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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET STAT SUBJECT: (Optional) Federal Credit,Reform,Proposal. 7D24 Hqs-.- EXA DDA TO: '(Officer designation, room. number, and building) RECEIVED'. STAT STAT STAT STAT D/n] D/OF. 1212 Key. Bld D/OIT 2D.00 Hqs Bldg.' D/OL. S. D/G1MS 1D4061 Hqs Bldg. D/OJr'E 1026 CofC Bldg. FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS 1.79 EDITIONS FORWARDED EXTENSION OFFICER'S WITIALS ER 87-0862x 4 March 1987 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom .16. whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) FYI. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, O.C. 20503 February 18, 1987 BULLETIN NO. 87-8 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: Federal Credit Reform Proposal 1. Purpose. This Bulletin provides: a. An explanation of the Administration's proposed legislation to reform the budgetary treatment and financing of Federal credit programs; and b. Instructions for submitting to OMB the budget materials and data necessary to support the proposal. 0MB will send the draft legislation itself to affected agencies for review and comment through normal legislation review channels. 2. Authority. Section 1104 of Title 31 of the United States Code. 3. Background. The President indicated in his budget message that the Adinini.stration would ask the Congress to enact legislation whereby the true cost to the economy of Federal credit programs would be counted in the budget." (See page M-10, Budget of the United States Government, 1983.) The proposal was escr ue3'ln broad terms in Part 3b, "Fe eral Credit," of the Budget, where it was indicated that account-level details would be sent to the Congress in March. 4. Coverage. Unless otherwise indicated by the agency's 0MB representa- tive, these instructions apply to all Federal agencies that conduct direct loan or loan guarantee programs as defined below. (See Attachment A.) 5. Definitions. Direct loan. A direct loan is: (1) a disbursement of funds to a non-Federal entity by a Federal agency that is contracted to be repaid, with or without interest; (2) a purchase of non-Federal loans by a Federal agency through secondary market ~nG~8tl7() Eris ~~- 0,? (oq_ 1pn' cis fiw~'' i~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 operations; and (3) a sale of Federal agency assets to a non-Federal entity on credit terms of more than 90 days duration. This definition is the same as the one included in section 33.2 of 0MB Circular No. A-11, which has been used for the Federal credit budget, except that non-Federal loans acquired in satisfaction of default on loan guarantees are not covered by the proposal. Loans acquired by default will not be treated as new direct loans under the proposal, because it will be assumed that the subsidy estimate and payment to the Fund at the time the guarantee was made included an amount for the default payment. Direct loans for FY 1988 that would have been financed by the Federal Financing Bank will be covered (see 7. Assumptions). Federal Credit Revolving Fund. This fund will be established by the propos ed legislation and managed by the Secretary of the Treasury (referred to herein as the "Secretary.") as. the central financing mechanism for Federal direct loans and a reserve against defaults on guaranteed loans.,(-Referred to herein as the "Fund".) Guaranteed loan. A guaranteed loan is: (1) a non-Federal debt.instrumento.n which an agency pledges to pay part or all of the amount due to a lender or holder in the event of default by the borrower; and (2) a direct Federal loan that an agency has sold to the public under a guarantee, agreement to repurchase, or other form of recourse. This is the same definition as the one included in section 33.2 of 0MB Circular No. A-11, which has been used for the Federal credit budget. The term does not include the insurance of deposits, shares, or other withdrawable accounts in financial institutions. Market value. This is the amount received when a direct loan is soldd to a private investor. Loans are to be sold promptly after they are made, competitively, without recourse to the Federal Government in the event of default, and with the buyers assuming responsibility for servicing them. If the loan has not been sold, the market value is the difference between the face value and the estimated subsidy. Subsidy. The subsidy is the measure of the benefit to the borrower from having received Federal credit rather than private credit. For a direct loan, the subsidy is the difference between the face value of the loan and the market value. For guaranteed loans, it is the net cost to the Government of reinsuring the guarantee (including transfer of responsibility for all future administration) with a private insurer plus the present value of any interest subsidy paid by the Federal Government to the lender. Some credit programs, particularly guarantee programs, charge beneficiaries fees. Such fees reduce the Federal subsidy and, therefore, will be taken into account in estimating. the subsidy. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 For direct loans that have not been sold and guaranteed loans that have not been reinsured,.the subsidy is the estimated present value of the difference in cost to the borrower between the Federal direct loan or guaranteed loan and alternative private financing available to the same or a similar borrower for the same or a similar purpose. Subsidy account. This is a budget account for a subsidy appropriation. In most cases, these will be general fund appropriations accounts. (See "subsidy appropriation.") Subsidy appropriation. This is an appropriation for the payment credit subsidies by an agency to the Fund. In most cases, such appropriations will be from the general fund and provided annually in appropriations acts. 0MB will establish new accounts on the Master Account Title (MAT) file of the Budget Preparation System (BPS) for this purpose. However, where loans or guarantees are from special or trust funds, the subsidy will be paid from such funds. If the receipts of a special or trust fund are available only as provided in annual appropriations, the annual appropriation request will include a specified amount for subsidy'payments. If the receipts of a special or trust'fund are available without annual appropriation, language will be proposed to be enacted in annual appropriations acts to limit the amount available for subsidy payments. In the case of a few public enterprise revolving funds, credit programs are incidental to the principal activity of.the fund and income is derived primarily from non-credit transactions. In such cases, the subsidy will be paid out of the income of the revolving fund account, and language will be proposed to be enacted in annual appropriations acts to limit the amount available for subsidy payments: 6. General treatment under the proposed legislation. The agencies will continue to operate credit programs under their existing authorities; that is, they will arrange, approve,. and service direct loans that have not been sold and loan guarantees that have not been reinsured. However, the proposed legislation will modify the means and the mechanisms by which credit programs are financed beginning on October 1, 1987. Under the proposal, the subsidy value of credit will be charged to appropriations to the agencies for that purpose, and the market value of credit will, in consultation with the agency, be financed by the Fund. While the Secretary will be responsible for determining the subsidy value of the loans and guarantees made under various programs, the agencies will continue to be responsible for determining, subject to the usual review in the budget process, the volume of credit to be extended. Therefore, the agencies will recommend to ON the amount to be appropriated for subsidies and limitations on direct loans and guaranteed loans to be included in appropriations acts. The level of credit that may be Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 extended will be the lesser of the specified