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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000900140003-0 January 9, 1987 STATUS REPORT OF AUTOMATION IN THE DCI DIRECTORATE FOR MARCH - DECEMBER 1986 1. General Status of DCI Area Automation in March 1986 In March of 1986 the DCI Directorate was automated to a limited degree. Most automation was in the area of word processing. There were some WANG word processor terminals, personal computers, and Delta Datas, but there was no central database to manage them, so the exact amount of equipment was not known. A special VM system known as the EXNET was available for use by top Agency executives, their special assistants, and their secretaries. This system was (and still is) used very little. Several systems were being developed by OIT/MISG for the EXDIR, PAO, and OCA. There were over 200 VM users. II. Accomplishments since March 1986 During the period March - December 1986 the DCI/ADP Staff accomplished the following tasks to automate the DCI area: Installed about 10 personal computers; most of them are connected to a mainframe computer as VM terminals. - Compiled an inventory of all computer and word processor equipment in the DCI Directorate and loaded it into a database. There are 638 pieces of equipment in the database, which contains the location and description of each component. - Arranged a briefing on computer security by Office of Security/ISSD for DCI Directorate employees on October 29. Approximately 40 people attended. - Wrote and distributed two administrative notices on data processing: one described the functions of the newly-formed DCI/ADP Staff, and the other addressed computer security concerns. - Arranged for installation of a new WANG Alliance system for use by several offices in the DCI Directorate including DCI, DDCI, DCI/SEC, EXSEC, EXDIR, and three terminals in the DDA front office. This involved coordinating with equipment vendors, installation contractors, and various Agency offices to procure the system and get it installed. - Worked with DI/OIR to develop a new database for OCA to use for managing documents reviewed in the Central America/Iran Investigation. The system was programmed by OIR on a priority basis and is working well. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 Consulted with customers from all DCI area offices to determine system requirements. Instructed DCI Directorate personnel in use of personal computers, various software packages, and mainframe VM systems. Attended several meetings of the Information Systems Board. Coordinated the purchase of all word processor and computer hardware and software. Installed many personal computers, printers, and Univation disk drive units. - Tested a DEST optical character scanner. This device digitizes printed text and loads it into a computer file. Researched letter quality printers and procured three for use with personal computers. Worked with an OIT/MISG team charged with developing an Executive Information System; coordinated their development of a calendar system for OCA and a media highlights system for PAO. The team is currently working on installation of an EIS testbed for the EXDIR which will provide access to selected personnel and budget databases and produce output listings and graphics for use by high level managers. Performed ADP Control Officer functions which required submission of many forms to OIT for equipment installations and moves, procuring AIM and VM access, and distributing passwords. Installed a 3270PC in OCA to communicate via modem with Legi- Slate, a Washington Post database. Handled general troubleshooting of computer and word processor problems throughout the Directorate. Wrote two programs to generate address labels for DCI/ADMIN and DCI/PERS. Reviewed drafts on technical subjects (policies, guidelines, etc.). Kept abreast of developments on the WANG/mainframe connectivity testbed. Purchased miscellaneous items such as computer cables, ribbons, special print wheels, etc. Researched feasibility of exchanging electronic mail with the White House. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY - Developed a Parking and MG Locator Database for AO/DCI use. - Produced budget and disk space estimates. - Coordinated the delivery of Pyramid to the EXDIR and other top Agency officials. We continue to maintain a working liaison relationship with the OP staff that designed Pyramid. - Installed a Wang 7525 System in UDAC, a special DCI staff. - Installed a Wang 7525 System and a WP-20 system for the President's Senior Review Board in the New Executive Office Building. Also provided training and installed software to meet their word processing needs. - Maintained and improved a working relationship with OIT; gave OIT more notice on terminal installations and moves thus eliminating several DCI priorities. We continue to formalize DCI ADP requirements and deliver them to OIT