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Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR0001000400 OUTING AND RECORD SHEET 'l m EXTENSION irs FROM: Director, External Affa 7D45 Hqs TO: (Officer cesignation, room number, and building) 3 ;tf OFFICER'S INITIALS, NO. EAS 81-2275/1 t 19 9) COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Regarding your question on the attached concerning the APEX positions, per the Comptroller, Congress did add the eight positions in the 81 budget. Attachment evIv FORM 610 USEDITPREV IO Sus n LU 0 'T Cd ag 2b Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R00p100040013-8 97TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION . J. RES. 325 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES SEPTEMBER 17 (legislative day, SEPTEMBER 9), 1981 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations JOINT RESOLUTION Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1982, and for other purposes. 1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives 2 of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money 4 in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and out of appli- 5 cable corporate or other revenues, receipts, and funds, for the 6 several departments, agencies, corporations, and other orga- 7 nizational units of the Government for the fiscal year 1982, 8 and for other purposes, namely: 9 SEC. 101. (a)(1) Such amounts as may be necessary for 10 continuing projects or activities (not otherwise specifically 11 provided for in this joint resolution) which were conducted in Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 2 1 the fiscal year 1981 and for which appropriations, funds, or 2 other authority would be available in the following appropri- 3 ations Acts: 4 Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, 5 the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriation 6 Act, 1982, notwithstanding section 15(a) of the State 7 Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 and section 8 701 of the United. States Information and Educational 9 Exchange Act of 1948, as amended; 10 District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1982; 11 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Serv- 12 ices, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropri- 13 ation Act, 1982; 14 Military Construction Appropriation Act, 1982; 15 and, 16 Department of Transportation and Related Agen- 17 cies Appropriation Act, 1982. 18 (2) Appropriations made by this subsection shall; be 19 available to the extent and in the manner which would be 20 provided. by the pertinent appropriation Act. 21 (3) Whenever the amount which would be made availa- 22 ble or the authority which would be granted under an. Act 23 listed in this subsection as passed the House as of October 1, 24 1981, is different from that which would be available or 25 granted under such Act as passed by the Senate as of Octo- 11 0 401 H.J. Res. 325-refs Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 3 ? 1 ber 1, 1981, the pertinent project or activity shall be contin- 2 ued under the lesser amount or the more restrictive author- 3 ity: Provided, That where an item is included in only one 4 version of an Act as passed by both Houses as of October' 1, 5 1981, the pertinent project or activity shall be continued 6 under the appropriation, fund, or authority granted by the 7 one House, but at a rate for operations not exceeding the 8 current rate or the rate permitted by the action of the one 9 House, whichever is lower, and under the authority and con- 10 ditions provided in applicable appropriation Acts for the fiscal 11 year 1981. 12 (4) Whenever an Act listed in this subsection has been 13 passed by only one House as of October 1, 1981, the perti- 14 nent project or activity shall be continued under the appropri- 15 ation, fund, or authority granted by the one House, but at a 16 rate for operations not exceeding the current rate or the rate 17 permitted by the action of the one House, whichever is 18 lower, and under the authority and conditions provided in 19 applicable appropriation Acts for the fiscal year 1981: Pro- 20 vided, That for the purposes of this joint resolution, when an 21 Act listed in this subsection has been reported to the House 22 but not passed by the House as of October - 1, 1981, it shall 23 be deemed as having been passed by the House. 24 (5) No provision which is included in an appropriation 25 Act enumerated in this subsection but which was not includ- HJ. Res. 325-refs Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 4 1 ed in the applicable appropriation Act of 1981, and which by 2 its terms is applicable to more than one appropriation, fund, 3 or authority shall be applicable to any appropriation, fund, or 4 authority provided in the joint resolution unless such provi- 5 sion shall have been included in identical form in such bill as 6 enacted by both the House and the Senate. 7 (b) Such amounts as may be necessary for continuing 8 the following activities, not otherwise provided for, which 9 were conducted in the fiscal year 1981, at a rate for oper- 10 ations not in excess of the current rate or the rate provided 11 for in the budget estimate, whichever is lower, and under the 12 more restrictive authority- 13 activities for which provision was made in the De- 14 partment of Defense Appropriation Act, 1981; and 15 activities for which provision was made in section 16 101(b) of Public Law 96-536 regarding foreign assist 17 ance and related programs, notwithstanding section 10 18 of Public Law 91-672, and section 15(a) of the State 19 Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956. 