limits or the level supported by the resources available to pay subsidies. The Fund will begin serving as a central financing mechanism for new Federal direct loans obligated and loan guarantees committed in FY 1988. With respect to such direct and guaranteed loans: o The Fund will make disbursements for direct loans, pay for reinsurance for guaranteed loans, and pay default claims on guaranteed loans that are not reinsured. o The Fund will receive subsidy payments from Government agencies. o Government agencies will collect from the public on behalf of the Fund, and credit directly to the Fund, all fees charged for direct loans and loan guarantees, the interest and repayments of principal on loans that are not sold, and any collections on defaulted guaranteed loans. o The Fund will receive the proceeds from the sales of loans. o The Fund will maintain reserves to cover payments for defaults on any guaranteed loans that are not reinsured. At the time an agency obligates the Government to make a direct loan or commits the Government to guarantee a loan, it will be required to record an obligation for the subsidy value of the entire loan and to make payments to the Fund at least annually that are equal to the estimated subsidy value of the credit being disbursed by the Fund during that year. The payments usually will be financed by appropriations from the general fund, requested in the President's budget each year and enacted in annual appropriations acts. For special and trust funds and certain public enterprise revolving funds, the subsidy will be paid from the non-credit income of those funds. For FY 1988, budget amendments to modify appropriations requested or to provide limitations on the use of available resources in the FY 1988 Budget will be submitted with the proposed legislation. Initially, the amount of the subsidy payments for a particular credit program will be calculated, using the method currently prescribed in 0MB Circular NO. A-70 (August 24, 1984), "Policies and Guidelines for Federal Credit Programs." However, the information learned from sales and reinsurance will be used to improve the subsequent calculations of subsidy payments. Most direct loans will be sold promptly after they are made, and most guarantees will be reinsured as markets are developed, unless specifically exempted by the Secretary. The proposed law will authorize the Secretary to determine the subsidy. The Secretary will base his determination on information that is provided by the agencies and learned from sales and reinsurance. (However, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 for the purpose of this Bulletin, the agencies will calculate the subsidy payments, which will be reviewed by OMB.) Unless an exception is agreed to by the Secretary in advance, there will be no retroactive adjustment to the subsidy payments, up or down, if the actual subsidy, as determined by direct loan sales and loan guarantee reinsurance, differs from the estimates; the gain or loss will go to the Fund. However, retroactive adjustments to the subsidy estimates will be made, and additional payments will be required, if the agency decides to modify the terms of the original loan or guarantee agreement (to increase forbearance, for example). 7. Assumptions. The proposal will apply to direct loans for which obligations will be incurred and loan guarantees for which commitments will be made in FY 1988 and beyond. Therefore, transactions related to direct loans for which obligations were incurred or loan guarantees for which commitments were made before FY 1988 (regardless of when disbursement occurs)will continue to be carried out in the existing agency account or fund. For some programs, the FY 1988 Budget shows direct loan obligations in FY 1988 and beyond in existing agency accounts that would be financed by the Federal Financing Bank. It should be assumed for the purposes of this Bulletin that such loans will be financed in the same manner as loans financed by other means; that is, the market value will be financed by the Fund and the subsidy value will be paid by the agency to the Fund. The following assumptions apply to the sale of direct loans, unless the agency arranges with its 0MB representative to use different assumptions. For programs where direct loan obligations are estimated to be $100 million or more per year, it should be assumed that all of the direct loans will be sold and that the sale of any loan will occur within 3 months of the time of the final disbursement. For loan programs where obligations are less than $100 million per fiscal year, it should be assumed that the loans will not be sold. Assumptions about the reinsurance of guaranteed loans will be provided to the agency by its 0MB representative. 8. Materials and data required. a. In eng eral. The following materials and data are required or each existing account that finances direct loans or guaranteed loans and for each proposed subsidy account: (1) appropriation language changes; (2) a program and financing (P&F) schedule; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 (3) credit schedules (status of direct loans and/or status of guaranteed loans, as appropriate); (4) revised supplementary source data (SSD) for the Budget Preparation System (BPS). These requirements are discussed in detail below. (The following are not required: a justification of need, an explanation of request, an object class schedule or data, or a personnel summary.) The required language revision sheets and the budget Appendix schedules must be submitted using Standard Form 300 or a facsimile. Facsimiles produced by computer spreadsheet programs are acceptable. The language pages and the Armppe~ndix- schedules will show three columns for dollar amounts, each ror FY 1988. The amounts shown on the language sheets should be in dollars, and the amounts shown in the A endix schedules should be in thousands of dollars. The left-hand column (labeled "Request pending") will show the amounts included the FY 1988 column of the schedule submitted with the Budget. The middle column (labeled "Proposed amendment") will show net decreases or increases to amounts in the left-hand column. The right-hand column (labeled "Revised request") will show the sum of the amounts in the left-hand and middle columns. For the purpose of collecting budget data, 0MB will create special appropriations account data (AAD) files. Agencies will enter data into the BPS in the same mode as they used for the'FY 1988 Budget. Agencies with access to the BPS will enter data directly through their computer terminals, and they may order copies of the AAD file by remote job entry. Access will be restricted to accounts with credit programs. Agencies that do not have access to the system will be provided copies of the AAD file listing, which they will mark up and submit to OMB. The budget amendments proposed will not reflect any changes other than those necessary to carry out the credit reform proposal. Where items for later transmittal under proposed legislation (transmittal codes 2 and 7 in the data base) were included in the budget, and where they would be affected by the credit reform proposal, a separate set of materials and data must be submitted to show the effects of the proposal on.them. No appropriations language is required. Agencies will be notified by their 0MB representative where the detailed instructions below must be modified for a specific program. If an agency believes that it would be appropriate to deviate from these instructions, it must obtain approval from 0MB in advance of its submission. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 b. Existin accounts. For each account in the :FY 1988 budget w t estimates for new direct loan obligations or guaranteed loan commitments in FY 1988 or beyond, the following materials and data are required: (1) Revisions to appropriations language must be submitted in the format- of Attachment Referring to the, language that was proposed for the account in the Appendix, the revisions must reduce the appropriation requested by the amounts that were included to fund new loan obligations and to finance default payments, if any, related to loan guarantee commitments made in FY 1988. The revisions also must delete credit limitation language and substitute language that prohibits any new direct loan obligations or guaranteed loan commitments. (2) Program and financing (P&F) schedule. A schedule in the format of -Attachment must be submitted. The following changes, as appropriate, related to direct loan obligations or loan guarantee commitments that would have been made in FY 1988 will be reflected in the schedule: o a reduction of new direct loan obligations (do not reduce obligations for loans acquired by. defaults related to loan guarantee commitments made before FY 1988); o a reduction of loan guarantee claim payments for guarantees; o a reduction in administrative expenses; o a reduction in collections of interest, loan repayments, proceeds from the sales of loans, and credit transaction fees; o an increase in the redemption of agency debt held by the Treasury or the Federal Financing Bank; o a reduction in budget authority; and o resulting changes in unobligated balances, obligations incurred, net, obligated balances, and outlays. In addition, a capital transfer of the amounts of collections and balances that are in excess of the amounts required to carry out the liquidation of outstanding loans and guarantees and to redeem agency debt will be shown. The proposed legislation will require such transfers. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 (3) Status of direct loan schedule. A schedule in the format of Attachment D must be submitted. The following transactions, as appropriate, related to direct loan obligations or loan guarantee commitments that- would nave been made, i n 1 8ff will be reflected in the schedule: o a reduction of new direct loan obligations (subject to limitation or not) to zero (do not reduce obligations for direct loans acquired by defaults related to loan guarantee commitments made before FY 1988); o a reduction in direct loan disbursements; o a reduction in repayments and prepayments; o any changes in adjustments; and o resulting changes in outstanding balance's. (4) Status of guaranteed loan schedule. A schedule in the format ofAttachment must be suubmitt~- The following transactions, as appropriate, related to direct loan obligations or loan guarantee commitments that would h a v e been n made in FY 1 will be reflected in t e schedule: o a reduction in guaranteed loans (subject to limitation or not) to zero; o a reduction of disbursements of new guaranteed loans; o a reduction of repayments and prepayments; o any changes in adjustments; and o resulting changes in outstanding balances. (5) Supplementary source data. Revised data, corresponding to the changes refI-ected in the schedules, must be provided for: o SSD-A/D, budget authority and outlays (FY 1988-1992); o SSD-B, current/prior outlays (FY 1988 only);. 0 SSD-C, character classification (FY 1988 only); Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 o SSD-G/H, credit data (FY 1988-1992); and o SSD-P, program and financing (FY 1988 only). A sample AAD file listing is shown as Attachment F. c. Subsid accounts. For each subsidy account, the following materials and data are required: (1) Direct and guaranteed loan subsidy data sheets, prepared in accordance with section 33.7 of Circular No. A-11 and in the format of Attachments G and H. (2). New approriation language must be'submitted in the format of Attichment B. The language shown in format B should be used as a model in most cases; however, some variations (approved by 0MB) may be needed to fit the specifics. of particular programs. The language will include an appropriation amount equal to the sum (in dollars) of the subsidy amounts calculated for direct loans and guaranteed loans. The language will include direct loan and guaranteed loan limitation anguage. asrescr~ibed ni n sectfon -31.o circular No. (3) Program and financing (P&F) schedule. A schedule in the format of tac ment must be submitted. Some or all, of the following changes related to direct loans or loan guarantees that would have been made in FY 1988 may need to be reflected in the schedule: o obligations for direct loan subsidy payments to the Fund (subsidy payments for direct loans and for guaranteed loans should be shown as separate entries, and separate entries shoul.d be used to show subsidies for different programs financed within the account, usually on the sane basis as is shown in the existing account); o budget authority equal to the obligations for subsidy payments; o obligations incurred, net,.and outlays equal to the appropriation for subsidy paymentsc o obligated balances in the amount of'subsidy::. payments obligated but not yet paid to the Fund; and o outlays for subsidy payments to the Fund at the same rate as disbursements of the associated direct or guaranteed loans. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 (4) Status of direct loan schedule. A schedule in the format of Attachment J must be submitted. The following transactions, although included in the account of the Fund, should be reflected in the schedule: o direct loan obligations (subject to limitation or not); o direct loan disbursements; o repayments and prepayments; o other adjustments, which should include the difference (as a negative amount) between the. face value and the proceeds from sale (market value) of those loans that are sold; and o resulting changes in outstanding balances.. (5) Status of guaranteed loan schedule. A :schedule-in the format of ttac ment must be submitted. The following transactions should be. reflected in the schedule: o guaranteed loan commitments (subject to limitation or not); disbursements of new guaranteed loans; o repayments and prepayments; o terminations for default for guaranteed loans that are not reinsured; o other adjustments, which should include the amount of guaranteed loans that are reinsured; and o changes in outstanding balances. (6) Supplementary source data. Revised data, corresponding' to the changes reflected in the schedules, must be provided for: o SSD-A/D, budget authority and outlays (FY 1988-1992); o SSD-B, current/prior outlays (FY 1988 only); o SSD-C, character classification (FY 1988 only); o SSD-G/H, credit data (FY 1988-1992); and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 o SSD-P, program and financing (FY 1988 only). A sample AAD file listing is shown as Attachment L. 9. Timing. All material and data must be received in 0MB not later that Monday, February 23, 1987. 10. Contact. Questions should be directed to the agency's 0MB representative. Attachments Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Attachment A ACCOUNTS IN THE 1988 CREDIT BUDGET AFFECTED BY THE CREDIT REFORM PROPOSAL (in millions of dollars) AGENCY/ACCOUNT 1988 ESTIMATES -------------------------- DIRECT GUARANTEED ACCOUNT ID LOANS LOANS FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO THE PRESIDENT Foreign military sales credit.... 11-1082-0-1-152 4,421.2 --- Economic support fund............ 11-1037-0-1-152 175.6 --- Func. dev'p asst. programs....... 11-1021-0-1-151 150.0 -- Housing credit guar. programs.... 72-4340-0-3-151 --- 100.0 Private sector revolving fund.... 72-4341-0-3-151 16.0 --- Overseas Private Invest. Corp.... 71-4030-0-3-151 15.0 150.0 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Expenses, P. L. 480 .............. 12-2274-0-1-151 749.3 --- Commodity Credit Corporation..... 12-4336-0-3-351 --- 5,500.0 Export guarantees ............. 12-4336-2-3-351 --- (2,000.0) Rural elec/telephone rev, fund... 12-4230-0-3-271 290.0 --- 12-4230-2-3-271 --- 840.0 Rural telephone bank ............. 12-4231-0-3-452 93.0 --- Agricultural credit ins. fund.... 12-4140-0-3-351 Real estate loans ............. 130.0 390.0 12-4140-2-3-351 (130.0) (390.0) Operating ..................... 870.0 2,610.0 12-4140-2-3-351 130.0 (110.0) Emergency disaster loans...... 600.0 --- 12-4140-2-3-351 (305.0) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Guaranteed student loans......... 