through the front door. - Automated the new DCI Staff, SSG. This included finding the Wang equipment and ports and getting them installed. A Delta Data terminal and line were also moved to this staff. * It should be noted that DO/IMS frequently provided support in terms of procurement and installation of WANG equipment to meet DCI requirements. This provided substantial savings of both time and money, and enabled us to get systems up and running in days or weeks rather than months. There are currently 638 pieces of computer equipment in the DCI area, of which 265 pieces are monitors or terminals for word processors, personal computers, or mainframes; we have approximately 230 VM users. Below is a description of the automation of each office within the DCI Directorate and an estimate of upcoming requirements for each. In the DCI's office there are one Lexitron word processor with a printer, and one WANG terminal with a printer. The WANG, which is used by Ambassador Dailey's secretary, is part of a WPS-25 system shared with the DDCI and EXDIR offices; this system is currently being replaced by a WANG Alliance system. While there are no current plans to do so, at some point the Lexitron equipment may be replaced by WANG equipment and connected to the Alliance. In the DDCI's office there are two WANG terminals and a WANG printer attached to the WPS-25 system mentioned above. There 3 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 are also a WANG terminal and printer on the system for use by the DCI Executive Officer's secretary. The WANG CPU unit and disk drive for the WPS-25 are located in a closet in the DDCI area. When the Alliance is installed, the terminals and printers will be connected to it and the CPU unit and the disk drive will be removed. There are two Delta Data terminals which are used by the DCI Executive Officer and the DDCI Executive Assistant. At some point (after the new Agency standard PC-type terminal has been identified) the Delta Datas may be replaced with a standard Agency PC-type terminal. However, there is no immediate requirement to do so. STAT In the Executive Director's office there BM 3270 AT personal computers connected to VM in the Computer Center, two Xerox Golden Tiger terminals, one e to Data, two WANG terminals, and one WANG printer. The WANGs are connected to the WPS-25 in the DDCI office which will be replaced by an Alliance soon. The personal computers are presently used only for VM applications, although word processing software is resident on one of them; when the MSWORD interface to AIM is upgraded, it will be feasible to use this PC software to create documents on the PC and send them to AIM. One of the Golden Tiger systems was borrowed from Xerox Corporation and will be returned as soon as it can be replaced by a new personal computer which has been ordered for the Executive Assistant to the Executive Director. The other Tiger is used by the Special Technical Assistant to the Executive Director. Both are connected to VM. The Delta Data is used solely for AIM. DCI/ADMIN is a small staff of under 15 persons, but the variety of work done by this group is amazing. There are three Delta Data terminals and 3 IBM 3270 PC/ATs all connected to the mainframe. Two of the Delta Data terminals will be kept for work with GIMS. These two terminals are located in centralized areas and one has a slave printer. The third Delta Data terminal will be replaced with a 3270 PC/AT. This system, compatible with BARS, will be used by Finance personnel. Two of the existing IBM 3270 PC/ATs are used by the ADP Staff. The third existing PC is used by AO/DCI. In addition, DCI/ADMIN houses 5 WANG terminals connected to the OCA Alliance. One WANG printer serves all of ADMIN. Most of the word processing done in the ADMIN staff is accomplished on the WANG. In addition, Personnel maintains several Visual Memory databases. It is conceivable that sometime in the future, DCI 4 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY ADMIN will be faced with either buying it's own WANG Alliance System or converting to Personal Computers. NIC demands for automation usually exceed the availability of equipment. Nevertheless, the office has the lion's share of computer equipment in the DCI area. There are 36 Delta Data terminals, 5 3270 PC/ATs, and 4 Xerox 2700 printers for mainframe processing. In the area of word processing, the NIC has 3 7525 Wang Systems and 1 Wang Alliance system. The NIC also shares an Alliance system with CPAS. In total, NIC has 37 Wang terminals and 12 printers including 1 laser printer. Finally, the NIC has 3 NBI stand-alone word processing systems. STAT STAT There are already lists floating around the NIC stating who is first in line for the next terminal of one sort or another. Some stand-alone 3270 PC/ATs are filling the gap until the availability of ports opens up. the new NIC ADP Representative, is studying the needs