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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP89G00643R001200010008-5 TRANSMITTAL SLIP I DATE ROOM NO. 7D18 BUILDING Hg OCA/Legislation EXTENSION Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP89G00643R001200010008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP89G00643R001200010008-5 OCA 87-5772 18 1~ovemher 1987 N.EMORP.?~DUr: FOR FROM, SUBJECT: Intelliaence Authorization Pill for FY-195E Cor,ferer,cE Report 1. Attached for your informatior, i; a copy of the Conference Report or, the Intelliaence Authorizatior. Act for Fi~cGl Year 1988 (I-:.R. 2112) . 2. A1_o attached i~ a chart dei ictir.c tre congrE~_ior;al actier. or, the various provi~ior,~. 3. We expect that the House and Senate Conference Report within the next few days. Attachment: a. Mated Distribution: (Internal only) DCI DDCI EXDIR Executive Registry DDO DDI D/~c9 C PCS/DDO Inspector General Comptroller DDSyT DDA OCA/Leg/P~ ~ap (18 November 1987) a~i 11 take up the General Counsel C/ALD/OGC C/OSD/OGC C/ICAO/OGC Liaison D/OP D/OS Public Affairs DD/SA/OCA DD/HA/OCA OCA/Registry OC.4/Leg/Subject File: Intel/Ruth for F1'-89 JR/Signer Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP89G00643R001200010008-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP89G00643R001200010008-5 H 9928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE November 10, 189 are dying at an alarming rate, leaving little more than stands of gray skeletons. Jn the last several decades, roughly hall the red spruce et upper elevations ht VermOnTs Green Mountains and the Adirondack Moun- tains have died. The sugar maple industry in Vermont also is being threatened. A combina- lion of av pollutants, including acid rain, has contributed to the death of virgin balsam fir and spruce on North Carolina's Mount Mitch- ell, the highest peak in the State. Acid rain can even threaten our own health by leaching lead and copper from plumbing systems that soppy dunking water, causing the water to fait safe drinking standards. Acid ram is not just a Northeastern problem, nor is it a problem that any one State pan solve on as own. Most of the sources of acid rain that taNs in any State m the eastern half of our country originate outside ghat State. Rain which is 5 l0 10 times more acidic than normal is falling with increasing frequency in the Southeast end even in Western States. Acid rain K obviously a rtatiortal problem which demands a national solution. My bill establishes an effeCWe two-phase national response to sad rain that wAt result in an annual emissions teduction of spprotb- mately 10 million tons of sulfur dioxide and roughly 3 millions tons Of nitrogen oxide. ey January 1, 1994, the annual statewide average rate of emissions of sulfur dioxide from coal-fired steam generating plants cannvt exceed 2 pounds per million Btu's of heat input. By January 1, 1999, the annual statewide average rate of emissions for sulfur dioxide cannot exceed 1.2 pounds per million Btu's of heat input. In addition, by 1999, coal- fired units must meet sUict emission reduction standards for niVogen oxide based on the plant's type of boilers. While setting sVingent emission standards, my proposal gives states the flexibility to achieve those reductions in the most cost-ef- fective manner to help prevent sharp price in- creases for consumers and utilities. The bill allows States to choose the emissions reduc- tion control technology used to meet the standards. States can revise their plans in the future in order to take advantage of the lower cost, more efficient clean coal technologies being developed. The legislation also permits emission trading between utilities within a State and on 8 re- grona' basis as long as the reduction goals are met. This allows States to concentrate cleanup efforts where they can maximize the benefrcs while minimizing the costs. My bill also encourages States to incorpo- rate energy conservation into their control pro- grams by establishing an alternative emissions ceiling that credits conservation efforts. Meeting these standards wit! pose a chal- lenge to u'ilaies and industry to develop clean cos! technology which can be retrofitted to ex- isting plants. 