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March 24, 1987
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-1 1 tuft Rod
GxHrd Inta
ipanca Ag icy
Washington, D.C.
(703) 484.7676 L 87
Ooorgo V. Lauds
Dir.ctor, Public Affairs
24 March 1987
W % - -
According to your office, you are interested
in addressing the Chicago Committee sponsored by
the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations at a
convenient date sometime this spring in Chicago.
The Committee has proposed a luncheon meeting on
any Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday the first
three weeks of April or the first week of May, and
suggested one of the following topics: US
intelligence today and the general direction that
intelligence is taking; how intelligence
influences policymaking; reference to the
Iran/Contra problem. Please indicate your
preference below, and Public Affairs will make the
appropriate response.
Please circle desired date:
14, 15, 16 April 21, 22, 23 April
28, 29, 30 April 5, 6, 7 May
Unable to work into my sprit schedule.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP89GO072OR000600810006-0
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP89GO072OR000600810006-0
DCI/PAO/GV set/5 March 87/F__~ PAO 87-0006 STAT
Orig - Addressee
1 - ER 87-0604X
1 - PAO 87-0006
1 -
1 - PAO Chron
1 - PAO Ames
1 - MED (Subject)
MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Director of Central Intelligence
FROM: George V. Lauder
Director, Public Affairs Office
SUBJECT: Invitation to Address the Chicago Committee
of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
1. Action Requested: Accept or decline an invitation to address the
members of t e icago committee of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
luncheon meeting at the Chicago Club in Chicago on a mutually convenient
date. The program year runs from September through June.
2. Background: Mr. James F. Bere, Chairman and CEO of the Borg-Warner
Corporation and Chairman of the Chicago Committee, has invited you to speak to
their membership on important issues in international affairs. The suggested
format is 30 minutes of remarks followed by 20 minutes of Questions and
Answers. According to Mr. Bere, all sessions are "off-the-record." You could
expect an audience of 40 - 50 influential business, financial, academic, and
other professional leaders from Chicago and the surrounding region. Although
a publisher could be present, there will be neither working members of the
press nor foreign nationals in the audience.
The Chicago Committee's membership of approximately 570 is made up of
senior business and professional leaders from the Chicago area who are
concerned with problems confronting the United States. The Committee meets
regularly to hear distinguished US and foreign leaders as well as leading
personalities in business, the press, and academic circles discuss vital
issues affecting international relations and foreign policies. Recent
speakers have been Abba Eban, Ted Turner, Senator Richard C. Lugar,
Senator David Durenberger, Ambassador of South Africa to the US
Herbert Buekes, Chinese Finance Minister Wang Bingqian, Chairman of Fiat
Gianni Agnelli, and Assistant Secretary for European and Canadian Affairs
Rozanne L. Ridgway. (See brochure opposite for further information including
membership list.) John McMahon spoke to this group in April 1983.
The Committee is sponsored by the broader based Chicago Council on Foreign
Relations, a non-partisan organization founded in 1922 that has a membership
of approximately 15,000. The mission of the Council is to inform area
citizens of significant international issues and their bearing on American
foreign policy in the area through addresses by leading statesmen, discussion
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP89GO072OR000600810006-0
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP89GO072OR000600810006-0
SUBJECT: Invitation to Address the Chicago Committee
of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
groups, and other activities. Research activities are sponsored in foreign
policy, international relations, including studies on arms control and
international security, international economics, diplomacy between countries,
and major political developments within countries.
3. Recommendation: None. If you plan to be in the Chicago area sometime
in the next year, you may wish to schedule a meeting with this influential
group. Indicate your preference below and Public Affairs will make the
appropriate response.