and plans to first try to shuffle unused terminals to people who will use them more readily. Next plans to address ADP needs for the office as a whole and submit a plan and budget to get the NIC a terminal on every desk by 1990. There are over one hundred pieces of computer and word processing equipment in the Office of the Inspector General. Much of this belongs to the Audit Staff. There is one fully- loaded WANG Alliance system at Headquarters. There are also eleven WANG personal computers which are used as standalone word processors, a Delta Data terminal, and a Xerox 2700 printer. An IBM 3270 AT/PC is due to be delivered to the Deputy Inspector General in January. All of the Audit Staff equipment is located in Key Building except for one Delta Data which is located in 6E09 Headquarters. There is a WANG Alliance system serving the twelfth floor, and there are four Delta Data terminals with four slave printers and four personal computers on the twelfth and second floors. The personal computers are used mostly for spreadsheet programs. STAT STAT There are two data processing employees on the Staff, who address program needs of both the Audit Staff and the rest of the IG Staff. They are currently selecting software for the Deputy IG to use on his new computer. They are also working on budget projections for data processing requirements during the next few years, which will include costs incurred by a move to Headquarters. STAT OGC has two WANG Alliance systems and seven Delta Data terminals in Building. There is also a Lexis terminal and 5 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000900140003-0 printer in the OGC Library. Lexis is a commercial database containing legal information which can be queried online over commercial telephone lines. There is interest by several members of the office in purchasing TEMPEST personal computers sometime in the future for standalone databases, and perhaps for use as online VM/AIM terminals. The Comptroller's Office is one of the more contemporary automated offices in the DCI Area. The nature of their business provides more application for computers than does that of most other offices in the Directorate. In addition, several members of the staff have backgrounds in data processing and therefore tend to provide automated state-of-the-art solutions to their problems. Most word processing is done on a WANG Alliance system. There are nine Delta Data terminals, a RAMTEK graphics terminal, a Hewlett Packard plotter, and one IBM 3270 PC connected to the mainframe. The Delta Datas are used for VM and to access Office of Finance and Logistics databases; the RAMTEK and plotter are used for mainframe graphics applications, and the PC is used for VM/AIM. There are eight personal computers used in standalone mode for various applications, mostly spreadsheet programs; two more are on order. The Comptroller's Office and OCA have been jointly involved in contracting for a standalone document management system composed of a CPU, disk drive, monitor, and optical character reader. They are working with a vendor to finalize selection and procurement of equipment. The Executive Registry has six Delta Data Terminals, two slave printers, and one Xerox 2700 laser printer. Several other offices in the area also send listings to the Xerox 2700. The Delta Datas are used to access several document control systems as well. as VM. The Registry has asked for help in getting some of the many forms they use automated. We have asked OIS to advise us regarding the feasibility of extracting data from their document control system to fill in the Top Secret routing sheet. In addition, a Wang terminal and printer will be installed in EXREG to produce forms 240 and 240a using VM on the Delta Data. The Executive Secretary Staff is a small staff with a big function. Presently the EXSEC has 1 Delta Data terminal, 1 3270 PC, and 1 7520 Wang System with 2 terminals and one printer for 6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 the secretaries. The 7520 Wang system is inadequate for the needs of this staff. A new Alliance System in the DCI area will included the EXSEC and more than double their Word Processing power. In addition to the Wang upgrade, the EXSEC staff plans to get another standalone PC to communicate on a more timely basis with the White House. This standalone PC will use a modem to access the White House mainframe and could conceivably become a much needed unclassified link between the White House and the Executive Secretary. There are no plans at this time to upgrade the Delta Data in 7E13 to a PC because this Delta Data is used for GIMS queries. In the area of automation, the EXSEC will explore in the next year automating the daily Action Items List. PAO is in an unusual automation predicament. Their office is split between Ames building and Headquarters building. Ames building PAO has a Wang Alliance system which they