1 am confident it is a challenge ws can meet by working together. The bifi's phased approach of realistic daadl~nes. combined with maximum. flexibi"ity in meeting the standards, are designed to give uiiGtirs and industry time to develop promising nev, tecr:noiogies so the}~ cap be used com- i a-: con~emed that the ea~iy compi~ance o2"_s m_:~~c?'_' ~r~ other acid r8~n coulee! b1115 would prr;,cJude the development of retrofitta- ble clean coal technologies, forcing utilities to install expensive scrubbers. Thic would toe a no-win situation for all: consumers would see their electricity rates jump dramatically, utilities would have to dispose of the enormous amounts of solid waste generated, and vitro- Ben oxide emissions would be untouched since scrubbers do not reduce this type of emission. To help bring new technologies on lines as quickly as possible, my bill directs the Depart- ment of Energy to refocus its existing clean opal technology reserve program toward de- veloping retrofittaWe technologies that can be used by the largest number of existing plants. I beleve there are several other public poNcy options we should explore, including providing tax incenWes to the utility industry to develop commercially viable clean coat technology. My bill follows the environmentally sound polluter-pays principle, imposing rte new taxes on ratepayers. 1 strongly oppose efforts to tax all utility customers in order io subsxirze some. Ratepayers in states Bice New York, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin are akeady Paying higher utility bills because of their States' programs to control epd rain. Their utility bills should not have to jump even higher to subsidize cleanup costs in other States. FURTIiER MESSAGE FRUM THE SENATE A further message from the Senate by Mr. Hallen. one of its clerks. e.n- nounced that the Senate had passed without amendment a concurrent reso- lution of the House of the following title: H. Con. Res. 215. Concurrent resolution pm~?iding for an adjourztment of the House from Not'ember 10 Lo November 16, 1981. CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. E112 Mr. STOKES submitted the follow- ing conference report and statement on the bill (H.R. 2112) to authorize ap- propriations for fiscal year 1988 for in- telligence and intelligence-related ac- ti~'ities of the IInited States Govern- ment, for the Intelligence Communit~? Staff, for the Central Intelligence enc~? Retirement an isa~ility' SS-stem, an for o er purposes: CotvrEtt~ce Raroar >; 50~ra~+li of the Nahona: Sreuntt Aet o' 194", fuad.~ for the set:rt'~?.~ lrstec v. tt~r.: pc*f o! such cN~rauir ent::l:~%J "tai:nth,~;- t~~d Ab~~~rct.-tc..c?,_ rr.-~ h~ ,- _. c?.- crpcr;drd on1t~ to tier earn,: to a?h,:'~~ (rr,.c: err aTJ'rop^tatrd the~e~n?r rn frsrcl yrr,- 1u~t Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP89G00643R001200010008-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP89G00643R001200010008-5 November 10, 1987 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE H 9929 Icl The sWudule a Arlhorisationt dt- Clozxrnment enpoged to tnOellipcn? and tn- seroioe Jot bencJlts Yoder the tale /other scribed to subsection I61 shall be made telligtnce-elated octivftiet than dsability annuity! or /lie dale t1u d!a? available to the Committees on Appropria- Ie/ Durinp Fiscal Year 1D88, enY olJicer or ab!litY annuity begins, tphicheotr 4 later, bona of the Senate and House Ql Represesit? tmployet of the United State or a member and ativet and to the President 97te Pnerldent QI the Atmed Fortes rrho to detailed to the "IB/ the amount of btnelita 4f the former shall provide Jot rultaDle distribution of the Inteltipenee Common{ty St?