George,V. Lauder
Acting Director of Central Intelligence
Acting Director of Central Intelligence
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP89GO072OR000600810006-0
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP89GO072OR000600810006-0
-The Chicago CommittEE
Fx?c iii
116 S. Michigan Ave.
Illinois 60603-9987
(312) 726-3860
604 A
Sponsored by The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations 1 -
February 5, 1987
Mr. Robert Gates
Acting Director of Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Dear Mr. Gates:
On behalf of the Chicago Committee of the Chicago Council on Foreign
Relations, I would like to invite you to appear as a featured speaker with
the Committee during this coming year. It would be our pleasure and honor
to host you.
The Chicago Committee is composed of the most senior and influential
business, financial, academic and other professional leaders from Chicago
and the surrounding region. The Committee meets regularly with the most
prominent national and international figures to discuss important issues in
international affairs. The enclosed directory provides a sampling of recent
speakers for the Chicago Committee and a list of the current membership.
Our program features luncheon meetings, although we do have occasional
breakfast and dinner gatherings as well. Our speakers normally address the
group for thirty minutes and then respond to questions from the members.
All sessions are strictly off-the-record, allowing guests to speak with
sbsobAe ardor.
We do hope you are able to accept this invitation in principle. Our staff
will then contact your office in detail to arrange a mutually convenient
date and other particulars.
It would be an honor and a pleasure to include you in our program. We look
forward to hearing from you.
Si erely yours,
ames F. Bere
isms Ff
J.ta.a F. a.ra
Churnyn & ChM E.s ene oRarr
509-waist Cavoraaon
Vlo. CMtnn.n
a.rry F. aw..rt
Chrnmut M 1,. Bard
TM FxM PMaonnal Sant d Chopp
Chrrm.n a Eo.nm.a 0111.010,
Sara L'" Congestion
Fr ct
Continental Mines National Bent
and Trust Company of ct.cago
Oonn10 a Clam
Household International
lantlort R. Cook
Chicago Tribune
RkhaN J. Fiat
Chairmen 8 Chief Executive 09ost
United Airlines
The Univeraty of Chicago
d r rn?rjrEm..
Hut sdwdfrw a Marx
Robert H. p.M.a
Executive OIMOr
FMC Corporation
H toe N. Mrrgst
80" & Austin
Arnow C
John Y. Nahnrn
CMtmn a Chief Exegttve Offrcm
Dot a KISS. Inc.
Rob51 A. solw..wm
Abboll Laboratories
JtMn E shear I
Chaimwn a Executive Officer
Continental Illinois, Corporation end the Board & Chef Ea ave., OIMCer
ftwerni Director
Tlt. Chicago Cotttcil
on Foreign RNetipns
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP89GO072OR000600810006-0
?u,. microform Jour. Legal
B.S.. N.E. Mo.StL.Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP8900072OR000600810006-0 Medicine and Pathoc
g _..,. ????p: - wllisties to profl. is
h Mallinckrodt, inc..
)71-74, v.p., 1974-76,
sn dir.;
co. exec.; b. Elsinore.
xl profi. engr.. Calif.
rmerly Bentley Labs.
Raytel Med. Imaging
?tetro Petroleum Co.
ling Art Ctr.; trustee
.. ASME. Office: 3200
;a., Oct. 15. 1926; a.
. 1945; LL.B.. Emory
a., 19517, in. Sara Tom
Admitted to Ga. bar,
(ley, 1949-53. Bentley
Si, Edwards, Bentley.
and Parker, 1963-72,
1972-80; pres. Bentley
1965-. Beneficial
of Cartersville, Inc..
iewmarket Mall, inc.;
nmunity Chest; pies.
Arts Corn.; mem. Ga.
sium; mem. Ga. State
4-65; bd. dirs. LWV;
n. Ga. Arts Council;
advs. YWCA. Served
'acca bar assns..-Am.
Nat. Hist. Soc., Nat.
Alpha Delta, Gamma
pres. 1957), Kiwanis,
I. advs. Home: Beau-
e Marietta GA 30060
ray executive; b. Char-
:nt (Nichols) B.; A.B.
th highest distinction,
i previous marriage-
n Nelson, Philip Eglin,
-. gen. mgr. indsl. and
ice div., 1971-75, gen.