91-0230-0-1-502 --- 9,398.0 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Health resources and services.... 75-0350-0-1-551 1.0 --- Health prof. grad. student loans. 75-4305-0-3-553 --- 100.0 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Nonprofit sponsor assistance..... 86-4042-0-3-604 0.3 --- Federal Housing Adm. fund........ .86-4070-0-3-371 82.6 79,260.5 86-4070-2-3-371 --- (9,260.5) Housing for elderly/handicapped.. 86-4115-0-3-371 131.5 --- GNMA, Guarantees of MBS.......... 86-4238-0-3-371 --- 100,000.0 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BuRec, Loan program .............. 14-0667-0-1-301 27.5 --- BIA, Revolving fund for loans.... 14-4409-0-3-452 13.0 --- BIA, Loan guaranty rev. fund..... 14-4410-0-3-452 0.1 33.5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.... 16-4204-0-3-601 3.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 ACCOUNTS IN THE 1988 CREDIT BUDGET AFFECTED BY THE CREDIT REFORM PROPOSAL (in millions of dollars) 1988 ESTIMATES DIRECT GUARANTEED AGENCY/ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ID LOANS LOANS DEPARTMENT OF STATE Emergencies in diplomatic serv... 19-0522-0-1-153 0.7 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MarAd, Fed'l ship financing fund.. 69-4301-0-3-403 5.0 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Disaster loans ..... .... ... .... 73-4153-0-3-453 350.0 Business loan and investment..... 73-4154-0-3-376 20.0 3,510.0 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Direct loan revolving fund....... 36-4024-0-3-704 Loan guaranty revolving fund..... 36-4025-0-3-704 36-4025-2-3-704 Voc. rehab revolving fund........ 36-4114-0-3-702 Education loan fund .............. 36-4118-0-3-702 36-4118-2-3-702 OTHER INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Export-Import Bank.. ............. 83-4027-0-3-155 Fed'l Savings and Loan (FSLIC)... 82-4037-0-3-371 NCUA, credit union share ins fund 25-4468-0-3-371 NCUA, Central liquidity facility. 25-4470-0-3-371 Tennessee Valley Authority....... 64-4110-0-3-999 Power loans ................... 2.3 880.2 29,400.0 (68.0) 0) (1,470.0) 8 1,000.0 10,000.0 25.0 300.0 5.0 72.0 Attachment A (cont) TOTAL LOANS SUBJECT TO CREDIT REFORM......... 9,828.1 228,362.5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89G00643R001000030041-8 Attachment B EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES -1-9138- Budget Appendix Page Heading I-Z14 Limitation on program activity (Delete the appropria- tion language under the above heading and insert in lieu thereof the following:) During fiscal year 1988, no new direct loan obligations shall be made. During fiscal year 1988, no new commitments to guarantee oans shall e ma e. NOTE: If a change in budget authority is required, the following language should be used: (In the appropriation language under the above heading delete "$ " and insert in lieu thereof $ .) 19 at$ Budget 1988 1988 Request Proposed Revised Pending Amendment Request language 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89G00643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Attachment B (continued) EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES 1988 1988 Budget Budget 1988 1988 Appendix Request Proposed Revised Page Heading Pending Amendment Request I-Z17 Export-Import Bank --- $333,600,000 $333,600,000 o the United tates, Subsidy Account (Insert the above heading and the appro- priation language that follows immediately after the material under the heading "Limitation on administrative expenses":) For subsidy to be paid to the e eral Credit Revolving and for the direct loan and loan guarantee activity of the Export-Import ank, $333,600,000 is appropriated to be paid to tie Federal Credit Revolving Fun uring fiscal year 1988, and within a resources and authority gross obligations for the pr ncipa amount of direct loans shaTl not exceed $1,000,000,000. wring fiscal year , E-o-mmitments to guarantee loans may be made only to the extent that total-loan principal, any part of w e is to e guaranteed, shall not exceed $IO000 , 000 , 000 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 [SAMPLE: EXISTING CREDIT ACCOUNT] Attachment C EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES Export-Import Bank of the United States Program and Financing (in thousands of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Identification code 83-4027-0-3-155 1988 1988 1988 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Request Proposed Revised pending amendment request Program by activities: ------- --------- ------- Direct program: 00.02 Interest expense - FFB........ 1,331,100 (1,800) 1,329,300 00.05 Insurance claims.............. 26,900 (1,000) 25,900 * 00.00 Other operating expenses...... 25,868 0 25,868 ---------- ------------ ------------ 01.92 Total operating expenses...... 1,383,868 (2,800) 1,381,068 Capital investment: 02.01 Loan obligations............ 1,000,000 (1,000,000) 0 02.02 Purchase of equipment....... 700 0 700 ------------ ------------ ------------ 02.91 Total capital investment...... 1,000,700 (1,000,000) 700 10.00 Total obligations 2,384,568 (1,002,800) 1,381,768 Financing: Offsetting collections from: Non-Federal sources: 14.00 Loans repaid ................ (3,154,093) 3,500 (3,150,593) 14.00 Interest and fee revenue from loans ................ (753,103) 12,300 (740,803) 14.00 Guarantee and insurance program fees and premiums. (35,900) 6,400 (29,500) 17.00 Recovery of prior year obligations ............... (480,100) 0 (480,100) 21.47 Unobligated balance avail- able, start of year......... (2,022,590) 0 (2,022,590) 24.47 Unobligated balance avail- able, end of year........... 2,649,918 0 2,649,918 ** 31.00 Redemption of debt........... 1,411,300 980,600 2,391,900 ------------ ------------ ------------ 39.00 Budget authority 0 0 0 Relation of obligations to outlays: 71.00 Obligations incurred, net.... (1,558,528) (980,600) (2,539,128) Obligated balance, start of year: 72.47 Authority to borrow....... 2,296,879 0 2,296,879 72.98 Fund balance .............. 330,900 0 330,900 Obligated balance, end of year: 74.47 Authority to borrow....... (1,911,986) 910,500 (1,001,486 74.98 Fund balance .............. (240,700) 0 (240,700; 78.00 Adjust. in unexpired accounts. (480,100) 0 (480,100) ------------ ------------ ------------ 90.00 Outlays ...................... (1,563,535) (70,100) (1,633,635) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Activity lines above "Total operating expenses" or "Total capital investment" may be combined into a single "Other ... " entry where there are no changes. ** Decreases in obligations should result in a transfer to the general fund or increased redemption of debt. It should not result in an increase of unobligated balances. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89G00643R001000030041-8 [SAMPLE: EXISTING CREDIT ACCOUNT] Attachment D EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES Export-Import Bank of the United States Status of Direct Loans (in thousands of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Identification code 83-4027-0-3-155 1988 1988 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request pending Proposed amendment Revised request Position with respect to appropriation act limitations on obligations: 1111 Limitation on direct loans to the public ................ 1,000,000 (1,000,000) 0 * 1132 Obligations exempt from limi- tation: Defaulted guaranteed loan claims .................. 0 0 0 ------ ------------- ------------- ------- 1150 Total direct loan obligations. 1,000,000 (1,000,000) 0 Cumulative balance of direct loans outstanding: 1210 Outstanding, start of year.... 10,670,087 0 10,670,087 1231 Disbursements: Direct loan disbursements.... 693,200 (73,600) 619,600 * 1232 Disbursements for guarantee l i a c ms ...................... Repayments: 0 0 1251 Repayments and prepayments... (2,207,500) 3,500 (2,204,000) 1253 Loan asset sales to public... (750,000) 0 (750,000) 1262 Adjustments: Write-offs for default....... 