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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP89GO0643RO01100200054-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP89GO0643RO01100200054-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP89GO0643RO01100200054-4 P'a1e lt! "f""!s O Q'.s +a 9~illYt ~s I ?`- q. Oebot>tt U LW? _,.. L O Jr _. ?fa !r'..erRa'- & rro t.'&.r:.EfEr6 u aid it .., der ..f.: a:..: 6}?. ..,.-: of .,.CC a. Q--rr`.} meet of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The plan for ause tarate p motion including system and ersonnel clerk will report the amendment. career service for the Diplomatic Securritty The bill clerk read as follows: service. The Senator from Alaska CMr. MURKOW- (3) Rota or PRrvATS secroR.-Such report SwIl for himself, Mr. Boaax, Mr. Cosrzs, Mr. shall address the role of A nricaro in.i, - METZENBAUX, Mr. Homrx try - n embassy des' NOS. and Mr. CP.AN- tan Bred construction, i sTON proposes an amendment numbered c)uspecific steps to enhance that role, e. 905. so that the efficiency and expertise of the MURKOWSKL Mr. President, I "twit ss urity.Su^htreport lsh consist- Mr. ask unanimous consent that further elude a detailed justification of the cu-rent reading of the amendment be dis. staffing levels in the Foreign Bu: iding pensed with. Office assuming a maximum a The PRESIDING OFFICER. use of the private sector in embassy design out objection, it is so ordere With- and construction The amendment is as follows: (f) The provisions of subsections ia) At appropriate place In the bill, add the 1 through (e) shall 986. unless theefollowi gf conditicn. are following section. met- SEC. . t?DER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR SE('tRi- (1) the Department of State submit, to TY. CONSTRUCTION. AND FOREIGN the Senate Foreign, Relations Committee MISSIONS and the House Foreign Affairs Committee (a) TBE CONGRESS FINDS TRAT.- no later than February (1) serious deficiencies exist in the man- restructuring the Department uhichr ;,f for agement and construction by the Depart. 0 accord higher men# of `;t Rend -,e of uudaings overseas. rity. (,: improcep ocrrdtilation between the Kasten Symms (2) the security function has been plagued to dP1C,rra1,C darn Nickles es Wallop Wefcker by an inability Bureau of Diplomatic mSmurity atron and the the to anticipate threats or to re- flees of FnrPIvT u,,;u;. __, Declassified con nil r., r ti, - in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP89GO0643RO01100200054-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/07 CIA-RDP89GO0643RO011 00200054-4 +s- a-rs"fix ,10' - ir- ter .i: ~> pre a , .. .., t,,,,. a,.lt Aiffiisa~A v.aar " ,r a, w.sq"?....'.. ;;:9; .... v,cnas oak aai WH]ICTi ~' f li>L` S~ {aft cSi;iS[ Wl~G 7iL Gi t ~x- thereof by joint " Ctliiti,op _ ; that queffibd approhosntver, a3nsttuctl"g bilildings in the State -. ,!gl for Ewe f`Vrpo e C exy?t IZ4 R75e E~GOr s .F 1 nr ~t much of tt-.,e t?t ' natract ng work ~1C38 art`*1cnt. I orei $c ?S tee dtiffi~Es t.. 3~ o ed cri tut at a Jant rtaa ?J. sit 'fit Tian de r:' d 1n sn rxn t.itr, ill s x...s4f~~n &e by the pcCent ~` t .TI'."Se fs and the , die :d Ta tan; ? !t;,~,",lope !:Teat we have !t- r?d :tilt ally ii;:ferc ac that we and nI- .ay have, git1:nisgh I m sure he 3; tZ s+ t :es or, s'= n k.a z> >lr to s eak on the r"b ect, and fry a S ;;r a d a s E u y , ::.ems - Utu- the racking tzi:liority member also tions, and may have something to say. I would be (4) the lifting of Martial law in T+il? and happy to answer any guest.tons an the the release of detainees symbolize the grow. amendment. ing respect for human rights and freedom of The PRESIDING OFFICER Who expression on Taiwan. e: ations and the life, is a good amend- (2) the United S'..ates Cori ess enco u cges r-wnt With a good Erb}ective. I recom- the le tiers and peoples of ? c to an to coritlri- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP89GO0643RO01100200054-4 ORi3ER' o; P MIT. WARNER. Mr. I?s ~sldpnt, 1 ask for 'iner~lmous c:oruent that I may pro- teed for 3 minutes as if Ib .norntng business. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ob,ec,;ion? Hearing no ob ectlon, the Senator from Virginia. Von wh Uti# 1 :?a nevo. FOI IOIf IONS Al- i`I3T~llil- is uni te l l+ I ileve, from bur 128 o1;13ib4lity pbmi- ZATY'ION AC'T' P SCAL YEAR 1983 noes for Cabinet posts, . tlor taihttary, The &-mute vontinued with the or esnF t::,sdvrisl posts. Cabinet offs- sideration of the bill. cets are an extension ( t.Ie Fresiden? Mr. SYMMS addressed the Chair. cy and the Pi;&!