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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 IN WZE 0 : ? Ift Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 SAN DIEGO SECRET TITLE. PROJECT HAZEL AIRCRAFT DESIGN CONTRACT NO. NO(as)58-812(SS-100) OCTOBER 1958 REPORT ZP-253 PRrF'A,RFF1 ti-{ 60, .., Hans H. REPORT ZP-P53 DATE .Qctaber 1958 I w c 3 9 A~ dh e, a ~i.b ~ ? f 4 _P. -ktan C. R. Tuttle r J gFC. RFT AP1=fOVEL)[1.,,?a,r ' A. R. Lambert Chief of Pre Design Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 ANALYSIS CO N VA I R PAGE i PREPARED BY A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION REPORT NO. ZP-253 CHECKED BY mvv~... REVISED BY DATE October 1958 SECRET This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U. S. C. Sections 793 and 791e. The transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 ANALYSIS CO N VA I R PAGE ii PREPARED BY A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION REPORT NO. Z P-253 CHECKED BY ISAN DIEGO) MODEL REVISED BY DATE October 1958 SECRET TABLE OF CONE= Summery PAGE 1 2 Introduction 10 Section I - Configuration Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A. General . 18 1. Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2. Mission Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3- Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 40 v wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5. Center of Gravity Location and Stability . . . 26 6. Hydrodynamic Considerations . . . . . . . . . 26 Be Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 1. Single Engine Configurations . . . . . . . . . 30 at Marquardt Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2. Twin Engine Configurations.. . . . . . . . . . 36 a. Marquardt Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 be Pratt & Whitney Engines . . . . . . . . . 41 C. Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 D. Launching Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 ANALYSIS CO N VA I R PAGE iii. PREPARED BY A DIVISION of GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION REPORT NO. ZP-253 CHECKED BY (SAN DIEGO) MODEL 1958 REVISED BY DATE October 1958 SECRET TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT' D) PAGE Section II - Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % 1. Auxiliary Power System. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2. Thrust Vector Control System. . . . . . . . . . 55 3. Control Activation System . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4+. Boost Rocket Separation System. . . . . . . . . 57 5. Structure Pressurization System . . . . . . . . 57 6. Air Conditioning System . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7. Electrical Power Generator System . . . . . . . 58 8. Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Section III - Crew Capsule and Escape Methods. . . . . . . . 60 Section IV - Structural Consideration. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0 A. Structural Design Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 B. Structural Configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 C. Materials and Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 D. Structural Feasibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 E. Structural Weight Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 SECRET TORN 1812I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CONVAIR A DI\ISIUN CF GENERA, DFNAMIcS C:1 ) ,BOOST 5YS7 E/=1 9 SECRET. FORM Isla-A-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CONVAIR A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION (SAN DIEGO) SECRET SECRET PAG`.' 54 REPORT NO. ZP-253 MODEL DATE October 1958 FORM IS-n?Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY C O N VA I R PAC... .55 A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION REPORT NO. ZP-253 (SAN DIEGO) MODEL DATE October 1958 SECRET The Hazel Systems are shown schematically in Figure 30. The following subsystems are summarized in this section: 1. Auxiliary Power 2. Thrust Vector Control 3. Control Actuation 4. Boost Rocket Separation 5. Structure Pressurization 6. Air Conditioning 7. Electrical Power Generation 8. Fuel System 1. Auxiliary Power Estimated auxiliary power requirements can be satisfied with the follow- ing two (2) auxiliary power systems: a) Vehicle Liquid Monopropellant Auxiliary Power System b) Boost Rocket Pneumatic Servo System a) Vehicle Liquid bbnopropellant Auxiliary Power System This system consists of a liquid monopropellant, such as hydrozine, decomposed in a catalyst gas generator. The propellant is supplied to the gas generator by pressure secured from the pressurized structure helium supply. Flow is varied on demand by sensing gas generator pressure. Systems receiving energy are: 1) Structural Pressurization 2 Aerodynamic Surface Control 3 Electrical Power b) Boost Rocket Pneumatic Servo System This system consists of a gas source which supplies energy to an actuator through a pneumatic servo. A more detailed analysis relative to state-of-art at time of detail design will select either a hot gas, bottled gas or other energy source. The system receiving energy is the Boost Rocket Vector Control. 2. Thrust Vector Control Thrust vector control is required on the Boost Rocket to correct devia- tions from the proposed flight path. The choice of method to obtain jet deflection cannot be made without further study. Present indications are that the final choice will be between swivel (gimbaled) nozzles and jetevators. SECRET FORM IIA-A-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 R 4 @ a$A'Z1Q Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Lrr.. . ~CS.r1 -t- t: o t- :~ ~` ? `w voe PL Y5 o f F A 4ee t C' orv MAXI mu" A x I PC L_ EoAD toN . W (.7- H 1r I A 4 b r-j A L l' A f.. MAX If,,% uM C r,. F2ECeP#,' PA G, F_ ) E ~Tl MATE' FF&. 117.5 F4oM wAVC rk '(I ._ !". 0P PAIZA C 0T ;. SEAM rot- At..) LS c SEAM -r H E F 0 LLOW 110 (2; Page Temp Report No. ZP-253 Date: October 1958 0 'PQ Ftit..L 1eaREc'7~oi.a A O' A L. L E ?.,. t~ 1 4 e t 1.a A? L ~ Feo M (_I. 41 10A T I 11 A 5-ru'D Y 3o I 5TITCt4 / E 7? HecAp E A m trF"l L^ lE-- " IC- *S ._ y_ ~..? E~.l~ T P1 & L E L g SCAM g3 45 ',! 7 -z- rj.' A\JE 'i -~;' 1 7~ 5 Fr4PQIC VIE- 0"V EFF. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Page 93 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Date 1-0 - i- 's . Prepaied - By q , c ? Checked By Revised Date K5l LLOwAP~, P~ A55 uME Lnc> P 15 TIC-C: ,t TAI E Cot v t t rrs rri a- tot.. t I M I L I A 9_ -TT' io A t`i 1 f. TEMfrd~.A'T?UPE.. cLo T'In6~1 CONV>IT't os'J C- IvF L'oR-p -:, T-eCtj aTH TEMP TIME J of t t4 P, >r',E Fc>P- CkFOSORr- S0 AT- 7-C- C 0 N V A I R Page Temp Perm ' o,- S101 01 o,,,... o.,.,.IC. Co,.o,,,.,a, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Model Report No. ZP-253 Date: October 1958 P' ATC f21ACS FQiD m TAeLF- M AssuME ErF= -19.5 %o A T>rrih'P. K t. REF'. Flt , 4zt 4.,y~L /. 00 /00 rj-,L 1.oD 00 6,7,2- --- 0 o /ooo ,('(0 /.00 /00 .r]o /,a0' too 1 45 10 .4Z - 1 5 Et u.. /9.5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 ge 9 r i n I I- Date 10 - :_"c - q C O N V A I R Prepgred By Checked By Revised Date SAN DIEGO. CAUFORNIA Model -so M ATE. k I A LSD F oM fl G. z t 3'l. Fc 55, O 7'Y Pi(- At- et~ID r~ .e. a LA a-: LAM -A) ATE f e, oet. E ? s t, A `SvME G?EVUC t7 ~_ot~JT'S lu rTtF ~f ~1C Ictie"I 86 ?lc rt,L Fc '5` . 0 dCtil ?'7,5 (?is\ X1.9 K I o rj CotJt>b-"i0N I TEvv4P t, r C- r't~kc xr' Ar TEMP AFrr- P. A r, T-E Al P.. F F rtrr AT TEMP AnTt r,. A T C. P AY". T. M;7" Tim too Kt Ft 2 Temp Report No. ZP-253 Date: October 1958 K11- C- . RE t:. r- 4z /?Oa ?6-8 1.00 1155 1.60 .05 tCI?75 .015 ,50 D .;0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 FC Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3'aags95 Date /n-.~ - J~t C O N V A I R Prepared By jj , Q, E'. Checked By Revised Date SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA Model ? 09Z5 M ArCI'~..1 Temp Report No. ZP-253 ate: October 1958 5VECtFIC I-LjS1TY tM~E'Et?:#jTf:ti_ f'-At_ftz MA Trt't A E` CrcA~~TY EC , 0 4 Cc c 1 ECC 4`f'l GLAt-, `~ f t t E(e_ a?5`~- '09.9. 0 a4 .aMJCC, ~oa/o 9 o-L d' ~ X50 F0L C'a E K KEgIN 1. C) Olt C r!