0 0 0 1264 Other adjustments, net 1/.... (450,000) 0 (450,000) ------------- ------------- ------------- 1290 Outstanding, end of year...... 7,955,787 (70,100) 7,885,687 1/ Represents discount from face value on sale of loan assets. * ExIm Bank does not have direct loan obligations and disbursements for defaulted guarantee claims. Where appropriate, this data will be included in these lines. q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89G00643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 [SAMPLE: EXISTING CREDIT ACCOUNT] Attachment E EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES Export-Import Bank of the United States Status of Guaranteed Loans (in thousands of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Identification code 83-4027-0-3-155 1988 1988 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request Proposed Revised pending amendment request ------- --------- ------- Position with respect to appropriation act limitations on commitments: 2111 Limitation on guaranteed loans made by private lenders...... 10,000,000 (10,000,000) 2150 Total guaranteed loan commitments ................ 10,000,000 (10,000,000) 0 Cumulative balance of guaranteed loans outstanding: 2210 Outstanding, start of year.... 5,487,888 0 5,487,888 2231 Disbursements of new guaranteed loans............ 5,288,600 (2,598,100) 2,690,500 2251 Repayments and prepayments... (4,610,600) 1,291,600 (3,319,000) Adjustments: * 2261 Terminations for default that result in direct loans 0 0 0 ---------- ------------- -+----------- 2290 Outstanding, end of year...... 6,165,888 (1,306,500) 4,859,388 MEMORANDUM 2299 U.S. contingent liability for guaranteed loans outstanding, end of year .................. 6,165,888 (1,306,500) 4,859,388 * Use A-11 credit lines as appropriate. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 02/02/87 A A D - F I L E L I S T I N G (BPS.MSTR.AAD) (10:50):*ssssssssss**sssss**ssssss:ssssss***ssssss*s*ssss*s*s::::ssssss:::*s**ssssssssssssssssssss**ssssss*sssssssssssssssssss OMB ACCOUNT-ID: 30-48-4027-0-3-155 AGENCY: Other Independent Agencies BUREAU: Export-Import Bank of the United States ACCOUNT: Export-Import Bank of the United States OMB DIVISION: TEAM-ID: LAST ACTIVITY: IAD '3 2/03/87 DOC COMP AUTH CHAR-CL LINE ACTIVITY A R ACCOUNT-ID ID FCT . OUT LINE NO 0/I N/S G/N SN --DATE-- C T (1-11) 14 (15-17) 18 (19-24) 25 26 27 (28-29) (30-39) (40-49) (50-59) (60-69) 70 80 * SSD-D (PLANNING) ------- ------------- -- -- -------------- 83-4027-0-3-155 D 155 9000 N N 01 -1,187,400 -1,214,800 -996,000 -586,100 ( ) 1 D 155 9441 0' 21,145 21,541 21,870 22,114 ( ) i D 155 9541 0' 21,145 21,541 21,870 22,114 ( ) 1 ? SSD-A (BUDGET) ------- ------------- -- ---------- ----- -------------- A 155 9000 N N 01 -1,633,635 ( ) 1 A 155 9441 20,668 ( ) 1 A 155 954' 20,668 ( ) 1 ? SSD-B ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- B 155 3130 01 -1,633,635 ( ) ? SSD-C ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- C 155 0 1100-04 ') 1 -1,183.635 ( ) 1 C 155 0 3300-04 0' -450,000 ? SSD-H (PLANNING) ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- H 155 1210 7,885,687 6,687,087 5,338,187 3,917,087 ( ) 1 H 155 1231 453,900 317,600 250,600 207,300 ( ) H 155 1251 0' -652,500 -666,500 -671,700 -678,000 ( ) 1 H 155 1253 -525,000 -475,000 -425,000 -375,000 ( ) 1 H 155 1264 U' -475,000 -525,000 -575,000 -625.000 ( ) 1 H 155 1290 01 6,687,087 5,338,187 3,917.087 2,446,387 ( ) 1 H 155 2210 01 4,859,388 4,859,388 4,859.388 4,859,388 ( ) 1 H 155 2231 01 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300.000 1,300,000 ( ) 1 H 155 2251 01 -1,300,000 -1,300,000 -1,300,000 -1,300.000 ( ) 1 H 155 2290 01 4,859,388 4,859,388 4,859,388 4,859.388 ( ) 1 H 155 2299 01 4,859,388 4,859,388 4,859.388 4,859.388 ? SSD-G (BUDGET) ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- G 155 1210 01 10,670,087 ( ) 1 G 155 1231 01 619,600 ( ) 1 G 155 1251 01 -2,204,000 ( ) 1 G 155 1253 01 -750,000 ( ) 1 G 155 1264 01 -450,000 ( ) 1 G 155 1290 01 7,885,687 ( ) 1 G 155 2210 01 5,487,888 ( ) 1 G 155 2231 01 2,690,500 ( ) 1 G 155 2251 01 -3,319.000 ( ) 1 G 155 2290 01 4,859,388 ( ) G 155 2299 01 4,859.388 ( ) 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 BPS0300D********ss*********************************#***#i*********ss*****s***********s*sss##iii##******s**####isis#si######iiiii*sii 02/02/87 A A D - F I L E L I S T I N G (BPS.MSTR.AAD) 10:50)**#ii#iiiiiiit#i*****kit**#i**iii#ki##ii*#######**#i#ii*ik###ii#*#i#*******#i##iiiiiii*i#ii*#i#####i##iiiii##i#*i##*ti*# 2 DOC COMP AUTH CHAR-CL LINE < ------------ AMOUNTS IN THOUSANDS ------------ > ACTIVITY A R ACCOUNT-ID ID FCT OUT LINE NO D/I N/S G/N SN --DATE-- C T (1-11) 14 (15-17) 18 (19-24) 25 26 27 (28-29) (30-39) (40-49) (50-59) (60-69) 70 80 * P&F ------- P 0001 P 0002 P 0003 P 0004 P 0005 P 0006 P 0091 P 0101 P ... 0192 P 0291 P 1000 P 1400 P 1400 P 1400 P 1700 P 2147 P 2447 P 3100 P 3900 P 7100 P 7247 P 7298 P 7447 P 7498 P 7800 P 9000 13 1,329,300 5,084 25,900 20,668 1,380,068 103 1,381,068 700 1,381,768 -3,150,593 -740,803 -29,500 -480,100 -2,022,590 2,649,918 2,391,900 -2,539,128 2,296,879 330,900 -1,001,486 -240,700 -480,100 -1,633,635 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Attachment G FY 1988 TENS OF FEDERAL AND (CMPARIBLE PRIVATE MARKET: DIRECT LOANS Agency: Export-Import Bank Program: Direct loans 1988 1/ 1989 1/ 1990 1 1991 1/ 1992 1/ Direct loan obligations (millions of dollars) ................ 1,000 900 900 900 900 Federal program terms: Interest rate ....................... 7.05 6.75 6.05 5.55 5.05 Loan term (in years) ................ 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Grace period (in years) ............. 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Upfront fee (in percent)............ 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Annual fee (in percent per annum)... 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* Comparable private terms: Interest rate..... ............... 9.10 8.80 8.10 7.60 7.10 Loan term (in years) ................ 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Grace period in years) ............. 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Upfront fee (in percent)............ 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Annual fee (in percent per annum)... 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* Present value of subsidy (in percent) .............................. 9.8 9.9 10.2 10.3 10.5 Present value of subsidy (in millions of dollars) .......................... 98.0 89.1 91.8 92.7 94.5 1/ Use latest economic assumption for interest rates. Basis of Federal loan terms: (Examples: (1) Set in legislation at rate for Treasury securities of similar maturity; or (2) set in legislation at 5%; or (3) administrative discretion.) Basis of interest calculation: (Examples: (1) mortgage basis (equal payments of principal and interest); or (2) outstanding loan basis (equal payments of principal only). Outstanding loan basis. Frequency of payments: Semiannual. Source or justification of comparable private market terms: Treasury long-term bonds plus premium for country risk. * Ch undisbursed amount of obligation. 11:84 February 5, 1987 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Attachment H FY 1988 TERMS OF FEDERAL AND PARABLE PRIVATE MANCET: GUARANTEED IAANS Agency: Export - Import Bank Program: Financial Guarantees 1988 1 1989 1/ 1990 1 1991 1/ 1992 1/ Guaranteed loan commitments (millions of dollars) .................. 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 Federal program terms: Interest rate ......................... 4.65 4.35 3.75 3.15 2.65 Loan term (in years) .................. 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Grace period (in years) ............... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TJpfront fee (in percent) .............. Annual fee (in percent per annum)..... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Commitment fee (in percent per annum). 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 Flat fees (in dollars) ................ - -- -- - .r Other fees (describe below)........... - -- -~ - - Comparable private terms: Interest rate ......................... 