/J Jro?z another spouse shall be calculated on the bash o! Schedule, or a/ appropriatt portions of the element Q/ flu United State t3overnmtnl bentlltr Jot tnhich the participant would Schedule, sosNin the Esecrtive Branch. shall be detailed on a rrlmbursaDle Dams, otheroiae ao aralZfY. 1dllt/ It is the genre Qf Congr+ess that, in etcepl that any arch ojjiCtr, employee or 'v3/ BeneJitd under this section shall Dc allocating nedrClionr 4/ Aon-headquarters member may 6e detailed on a nonstimbuna? treated the same as an annuity ruder aec- perronnel qj Defense Agencies prrtuant to ble basis for a period tat less Nan one year tlon t221al/til Jor purposes of section subsection Iblt2llA/ and subsection /d/ of Jor the performance of temporary Junctions 221 /D/12/ or any comparable pro:~ision of Section 601 of Public Lau? 9933 1100 Stat. as required Dy the Director N Central Intel? Lazo. 10651, the Secretary Qf Defense shorid avoid 1i-gence. "t4llA/ Bcnehta under Nis section shat! alloca.ting Personnel nductirn4s to the De- F1~TELIJGENCt COAIML7J/TY STAFF IDM/A'ISTERED not be payable rnless appropriate u+rilten Dense Intelligence Agency or the Defense IN sAMa AfANNER As cExTRAt /NTE/.t.ICENCt application la provided to tht Director, eom- MQPPZngAgencY. AGENCY p1elC u+iN any supporting dOCrmentatiori l2/ For purposes olparagraph 111, the term SEC. t03. During Fiscal Year 1988. aclivi- r+hich Ne Director may be regulation re- "nonheadquartera personnel" means mem? ties and personnel RI the Intelligence Com- quire, scithin 30 months 4/ter the eJJectlve hers Qf Ne Armed Forces and Citrilian em- munity Staff shall be aubiect to Ne provi- date of Nis section. The Director may waive ployees assigned or detailed to permanent sions of the National Secrrity Act 41 19/7 Ne 30-month application requirement under duty !n the Defense Agencies and Depart- I50 U.S.C. 401 et seq./ and the Central Intel- Nis subparagraph {n any cast !n ~olzich the meet N Defense Field Activities, other than lige'nce Agency Act of 1949 I50 U.S.C. 403a et Director determ:nea Ne clrcrmatarzces zrumben and employees araigned m detailed aeq.l in Ne same manner as acti:+ities and so ut+arrnnt. to duty !n management headquariers aclivi- personnel of the Centre./ Intelligence Agency. "tB/ Upon approzwl o/ an application as ties or management headquarters support TITLE III-CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE provided ender subparagraph IA 1, the ap- aCtitrities. AGENCY RETIREMENT AND DISABIL- pT?priate bone-tits shall be payable to Ne PERSONNEL CEfI1N0lDJUSTarEN7S i?'ySYSTEM Dormer spouse u`ith respect t0 all periods SEC. 103. The Dlnec'tof Oj Central IntelZi- AG7'HOR/ZATIONOFAPPROPRIATIONS be/Ore such approval during which Ne pence maY authorize employment ojcltrilian SEC. 301. Then u authorized to be appro? Dormer apozuc was entitled to such bene~tts personnel in eseesa of Ne numbers author- priated Jor Ne Centre/ Intelligence Agency under Nis section, but in no event shall Den- ized Jor fiscal Year 1988 under sections 102 Retirement and Disability Frnd Jor Fiscal e--fits be payable under N!s section uKN re- ared 102 of Nis Act token ht determines Nat }.ear 1988 the sum gjt134,700,000. spect to any penod 6cJore Ne efjeclit+e date such action is necessary to Ne performance TITLE IV-RETIREMENT AND DEATH IN ~??Id~ThetDirector shall- ot important intelligence Junctions, except Nat such number may not, Jor any element SERVICE BENEFITS '/I/ as soon as possible. but not [stet than of the Intelligence Community. ezceed 2 per RETIREMENT BENEFITS sfl dayJ gfleT NP ejjectzz~e date' of this