,500 US$ 2,000 0 500 a Preliminary. 316150 2.88 under the new trade agreement, purchase commit- ments with Canada, and heavy purchases of subsi- dized French wheat have already diminished US opportunities. In 1986, US wheat exports to Brazil were valued at only US $66 million, the lowest in a decade. Prospects for US wheat sales to Brazil in 1988 look even dimmer; but this might be partially offset by substantial corn exports to ease Brazil's possible domestic corn supply shortages during 1988." Currently, US corn shipped from Gulf ports can be imported into the north of Brazil more cheaply than transshipping corn from producing areas concentrated in central and southern Brazil. In recent years Brasilia has repeatedly turned to the United States to service deficits in supplies in the northern part of Brazil. However, this shipping advantage for the United States may change in the coming years with the construction of the North-South Railroad. Confidential Repercussions in the New GATT Round Brazil's agricultural trade policies are coming under close scrutiny during the current round of negotia- tions by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in Uruguay. This eighth round of multilateral trade negotiations, launched in September 1986 in Punta del Este, features agricultural trade reform as the centerpiece for negotiations, which will cover the gradual elimination of import restrictions and subsi- dies that directly or indirectly affect agricultural trade. Brazil has pressed for special treatment for developing countries?for example, allowing both protection of the domestic market and special access into OECD markets for Brazilian farm exports. The Sarney government is expected to offer minimal concessions?a stance likely to win few friends for Brazil among OECD countries, but one that will enable it to maintain its leadership role in the G-77 negotiating group. Opportunities for US agricultural exports have also diminished in recent years due to Brasilia's tariff and nontariff barriers and outright import prohibitions. Reduced market access, along with a series of recent dumping cases in the US market, have led to a strain in bilateral relations. These tensions, in turn, will almost certainly spill into the new GATT round, where agricultural trade issues will be highlighted, and where Brazil will be on the defensive for its use of export subsidies, dumping practices, and nontariff barriers. We believe Brasilia will be under increasing international pressure to back away from its mercan- tilistic approach to trade. Nevertheless, Brasilia's continuing payments problems and the current wave of economic nationalism suggest that the Sarney government will move in this direction only grudgingly. 16 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Appendix A Brazil: Production and Trade of Major Export and Food Commodities, 1975-861 Leading Export Commodities Table A-1 Brazil: Cocoa Calendar Year Area Harvested (1,000 hectares) Yield Per Hectare (metric tons) Cocoa Bean Production Beans and Byproducts a (1,000 metric tons) Export Volume (1,000 metric tons) Beans and Byproducts a Export Value (million $) 1975 451 0.63 282 238 320 1976 407 0.57 232 193 352 1977 413 0.61 250 182 767 1978 444 0.64 284 223 815 1979 454 0.74 336 267 935 1980 483 0.66 319 243 694 1981 505 0.67 336 250 594 1982 533 0.66 351 236 427 1983 591 0.64 380 291 553 1984 586 0.56 330 245 658 1985 640 0.66 420 318 771 1986 657 0.70 460 262 618 a Includes beans, cocoa butter, cake, and liquor (products export volumes not converted to green bean equivalent). ' Based on official data from the Fundacao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE), Bank of Brazil Foreign Trade Office (CACEX), FAO Trade Yearbooks, and supplemented with data from the Agricultural Counselor, US Embassy, Brasilia 17 Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Table A-2 Brazil: Coffee Calendar Area Harvested Year (1,000 hectares) Yield Per Hectare (metric tons) Coffee Production a (1,000 metric tons) Coffee Export b Volume (1,000 metric tons) Coffee Export Value (million $) 1975 2,217 0.57 1,272 813 955 1976 1,121 0.34 376 849 2,399 1977 1,941 0.50 975 544 2,625 1978 2,183 