&rtte Ytolees should The PRESIDING OFFICER. The 0 raTr C S=t~; s! ig E` ht Son for from Idaho. I put judicial nominees In a sepia=ate `>saz+nx O. 989 ects the es p cat.Fgory because in many r JUDGE BORK third branch of our Government. the (Purpose: To void certain agreements relat- yes judiciary' is created by a joint effort ing to the site of the Sovelt Union's em- Mr, WARNER. Mr. President, between the executive branch and the bassy in the District of Columbia.) terday the leadership of the Senate advise and consent responsibility of Mr. SYMMS. Mr. PtcsldQntl I send discussed the Bork nomination and an a desk an or the Senate to approve nominations. ities of this body. I have The judiciary is an Independent its immediate consideration. the fu that ul that we debate this issue proceed earliest have a third branch of our Government and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The asable ddate and on urge ssue at the the leadership hip thphisis the role of the Senate in helping to clerk will report. h its advise The bill clerk read as follows: isle nd h throu g create this branc morning to renew batatefforts to ex- and consent responsibility is among The Senator from Idaho ,Mr. Syw=7 pro- pedite a full floor debate. the Senate's chief respwrsibilities P -,,s an amendment pumbered 909. not the on being one - under the Constitution. It requires. in Mr, SYMMS. Mr. President, I ask R e pride the oldest, dst not the oldest, d Scat s my judgment, the colsborative efforts unanimous consent that further read- ove bodies herein the United States of the Senate as a whole. Ing of the amendment be dispensed r Ad hs The Issues revolving g de- The Senate should not consider with. With- wourated in nd this nomination are being de- Itself discharged of this responsibility The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- America here every place In simply because the Committee on the out objection.. It is so ordered. America but here Byers that debate Judiciary has rendered its report, and The amendment is as follows: on hamber, some Senators have made statements. On page ill, between lines 16 and M. on the e should floor take of place: this C Ch the full Senate This Senator, out of respect for the in the case of Judge Bork, we have not Insert the following new section: ion ngress finds traditions of this Lzstitution, the U.S. bad the Opportunity for a full Senate that Senate, and out of respect for the debate on the floor, to exchange our ill Soviet espionage agents have It-atalled nominee, has not declared his inten- views confront one another in a listening So dtvspi to the gents have a the new inns as to how he would vote. I have manner that the Founding Fathers American embassy in Moscow in blatant done that for, I believe. valid reasons. conceived when they established the defiance of the spirit of the embassy agree- First, I have not had the opportuni- U.S. Senate. That concerns me. ments and certain recognized -norms of ty, nor do I believe many others have In the history of this body, there international relations: had, to examine with care the record was a time when we did the advise and so extensive Soviet a effort has been as to rt-4uire the )mpiled by the Senate Judiciary consent without the benefit of any sortut rebuilding and of a ilarge nsidious pad of the new Committee. While the record was committee structure. It had not been American ~~ Moscow them w given to Senators at the end of last created, and Members took the floor of which has cost Moscow, th t onstrur- zFk, there has been inadequate time exchanged their views, often in heated ttion ens of millions of dolhrs; to review this voluminous report. debated, and arrived at a consensus of (3) it Is well known that Soviet espionage Second, some Senators have taken the Senate. We should do that in this agents intend to use thew Soviet embassy the floor to read carefully prepared important case. in this country as a platform to conduct statements or to make remarks, but we Theoretically, and I say this without highly the United sophisticated electronic have not looked at each other. Into any disrespect to any of my colleagues, fStates telephone verme Koff of ertcan even tcitterprivate : the whites of our eyes. and provided if each of us sought to announce and one another with the benefits of rea- ahead of a floor debate how we are t e the PuDeee of this surveillance can be other rpo to undermine smine the a can be soning, argumentation, and confronta- going to vote on this nomination it none tion that are essential to a full debate, would eclipse the necessity for that security of the United States and further debate that I think this case merits. debate. A debate would be lifeless, if the expansionist ambitions of the Soviet Third, this Senator has been en- not useless. I feel very strongly that Union; gaged for some several weeks as co- we would have then surrendered our ate a s thtloMtW to nea,W n3g f L-- ssoviete `r i~i .