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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP89BO1356R000200240002-0 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 2 September 1987 DD/PTS C/ISG Computer Security Act of 1987 Wayne/Susan: Office of Security - 7 v 1 4 9 SEPo 19x-'r I need to know your concerns. Also share them with Office of Congressional Affairs. Distribution: Orig: DD/PTS; C/ISG D/Sec 11 - OS Registry as REQISTU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP89BO1356R000200240002-0 _....~~-.. ..... -.s...::.: .g....:-.-.:..r,;...ro9_....._J.:...as6G =_~.~ __;y'.'i. ,~rC-?r1t:s,~.::?:.,.Jf2if.]'e- .,,'-n..:~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP89B01356R000200240002-0 o s The authortzelion m de9ad1, and rise to point out this enjoys Paw ssstems drstoitag as The tadtisce the Rlstoaic Preserv on ftnd esD~rm _. ?w. t....... advice and assistanax finciading wort Prot iii t> "W o 't W ~ee Boa #Q - spit 8tw 1b: Jw?rt oowfiite- es boss *a Msiisis lout in {it's virc sad VfdL but teams rwetsetnv MWONOW0 AW cents Its dikes 1% fad w . Went sm>t w ace t Maybe not tit and happs? - - flag sus w co swd Vuldeknes Mcur steatttisd 1 Mr. YiI:A'1'O. Mr. I Ykld sssatrt tyke casl~'ectise ae ascirits a" mac seU such time v I eonaime ey d,e^sitioe hrornatios fa federal cow sa t at the end of this mom yaw, am ,,car -?-?-.~. - sets) W ewe nacwssai atat-artsy s+acXc-& vme r tember 30. IM-UN than 1!g loss from Arizona (Mr. Vsnu 1. tiatrman appropriaw from now. H.R. 1744 wouu simply of the full committee. and the gentle- (2) to provide for pro- ou At AMC amend the Historic p Wwwaum Act man from California [Mr. I,aoomwa- standards and gsidelttaes by awtendsnc sr: and extend the suthoriailoo for snuol. the ranktntt minority member, lion 1111dh of the federal Property OW At Income into the Historic Preservation on a bipartisan basis. wusistrahve Services Act of 1W9. Fund from 1987 to 1992. 1 want to thank the gentleman from 0) to require ecta:btishatent of secant Mr. Speaker. I would be remiss If I Montana Mir. ent and being support mfor rig" easure. I ss~istemsythat contain sennsittFederal orms ator did not point out the disapDoin of myself and other committee men- hope the House will act on this mess- and has been provided espe to require waandatory periodic ~ain,,? hers at the level of appropriation centent ure. Mr. tdARLE Speaker. I for all persons involved in management. tr.. t~alls in recIv'EE? Mr. Federal l eomptcter systrr;. or a~ata operation of senri fed co,atton years under this authority. The ad- yield myself such time as I may con- or ministration posture is very disap- sume to commend the gentleman from j is itts scant ivOi COKP['fu 9rAVpARt pointing. requesting tiro funding year Minnesota (Mr. Vxsarol and the gen- WC, NT ER Mora" after year. it has therefore been an tleman from California (Mr. Laoo![AH? Thy Act of o March 1 1601 (15 v.SC 27: uphill light for the Congress to keep snsol. who has a very great interest in 278h) is amended- even limited funding in place. This is this piece of legislation. I think they tit to section 2tft, by striking out '.and' t ironic when we look at the important have done a superb job with the hear. The end of paragraph (10), by striking o. work that we depend on States and fags. and I recommend passage of the the period at the end of paragraph f19) an local government to do the certifies- legislation. inserting in ties usereol :' and", and br ? Lion of historic preservation Federal Mr. Speaker. I yield back the bal- sarong after such paragraph the following tax credits. the surveys of historic re- once of my time. "MO) the study of computer systems rr sources and sites, the creation of State Mr. VENTO. Mr. 8peakor.I have no Vial term is defined in section 20(di of th historic preservation plans. Some further requests for time, and I yield Act) and their use to control machinery ar. States have even threatened to aban- back the balance of my time. processes. ". don the cooperative venture because Mr. SPEAKER pro tempore. The (2) by redesignatsng section 20 as sech. by inserting after section 19 etc 1,. 