0.58 1,268 665 2,295 1979 2,406 0.55 1,333 615 2,327 1980 2,434 0.44 1,061 825 2,773 1981 2,618 0.78 2,032 873 1,761 1982 1,895 0.51 958 938 2,130 1983 2,346 0.71 1,665 978 2,324 1984 2,505 0.54 1,353 1,076 2,850 1985 2,483 0.76 1,877 1,067 2,607 1986 2,260 0.44 998 586 2,359 a Green bean equivalent. b Soluble coffee export volume not converted to green bean equivalent. Table A-3 Brazil: Cotton Calendar Area Year Harvested (1,000 hectares) Yield/Hectare (metric tons) Cotton Production a (1,000 metric tons) Export Volume b (1,000 metric tons) Export Value b (million $) 1975 3,876 0.45 1,748 107 98 1976 3,409 0.37 1,262 6 7 1977 4,097 0.46 1,901 35 41 1978 3,951 0.40 1,569 45 53 1979 3,646 0.45 1,636 1980 3,699 0.45 1,676 9 11 1981 3,511 0.49 1,732 30 41 1982 3,624 0.53 1,928 56 62 1983 2,927 0.55 1,598 180 189 1984 3,114 0.69 2,160 33 42 1985 3,583 0.79 2,841 102 80 1986 3,161 0.73 2,315 37 17 a Cotton (with seeds) from annual and perennial cotton plants. Less than 0.5 thousand metric tons. b Raw lint cotton only. Less than US$ 0.5 million. c Less than 0.5 thousand metric tons. Less than US$ 0.5 million. Confidential 18 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Table A-4 Brazil: Oranges and Orange Juice Calendar Area Year Harvested (1,000 hectares) Yield per Hectare (metric tons) Orange Production (1,000 metric tons) Orange Juice Concentrate Production a (1,000 metric tons) Orange Juice Concentrate Export Volume a (1,000 metric tons) Orange Juice Concentrate Export Value (million $) 1975 403 12.77 5,145 189 181 82 1976 414 14.11 5,842 211 210 101 1977 422 13.84 5,839 229 214 177 1978 455 14.02 6,378 400 356 333 1979 475 14.49 6,883 424 292 281 1980 575 15.44 8,877 479 401 339 1981 575 16.15 9,286 586 639 659 1982 590 16.01 9,444 550 502 552 1983 624 15.19 9,476 508 554 609 1984 632 16.66 10,526 726 911 1,425 1985 663 17.45 11,570 860 438 753 1986 708 15.34 10,861 575 752 636 a Frozen concentrate orange juice, 65 degree Brix. Table A-5 Brazil: Soybeans Calendar Year Area Harvested (1,000 hectares) Yield Per Hectare (metric tons) Soybean Production (1,000 metric tons) Soybean and Products a Export Volume (1,000 metric tons) Soybean and Products Export Value (million $) 1975 5,824 1.70 9,892 6,731 1,304 1976 6,416 1.75 11,227 7,506 1,778 1977 7,070 1.77 12,513 8,444 2,143 1978 7,782 1.23 9,541 6,582 1,515 1979 8,256 1.24 10,240 6,348 1,652 1980 8,774 1.73 15,156 8,875 2,264 1981 8,501 1.77 15,007 12,360 3,191 1982 8,203 1.56 12,836 8,977 2,097 1983 8,137 1.81 14,582 10,872 2,564 1984 9,421 1.65 15,541 10,103 2,569 1985 10,153 1.80 18,279 13,051 2,545 1986 9,450 1.49 14,100 8,126 1,562 a Includes soybeans, meal, and oil (crude and refined). Soybean product export volumes not converted to bean equivalents. 19 Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Table A-6 Brazil: Sugarcane Calendar Sugarcane Area Year Harvested for Alcohol and Sugar (1,000 hectares) Alcohol Production (million liters) Sugar Production (1,000 metric tons) Sugar Export Volume a (1,000 metric tons) Sugar Export Value a (million $) 1975 1,969 580 6,186 1,731 1,100 1976 2,093 642 7,598 1,167 307 1977 2,270 1,388 8,760 2,455 463 1978 2,391 2,359 7,767 1,962 350 1979 2,537. 3,437 7,027 1,829 364 1980 2,608 3,746 8,547 2,572 1,288 1981 2,826 4,211 8,393 2,701 1,062 1982 3,084 5,647 9,312 2,587 559 1983 3,479 7,986 9,576 2,461 515 1984 3,656 9,165 9,100 3,015 574 1985 3,778 10,700 7,810 2,509 364 1986 4,056 11,300 7,850 2,332 368 a Includes raw, crystal, and refined sugar. Table A-7 Brazil: Tobacco Calendar Area Year Harvested (1,000 hectares) Yield Per Hectare (metric tons) Leaf Tobacco Production a (1,000 metric tons) Leaf Tobacco Export Volume (1,000 metric tons) Leaf Tobacco Export Value (million $) 1975 254 1.13 286 98 142 1976 280 1.07 299 101 161 1977 311 1.15 357 101 186 1978 328 1.23 405 110 239 1979 326 1.29 422 126 284 1980 316 1.28 405 128 284 1981 298 1.20 357 132 356 1982 317 1.32 420 145 463 1983 312 1.26 393 155 458 1984 282 1.47 414 161 450 1985 287 1.43 411 170 438 1986 280 1.38 387 149 396 a Farm sales weight is roughly 15 percent higher than dry weight. Confidential 20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Table A-8 Brazil: Beef