20 (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 102 and 21 106 of this joint resolution, such amounts as may be neces- 22 sary for continuing projects and activities under all the condi- 23 tions and to the extent and in the manner as provided in 24 H.R. 4120, entitled the Legislative Branch Appropriation 25 Act, 1982, as reported July 9, 1981; and the provisions of I0 /1 it H.J. Res. 325-refs Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 5 1 H.R. 4120 shall be effective as if enacted into law; except 2 that the provisions of section 305 (a), (b), and (d) of H.R. 3 4120 shall apply to any appropriation, fund or authority 4 made available for the period October 1, 1981, through No- 5 vember 1, 1981, by this or any other Act. 6 (d) Such amounts as may be necessary for continuing 7 the following activities which were conducted in fiscal year 8 1981, but at a rate for operations not in excess of the current 9 rate- 10 activities of the Department of State for contribu- 11 tions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency 12 for Palestinian Refugees notwithstanding section 10 of 13 Public Law 91-672, and section 15(a) of the State De- 14 partment Basic Authorities Act of 1956. 15 SEC. 102. Appropriations and funds made available and 16 authority granted pursuant to this joint resolution shall be 17 available from October 1, 1981, and shall remain available 18 until (a) enactment into law of an appropriation for any proj- 19 ect or activity provided for in this joint resolution, or (b) en- 20 actment of the applicable appropriation Act by both Houses 21 without any provision for such project or activity, or (c) No- 22 vember 1, 1981, whichever first occurs. 23 SEC. 103. Appropriations and funds made available or 24 authority granted pursuant to this joint resolution may be 25 used without regard to the time limitations for submission H.J. Res. 325-refs Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 6 1 and approval of apportionments set forth in section 665(d)(2) 2 of title 3, 1, United States Code, but nothing herein shall be 3 construed to waive any other provision -of law governing the 4 apportionment of funds. 5 SEC. 104. Appropriations made and authority granted 6 pursuant to this joint resolution shall cover all obligations or 7 expenditures incurred for any project or activity during the 8 period for which funds or authority for such projects or activi- 9 ty are available under this joint resolution. 10 SEC. 105. Expenditures made pursuant to this joint res- 11 olution shall be charged to the applicable appropriation, fund, 12 or authorization whenever a bill in which such applicable ap- 13 propriation, fund, or authorization is contained is enacted into 14 law. 15 1 SEC. 106. No appropriation or fund made available or 16 authority granted pursuant to this joint resolution shall be 17 used to initiate or resume any project or activity for which 18 appropriations,' funds, or other authority were not available 19 during the fiscal year 1981. 20 SEC. 107. Any appropriation for the fiscal year 1982 21' required-to be, apportioned pursuant to section 665 of .title 31, 22 United States Code, may be apportioned on? a basis indicating 23 the need (to` the' extent any such increases cannot be absorbed 24 within available -appropriations) for a, supplemental ' or defi- 25 ; ciency estimate Hof appropriation to the. extent, necessary to H.J. Res. 325-refs Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 7 1 permit payment of such pay increases as may be granted 2 pursuant to law to civilian officers and employees and to 3 active and retired military personnel. Each such appropri- 4 ation shall otherwise be subject to the requirements of section 5 665 of title 31, United States Code. 6 SEC. 108. All obligations incurred in anticipation of the 7 appropriations and authority provided in this joint resolution 8 for the purposes of maintaining the minimum level of essen- 9 tial activities necessary to protect life and property and 10 bringing about orderly termination of other functions are 11 hereby ratified and confirmed if otherwise in accordance with 12 the provisions of this joint resolution. 13 SEC. 109. No provision in any appropriation Act for the 14 fiscal year 1982 that makes the availability of any appropri- 15 ation provided therein dependent upon the enactment of addi- 16 tional authorizing or other legislation shall be effective before 17 the date set forth in section 102(c) of this joint resolution. 18 SEC. 110. To meet the emergency facing a number of 19 fruit producing States, particularly California, from the Medi- 20 terranean and other types of fruit flies, as well as the imme- 21 diate and long-range threat to the timber stands and the wa- 22 tersheds of the Northeastern United States and other areas 23 from the gypsy moth, as well as to meet threats from other 24 pests and diseases, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized 25 to exercise the emergency authorities provided for in H.R. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100040013-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100040013-8 8 1 4119 as passed the House of Representatives on July 27, 2 1981, in connection with the program of the Animal and 3 Plant Health Inspection Service, notwithstanding any other 4 provision of this joint resolution. Passed the House of Representatives September 16, 1981. Attest: EDMUND L. HENSHAW, JR., Clerk. By THOMAS E. LADD, Assistant to the Clerk. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100040013-8