6.65 6.35 5.75 5.15 4.65 Loan term (in years) .................. 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Grace period (in years) ............... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Upfront fee (in percent) .............. -- -- - - Annual fee (in percent per annum)..... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Commitment fee (in percent per annum). 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 Flat fees (in dollars) ................ - -- -- Other fees (describe below)........... - -- - - - Present value of subsidy (in percent ................................ 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.6 Percent value of subsidy (in millions of dollars) ............................ 118.8 118.8 121.5 121.5 124.2 1/ Use latest economic assumption for interest rates. Basis of, Federal loan terms: (Examples: (1) Set in legislation at rate for Treasury securities of similar maturity; or (2) set in legislation at 5%; or (3) administrative discretion.) LIBOR plus premium. Basis of interest calculation: (Examples: (1) mortgage basis (equal payments of principal and interest ; or 2 outstanding loan basis (equal payments of principal only). Outstanding loan basis. Frequency of payments: Semiannual. Source or justification of comparable private market terms: Federal rate plus 200 basis points. Description of other fees: N.A. 10:84 February 5, 1987 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Attachment H (continued) FY 1988 TERMS OF FEDERAL AND COr1PARABtE PRIVATE MARKET: GUARANTEED LOANS Agency: Export - Import Bank Program: Other Guarantees and Insurance 1988 1/ 1989 1/ 1990 1/ 1991 1/ 1992 1/ Guaranteed loan commitments (millions of dollars) .................. 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 Federal program terms: (Interest rate .......................... 4.65 4.35 3.75 3.15 2.65 Loan term (in years) .................. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Grace period (in years) ............... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Upfront fee (in percent) .............. -- -- -- Annual fee (in percent per annum)..... - -- - Commitment fee (in percent per annum). - - - Flat fees (in dollars) ................ - - Other fees (describe below)........... - - - Comparable private terms: Interest rate ......................... 6.65 6.35 5.75 5.15 4.65 Loan term (in years) .................. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Grace period (in years) ............... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Upfront fee (in percent) .............. - - - -- - Annual fee (in percent per annum)..... - - - - - Commitment fee (in percent per annum). - - -- - - Flat fees (in dollars) ................ - -- -- -- --- Other fees (describe below)........... - -- - -- - Present value of subsidy (in percent ................................ 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Percent value of subsidy (in millions of dollars) ............................ 116.8 116.8 116.8 116.8 116.8 1/ Use latest economic assumption for interest rates. Basis of Federal loan terms: (Examples: (1) Set in legislation at rate for Treasury securities of similar maturity; or (2)'set in legislation at 5%; or (3) administrative discretion.) LIBOR plus premium. Basis of interest calculation: (Examples: (1) mortgage basis (equal payments of principal and interest ; or (2) outstanding loan basis (equal payments of principal only). !outstanding loan basis. Frequency of payments: Semiannual. Source or justification of comparable private market terms: Federal rate plus 200 basis points. Description of other fees: N.A. 7:84 "o Flebruary 5, 1987 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 [SAMPLE: NEW SUBSIDY ACCOUNT] Attachment I EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES Export-Import Loan Subsidies Program and Financing (in thousands of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Identification code 83-xxxx-0-1-155 1988 1988 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request Proposed Revised pending amendment request Program by activities: Direct program: * 00.01 Direct loans... ............ 0 98,000 98,000 * 00.02 Financial guarantees......... 0 118,800 118,800 * 00.03 Other guarantees & insurance. 0 116,800 116,800 10.00 Total obligations............. 0 333,600 333,600 Financing: 40.00 Budget authority (appropriation) ............. 0 333,600 333,600 Relation of obligations to outlays: 71.00 Obligations incurred, net... 333,600 333,600 74.40 Obligated balance, end of year ............... 0 (265,132) (265,132) ------------ ------------ ------------ ** 90.00 Outlays ..................... 68,468 68,468 * The obligations represent the subsidy estimate calculated according to A-70 submissions. (See attachments G and H.) ** Outlays are charged to the subsidy account proportionately as the loan is disbursed. G Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 [SAMPLE: NEW SUBSIDY ACCOUNT] Attachment J EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES Export-Import Loan Subsidies Status of Direct Loans (in thousands of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Identification code 83-xxxx-0-1-155 1988 1988 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request pending Proposed amendment Revised request Position with respect to appropriation act limitations on obligations: 1111 Limitation on direct loans to the public ................ 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1150 Total direct loan obligations. 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 Cumulative balance of direct loans outstanding: 1210 Outstanding, start of year.... 1231 Disbursements: Direct loan disbursements ............... 0 73,600 73,600 1251 Repayments: Repayments and prepayments... (3,500) - (3,500) 1253 Loan asset sales to the public 1/ .................... 1264 Adjustments: Other adjustments, net 2/.......... 0 0 0 ------------- ------------- -------------- 1290 Outstanding, end of year...... 0 70,100 70,100 1/ Use this line to reflect loan asset sales under the Credit Reform Plan. In general, loans will not be sold until fully disbursed. 2/ Represents discount from face value on loans sold to the public. 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 [SAMPLE: NEW SUBSIDY ACCOUNT] Attachment K EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES Export-Import Loan Subsidies Status of Guaranteed Loans (in thousands of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Identification code 83-xxxx-0-1-155 1988 1988 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request pending Proposed amendment Revised request Position with respect to appropriation act limitations on commitments: 2111 Limitation on guaranteed loans made by private lenders...... 0 10,000,000 10,000,000 2150 Total guaranteed loan commitments ................ 0 10,000,000 10,000,000 Cumulative balance of guaranteed loans outstanding: 2210 Outstanding, start of year.... 0 0 0 2231 Disbursements of new guaranteed loans............ 0 2,598,100 2,598,100 2251 Repayments and prepayments.... 0 (1,291,600) (1,291,600) Adjustments: 2261 Terminations for default that result in direct loans. 0 0 0 2264 Other adjustments, net 1/.... 0 0 0 2290 Outstanding, end of year...... 0 1,306,500 1,306,500 MEMORANDUM 2299 U.S. contingent liability for guaranteed loans outstanding, end of year .................. 0 1,306,500 1,306,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/ This line should be used to show reinsurance of loan guarantees. However, in most cases (including Eximbank), the reinsurance will not occur until the loan is fully disbursed by the lender. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 02/02/87 A A D- F I L E L I S T I N G (BPS.MSTR.AAD) (10:50)ssssssssssssssssssssrsssssssrrrssss**ssssssssssstssssssssssssssss*r*sssssssssssss*srassrrrsss**ssssrrssssssssssss*srrss OMB ACCOUNT-ID: 30-48-xxxx-0-1-155 OMB DIVISION: IAD AGENCY: Other Independent Agencies TEAM-ID: 13 BUREAU: Export-Import Bank of the United States LAST ACTIVITY: 2/03/87 ACCOUNT: Export-Import Loan Subsidies DOC COMP AUTH CHAR-CL LINE ACTIVITY A R ACCOUNT-ID ID FCT OUT LINE NO D/I N/S G/N SN --DATE-- C T (1-11) 14 (15-17) 18 (19-24) 25 26 27 (28-29) (30-39) (40-49) (50-59) (60-69) 70 80 * SSD-D (PLANNING) ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- 83-xxxx--0-1-155 D 155 4000 N N 01 324,700 330,100 331,000 335,500 ( ) 1 D 155 9000 N N 01 137,000 242,000 269,000 294,000 ( ) 1 D 155 9447 01 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 ( ) 1 D 155 9448 01 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 ( ) 1 * SSD-A (BUDGET) ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- A 155 4000 N N 01 333,600 ( ) 1 A 155 9000 N N 01 68,468 1 A 155 9447 01 1,000,000 ( ) 1 A 155 9448 01 10,000,000 ( ) i * SSD-B ------- ------------- -------------- B 155 01 * SSD-C ------------- C 155 0 01 * SSD-H (PLANNING) ------------- H 155 1111 01 900,000 900,000 900,000 3,917,087 ( ) 1 H 155 1150 01 900,000 900,000 5,338,187 3,917,087 ( ) 1 H 155 1210 01 70,100 293,700 617,600 963,700 ( ) 1 H 155 1231 01 246,100 382,400 449,400 492,700 ( ) 1 H 155 1251 01 -22,500 -58,500 -103,300 -147,000 ( ) 1 H 155 1290 01 293,700 617,600 963,700 1,309,400 ( ) 1 H 155 2210 01 1,306,500 2,989,500 4,381,700 5,528,900 ( ) 1 H 155 2231 01 4,422,800 5,016,500 5,278,600 5.422,100 ( ) 1 H 155 2251 01 -2,739,800 -3,623,900 -4.131,400 -4,440,600 ( ) 1 H 155 2290 01 2,989,500 4,381,700 5,528,900 6,510,400 ( ) 1 H 155 2299 01 2,989,500 4,381,700 5,528,900 6,510,400 ( ) 1 * SSD-G (BUDGET) ------- -------------- -- ---------- ---------- -------------- G 155 1111 01 1,000,000 ( ) 1 G 155 1150 01 1,000,000 ( ) 1 G 155 1210 01 ( ) 1 G 155 1231 01 73,600 ( ) 1 G 155 1251 01 -3,500 ( ) 1 G 155 1290 01 70.100 ( ) 1 G 155 2111 01 10,000,000 ( ) 1 G 155 2150 01 10,000,000 ( ) 1 G 155 2210 01 ( ) 1 G 155 2231 01 2,598,100 ( ) 1 G 155 2251 01 -1,291,600 ( ) 1 G 155 2290 01 1,306,500 ( ) 1 G 155 2299 01 1.306.500 ( ) 1 * P&F ------- ----------- -------------- P 0001 01 98,000 ( ) 1 P 0002 01 118,800 ( ) 1 P 0003 01 116,800 ( ) 1 P 1000 01 333,600 ( ) 1 P 4000 01 333,600 ( ) 1 P 7100 01 333,600 ( ) 1 P 7440 01 -265,132 ( ) 1 P 9000 01 68,468 ( ) 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503 February 18, 1987 BULLETIN NO. 87-8 , SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: Federal Credit Reform Proposal 1. Purpose. This Bulletin serves as a supplement to Bulletin No. 87-8 dated February 18 , and provides instructions for submitting additional data to support the Administration's Federal credit reform proposal. 2. Authority. Same as Bulletin No. 87-8 3. Background. Bulletin No. 87-8 instructed agencies to submit budget mater als and data necessary, to quantify changes resulting from the credit reform proposal to the President's FY 1988 Budget submission on a current policy basis. In addition, 0MB must collect the information necessary to quantify changes to the current services estimates. 4. Coverage. The proprams listed in Attachment A of Bulletin No. 87-8 also are covered by this supplement. In addition, credit programs that were proposed in the President's FY 1988 Budget to be terminated in FY 1988 are covered for the purpose of this supplement only. (See Attachment A, Parts 1 and 2 of this supplement). 5. Definitions. Refer to Part 5 of Bulletin 87-8 for definitions of the relevant termiT 6. Additional data.re uired. In addition to the materials and data requested in guTTetin 87- , Subsidy data for current services estimates of direct loans and loan guarantees are needed. The subsidy data sheets should be prepared in accordance with section 33.7 of Circular No. A-11. An exhibit, in the format of Attachments B (direct loans) and C (guaranteed loans), should be prepared for each loan program. The estimates for current services for direct loan obligations and guaranteed loan commitments were collected in the President's budget data base as SSD-Y/Z data. Calculations of subsidies should be based on the same concepts. Therefore, they should not be based on changes in interest rates, 112 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 fees, or program mix proposed in the 1988 Budget. Under credit reform, the FFB would no longer be in operation. However, the subsidy should be estimated as if the FFB would still exist (use the Treasury rate + 1/8 percent as the interest rate). In many cases, the subsidy estimate (in percent) will be the same as for the policy; only the loan volume and subsidy estimate (in millions of dollars) wiII change. In other cases, the subsidy estimate (in percent) will also change. 7. Timing. All data must be received in OMB not later than Wednesday, February 5, 1987. 8. Contact. Questions should be directed to the agency's OMB representative. Attachments Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 ACCOUNTS IN THE CREDIT BUDGET AFFECTED BY THE CREDIT REFORM PROPOSAL (in millions of dollars) PART 1. ACCOUNTS WITH NEW ACTIVITY IN 1988 1988 ESTIMATES CURRENT SERVICES --------------------------- DIRECT GUARANTEED AGENCY/ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ID LOANS LOANS FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO THE PRESIDENT Foreign military'sales credit.... 11-1082-0-1-152 4,181.9 Economic support fund............ 11-1037-0-1-152 181.7 --- Func. dev'p asst. programs....... 11-1021-0-1-151 150.0 --- Housing credit guar. programs.... 72-4340-0-3-151 --- 150.6 Private sector revolving fund.... 72-4341-0-3-151 16.0 --- Overseas Private Invest. Corp.... 71-4030-0-3-151 23.8 207.0 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Expenses, P. L. 480............... 12-2274-0-1-151 847.9 Commodity Credit Corporation..... 12-4336-0-3-351 Rural elec/telephone rev. fund... 12-4230-0-3-271 2,230.9 Rural telephone bank ............. 12-4231-0-3-452 183.2 Agricultural credit ins. fund.... 12-4140-0-3-351 1,880.8 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Guaranteed student loans ......... 91-0230-0-1-502 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Health resources and services.... 75-0350-0-1-551 1.0 Health prof. grad. student loans. 75-4305-0?-3-553 --- 5,500.0 2,585.4 9,355.0 305.0 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Nonprofit sponsor assistance..... 86-4042-0-3-604 1.0 --- Federal Housing Adm. fund........ 86-4070-0-3-371 82.6 79,260.5 Housing for elderly/handicapped 86-4115-0-3-371 612.0 --- GNMA, Guarantees of MBS........ .. 86-4238-0-3-371 305.8 112,500.0 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BuRec, Loan program .............. 14-0667-0-1-301 27.5 --- BIA, Revolving fund for loans.... 14-4409-0-3-452 16.9 --- BIA, Loan guaranty rev. fund..... 14-441`0-0-3-452 2.0 41.4 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Emergencies in diplomatic serv... 19-0522-0-1-153 0.7 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MarAd, Fed'1 ship financing fund. 69-4301-0-3-403 5.0 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Disaster loans ... ..... ......... 73-4153-0-3-453 336.0 --- Business loan and investment..... 73-4154-0-3-376 124.0 3,691.0 Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 . - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89G00643R001000030041-8 . Attachment A, cont., 1988 ESTIMATES CURRENT SERVICES DIRECT GUARANTEED LOANS LOANS VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Direct loan revolving fund....... 36-4024-0-3-704 2.3 --- Loan guaranty revolving fund..... 36-4025-0-3-704 880.2 29,400.0 Voc. rehab revolving fund........ 36-4114-0-3-702 0.9 -- - * Education loan fund .............. 36-4118-0-3-702 OTHER INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Export-Import Bank ............... 83-4027-0-3-155 931.5 11,355.0 Fed'l Savings and Loan (FSLIC)... 82-4037-0-3-371 25.0 300.0 NCUA, credit union share ins fund 25-4468-0-3-371 5.0 0.5 NCUA, Central liquidity facility. 25-4470-0-3-371 600.0 Tennessee Valley Authority....... 64-400-0-3-999 Power loans ................... 71.0 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp... 16-4204-0-3-601 3.1 TOTAL LOANS SUBJECT TO CREDIT REFORM.......... 13,729.7.. 