and Poultry Calendar Beef and Veal Year (1,000 metric tons) Beef Export Volume a (1,000 metric tons) Beef Export Value a (million $) Poultry Production (1,000 metric tons) Poultry Export Volume (1,000 metric tons) Poultry Export Value (million $) 1975 2,150 48 86 534 3 3 1976 2,230 67 144 604 20 20 1977 2,400 102 173 691 33 31 1978 2,200 64 121 858 51 47 1979 2,100 49 140 1,096 81 81 1980 2,150 79 266 1,326 169 207 1981 2,250 145 417 1,491 294 354 1982 2,400 197 439 1,596 296 281 1983 2,400 248 515 1,580 290 243 1984 2,300 260 543 1,398 277 261 1985 2,400 274 545 1,530 279 244 1986 1,900 450 354 1,620 225 220 a Includes fresh and frozen beef, beef extract and canned corn beef, and cooked frozen beef (not including horsemeat). Leading Food Commodities Table A-9 Brazil: Corn Calendar Year Area Harvested (1,000 hectares) Yield Per Hectare (metric tons) Corn Production (1,000 metric tons) Corn Import Volume (1,000 metric tons) Corn Export Volume (1,000 metric tons) 1975 10,855 1.50 16,335 2 1,148 1976 11,118 1.60 17,751 2 1,418 1977 11,797 1.63 19,256 1,420 1978 11,125 1.22 13,569 1,262 15 1979 11,319 1.44 16,306 1,526 10 1980 11,451 1.78 20,372 1,594 6 1981 11,520 1.83 21,117 902 7 1982 12,620 1.73 21,843 544 1983 10,706 1.75 18,731 213 766 1984 12,018 1.76 21,164 254 178 1985 11,802 1.87 22,020 262 1986 12,215 1.68 20,541 2,500 a Less than 0.5 thousand metric tons. 21 Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Table A-10 Brazil: Dry Beans and Manioc Calendar Year Dry Beans Manioc Area (1,000 hectares) Yield (metric tons! hectares) Production (1,000 metric tons) Area (1,000 hectares) Yield (metric tons! hectares) Production (1,000 metric tons) 1975 4,146 0.55 2,282 2,041 12.79 26,118 1976 4,059 0.45 1,840 2,094 12.15 25,443 1977 4,551 0.50 2,289 2,176 11.92 25,928 1978 4,617 0.48 2,193 2,149 11.85 25,458 1979 4,212 0.52 2,186 2,111 11.82 24,962 1980 4,643 0.42 1,968 2,015 11.64 23,466 1981 5,027 0.47 2,340 2,100 11.90 25,000 1982 5,926 0.49 2,902 2,105 11.64 24,500 1983 4,069 0.39 1,586 2,020 10.40 21,000 1984 5,319 0.49 2,615 1,770 11.30 20,000 1985 5,317 0.48 2,550 1,860 12.37 23,000 1986 5,490 0.42 2,280 2,000 12.75 25,500 Table A-11 Brazil: Rice Calendar Year Area Harvested (1,000 hectares) Yield Per Hectare (metric tons) Rough Rice Production (1,000 metric tons) Milled Rice Import Volume (1,000 metric tons) Milled Rice Import Value (million $) 1975 5,306 1.47 7,782 63 24 1976 6,656 1.47 9,757 17 5 1977 5,992 1.50 8,994 1978 5,624 1.30 7,296 30 8 1979 5,452 1.39 7,595 711 245 1980 6,243 1.57 9,776 239 99 1981 6,102 1.35 8,228 143 77 1982 6,025 1.62 9,735 137 47 1983 5,018 1.54 7,742 315 113 1984 5,351 1.69 9,027 1985 4,764 1.89 9,019 340 76 1986 5,594 1.86 10,405 800 180 Less than 0.5 thousand metric tons. b Less than US $ 0.5 million. Confidential 22 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Table A-12 Brazil: Wheat Calendar Year Area Harvested (1,000 hectares) Yield Per Hectare (metric tons) Wheat Production (1,000 metric tons) Wheat Import Volume (1,000 metric tons) Wheat Import Value (million $) 1975 2,931 0.61 1,788 2,098 357 1976 3,540 0.91 3,216 3,428 548 1977 3,153 0.66 2,066 2,624 295 1978 2,812 0.96 2,691 4,335 601 1979 3,831 0.76 2,927 3,655 630 1980 3,122 0.87 2,702 4,755 1,051 1981 1,920 1.15 2,210 4,460 962 1982 2,828 0.65 1,849 4,224 852 1983 1,879 1.19 2,237 4,182 805 1984 1,742 1.12 1,956 4,867 841 1985 2,672 1.62 4,323 4,041 591 1986 3,900 1.45 5,638 2,192 248 23 Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 %.,Ull111.M111.1a1 Figure 9 Brazil's Agricultural Land, by Region Unused? Arable Forest Pasture Region boundary 45.1 Millions of hectares devoted to agriculture 78 Percent of region devoted to agriculture Suitable for agriculture, but not currently in use. Confidential Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative. South 45.1/78 Southeast 69.3/75 Source: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 1980. 