22. and of the national government mandates question is on the motion offered by kmmng n by sections, without the funding commitment jus- the gentleman from Minnesota Mr. "Sec 20. W The National Bureau tified to help achieve such State foil- Vatrro] that the House suspend the Standards shall- filled tasks. Fortunately to date the in- rules and pass the bill. H.R.1744. "(i) have the mission of developing star, trastr usture remains intact. As we re- The question was taken: and (two- arm, gsid ltnes, and associated method authorize this Historic Preservation thirds saving voted in favor thereof) and techniques for computer system s. Fund hopefully we will recommit our- the rules were suspended and the bill "(2h except as described in paragraph f. selves the Congress and the adminis- was passed. of .llama subsection frelattag to secure tation to the basic commitment and A motion to reconsider was laid on s"sftr ? develop a orut sw%Ga d't as promise of the 1966 National Historic the table. guidelines for Federal computer system Nk /45 =cep( thane M&~ atxlided bt, seetu p This a legislation 2315 of title If, Vatted States code. or Sr This should be enacted to COMPUTER SECURITY ACT OF (ton 2502(2' of title 4L United Stasis Coo T help ensure that our past will not be 1987 "ttf have ,responsibility u tithtn the Feder lost, now or in the future. Mr. Speak- Mr. Speaker, I move to Government for devetoptur technical me err. I urge adoption of this measure to Mr. ROE. agratent physical. and actwanutrat: make certain that the Historic Preser. suspend the rules and pass the bill standards and guideline Mr tie cost-eb: vation Act has some fuel in the tank (H.R. 145) to provide for a computer Live security and privacy of sensitive tnrc to keep the engine running for at least standards program within the Nation- wwtton in federal computer agate-- the next few years. al Bureau of Standards, to provide for except- Mr. lfi ENEE Mr. Speaker. I Governmentwide computer security. ??tA 1 those systems excluded by mect- yield myself such time as I may con and to provide for the train= who in Well- 2315 twR Qr 3502(2) title of 1C. title 44. United States United Sta Codt Stasis or a? Coc some. city matters of persons ns who are in- and Mr. Speaker. I rise in support of voiced in the management operation -(Bs those systems which are protected A.R. 1744, that would extend the au- and use of Federa computer ed ? all times by procedures ratebhshed for in Or thorization of the Historic Preserva. and for other purposes. Lr. oration which has been speczfcnL v autA- tion Fund through 1992. Rather than The Clerk read as follows: tzed under criteria established by an Exec listing all the reasons of why this bill Hsi. 145 five order or an Act a( Congress to be ke should be given approval by this body. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o.' secret in the interest o' national dCvense let me highlight only one point. This Rep-aerntatuxs of the United Statcs o' foreign potter. entire bill is only one sentence long America in Congress assembled the p?'tmary purpose a' which standards a: and it allows a current program to ssa7f0P 1. KNOrr WLL guidelines shall be to ecnt to: toss and unc remain in law until 1992. The adrninis- This Act may be rated as the "Computer thonaed modification or dusclosurr of sen Seeiarity Act of 1967. tine information it such rystev:1 and to p- t does not oppose this even say t l(-RPOSE vent computer-related fraud and mtsusc though they have recommended zero (ci liv Gtwtntt-77w Congress declares ~:4' submit standards and guidelines t funding in their last several budgets. that improving the secu:tq and privacy of veloped pursuant to