share between themselves and DCI/History Staff. They also have 2 Delta Data terminals. The Wang Alliance serves most of Ames building PAO needs. Recently, however, several visual memory systems have gotten large enough to convert to mainframe databases. Headquarters PAO is also primarily a Wang Alliance staff. They have 6 Wang terminals and a printer that belong to OCA. For mainframe processing, PAO uses a NOMAD database called Media Contacts in which they enter questions asked by reporters and PAO replies to those questions. To do this, they have two Delta Data terminals. Last year, PAO received an IBM 3270 PC/AT and a mainframe line to be used for a brand new database to track newspaper articles. PAO has ordered an additional PC to use in standalone mode. For future automation, PAO will continue to need a mix of Wang and mainframe equipment. When the two halves of PAO join in Headquarters, they will probably settle on one Wang Alliance system. Their dependence on the mainframe, however, will increase. As technology advances, PAO may look to more technically sophisticated equipment for their work. Text of Newspaper articles can now be extracted online. Soon technology will allow the newspaper article itself to be printed locally. All of these automation tools will help PAO keep on top of the ever-increasing lists of published articles on the CIA. OCA is now and probably will be a Wang shop for a very long time. They currently have 2 Wang Alliance systems which are wised together and connected to the mainframe. At least half of one Alliance is used to support PAO, ADMIN, SSG, and 7 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 DCI/Security. There are seven Delta Data terminals in OCA. All but two are used in the OCA Registry to do GIMS work. It is possible that the two not used for GIMS work will be upgraded to PC's eventually. OCA currently has one standalone 3270 PC to access Legi-Slate, a Washington Post database. One staff member uses it daily and other staff members use it only for special queries. Since installation, OCA has added another feature: member profile. This modeling software allows OCA to model votes on different issues. OCA, in conjunction with COMPT, is getting an Optical Character Reader and Sun Workstation to be able to store and retrieve text files easily. The Sun Workstation will connect to a CPU in COMPT which also controls other SUN Workstations for a project in the Comptroller's office. An IBM 3270 personal. computer has been installed in the SA/I)DO's office. It is currently being used in stand-alone mode, but will. be attached to a mainframe in the DDO Special Computer Center after the PBX is installed. A RAMTEK graphics terminal. and a Hewlett Packard. plotter are connected to the Special Center for use with graphics programs and for general VM/AIM use; the personal computer will replace the RAMTEK. The personal computer has word processing, spreadsheet, data base, and graphics programs on it. There are also five WANG terminals and a WANG printer in the office. They are connected to an Alliance system in DO/EPS. There are two WANG terminals and a printer in the ADDO/N's office which are connected to the same system; there is also a Delta Data there, which is connected to the Special Center. No requirements for additional equipment or software for the DDO's office are evident at this time. The DDA has a total of 2 Delta Data terminals, 1 3270 PC, 3 Wang terminals and a Wang printer. The DDA and ADDA each have private terminals which are rarely used. The DDA Wang terminals are currently shared with the DDA registry 7525 system. However, when the DCI Wang Alliance is installed, the 3 terminals in the DDA will be switched to the DCI Alliance. The ADP Staff will be supplying the EA/DDA with a 3270 PC/AT by March. DDA will supply the line and the EXNET will have an EIS winner in the DDA office. There is also a 3270 PC/AT on order for the DDA's secretary. 8 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000900140003-0 The DDS&T and ADDS&T currently have Delta Data terminals in their areas and use them approximately once a week to check AIM mail.. Since the DDS&T as a whole is primarily a WANG Directorate, the WANG equipment in the DDS&T front office does not communicate with the DCI area. ADP plans are being drawn up now for the Directorate as a whole and include plans for the front office. These plans will follow the directions put out by the ISB in establishing standards for connectibility of equipment. There are 7 Delta Data terminals and 2 NBI standalone Word Processing terminals in the DDI front office. Everyone uses the Delta Datas for AIM and word processing. They have access to SAFE but prefer not to use it because they consider it not user friendly". They consulted with OIR to upgrade their Delta Datas but was advised against it at the present time. STAT In describing the EXNET and an EIS tol IEA/DDI, he