24 711970(546709)3-88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Appendix B Brazil: Agriculture's Resource Base The evolution of the Brazilian economy has been heavily influenced by its enormous resource base: the natural environment (land area, soils, and climate), agricultural research and technology, labor, and pro- duction and marketing infrastructure. Brazil's total land area, encompassing 851 million hectares?of which about 9 percent is land under cultivation?endows it with a vast potential to expand agricultural production. More than two-thirds of Bra- zil's huge land area consists of flat to hilly forests, woodlands, and savannas that are sparsely populat- ed?fewer than four persons per square kilometer. The remaining third of the land area contains roughly 90 percent of Brazil's population?currently estimat- ed at about 141 million?living mainly in the prosper- ous South and Southeast economic regions (figure 9). The soils of Brazil are mostly tropical, but temperate soils cover much of the South. These soil types are extremely diverse. Tropical soils alone have extremely variable properties, ranging from the high base status found in the drought-prone area of the Northeast Region to acid infertile soils covering a large portion of Brazil?from the Amazon Basin in the North Region to the Cerrados in the Center-West and Southeast Regions." Vagaries in weather conditions are the principal source of year-to-year changes in Brazilian crop yields and production. Extended periods of frost and inade- quate rainfall pose risks in the South and Southeast " High base status and acid soils are mainly distinguished by their active clay properties and very low natural fertility. High base status soils are almost universally nitrogen deficient. A much more important constraint, however, has been severe soil erosion caused by overgrazing and intensive cropping. The major constraint of acid-infertile soils is aluminum toxicity together with phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen deficiencies, and low water-holding capaci- ty. These physical limitations are not as serious as those of high base status soils. 25 Regions.' The severe frost of July 1975 that hit the southern coffee zone killed millions of coffee trees and led to record world prices and an expensive program to replant coffee in less frost-prone areas. Crops lost to weather from the approximate calendar year 1985- 25X1 86 drought were coffee (47 percent), soybeans (23 percent), cotton (19 percent), and oranges and orange juice (6 and 33 percent respectively). Drought is a problem in the Center-West and North-Northeast Regions as well. For example, the 1983 dry spell significantly reduced output of dry beans (67 percent), corn (65 percent), rice (64 percent), and cotton (58 percent) in the North and Northeast Regions. Heavy rains and high humidity at harvest are a perennial problem for wheat in southern Brazil, the traditional wheat-growing area, leading to disease problems, crop losses, and low yields. These conditions have spurred government programs fostering a shift of wheat pro- 25X1 duction to the Cerrados. 25X1 Research to improve production technology?such as development of high-yielding varieties?has great po- tential to increase Brazil's agricultural output. With the creation in 1973 of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Enterprise (EMBRAPA) and the Brazilian Enterprise for Technical Assistance and Rural Exten- sion (EMBRATER), Brazil launched a massive pro- gram to reorganize basic investments in agricultural 25X1 technology (both institutions are connected to the Ministry of Agriculture). Research is carried out through 11 National Centers for Product-Specific Research, three regional Resource Centers, and The agroclimatic areas in the Northern Hemisphere analogous to Brazil's regions are: South?North Carolina; Southeast?South Carolina and Georgia; Center-West?Georgia; and North-North- east?the lowland tropical rain forest area of Central America and the humid coastal and semiarid area of northwestern Mexico near the Gulf of California. Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential through national, regional, and state research institu- tions concerned with specialized topics.' Brazil's total agricultural labor pool is large and growing, but its distribution is changing. The agricul- tural sector currently employs about one-third of the working population?and is adding nearly 40 to 50 thousand new farm jobs each year. The basis for this growth, in part, is natural population increase, aver- aging some 2.6 percent per year. At the same time, higher paying urban jobs have lured away thousands of farmworkers in the South and Southeast Regions of Brazil, which have responded to their growing rural labor shortage with increased mechanization and by hiring the urban unemployed, especially at harvest time, to meet the demands of expanding agricultural output. But in the aggregate, the migration of workers from the impoverished Northeast to the agricultural frontiers of the Center-West and North Regions more than offsets losses in the agricultural labor force in the South. All told, 1 million new workers have entered Brazilian agriculture since 1965, according to the World Bank. Brazil's production and marketing infrastructure? power and communication, transportation, storage, irrigation, and drainage?is large and growing. How- ever, infrastructure development still remains inade- quate, particularly in the frontier areas of the Center- West, and North Regions. Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture acknowledges that lack of crop storage facilities and transportation services is causing post- harvest crop losses and marketing bottlenecks. Some?of EMBRAPA's Product Centers and their locations are: Cotton?Northeast (Campina Granda, Paraiba); Rice and black beans?Center-West (Goiania, Goias); Manioc and fruit--Northeast (Cruz das Almas, Bahia); Corn and sorghum?Southeast (Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais); Wheat?South (Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul); Soybeans?South (Londrina, Parana); and Swine and poultry?South (Concordia, Santa Catarina). Three of EMBRAPA's regional centers by specialization and location are: Agriculture of the Cerrados?(Planaltina, Distrito Federal); Tropical agriculture?North (Belem, Para); and Semiarid, tropical agriculture?Northeast (Petrolina, Pernambuco). The major state research institutions are the National Center for Genetic Research, the Brazilian Coffee Institute, the Sugar and Alcohol Institute, and the Cocoa Research Center. Confidential 26 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Appendix C Brazil: Agriculture-Based Energy Program Brazil is unique in the scale on which it uses its agricultural sector to produce energy. In response to the 1973 oil shock, Brazil in 1975 began PROALCOOL?the government's program to substi- tute imported petroleum with fuel alcohol (ethanol) produced from sugarcane. A decade later, Brazil is recognized as the first country to develop, on a large scale, an agriculturally derived source of renewable energy and, at the same time, an alternative use for sugarcane. Annual production capacity from over 500 distillers is currently estimated at approximately 13 billion liters (50.4 million barrels of oil equivalent), of which about one-half is concentrated in the state of Sao Paulo (table C-1). Currently, alcohol production supplies over 1 million domestically produced vehicles running on 100 percent hydrated alcohol, as well as helping fuel the rest of Brazil's automobiles, which run on a mixture of about 20 percent anhydrous alcohol and 80 percent gasoline. According to its proponents, the program since its inception has saved Brazil several billions of dollars in foreign exchange by substituting alcohol for imported oil. Other benefits widely discussed by the press are increased rural employment, a heightened industrial base with the construction of hundreds of alcohol distilleries throughout the country, and an alternative use for sugarcane during a period of weak internation- al prices for sugar and changing structural demand for sweeteners in the United States, Brazil's primary market. The benefits of the fuel alcohol program, however, have come at a high cost. The program has been heavily subsidized, with support going for sugarcane growers, distillers, and distributors. For example, as late as 1984, PROALCOOL was making available three-year loans at 3-percent interest for the forma- tion or expansion of sugarcane plantations. Eight-year 27 Table C-1 Brazil: Production of Fuel Alcohol From Sugarcane