aec- centum of Ne number of civilian personnel Sec. 901. lal Part C of title II of Ne Cen- lion, issue such regulations as may be neces- authorized under such sections Jor such e1e- teal Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of sary to carry out This section: and meet. The Director of Central Intelligence 1969 Jor Certain Employees is amended by ?I2/ to Ne ma,nmum esterzt pra.clica6le, shall promptly notify the Permanent Select adding at the end the Jollouing section: and as soon as possible. lrzform each indi- Committee on lntelligenee Of the HOUSe Oj "kET7REMEn7 BENEFITS FOR CERTAIN FORMER ridual who was a former spouse qja partici- Representativea and the Select Committee SPOUSES pant or a Dormer participant on November on Intelligence of the Senate whenever he et- 'Sec. 225. lal Any indiz*idual utho was a 15, 1982, of any rights which such individ- errises Ne authority granted by N!s section. former spouse Ql a participant or a Dormer cal may have under Nis section. RESTRICTION ON SUPPORT FOR M/LITARY OR participant on November 15, 1982, shall 6e "tel Nothing in Nis section sha.U be eon- PARAM/LlTARY OPERATIONS IN MCARAGUA entitled, LO l)te estent Of available aggro- atrued to impair, reduce, or olher-u+ise affect Sec. 104. Funds available to the Central the annuity or the entitlement to any annu- priations, and eSCept to the extent such ity O.1 a participant or former p?rlici InteUigenee Agency, Ne Department of De- former spouse is disqual#fied under subsec- under Nis title. ". pant Dense. or any other agency or entity o1 Ne lion /bl, to benefits- Ibl Section 19/al of Ne Central Irzlelli- United States inzwlaed in intelligence ac- "ll/ tf married to the participant through- Bence Agency Act of 1999 is amended by in- tivities may be obligated and eaperzded out Ne esedita6le sertnce ojNe participant, ae'rting "225,"after "223. 224.': during fiscal year 1988 to provide funds, equal to 50 percent of Ne benefits oJlJxe pa r- materlel, or other assistance to Ne Nicara- ticipant: or DEATH IN SER[7CE BEN?FIIS guars democratic resistance to support mill- "l2/ iJ not married to the participant SEC. 402. la/ Section 231/bJ of the Central tart' or paramilitary operations ir. Nicara- throughout such creditable sere7ce, equal to Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1969 gua only as authorized in section 101 and as Nat former spouse's pro rata share of 50 per- Jor Certain Employees I50 L'.S.C. 4G~b/ note/ specti:fied in Ne classified Schedule o/ Au- cent ojauch benefits. u amended- Norizations referred to in section 102, or "Ibi A Dormer spouse sha12 not be entitled III 6t' inserting "Ill" befvrc "U a partci pursuant to section 502 of Ne N?tional Se- to bene,F~ls under Nis section if- Pant "~ curity Act of 1997, or pursuant to Section "III theJormerspouse remarries before age f2/ by striking all Naf Jol2ous "us d4fznc?d 101ra111/ of Ne Act making continuing ap- 55: or in section 204,"and inserting in lieu thereof propriations for the focal year 1988 tP.L. 'Y2l the Jormcr spouse is less Nan 50 years "or by a Dormer spouse puali/yino for a sur- 100-120J, or pursuant to any provision oI o.f age. vigor annuity under section 222tb1, such tau specifically providing such funds, male- "Icltl/ The entitlement of a former spouse midou or toidotner shall be entitled, to the riei, or assistance, to benefits under this section- extent of available appropriations. to an an- TITLE II-INTELLIGENCE COMb1L'NITY "IA/ shall commence on the later o% nuity equal to 55 percent of the annuity STAFF "lit the day the participant upon chose computed in accordance with paragraphs service Denejits are based becomes entitled /2/ and /3/ of Nis subsection and section ALTHOR/2,1 TION OF APPROPRIAT/ONS to benefits under Nis title; 221 tat, and any duck surtn vi ng form.CT Sec. 201. There is