paragr'aph' (Z' and r There have been many accomplish- trtnsitnx in-fornataon to federal computer of this subsection. along tratr. recon:rtenc menus in protecting and keeping our systems is in the public interest and herroy Lions as to the =tent to which these shot. past available for everyone io enjoy. creates a means for establishing minimum be made compw2sory and b-rd:n;, to the S. This has been done not only through acceptable security practices for such sus- retarp of Commerce .for promuloat:or. uro Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP89BO1356R000200240002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP89BO1356R000200240002-0 Abeg be 4r am' SNOWL W Ad JWP OW Asurom AVas Mod", Jrritn!`s`'l/- y tt 1b-,ti!*1st r ".^f f ttaiila lit umiso f Sall Ire M tkaeib~Wy ps~td iv !S'a- 'rw-,dstatt eewareea /tr muland >~ -M) ?any -stair oTy en aL[ i~~ a sacss- usatt:ad- Sat UM otytn ! NedoW Property and A&MMONWOOR Secs vj~potst d. niae aeat eat f-ra pruc ai fan Act of 1942C lip ?we Poord dwe nut Set as the a- Y-J 1a 1 sus W Cr set` war At *Wm f70010111 e~stPatnr -9 jimm ' a vsosntts4 asliieI Shag oorsfat of tlou. the! fyadlowal bs+esa of ~tsadsrds Is NA) toeasis a ol rttr P1' aieratad by Matt atembera ar rII #& eel- a spare[ dpewaa or by a Contractor of a 'Ye/ Members of dha lioud. other Yistt en e 'YtJ artist mIbrram seater. WW, W. Federal a9t!ney or oOter mpg ntsatios OW Brave ewptopsas of Factual Goversnteat Se processes information fustag a computer uehile ettendsng simbaw of n o COtamit? Wit, g Sts --ins sed yDt stkrvitlu es under "MUM the p t a Menu on behalf of the Federal Government tea or whUe otherstse perfortaiwg duties at blow: to soooRgltth s Federal Atttetfs+a.' and the request of W board Chairman While "Y2f to maize romorrtte*das, as avrs- 'YiJ iaetudes automatic data pveesstsi6 the away from their homes or a regular place o1 tr W st.tinidrato- of .f General se+~ evuipanti as Sat KTW v delt+ted to asetwa eastMSv, rwss br .Bowed e,ttrKt e:yenxj to Was an Vahefes end rerawiRJ 'Federal 111(*M20 of the Federal Property and Ad- gocordaroe anPBt nbe-apter 1 of dhenter 67 Pursuant to serturn 111(d, of the Federal inintstrvtsve Services Act of 1941: q/ '[tie L Vatted States Code- r4 sad odsiinsstrattvt Serstcas Act a -?(3/ the term 'operator of a Federal co-- life 7b provide tAa std Services necessary ?141 1046. operators pater system' means a Federal agency. eon- to asset the board to earrftnD out its fuse- 'YFl/ as requested to s'ror to tractor of a Federal nursed. or other oryani- tdM 41 Board stay utilise iers -t its hem of Federal computer sSrntthe tal as- who" that Proeesaa i+tlormabton sing a the National rurean of Sta~tdards or Vas wstde is m catenIzar the standards and derPater ayete- OR behalf Of the fade's? oMer agency of the Federal Government 11idels ris promulgated Pa 's to section Ootrerstwew to accomplish a Federal tune` w%M the consent of the head of the busied. 111 eel, of the Federal Property and Admaau- -to) As used to this section. the terms trvtivt Services Act of 1949: ml tAt term yensttive 40formatiott' bomguter system' and eteral computer ,,o to assist as apdrnPrzdev the Offiot of means any irtlormatzoR, the leas sstsuse or saatem' have i0st ateawiwp 6tveR in section this Act."t ant prep tsoaS Perta tcining to Wt to in tnainiagng, a as res repuitrite-*cd unaa(bor>zed access to or siodtfzcation of spWdl ate m. (3/ by adding at the said Ehoteof ttstfo b by section ption j of btu IavsRdtite of which could rg4 dy d ros tn- r Security Alta barest or the [rood uct of Fade r+al al Program +. or tag new serttota: IaIT: the prey to which individuals Si? entr- "Sec 23. bon This Act may be ailed as the No- (51 to perform research and to conduct fled under Faction 552. of title i United banal Bureau Standards Act atrdua as of the needed pttltoMFabll tJ{Ide ttti M es the nature to to M?tss Code (Me Prsvoc7 Act), but aitidh 'MU and wriest of of and C. l IYCNDYS7171VllaaQLSA(T. not been speckfscaUt auDwrird under crier- Section 111(d.) of Zke Federal Property and lerisr tedintgties lo' the cost e(fectiix Wu- a established by an Executtm Curer or as Ad ottiraliae Services Act of 1940 (40 le city and looney of atnstttvr triforrnahm tR Act of Cowm Si to be kept secret in the inter V.