`~ . Gri I'1 ?~tr3 VtlEr oLlc R.E~IN 1,50 .?4?7 Oda pr7lr7 E >~~ x R l - ~.1 /. a o ? 0 4 3 ca p 4 L' L L r~ ?141 0 17 Z'3 stt_tCO~~t.*. Ka~ER- I.~jp ,06`1 O'1'j ,G4;~3 .G?16 AC K'11 L I C .u&EF , 1.09 C ~l . o Y"z, b?~ol , 41 19 1~1 FLOUMOE:l.AIToMEG,~r 1? ~-O ? ~'f~ _~_,.,r.a. ~' _- __ ~r~.lrl_ -..Q A E.. vxr? IMf(t(; rAee - c . CLOTH 1 :~,5 116 A u E Far- r A ;t;..c-a A W U PfiA F 1) 0-- trl . % 1NL~ t AtT f., fdt? tfi t_ ; rya I t F~ ~" >; o; K A N CL E FK ot^A 1.11 To I. . I IJ~ 1. g (.0-!, z.1 ) , of So #/11:, 0 r/c,0'~1N3 - cA5 r_ D Ol.) w- j G L4 . IVt0f+! l IC.I A u lw us" 1?r1 (.0 'I ) - .0G1? .0?..1c0 FA P.,KE (:.- `1't4 ES f, Form Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 (I- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 ANALYSIS C O N VA I R PAGE 96 PREPARED BY A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION REPORT NO. ZP-253 CHECKED BY (SAN DIEGO) MODEL REVISED BY DATE October 1958 SECRET D. Structural ,Feasibility On the following pages approximate formulae have been developed for the determination of structural pressure and minimum gages or areas of material for the non-rigid wing. Assumptions made and detailed in the calculations are: 1. Uniform airload distribution. 2. No wing inertia relief. 3. Root at f is typical critical section. 4. 2/3 of chord is uniformly loaded by the design bending moment of the wing outboard of section. 5. Section requirements are constant from root to tip. The rigid structure would be analyzed by well established methods and are not detailed here. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 WM-Z, Date I?-~1- C 0 N V A I R, r Prepp ed? By Checked By Revised Date SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA Model Page I I Temp Perm Report No. ZP-253 Date: October 1958 PA ZI METER syMEoL. REM Ak KS MATL RlA L -.5TIC EYtta T --{r F TEna~r~n,It ConCPQELs,r~ti~ orc NlcAr~ t A T C A I A F-*,-) s I. L U C N T S or ?S TR u c r u e A L M A TEF A sTVu-,ruel A L_ TCMPEf- AFURC Ef Ccr CT -re*ml~?. f THERMAL.. L 0 EF c, Dc CItILITw LIMt l5 mit unl 'r'rtlC=KNEi6.> , ETC t1 C,.tk1CL.E. CI~O55 W_EIQ T W~ WEI6HT of UCHiCLE fot, eo,u'DDTit ULTtM ATE LOAD FACTOR Ne UE; Ic F'Ac-Toe F"oe.. ^.Carit~~-s tc~ra Ft IF LOAD `t'MTP t )T O - G? f. '~r:A'r?'~ea LOCAL PF-064EM.$ MASS C~i'ST' .t 1aTi a1\3 "" ~Nrrar+A R I., Ft 'r+eAf- VATIt$ AE f-0 EEA'`'ri C. FkQ MT'5? To9 %1ofJRc. -srlF-r."c .5 caoTt#tiJE ` : a T 5, T1r or CoPj-6TPJCrtoN wtN & Yc.-AnJ FoR M Kc ,: tAF'e OR `< {, f-1 tj b Ti'P To Ti`C f, 0r> E oRU C AFCn To APEx Axc MUrA d K Kd d/6 F A r. 1Th F F" , d K S K .!G = d -r, r- -t d e. /;,,I Ley,.. H V T'A1,F-F K K,tf d .f?dr/I r --Vi C1 I- E Form Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 ''-I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 16a ._8 Date C 0 N V A I R Page Temp Perm Prepared By a, q0, e. , - .... Checked By SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Revised Date Model N00 K1GI;; auIRl(?y INE01.1-itN rcIeJ LoAy L uN,T' ujIY1?H) LE Mrr"T A F-, P5 K 4) d c f' r. Kid v'e. t~.naLItjCO- r",0A4E0T' AePrL,' a w t) .AA a'T' ~l) e ,T 1i CI"'I`IF /IN ) TR Report No. ZP?253 Date: October 1958 T f- IL-,- .101 1002 0/1" --? Kc (a N) RNs/{ e.. A?o/ D APP~.t6A 1*11Z 014) TRuS'S 'aPACIo%JG Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 pap 99 ,L~,.-,kW uu"M jj Page I I I Date ) O- -a C 0 N V A I R Temp Perm Prepared ry,?Q ~, . 111,,,1, o. o,.-..., o...~1, o..o..,o. Checked By SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA Report No. ZP-253 Date: October 1958 Nor J f~m IE Cu W I tJ Cv- I M u rA 'S K41~r~.- a A (c o w T, ) w.r? ~nwarw~s~. maM i w MIN 1M-.~M P,u eTu fZ -A I 1-'IE ,TED~d FO2 . -Z- e: P'.O Conv0Q 1,'51aN C.APA05I TN F- P E T EN'S I c o p Pk C".7'y 21 a I 3 A.) Cir. (iu , 1 EquAtr Ti. 4-Et X I nnuM CoMPIQES -,-)DcJ axle Cc 'D ofre jz~ c4) Y K,? (J 4- r 4- 121 C. rtC1 Kc if d KCLJR It0-- K014 a MAX, Amu vet K10 LoA-D M + 4- __ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 Form 1277-C Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400830001-3 .w~ Page Date C 0 N V A I R Temp Prepare 18y C,E . ? o ,~,o, o. ~. ,.., o..M