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July 13, 1964
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13 July 1964
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security
USAF (MC) (Ret.) regarding Mr. Robert Hotz,
Editor Aviation Week
1. In connection with our continuing interest in the level of
knowledge of Mr. Hotz regarding the OXCART Program,
Conversation with
reported to me on 8 and 9 July, in some detail,
regarding a conversation earlier in the week with Mr. Hotz at which
time the subject of "the A-11" came up.
2. There have been several references in Aviation Week in the
past month to the A-11 aircraft at Edwards AFB in the columns of
the magazine. One of these tidbits for the first time in print disclosed
the fact that the vertical tail surface of the OXCART type aircraft is
canted inward at an angle of about 150 (this was done to reduce radar
mentioned to Hotz that "some of my friends in the Air Force in the
Pentagon think that you are unnecessarily helping the enemy by passing
along information of this sort". Hotz replied that this was not true
since he knew the 150 angle on the vertical fins was there for improved
aerodynamic performance and no other reason. This constitutes that
Hotz knows neither his fundamental aerodynamics nor his radar.
cross section of the aircraffor aerodynamic reasons).
3. Hotz said that any and all information about the "A-il" which
comes to Aviation Week goes across his desk for review prior to being
printed. I asked if he felt this represented any unusual
level of interest on Hotz's part in the A-11, to which he responded
negatively. Hotz said that far from giving. aid and comfort to the
Soviets, this screening process of his enabled him to withhold those
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items which might otherwise assist the Russians. He cited as an
example the fact that he had not printed an item which he had received
indicating that aircraft of this type have a distinguishing color
characteristic to their exhaust plume. According to Hotz 25X1
said that the color of the exhaust was "greenish" and could be readily
observed even though the aircraft might not be visable, i. e. on quick
climb take-offs. To our knowledge this is not the case since the
airplane uses a basic hydro-carbon fuel as do all jets, with small
quantities of Teflon added to prevent the hydraulic oil from breaking
down too rapidly at high temperature. The Teflon, however, should
not change the color of the exhaust.
4. According tol Hotz relates his interest in the A-11
to an alleged dispute with General Carroll, the Director of DIA, and
the Secretary of Defense in the early fall of 1963. Hotz approached
General Carroll at the Air Force Association Convention in Washington
and told him that he knew all about the A-11 (although not by name),
and requested General Carroll's cooperation in obtaining preferential
news treatment whenever the story was broken. Instead of receiving
such treatment, Hotz was not even present at the 29 February press
conference this year when the President broke the story. As you
know, he made subsequent appeals to the then Presidential Press
Secretary, Mr. Salinger, for additional information on the aircraft,
citing alleged promises made him by General Carroll and through him
the Secretary of Defense. These efforts were without result, and
apparently Hotz has been nourishing a grudge ever since.
5. There is no question in this Office that Hotz is probably better
informed on the interceptor version of the OXCART vehicle than anyone
else in the technical press. If he chooses to make a big issue of the
aircraft, or any other version of it, he could prove quite troublesome.
Incidentally, he related his information on the vehicle to a reported
guided tour of the A-11 at Edwards supposedly given under Air Force
auspices to one of his sources. We know of no such tour having taken
Deputy Assistant Director
(Special Activities)
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