?k ops. Ford Europe.
5. exec. v.p. diversified
lass. Served in USMC,
. Dartmouth (Detroit):
ive; b. Bait., July 30,
alt., 1952, B.S., 1962;
n. Wandalee Baer. July
hief fin. officer Roblin
troller ITT and subs.,
ine Co.. Wis., 1976-79,
verance Ref. Lab.. San
m Cutting Engrs.. inc..
iterprises Assocs. Ltd.;
176.79. Mem. Internat.
(hon., life mem.), Fin.
Internat. Tress. Assn.
-aks Golf and Country,
author: The Modern
d Barrington IL 60010
e consultant; b. Water-
rothy Joy (Soulen) B.;
B.B.A. with honors, U.
lartford, 1956-57; chief
les G. Bentzin & Assoc.
ix. 1960-; officer, dir.
ntinental Life. Phoenix,
-o.. Phoenix: guest exec.
1S. 1957-59. Fellow Soc.
Inst. Actuaries (U.K.).
Actuarial Club Pacific
x. Fin. Analysts, Mensa
Lodge: Rotary. Home:
.s Bentzin & Assoc 234
BERDUX, WILLIAM JAMES. JR, optical mfg. co. exec.; Is. Saes Diego. Mar.
13. 1947; s. William James and Beatrice Naomi (Martin) B.; B.S.. San Diego
State U., 1973; in. Barbara L Berdux. Feb. 14. 1976, ebildrest-Sabrina M.,
Chelsie L With Union Bank-San Diego, Los Angles and Francisco, 1973.76;
pres. B.H.R. Fin. Services. Inc., Los Angdes, 1976.78; div. mgr. Iwasaki
Images of Am.. Inc., Torrance. Calif.. 1978-79; v.p., mng. dir. Argo industries
Inc.. Laguna Hills, Calif.. 1979-81; mgr. internat. sales and mktg. Bushnell div.
Bausch A Lomb. inc.. Pasadena, Calif.. 1981-. Served with USAF, 1%5-69.
Home: 26652 Estanciero Dr Mission Viejo CA 92691 Office: 2828E Foothill
Blvd Pasadena CA 91107
BERDY. JACK M., software and cons. co. exec.: Is. N.Y.C. Dec. 3, 1946; a.
Bernard and Mary (Goldberg) B.; student U. Md., 1966; in. Marjorie Haack.
Mar. 1%8 (div. 1979); children-Kimberly, Sherry. Applications specialist
IBM-SBC, N.Y.C.. 1966-67: sr. systems analyst Univac Internat.. Copenhagen,
1%7-69; pres.. chief exec. officer, chmn. bd. On-Line Software Internat. Inc..
Ft. Lee. NJ., 1%9-. Office: Ft Lee Exec Park Two Executive Dr Fort Lee NJ
SERE, JAMES FREDERICK, manufacturing executive; b. Ch o., my 25.
1922; a. Lambert Sr. and Madeline (Van Tatenhove) B; stn end iCalvin Coll..
1940-42; B.S.. Northwestern U.. 1946. M.B.A., 1946; in. Barbara Van Dellen.
June 27,1947; children-Robert Paul, James Frederick, David Lambert. Lynn
Barbara. Becky Ann. With Clearing Machine Corp. div. U.S. Industries. Inc.,
1946-53. gen. mgr. Clearing Machine Corp.. 1953-56; gen. mgr. Axelson Mfg.
Co. div., 1956, pres. 1957-61; pres.. gen. mgr. Borg & Beck div.. Borg-Warner
Corp., Chgo., 1%1-64. group v.p. parent co.. 1964-66. exec. v.p. automotive
div., 1966.68, pres. corp. from 1968, chief exec. officer. from 1972, also churn.
bd.; dir. Continental Ill. Nat. Bank and Trust Co., Chgo., Abbott Labs.. NW
Industries. Hughes Tool Co., Ill. Bell Telephone Time. Inc. Served as It. AUS,
1943-45. Men. Am. Mgmt. Assn.. Soc. Automotive Engrs. Office:
Borg-Warner Corp 200 S Michigan Ave Chicago IL 606040
BERENATO, ANTHONY FRANCIS. financial executive; b. Phila.. Dec. 3.