^.ager of the Senate Armed Services responsibility. R+.;t?,or ration bill for 1988. That re- This Senator out of respect for the ideal for this type oovtets at amt a having r;+;ired well over CO :hours of debate traditions of this institution, the electronic surveillance techniques and po- on inc floor. As such, I was deprived of Senate acting as a whole, and out of electron were not fully chnicue an the the opportunity to spend as much respect for the nominee and President underst in t _rne as I would have liked to review who made that nomination, has delib- W 6essubsection (b) ,of 2Z U.S.C. 4305 specifi- trP testa bony of the witnesses who ap- irately not. made a declaration, nor am tally allows the Secretary of State to "re- ;;, armed .:efore the v.z.licisiy Commit i about to announce my intention as quire any foreign mission to divest itself of toe to how I would vote. I do not make ... real property ... where otherwise nec- TF':,e Senate's advise and consent re- that declaration because I continue to essary to protect the interests of the United .s;hl y. for Fr esic.{ential nominees hope that this body will proceed as I Stales"; and particular- have outlined to debate as a whole to (7) Congress, through enactment of such c c ~, a='ai l1. rl , most sutrsectlou, has clearly er..pressed the desire }. , p the Supreme Cc+urt, is One of the reach this decision. that the Secretary ex-err-isr such authority -;,,:~st important duties given to this Accordingly, Mr. President, I hope when necessary to protect the chat seceirity body by the Constitution. I take this that the Senate leadership will - soon irt,erests of the United States ,.,r.s hility, I am certain as do arrive at an appropriate schedule and ;b) NEW AcRmw x: WrTii Sovir-r Uxios.- ,. : o-hers in this Chamber, very seriously that we may commence this tari; The President shall- and want to have the opportunity to debate. This Senator will make my (1) void the current embassy s e`rz ts: prepare, and the opportunity to par- declaration at an appropriate tame and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP89GO0643RO01100200054-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP89GO0643RO01100200054-4 Mr. PELL Mr. President, is my spoken already twice on this mr ter agreed to. unanimous consent agreed to? and has approved the substance of the Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, I move The PRESIDING OFFICER. Ten amendment of the Senator I om to lay that motion on the table. minutes on each side and no second- Idaho. I have no objection to , his The motion to lay on the table was degree amendment. Without objec- amendment although 'bv 1 agreed to. -- - o a Mr. H~'LMS. Reserving the right to ny tog Mr. SYMMS. I yield back the re- g that might rock the boat or offend the mainder of my time. object, I suggest the absence of a Soviet Union dictators, so to speak. quorum. I reserve the remainder of my time The PRESIDING OFFICER. All The PRESIDING OFFICER. The or I am happy to yield some time to question is on is on been yielded agreeing g to othe back the clerk will call the roll. the distinguished question a5'ict8nt 1 ranking member. meat. legislative clerk pro- Mr. HELMS. I would like that in The amendment (No. 909) was ceeded to call the roll. just a moment. Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. The agreed to. tlrlan *naus consent that the order for Senator from Rhode Island Mr? PELI,? My vote should be regis- the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. PELL. Mr. President, I yield tered as no, but the ayes have it. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- myself such time as is necessary. Mr. SYMMS. I move to reconsider out objection, it is so ordered, Mr. President, the Senate has the vote bj which the amendment was p c` of America and the Union of Soviet Union and the United States as is con- r. esident. I thank the Senator Sccalisc Republics on Conditions of Con- twined in the current law, which for offering this amendment again. As gives he has indicated, it is a part of the De- struction of Complexes of Buildings of the the Secretary of State the authority partment of Defense authorization Embassy f o the Union of right now tinder subsection (b) of 22 bill, which is going absolutely no- Mosc t Sx and the the Pept: Embassy in of the Uion U.S. Code 4305, specifically allowing where. The President is going to veto t leas force tip Dumber 4 , Washington-, n the Secretary of State to require any it. and there are enough votes in the ert