authorized to 6e aPpro- "lilt the ,first day o,! the month in which spouse shall be entitled. to Ne trtent o/ priated Jor Ne Intelligence Community the divorce or annulment involved becomes available appropriations, to an annuity Stctlj for fiscal Year 1988 Ne sum of final; or computed in accordance uilh section 222/b/ 123,614,000. "/iii/ such former spouse's 50th 6irlhdcU; and paragraph t2i o/ this subsection as it AL?HORIZATION OF PERSONNEL END STRENGTH grid tJxf participant died a-ftE'T being entitled to Sec. 202. tat T7xe Intelligence Community "tB! shall terrriinale on the earhe* 01- an annuity vnd%'r this Act. The annuity of Sigt--! zs authorized 237 jut!-lino personnel "tit the last day o! the month bc.`ore the such uidou. uidozrer, or famxer spouse shall as of September 30, 1988. Such personnel of Jormrr spouse dies or remarries bc.forc 55 commence on Ne daft Joilouing death o/the the Intelligence Community Staff map be years gage: or pcrticzpant and shat: tern:znatc upon drat?; permanercf employees of thF Intelliacncr 'Yzi! the daft the berefi!s ~t the pa~h; i- o- remamagr prier to attczrin^ ai~e si.:ix~ of Community Sta.(/or personnel,?n pant tear-mate. t%u uidou, ut.duu>cr, or jornur sp~usc Isut~ other elements o-I the United States Got>crn- "l21 A'otuithstardxnp paragraph 111, in sect to the payment and restoration prorz- mcnt. the case or any Jonne> spouse o/ a dzsabilit~ szors o.!sechona 221 rqi and 222/bJi3lt. "; and Ibt Duriv.o Fisra: Year 19F8. p~ rsonneI ql annuitcnt- /3i Dv adding at tl:c er.d tr,; toliouir,9 nee the Intell:geuc?r Cemmz:nitt S't~"shat: b: s~ ''rA/ the. benefits o'the jorn:er spouse shell pa recrcphs lecied so as to proz:ide apprr~pnctc represrn- commence on Uce dau tee partiCZpcnt vouid ?t 2.' Tee arnu:tz' pcvat;,'r vnacr paragrcP` tat:on ;tom elements of it~e United States quallfv on the base o./ his or tier creditable Ill shall be con;palcd xr, acco>dcnce with Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP89G00643R001200010008-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP89G00643R001200010008-5 H 9930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE November 10, 1987 section 221/aI, except that Lhe computation of the annuity of the participant under such aection shall be at least the smatter 4/ IAI !0 percent of the participant's az>erage basic salary, or /B/ the sum obtained under such aection gJler increasing the participant's aenice of the type last perlormed by the diJ- Jerr-ncc betu+een the participant's age at the time of death and age si.rty. 'Y3/ Notwilhatanding paragraph IZI. U the participant had a Dormer spouse qualifying Jor an annuity under section 222tb1, the an- nuity of a widow or tcidower under this sec- tion shall be subject to the limitation oJsec- tion 221/bit31tBl, rind the annuity of a former spouse under this section shall be subject to the limitation of section 2221bIr4/tBl. ". Ib/t1/ Section 221/0112/ of the Central In- teZligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 Jor Certain Employees is amended by inserting "232tb1, " gJter "222, 223. ". 12l Section 304 of tlu Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Ac! of 1964 Jor Certain Employees is anzended- tA/ in subsection /b/ by inserting "and 13l"a,/ter "subsection Icll2/'; and IB/ in subsection IcJ- Itl by redesignahng paragraphs BI and l4/ as paragraphs /4/ and t51, respectively; and Iii/ by inserting after paragraph !2l a nezn paragraph asJoilows: "l3l Section 232tb1.': t3l Section 141a/ of the Central Intelli- gence Agency Act oI1949 I50 L'. S. C. 403ntall is amended by inserting "232tbi," before "234tc1, 2341d1. ". tcllll Except as provided in paragraph 121, the amendments made by this section shall take elleet on November 15. 