1922; s. Frank A. and Eleanor A. (Siderio) B.; in. Dena Marie Marchione, Sept.
5, 1946; children-Anthony F.. Mark Anthony. B.S. in Econ.. Villanova U.,
1949; postgrad. Am. U.. Biarritz. France. 1945-46. C.P.A., Pa. Ptar. Steinberg,
Spiegel and Berenato. Springfield, Pa.. 1956-; pres. Roger Fin. Corp., Phila..
1961-63. Sure Loan Corp., Phila.. 1%1-63. Cobbs Fla. Cupboard Inc., Bala
Cynwyd. Pa., 1%5-67. Phila. Arena Corp.. 1961-65; chem. Crescent Iron
Works, Phila., 1974-; chmn. Custom Art Metals, Inc., Barrington. N.J..
1%7-. Served with U.S. Army, 1942-411, ETO. Fellow Am. lest. Mgmt.. Navy
League of U.S. (life member). Pa. Soc.. Am. Inst. C.P.A.s, Pa. Inst. C.P.A.s,
Am. Sec. Council. Republican. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Bala Golf (treas.
1974-76); Rio Mar Country (P.R.). Home: 411 Schollar Lis Springfield PA
19064 Office: Crescent Iron Works 4901 Grays Ave Philadelphia PA 19143
BEREND, ROBERT WILLIAM, lawyer; b. Miami Bach, Fla.. Dec. 31,193 1;
s. George Harry and Miriam (Wagner) B.. A.B.. N.Y. U., 1952; LLB.. Yale
U., 1955. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1955; practice law. N.Y.C.. 1955-; last. gen.
atty. to trustee Hudson & Manhattan R.R. Co.. N.Y.C.. 1958-61; asso. Delson,
Levin & Gordon, N.Y.C.. 1%1-65; partner firm Delson A Gordon, 1%5-76:
sec. Mgmt. Assistance Inc.. 1970-. sr. v.p.. gen. counsel. 1976.84, dir.,
1971-84. Served with AUS. 1956.58. Mem. Am., N.Y. State bar assns.. Assn.
Bar City N.Y.. Phi Beta Kappa. Jewish. Club: Yale (N.Y.C.). Office: 560
Lexington Ave New York NY 10022
BERENSON, ROBERT LEONARD, See Who's Who in Amerka. 43rd
BERESFORD, T.H.. oil company executive. Vice pres. petroleum products
Exxon Corp., N.Y.C. Office: 1251 Ave of Americas New York NY 100200
BEREY, LEWIS A., new product and toy company executive; b. Bronx. N.Y.,
Apr. 16. 1944; s. Gordon and Edith (Tractenberg) B.; in. Carol Radetsky. Sept.
5, 1%5; children-Allison Leslie. Dana Lynn. B.S. In Bus. Adminstrn., U.
Kans., 1965, M.S. in Mktg.. 1967. Sales rep. H.J. Heinz Co.. 1%5; mgr. corp.
mktg. research Gen. Mills, Mpls.. 1%7-70; founder pres., chief exec. officer
Synergistic Communications Group. Inc.. Overland Park. Kans.. 1970-;
contbr. articles to prob. jours. Bd. din. Kehilath Israel, Kansas City. Mo..
1977-84, Jewish Geriatric Convalescent Ctr.. Kansas City, 198484. Mem. Pres.
Assn. Office: Synergistic Communications Group Inc 6901 W 63d St Overland
Park KS 66202
BERG, ERICSON, insurance executive; b. Haverhill. Mass.. Mar. 13. 1942; a.