254,651.4 (EXCLUDES DIRECT LOAN OBLIGATIONS FOR DEFAULTED GUARANTEES) 2. ACCOUNTS PROPOSED FOR TERMINATION IN 1988 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE REA, FFB direct loans ............ 12-4230-0-3-271 2,230.9 Rural-housing insurance fund..... 12-4141-0-3-371 2,104.2 Rural development insurance fund. 12-4155-0-3-452 440.1 118.6 Self-help housing land dev'p fund 12-4222-0-3-371 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economic dev'p asst. programs.... 13-2050-0-1-452 22.6 NOAA, Fed'l ship financing fund.. 13-4417-0-3-376 0.0 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION College housing loans............ 91-4250-0-3-502 60.0 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVEL Community development grants ..... OPMENT 86-0162-0-1-451 155.6 Rehabilitation loan fund......... 86-4036-0-3-451 85.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Abatement, control & compliance.. 68-0108-0-1-304 37.1 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Pollution control guarantees..... 73-4147-0-3-376 BLIF, Sec. 503 FFB direct loans.. 73-4154-0-3-376 45.0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89G00643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89G00643R001000030041-8 FY 1988 - QJRRFBn' SERVICES TERMS OF FEDERAL AND CXMPARAffiE PRIVATE MARKED: DIRECT LOANS Agency: Export-Import Bank Program: Direct Loans 1988 1/ 1989 1/ 1990 1/ 1991 1/ 1992 1/ Direct loan obligations, current services estimates (millions of dollars) ............................. 931.5 964.1 995.9 1024.8 1049.4 Federal program terms: Interest rate..... ............... 7.05 6.75 6.05 5.55 5.05 Loan term (in years) ................ 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Grace period (in years) ............ 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Upfront fee (in percent)............ 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Annual fee (in percent per annum)... 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* Comparable private terms: Interest rate ....................... 9.10 8.80 8.10 7.60 7.10 Loan term (in years) ................ 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Grace period (in years) ............. 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Upfront fee (in percent)....... .. 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Annual fee (in percent per annum)... 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* 0.5* Present value of subsidy (in percent) .............................. 9.8 9.9 10.2 10.3 10.5 Present value of subsidy (in millions of dollars) .......................... 91.3 95.4 101.6 105.6 110.2 1/ Use latest economic assumption for interest rates. Basis of Federal loan terms: (Fxcamples: (1) Set in legislation at rate for Treasury securities of similar maturity; or (2) set in legislation at 5%; or (3) administrative discretion.) Basis of interest calculation: (Examples: (1) mortgage basis (equal payments of principal and interest ; or (2) outstanding loan basis (equal payments of principal only). Outstanding loan basis. Frequency of payments: Semiannual. Source or justification of comparable private market terms: Treasury long-term bonds plus premium for country risk. * Cn undisbursed amount of obligation. 21:84 February 12, 1987 r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89G00643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 FY 1988 - QJRRIIM SERVICES TFMS OF FEDERAL AND COMPARABLE:, PRIVATE MARKET: GUARANTEED LOANS Agency: F,cport - Import Bank Program: Financial Guarantees 1988 1 1989 1/ 1990 1/ 1991 1/ 1992 1/ Guaranteed loan commitments, current services estimates (millions of dollars) ................................. .3065.9 3065.9 3065.9 3065.9 3065.9 Federal program terms: Interest r_ate ..................0...... 4.65 4.35 3.75 3.15 2.65 Loan term (in years) ............ :...... 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Grace period (in years) ............... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 U f t f (i t) n percen .............. p ron ee Annual fee (in percent per annum)..... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Commitment fee (in percent per annum). .0.125. .0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 d ) Fl t f (i ll --- ars .. ............... a ees n o --- Other fees (describe below) ...... -- --- ..... 11 Comparable private terms: Interest rate.......................... 6.65 6.35 5.75 5.15 4.65 Loan term (in years) .................. 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Grace period (in years) ............ :.... 0.5 0.5 . 0.5 0.5 0.5 Upfront fee (in percent) ............ Annual fee (in percent per annum)..... -- --- 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Commitment fee (in percent per annum). 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 (in dollars) Fl t fe -- --- -- -- ................ a es Other fees (describe below)........... --- --- --- --- -- Present value of subsidy (in percent ................................ 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.6 Percent value of subsidy (in millions of dollars).......... 4-: ......... 134.9 134.9 134.9 134.9 134.9 1/ Use latest economic assumption for interest. rates.. Ras.is of Federal loan terms: (Examples: (1). Set. in legislation at rate for Treasury secure tires of similar maturity;' or?(2) set in. legislation at 5%; or (3) administrative discretion.) LIBOR plus premium. Basis of interest calculation=:; .(Examples:. (1)-mortgage basis (equal payments of principal and , in erest ; or outstanding loan basis :(equal payments of principal only). Outstanding loan basis. Frequency of payments: Semiannual. Source or justification of-- comparable private market terms: Federal rate plus 200 basis points. Description of other fees: N.A. 19:84 February 12, 1987 r(0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8 FY 1988 CLWU W SERVICES TERMS OF FFI)ERAiJ ALGID CONIPARNIZ PRIVATE MAIEFTP: GUARANTEED LOANS Agency: Export - Import Bank Program: Other Guarantees and Insurance 1988 1/ 1989 1/ 1990 1/ 1991 1/ 1992 1/ Guaranteed loan cotmnitments, current services estimates (millions of dollars) ............................... 8289.1 8289.1 8289.1 8289.1 8289.1 Federal program terms: (Interest rate .......................... 4.65 4.35 3.75 3.15 2.65 Loan term (in years) .................. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Grace period (in years) ................ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 f (i ) .............. n percent Up ront fee -- t ) f (i ..... n percen per annum Annual ee nt f (i i ) -- n perce per annum . ee Comm tment d f l ) (i ................ ees n ol ars Flat ?-~ (d ib b l ) f ........... ees escr ow Other e e Comparable private terms: Interest rate ......................... 6.65 6.35 5.75 5.15 4.65 Loan term (in years) .................. 1.5 1.5 1.5. 1.5 1.5 Grace period (in years) ............... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 (i t) f f ..:........... ee n percen Up ront ) (i t l f n percen per annum Annua ee ..... t i f (i ) Comm tment ee n percen per annum . d (i ll f ) ................ ees n o ars Flat b (d ib l ) f ow ........... Other ees escr e e Present value of subsidy (in percent ................................ 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Percent value of subsidy (in millions of dollars) ........................... ..'. '132.6 132.6 132.6 132.6 132.6 1/ Use latest economic assumption for interest rates. Basis of Federal loan terms: (Examples: (1) Set in legislation at rate for Treasury securities of similar maturity; or (2) -set in legislation at 5%; or (3) administrative discretion.) LIBOR plus premium. Basis of interest calculation: (Examples:' (1) mortgage basis (equal payments of principal and nterest ; or (2) outst inq loan,basis (equal payments of principal only). Outstanding loan basis. Frequency of payments: Semiannual. Source or justification of comparable private-market terms:' Federal rate plus 200 basis points. Description of other fees: N.A. 20:84 February 12, 1987 N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP89GO0643R001000030041-8