1982, the eJJec- tive date of the Central Intelligence Agency Spouses' Retirement Equity Act of 1982. IZ/ The amendments made by subsection /bll2l shall lake efleet on January 1, 1987, the effective date of the Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986. Id/ Nothing in this section or any amend- ment made by this section shall be construed to require the JorJeiturr 6y any individual of benefits received before the dale of the enact- ment oJthzsAet. let Nothing in this section or any amend- ment made by this section shall be construed to require a reduction in the Zevet oJbenefits received by any individual who was receiv- ing benefits under aection 232 of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 Jor Certain Employees before the dale of en- a.ctmcnt of this Act. TITLE L'-ENHANCED COUIVTERINTEL- LIGEIVCE AND SECURITY CAPABILI- TIES REPORT ON ADM/SSfON OF CERTAIN AL/ENS SEC 501. The Attorney General sha.11 repo..*t annually to Lhe House Permanent Select Committee on Inleiiigence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding the circumstances of any admission to the L.rnited States over the objections of the Fed- eral Bureau of Investigation, of any Soviet national employed by or assigned to a Jor- eign mission or international organization in the United Slates. FBI NEW }'ORX FIELD D/l'ISION EMPLO}'MENT PLAN SIC. 502. tat The Director o-f the Federal Bureau of /nnestigation and Lhe Director of the Office o! Personnel Management sha.11 conduct a study to ascertain t3ze effect on re- cru:tmrnt mtc'r.tior, and opcrafiors of em- pluyres u,( the NFZr 3'ork Field Dit?ision o.f the FedE'ral Bureau of Investigation caused t;y the usucl lirzng expenses associated zctttc sorb,t. tb! h'c later than 60 dap!: after the enact- ment o.f this Act. the Director of Lhe Federal Bureau o* Ir.rrrstigalion and the Director o' the Office Rf Personnel Management shall submit to the Congress a report setlin9 forth the results of the study described in subsec- tion lal and a plan Jor remedying problems ident>,fied by the study, including, as appro- priate, additional compensation or other means of defraying the costs of rnzployment in the New York Field Ditnsion. TITLE VI-DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL IMPROVEMENTS DFA C/~7LFAN UNIFORM ALLOWANCE SEC. 601. lal COMPARAB/LFTV K'1TN STA Tf.' DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES.-Chapter 83 Of 1i11E' 10, United Slates Code, is amended by in? serting at the end thereof the JoZiozcing neu+ section: "k 1608. L'aiform allounnee: eicilian employees "la/ The Secretary of Defense may pay an allowance under this section to any civilian employee of the Delense Intelligence Agency who- "11/ is assigned to a Defense Attache Office outside the United States; and "l2/ is required by regulation to wear a prescribed uniform in performance of oJT- ciai duties. "Ib/ Notwithstanding section 5901 /al of title 5, the amount of any such allowance shall be the greater of the Jotlowing: "11 /The amount provided Jor employees of the Department of State assigned to posi- tions outside the United Slates and required by regulation to wear a prescribed uniform in performance of olJicial duties. "l21 5360 per year. "lei An allowance paid under this section shall be treated to the same manner as is provided fn subsection Icl of section 5901 oI title 5 for an allowance paid under that sec- tion. ". (bl CLERICAL AMENDMENT -The LabIP Oj S('C- tions at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding at the end thereof Lhc jollotoinq new item.' "1606. Uniform allowance.' civilian employees. ". EXTENSION OF SPECIAL TERMINATION AUTNOP.ITY FOR CERAlN DOD /NTELL/C;ENCE EMPLOYEES SEC. 602. lal DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY.-Section 1604re1111 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking out "during fiscal years 1986 and 1987" and inserting in lieu thereof "during fiscal years 1988 and 1989". Ibl MILITARY DEPARTMENTS.