Winfred Emil and Charlotte (Noyes) B.; in. Marcel. Emperador, Nov. 27,
1963; children-Christine Anne. Deborah Marie. B.A.. Tex. ARM U.. 1963;
M.B.A., George Washington U.. 1970. Sr. chem. technician Melpar Inc.,
Arlington, Va.. 1961-65; staff acct. Ernst & Whinney, Washington, 1%7-68;
v.p.. controller United Services Life Ins. Co.. Washington. 1%8-72; v.p. acct`.
Am. Health A Life Ins. Co., Bait.. 1972-75; sr. v.p. fin. ops. Occidental Life
Ins. Co.. Raleigh, N.C., 1975-77; exec. v.p. op. MeM Corp.. Raleigh. 1977-.
Contbr. articles to profl. pubis. Chmn. pastoral council Roman Catholic
Diocese of Raleigh; chmn. council Our Lady of Lourdes Cath. Ch. Mem.
Council Life Insurers (chmn. fin. reporting principles corn. 1983-). Home:
4031 Converse Dr Raleigh NC 27609 Office: McM Corp 305 Oberlin Rd
Raleigh NC 27605
Isidore and Dorothy (Faust) B.: B.A
State Coll., 1976; in. Linda Ann I
Michelle. Marcus Alan. Program anal
Ft. Monmouth. NJ.. Chambersburg.
Environ. Program, Washington. 1975 I
Corps of Engn.. Washington. 1976
Public Bldgs- Service. Washington, 19
br.. 1979-82, sr. planner policy and 1
Office Assoc. Adminstr. forOps . GI
Polit. Sd.. Am. Soc. Public Adminstr
town MD 20874 Office: 18th and F 5
BERGE, OLE M., International trade
Can.. Jul 22. 1921; came to U.S., 19
Thor. (Bjorgum) B.: student Harvard
children-Katherine Ann, Linda Ma
helper. carpenter. pipe-fitter Great N,
chum. grievance corn.. rec. sex,. jour. all
mem. exec. corn. Great No. System di
Grand Lodge v.p., 1973-78, pres. 0
nance-of.Way Employees, AFL-CIO
Labor Execs. Assn. Lutheran. Office: 1;
Morton K. and Amanda I:. bPeterson)
children-Robert P. Maren A. B.B.A.,
Wis., 1966. With mgmt. training prol
1951-61. mgr. charge card dept., 1461.6,
v.p. comml. lending. 1964-70, v.pp . 197
also dir.; dir. M A I Bask of Iililldalc
1914?-; officer and dir. One West Mai
Found.. Madison. 19114-. Mem. Wis. B
Adminstrn. Inst., Greater Madison C.
Gridiron (dir.) (Maelison). Lodges: 8
Wanetah Trail Madison WI 53711 Offic
Main Street Madison WI 53703
Is. St. Louis, Apr. 4. 1921; s. Howard S.
in Chem. Engring.. Washington U.. St. I
8. 1983; children by pervious marriage-
A.. Leslie. Engaged in plasticizer devil. it
sales sltedalist, 1953.37. product m`r. ph
sales dir. functional fluids. 1967-68, bus. d
specialty products, 1970-76; pres. Shinto
resins Ga.-Pacific Corp.. Atlanta, 1978-81
1942-46. Men. Am. Chem. Soc.. Soc. Pis
Assn.. Pulp Chem. Assn. (exec. ems.), Fa
Xi. Alpha Chi Sigma. Baptist. Clubs: For,
Atlanta Athletic. Contbr. articles in plasi
Home: 4613 Oaywood Trace Norcross
ons ex
t' Formerly Better-Olson-Beaumont.
(~ with Hill a
mng. dir. Mktg'
dep. dir. N.Y. qM t, Gamma S
420 Lexington Ave New York NY 1001:
Dec. 8, 1926; s. Frank John and Agnes A.