& C ut'OtiJ is amendnded to read asfolto leFE, t coo,dfe* systems' and eat of national defense or/oraWn policy: and ?(d 7J The Serve" of mee,ve rce shall. " -K, to coordinate closely s tth other age-- y$1 the term 'Federal agency bias W OR the basis of standards gild Vai ss de- cum and oicel ftncludint7. but but not tirited meaning given such term by section 3(b) of veloped XaliOns lYlleatt of Stand- to. Me Departments, of Defense and Eneergy. Me F~~ property and Adman itrattre ds MALI au and tan of the National Security Agency the General Services Act of 1919 Ar , ai l Bureau of Standards Act, . Pro- Acovuabng O VIM tie _Mwe N ?bdtnononi smc. 21. 'al 7werr is hereby astabtished a Uss, National Sts sad 6rciddi ds ct V - Assessment and the glace of Yanagtraxn computer System security and Privacy Ad- and Budget- oisory Board within the Zk=W talent of lag to Federal cosipu er esteata. slaking to sssrrW masswum use of of es?tstinn commerce- The Secretary of Co'' aeshall such standantis msprlsory and bulling to and d pb ft propr'>ts _ ~_ _ anninLaw asc agv in a atraidfilco rd its imonr Bor. allies for financial help in wnm . i rsasi a ~+sr~ s+rmosb +~?? /i??~?? ??~-? ? ,????? On June It. Slaetary Shultz told of Ibe ?- :... ascend the bill: tt b s LDdtnart piece of rc%. ine Angeles Thrwre -I'he ? -- of H.R. 145 addresses these secuity prod UE.A. Wrestling Team. lame. The measure assigns tie National Tomorrow this Leam. after much Bureau d Standards (NBS] Yee responsibirty long and arduous training and prac-- br devetopi ig WOh ft heg d the National Lice, will be traveling to the Soviet Security Agency, standards and guideinw for Union: and there they will be chal- the Cost-efteceve eeairity and privacy of sea- lenged by teams from all over the siWe rdormabon in unclassified Federal CO"- rtSoviet Union. pater systems. The bill also requ`es all opera- They are our ambassadors. They are tors of Federal oomKxnter systems that contain clean cut, vigorous youths of Montana sensitive information to establish computer se- and of this Nation, and we are proud curtly plans. Ftrthermore. it mandates periodic of them. tram* sessions, administered by the Office I wish them well when they go over of Personnel Management (OPM;, for. all Gov- there. The Russians are hard to pin. eminent and Goverrxrnent convector ampoy- but I hope that you pin them down ees who manage, use, or operate these corn- and come back with some medals. ptders. Let me emphasize that H.R 145 as- Congratulations to the team. sures an cantrd over computers in Fade,- al dvikan agencies Pon of MA 14L Aw Coil/'M1' 90ct1Iy Act d Mr. Speaker. I have no further -se- i?` ""?'"' ?`'""i s"?"s i` "`?1? 1967. - tit nommum witch asstaes -dAian toasts for time. and I yield back the (abroad) getting contributions for the Control Of tip oomrpt*sr 11estena it aldlan balance of my time. support of our Navy just has no programs, a h reSIM of mad hard work on Mr. ROE Mr. Speaker. I have no appeal" Via part of 1h tlrmmilMe on Government Op- further requests for time. and I Yield Mr. Speaker, contrast the - srs*m The on Tr.raporta- 'back the balance of my time. s remarks here with the record rd o of Yon. Aviaban, and MstariaS and my pm Sub- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr his top aide, Elliot Abrams, of acuivels comrrrittae. Soernca. Raesarch and Tectvab GTh of Illinois). The Question is on and vigorously aoriettias contributions ti'' t want b CompYmrem Mr. GUC M. the motion offered The the gentleman abroad for the Nicaraguan Contras. ongnal sufnor of