-Section 1590/ellli of such Lit1e is amended by strik- ing out "during Jiseal year 1987" and tiszserl- ing in lieu thereof "during fiscal years 1988 and 1989". REQ L7REMEN'TS TO DISCLOSE ORGAN'IZATIOhAL AND PERSONAL DATA: DIA EXEMPTION SEC. 603. tat Chapter 83 oI title 10. United Slates Code, is amended by inserttng thE' lot lou~inq neu: section: "~ 1607. Exemption from disclosing orgoni:ational and persona! dato "Nottcilhstanding the provisions of any other laze, and except as provided hereto and as required by section 552 or section 552a of title 5, United Stales Code. the De- fense Intelligence Agency shall not be re- quired to disclose the organization or any Junction of the Defense lntelhgenee Agency or the names, official lilies, occupational series. grades, salaries or numbers of person- nel employed by such Agency. This section shall not apply fo irtfornzation provided Zhc Con cress. " TITLE VII-STUD }' OF INTELLIGENCE PERSONII'EL SYSTEMS Sec. 701. lal Thr? Director of Central Intcl- ligence shall undertake to contract with the National AcadE'my o! Public Admn:istrafion Ihereina,Rcr rE_IerrPd to as the Academy Ivr nn objectzvc study which shall be class;zed and u+huh shall coexist of a comprehensize review and comparatttx analysis 4/ all per sonnet management and compensation sys- tems glJecttng civiltan personnel of agencies and entities of the intelligence community. Ib/ In conducting tht study described in subsection lal, the Academy shall detrr'mzne Lhe adequacy of existing personnel systems to further the aDitay o/ tnteiligence agencies or enlzties to perform tizeir mtsstons, and Make such recommendations Jor legtslatirc. re9uiatax or other changes as the Acadrm_v determines advisable. ICV The study described in subsectton la! shall be completed in Jznal Dorm no latE'r than January 20, 1989 a d such stuffy at)~ an rpoT'1-'o~-S4ech study. shall bE? transmitted upon receipt by the Director vJ Central Intelligence to the Permaztenf Select Committee on InteU:gence of the House of Representatives and the Select CommitG?c on Intelligence of the Senate. Idl O.f the amount available to the /nlPllr- gence Community Sla.f/ Jor Jzscal year 19kb under Section 201. not more' Chan SSOO.000 shall be available Jor the study drscnbr'd zn subsection to/. let The Director of Cen!ra7 Intellige)mr'. the Director of the Intelltgence Community SIaJ/. and the heads o.l the elements o! the intelligence community shall provide such support and appropriate access to necessary information as the Academy may requtre to complete the study described izt subsectzon fat. TITLE VIII-GENERAL PROVISIO.'~"S' RESTF.I('TIUN Of COAD('C7 OF I,M1'TELLIGENC E ACTT t7T/E.C Sec. 801. The authorzation of approl;na- tzons by this Acl shall not be deemed Lv con- stitute authority for the conduct or any in- telligence ?ctzrity zeh(ch is not otheru'tsr authorized by the Constitution or laws uI the United Stales. INCREASES /N EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Ai THORIZf.'U BY uW Sec. 802. Appropriatio- authorized by this Act for salary. pat retirement, a*!d other benefzts Jor Federal mployees may b~~ increased by such additio, al or supplemen- tal amounts as may be :teccssarv Jor nl- creases in such benefits authorized by la u'. TITLE IV-MOUNT ALTO EMBASS}' S/TE ASSES.Sh,'EA7 OF SOl'IET ELECTP.O.VIC ESf'l O.ti,t C.E cnrae!L rr} SL'('. 901. ta) RECIFN' ANZ! F!.SS'E.l'SA: F.M1'7.-Thf Secretary of Defense shall vicu' and assezr the present and pGtenhcl oabilzties o-r lhr~ Gvvenunent of Gze Sotze: Untvn lu tote ~~- eept Urziled States comrr.u zcation.~ :nro'; - ing dzplumatzc, end vlfelltVenrr matins from lacill!z~^s or, 1bILLn: AI:G in Ih~ District o.f Columb(a. Tne SecrPiary shell submit to Congress a report or, such rerlru and assessment nut later than 90 days a.ri