Billion liters North/ Northeast Center-West/ South Total 1975/76 NA NA 0.57 1980/81 0.65 3.01 3.71 1981/82 0.83 3.41 4.24 1982/83 1.19 4.63 5.82 1983/84 1.13 6.74 7.87 1984/85 1.59 7.68 9.27 1985/86 2.02 9.80 11.82 1986/87 2.16 9.57 11.73 loans at 3-percent interest have been available for acquisition of farm equipment?market commercial borrowing rates have been 30 to 40 percent. Brasilia has also offered 12-year loans at 4- to 6-percent interest for expansion and modernization of alcohol distilleries and for installation of storage facilities. For government-approved projects, modernization and ex- pansion of facilities could be financed to a level of 80 percent of the fixed investment. To increase demand, subsidies have been extended to the consumer level as well, with alcohol sold at 65 percent of the price of gasoline. During the course of the program, however, incentives have outstripped demand, leading to a costly buildup of stocks. To alleviate the stock problem, Brasilia authorized alco- hol exports in 1985 at low prices, mainly to the US market. These exports were later found to have been sold at less than fair market prices and US authorities imposed countervailing duties. Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Critics believe, however, that the program was ill- advised and that it has led to unforeseen conse- quences, mainly the delay in aggressive domestic oil exploration during the 1970s. As a result, Brasilia is committed to an alcohol program costing the oil equivalent of $40 to $60 per barrel at a time when the state oil enterprise has been producing oil at $15 to $25 a barrel. Moreover, the initial objective of the program?producing the bulk of Brazil's alcohol in the underdeveloped North and Northeast?remains unrealized. Production is concentrated in the South, particularly in the state of Sao Paulo. The expansion of sugarcane acreage for alcohol has displaced both food and potential export crops. Nationwide, an esti- mated 4 million hectares are devoted to sugarcane grown on some of the most productive farmland in Brazil. Despite the economic trade-offs from the program and the need to cut the public-sector deficit, the Sarney government in September 1987 announced that it planned to expand production of alcohol from the current annual 13 billion liters to 20 billion liters annually (77.5 barrels of oil equivalent) by 1992 as well as maintain the 35-percent price differential with gasoline. This decision follows recommendations of the National Energy Commission's Task Force for the Evaluation of the National Alcohol Program that included increased utilization of existing distillery capacity and renewal and expansion of sugarcane planting. To achieve the more than 50-percent in- crease in alcohol output by 1992, the Sarney govern- ment will need to invest an estimated US $1.2 billion, according to press sources. While increased yields will be sought from sugarcane acreage devoted to alcohol production, the new production target is likely to result in an additional 1.0 to 1.5 million hectares being planted to sugarcane for alcohol. Confidential 28 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Appendix D Brazil: Forecasting Agricultural Trend-Methodology The performance of Brazilian agriculture during the next five years will depend on a variety of factors. In our judgment, the most significant determinants of the crop-mix, crop production levels, and crop profit- ability in Brazil are weather conditions and domestic and world commodity prices in a particular year. Governmental policy instruments, such as credit terms and availibility, minimum support prices, and trade policies, also are important factors affecting agricultural output and earnings of Brazilian farmers. This paper forecasts probable agricultural production of major agricultural crops to 1992 by first forecast- ing the regional crop area harvest and yield and then examining how government policies could affect these estimates. To investigate the impact of different government policy initiatives, we developed a set of three different plausible policy-mix scenarios that we believe repre- sent the range of options open to Brasilia. We see