rig biz aft has persevered the Jersey (Mr. Roa7 that the Secretary Abrams, as we all now n bnrgrg aria most anportant iwue b V e a,- from New the rules and pass the know. traveled to London under an as- tenbon of to Haas, as was as the ranking House suspend sumed name to meet with the Sultan Repubbort m e- d go ka term lase, Mr. bill. H.R. 145. as amended. of Brunei and provide account num- Lt , br gr ipul and coot hs has added The question was taken; and (two- bers for Colonel North's Swiss bank b gins tti I-MOO Writ b aWess appreciation thirds hating voted in favor thereof) accounts. Then be bed to Congress in the adnrnistratan tot the Mmbity end the rules were suspended and the bill, about It. spirit of compromise they have shown in help- as amended. was passed I am concerned that this adrnini_stra- tg ao craft a m. ire wtrch in tar. oquitabie. A motion to reconsider was laid on Lion. and particularly Secretary and acoeptabla In are interested pry the table. Shultz, wants to wo along when the ac- Reort sardras by tie Govemrnent Ac- - tivity Is legal, as In the Persian Gulf. oour*i Office acrd otter agencies have -~-- .. without seeking the active commit. shorn gnat kiss pal losses due to computer- GAL LEAVE meat and cooperation of our allies. related fraud net info the Micas of dottars But when the administration wants to Regr.&ay, ar Govrmrmwrt has a history of Mr. ROE I ask unanimous consent conduct foreign policy clearly In Con- providblg adequass esaiby brig for oornDrx- that all Members may have 5 legisla- flirt with the will of Congress and our ens processing dessifrad data. Computers in five days in which to revise and extend country's laws, as in Central America. the Milian agernoes remain 'vulnerable 10 their remarks on H.R. 145, the bill just it finds our foreign friends convenient knowtedgeabls outsders, known as hackers, passed. sources of funds. as web as 10 3apurieed or unhappy employ- The SPEAKER pro Aempore. Is Apparently. ping the hat to carry ores. Thor dlors, the ' ' 0d. affective there obje:-tlon to the request of the out foreign policy b OK if the activity aaaalp program provided for - gentleman f rom New Jerssey? is illegal, bat it Is not if it is legal. Yen, is badly riasdad - There wa> no objection. This double standard shows disdain In 19g$, a +~pod by tie Department of for our alLes and contempt for Con- Health and Haman 5erricss .on coraprmr grew at a time when the administrs- baud in vrioua Federal agencies reviewed Lion badly needs the support and coop- 103 uses of oomprder abuse and 69 cases CONGRATULATIONS TO MON. eration of both. of corrtxiter baud. The average then was TANA U.S.A. WRZSI'LINo TEAM The Los Angeles Times article r'e- S117,000 and involved bw4evel employees. ferred to: Corrputar show typically involved uairg a (Mr. MARL ENEE asked and was Federal comrpu er br outside bt ss or an- given perm..sion to address the House [From the Los Angeles Times. June 13. tempi men c Evan rudimentary security precau- for 1 minute .) 19873 bons would have prevented most of these Mr. MARIMNEE. Mr. Speaker, we U.S. Worr'r Pass sax RAT sort Parsons is Clans. Saairz SAYS George P. Shultz m an implied rebuke to congressional critics of Adrntnmtrauor policy on the Persian Gulf. said Friday that the United States has no intention of seek- irig funds from Japan or nations in Westerr Europe to pay part of the cost of keeping the gulf open to shipping. Shultz on the first leg of a 7.57S-miie flight from a North Atlantic Treaty Organ,- zation foreign ministers meeting in Iceland to talks in the Philippines. said. -The idea of the United States going around getting contributions for the support e` our Navy Just has no appeal. We don't have to do that. Shultz spoke to reporters before his air- craft made a refueling stop at Elemdorf Air Force Base near Anchorage Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP89BO1356R000200240002-0