Dec. 28, 1948; children-Douglas, Mary
With Gen. Motors Acceptance Corp.. varil
Luton. Eng.. 1%7-69. mgr.. Dublin, Irela,
N.Y.C., 1971-72. mgr.. Rotterdam, Nethe
W&. N.Y.C., 1974.7% v.p. plans dept.. N.
Detroit, 1981-. Served with USN 194
Bloomfield Hills MI 48013 Office... Genera
Grand Blvd Detroit M1 48202
10. 1912; came to U.S. 1937. naturalized, 11
B.; Ph.D. In Econs., U. Frankfurt, 1936; a
I dau.. Gisela P. Market analyst Merck,
Ex ess Freight Lines, Inc., Milw., 1943-6
Mil.,,.. 1945-67, Transport Services, Inc., I
Ins. Co.. Frankfurt, 1%8-70, pvt. pracl
investments, Koenigstein. W.Ger.. 1%9-7(
1970-. Mem. Wis. N.G.. 1947-49. Mem. I
W.P. pres. churn.). Am. Tracking Assn. Mo
Personnel Evaluation Inst. (past pre's.j. Ui
fours. Home: 4540 N Ardmore Ave Shore
executive; b. Bait., Dec. 16.1933; s. Raymc
B.S. in Accig., U. Md.. 1%1? M S i F'
postgr.d. Lehigh U_, 1970, 72;~attended Chi
BERG, JOHN A. banker, b. Lemmon, S.D., Sept. 18, 1945; s. Carl A. and I . ..
b. Allentown, Ps., A Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20 :CIA-R DP89GO072OR000600810006-0 ie,Guidon, June 23, IS
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP89GO072OR000600810006-0
1987 Page 920
Phone: (201) 992-8350
Founded: 1979
it organization. Supported by contribu-
lustry. Staff: 2 research professionals, I
Jndertakes research to devise means to
a more effective United Nations (U.N.)
rch results published in brochures and
Report. Sponsors seminars, workshops,
ms related issues.
Phone: (503) 221-0984
Founded: 1968
m affiliated with Ecumenical Ministries
state, and city government grants,
s for services, and corporate contribu-
onals, 13 supporting professionals, 4
?fugee resettlement, information technol-
dtural education. Recent projects have
Rising trust fund to benefit low and
eds assessment of non-Southeast Asian
:h results published in reports, electronic
ings. Publications: RAIN Resources for
Critical Choices (occasionally), and
(semiannually). Operates a school of
:rtificate program in nonprofit manage-
lab. Provides classes in media communi-
Phone: (212) 475-1077
Founded: 1977
fit organization. Supported by member-
': I research professional, I supporting
cited Nations reform, Middle East, arms
and outer space. Current emphasis is
nt, and simulation studies of the Binding
king in the United Nations. The Binding
Iments to the United Nations Charter:
hange the voting system in the General
rneous majorities for a resolution to be
vote, population, and contributions to
amendment to Article 13 would make
iding, not recommendations.
h results published. Publications: Global
I CW/PS Special Studies (occasionally).
lecisionmaking at Lake Mohonk, New
Phone: (517) 774-3318
Founded: 1981
e of Continuing Education and Commu-
Political Science at Central Michigan
institution and project fees. Staff: 6
ting professionals, 3 others.
Local and state government, including
county government. Provides assistance
1cluding wage and classification studies,
studies, program evaluation, economic
/9r fJ~/l
Page 921 Section 9 - Government and Public Affairs
development planning, grant application assistance, employee safety
program development, and citizen attitudinal surveys. Offers research
opportunities to political science students.
Publications and Services: Research results published in project reports.
Offers management training seminars, communication workshops, and an
executive search service, which helps local governments locate managers.
116 South Michigan Avenue Phone: (312) 726-3860
Chicago, IL 60603
John Riley, President
Governance: Independent nonprofit organization consisting of 14,000 to
15,000 members. Supported by members. Staff: 18 persons.