as the most likely scenario what we call the More Balanced Growth case. In this instance, government policymakers continue to provide incentives for both production for the local market, to offset the potential shortfalls in food supplies, and for exports to boost foreign exchange earnings. The second scenario we examine is the Enhanced Export Potential case, in which policies would work to increase cash-crop ex- ports that in turn could be used to finance increased food and other imports. The last scenario we examine is the Improved Food Production case, where the government stimulates local food production for hu- manitarian and security considerations. 29 For each scenario, we used time series analysis models to forecast regional crop area and yields for 1992.'' Output for each crop in each scenario is the product of area harvested and average yields per hectare. Once national production figures were aggregated, we de- veloped a simulation model to compare production with domestic consumption requirements and to ana- lyze the impact of the different policy mixes on Brazil's ability to feed itself and on its export poten- tial. For each scenario, we used World Bank world commodity price assumptions. Weather conditions were assumed to be similar to those that prevailed during the period 1950-86. Time series model building followed an iterative strategy, starting with a plot of the raw data and ending with a statistical model for each major crop. Data for the 1950-84 period were gathered from official Brazilian sources: the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE), as presented in vari- ous issues of the Anuario Estatistico do Brasil. Data for 1985 and 1986 were provided by IBGE press releases and reports from the Agricultural Counselor, US Embassy, Brasilia. Statistical criteria determined our choice among models. A total of 90 distinct time series analysis models were used to forecast the area harvested and yields of Brazil's major crops. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Tables D-1 to D-4 present the statistical results of our analysis. In particular, tables D-1 to D-3 present historical data for 1986 and scenario forecasts for 1992 of total area harvested, average yield, and total production by major crop. Table D-4 presents net exports of major agricultural products for 1986 and for 1992 by scenario. The SPSS-X software package was used for all model building and area and yield forecasting exercises Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 25X1 25X1 25X11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Table D-1 Brazil: Area, Yield, and Production: 1986 Compared With More Balanced Growth Scenario for 1992 Major Crops Area Yield Production 1986 (1,000 hectares) 1992 (1,000 hectares) 1986 (metric tons per hectare) 1992 (metric tons per hectare) 1986 (1,000 metric tons) 1992 (1,000 metric tons) Food crops Total 49,771 52,243 91,049 105,327 Beans, dry 5,490 5,123 0.42 0.41 2,280 2,113 Corn 12,215 13,959 1.68 1.88 20,541 26,219 Manioc 2,000 2,089 12.75 11.56 25,500 24,147 Rice, rough 5,594 6,518 1.86 1.73 10,405 11,255 Wheat 3,900 1,647 1.45 1.05 5,638 1,724 Subtotal 29,199 29,336 64,364 65,458 Export crops Cocoa,-beans 657 733 0.70 0.60 460 442 Cotton with seeds 3,161 2,708 0.73 0.65 2,315 1,769 Coffees 2,260 2,439 0.44 0.61 998 1,483 Oranges, FCOJ b 708 789 15.35 16.38 575 813 Soybeans 9,450 11,506 1.49 1.95 14,100 22,436 Sugarcane, sugar c 4,056 4,335 61.73 62.78 7,850 12,367 Tobacco d 280 397 1.38 1.41 387 559 Subtotal 20,572 22,907 26,685 39,869 . Coffee beans, green. b Area and yields in oranges and production of FCOJ (frozen concentrated orange juice; 65 degree Brix, percent by weight of sugar in the juice). c Area and yields in sugarcane for both sugar and alcohol, produc- tion is only centrifugal sugar (raw value). d Tobacco leaf. Confidential 30 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 a-mammal 'la' Table D-2 Brazil: Area, Yield, and Production: 1986 Compared With Enhanced Export Promotion Scenario for 1992 Major Crops Area Yield Production 1986 (1,000 hectares) 1992 (1,000 hectares) 1986 (metric tons per hectare) 1992 (metric tons per hectare) 1986 (1,000 metric tons) 1992 (1,000 metric tons) Food crops Total 49,771 52,241 91,049 105,199 Beans, dry 5,490 4,430 0.42 0.41 2,280 1,827 Corn 12,215 13,232 1.68 1.88 20,541 24,852 Manioc 2,000 1,915 12.75 11.56 25,500 22,140 Rice, rough 5,594 5,101 1.86 1.73 10,405 8,808 Wheat 3,900 1,748 1.45 1.05 5,638 1,830 Subtotal 29,199 26,426 64,364 59,457 Export crops Cocoa, beans 657 757 0.70 0.70 460 532 Cotton with seeds 3,161 3,977 0.73 0.81 2,315 3,214 Coffee . 