did not see any need at this time in the DDI front office. He claimed that the DDI and ADDI spent most of their time reviewing papers and going to substantive meetings. He mentioned that the Management Planning and Services Staff in the DDI answers most of the administrative questions asked by the DDI. Q. SSG SSG is a small special. staff in the DCI area. They have one Delta Data, 4 Wang terminals and 1 Wang printer. The Wang system is part of the OCA Alliance. The Delta Data is connected to the Northside Computer Center to let SSG extract SAFE cables for their work. This staff works overtime primarily on Friday evenings in order to produce a paper for the White House. They complain constantly about the time it takes to print the final document, and prefer laser printing over daisy wheel printing. Currently, they try to send the document to a Xerox 2700 printer in 7F27, but the availability of VM on Friday evenings is poor. The ADP Staff is trying to locate a second Wang daisy wheel printer for this staff. The DCI History Staff is a 100 percent Wang shop. Located in the Ames building, they share 9 ports on the PAO Wang Alliance. They have 6 regular Wang terminals and 3 Wang PCs. It is not. expected that their data processing needs will change in the near future. The move to Headquarters in a few years, however, may leave them without an Alliance host. In UDAC there are two personal computers and a WANG WPS-25 system. This group moved to Headquarters from Ames Building 9 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY last June. In Ames they had an Alliance system; they are therefore unhappy about the downgrade to a WPS-25 system and it's limited capabilities. The personal computers are an IBM PC/AT, which is used to hold a database and to do desktop publishing; and an ITC TEMPEST computer (a TEMPEST version of an IBM XT) with a 20-megabyte hard disk unit attached. There is a Hewlett Packard plotter attached to the AT, and a Hewlett Packard LaserJet Printer is connected to both PC's. The systems are used primarily to produce a biweekly publication which is sent to Cabinet members. They would like to upgrade their automation by replacing the WPS-25 with five personal computers and the Spellbinder Desktop Publisher software. This would enable the officers to create their drafts on their PC's and transmit them by diskette to the master system for final editing and inclusion in their published product. Five personal computers, four low cost dot matrix printers (i.e., EPSON fx-85), and one letter quality printer ,,(possibly another HP LaserJet) for the secretary would do the job nicely. Total software cost would be approximately $3,000. Because of the highly sensitive nature of their data, they foresee no requirement to access the mainframe systems. However, if we purchase new Agency standard PC's for them, they will. have the capability to connect them to the mainframes in the future if they so desire. T. DCI/Security DCI/SS currently has one Wang terminal and one printer courtesy of the OCA alliance. With this configuration, the secretary uses it constantly and during her infrequent absences, the members of the staff who know Wang scramble for its use. With the installation of the new DCI Wang Alliance, Security Staff will be getting two more terminals to alleviate the contention on their present equipment. The Senior Review Panel has two NBI standalone Word Processors and a printer. These adequately serve the needs of the secretaries of the panel. Some staff members have expressed interest in having a PC. The ADP Staff does not have this panel on high priority for a PC, however. IV. Plans In 1987 the ADP Staff would like to accomplish the following: - Complete installation of the DCI Wang Alliance with a line to VM and phasing in of a new Wang Laser printer. 10 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Hold monthly meetings with ADP Control Officers and Systems Administrators of each office within the DCI Area to (a) exchange data processing problems and solutions, (b) continue to look at ADP planning on a directorate level (c) coordinate ADP plans to foster better electronic communication between offices and publish the plans in an ADMIN notice, (d) submit directorate level requirements to OIT and (e) ensure that the plans fall within those standards being set by the ISB. Approach, discuss, and implement the connection of DCI, OCA, COMPT, and OIG Wang Alliances to foster better electronic communication between offices. Introduce an Executive Information System Create a smooth transition to the PBX and through all the changes that are in store with the New Building Communications installation. Begin creating plans for movement of data processing equipment during the New Building Shuffle. STAT STAT DCI/ADP Staff 11 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/14: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900140003-0