Research Activities and Fields: Foreign policy and international relations,
including studies on arms control and international security, international
economics, diplomacy between countries, and major political developments
within countries. Studies focus on the interaction of public opinion and
foreign policy. Maintains data from public opinion surveys and reports for
1975, 1979, and 1983.
Publications and Services: Research results published in books, reports,
journal articles, and reprints.
125 East Wells Street Phone: (414) 276.8240
Suite 616 - Founded: 1913
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Jean B. Tyler, Executive Director
Governance: Independent nonprofit research organization. Supported by
industry, foundations, and individual gifts.
Research Activities and Fields: Efficiency in local government of cities,
villages, counties, school districts, and special districts, including public
finance, economy, and school services in the greater five-county Milwaukee
metropolitan area. Provides advisory, reference, and literature searching
Publications and Services: Research results published in research bulletins,
reports, and data compilations. Maintains a library on finance, education,
planning, public administration, and infrastructure of local goverments and
625 Shelby Street Phone: (313) %1-5377
Detroit, MI 48226 Founded: 1916
Robert Queller, Director
Governance: Independent nonprofit corporation. Offices are also located at
909 Michigan National Tower, Lansing, Michigan, 48933. Supported by
industry, foundations, and endowment income. Staff: 6 research profession-
als, 4 supporting staff.
Research Activities and Fields: Conducts research on state and local
government problems and issues, including finances (taxes, spending, and
borrowing), public policy issues, and organization, effectiveness, efficiency,
and economy in state and local government operations. Recently completed
studies on unemployment compensation, property tax abatements, and
compulsory arbitration for police and fire employees.
Publications and Services: Research results available to the public through
the Council. Publishes an annual report. Conducts an annual membership
meeting in September.
Research Annex, (USC) Phone: (213) 743-5211
3716 South Hope Street Founded: 1958
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Dr. Herbert-E. Alexander, Director
Governance: Independent nonprofit research organization, located on
campus of University of Southern California; founded as Research on Self-
Government, in Princeton, New Jersey, relocated in 1978. Supported by
corporations, foundations, and individual contributions. Staff: 2 research
professionals. S others.
Research Activities and Fields: Contemporary political finance, including
studies on collection, handling, and spending of campaign funds at
national, state, and local levels and u
of political campaigns, methods of ft
of groups and individuals in elector
filed by U.S. congressmen. Serve;
information on the economics of p
Publications and Services: Reseai
pamphlets. Holds periodic conferenc
political finance. Maintains a library
American government, and politics
33 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Prof. Ronald G. Hellman, Senior
Governance: Integral unit of the Gra
City University of New York. The 4
philanthropist with long experieno
support helped develop the Cente
foundations, and private philanthrol
supporting professionals, 5 others.
Research Activities and Fields: Char
problems and policies in the U.S. anc
peoples and American foreign policy
and democracy and governance in
Publications and Services: Research
books. The Center is currently prep
Latin American and Caribbean Polic
City, including academic institutions,
al and governmental organizations,
public and private forums and month
the Western Hemisphere.
33 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Dr. Stephen P. Cohen, Director
Governance: Integral unit of Gradui
York. Supported by U.S. government
eels. Staff: 3 research professionals,
cians, 4 others. Volume of research
Research Activities and Fields: Confl
issues of the Middle East and Middl
U.S. Research projects include devi
Arab-Israeli conflict and assessing at
Palestinian populations toward the
Publication: Health Status and Servic
33 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Prof. Benjamin Rivlin, Director
Governance: Integral unit of Gradw
City University of New York. Suppc
contributions. Staff: 3 research profes
research assistants.
Research Activities and Fields: The t
role in the United Nations, the United
United Nations, and international tes
tional peace and security, economic
making processes, decolonization, pe
Middle East and South Africa. Rese
and personal inverviews and observe
Publication, and Services: Researc)
chapters, and scholarly journals. Spo
and workshops involving professor
business executives, and United Nat
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP89GO072OR000600810006-0