2,260 2,827 0.44 0.70 998 1,967 Oranges, FCOJ b 708 878 15.35 24.52 575 1,571 Soybeans 9,450 12,000 1.49 2.08 14,100 24,912 Sugarcane, sugar c 4,056 4,809 61.73 70.84 7,850 12,367 Tobacco d 280 567 1.38 2.08 387 1,179 Subtotal 20,572 25,815 26,685 45,742 3 Coffee beans, green. b Area and yields in oranges and production of FCOJ (frozen concentrated orange juice; 65 degree Brix, percent by weight of sugar in the juice). c Area and yields in sugarcane for both sugar and alcohol, produc- tion is only centrifugal sugar (raw value). d Tobacco leaf. 31 Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 D-3 Brazil: Area, Yield, and Production: 1986 Compared With Improved Food Production Scenario for 1992 Major Crops Area Yield Production 1986 (1,000 hectares) 1992 (1,000 hectares) 1986 (metric tons per hectare) 1992 (metric tons per hectare) 1986 (1,000 metric tons) 1992 (1,000 metric tons) Food crops Total 49,771 52,241 91,049 117,715 Beans, dry 5,490 5,572 0.42 0.51 2,280 2,847 Corn 12,215 15,010 1.68 2.24 20,541 33,593 Manioc 2,000 2,387 12.75 12.66 25,500 30,211 Rice, rough 5,594 6,641 1.86 1.82 10,405 12,093 Wheat 3,900 3,177 1.45 1.48 5,638 4,689 Subtotal 29,199 32,787 64,364 83,433 Export crops Cocoa, beans 657 607 0.70 0.60 460 366 Cotton with seeds 3,161 2,413 0.73 0.65 2,315 1,576 Coffee a 2,260 1,884 0.44 0.61 998 1,146 Oranges, FCOJ b 708 616 15.35 16.38 575 562 Soybeans 9,450 9,417 1.49 1.90 14,100 17,893 Sugarcane, sugar c 4,056 4,253 61.73 62.78 7,850 12,367 Tobacco d 280 264 1.38 1.41 387 372 Subtotal 20,572 19,454 26,685 34,282 a Coffee beans, green. b Area and yields in oranges and production of FCOJ (frozen concentrated orange juice; 65 degree Brix, percent by weight of sugar in the juice). Area and yields in sugarcane for both sugar and alcohol, produc- tion is only centrifugal sugar (raw value). d Tobacco leaf. Confidential 32 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 k.onnuenuai Table D-4 Brazil: Net Volume and Value of Trade in Major Agricultural Products, Base Year (1986) and Scenarios for 1992 a Major Crops and Historical Base Byproducts Year 1986 More Balanced Enhanced Export Improved Food Growth Scenario, 1992 Promotion Scenario, 1992 Production Scenario, 1992 Quantity (1,000) (metric tons) Value (million $) Quantity (1,000) (metric tons) Value (million $) Quantity (1,000) (metric tons) Value (million $) Quantity (1,000) (metric tons) Value (million $) Net exports 6,400 5,055 12,494 9,597 13,536 12,603 10,310 7,548 Food crops Beans, dry 140 47 158 68 -92 -40 -1,044 -453 Corn -2,500 -220 -1,920 -246 -3,231 -414 0 0 Rice -1,400 -480 47 14 -1,437 -409 580 165 Wheat -2,192 -248 -6,206 -1,166 -6,206 -1,148 -5,092 -948 Subtotal -5,952 -901 -7,921 -1,330 -10,966 -2,011 -5,556 -1,236 Export crops Cocoa beans b 295 618 386 850 476 1,046 310 682 Coffee e 655 2,359 1,085 3,405 1,085 3,405 1,085 3,405 Cotton d 37 17 -48 -55 500 572 -122 -139 FC0J e 752 636 803 1,023 1,561 1,990 552 703 Soybeans r 1,200 243 1,500 425 1,500 425 1,500 425 Soybean meal 6,542 1,181 12,435 2,848 14,189 3,249 9,217 2,111 Soybean oil g 390 138 1,215 721 1,636 972 441 262 Sugar 2,332 368 2,774 1,071 2,774 1,071 2,774 1,071 Tobacco 149 396 265 639 781 1,884 109 264 Subtotal 12,352 5,956 20,415 10,927 24,502 14,614 15,866 8,784 Negative figures represent net imports. b Cocoa beans and products in bean equivalent. e Coffee bean, green, and soluble (bean equivalent). d Cotton, lint. e FC0J, 65 degree Brix (percent by weight of sugar in the juice). r Soybeans quantity figures for 1992 are assumed. 8 Soybean oil, includes crude and refined, in crude equivalent. 33 Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4 Confidential Confidential Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP89501449R000200120001-4